Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald i iftyskvlnin yfar or 1 uh1 l ation georgetown wednesday evening january 30th 1824 1 co jwr annum in adanco 200 to u 6 the georgetown herald j m moobe pnkllahar aad prayrutor mnhr oaudlu waakly nan papr aausuun ot r tlatbu joinu kaht i niisengor i ishonger paasonger t mail r isaseuger mall passenger paaaenger bumlnj 9 u am 10 lhani 11 l6aji 3 4 p m 0 32 p rfi tt 26 mii 7 21 p m uoino wktit passenger 7 07 am mm tf 10 18 a hi passengoi 2 12 pm passenger 4 co p in passenger 6 02 p m passenger 7 09 p m mail 8 26 p m passenger hundav 10 os am going notttu hail 8 00 atn mail 4 6b p m uoihq 80tto mail 11 s3 am mail 7 47 pm tnhu babarau rauwav kabtlloltnll wfhthoiim f by special appointment continaodblt fresh supplies of the famous j j smiles w chucklesl i candies i t will be received at lack loe creain parlor dir ji eot from their atfn lit home 60c per lb t h black j f main st georgetown f daily 6o2am 8 02m 11 02 ftni 202 pm fi02pm a09ppi 1102 pm sunday onfjy bastboond westbound daily b 20 iu 11 30 am s20pm 7 41 pm llopm 802a n02am 802 pro 602pm 9 08pm 11 20 am 020pm 120 p ii directory l rot dakx in oban of oaoraa h o heir bairutcr sol cito etc office mid st georgetown hour 9am to 5 p m opaa weipeaoay bud saturday even ngi btxmoxuus offl and ftaatamoa luln dr o f w boh phyaiciao and surgtoo u ii street georgetown pboue m je houh surgeon race hotp 11 toronto pr c v wuubma physician and surgeon office and reaidence comer il m si south and factory st office houra9 10 a and by appointment 13 and 68 pm r r watum b sm d b iu exeapt tntriuriu r l heath lo do oon id um block on door north f onauta carta factory haura a m to p i 2 1 2 lb boxes try a pound and be convinced erwingoldhams meat market fish specials red salmon finnan hadalej ciscoes fillets quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no- 1 hydro electric system electric appliances of all kinds the hydro lamp guaranteed per 1500 hours irons from 473 up prices on all makes of vacuum cleaners heaters ranges office town hall l c chiropractic oittofi mdxray iwrtait falaaaroiwlmu 10framta office la bailer bjodc j n o neota cooaattatkn turf spina anatrata free at office orrtcihouu- wedneadaya and sal ttdaya 11 to 12 am 2 to 5 p m and 7 to 25 benj fetch i a obit for halton and past aianwuuam poat offloa salar eonduoud tlafaotorily att at m aoaa rtf oram latt al tb j a tract cleric townah p of eaquca n curk3rd div mon court the lead og ftre and l fe limn c repreaented n marriage l ceoies stewart lon ont in the pnbhe eye art t wumt hogs wanted we are paying cash for ejm maple basswood pine hemlock and oak logs highest prices paid for good logs we also do custom sawing and will be cutting this week bring your logs and get your lumber home with you aunshinb and roses if ilk verc all h mull ne an 1 rotttt wed woar i think or tlin glare tlio petals tonlil oumbor mr pntli the iwrfump wnild h inlon the do give d8 tht htornl and the trouble rain with our ptaitn interfere that ne may rrjoiae ii the scasoii wticn rosea and eunshine are berc for none or uh care for tlie deadly monotonih btuiiencbfi of tbinga to rob nt of anticipation the hope that eternally springs add no while we noirj throurh ttioly we know thore is com inn a doj whop blossoms and binfh will be vlmtmg j to t hoc us aram on our way to the place or the tlnnk e nrr secliidff tbourb obatarlnk fancied or real are plarrd thr our hindu or our riiubcloh to ronnuer lurino mt or coupon by bluff or deter minatipn and bo keep uu forging abend in hcamh of the uunflbmn and roses to brighten tl e tnurll at i trend hows business advertising backed up b the right spirit the right goods and the right sen ice can rescue a sink ng business and will make a prospero is bisineos iioro masterful in its own community when john wan r maker the prince of merchants began business he resolved to force matters he was not content to wait to be found outbe df tfemincdto be found out in short he ad sertised he thrsn on his bosiness atrial 1 as it was the light of publicity and the public of philadelphia entered tbe shop on which the light shone in tbju community tbe public is entering those ill ops on which tbe light of advertising is falling a word to the public ba nn of taia tkaaa who an vaalr aftarwaaaro avtgtra j u ht adghar yiicaa shop where you are invited to shop the georgetown herald east end meat market choice fresh and cured meats always on hand try our pork sausage roto brand lard so lb paila net s400 ctracr ndk ui wala- sis georgetown lumber co phone 250 stlttiwwl setkmyfor k lattrn career ij altai euiott oar tonaet qnddtos hiwo wc onod voa no to we lulfail sladmteaay tims wnte tor jwitictilkn w i nilll r wwroir insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 85 georgetown dreco t w smith geergtkm enter guelph by cnr unes tbe ouelph mercury of afonday bad the following interesting m foimation respecting a new route r tbe electric railway into ielpb at present the cars of the tor to suburban connect on dud das road with theguolpb eadial rail way whose tracks they run over until tbey reach a point opposite the cnr depot in this city under tbe proposed new scheme the tracks of tbe toronto subur ban instead of crossing tbe cpu line near the ontario reformatory will be continued straight across the mer until they reach tbe main tine of the c nbtand the cars will run on tbe tatters right of way directly into tbe main depot it is understood tbat work ban already been started in pre para tion for this change and it is ex pooled that by spring the change will be made this will neoessi tate tbe construction of an extra track alongside the main line and tbb doable tracking of tho bridge over the speed river but there ib plenty of room for this this line will have to be electn fled it is also understood tbat the cnr art preparing to electrify their line between qnelph and gait and tbat they- mtond to rnn toronto suburban cars over this line giving a mora frequent bervioe than at present without interfering with the regular steam service it was learned a day or two ago that the work of olectnd- cation will be proceeded with very short time highways reorganization r organisation of the ttyetem kiwh a iministratioii where by twr nelmiror tl 226 000 which this hcruce annually costs the province dill bo wved is b- mg effcele by hon george s honrj laimstcr of pubhf works thb ferguson government tbe initial slc in hpn mr ben r s program whs taken i tst woek and constated in asking cj or tho engineers in tbe government em ploj for teoir resignations tbe jijan lyhieh hon mr fiodrj putting into effect conuists fundamental j id reducing the mber of units into nhict the province is divided for purposes of road administration at rea ent there ib a chief engineer an assistant to him and three dims mnnl engineers ror charge of the hole of ontario s highways each divisional engineer holvever has the district under his ju nadir lion subdivided into subordinate distnrts known as residencies finch residency baa its own loal oftlce an engineer in churgt a two or tbree joniors who are also qualified engineers and w reive remuneration as sneb this tjpe or organisation ha been regarded by bon mr henry uodnly extravagant in view o 3 number of residencies which are being maintained at present tbey are 25 in number and a care ful survey has shown to him that under an efficient staff the- mce caabe adequately covered by dl has aco regueatd the resignation oi the engineera in the nerice in order that amalga- mationa and a general re- organisa tion can be madewth a view to most important economy tbe minister states tbat well over half j or the 225 000 whirb has been spent annually under the old sys tern can be cod6ered tbe division at engineers at present have tbei- headquarters in toronto hon mr henry pro poses however that they should emoted to some place tbat is central to their whole district- in order that thej may keep the province s road system under proper inspection thus the eastern divisional head will be placed in either smiths palls kingston or belleville and tbe wesurn engineer will be planed probably in the london district mail and empire ashgrove the members of ashgrove u p and up wo clnbe with tbeir families to the number of over bixty gathered at tbe spacious borne of mr jae barnes on tbnra day evening january 17th to eiv joy tbeir annual banquet about nine o clock all were invited to the dining room and seated at tbe prettil decorated tables hot fowl jellies salads and pie were served and much enjoyed by all tbe remainder of the evening was spent in social intercourse games music etc tbe president mr wm hardie caed the meeting to order to dispose of a fewbusiness matters and to extend to mr and mrs barnes a hearty vote or thanks for the generous hospitahtj extended to all mr barnes re plied expressing biff pleasure that so many were present to make tbe banquet a success the singibg of god save our king brought a enjoyable evening to a close the next n eeting will be i eld at the homo of mr jas bird on thurnday evening february a rer will be given on the nunnl of agriculture and hood attendance is reqitrnted u mrangf for a sparrow b int a radio set brings pleasure to your business and business to your pleasure each day it tells or sings or playt its story to you acton notes and comments wk iiiari a man remark a short time ago that bo never bothrn d reading newspapers but just stood round and kej t bis ears open well that is one way to get the news but in tbe playing of tbe game of life tbora ahbuld be honest attempt to give as well as got there ih aonie comfort drawn from tbat fact that we all may bo engaged in making diqcov eries and if successful imparting the result to othor inernbers of he human family btunding dund orgamlationajire too large already and are a brtkc on the heejb of progress connly council at tuesdays meeting of tbe county council george barber reeve of acton was unanimously felected as warden for 1924 he was nominated by geo hill met m p p who was noli candidate foiecastb to tho contrary not with standing in conversation beore the meeting opened mr hilli said that ho felt tbat should be be elected to the position and accept it he could pot spare the time needed for the proper performance of its important dotles those ac halton a representative in tbe on tano legislature wonld reqoire all his attention reeve hampshire seconded tbe nomination standing committees were np pointed as follows finance hillmer irving mc in tyre harden roads and bridges morden ag new johnston hillmer iring hampshire county buildings blain hamp shire nicholson appolbe printing ghent b reckon ag new mclntyre f ducat ion imng molntyre ghambres nicholson special communications mcln tjre appelbe johnston blain railways and legislation ag iw cbambres ghent b reckon good roads hampshire appel be mclntyre agnew irving brec kon ghent nicholson hillmer ghambres morden johns ton blain the warden is an ex officio member of all committeeh the council adjourned to meet next tueaday at 10 80 a m when a by law for the inane of deben tures for 1h00i f6r tho oalmlle bridge will be introduced tiip jjew aot to regulate trim 1 i tbe highways passed at last session of tbe legislature and which cams into effect op the tlrst of jaxiuar penalizes tbe man who vehicle other than i motor vehicle on a highway while intoxicated for first offence tbe penuty ih up to 60 for a second feme ip to 100 and for a third offence uj to 200 and imprison ip to 80 days at the disore hon of tbe magistrate neanng tbe case in addition to this the on tano temperance act may also step in and secure a conviction again bt such offender for being in toxicatod in a public place millions ot hahii pabni- d dollars have been forever tost by persons going into baeardous or difficult or exacting business for hvemrtrbeenspectsl ly trained wehearvery little in thiaageiabout serving apprentice ships boys are in loo much baste to become bosses to learn a trade or a business from tbe ele mentary stage and yet there isno better way known to us than after deciding what trade calling or bttbfrlbsb a young mauesires to follow serving a sufficient long apprenticeship with a man or arm that knows how to conduct his or their business properly and will in atrqot an employee in the first principles of successful business dont let youh pa8t spoil your future don t let your paat spoil the new no matter how many mistakes or failures you have made or what misfortunes have overtaken yon even t bough you have lost everything you had world family money friends property make a new start success does not depend upon tbe distances you have trav elled bnt tbe way you are headed raattertnjw outlook keep headed towards your goal a stout hert an inuomnll able will andtinwavenng faith in the power that sustains you will win out in spite of the most no fortunate and dibcourag ng con ditions erin crosley radio products exceptional performance that gives unusual sat isfaction has made thousands happy custoniers who tell their friends about results that their crosley has brought ask us to install it will ad viae you com petently speights music electric radio shoppe phone 47 brooke block mrs leslie k atkins and mnsl er alex or oeortotown it ted fnendit n town on mondn mr t f mchugb returned i tit week after upending holiday n tl e old home m horn j mrs margaret stewnrt sttendrd he funeral nf the 1st fieri thompson it suwsrttom on o da mr roj mrintoiili or oshai a made his parents mr and m james mclntoxh abrmfvikt this week at the oranichtlnn mreling of the board of school twt t week mr n f moore wan elected i ntrmnn for tbe jear walker bodge a p ft a m no hal remembered the venerable jfoandnr of the lodge r w bro hogh rafter o guelph the other day with nherntifn1 floral oitoringtomuiemorftllnr the wtlb anniversary of tbe establishing of the lodge ttbich bears his name free press clothes make tbe man o mr will clean and press them for an g ve btm a trial and br mi meed chsrgti moderate mr and mrs leigh ton con boy iho have been melting with tbeir i aunt miss conbo left on satar dnj evening tor london where 11 viil with friends before leaing for their home at htrrd nan lodge ask on fndaj evening of last week lie te cbers and children of the anj1 can sunday school aoatheir mothers njoyettrnrnnnual sleigh le after which all nire received at the hospiuble home of mm t jtlmodi where the camny enjoy social hour an i did ample 1 ifllice to dl inlrn table of joodje mfs aaron teeter 9th line fnn announces ihe engagement of ber youngest daaghter helen mane to malcolm k binclaty eecond joungest snn vtmr and mrs d p smclwr lotl line finn the n arriage to take place phe lost of jan larj mihh teetar is a daughter of thf late anroq tc ler advocate darothj xaid the ta it tress of the establishment ihtppemng m just an the gardener wont out who is that mail onlj a hoe beau ma an replied the vitchcu maid blushing roail surkiy what 18 bequibed above all things is that genuine ympatby of thought and action should be shown bj al denomina tions of christians to one another it is quite impossible to get even our best friends to think alike on matters regarding every day life far more impossible will it be ever found to obtain unison of spiritual matters even if it were possible to obtainaoob unison who on this earth would be founrlcnablo of deciding whether tho matters agreed upon were ooriect if wo once truly realise that alt chris tian chrjrohe are carrying out tho dictates of their master to tin best ot their ability then shall wo all become motnbora of tho real church of christ and what church members could be more desired the buperioh quality of gan adian hard spring wheat is rooog mred by the united btateajmller especially bj nperators in the northwestern states even at the high rate of dnty imposed by tbe fordoey tariff large quanti ties or canadian wheat continue to pass oer the border at dulutb to be used in improving the qual lty of american flour accord ng to united states customs service reports tbe importations of wheat at duluth amounted to11 602 bai bubhels in 1920 fr 788 687 bushels in 1921 848 isfi bosbels in 1922 and i010128rtrthe first eleven months of 1928 even with u amount of canadian wheat going the north western hijicph flour milling is not flour shing iaocordiob to tbe northwestern national bank review publistel intleapolib flour djiiih in that state were in december runn ng at one half capacity nr less nn i the output was hooka t nln ont ei ttrely for domestc trade in coi trast with th s the ren 1 in of thin review are lold i a i in m iu n ng hi full cm irilj on ex port dei inn 1 hot ta kaap oa one step won t take jn er tsr got to kr j oh valk ig one orl nnn t tell folu wh y u are u kot to kcej on talking one rich u nl make voi ver tall o i ip got to keep on mwiok one little til wod t do it all o i vc got to keep them it ing hal tarn aptomltarai seolatjr al the annual meeting of hal ton agnriltural society held n milton on fr day afternoon tl n following officers wore elected for 1924 ron pros vr- j campbell pres j h rlaoklock int vice- pnrs w f mccreadj 2nd i e proa a mcgibbop sepretary a l macnabb it was decided to bold th s year h fair on fnday and saturday september 26 and 27

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