Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 23, 1924, p. 3

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t qr umlh iriown itk do you enjoy every meal personals sometimes tbe digthtiw nt no kind of food tokn good to i nyal digestive tonic aids digestion q a pleaa ire tee a trial blimul ite- lht i h to nl ike t always nval t j matthew drugs and stationery local news hems carnival february hth have o i paid yours yet spring is cooling the seed cat slogs are oul boys llockei tournament saturday niorning orangemen h batl and slipper friday evening the georgetown coated paper mills beld their annual meeting to- hockey game fri da night at the arena brampton ts george town anew spotter in town j t collier will knock the spots olt of all the clothes you can produce a meeting of the band com mittee will be held next tuesday evening id the band rooms at 8 oolock o t walker the eyesight specialist wtjl be at w b watson a drug store on wednesday janu ary 80th would the judges in the georgetown coat oraroa-oompeu- tton kindly inform us wbal decis ion they arrived at the trustees of glenwilliamb cemetery board will hold a public meeting on hiureday february 7th particolars later clothes make the man col lier will clean and press them for you cise him a trial and be con vwced charges moderate dont mm seeing the uockey game at the arena on friday night brampton vs georgetown game called at 880 sharp poblio ubrur baard at a meeting of the piblic li brary board held lam week the fol lowing olllcers were el ted fur tbo ensuing year chairman j mcdemud so reta y j l thonipac n treauurt r c w pnpst annnerwirj services will be id in the baptist church oeoigitowntoo shhflai feb brd mccrimmon kx cbanoel lor of- momaater university vho so ably filled the pulpitlaatryaar will preach again at 11 am add 7 pm special musing by the choir special free will offering her j h moore b a pastor bamolta at ova seud vandalism of an aousually de structive sort was manifested in owen sound last night when a large portion of a persian lamb coat was either cut or torn out and the bolt was stolen the coat which ib valued at several hundred dollars was left id the koights of columbue ball clonk room with the wraps of people who were attending the euchre b7 hookay ttuiuut clark j a tracy of esqaes- ipg baa been granted a month b leave of absence by the township hoys under is years nf age am desirous of taking part in tbe hookey tournament to be held at tbe arena saturday moroing jan uarj 20th to be present not later than 9 30 a capable man will be charge and teams will be picked by committee no charge and ev ery boy from town and vicinity under is years is invited st omrp m wuu auillavy at tbe annual meeting in the school room on tuesday last sue cessfut and encouraging reports prftptad hj lhp tannine an council and alao by tbe ihspectoi of divialon courts a fancy dross carnival will be held in the arena on fri february 6th gel your costume ready and watco for farther par j tioulara next issue the adonnatrators sale of tbe j b huffman estate to have been held last tuesday baa been post poned on account of storm to tuesday january 29tb the dance of tbe season will be the orangemen a ball to be held in tbe town nail georgetown this friday evening 25th a good time ib assured h who attend a enbscnbeh- called ub freeaing bo bard at bib place that when he set the coffee outside to cool it froee so fast the ice wan hot 3 fish special tbibweek new shrimps also a variety of 14 dif ferant kinds of fifh onr motto quality first get your free cook book at tbe georgetown fish and chip cafe tbe celebrated campbell b or chestra will furnish musio at the orangemen ball on friday inj aatty melodj four orchestra are onakje to be present on ac count of illness creel man e limited have pur cha a moved the machinery of the canada needle works to their factory building on mud street mew machinery baa been added and the plant in now run 1 dins again m tbe new premises i mr j b if a ken tie is one of tbe member of the urban trustee aaaociatioa of ontario executive that is interviewing premier fer- guaoo it tbe parliament boifdtng to day regarding more equal div ion of graatato public schools boots that are bopta direct from macphersou a factory i lave 800 pairs of the best working a boots money can buy thriy are backed up by tbe company and made specially for me be i k me and bay where yoa get tbe best value for your money all nps sowed free on these boots tboy are the best lot of boots i ever bandied price 4 a few pair of hockey boots left going half price skates ground abort notice repairing of kioda at lowebt prices second band boots bough and solj ft erytbidx in the shop line j rooej georgetown 2tp m it 1 wajof uijolil in in town to dm itoetl milntyn tttuudid co n t count 11 y enter da j nd mrs br igman nf mi ti nue llht u ro visiting at mrs k harrison s mr an i mrs w c bealmearor toronto sient the vev end t w ii willson h joseph m6tt israeli of brnmji is in town fri laj rinewmt old urquainiancte mis m gardner or buffalo s ibiting at the home of her daugh ter mrs w b ddlj mrs harry stockford had h o misfortune to fall and break her m last 9akfkiray afternoon mr qfrcampbell apnt a coup lo of dais at the horn of his co is mcnichol toronto last week mr frank johnston of south iver hits i e turned bom a aftei spending jt couple of weeks with and mra g c campbell is manj friends will be pleased to know that rot r f cameron ho has been quite ill for some weeks ih reported to lie slowly re- cove ring mr j a trncj who was liken ill quite hiiddonlj while at ten tin division courtr friday lias since been confined to bis room but is reported some hotter mr j b mackenzie spent some days in toronto last week attend i or the lumbermen h convention he is chairman of ornngeville dia trict and a member of the ex eon tlvb miss rosamond archibald v a of wolfville n b who spoke at the national council of of women meetiu last week wns a guest at tbe home of luianti mrs h r mimmb during her staj in town r church news 8t aliian h at the annual meeting of tbe congregation of st albon s church tjtenwilhams a very successful year swork was reported mr a beaumont the people a warden itauofi ib extended to ftll ahoaed receipts of 1287 00 the last year bating been one of the best in the history of the church tbe young people a society repor ted reciepts of 71 5 tbe ladies aid of 28831 and the sunday school of tlotfll an increase was noted to tha rector a stipend ms ears simoo prout and arthur beaumont wore re elected as war denb and messrs w beaumont j bason and r bcroggs as sies the rector on behalf of the congregation warmlj thanked the lay reader wardens organ ist and otfaei ofnoialb for their partmeots of the auxiliary tbe oeipts totalling over 400 mrs xa sparling of hamilton record dg secretao of tbe niagara dio cesan board navo an interesting id inspiring address tbe belov ed president mrs 8 beaumont jgas reelected president for the otbywfffbuabbbbtod the oth er officers appointed were mrs j pries 1st vice president mrs d j matthew 2nd vice- president mrs roe secretary mrs elmer thompson treasurer mrs gjoat bopenntendntof tbe juniors mrs corke assistant mra f fisher babies branch mrs castell thank ottering fund mrs francis ttxtta cent- a day fund mrs f knight and mrs laws choir ma trans mrs elmer thompson a board of management tbe tea monday mormng to say twas job wm h prmcl8 st owp auul mmums tbe annual meetios of tbe con gregation was wot attended last night in spite of the stormy weather a large number sat down to supper provided b members of tbe w a with mrs byj matthew as convenor the wardens were able to report a socoeasfal year fl oanoiauy the receipts being 4681 47 tbe reports of tbe orgamaa tiona were very satisfactory the women s anxillarj receipts 410 the girl s guild 815 and tbe san day school 880 tbe rector re ported an increased number of communicant theya being 240 at easter and 205 on christmas day hi d u herbert was elected lay delegate to the synod mr ray ibomjman to tbe board of man agement and messrs j p cnch too and f fisher as additional sidesmen the restof the officers were re elected on behalf of the congregation mr h cojkepresen ted the cholrrnttnter with a choir cassock mra annandale tbe or ganist receiving a boqoet of flowers the st goorgos orchestra and mr j b wallace added vatlf to l bj awat taar eyw are your eyes 100 per cent usei ful find ont have them examin ed bj 0 t walker eyesight spec ialist who will be at w r wat sons drug store oecntetown on wednesday january wtb make an appomuoeat with mr watson the residence on tbe- hamilton highway at bronte occupied b mrs knight and her three cgil dreo was wnrplmpty destroyed bj flrw between eight and nine o clock this morning overheated stove pipes are believed to have been the cause tbe occupants escap ed obitaary mhh ckollgf dat the death occured nt mortal mondftj of mrs george dij one of the most hifiblj rcsptlcd rem den lb of the tillage and apromln ent worker in the anglican church there she had been ill tor a long id be amp bedfast on fri daj lost she was 70 yenibof age and uould hate joined with ber bunband wi o siirmea ber in rele- b rating her golden wedding opi teraar in may next befon toinr to nortot she was hreblflent dr bialflphia besides iter biiftbadd the aurtiting bers of lier family are four sons george and charles norval gor don and victor torodtoanj three daughters mrs george pntcbard toronto mrnl sidney mokeosie georgetown and misbfivaat home the fineral took place hin af ternoon lo nortel cemetery aftei a service in tu pauls church con ductal by bc dr kjle thtrarlington hotel at allan dale tias total i j destroyed h lire early mondi morning iplendtd work during the past year refreshments were served at tbe dose by the members of the lad job aid methodist chuhch a choral service will be held on sunday evening at which tbe fol lowing p ambers will bo rendered thenr0 tuartnwwlngb bmneetmgr- choir hymn love divino all love excelling solo gome unto me mra t rennie anthem a song m thenight choir hymn 01 day of rest and glad sb duet our bleat redeemer mrs a black and w b dilly anthem softly now the light or day choir hj ird the day thon gavopt biptiht wednesday pm prayer meeting thursday 880 nm cboir practice sunday unoal- at 11 am and 7pm sap bath school u 50 am btpu monday 8 pm l the annual meeting of tbe bap tut church was held oa friday ovening january lbtb with the pastor rev j h moore in the after partaking of a boon tiful bupper the members gathered to rooty ve the reports of the van one departmeotb and to elect the offleerrfarthe ensuing yi the reports from tbe different organiutiobb were very encourag ing eh owing the finances to be in a satisfactory condition and tbe membership increased during the year the sum of 8868 was raised of which amount 485 represented offerings to his stone and tbe floating debt was re dooed by cbe sum of 498 the church membership showed an increase of 18 whilo the sun day school membership ib the lar gest reported for many years tbe women s society took an active interest in the armenian uoroe supplying quilts and knitted sweaters while tbe sunday school gave largely of christmas gifts an ipplies for distribution by tho hockey 6tnwa ddeak feufe- vflkmiawtwtibtt usatudpa ono of tho bcit hockey games it wtnisscd in georgetown arcnn hh that between ornnge tile mi i tin lionir team but n i itul i lteu uk nntnilbstani mg tin fact that ueurtcto n lost bwoof then- iwut plajera during tbe jjanic douglas near tbe end of the lirot porxml and doucan iu tbi third tho score stood 0 0 at the end of the third two more per md of 10 minutes each followed th the some result both teams putting forth ettjry effort to break uio tie without success in the third extra period georgetown came back strong while the viai tors appeared to be weakening and nent piece of work by bush landed the puck at tbe oraugetime end of the ice amlpassod to small who scored during the next live another goal was added by a pretty combination play of blackburn and small leaving the result when time mi idaiij call ed georgetown orangctiho 0 about the end of the first por lod douglas received a nauty cut above the eyo and another on tbe lip when be fell on tbe ice and was btrurk by another plajera skate necessitating bio retirement from the game then in the third period v hen georgetown was get ting much the better of the play duncan the goal keeper received a severe cnt oo tbe face when the puck hit bini and his day s work wan done the two man were re placed by j bush and saunders bvery pfayer on tbe team pat a splendid game and honors are pretty etenly divided afier the first period georgetown had the better of the game and only the bplendfd work of orangeville il keeper previ m being larger bobby hewetaon was the referee and gave general satisfaction at gtiklph tbe league game at guelph oa monday evening resulted in a- de feat for georgetown by a score of 7 1 guelph has a good team but tbey hod no licunse to defeat our dots by the boo re indicated it is claimed that the kitchener referee added hit beat efforts to assist iph in making the soore what vas the team and their sup portera re to coed homt by special radial car abdol 1 80 h la s meeting odlcers decm hr iw4 fair the annual meeting of esattcb g agricultural society wasbeid tatlie ton hall on saturday last la the ahaenftn nf j a tfaja secretary through lllnee w a wilson was appointed secretary nf president ben fetch addressed e meeting reviewing the work of tbe past year and asked oo-op- eration of ttnr psember8 of the society to make 1u84 a banner year minutes of fast annual meetmg were read and adopted the treasoro s report vyaa icad by ptrci cleave tbe auditors icport wawrtad and approved tho names of tbe menibere of 1624 wore read by the secretary tho election of officers for 1924 resulted as fol town president ben petch 1st vice erfbr b foulis iod vice pron d l herbert directors john elliott r can ninghamn devecekux alex joe th cook w a wilson w h fiddler 0 moffat h j fox geo cleave w w mcmillan e mo whirter dr heath auditors j h ringhatn and k c mcgullough the directors met immediately after the annual meeting with preside fetch in tbe chair on mntion percj cleaae was ap pointed treasurer at a salary of 85 per j ear the dale for 124 fair was fixed for october brd and 4th tbe president and treasurei were appointed ffelcg lies to thi fair association meeting acting secretary w a wilson was instructed to write a letter or condolence to tbe family of the late wn cleave a 1 ant president of the society atsobpttvr to the secretary wishtntft itn recovery from his iltnesb meeting adjourned to meet the call of the president keep heat up- cost down thursday bargain day burn pacnlionbtii coal in fuinaooh and q inlxc hetur more i r ton th m liar 1 cowl no soot lessaah we offer b m site pocju per ton a mating or 1 0 this i oal 1 1 nics from mines 1 hate i sited and i know tl e tttlnn in the pant a lot of inferior uiuokeleih coal his sweaters ij direct from wfst u over btrd coal no clinkers ma for 1110 the poeahrnxas whenitt whs nqt the genuino article ask the people who are using it aim to give you satin facto rj heating fuel fur been laying in the post terms cash as coil morcu i less monej than joti j 9 mackenzie se016et0wn rknc jlw acton fiwh 48 renmles grocek y htpthhcmarbbmnll o g ibe rolled oats jelly powders 1 for toilet paper 6 rolls assorted bisomts price per lb pure lard fi ib pail 27c 25c 108 dr rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i 2s55k watch our windows 5sjgf january shoe bargains 45 prs women s shoes strap and oxford styles m patent kid or satin o 9fi oa sale 4 95 18 prs women b shoes in brown calf potent and kid leathers regular value up to 4 95 on sale 295 dont miss this one oopr 97 rs women n slippers in cosy juliett and leather boud ter atylen in several colors sizes in the if t h to 8 and regular value da j and saturday only up to 2 2fl on sale fri j t collier taijbr gibbon k block upstairs lover mr bean e 4 bnilist mcuionftuomitnle toron i store clpthcn repaired ejinned and pressed on shortest notice a grand carnival will be heu tn the georgetown arena oh- friday february 8th iwaleh for further- particulars next week 21 pairs boy s m occasion 8 builr ekir horaehide and oil tan shoe pack sires ii is half price 98c shoe polish 8 in 1 niir get lion brand mi color loo n womens spats high cut poi lar shades regular values ii to3l0 qpjale198 doj h wool iilill o h in jorsej ttu men h wool u 100 150 175 and 2 00 mens so iulich i ittoi ed lioots sites t 3 and i onlj im lie h nl ppei n rena hiand 4 onlj scribblers si ribblern large sire g for writinr mds 6 for h xaminntion pails h for aac 30c and b5o hoo 1ads fl pantol soap h or plmolive soai i for fairy soap 8 for cream olite boai tor soaps mcbean co g4- i money is of the most value when most needed mdispendnblo than after a disastrous fire a you may hate to face such a imafortui wxvans6go erotection agt8 saturday treat homemade candies butter scotch saturday teat junb liko mnther mnknh ragular 80o ib special 25o lb weekend chocolates try a pound of our week en 1 chocolates the are puroand regular 50c and 60c wo have oysters tea coffee soup sandwiches oranges tfrjcy biscuits for 32c ice cream in briok or batstaelivered sole agents for smiles and chuckles 60c per ib harold c black e 80 georgetown iflfr tnrip gran toilet soap specials velvo bath boap u for 2go plaotol soap 3 for 25 c infant s deliffht 8 for h6c fairy soar 8 jor 25 c lilac rose 8 for 25c old dutch band soap 5 for 25c ooblin soap 6 for 25o rosaroma soap 8 for 25o rosebath soap 8 for 25c s cream olive and 1 sonpiloll for 25c baby s own s lap 2 for 2se fairy soap h ior 25c palmolive 3 for 26c ptthna soap 3 foi 25c i ife buoys for 25o lorj soa rtiest s re 5 tor 26c a m grandy thone v5 ffl stust y t w r i not a gj nil j jtoxp i jbsb3j3 georgetown shkszassjjs ghl of tnrrmhtini the bent pastry flo ir if yon hkvent triad exoeliior brnnd yon are do ing yonr paatryi an injustice excelsior pastry flour can be secured at j your dealer in georgetown glenwilliams stewarttown tauvaf ad acton flour mills d h uhdsat prp

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