Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 2, 1924, p. 2

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a r tur qkouoktown hkrud january 2ml il undsrtaher and licensed embmlmtr mtla st omcfiun irllorkedrawnhea lion ni or day 54nt or 5 birth marriage and draihs are wkhj or al the loll rales b nhsh suimmt aoc death soc memoi al lards locprlidcexirafjrpoon and mrs a j town nominations kjtr rmre art cincultrs v there was a good attendance or ratepayers nt the nomination meeting held in the cpuricil cham on monday at 10nni and con siderable interest was mam feat m town affaire v at tbe conclusion of the alotted time the following had been notn mated for the vanoua offices fob mayor imroy dale nominated by m williamson and wm jlcmilian township nominations kef vc deputyreeve aid ctiu i dutrs elected by aeriamatlm rjnguetiing nommntionn were hehj m the council chamber at stcivarttonn on monda from one to two o clock there was not iih larfco nn attendance am imunt owug no doubt tii lhc fact tlmt fow ratepayers if unj h id coin plaints ta regihtet against the ad mi n i nt rati on- or the municipality u affairs by the council of 1028 the fact tbrtt not anotliei name in addition to those of tho present a dauphin married 1923 nellie alroifa hdl daukbur of mr w uook wpio james s drumnoaod vouiiirii mr j nrinmod died stacltonai uclpl denrral tlnkpnal oi monday derm ber 3 1923 damn w ilium wculoy lliird mm ol mfandmrx i t miplelon a in memariam ikk in ion i murvof ounlcartahy bo died 01 ja uary 3rd 1923 no one knows liour muvli we mis tin no one knows ih biltcr pain we have sufierxd time we im ber l fe bi never been ihe same sadly mused by mother falher gra idlathrr and a happy new year time bos again brougutnatibl another new year and with the opportunity of extending to one another the beat wishes for a hap py and prosperous hew tear shich the hphald heartily wishes fib and every one ofitrbatler ilia an opportunity and a privilege tbav should not be lightly need or overlooked none of ub know whether it will be the last time we shall be bore to use il f ft ii w v n i 5 tended for toy of the olllcos is auiluninue 10 the hbboryof bsijiiohidr niumcipal poliics nod s pen lis well or those wh6 transacted tbe business of the township dilwng the past year tlic nomitintionti were hh t ta lippy new year tffihe ycarwe go not aware of i la veiled secrets of its possible pro vidences far the messengers which hall meet us like band of brothers wexgo down to tbe shore bomeet tbebbipapr destiny that are coming to us across the splen tor of the seai yet no matter what things tbpy may bring to lis we off or to onfl another tbe prayer a happy new year in this new year with its 866 days there is happiness enough fori ua all if we only aasnjne the right attitude towards life this 11 a new year abate off tbe barnacles of tbe old year no matter whatl tbe old was it ib past and done witb we have sot away from it we have norujhtujiodarken the new year with shadows of the old ae the old year dies into tbe new i and tbe new wakes from the old let iih say up again old heart and let our souls stir witb kjndjjng bopeb and resolutions and renun ciationb and confidence 192 4 means a new beginning for da we am all glad of that tor the new yetr in aflymho1as well as a fact it ptanda for the new life new opportunities new posslbilit ies new prises forgetting the things that are behind let uh press oo yourq man dont flwkah tiers ib no occasion for it outside of a printing offloe where it is useful when the paper is late it also comes in handy in proof read mg and is indispensable when tbe ink works bad it ib mm e times brought into use when the fore man is mad and it haabeenknawn to entirely remove the tired feel aqr of the editor when he looks lover tbe paper after r printed i and finds a lot of mistakes some times it is ery necessary while trying to make out the bandwnt ingin the prtbtepb copy in tbm connection wo ivraembur jmtnci dent that happened some years ago in on oltlce where tbe onl employee was a lady typesetter the preacher w in the office and tbe editor was trying to decipher i what miiht be termed bierogly pbios when be coo id not bold himaeir many jon8erba gotnpl and said will the rev mr thompson and the lady please re tire i want to swear quthide the printing offloe swear ing in a foolish habit bnt inside- well we never contracted tbe habit acton mrs w w scott of limehonbj spent christmas with her daugh ter mrs wm hall mrs rebcrt patterson or kin card i no was the guest of ber brother mr d u yonng and faroiil on salurdnj christmas masajras celebrated at midnight in 8t josephs cbnrrh there was stftood dkirenation preeenv bevbwrwf mcreavj p p opjciated mr and mrs j f ltvmgstore and family or moant forest mrs rj mckechoie donald and ci more of rochester ny and mr d crighton andj3eo wriggler worth faeolmedj foh bkevr donald mclntyre notnmated by jobumaaonand win mcmjilan wl l near nominated bj p b barrthou and a benham do clmed fob conoirlonn ward one m l near nominated by h darribon and g b sayera r g w herrmgton nominated by h m cannali and w whitmee ward two wm mt od mica ted by w mcmillan and d crighton b j arnold nominated by s kirk and w mcmillan ward three 1 wm ashen buret nominated by r c nixon and j a watson angus duncan nominated by r j mccartney and fred mcnally howard kentner nominated by geo wrigglesworth and wm thompson hydro couhibbioneb j m moore nominated by d jqrbtonnd p b harrison tojt-sclfijqfc- tapfltek- ward one c j bubsell nomini mackenzie and tdqb eastwood t b mackenne nominated by s harrison and m l near v ward two howard kentner jmrninated by 8 kirvnda- campbell j d godfrey nominated bj john mason anrfvwm mcmillan i wardtbree irtfreomonally n aabenhnrst and p b harrison mrs w h willson nominated by geo wngglesworth and g w davia the trustees lected are fred mcnally j b mackenzie and l kentner nominations closed clerk f l heath was elected chairman of the after meeting and speeches were made by the following can didates mayordale after thinking bis nominators reviewed the financial statement and spoke on town af fairs in general he referred to false rumors regarding the arena co and stated that the said copu pany was perfectly solvent he was quite willing to step out if mr mclntyre would accept the ice or mayor otherwise be would continue in office andjpse hm best efforts to the welfare of the town he wished all a happy new year beere molntyre gave the rate payers a aynopsib of bis work in connection with tbecbnnty coun cil he also reviewer the town work good roads and debenture debt and urged tbo neoessity of strict economy in conducting tbe business ot tbe mimtctpslity dnr mg tbe coming year he wontd be a candidate for the reevesbip ad thanked his mover and sec onder and wished all the enmph mentstif tbe season councillor arnold spoke in fearless manner regarding town finances and tne financial state ment he said that the housing commission affairs m town were in a deplorable state all back uues should be paid or action taken to collect same so that ratepayers who naidubeir tawnron time would i not be penaliecd he thanked his ndminators and extended the com pliments of tbe aeason to all councillor near epoke regarding the streets and walks he thank ed hie mover and seconder ad wished one and all a happy new year councillor duncan reviewdthe work in connection witb tbe water wqrks expressed thanks to nominators and wished all a happy and eroaparons new year conncilldrloogbnoke recarding printing and contingencies also tbe soldiers memorial he thank eiunarhoratnatomand wisnrfd all tbe compliments of the season councillor asbenbnrst thanked the ratepajipa who had again nomiqated him spoke regarding council matters and extindedtjest wishes to all for a happ new year councillor hernngton was ib sent through illness were guests of mr and mrs oeo iiopsr for the holidaj mr and mrs wnxlfrpheraon of hartney man remembered acton relatives thin jear witb turkeys frojn their farm flock in tbe west chief r j uopberson and messrs william and liwrenoe williams each received a prime bird and foond them to be tender i and dehciqus at their jtoletide card of thanks webtrtttyrrpmet lo ike rnen nd womei bond foe b ml lor l heir anianc m ivmr ise i in boif ol aur houk di nnl recem lowb f f foili iii hf w j l hnniphbire nonnpated by 0 b fbompstiu and john l moore for dkluty hepvk w g applebe nominated bj j l moore and g b thompson for counuuxjbh col g o drown nominated by john a brown and peter u m gibbon thomas xi leslie nominated by j c cook and thomas bird william tiowdy noimuated by r c mccullougb and j l stand isb at the close of nominations clerk j a tracy was appointed lalrm of tbe meeting and call on tbe members elect who ad dressed tbe ratepayers beeve hampshire after thank faib tnover andecondr and expressing appreciation at the con jtintifd con of the ratepayers ifanertbe council as ai whole gave a splendid review of tbe work of tbe past year they had economieed as much as poa slble aiiorendeavnred to keep tbe down t tbe minimum consistent with good govern menl he had been instrumental wifcb tbe assistance of bis oolleaguds in taies on the upper canada csjirege properat nor yal u the amount of between 2o00 and 8oo0 as obairman of tbe finance committee at county council be had by keeping a strict i watch on accounts rendered saved the county 10000 by having a lump sum bill from tbo govern ment for highways itemized he would endeavor to transact the bnsinesa of the township during the coming j oar in the bestmitei eats of altcuncerned and wished- all s happy and prosperous new year deputy beeve appelbe thanked his mover and seconder aftei which be referred to his work at county- connoil bt termed tbb county council a paj inginatrtu tioq as after tbe fixed sums were met foi good roads schools widows pensions house of befoge andobiiarenft sbetter there was very little left or tbe revenue to do anything else witb he sng gqbted some change in the statute labor system in order to get better results for tbe money expended i and believed where at all possible township work shoutdfoe given to residents of the municipality would do bia duty in 19s4 and wished alt the compliments ortho tatlways eahdifs tbe grcs earnings of tbe can adian national railways for the week ending december 14 i928j weie fi4j0 604 being an increase or 684 940 or 1b as compared with he corresponding week of 12 tbe gross earnings of tbe can adian national railways from jan nary 3 to december 14 1bs8 were sstbwzsi87 being an increase iu wi o jvo wini an increase ith tbe corresponding period of terra colts tbe sunday school concert beld n tbe methodist oburcb waa a decided bdooess there was a splendid program rendered apd tbe abditonnm was packed to tbe door hmdygfc fj mrkmrog8lris a nombetoi carpenters making the nsceasxry repairs to his bouse si nee tbe fire and bopea to bare it ready move into shortly mr and mrs bradmbaw and in hodv vl aur home di nimfhnir recem i j hr mdunjdhtkiiiitrry ttjtafwmhrnate moved to mr daw son b honse on main street masonic officers installed on thursday ovoning decern lid tht u7li the installation uf orfjcera ot credit lodpe no ilh c was oondm tei by w bro ford assisted by other past masters in tbe prewnee pf a targe tber of members or tbe lodge together with m hi lord from other lodues w bro hugh dickie wa in hilled as wombtpful master ami the following ofjqoers were invested at the conetubiun of the ceiemonv after tbe brethren had expressed tbeir pleasure and satisfaction wild tbcitplendid work of tbe inatulluig ofllcbr the lodge uatvcloaed the brethren then enjoyed a unty luncheon followed b the usmil fiasopic toasts arfd mutucul entertainment with w jjro ditkn toastmaater bringing to a close atiuliiei inteicsting t vent nithe ijistery or credit lodgo officers 1924 hugh dickie w m w bro sam ktrk 1 p m uro a ngrrlngton s w urow long jw bro t l greenwood chaplain w bro e w cole treasurer w bro oeo fort sucntary w bro a b cantell organiiit bro tt nellesd bro w uwaon j d bro j t cameron 1 g v w bro e y barradough i c bro w b wily sb bro rev patterson j s bro t scrymgequr tyler v w bro u grant and bro h it minims commictee ot general purposes all past masters of credit lodge h dickie w m- bros norrington long nelle lawson cameron jreenwood andgowdv committee for visiting the sick v w bro l grant v bro e y bamdougfa 0 p bros nor ring ton long jfaves patersoo mostcal committee w bro a b castell rslrman w bro rosfl w bro cole br3i bradley gowdy himtns hwptiol v w bros e y ban l grant w bros h corke e w cole bros e thompson ovo brown w evans j m moore auction sale honsenokl furniture tho jodcraignsdlias rccetfaed in- otbrown thanked the rate pay a for returning him to council by acclamation he reviowjd the financial statement pointing out savings dnnng the year one of the main items being the taking overl of the 8th line bridge by the county he referred to the addi tional polling places for the con venienoe of voters and also touch ed a very important point when he urged that some suitable memorial be erected to the memory of bs quesing s heroes who fell in tbe great war e wished ait hapm nbss and prosperity ddring the coming year thos l leslie after expressing thanks to those who returned him to office referred to the statute labor and believed better results wontd be achieved by commoting and receiving 20 per cent from tbe government he also spoke re fcrtrdiog tbe damage done j the roads by heavy trucks and conbrt cil business in general and wished all tbe compliments of the seaac wm gowdy thanked the ral payers for again electing him councillor it had been a pleas ure during the past year o trans- 1 act the business of tbe township with such splendid men as com nosed the council be urgeiati to make their wants known am the council would endeavor to as sist them he would do his doty to all during 1921 and wished all t happj new ear others who spok were ex reeve j l stondish r c mo cullough j r lindsay and jaaj mcdowell most of their remarks being complimentary a vote of thank moved by reeve hampshire and seconded by deputy reeve appelbe was tender d mr j a tracj tbe chain chord news baptist wednesday 8 pm prayer meet ng sunday 11 sum our altar 11 so am sunday school 7pm zacchms 8pm lord tc supper monday b p u st georges the adoration was finely i rendered by st georges choir on jtanjhyjveiiidgjaetttheaoio work oeing sharedby mrsw preaton master ckirttrmjw f bradley to organ numbers by mrs an oandale and violin solos hy mr jack thorn ron were ranch ap- piecrated nru snnday the fes tival of the kiuhanj wfll be fit tingly observld h b coffcjf cilbyp mi hn ruideiwe in street georfreiowo on saturday january 12th l 1 p ta ibe following kiuben eabnet complete pandora bange table chaira dining room iu q larter cut oak couch m r aeltee bookiae bedroom tuiteii i omplcie termi cash b panu auclonoer hospital for sick children college bt toronto dar mr editor raoaol dlaooterlea in iimfkal elatie baia called utanlton la ta grsai rrlc rander by an np-to- 4bu liospltal tkrottfb raclllum pron tided for ramarch probably tvm uurniea apprecuu tho uwdd ofl tiff work condncted under tkel auiplaa or the hospital tor sick children ye i it u only hy umuit study of the oumb b cblldnosi dleeaaea that the hospital staff has boss able to eautbluh a world famou record ror cnrei buubuc ahow that tho rale ot infant mortal ht in uil province hat been imaully dscraulnii until il is now anions tb toweif in th wortd what uist qaatut la iat hundred of ontario parent w tbtr euldrsns uvea to i the reaoaron work in the laborajorw of tke hofjplta for blot cbhdrea ajihoufb th doctors give their senioeatrealy tag ula for eaulp- neni add up annuallj to s good manr thoumdds of dollajte ut la view of tbe results attained t tee that not gnu of roir readers wftl oavll st the money ao spent and i confidently venture the hope that tour of them at lbia christmas oa- behalf of ontario childhood j to carry on tbla research work cher la not one cent except what oomes n from toluatary anbecrlp- uom for the xare of the chlldton occupy i nit hoapltal cots there si oartaln atatutory granta bat the represent scarcely mora than ban what the hoapltal needa laat year for instance the hoapltal doctor looked after an average of its in patients and 192 out patients dally qstte a colony of slllng- youngsters i and th expenditure although whittled down tomhe minimum com rnenaurate with efficiency was tusfl tbe income to the extent of at least 1100 tw depends upon tbe regard which the people of on tarto have for the hospital work and the generosity with which ihey express that regard hay i ask you sir editor to point it to eiuui slok ontario j bave mrrlutte trials af child boodt pi ment of fact nrongni io ineir uiw hon i fe8lsaiulhal many of them srlll beatow their tisffedhsejop upon the work fit the hoipltal for sick children by sending some chrlatmaa glr according to their means tn car of the secretary treasurer at 7 college street toronto faithfully youra irving e robertson chairman of appeal committee atnee the hoapltal opened its doors in 1875 6b231 inpatlenu trailed 60s obb attendancea of uypitlnu special gearing sale al ttie mens store mid weather ii ml iurtwe nver roods iind hxeihl pi ices will be eyes examined f ultlosttinuihm i ubtaw him batisfaction guaraojleed or t money refunded f dr o o fzotd 1 jiwriar and oproamtrtit t onrtullock gratow wirimirintaspbaliu i cnudren a feaatfoiir m ario yf ungvters tn every hundred hsdjhe trials ir with t5t7slw onmk to the previous rlnckeil with full unit mr uiven tofileur on winur i ips nniterwear i tc a about mp third the irmlu pri special on ready-to- wear overcoats at prieefi entin two refil up to date goods mirfftbe cleared ordergdl clothing suits mule ir nergph remitiii iiif a pert order h this sale off the finest titoo s mr in 01 r jh to 4fi hand tailored iliti nn irnnteed sain m factory m nvery re- lf ynu need rv tut now in the time to place your order don t past thm he tal hale tiv vt we poa i lively lme to make a redurtion in our stock it ill pay von to look into the of fermg we aip making at tins ery npecial sale w soltelt a skar of tsar ptro millar fc co lahlas aimu ror igeorgptown phone 16 renniesrocery mb pastry flour wheat flakes large j clothes pinb 10c 3 for bran flakes 2 for health bran baking powder 1 ib for tomato soup 2 for j life buoy soap 8 for ammonia powder s for pearline 3 for t quick naptha soap 7 ror 7 25c 26c wabailey harness maker wilier win shi be kere areynrfiy urll wekne tan hae strse nukds sirdhlo sltb imi gkva lb traits lijs sill cases de la lad everjtkli la aa ahmale jliratas slwi au retain praaibsjrmu w abailey dp to date harness shop susirl eeicet0w phone by special appointmenf qdntlnnonaly froih bnpplei of the jfamotii smiles w chuckles candies will b reoaivtid at black ioeoream parlor dir- cot from their annlit home 60c per lb 1a 1 s lb boxes try a pound and be oonvinood h black main st georgetown fwiahing all aproperou and happy new year special pricea to cioae out holiday jgooda for the month of january a b willson jeweller tfuttfe hotrt mooibbob qeornstowit itiex theatre fhttay jaaur 4ta libt in the dark starring 3 dope hampton a story wovon h round tennyson s tho holy orail the na tuml oolonng of tbe scenes j are magnificent comedy two juveniles satar4ay jaaaarrui can a woman dove twice a tremoodbiib pbotodrama 3 that that tells the atirnog j story of a glorious woman j who deceived for the aako of i ber baby boy comedy tako j your choice 3 twatauy jmrnrnmry 8u puyinu it wild with wil liam duncau a gripping drama o bard fisted men of tbe west where a six gon speaks tbe only language they know comedy ghoold wni tetl berial fcpiaode tio fi of plunder wadaaaalaj jmnmmty stai damsons pmiab featuring s jack pickford racing horb es and a racing love tale aa tuat scenes from tbe famous kentucky derby s true love wins against many handicaps comedy no weddings bells watch tor moquinn sisters commit soon georgetown out new advertisements g rl or tioy tor office wjrl oppotlun nv loradvancemenl if aatiafadory ma- inlulahon or 3rd form uaidhur lievsaarv ro citeid office j htuttabut high rooma modern coavenwucea on mam street sjuth available jao 15th apply hrii boomer georgetown if for 32x4 i 5 tirecbam for 32x4 2 ireloat on fnday between ltmehoiite and 7th gnt rmderpleaae leave at herald oflke li few sal cxluui- aaw frame and 8 hj gas en gin lot wood cutting apply w schenk phone s r 12 georvetowb it rennie grocery quickdelivery 273j for sal choice ino o muscovy ducks 2 duck and 1 drake also rouen drake and two wluir v yaodotte cockerel phone georgetown mr 21 weekend specials bortblft saeorywe offerin4j5j8 of prhifsitsdll peanuts reffnlat safperlb for 7 r- sss weekend chocolates week end chocolates bard and soft centres and jellies becqlar00c per ib 1 special sac we have a good vnrietj of box chocolates at reasonable prices solo agentafor smilin thru chocolates perjlb0pc ice cream brtcatorttnffi we dehvor kosy korner icandy gtchen- f j deverson iroiriftor pbone 214 main street far sal bredlolay barred flock cockerels w a mcclurc pbooe 96 r 5 george j 3t itrlut culler good aa oew phone 60 or rle bomi orgttovn j ttaaletv a quuhity ot maple baiftrod and elm aw logs dchvered al my aaw mill v f cu wmg aa aual w jobnmm georgetowo m fp 81 fpbcwidtwo ro wit nwsdg town obone 189 r 21 j lenrs klslf 2si wvoaajtalou bealdca the best gnulea of coal od i mm prepared to topply you jrith any quanlily ol oft or xard woos prskown richard marchaimpbone svs wm4faraur all kind of wood both jiart navdrffi alio cedar sib jul at reasonable price jihfandfofd n 5 rw jacksons a 39 years in business in georgetowr we offer you a host of 39c j birthday specials we mention only evfew of the many good bargains y look them over see the qu see the value look at the price service 39c what it will buy art sateen chair onshlon 60o for a good 60o work apron for childs fancyrubber feeders 60c for children s all wool mitts large sise bath towels fine china cups and saucers 60o whit and gold cups and saucers bandkerohlals loo for china cream jngs b0of perfamed art pottery cut glass tumblersjan fnamelware sanoepans soo for enamel coffee pots bootor mbroidery seisbors for 2x 39c 68c lpron press 1100 for childs sateen dress with fancy trlmnunc lloo child fine all wool jackets 80c for extra quality bath towels oo cnt glass butter dish 1100 for xarge olasr water jug ooc qioality value service 30ol sbe 3pj 89tv soc 3bc gtmmiimi t ta kat cemenl block house on queen st all ivencncea poaseaskm at once applv in m l near georgetown ji tibjii buildnik frame ibx48 wrth rfir owpleie a i nohe norv1 ji seveti roomed frame house on main st north apply to e a benham r fataie agent lf oraite room lor vnnlcr f ot- s or i lt door west of jiallorrgarake o h bareek nolice to creditors in tb matter of th estate of margarel hrown lale of ibe towinhis of esque mg m tbr counly of haltoo vvjilr deceased no pm to sec lm ioof tbe trustees act r s o 19h ilt all ereduora or others having clami or demands against ibe eaute of the aad rrx bnr bo died on or aboul ylb day of december 1922 rinii ti mjuired ooffl febtuary 1924 lo aetad by port prd dcatttt jlwbe trndersigoed aob l for harry koaa brown frederick j rlrown anf angu lawson executora 1 the estate of tbe said uarxam bnni tahenottcelhat afleriuchncam ale tbe uk the said deceased among the ran etmtled thereto fcavng rrkrd onlr lo ibe claim f which bey shall ibm have notice and that be saul rxecuinn kbtll not be kable for ibe said wli or any part tbereal to an person nr persona of shoae claim notice shall roi ed b ihrm at ibe time of lkro dat solicitor fortfte said execulors r cond day of 68c 68c jbso jacks0fs georgetown norman h speight pianos pbonoaraphs qcclrk wasfcers deciric cleaaers m sausmair maab norraanhspcighl kuiio sid kleotrio stoau

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