Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 26, 1923, p. 3

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s j tim ubobciktown ilkkmll dkckuiikk aflth llluil personals gift suggestions g the latest additions to our liolulnj mock nrr on diapla and mr invite your inprciion j among lb many mutable irin we mrr nre dm attatlaaary riaakliahu ti ka ay ptrhaw it 17 esaay 04 hi uruus ud stationers local news hems happy new year skating in arena soon firemen hall monday niftbt nominations at id am mon day the annual carol service will be held at st albans glen on sun day afternoon next hr el mccanoah will be at bis off ce in t be waterworks build ing on friday dec bhth to iw ene balance of taxes due the ooriora tion cuhltnq a meeting pr all those interested in curling will be bebi at the arena on saturday evening at t80 important pleabe attend the loyal true bines have received a letter of thanks for tbeir donations to the home at richmond hill the letter will appear in full next issue the annual sunday school entertainment of the methodist church will be held in tbn school room of the church on mew years night january 1st good program of recitations dialogues drills etc admission 85c children isc lrati far araaaua bt u11 sunday laxl katotih lirln liob miss ijoskii mrptaoap resented each imj al hie armenian farjti with a parcel ontaininga iwrtoffiirlined moc can ins toque toys and oranges cakes and ice cream were served to the boys at tbetr evening meal ox cfcarofc u- eatsttalabaat there was a large gathering of children and their parents at knox church son day school entertain meat last friday evening a bountiful luncheon was nerved to lue- ohildren l tbe school from 6 tq etnghis wks followed by a 1 program of dialogues re tbtiona choruses etc given ly the children j qr the school fasn bantat ci auaarrived with hia acktand presenteqearb with nuts candiesetc mr godfrey intendeot of the school was the obairman jf the evei the concert and closing exei ciaes of the public school held on friday last was largely attended an excellent program was given by the pupils of tbe school and everyone present was delighted with tbe entertainment qnjfhureday evening last tbe members of the methodist choir presented miss buck organist with a pair of beautiful silver candle sticks mr w b dilly choir leader with a silver mount ed conductors baton and mrs dilly with a boquet or flowers the recipients heartily thanked the donors for tbeir much appreci ated gifts correspondent writes the hkkaiid as follows- one of tbe noteworthy features of tbb water loo school entertainment on fri day evening was the presence of our local harry lauder namely charlie berymgeour his scotch selections were enjoyed by all and received wholehearted encores in fact he delighted tbe audience in all respects at qton swear saai che xmas entertainment at tracted a crowded audience on fri day evening last mr fred mo- nally tbe superintendent presided an amotion play was acted by sev eral of tbe teachers tbe misses c francis w francis d francis w knight y adams and mr j b barker tbe appearance of santa clans mr chester cote brought tbe evenings entertain ment to a oloas v osamwalit okrirtaiu traa the christmas spirit was much m evidence on monday evening the occasion of tbe community christmas tree the boy scoots had charge this year and deserve credit for the splendid success of tbeir efforts- old saute arrived with bis sleigh and pack and was met by tbe scouts bugle band and escorted to tbe large tree at tbe corner of main and mill streets where be presented hundreds of children each with a bag of candy and an orange a program by the town band followed and the entire proceedings were enjoyed by many cjtixetm and visitors pi iatattii to mr ml there was a pleasant surprise at tbe home of oor esteemed towns man mr h b mimms on christ mas eve three gentlemen reprev aenting tbe patrons or the bank of montreal of which mr mimms was the local manager until he resigned a few weeks ago oalledatbis home and presented biro with a well ml- ed pone in recognition of tl esteem in which be is held and bin courteous treatment during his long term as manager of tbe bank here mr mimms very feel tngly tbe donors for their kind words and handcome gift following the usual custom warden irving beeve of nelson tendered a banquet to tbe mem bers of tbe oountycpunau county officials cd personal frjendn at the milton inn oar tuesday oven ing december 18 sod the spread was one that did great credit to mine host mitchell about eight guests in all sat down to as sump toons a repast as ban ever been served st this popular hostelr after full justice bad been done towards satisfying tbe cratine or tbe inner man a number of ioaki were proposed and responded to with j f richardson township clerk of nelson and an old mem f tbe county council as toast the concert in the uown ball last saturday evening was well at tended wben the program was al most entirely given by the boys from tbe armenian farm they are mastering the edglish ian guage rapidly and tbeir singing dialogues recitations and south organ musfo was much enjoyed a class of girls frow the baptist and presbyterian sunday schools assisted in the entertainment mr alexander gave an account of escape from the turks which was quite interesting mrs rev j h moore presided at tbe piano mr h r mimms had charge or the singing tha ertakmwry provincial- constable melville who went to erin last week to in vestigate the burglary at tbe store of gingriok bros is confident that tbe burglary was tbe work of a local ud he gained entrance to the store by boring 80 boles in tbe panel of the door thus enabling him to remove a piece about 10 by 14 inches in sixe and it was then an easy matter to put in bis hand and open the door all that was taken was 60 in cash a bat valued at 8 two neckties valued at 76c each and a pair of shoes valoed at 8 it is expected thus the guilty party will he apprehend ed ib a day or two bavuatk entataawt the annual sunday school sup- pee and entertainment of the bap tiat church was held on thursday evening december 20th in tbe basement of the church after enjoying the bplendid supper pro ided by the ladies the scholars delighted the audience with a very fnll program of choruses dialogues recitations duetts solos a panto- mine and drill great praise is duo those wbo took part iu making tbis evening such a saoeess dur ing the evening prizes were pre seated to the boys and girls for fait btot attendance and interest in their classes and candies were giv en to tbelittle tote to add to the joy of the occasion white gifts were donated by the scholars for the work of memorial institute m toronto a good collection was received at the door ashgrove tbe regular monthly meeting of the ashgrove uf and ojw was beld at tbe borne of mr jss barnes on monday evening dec 10th altho mm roads were in bad condition a good attendance present mr hear wilson vice president was inube chair the outtobsa of tbe evening- was a duonatioo of tbe resolutions to be brought before tbe annual con vention at toronto ttyrtmougot forth a vary if fjqa and js stroctiv daw great utertst new names 1 membership list the matting then adjourned to meet again on january 6rd at the home of mr root roddell mrs barnes then served inncb doring which the social part or the evening was en joyed aiutmikour holulai vtilorr iiiit mr and mm van huhcd turn mr charfcn near newmarket mr ti onion itarber toronto mr w g reid montreal klitta helen iaimn toronto iliss mao wilson toronto miss manon gallop whitbj mr charles baker toronto mr wilfred m cole toronto- mr warner freure detroit mr and charles lake latchcl mr alin bell itellnmllo mr oamenan hell itrarnpton mr lome ir win toronto mr albert tost toronto minn beatrice hume prectnn mikh helen rom port rthtir minn jean law mm toronto miss m k curne of rmnu mr mid mr arnntl kurly tor mn wn tj ncidh mr and mrs u m wcllicrnld toronto mr and mr john i williams toronto mr jinr and miss glena cole man toronto mr and mrs ray korcher val ley field quebec mr and mia paul colbert val- leyneld quebec- rev and mrs j h moore spent the holiday at london messrs d rennie and w mc kay of iroquois falls mr and mrs will burl arc visiting toronto friends mr roy mcclarey or toronto spent christmas at mrs roest mr and mrs vernon smith and jack spent the holiday in hamil ton mr and mrs j c cook or crouton bc are visiting at w h willaooa v mrs j davey and miss evelene of britannia spent xmas with her sister mrs n c bell mrs aberdeen who has been visiting ber sister mrs b mccao nafa left this week for her home in florida mr h w willson of meariton and miss josephine willson of toronjulapsot the christmas holi days at tbeir home here mr albert lefraucois of mont real and mr and mrs ridd le and family of toronto spent the holi day at mrs f a barleys master clarenqe staple ton the seven year old sod of mr and mrs harry stapleton wbo was opera ted on at gnelph hospital last week for appendicitis ing quite favorably church news kt tikoiieir h i lhjhtn tbe hfrmrch mi sunday will be a rhrtnntmn of the hoi com mtinfon si oclock for tbone wbo were nimble to make llixtr com munion on christmas dai choral mattinn at 11 oclock wben master charlie kirk will sing a child of naxeretb tbe annual carol ser mce will be held at 7 pm when old familmr carols mill be sunn the beautiful christ mas cantata tbe adoration will be given by i full choir mr jnck thompson molinisl mill assist the services on christmnb were well attended llie number of rndifmimrsnlh constituting a re cord tbe church was beautiful decorated and the musical portions acre fill inn i rendered bv liime choir mrs w 1renton utkink tbe ho1o mr w f itradley rim iliuutd tlieclioir with mrsannnt dule ns riiunnit mid mr jnili tliomjihon 111l111st y mktikllilst ciiitrcii the clioir bun receiad nnnicrons reiiesth co icftt cbrihtnmn iniific nnd 111 ic of this tbe t vice on kim da eemng will be die nature of a choral service at which- tbe following ou inborn will be siinr anilirmsonk of the mk auk- mi milr llyim silnn nirm llol nikhl anhwihrk e llenikl aikk4 k i- anhronl hjmn lit kindl u anl hem calm oti the lmcninfc kar k u khfool trran nearer my iiki lo thre anlhetn andlhcglof- haodd j there will also be a watch night service held on monda night at eleven oclock to which all uro cor dially invited baitist cuuitcu wed n pm prayer and praise sunday ii a m tbe great prajer lls0anu sunday school 7 pm- a new years mehse monday 10 pm watch night service come and worship god 1 limehouse our sunday school held a very successful entertainment on fri day evening in the hall the xmas tree was iteautifolly decorat ed with presents etc for the children the program consisted of recitations music and dialogues the officers sod teachers of the school wish to extendthelr sincere thanks nbd appreciation to all those who so ably assisted in the work and tbe program miss winnie ivens is home for the holidays mr jolley left for his home at meaford 00 friday evening many of the young people from balli naiad attended our entertain ment on friday evening- mr and mrs a t kens spent sundaj at mrs i vena the choral singers serenaded a number of homes in town christ- municipality of georgetown nomination meeting a xmetrtiatt off the kmnielpkl electors of the town qeorcetowna will be held in the town hadl georgetown monday december 31st 1938 at 10 aunsu for the pvrpowe of hominmtiiia osvndi- dmtee for theofleel of matob reeve and cotjh- ouxorb for the year 1934 in case more than the necessary nnmber of candidates are propos ed and seconded and a poll is demanded naid poll will be opened at s oclock in the forenoon on monday tbe 7tb day of january 1924 as rollown town ball for ward 1- percy cleave deputy returning officer green house offices for ward ii john mason return inn officer public library for ward iii f l heath returning officer also at the same time and place nominations will be received for the office of porlic school trustees for the said town trw to be elected by wards also hydro commissioners f i heath returning officer bucks meat market the old reliable shop where only the choicest froth and meats are supplied to cnstomeia rest quality mmta at lowest prices bah reeve and cbnire fowl for tbe holuln -season- order your baby beef early as the stippl is limited marie owswri woo basis ht cttftxir what makes tbe movies move f jack wbite the young prodeaar of educational mermaid comedies has chosen a the comedy theme for his next prod notion this way out the troubles of a m6v ing picture operator tbe man in tbe booth above tbe heads of tbe audiences sod pictured these troubles in a comedy vein those of tbe movie patrons who shoot and boo wben the film is off tbe screen fnrv irioment will have a chance to laugh at the comedy causes of these delays when tbis way ont is shown st i be rex theatre saturday een- tag bucks meat market phone 28 w i barnhills p and ha barqxln sto new years qreeting with eery good wish for your happiness true not only for new years j rut for other days too never have wu had better assortment of mechanical toys dolls games books aisl kindergarten sets wrc showing a nice range of vanes cup and sauce n and fancy diahas of all kinds also hand- fancy nhirtbwties and braces from jnaagift- l oranges come h inges only 1jc per choice mixed indies only 21c per lb 2 lbs choice mixed i all new stock for sscf 2 lbs christmas mixid candle 3mc many other lines of bonbuns chocolate creams etr dontforxet to ask to see nor nraortmenl- w umlw on ln rrleaa i iwlstrmda barnhills norval bi0ili3li 3gjfel 0 thursdayrgain da sweaters hoj h who iull nvers iiojh jerh wuol kwcateni 100 im 170 aod a mens sox mens wool box ladics buttoned bops sixes 8 s and 4 on ijiultes hliern sizdjti h 3ftnd 4 onlj 1 scribblers scribblers lame size 0 for writing fiads 0 for kxniniuntmn pads h for 2co soc and 86c unntol aonp 8 for patlhulive suap h for fairy var h far y creaiu mv sohpll foi soaps sflc soc s5o 26c lific ufic u6c mcetean co m j specials olives vlnin ttcr bottle v20c ssc soc 05c and 7co olives stufted per bottle 20c oo and 45 raspberry strawberry and black currant jam per jar onuiko marmalade per isvt xbc htm pineapple marmalade snef bramble jelly 60c orange marmalade j lb tin 76o strawberry jam 4 ib tin 75c hoo and 100 rafafiberry jam 4 ib tint 100 allen b almond paste soc bdwes almond icing 60c libby b fruit salad per tin 60o pineapple per tin 86c and 86c we also have a full stock of oranges nuts cluster rais ins candy ron rons and xmas crackers we have some choice china in stock including mintoa moorcroft wed e wood crown staffordshire etc am grandy phone 75 rnafl mlvtr a happy and prosperous new year to all phone 56 all orders promptly deliered saturday treat homemade candies apple blossoms dont forget our saturday treat isaoaranteed fresh made every week regular 40c per lb saturday treat special 29c lb weekend chocolates you will be surprised when you try our weekrnd chocolates they are of good quality and guaranteed fresh i regular 50c and 60c for 32c see our specials fcr new years week jelly beans humbugs ham- drops butter nut roll chocolate pudge sponge taffy etc ice cream in brick or bulk delivered now that the chilly nights arc here we serve hot chocolatebtoup tea coffee cocoa also ligbt lunches wiahing you a happy and proaperoas jvew ymar sole agents for smiles and chuckles coc per ib m clarkson groceries fruits tobacco and confectionery coal having purchased the coal busi ness from mr john ballantine we are prepared to furnish customers with the best anthracite coal nut stove and egg 1550 delivered in town 1500 at the yards pea 1300 large stock always on hand ihone 180 f rogers co georgetown accident i insurance elmerc thompson f v aiaaa wwroe lnsnrance broker j insurance in all branches phoite 66 eeoroetown i i i rile v4 k mullt t al wright butcher mainl georgetown nwsts sktflm shkiuj watch our windows f s we rish ounmany oustomera a happy and fpoperons nevr year next to port office georgetown so h j fox harold c black geoboetown theres no secret to what has made excelsior brand floor tbe most pop ular pastry flour its just a case of using only the best grain and mixing oar experience with tbe most careful oversight of tbe milling operations that makes excelsior the best pastry flour if you hsvrent tried exoelaior brand yon aire do ing your pastry an injustice excelsior patxy flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilliams stewarttown bauinaf ad acton flour mills 1 d h uhimat prp erwingoldhams meat market y siappu and j rosperbus jw year to choice meats and fowl for the holiday season quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no- 1 choice pastry fresh mince pies and christmas cake always on hand also a choice of fancy pastry and buns any person requiring almond paste orders will be filled at any wane a livingstone

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