Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 9, 1924, p. 2

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-uz- s h jiitf gkokofjtown hkttaih lantjary otjhlihl w h wisbn ufldartftker and liceuaed entbalmer mill it qborgatowsv- ililr irhornc lira ilea nullt oriln hwor sl birthtmiut boi and ihartfcd for hi llr l ii 30c mbrna soc ilea nh i0 r h jvj1i wh kwrl rvceniswfe in lua year fwrul ihiirdaj alrrn snm lijoeukuiiln- hapiim churti im uetll mjjrctuwptid icnuury qlenivilliams mils may mcmiutler wu a aurpribo party recently by the goorotovm baptist clioir nod pre sen ted with il biuutitnl ailvor cake knife mi as memabtor hat resign ed her position us choir lender but is btill organ iflt thern was quite a larno party at mr j crawford a on now yearn eo games binding and janome ft ere indulged in and a aeliciouh luncheon served at mid nirht mrjbic by r hill and jomeb bill h laly floor manager mr and mm bert hill enter talced a dumber of their friends oo friday evening to a pleasant dance gone are the dais and i most of our aidowalka on saturday evening j robertsgave a party and luncheon which proved a very enjoyawe affair mrs h hepburn was recently presented with an umbrella by the tllh lite william cl fa obituary will mm clrak after an iiidons extending a little over ft ytar william cleave one of our most respected and ijighlj ehteeiucd citikena paused hwh at his home on main street nortli on sundmjiin oth de ceased was born in devonshire enkland 74 jears ago and came tothin country with bin parents when a small child after spend ifts a few yeara in hnmltton bttfl brantford hie father the late richard cleave with hie wife and family came to ha i ton where he resided tbe remainder of bis life the late wm cleave baa been a resident of georgetown foe over 80 yearn and served three yearp in the township council he was twioe roamed hia flrst wife being agnef walker who predeceased bim 88 years ago leaving afamify of three boob and two daughters viz mrs johrri williams of toronto herbert ot esqueaing jl tl iiereyhard varolii thome pretiiation of herwork misa tost was also the recipient of a present from her class special prayer services id the jtfethpdipt church every night this week the glen true blues have re ceived a letter of thanks for the 60 they sent to the true blue orphanage the installation of officers of victory lodge no 890 glen wil hams took place friday evening jon 4th bro fred monallay of georgetown true bine lodge pre biding and the following officers installed mm alf alloc w m mrs howard gar bin dm mrs jooauen bee bee misa sadie bell fid bro mrs j belt troab mrs w mckialey chaplam mr f norton d of c mr j add con will hewitt it harry tracy ot committee thornton annie mcnalli thornton madge muriol asbgrove the itipmbent gf the asbgrove ufand upfl0 club met at the home of mr robt rudiell on thursday evenidg jan srdtobear the report of their delegate mr malcom mcnabb who attended the ann c at toronto mr mcnabb gave a concise and interesting talk on the proceedings of the convention and tried to im part to bis club some of the en thnaiaem that was foltjit thereon vention for the u f and u f w o movement a vote of thanks was tendered mr mcnabb for bis re port some matters of business were then dis usacd and the ladies divided their roll of towelling which had been purchased by the club the hostess served a dainty mea lunch at the close of the meeting the next meeting will be a ban quot held at the home of mr j as barnes on thars evening jsn 17 all members and all those woo in tend becoming members for the year with their families are oor dially invited those who will ribbist in the arrangements for the banquet are requested to meet at mr henry wilson s on satardjrj evening january 12ti hockey hia second wife was isabella cook who was accidental killed in 1017 by an areoplane on the ad joining farm when the plane in starting itaqpjit stiuck her kill ing her instant thiee brothers and three sisters who survive arc john of waterdonn edwin ol acton james of georgetown mrs james allison of hopkins mis soun mrs richard bott of quel ph and mrs darnel barbaroc of pans deceased wan a member oiattil go the methodist church and in pol itics a conservative ho was a iuccessful farmer a kind hod obliging neighbor and always ready to extend a helping hand those i need an honorable man has gone to bis reward and while be will be sadly missed in his home the community also suffers a dibtinct loss the funeral takes place this afternoon to greenwood cemetery clabesce staplkton the sudden death last week of master clarence btaplcton third son of mr and mrs h e staple ton naa deeply regretted by man friends in town he was a bright honorable boy beloved in his home where be will be nadly missed he was recovering nicely from the operation until ate sunday even mg when he took a sadden turn and passed peaiefully away on monday- morning besides his sorrowing parents he leaves four brothers and one sister to mourn the funeral on wednesday after noon from lib fathers residence was largely attended the service being conducted by revs caldwel and moore the pall bearers were arthur tyndall john watson garfield meoillvray victor nor nngton gofdon alcott and cbiis fraihptoni beautiful floral trib nlea were contributed by mission band of methodist church a rim naut club of methodist chart h lolno 246 mr and mrs wil fred spence and mrs fred youdr and family of brampton mr and mrs gnmsbaw mr and mrs james mccartney and fam ily mr and mrs robt mccartney and family mr and mrs b urban nan and grandma and ji pilliiw torn the family lie bojs rio wojkin hard nding into shape ktft the boh son and the openlnk game til be with oranpmllc on friday jsn 1mb geuigetuun plnys in eltita on fnday niglil the gamp between guelph and georgetown nnx post poned until laur on in he season qwing to the shallow ice m the arena od mondaj night george town were unable to plaj ibon scheduled game the guelph in true report ol the game be tween the banks of montreal and hocbelaga at montreal jastweet the daily witness refeinng to alf cole late of georgetown bajs pcole a graduate from the interme diate raoks put up a fine exhibition and his goal in the opening min utes of the third period put hta team within challenging distance reporting the game the daily ga zntte sna- in cole a youthful player from the 0 h a inter roe diate ranks montreal introduced a new comer who immediately came into prominence tuiough his bnl lisot 8tiekhandliug and iiih gieat mortgage sale farm proerty in the supreme coarl oljdotarjo lrh vrlhli rrr jlbrbo wlth i h jlqur v 1 k ny h lii 1 k hiic lillnbe lpn llir m irilumnril link hoiim- l will iilftir linn nhruhnd uhle ihpproprnv will i nvrcil uh ti il jeyi lo a renfrve 1 id 1 trrmxthr pi rchxt uill 1 dip wilr pny ilnwn a dppx i d in r it rf the part imm mm i r buir church news slukph iii lonneetion rfith tbe i 1 1 of iraj it 1h raln nd fri duj injhl a 8 pi selidav tier vices aa us at sunday 3 hool stiieo am mondaj 8 pm b ypu friday ja u lhth annua church tea n nd bi sinens meet ing a contemporary remarks that the biggest tnmt on earth is the weekly newspaiier it trusts everybody gts cussed for trust ing mistrusted for cussing and if it busts from trusting gntc cussed or bunting norman h speight pianos phonographs electric washers electric cleaners svm od small monthly pjyncite norman h speight kusio aho eleotrio store break blftok gmrsatowa ballon county council as a result of yesterdays mam i cipnl elections halton county i council for 1824 will be composed of tbe following mfln ueorge bar ber reeve acton f d ghent reeve aud g h nicolsdn deputy reeve burlington w j l hamp shire reeve and w g applebe deputy reeve esonesing town ship d mclntyre reeve george town j w blaio reeve milton w a irving reeve and w j breckon deputy repte nelson township e agnew reeve nassa gaweya township g hulraer reeve and pw chambers j3epu ty reave oakville w h morden b6ee and dr j a johastone deputvreee trafalgar towlrabfp onlj two new faces will be seen at the opening meeting of the com oil reeve agnew of naseagaweyal and deputy reeve chambers bf oakvillo it is rumored that there will be two aspirants for tbe war donship reee himer of oakville and reeve barber of acton botb were defeated last ear for tbe wardenship by reeve irving of neuwd kort paaltxr oouh tbe annual abort course m ponl try laming ppened a the o a c this morning with over fifty m at tendance tbe course 1sao in- tenatte oneandbeaides lectunaav includes practical work the course intlnaes instructions in all tbe branch e and departments or jthumultrj business limehonse serucb at tbe presbjtenar church wnj withdrawn last sun day owing to tbe rceio anon storm mr wnhi gondy hosinitalled a new radfo and besides enjoying il himself ib entertaining bis neifih bore mrs dan mcdonald is eon lined to her bed through illoess mr jnlly our popular sr teacher has raoed bis wife and famil to limehonse geargctowi old beys form an assdit1 following the romplimentarj dinner tenderedto mayor hi lit on thursday evening by bis fel btn dents at geo tfie town lttgb school and other friends a george town old bojs assialion of toronto was organized wtth mayor w w hillz as president with whom wn8boriated a com mittee omposed of inspector w b hume r d warren dr frank william inspector george guttf ne and j m prentiss the aociation startr with a mem ship of 52 card of thanht prjml julbium ot i ibne ltfull lie iffrrcd otiulr bj public imim 1 ui the prrmion mi tbw h- ounury i9m 1 jo ink ibc mlttr ihmiii tbsfolknrint valuable arin prof i iiaiorlr ibo hoi half ol lot smowr si m the bkond cohtnui ol ihrtem h p of fckuurani in ibe cnl ot hat- lon cuntainiui by adme mim m 100 be ibe sum net or ids it pay lh rfniamlrr of apr 1924 thr i un hater mihii pr ilkd i i wmmii nor pn i rurtlier pnrtm iftitt rjhain irhoipton omnr tlri iu oly m h dated al brum pirn in ho ix nl dn ember 1923 b rjlstiv local muler at bramplun mpton oman slorie room tor wmlrr lor 1 or 6 cam tx diwr west of halton garagr apnlv ii barnes mortgage sale uuln l b rd m litur u pmrr u aale m on i a tmk riefc im ihiiui 9 uuuitay ai rf special clearing sale at the mens store mlrwpslh r hnd our uihhih iiiki hpfiial pr llr larm milrt ibe tp of milum uilb -loih- roiwl ibav khii ma i dfbxrrv ai d trlr hnr wmi- i i uhln srluhtl ub lull mile frm lun irtnnf site- hi j jobb ob day nl naif- aial turr- votun m ita thr faiinirdl be old tubftvi lo f ir vrvn iid and aubrct tl luiirt bt salr or terms and lodis xaj li therparliruuviapplytdfte mhtieaierr uinuan mscalfjtnuiuoduauirw v ut i he uiulrnifrrd oikiiut otedal mill ibehihaav ol janvary j aldfrson freraun amiawn w i l mill oulav w-if- monita ft auction sale -ot- bonsehom furaitbre the diilerkn hat recovnl hindm saturday taliaarv lstk at 2 p m ibe lollonq kill hen bioet cwoptctl rann table cbaira dmav rooa quarler cut oak couch chain book fiw 3 bedroon atnlea rooa trmucaah bmj rttvb adrt will customers note thisshop will be closed on saturday next january i2lb until march lat 1924 will those custoroen who have good here please call for same on or before saturday f sinclair tire tube repair service station having pmehsed tho coal business from mr john ballantine l are prepared to fnrnisb customers with the best anthracite coal nut stove and egg 91so delivered in town 91boo at the yard pea 1300 large stock always on hand f rogers co georgetown qver a million people trade with us eachweek most of them are women thrifty housewives who set a good table but buy where they ge the most for their money they trade at dominion stores here in these stores each a part of thejpeatest retail grocery organization in canada they shop and save many are wives of poor mern others are welltodo yet one and all they are guided by a sturdysense of thrift if you too would save on your grocery bill shop at a dominion store as these women do the same high standardqualitythesamegoodsthesame nationally known brands as elsewhere but the price tag tells the story of dominion stores economies and savings three hundred stores theres one near you and whichever one you shop at youll save money for example friday and saturday thompsons seedless raisins 4lbglass jar it law valley raspberry ot oranges choice cahfornia large navel seebtes medium prunes choice large medjum richmello qoffee tea clarks tomato ketchup pure clover honey apet brand driea apricots lyles golden syrup children love it clarkssoups- tomato vegetable chicken bacon mayfield ekminimstore canadas largest reta3l grocers 2 lbs 2sc strawberry jam 79c loi51c doz 39c lb 15c 2 lbs 25c 1lb tin 65c ilb tin 33c ib 79o 12oz bottle 2sc pint sealer 29o ib 206 2lb tin 27c h 11c 12jso 19o lb 31e s ilaikrh vilh tall hii n tm la rlear m inti third h tpxular innr r special on ready-to- wear overcoats ax pocrirul n two rpjtl uptoitnb kooth tin rktired ordered clothing sutfnwlr tnonlrrdtinnk iihh hair olt the lineal hlie jartirs meuur tfirf sll t fio ot to fcc iinml tnilotvl in our warn wmtjinr iihnitlid itractori tit ever j ifn iroa need rl now ix thp linio to place iunr older don t pass tbia spewl talc by loattivelj lm e jo make irdorttoa in or snc4 fl mil iv on tu lout into the of irniv w aif makirir at hits vcrj spw ml sale safielt skin af x mttja1r go georgetown phone 126 381 rennies grocery 5 alrtimt brooina good qualilj fm lb pmut boor wbeai pfafaw fauke pkt clouam puss lor 3 for bmb plftbh s fw bemllfa btaa tukum pnwdw 1 lb for tomato soap t for imfe buo boaji s for annmnua innrdw 3 for iemriiae3 or quick naptha soap 7 for d r rennie cash- grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273j d weekend specials oor wekim chooolatea onosut of 10 vane lea of delicious hard sppcd dmata try a poond brcbau-sbcperlb-far- 3xo tlaa satordaj wr are offermk fojourapeiaal ormnlaljeliiea an- anrtcd bar jn rqralar c per lb for sntar coaled ajbawedsirir 60c per ib fur sole amenta far saulm thru chocolates per ib 60c kosy korner kandy kitcflen f j deverson mx theatre friday jaaliarr lltk jackie cuokan in trouble thirc ii be trouble id this j town piulaj jnckia coo kim a lirmfjiuk it m troable to amuse you not confuse you meqmnn sisters in a fiscrvnl of mirth apd nluaic safarday jaaaary l4t orotpn utmidr a bqcietj youth bcobing to forget bin cowanluetn the rufged went tnoetn t liuit a girl who i moauh more tobim than life j itmeir mquiunsmtera j taeaday jaamary ibta j finr lad from ilex beach j e h fniuoiih romance a myu j uitj mrlotirttiua tbnt balluiall j solution 4o the very end j eimwde no 0 plunder j wadaaadayj juurr ifltk j ml uati mj gfu starrinx j hell itnjfour ed gland a to r pro oh t oinedienne you j will lile one and a halt houru j in ilndiil oircna leicenter hyunre whitechapel witb j queer blokes and tu tin ins blightom that uill tickle you link comedj bait time jh3eoroetowm out new advertisements set leyju ruunrrs govt baby alngh let amrle harnntxrloojr team plotifti ap ty keilh john sl 2nd door iro istcr up i t sirayrd from my pranws or or abtut january 2nd yellow cousp pup atilfa while around neck and down vwcta aids or face ancrs tolhe name ol wtac xhy per on detaining aame afler faia notice will br provrutrs reward if returned to w c anthoiiy geunfetowo tf lull tubkli- a uuantily of stamling innberonlot 17 on u equclnapptjc w g vounir it ar ftcalw larue grey and black cat greal net boi any loformuion tbal ill lead lo its recovery appreciated re- ard siynujeour main st north lip rl for oflur work qpporlun ly lor advancement i satisfactory lla- trculalion or 3rd otto atandtnif oeceaury cjierald office 3 t mtn rwmi modem conveniencca on han strri sjotb avaiubjo jan tsth apply mia boomer georgetown i jmicc inn nl uuacovy ducka 2 docka and i drain alio rouen drake and two uhilr wyandotle cockercu pbooe genrketoim 94 r 21 far au rieil lolay marred koch i a mclure phone 96 f raraala culler kooii aa new lbon60 or wnle iok 1ih grorgctown jp jacksons 39 years in business in georgetown w5 offer you a host of 39c birthday specials we mention only at few of the many good bargain look them over see the quality see the value look at tike price consider the what it will buy art 8tnfta chir cualon ooo for a a 0c work apron jor gauds ifemor kaftfcor federm 60c for cuumi all wool mitta iraaibq pata towola i cops and sanoera 60o for fiaa caibum cmad aad samoen 0oo for watte and gttld cnpa and iossfor jaasooofor iia lmd art pottery soo for cmt oka immmi fto 1 for eaasnarnarobanea psb soo for fooboiii fogini ril win tin eboridor7 siaaor for 39e 39o 39o 3c 3bo 3o 39o 3bo 2 x 39c 68c ihsntlm for i hot pro with tonor tr tloq radua fln all wool lukiu 90o for eitn 11ii bu tomb soo cmtflkn batter diakhod for xarao olaas water jna- 90o qualii- value sersdcej ma jacksons georgetown reaidm the beat rratum of coal oil i am prepared lo aupply you with any quantity ol aolt or bard wood ince right kkliard marchmenl phone 206 gcorre iwn 261 fclf wmdtarleoa all kind of wood both hard and oft alio cedar raiu all at reasonable pncea j braillord phone s r 24 gcfge 21 ii ap t but block bouae on quern st all notice to cre in the matter of the estate of suian mccullouch late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton widow deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the eeviaed statutes of ontario that alt crerjitora and others having dauna against the estate of the amid susan mccullough who died on or about the 12th day or december bo arc requir ed tin or before the 1st day of febru ary 1b24 to send by post prepaid of de liver to the nndemgned sriidtor for walter thomas evans and david cran kton bingham the executors of the but will and testament orthe amid deceased their chnstian and surnames addresses and descnptlons the full particulars of their claims tbe statement of their ac counts and the nature of the securities tif any held by them and further take notice that after such last mentioned date tbe said ex ecntora shall proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the par- ties entitled there lo having regani only to the claims of which they abar then have notice and that thea ecutora will not be liable for the said assets or an part thereof to any per- hon or person of whose claims notice nhall noi nave been received by them st the umr of such distribution dated the 8th day of january ibfij h g me1r t for the execu- tt tors above named auction sale choice dairy cows the ihlcrijrned ba been nstroctedby j forden iu11 h publk auction at ibe hnlel lie tibbon grrtqietowm on friday ju uta 1994 mbaa sprinjrera and iab miikerau yoawg sad tikoodordrr kveryow a rcwd on and aeirclnl irom acmia of th baa hard trim loaionthi mill on approved btj i ji aact

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