Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1924, p. 2

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u m flu 1 f 0iiunrftmt ukiuj i llm al 2hrd i i si i b rtha marr k id den h hre i urvrdforn h f ii w kilfi br tm ircb itl dcmuw men al ctrrtk so 10f p r i r xl u i poc public school board january ictli wm boar i met at 8 p to with tbe following members present jilfcd kenned mckhih mcntly qarri son crrhtou nnd 11 kcntuer the last annxd merobor taking ha place on the houd for the fifflt i le the secretary called rornomma t odh for n ehjrman for 1824 moved hy mis kennedy and kent nor that mr mcnull be chairman for 1024 cirned before taking the chair mr mo nolly thanked tbe board far the i onor conferred uion him moved by harrison and crith ton that mrs kennedy and messrs kcntuer ami mackenzie be prop erly comrmtteo for 1984 car moved bytrs kennedy and eentner thai messrs born bod cnohton bo supply committee for 1914 car moved by harrison and crith ipu that mr a g green be re electojaerabor of the public jji brary board car moved by mrs kennedy and keo trior that thebottnjmetorrf tee nigblnttlnrtirbrwednebday iq each month or at the cairof tbe chairman car on motion of cnchton and hor ribon j a thompson was re elect ed secretary for 1024 attendance officer mrs pre ore report for december was received by tbe board and also a request a leave of absence for tbe tow cou i jam ii y kill 1124 co incil mot tit h ii w mayor dale in lll dul iteeve mtlntyroand niembiis of cnncil all present communications wen read from oeorretown founjjpja machinery co mummpfl world and 8 iporior mfk co loronto clerk was instructed to write ooltlie mpcullough co and alno to et price frapj doherty mfg la of a i wnj hydrant movd by lonh seconded by duncan that tho followioh be the ntindinft com mitt u for tbe your jb24 tho flrat named beiok the i airman of that committee finance and special corornitloo b g arqold j mclntyre and w vug streets and walks m l ntifl goo harrington and wm ashen hurst waterworks and fire a i in ran d molntjreand w look buildings and property w ahhnburst a duncan and o hernngton chant lirht and police g hernngton m it near and a duman printing and contingencies w long b u arnold and m l near industrial d mclntyre b o arnold and w ashen burdt car moved by hernngton seconded b arnold that by law no i a to appoint a medical officer of health sanitary inspector and one mem barber is warden l the iiu t nk of co uty cot n ii luijj ri biirber or act n w is i iwu war li n of ual ton b i i i il on lie wan pro posed by lueve li llmor of oak ville u 1 set node 1 by kee ha hi si i fix hiemnj buy the best uvincstones qialitv bkead norval last s ibb ith i is u3a n norvul 1 ri bj tt h n a goodlj on the nicshig th jol n be now read a second and third times and flnallj passed and that tbe blanks be 11 led m with the name of dr marcellua ae medioal officer of health chief jackfion as sanitary inspector and joseph watson as a member of the local board of health and that tbe seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried j moved by duncan beoau by lung that bl law noi v to point a collector jajlwer mteafor the year 1924 hr the town georgetown f w read a second and third timvand finally passed and that tif blanks be hi led in with theatre of miss e d ryan and thajtfihe seal or tbe corpora tion bjnttached thereto carried mclntyre moved seconded luuiajjb bingo utte i by uw jti anderson rodger of b toronto tik weatbi unfavourable to a i irto atundance eilhir morning or eveyifnir nov tlieksmt he members and triende of the nregation rail in li rte numbeie njid the building iim omfortably filled at both er kch mr rodger took lis tet m tbe inuroinft from from t cor vi 18 and spoke on tin birred sit of separation on tl e i art ol god 8 pflbple from tho norbd fit htrongly deprecated tlje teptleno to kaaure on the art of tbi peoilc of tbe jiroaoet age an urge a lbmicli force and eii ostoel that those wl o wort god t hild jn should seek to lind their joys bad tlensures in fellowslhp nut in the eeomg bis wan tbe greatest sin of he sin of unbelief taking bis h ibject from mark 10 fuitafcad hj evarybodr special clearing sale al llie mens store owing to tli r i n i 1 u4uievtll nr wives ovi r sutkcil wtl fill l u u muib u uwlltri enwill be klvja to clear- on wiioor ni h tirtj rwwif tc a bo it ne third ih remil ir o special on readytowear overcoats georgetown flqur feed mills having leased siewarhown elevator j am now prepaied tjjuy af kinds of gram at best market prices any time y6u have grain to deliver call me at phone 195 phone 195 bntary inspector and m much ability andtitrod ber of tbe local board of hewr he awej u0 i tio winter months i rf q arqo thftt jwk ison be appointed truant officer for the year 1924 carried moved by hernngton seconded by aahenhnrat that albert tost be re appointed fire chief and angus duncan deputy fire chief at tbe same salaries as last year car moved by near seconded by long that j l thompson be up pointed to the public library board for 1924 1926 and 1026 carried moved by near seconded by asbenhurat that a b wilson be re a mrnnhnr n thn hi school board for the years 1924 1926 and 1028 carried moved by aa seconded moved by mrs kennedy harrison that mrs frenres ro quest for a leave otvttbenoe be rrantedand thatkr john mason act rn ber plape car a co in tnjfhi cation was received i from mja caldwell re appoint rajamn members to a deputation wait on the minister of educa tion in regard to a grant to the armenian orphans moved b harrison and cnch tor that mebsrs flreen and mac kenzie be appointed as members to the deputation abo mentmn ed car moved by mrs kennedy and c rich ton that the following ac coiiptafe paid hydro electric 4 97 3 w eennedj supplies 17 71 georgetown herald 7 72 bank of montreal dep boi liquid soap a san prod co 7 60 cavried movedtiy kentner and cnchton that tho board adjourn to meet on the first wedntbntrtsfebrnry aus pm oral tbe call oi tbe sol rotary carried ligh school board- janoary 16 1924 jan nary present messrs hntt kirk matthew and watson in tbe absence of the chairman dr watson whs asked to take the hair the following accounts were pasbed r h thon ison 6 co bl 70 d l somerville sn0 geo ford 106 85 e coleman d j mattbsn 2b os united typewriter co 200 00 mcconnell map co 90 q0 l y reid 12 70 mcbaan co 97 0b the becictnrj was instructed to sdbearibe for tbe canadian school board journal glenwilllams a surprise birthday party w tendered to mr arthur beaumont at st albao s parish hall on tnes day last mr beaumont who is tbe popular and encrgetio people s warden of tbe church was pre seuted by the rector on behalf of the young people s society with a pair of military ebony backed hairj brushes i tbe dance in the ball hst fri i day evening was quite a access a large number being present the young boys of brampton played very well being repeatedly en cored al m nell cammings or geoogetown mr j ca n acted as floor manager a large nnmber attended a house party at mr thwallens paper mill one evening last week dane tng games eto were indulged in before a dainty aupper was served jujvaiien waa presented witb a gold band ring witb bis init en graved on it horn father and broth era cbia was his birthday partjj and al the aliens and o the re were there the piny by the young people of tbe glen metbodist cburch should have been dated for tbe slat of january and not the 84 tb as an noanced last week a nnmber from here attended tbe funeral of bert thompson at stewaruowo on sunday afurnoon the glen metbodist choir are entertaining the young men bible class and the young ladieb bible ciftba to a social boar on tfauraday evening at 8 80ptn lol no 810 are putting on ut arch degree on tl etc next meeting night any roentb r wib iog t uke this degree la requested to give bis dime to u aoon as by hernngton that e colman be appointed pound keeper for the year 1834 for the west side of the town namely west of main and south of guelph streets and that woi ward bo appointed pound keeper for the oar 1024 for tbe i east side of the town namely east of main and north of guelph streets and that the said wm wardnrovide a pound carried movebvby hernngton seconded by aehenhurstrtbat tbe clerk be authorised to order 11 copies of tbe municipal worli carried moved by arnold seconded by long that the clerk be authorised to order 126 dog tags from the municipal wbrtd carried moved by asbenhurbt seconded by hernngton that tbi accounts be passed john ballantine coal f rogers cwtl county ness of unbelief in a clan light exposing its ugliness besought bis hearers to honor god by be heving him hr addresses made a deep impreon on his audience and he repeti at tbe close the thanks or many for his helpful and swing words l the choir largely attended was under the able leadership of mr e m el ma of brampton soiob duetts and quartettes were sungf dnnng tbe roorae of tbe evening and where all wt re good it would be difficult to single out indiidu als for praise tho general feeling was that tbe services were good sttengul emng and stimulative and it is boped that at a future date the cqogregation may bae tbe pleasure of welcoming mr badge i uackgain the tea meeting on monday i even ng was a huge success tbe methodist anniversary ber ces will be held next sabbath at i om and 7 80 p ro the rev r gray of st paul s church brampton wi 1 be the special preach of t day the choir arehus preparing special music for tbe occasion and mrs charles brow of georgetown have recently removed to nerval where mr brown will carry on a garage business we understand tbatf tbegaoi town lumber company have re dctved the contract from the gov ernment foe the cutting of the planks for tbe norval bridge has to will oblige there are rumors of hydro com ing to norval georgetown is to be the source of supply come on oeorgotowo help us out the methodist ladies are hold ing their next mooting on wednes day january 30th in tbe parlours of the church tbe hamilton bridge builders hae completed their work heie and have returned home all work gangs- have disbanded 181 86 8 00 16 60 7 10 60 tt 00 12 60 dig down and resurrect that old suit and have thorn made look good 88 new by collier the clean er pressor repairer more than one took mi vantage of the cold sunday as an exfuap for staying home from cbarch alwright butcher irge h3ttli3ii ivuryci01nvh rtwae stop in bttulttj wmumdi mx theatre rrliu jaaurj t westbound limited all a- board for hnanense junction comedy ville thnlltowo penxacular ptainr and satlbj faction point comedy pli mb jam hottentot comedy drama of thu season starring dong iob moleao a steeplechasiog stunnei a perfect drama horse whbn odds arg fivon sta ring wrn rusel be type of western picture that tbrilln and pleases alleven the most exact corned ra nm oh tune pearl white in plunder tsotk soft boiled starring tom mtx mix id the funniest type he has ever played ab solutely different from pre loub re eases corned wet but cheerful oeoroetowk new advertisements n prepared to jo all k oj of cinlom fflntil iheoldlikelf george wood for el riw and ra la f very iowju prices an be arraujted your oi ay bros phone 99 is georgetown tmbmu e black m noma heavy btrda scar slra n roate nd j beni 2 tockcreu d 3 pjiueia ipply t boo pboo lfr tlmtmr war 81 ahoul 100 000 fed o alien limber elm taple and basawood would sell lot or parcela or hoi id icll wholebulb bcul mo 000 red robt l brown phoo 104 r 5 l eorgdown ltmebouse poat i offi 16131 fnfcb c hevrolel tounog car 490 newly over luulcl naicondiipn cheap for caah can be seen al j cains georgetown t roberta f a 111 ly o mand ng i mber on lot 17 i 6 exjuca njf apply w g ou k m llon jtp bnx c herald office car and battery storage in steam heated garage we awe stanfe sptct hr i darilea rabcr tl cars id uke care a yaar sttraae bamery iar tbt wlaler dwatln aa4 kecr ii dkarfh all varieties at georgetown fish and chip cafe j n oneill fc son georgetown town hall stacey transport co geo a hsnrj sta carried moved by molntjre seconded h arnold that the to lowing an counts he passed robt stirrat pavement 00 00 n mcgregor 66 00 carried moved by hernngton seconded by asbenburst tbat the regolnr meeting night of the con noil for the year 1924 be tbo first monday each month at h p m carried obituary john r toomphon i of the death of john r thompson at guelph hospital last thursday came as a shock to the commumt as it was expected al though his injuries were senoui that he would recover bert tor by that name he was fan iliarly known was a young man of eer ling character well known in the community anq respected by all ae a son of mrs j r tbomp son and urb born in esquesing dis untimely death is deepl re grttted and tbe heartfelt sjnya tby of many friends and neigbbom la extended to the mother and family in tbe r sad bereavement deceased was a member of 8t john a cburoh stowarttown sup enntendent of tbe suuday school and also sang in tbe church choir he was an oraogeman and ar oddfellow the funeral on sun day afternoon waa largely attnded when the semce was conducted by rev j rjle tbe oranveroen mid oddfellows also taling port tbedraniemen 3ruo blues odd jfellowa and rebekahs attended hi a- body the pall bearers were three orougomen and three odd fellowb col g o brown nor man thompson john stan dish walter law son norm an dever eanx a stall beautiful floral oiterings were oontrihuted by joraogemen true blues odd f el lows rbbekoba stewarttown im provement society sundaj bchool women b aunjtatytwomen s in titate and mangthero feed their uttle mouths tor less why do you suppose a million customers buy from the 300dominion scores each week thcdoit rorfijaijtrrtf dominion buy jngcxperta search the world for high grade foodituffi t apccialjinces available only to this urges grocery organization in canada you feed your family ftn less when you hayc thchabit of buying at the nearest red front dominion store nt miss these dominion specials riclyfiello coffee dominion stores special oq brand lb tin 00 1 lb tin i l toy pail peanut butter oc ub w baker sandcowans cocoa oj- i v lb tin lo i bnggerd mar- ub oj malade4lbtm uj jar lt white beans oc 4 lbs ac thompson s seedless rais ins 2 lbs prince brand singapore pineapple white satin pastry flour rr 241b bag riverside peas 1 c no 4 tin id riversidecorn 29 riverside totnat- ot j valencia cake ocj 2 tins ov j vo 29c blue pose rice 3 lbs special blend tea ccy package lemon snaps 1 lb posts bran package st xawrence valley jam rpspberry and strawberry s 4 lb glass jar 65c 25c 19c 81 21c 21c 17c 79c hau t luat litrhi joo mansimri sjuth avauble jan isth apply m i boomer georgetown tf wd v4 oh bca d rhe beat frndca of coal p 1 i am prepared to supply you w ih any quantity ol ofi or hard wood pncea right k ihard marcbmenl phone 206 george 26i3tf weekend specials bveryono loves cbooolatos so wby do without when you can purchase them at such a low price hard and soft oen res regular 50c per lb for 32c batter scotch drops rw 40c per lb for sse assorted creams and jellies per lb xo mixed nutaperlb v- oo sweet naval oranges per doz 0e ice cream brick and bulk eskimo pies sole agcnta for smllin thru chocolates per lb 60c kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson rroi rltt k ir 214 m street rnrn nzzmomirc jacksons exceptional good bar gains in high grade seasonable mens wear hens heavy sui wool flrit quavuty shlrta res t8 2s for 18 4b men heavy ribbed underwear reg tl25 for bsc men heavy fine all wool underwear 18 3 13s hens jeavy wtnter overalls best qmallty and work large and roomy s3 00 for 12 89 mens heavy tweed for lined oaps 200 for 1 49 menvheavy all wool sweater coats 3 25 menj oowni good quality flannelette 12 26 149 we wish to impress on you that m selling you these garments we arenot sim ply selhngyou a garment but we are sell ing rhat is more value to you service quality yalue service jacksons georgetown administrators sale postponed owns to mormy weather on jan 22nd ibeauitumnaleot tbe eilatetit john r huftma tale ol ttw townih p of eaquea k has been postponed io tuesday january 29th at one o clock ileh pentl auct oneer wa3ajxey uptodate harness maker we have a full supply ol blankets rugs mitts bella etc only brat class goods sold here order your set of new hand made harness for youi spring work now satwac tion guaranteed w atbailey up to datf harness shol sala strto cemgetown coal best anlhracile coal always on hand nut sfovjgji pea at the yards or deliv ered to any part of the town s- phone 180 f rogers co georgetown it is reported in the city pa peralust the stonlejmiiu to of hamilton hasomde an awgnment but the company msj boreorgsri

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