Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 9, 1924, p. 4

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tllk okordrtown lllltun jam u rlttciber amd believe iu r taxi deft a lil 1 jour power iiiir otul bo u stl ifl m unit tin- dark li on again ntmlmi alt lift h conn hinco then 1 kindle ro of ueminlm r w lien hope calm to oii tlirowth oth- k at buluedncsa remember how oti could not oeo trope through that thick murk nf pit eous distress how can ramtmucrinri but help yuu when your ttneafriwuulftih nil hao oome wot thpp bsmetnber well despair itometaber well and jou enn nnl smile reraeuiber well and jou can flout ut arc rome diber shorum hoi ran h little while remember well and jou tun never griee remember and jon only can bo iieve 1 strickland gillian notes and comments canada is the land of winter sports free l handsome flint glass turn r with each package of ce ion ten block or mixed 5n pltr red rose orange pekoe lea per ikr puna orange pekoe tea per pita lorn flakes s pkgs bran flakes 2 pkg pout bran 2 pfcga catsup rana t 16c bird h blanc mange giintanl rcg sotf s foe 1 2c ndtamcanmockboa rug substitute re 2fir a for h5n maple butter rer 40o 3 fui peanut butter per lb 25tf pinent rnde soap chips lb beauty complexion honp 4 for 20 e oaaull soapo for ellj powder 3 for v figb dates prunes peaches aprkpte rnibinn etc at prices reasbuable carka bread is the best flavor ed bread on the mnitet it ta made with the beat flour pure shorten log aqd plenty of good milk it in as sweet as a nut and as pure as sprjng water our bakery is light well ventilated and scrupulously clean and is open for your in spection at any time mak clark bakery anil groceries ftfone 229 man 1foplk bave monej in the bank and do not think it wrong to enter a store and charge goods why should your mono liejn the savings bank and draw 8 per cent interest wnita tbv merchant has to borrow fronvlhe bank attbe rate of seven per cent to meet payment on the goodb be aou yon r do yon imagine that yotkare saving an thing by ebarg ingaidjlt jondopojare mistaken the raernhanthafl7 lilimidoc millf 01 charge it to someone tfiat some imhlmjkw ifloil ci one ia not the cash en stonier it t is the customer that lets the bills ss no 6 esqnesing following is the school report for tgemonth of december sr ix edna lnnan bill bona than llerhie lunan jr ev norman baily bon barrj uwbod apd dorjs ratnsl lf jk fttlt fy r equal francis thompson i ftt iii irene wriggles woitlj 71 rnlnml rfrtnnl harsh run waballey will 9mi ae int totjmttttyfrm wtaave hi tae f whk baskets ssfeasks wis art oaves ah trials fass sh cues tte h fad every imh whttt imes sim ah repairs mfdy nt o zes graham etjoal sarah stan aisbharian qiften jr lltrjack brawn hon ina jqarrib bhtabatb bonatbaa mar jory graham arthur baaelwood samm dorothy graham jdary jenkidaon jf ii olive wnggleswor tti hon bobby harria bon br i gerarrtgraham hon ed p waraielten david bryden jr i willie bryden beeaii sawthnrat ruby tennant sam tenoant manjaret hodge pr margareb latimer walter hodge eddie fjonan delta wng gleawortb norma smith john i- doherty eva evans frances jaaklnaon c semple teacner 19uatojluaimnaliu owipg to the fact that the new markers for this year are not yet jivrailabla in sucacient qnantities motor oar wnra or the provinoe 1 j have been granted an extra month to get their 1924 uoeoae h paa the iw8 plft will be xx reiognited nottl fabrnary 1 next wocordink to information from the department or hlghwaya btttoltuasnttteirtami at tbe- pbrtabnaa cottmebotv meat xercuea at powassan high fiobool at whidrmnyot robertson pfftsidedmbsmaelmke ttenghter o councillor 3 b lake editor ot thvewa ww nreaeotad with tbe fold pieoe awarded for the best awv on canadian literature there were fourteen competitor xba pnte wia given by the cath ooe wotnena leagtie xmuar tjasi tburaday afternoon about n two oclock miss xena smith was imtantly killed on tbe queen st east croaung at brampton by tbe treat bound passenger train on the 5 ona shelbud to have walk ed right in front of tbe oncoming train and to have got jobtin tbe g- track wbn strook her body waearned on the pilot for ify abort distance required to bnog tbe train to a halt tbe f vnfohunato aotaan was forty eight years of age and cornea from lindsay and at tbe timvof the ar cuent she waa on bee way iothe hew aohool in the soothtward xtw la baltti cwamty farmera in tbe boyne district in trafalgar are terrified by tbe nreaence of a lynx which baa been teen several ti mediately hunt era have been unable to get a shot at it in the 60 a they were not oscoromon were accused of kill ing abeep and a county bylaw was passed for tbe payment of a bonua of 80 to the slayer of a lynx wildcat or volf wolves had killed a great many bbcep irf sqnetng and naaaagaweya- the by law was repealed after bounties had been paid for tbe killing of several lynx a lynx wbicb waa 1 shot fn this district many years ago and mounted is still on ex hibitioo in the tower of the town hall hilton up tq bate rabne brampton business lnslitote jsffctwl mfuscbml irthand canadian jtrelnt tmr of the apom wludi of north amencm btie3 with tan ha enjoyed i cauda id winter an equitable climate t all the natural highland inn winter reaort which faatitwa for tho eojoyment of wmter oaenjiaijauwabry with anythinf tn bc louiid in switzerland t operatrd in alfooouai park ontano hythe can dian nab tojxt fmmd nowhere skuna anowaooemg ace hoatmf curl- uij eatmg in bockay and tjsbogffib- bnd alia wheae vnnter porta i featured theurfonof tbeaeaamoni real where cocnraenani in january tbr lamat widlif caruvat m the wort will be held the carnival exsnefude- with a beauty contest in whach will b entered the prettaem girla from all pari of canada each dreaaed ui the txmtutr c tho apart in wlueh abe ta moat pi touch typewriting business english office si stems filing spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship commeroial law rapid calculation iauuvuaar iautwau bdttar mj ttame b m kauriuir prta phone 651 anderaonblock queen st e box 692 coal bt d l fit w st- coal ia ell suet tvisti sinrthmoand steam coal mrs j natkins nerval station phon- 62r24 hre insuran it nrdl rim standard anthracite scranton coal in all size automatically screened and landed coal wood select lamp for doroestio jmd tbreahiog purposes smithing and cancel coal 1 id faetlcarry everything to be found in any up to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone la georgetown j w khnem fictfftltm are you protected georgetown plour feed mills having leased stewart town elevator i am now prepared to buy alt kinds of grain at best market prices any time you have grain to deliver call me at phone 195 wcbessey phone 19 georgetown hilrin canweraliii ul- uf eolunifn tmo coiinlrj wag tho hon hrlsliplei uuotln once a minister agricul lurt rnntmbitid 1 iuui uullior or the dunk in an option his intimate friends rfcul oiip uliraatjkjiict was nju n his lipi ttuim and i gslnal the vfnrld hla idpa ot the lb on uf life tltil if uii arc boini slrluhl una rihhu titue u lis your side anil tiu or hi tm ratejour cniinn is bound lo win out ultimately there ran be no doubt of tbe truth of this idea ii is but another form or ibe old latin aaylne grail la the truth add it will prevail you tnaj not bo abli to haalen them but onallyrmiroedaj ibe dlncoirariei tbe world ntedi will be made the invanliunn innn reallj require ptrteeted nol until the arj nettdvd mind you wai and dib and bark rurolbhtd all the he i i torn nrimled in the dais wheu i jruln us scarce and uurt was no rvadlnx o mknutacturlns to bo doni by till til gas and electric llgl line came wlun people found th dayllcbt hnun in i abort or all tbe work the iiuil i du and no longer spent their daja tn oikn air work orjj9iaiurinr jons nights to esiiperalr tlreii mus elea the bclnntluls have uotrxhai si td all tbe possibilities at steam and electricity yel thoy nied not expect lo develop atomic enercy until ihc riht time comes but deithtr need they despair and cease their efforts for no one can tell when tbat lime wilt come montreal ha raid and weekly sur alwright butcher main st georgetown rimes saaalk bwemsj i culi poult rys always a- h m chorte s jswect s fresh as aw if out ko m5at the ontario legislature is to nteet on february 8th for iu first session under the leadership of ptemhwrgubom i judge fisher of orangeville lejotftfltlmmoiwie jeft in his premises over bight and ojeraoing iwpaira this decision wm haqdh ontjh a oasrnoble soiktiox vs savfttve and tned at oratjre 4tnly gpoqrevnwn tiir twft wrts ago notice torcdiiors in ibe mailer of the eaulo of margaret reoan lale of ihe township of esqoea tint tn the county of hahon vdow notfie hereby jlen purauanl ti thai all creditors onjjthera hatiiur cuiriia or demands triiini the esuie of the said lantre broun who ied on or about he twcflljaiklb day of dereniber 1971 at the aald township of eaquesius are required on or before the seiond day of february 1924 lo send hy post prepaid or detlvff lo the underaiaied aolnitor herein for harry rosa brown tredrnrk j broirn and aruos lawaon eeculor ot ibe esiafe ot the amid harxarel bm wtdrrw deceased iheir chnaiian nai and aumames addreaies and deacnptk be full part ralara in vnlins of ll clannii a statement of iheir accounts the nature of ibe seevntj if any held by ti notlte tkat after such utt menlionrd aanong tbe parties entitled therein havmi rejgiuxl oswy to tbucuun whiclnhey taatben have notice and tharbe said ueratnrs s n be ttabhi for the ttd lo any person liaotice abaiuot have baen racejjsi bf them at i such iliairibulion lerov dale for tbe aaid execnera wti ihts second day of tfcnuaryad 1m4 nf the new ford touring car for the motorist whorequirea jood looking car of unusual serviceability the new ford touring car is a aplendid investment to the sturrhneai and endurance for which the ford is universally lamous have been added new features which materially enhance the appearance of the car and add to the coaflortvof the passtmgers the new radiator is highertvirjggre4nxcooling efficiency the hood and cowl are larger adorrjing increased leg room and the atteenngpost is braced for easier driving with roomy accommodidons for eve passengers the new ford touring car ia undoubtedly the moat practical general utility car on the market new for4 prices touring car s445 ivunahout s405 truck s495 coupe s665 fordor sedan 895 tjw nfw tiaaara ot btnsr tterjc ives abuodant atorace cspacay apowiea a conaa rtnd to b carrwd k its lock all ptfcca lab ford onuno cctvermmnt tucr ntn a u ford ntojeb am be obtained through the ford wetky purciase phn h a coxe acton january clearance sale ol all our i mns overcoats onethird oh 1 for example 01 coats tor 2000 brill co main street georgetown i near the park ilirvn room coal and wocd bre place in ihe d nina n doniiuh dumh wailcr tatiooery cupboards dim im oft nnd hnrd the telur ako rood lien hi conven e i i mie sfi q iickly the prjcr i oehl fiiencr rleclnc fireplace in ni french doom oak doora i iai try laundry tubs and ii you rah a compact it house barn 21 12 henhoiseand s acre of i hate h urktlistinkf town propeii ni prt es fr m iw0 ttpwaidw luiltlualola iron lj0 up and rood farms rooi sssoo up ccne nitd w what i have fiw ob on si office mi oueeti m i bone 164 e a benham beal utajkeaklit georgetown got na to polar rcitlonm a new eipedluon lo the polar re gious will bo underlaknq in tbe course ot neit summer b capt j h bernler who boa already made more than ten voyages la uteecrcaioiib- tbe canadian el pi ore r durinjf ibe couiiok winter j1 no to europe where be will aunervlne tbe equip ment of the franklin which he bought laal year for tlu federal government this ship and the arctic win be used lb capt bemlers toyage next u turner altboush be in tery un wiiiids to discuss ibe matter it is slated that he will attempt to go through the northwest paaaaaie a aclsnunc expedition will alio lake part in the voyaga tbe old explorer holds ihe tie that the federal oovernmenl sin uld levy a tail qn raw fun exported by trappers this would nallse nearly two million dbllars be said extend e terrltnrj wines and beer which are now available on the quebec montreal sections of the canadian nut torn i ball way will alto be ioun obtain able on the montreal hdlllux service la the section located in he i rotlnve ol quebec it ia reported btteral month ago the board o uirectors ut the national lines decldid in tuvor ot the tale of lnes and beer un dlnlig cars in hie tint snh n uiin honed but tbe ssme advantj ji not extended to hit old inleiiolunlul ectlnn in rlew of tht tact litatjlie trains on tbst duislon are t irutibli brains going through dr piniliieni arrangeuientt been made now hy which nol usej before reach in point will be placed in bu ild 1 ullll uao keal lueialure away with dull school u ks written down to tbe intnileut of ibe chilli and put in their uuie real literature from wbtch tunj he learn ed in magic wanner t nllsli grammar spelling uiulent nun od m history seifiice cltiienshli i tie languages and uluioil vvvry sutiject except tusthemutlcs motliediutlcs and kindred class t btlob sso iioie to blsckbokrd ork utlkhl be 1 it to tbst method ut ttacblng these urln clplea wort- set l lore a lare j jdl ence in tht nori iai bchoul oluna by h w household director of education lor gloucestershire rua land who ill halting this continent for the tarenis uatlui ji du ectlnn union bf britain uk ol asphalt har increased great ly during ihe laal three leara stoves the quebec heater and cook stove cofnbined is the best on the market see them crcamiscpatalors harness horse- blankets fluekc urn vain ruws s b groat rewood of all kiodstsape beata and ndlfc all drr cut any lenfts smalt orders qtncklj del irred on can snake arrnnajement ine weekly pavmenii oun i the cheapest murra rrr phon 99 r i v gaorfetown if georgetown creamebv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery we mil bo opep for ibe aocomotlntion of farmers on wednesday and saturday eveninga georgetown creamery co m saxe manager hirschorns ladies wear tailoring special prices on fah w suits coats dresses our customerswill find a choice selection in the above lines call and sec what we have to offer mens qputing anfutitishings i have just put in a choice stock ot the latest mens cloth ing and furnishings which will be sold at most reasonable prices your inspection invited main street a hirschorn georgetown special fricea to close out holiday goods for tlie month of january call and inspect our offerings oasj speljty watok kapajrimc a bwillsqnil jeweller next to dote 1 mrgihlxm qkoroetown

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