Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 30, 1924, p. 4

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t r tjrniinktown hi paradise lor i link 11 t 1 iu it i yu but ncn ml h i mil no t intl r in i uuh noehsth nio1 hh tl 11 tcorlrtibi ra ll ni b i 11 i ll otthiinli pi mi v in ii with pnifiil ir ami nril i wind hwcii in n li i with in iwn in milton i ll llgan gf toronto hiwnt tin wk end with rev ii w wiiixh uornby mr and mn h w piohlou or carlisle j nq lire vimtink friends in milton and hornbj g w sfokediiu linn bought 4 belgian police doff the first to come to town lio in n big el low black an j tan rd1 looks ood d attired bill capable he tjab a long pedigree dr j a johnstone deput reeve of trafalgar had a alight stroke lately and was unable to at- toad tuesday a tnoeting of the county council but his many friends will be glad to hear that he is making a good recovery the oakville star saja bonng for water for the trafalgar well on the pdge ia being resumed that a defih of 280 foet has been reached and experts aay flowing water shonld bereached at 260 feet champion of c 1k 11 1 time unihki 1t liiie hh iv oiungp l kin 1 ii r k lorn htiktmi i ka bran plakrh 2 iik post- uinn a kh t ijfiiair unit bi il h itlnm maiikc untuul go a or rohon ekh hiibttliliiu ir 2ft 11 fw t j maplo butter res jot 2 ft i so peauut butter ir lb hoc finest radp 8oop chips lb lgo beabty completion soap 4 for 2fic castell soap q for mr fajry soap for suk jelly powdom i for 25c figfi dates 1runen peacbea apricots raisins etc at prioeu reasonable clarks bread is the best flavor ed bread on the market it is made with the best flour pore shorten inn and plenty of good milk it in as sweet as a nut and as pure aa spring water our bakery is light well ventilated anscrupaloublj clean and is open for onr in e pec t ion at any tune markoahk bakery and groceries phone e net events al cauoaa lla- dmal idwvs tweatj mums in an official statement issued the other day by sir henry w thornton chairman and preai dent the net revenues of the can adian national bail way a for the year 1988 are placed at 20197 447 being an increase of 17046 885 in netreveoaob over 1922 the figures for 1928 are subject to alight alterations as some of the items entering into botb rev- e au arefievitnated but the adjustment will only slightly affect the above statement the statement speaks for itself and complete detailed inprtnti on with respect to all matters of in teres relating to the national railway eybtorn will be published itnthe annual report whioh is now m preparation bnt the admini atration depired promptly to ae quaint the people of canada with the general result it unot pos sible to enter upon a detailed die ooasiod of the company e affairs atrthta time but thedirectors and airman feel justified irrtak ing advantage of this opportunity to ezpresa the hope that the sor- vioo rendered in 1924 will merit tbeeame generous support as baa been received from the public dnr ing the past year the board ea pecially deaf res to acknowledge the floe and alert service rendered by c era and employees alike wbiob greatly contributed to the far orable resalee for the year stoves the quebec heater and cook stove combined is the beat on the market see them cream separators harness horse blankets quekc am veutt plows s 6 groat georoetown wttafcy ttajwr hestt james a luvlngaton eleotefl mayor of gnmaby fay acclamation has handed his resignation to r- c calder solicitor for ex beeve james i theal who had protested the mayor a election on the ground that mr ijivfagrtoa o the 3 oorporatton nearlylom iveaies when he took office aa mayor this will mean that another elec tion will be held and it is stated mr livingston will ran again action to unseat the mayor was to have been started before coon ty judge campbell in st catbir- mee on wednesday this is the second vacancy to occur since the new council was elected at the flrnt or tbe jear aid bonald bidd was diftqnalifled after be had accepted office owing tofais holding the position division coprt clerk totonto globe hiab itiheol t rut me ob tuesda the county council appointed hih siliool tuintces 1924 1925 and 1926 as folio milton c w martin burlington h j pollard ookville wm ruk- by geotgetowd ret r p cam eron flmkbrtriruu bepreeentativesof the urbao school t mi tees anhtcifttiod wnit ed opon premier ferktihon li wednesday and strongly nrprd a ilispaiity m the government ranti given to rural and urban schools tte urban seliools fiey awed advancink finiirea in sup port of their cooeention were en titled to more gpnerous treatment than they at present received the mailer wiprirotniaed conmd erntion hy the prime minister wahleulftltl the ftntiom meeting of tbe wei son and moiiington agnroltural society waa held lant week tt meeting derided to enter che com bioed ntnodina field fwn rompeti tion being held this year under the aosptoea of tlie department of ag rieoltnrp ann thbsociety will alao bold a field crop ochipetition of their own during tbe season offloera elected yesterday were w l smith president w b c roe 1st vice pre b m pettit 2nd tiee pref stanley dyne nf- o treaa a dig down nd imnrrjct tbsi olil norit and have tbrm mnrte lo4k ood a new ty collier tbcleitn- presr wepmrtr free ihome riini t mil iui1m chaleau firontenac team leaderslong journey bramplon business institpte ajlsaml mght scbm laaac pitman shorthand toncii typewntipg bnbinesb english office systems filin spelling bookkeeping a nth me tic penmanship commercial law rapid calculation ladiruaal iiatrafauo eater aay tl h at rahkiavz rim phone 661 anderaonblook qaeen st e bo692 h aaovuiaa- iu lr4 standard anthracite scranton coax 4n all siztsa automatically screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domestic and threshing pnrpones smithing and csnnel co a i lu fact iciirrj everjthing to be tound in any u to date coal and wood yard john mcdonald pbomb 12 georgetown coal best d l w b coat in all size also smithing and steam 1ool mrs j walking norral station- pi o 8i h tellers wtite tnldcni wlnlrf i r utyd ni s rqumhf- hardwood 12 imloton 4 cordi of pine o nlm 12 n s i wood io s tbe xxlhrd lor tet dec for on fch 1 ii m linn rmwt id 9x br grorgcluwj hndlnc wooiusj alinath from tin freeting wind- the cunjliin arm v th i thing of flu lu ui i 4l r i m its call upon tbi ilnrn u iuu il n nl of courage and vi juraiu u 1 u duth putrol loi it irulk on of the emt vdied u m of the wil lerni i m i nw i ji r i the chutuu rroiwiai d tt hum at mounfipmuhuaky inrithcru rds part wolf and hi wolf sirmn i luelf in his hnndme hcjd th i harp er and noc iih lpt hard ita greet ruff of fur he t a lurk gnv gisnt almost out hundn f w ighj til musde bone an i a new ferocity grim determination and unwavfririjt fidelity he waa bom twuy up within the arrtjc clr le a i ir dy limrhet bought in 1919 when rry ui li rly five yvjrt aj hut famous eorrt r i m majmty s ill the rtuuattd h rm of tbt li i uruey from 1 rin in rtlum m nnil ba whirr it wut ijfj to1juelir uditain ul i i r in il i u and mil nm ar hiik id ixiriurdi ut fnptrien i m unti 9k vhirb ne d d i ri rt fc hi k hir th kind lids with the batfju n n l il e more thjn sorry to part nitji i at montreal he hnd a day and urtro adjusted hittnelf rom i paratlvely uatily to the strangr tur moil of the itnat nty llis dnvtf arthur beiualh an ttidum from cauvhnawttga took hinrfor a short stroll through the strteli where hi creath a trvmtndoui wnsatior and no wonder for benuvnfif uiys he ji without exception thi finest huiky he has ever seen while the mounted police report that he baa always boen lreatly admired wherever lie hiui 1 been both for his appruranrc and i iih fupncuim ni w he ii nt tbe chateau fron tenac working comparatively easily i al riving visitors a nde nd in one of eltbi big attract ons of winter limn lqup1hc and will no douht shine bnlhantly the artheomias carnival why fold t low first cost the low pnee of ford cars and trucks has been one ol the great dynamic forces in the develop ment ol motor transportation automobile the merchant and manufacturer extend their business into new and profitable fields by means of motor delivery sine january 1920 the average price of ford products has dropped 38 and ford prices are now the lowest in the history oithe industry and because ford prices are so low the worker and his family enjoy the innumerable benefits and delights of owning an the fanner carries his fresh produceto the best markets with none of the old time hardship and delay and all for a very small initial investtnenl fifty out of every hundred cars and trucks in canada are fords due to the public appreciation otrord value seeany authorized ford dealer cars trucks tractors building up canadas export trade i n canadai gradual mum to mdwtral acttviiy and rul tanl prthpentr ihe automobile factone of the country art taking a by no mram unimportant pan their ship ment io foreign cauntrx and particularly to other parti of the bnhih empire are an fncrtaitng factor tn trade de velopment tbe above photograph show a tram of 25 can of stuckoaker amomobilcj which recenuy left the stud- baler r factory at walkcrvfllr onu where the amoroobuea were built on a long tourney over the c p r to london englinithit ku 00i7 part of the shi ft f teen other carloads havmggonc forward vtryihortly afterwardi cart ihrpped overjeai require far dlgerent treattneiit thxn ihok shipped by rail it the ftrst pbwe in export tst at hirloed m a hutc wooden caw aurduy bound tad bolted ejtrfhej 10 that k bu ample nrafnl ia wiannd e brdwns garage keep heat up n cost pown nobvai it i 1 1 if general repair i shop autonfnbile accessories agent pmlo light aud elide balteries i i cars and baltfri i r dlfi lor ih rlf hvrrrd i wrnly years xpr nrnr r on all of auto work charles brown coal best antjiraeile coal always on hand nut stove egg pea at the yards or deliv ered to any part of the town ml gt her- 1 t u 1 vote h a i l 11 11 11 1 1 l 1 no soot leas ash no clinkers u it t i i 1 1 i i f 11 w hi ii 11 i fir 11 110 i on 1 i ii ll ii f in ii i ill i 11 i ill u 1 ask the people who are using it line vc if 1 an i i knik ii11 pieinr 1 s nokf iphs 1 rjnj jhhjmj it tnlii 11s 1 11 rtt firlrrli iu s itihfhi lorj hen i til tu i for t ll st terms cash phone 180 f rogers co georgetown wabailey uptodate harness maker we have a full supply of blankets ruga mittir bells etc only first class goods sold here order your set of new hand made harness for your spring work now satisfac tion guaranteed w a bailey w dp to date harness shoj mali sired 6e0bcetmf n mortgage sale farm property ta tbe sflsreik uul ol oilarit the judgment and f iui order for sale mltlc m i hit cauae and bearing date respectively the third day of may i9i3 and the twenty seventh day of december 19j3 there will be sold with the approbfttioa of b f justin taquire ukbi mailer of ihli court at brampton of imlurday the second day of february 1924 1 b following land and premise one pfcel lhal to aay the nortn wetl half of late clergy fteierve lot number suieen m the fleventb concession in the tow itbip of fvqueait n the county of halt em continin by admeaaureinenl one hundred acres more or leu thn properly a luate about one balf m io from norval stat 01 about two miles from the village of norval and about ireem lea from the town of georgelown thereja mud to be upon the premiiea med umtkiied bnek houne together wilb f lirdend suble tty ii be olternl for wle lubjeci to a renerve bid termt the purrhuer all atlhelme f sale pny down a depoi 1 nf i per inned 1 ufll ft or 10 i aol ihalpaylh rrn al idir ol iho purr haw belnsnwgtto into perharja tlnppcd overland if iti deilwition bbpoera to be he hold of a ib p then rebooted jonl upon tbe wharf aod n mland own t in order to cratt- the car the wherh afe rerncrred top bdj wddshkld taken off and every ul employrd towaisa toakmi the padntig ai mmpactai pouble compattncst ta- tfcnrtd or two reatooa fint to prcvertf pliyktthe case and second w mnhntte the ocean freigrrt chart wifor tteasuhrp jompaiues differ from tbe railroadx m that they fit tbejr rattt on m ham of cubic feet instead of so mod per pound of weight many precaotknj m export boxirar art exercaed m order tpircgplate tbe contact of ultmt wjft qtrrfnaetbr the oar the nrfaeta of all metal part ire huhrt by a ceelatoal reae the unnf of tie- at av tpja laad furtbat mw 1 norman h speight pianos phonographs electric washers electric cleaners sm n snail bmbthly ixyaebls norman h speight ho ho and electric store brmtabldak geerum fire insurance j- w kennfav figetm reyou protertad j b mackenzie actum fhoae s gewgetownniraenw buy the best uvingstones quauh bread fullbad by everybody 1 oitr pmtrj of ciprj i1111 1 watt li nnrwindow for d livingstone phone 55 car and battery storage in steam heated garage we hive stwije space lor 1 unllri gneber l cars let ns lake care al yaar storage aaltery lar fte wlater maiths aa keep ii cfcarfh j noneill fe son georgetown f fire tprnado auto accident f insurance elmer c thompson pfcoaaxslw evvalajx i ib co blwik m1u it georgetown flour feed mills having leased stewarttown elevator i am qow prepared to buy all kinds of grain at beat rnarket prices any time you have gram to deliver call me at phone 195 phone 195 w c bessey georgetown sy baiteyfrstuarts garage now w the lime to iave your car thoroughly over hauled and put in shape lor the good weather dont wait until it gets here skates sharpened concave tubes andpmeblades fintshed by special machine

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