Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1924, p. 2

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tlmi ukoiioktown hk pfhiuu fltii an town council with bjftba marriagci and dealbi arc now i hhtued for at the lolluw rig ralei b rthi 30c marriages wc dealha soci memo u card 50c 10c pur 1 ne entra for poem mahrtalohlfwacu iic orijai 1v24 jen a roberlsoi daughter of the late jamea roberliw of haq nine beloved w fe olo t man- mia t64t ii ihbun on ued jan tlh jfthn m cauley h year father of urn j mull ouatnd ceorgrj council met mayor dale reeve molotjre councillors near auhunhnrnt horrmgton present j minutes of the three previonb meetings were read and confirmed co mm a mentions were read fruib doherty mfg co jacnos miller provincial secretary dorriinion rubber co departmonl of public highways uoldie mccnhoogb co fire chief tost addressed coun cil re fire conditions asking for 00 ft of fire boee and suggesting 2iiiifibat the coudci and firemen get together and take means to raibe money lo got a fire alarm system forleorgetojrn t f clerk was ribtru ted to liavt telephone installed in new mum ipaj oftioe moved by harrington kwouded by near that cbarli donaldsoii be appointed arelaker of the fire ball and engine for year 1ds4 at ilarj of 1h oo per year arried baptist anniversary larjc ottcriist tlsiei to n spdiifl scrams by rev dr hccriadm canada a ideal citizen to day is tile man who enrjoqrages par tioularl in the mm da at the grow ing generation that broader spiritl 7 vti j- i ullm pbrermd mooed by m ii near seconded of oo operation no mo times referred to as the community spirit audi who brings intelligodce tolerance and a qenso of duty to bear id bis relations with bis fellow men and in his deliberations on the prob leme of the day this in effect was the definition furnished by the hon howard ferguson prem lerof ontario in an able address the ideal canadian delivered atj a meeting of the notre dame do grace women t club t montreal last week appreciated we appreciate the promptness with whiob many subscribers re sponded to our request lail week and thank alhorlheir remittance there are still a large number id arrears and we would ask tbem to kindly forward the amount one and greatly oblige tours very truly j m moore by d mclotyre that tho following acconntb be passed mr oilman milk charity g 00 m clarkaon charity 2 66 m clarkaon chanty 5 w john mcdonald charity 11 w wbitmee charity 8 41 i r loud chanty 18 14 john murray chanty 6 00 john mcqill sts eddie varoy w w 1 20 henry march me nt w w 12 00 bert sorrel w w b 00 henry march meat ww 18 00 fred campbell w w ats i fio henry macbment w w 18 00 j p benson w w 11 10 jasa cook filing cabinet 81 15 municipal world 11 sobs 11 00 l y beid ww eta 87 68 dom bobbe co egnip- mentltnnprotebtion stfff hydio eleotpc power eta 48 60 light 1 48 tb 8 75 fh j miller care of reservoir 40 00 r h thompson w w ste 100 81 carried norval preparatory service was bald in the mount pleasant presbyterian efanrchonfrid4y afternoon hoy idutjoong peopte was a decided mr dodds oondooted the service i tm bev mr douglas of norval giving glenwullams the play pot oo by the hethoi the message com m onion services were beldj in al ohnrohea in norval on san day mom leg mr evans who last week suffer ed a severe accident is reported outof danger mrs clifford cantelnn who was operated on for appendicitis in wellesieyhospital a week ago ib slowly regasping strength mr norman laidlaw has been confined to hia home for over a week through a severe attack of influenza the planking qftbe norval bridge ib almost completed rbe ladies aid are putting on an oyster supper and entertainment in the church on thursday evening february 1 4th mr douglas announced last sunday that he will apeak on canada and japan fifty years ago tbe canvas for hydro is about complete with every prospect of boocess a masb meeting will be held shortly whena representative from the hydro department will deliver an informing address on contracts rates etc miss malcolm of gait has re turned to her old position as stenographer at the mill all roads leadtonorval now all obstrnctions and detours hav ing ended 1 norval methodist anniversary sarvioes held on sunday january 27th proved very successful dej spite the zero weather large congregations listened to two in i stilting sermons by rev gray ofj st pan a church brampton special music waa rendered by the oholr mr james laid law sang face to face very acceptably at tbe evening service lant bkhbalti marke 1 an tin anniversary in the history georgetown bap lint churd win large gatherings both morn n and tvomrtf enjoyc i l lie libit hi innpi ing sermons ilelmrud b rov dr mrcnuimoii tx ham lor or mmaster univeiriity in the etcding the pnatoi to tl moore read as tbe srri tin lesson the loth rliaptor of li conothiatis from the h5tb ui tbo 40th verges after whu li hip hpoak et chntw as his text ii n nun die shall lie live again tiil sptakor refened tq tl e ion tentmns of men fir the past mid prpw ut vegardmg the nan emt coco of an after life and vrj iviill ioink tbe weoknuss of tin vanoiis aigumeou qscd by hi in to belitte tho teaoljings of jeaut christ without immortal it life would be a serious matter and while men aty women may resist god a overtures they mustrji put ip with the oonseauenras the nniterisbht and tho agnostic cannot prove anything that should alter oar belief in immortality and common seose bids us make preparation for tbe future life god doesn t leave his work half done and the longing or the soul laraet by bod s love tbe person ality of man is a great things and his work and life go on after be has departed many a mn would be worse than he now is if be did not believe in a future while others bear heavy bnrdeni sake of the future tbe belief or an hereafter has been embedded in man since the beginning of thfldjn world chnst says i am tbe res direction and tbe light and the man or woman who would be 8ur of a glorious immortality muhtl abide in chnst take immortality lnl ont of life- and thereifi nothing- left our first interest is life and the most important thing in preparation foi life now and life to come make preparation for it i tbe selections by tbe choir were well rendered and much apprectat edby the targe gatherings as were also the vol no tan e a by tbe organ 1st mies mcmaater a duette by why not an exchange ii llhs injuwliiii iiiouuai tritnxa ti in ik tn r bners will const u exchange we linu a mn al icij i nleii if jo i ft i cnnti ni latum a n ow tigau ur rollertion wi ran offtr in luknnl tf i in in ut e luinge wjevahgo geurnpont the league game between the borne team and ouelph last tburs i day mgbc at the arena here re suited in a score of 4 1 after a bard fought game on soft ice jnkethe beat of it on the dams georgetown bad joat aa much ofj service protection 1 popsters i millar co lining u fe and i n qltlb d the ration i cash and carry store a plll linf op choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in beasok mum bros uthaknl cktetlma rnmicti at test b ill wk live wh uen swills cmkct han u cmti heata al rlffcl arias forsters ctraer join i victoria sit ficarfdawn special clearing sale at the mens sfore special on ready- to- wear overcoats il irtich ut ti two toil ii todum tor jh m 1st he cleniw ordered clothing su it n ile to ordor during lfilij hale oil mo imehl iii it scrkih rettularnr em v toll fpr tin to jir hand 1 1 lor il u odi pun noik hi kuiraiitrid hatiifiu tm in tvei n siiect f if you net d i n t now ik tho turn to plate om ordt r don t imsh th ib special sain in an wo ohilivel li nf to umbn n ridui tion in our stock ft will iwy ou to look into the of forint w are nutking nt tl n er hpriiai salt new adverlisemenls ti far ll i ti y i ntimnwtred aid iwer htl appln for d lugged up apples wr a larae i f lj ihe t anh apply tolor- uie m l ufl ma street onrlh all7e w solicit share of your ptrodaia jagksgns buonesa in every way the hall be ing fall to tbe doom whicn goes to show hovttb people or th and a ulent ana vicinity appreciate these plays everyone of tbe different characters did their part remark ably well they have already been invited to different towns and villages which goes to ahnw how much their efforts were appreoi ated onr midget hockey team were defeated at georgetown by that team on jan s6tb by 8 to 1 they drove over again to town again but saturday jfab 2nd and won the gams s to 1 there being no rink now in the ohm they have to solo by mrs rev moore added much to the pleasure of tho ser vioe the pastor and revs caldwell and edwards assisted at the even ing service hockey eyes examined all glasses ground lo ui leasts daabcalef freaeriati9 him acton miss beatrice eagle of preston returned to her home on tuesday after spending a few days nt the borne of b j eorr mrs george statbam and mise stone returned this week from shelburne where they had been visiting tor several weeks daily and weekly newspapers th ro u ghost canada are paying j their compliments to postmaster matthews upon his completion of 68 years in chargb of the offloo here an alarm on monday afternoon took the fire bngade to the resi denee of mr thomas romley park avenue a burning chimney was the cause and the fire wan subdued without damage the pupils at lome school had holidays all lastweek at tbe be ginnjug of tbe week the drifted roads kept both teacher and scholars from attending the latter part of the week m mav- donalrt the teacher was ut wifli throat trouble free press lighted with their log fires whiob they thoroughly enjoy mr george beaumont and dan ghter emma of torpnto spent tbe week end with relativesand tnenda here colds are very common in onr village quite a number are com plaining mrs john wheeler bad the mis fortune t6 fall oo the ioe last fri day evening cutting her hand and hurting her shoulder but is doing nicely now i mr sohenk is now sole propne- tqr of tbe soft dnnk factory here i having purchased the share mr e i blndd hadjoit st alban s church sale of work on thursday evening feb 7th and valentine social on thursday evening feb 14 th keep these dates open mr thomas hewitt celebrated bia birthday last friday evening with a dance followed by a debci- oub supper at midnight mr b hill and eon supplied the music and j cain waa floor manager about fklgueste were present dunugms4 hydro rates will be payable at the town hall glenwil- liama on the 15th of each month arter6pm when the 16tb falls on a saturday or sunday rates will be payable on tbe fnday night proceeding a beanmont collec tor the game as the visitors bnt ed through bard tuck unabje to score tbaimrjecbt brampton op mod day night resulted in a win for brampton by a score of 7 to 1 at the boys hockey tournament at the rink on baturday morning last the glen defeated georgetown by a score of 2 to 1 it was a good game and the boys showed a decided improvement over tbe previous game the tie which wns a result of two previous games between the high school and bankers waa played off on monday uightandl satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded georgetown phone 126 for sal if wjdollr pulle s and inlc apply ii k i lenva i i ol e 91 r 12 rork m sqv tor sal n er r be mm ai utt fire wood i ini r nofl tw r norrntrlu ceore s 11 hu waud u jan waned ul o ir lo ijb le bti mm apply lo a tjaragemki kltety seri f street geofketown it wood for sal ci o i ar iwood a ul ra li any jeiijil i r n 1 1 11 very lowit pneei terrhn ra be arth k1 our order solic ted m rray hros pi om wr 15 georgetnvi for sal n i e i u k i nor an heavy i rjln li i wh i i mln il 3 tumi 2 lockerel a tl i p llets ppl t j pftnoi phore 4 deorije own 161 3l for sale i vrolel to r k cr 490 ewly ver haue1 i al ro d i on cheap for ami can u eeii a j la s dc ketow i 1 heidei 1 epared i wood aii ou e best krad a i f supply yoi wlh r 1 mcnl ph me 1 oal 206 1 o 1 1 am antity r ccnrge 261 21 f oji m ii g slaba utle ul geoxeti ijimlter 2ji tf milton terra colla misa eva mcnali and misbed na hilson of georketown spent the weekend with friends here mr wm townaend of toronto spent the week end at bis home here members of tbe ufo andtbeir ffives enjoyed atfoajweeattbi borne of mr and mrs a mcdodtrd on monday evening everyone j present reports a most enjoyable troe ur and mrs cbakplcm gave patv in honor of their dnuubtei tlixtblhnrrnt their borne music a mi idk and a splendid stipjvr com b nrttoo tnftkf a moht pleanaut- tdng milton s annual boo b pi el will come off on monday feb 11th invitations have been sent out to otber clubs and a number of crack rinks will be bere pnees award ed on plus aoorebaais david bntcbeon county tress urer was not ac tnesday a meet ing of tbe county oounoil confined to his bed by illness it is boped that be will be oat again within a week or so in the meantime mr irving last years warden will be in charge of bis office carl king of tbe bank of tor onto copper cliff is in town at the home of his brother dr j leslie king he is off duty fo a white bwing jon ftccidenlhai feu in flaying hookey his chin strook the ice tad bia jaw was broken in two places one oo either sidb champion hav totar byoa ttnili o t walkkr eeatght special ut will- be at watabne drug store on wednesday febniary 27tb make an appointment with ur watson a stitch in time saves pine why not bnng that smt and have collier to make it look like ne there is always aotnaolne omewbere who is aaiiousto bay what yoa have to sell someone who baa tbe article yoa want to hoy to complete tbe deal each mast know oltbe other wants and there irno betterw n tsiamy to main tbeee wantej f known than throngb a small advt in tbe herald malted in a win for tbe bankei by to 1 a very exciting game and one with considerable pep was that played last evening net ween lbe bankers and granftee which re sulted in a tie at tils nd of the third period each team having scored two goals ten mi notes oveitime failed to break the the players were as follows bankers walteia goal thomp son mayberry defense carsery centre davie and hepburn wings early ooffenjmd roe auba granites ford goal cole cork defense thompson centre dale ruddy wmga mt gibbon sab referee j mogibbon the shining lights in tbe big game were j l thompson for the bankers and c 1 ruddy audj dale and bert thompson frir tbe granites guelph hockey team will play brampton in brampton tonight in tbe first of borne and home games for group honor alwright butcher main st geotpowu pfenes sanlk bmkjjsj guelph contractors hare ro- oeivndnouce thai local b nek lay era will tflk for n increase id pay this jenr imii will demand 125 an hour i ib d t sell bananas but have the dope to fl up that floit of jouis j t collioi cleaner and prebher dr c c floyd jeweler and optometrist oneiu block georgetown fhoxe ne wtoh repairing a speciality a good opportunity to buy reliable uptodate goods at less thart factory prices can ydjraf f ord to miss them clover loaf cups and snurern 15c plain white cups only lie white and gold cups and saucers regular 40c 23c 40c tea plates loo 95c bonbon dnjhea ft 49 o 1 7fi chamber pitchers 98c 10 piece chamber nei regular 16 w 1979 5o ninety seven piece rose i attorn dinner sot our spec ial price 46 s3900 1 oo and 1 2g teapots 98p 96c large size buamoi coffee pota 39c 75a bnainel teapots 89c 1 86 fnamcl double boiler 98c 1 g large sice enamel diah pan 89c 1 25 large sina sauce pan 89c 1 26 enamel preserving kettle 89c 1 49 guaranteed quality aluminum tea kettle 98c 7cc good quality corn broom 59c leas than factory price reed chairs and rockers large and roomy upholstered in good quality material loose cushions regular 25 to 28 50 your choice 1689 bedroom chairs and rockers solid quarter oak and mahogany finish cane seats regular 9 25 to 10 g for 695 kitchen cabinets all the latest improvements white enamel finish lomde regular cl7br 8900 a host of big bargains in ev ery department qualify value service aato far sid e pasxeogcr overland jn good run n reorder and firit claw condition cheap th apply at her u office hon tar sals ire good worker wrish ne abtiul i300b tnddleagcd would au cheap for cash or exchange for year ng calllc a m la rtl norval 3t p maumahp happiwis corviirt jvy fwkhasltu loon wsoumht wi spring arrivals february clearance auction sale -of- farm stock etc the i wletlmcnrfl hia hem iiumaotea by icvllb puw c a or hi prem w- in 27 to 5 bftque nt on friday feb lbth t i orwk ibe fokmn hoiit match lean filly and jreld njr and ftyrin teansand 12 fear a ctt1k jtney cow reg du feb jerwv o k dr dr feb jerwj po rade i reh buck jrrae r grade doe fe jerym grade due feb jcrvy r utadf due feb durham cow dwtjeb hrwdlero due march 2 year nk he in due march 1 year old heifer i e pi i year old bufef due apnl i er ok durham be er 2 lieifer calvn jrtrr boll durban it ter pltal 1m am ont ttme of sale sow due match torknhlre sowduemar vorkah e 6 hot gbl abtml l ib- 7 boga wnghl abour lb 9 hog tfmghl klmn i0o fbi i t re boa cream srnralr siaratard car60v1bi tkumi wr month crjptlrt onappnit ed jotnnotn b trhrr hogt cah a i clerk jacksons georgetown for si sett mil book caar e i olt ont apply ai tj will lake weienrcartadr lawn foil id farm landa tn pari exchange or ham lion hohiei drawing good revenue write joaeph walker 89 furboll rd hon ont tip falatlac hid farlm hve vour paint ng and papering done iw before ihe pnng niih and wh le price are omn sulnfjcuoo gnaran iced s robinson phpne266i or bole 173 georgetown- v j 3tp flmb oppmtaaltj plant ready for bunoeai title oppoai t on i ve lowrt near toroaio 4500 poped ton w0 00 mil buy uncomplete bai- ineii vulcanixing plant coat 700 lou price for arti ck sale selling owing lo fam ly sickness reply lo qmco 2l trau o a c bred u lay plymouth rock batch ng eggs 1 or ljgg or 1 per 100 eggs order early for large- quant t ea also a number of plymouui cockerel for quick sale g l wauaa maple ave georgetown phone 8ww forbale 2 lol d mahogany chair 2 walnut chain baby a cr b complete baby s bt neito burner coaluil move lbeyhgbcluur jhppv thought range ciapply mn vcmon smith man ceovgelown i come m and let us acquaint you with our special offer for tailored to measure suits to be made up or spring it will pay you lo consult ua at an early date before making choice a fine assortment of new samples has just arrived many odd lines of winter goodjl nre be ng seenfied at low prices in order to mnlce room for spring goods d brill co tali bellcr goods al lower prices hu iwa strts j y geftflclowb j f a child can save money the most experienced shopper bugs ajhier groceries from tbe dominion stores she kfoows that times have changed that it no longer pays to shop around regular visits to the red front stores show the surest steadiest savings she knows too that she can send her youngest child 4o the fnendly man at the dominion store and these savings will be just the same no wonder a million customers a week have the dominion habit v specials yoa cannot afford to miss 63 briggers- orange marmalade 4lb tin briggers orange marmalade 1 lb jr thompson s seedless raisins 2 lbs spanish valencia raisins withseeds lb st lawrence jam rabp and straw wb glass j9t canned pumpkin 2cs todhunters choco late nibs lb palmoliveorplantol toilet soap 3 takes conde french cas tile soap 3 cakes 25c 25 15 79 15 39 25 10 dates good cooking 3 lbs homade tomato ketchup urge bottle dominion or maple leaf matches box eagle brand con densed milk tin specially prepared bulk cocoa 1 ib bags 2 ibl lyles golden syrup 2 lb tin whiieswan pancake flour 2 pkgs dominion corn flakes 3 pkgs richmello coffee 1 lb tin richmello coffee vt lb tin 29 25 11 23 23 27 25 25 65 33 dominion stores l 1 m i t x 11 canadas largest retail choceus

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