Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 6, 1924, p. 4

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r rktown mlh id phiiiiaiii nth 10j4 in tin mt r tune folkn need pure fohih tn it up a hcnlthy blood i im illation si k iai bnlitli bwakffifit tea taetj good krenfjtli nail lino flavor the more joii buy tlife better 0 bo lijoasod onlj 7u per lb fittest crann pekoe fctoc per lb cheiip toa m dr at any prioe the cbpuor tlip v enter nodtbp more jouneod a poinjd of our fi dent quality fctoc tea will tnnko more than twice the numtn rbf cupa of tea that a cheap ono will and besides you mil got the flno invar where you ket n mnk fluvoi u a bep ten jbarks ittlhad tho bnadrtmtsrc renl treat if jou duiibt tbih fitiilcimnt hur a tltlal loai to ia1 markclark bakery and groceries puonk 220 salt for uve stock loniidered necessary for prac tically all farm anunaj- be careful not to malt too heavily llvttitock qrtw unthrifty lilt oul it milking in itulluiil kjndueu and clean up rilricllj i mixed upon ski i lie c your share in 1924 will yon get a bigp bhare of bustners in 1924 many more people learn ed how to get the most out of their local and long distance in 1923 than ever before our study of their business enabled one concern to increase its sales by tele- jihone fro m 2 a month to over 8000 will you not give this subject of p r o p er 1 y organized and properly manned telephone equip ment serious considera tion ask us to help coal bmi d l w si- coal in all stzei also smithing andsrcarn coal mrs j walkins nnrval stftiion phon 62r24 brampton business insulale ihj stl- nh sowl isaac pitman shorthand touch tjpewrittnfi btjiioeas english qfflceflyatema filing spelling bookkeeping arithmetic penmanship com me rot a i lav rapid calonlatlon ladivldaal lastnauea eatar u ua h m ramkik prla phone ssi anderson block queen st e box 698 me skimlumf ilid standard anthvcite scranton coal inall coal wood select lump far damestio and thresbtbtf pnrrjoaaa smithing and cannel coal in fact i carry everything to he jooprfiin any afttodate coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone ii georgetown urn ioroat i sail the sheep aud liurat- why ilu we piaollce tulkiuru have beeu doing it lite gud yjjur lutnera dlu before you but wuy lid tbey do ii nu uuudl 11 vaa uontrvcu lual lii lot jlru io net aimhiu mi hyi salty urs nil uu ur aw here ajl nail uceu spilled ui uu ibral suit dtuutu luis ail uui u uial leediiur urnctltt nil baa tttft eloped observation uotu ll irquctd dy u the u olid let dent i maftpor aniuiaii rieccwltj animals uiuil get mil lruul it we nn run vsacivaey if in ti 14 available u u nulmal iliru is inedluui ur iniorrnl jjhru lutf dieugn la tuiiolrtu urt qunu uoa or tall r u uariuful iu priil tlco aa no mil ai all uui a iium 1 tujbofuwir eucntutl in llial it tupulitu ine calorlofl an necvuary in forming a minute tut tbe hytiroclilotle udd portion of tn tuieatlvu fluid lli quantity or mil kiven to tarm ul mala ihould not exceed oneunh ouum per day for rullj crown horaet and cattle amall anuiua la propor tion do not salt stock ton heavily many feopl make urn mlalakb of taltlni ina itock beavlly once a uiuntn durlni toe aiunmer and lor goiuni to ho ltat alt durins tt winter period tbe wt iiock kepi by people who neglect tbii work uau ally aerelopa tb ap pearance or nti lect tbe ua ol blocki of rock aalt iu trdbsbi or mangers erected in either tbe stable yard or held la a good practice hat will nap good re- turn for tbe ezpeau or effort just remember that tbe stock muiubare salt from some source and thai tbe alt thai you giro them supplies tbe cojorlne essential in tbe lormatlbn of hydrochloric add in the animals digestive system animals that have been kept with out aalt for a rear become very un thrifty and animals that are given an orerdom of salt do not thrive halt an ounce a day is about right ii is not a food but it belps to make tbe food materials available during tbe process of digestion l steven aon director oi extension o ac luelpb athjon in ho milken aufull trained to be 1 elad and ttioroogn in denmark and holland ise milk or starts als future profession at tbe age of 12 or 14 years lie then joys tbe privilege or being allowed milk augn cows as are in the drying ulf period although itiadotle under ihe severe supervision or his father who fears that bis son or pupil may pourtbe animal 1 remember well ny aral lesion in roilalag on our holland farm and bow proud 1 ur being allowed to milk before lumping on the stall with my bucket and stool tbe holland stalls are ome iu to feet above tbe regular stable floor the cow was given a little warning of my coming by a couple of caressing words then the bucket ires put between tbe knees ihe bottom on the ljiside of my right wooden shoe the two rrpnf teats were milked arst and if one of tbe teats milked out scenei than the other 1 was inclined to take one of ib back teats this was not allowed uecaum it might result in an nuns ual development and decreased sttm ulation of one of the quarters the vwn from teats bad to ne empty be fore going over to tbe back teats ihesa were the preliminary instruc tions after being ble to milk sev eral drying off cows i vas allowed to follow with the eecond ciaas this was another important etep and 1 believe it cost me still more sweat lhan the ffrsl lessons tor now 1 had to muk rstber quickly and with tbe fall band as stripping of the testa between thumb and forefinger was- ueyer allowed on our farm aside from the rather quick milking wa were not allowed to make strippers of our cows still there was a third class and that was the- milking of fresh cows and belters uy lather was always milking these because he had the idea that nobody else but himself eould break them the milk- ig of the fresh cows thrice a day was not such a hard job but to milk those stubborn belters and never lose one temper was a dlfucukjob in head ormllklm first two the front quarters empty end afterwards the rear quarters with the heifer a front and a rear quarter were brat milked and afterward tbe other two oppo site quarters this was none for the purpose of obtaining equal devel opment of all four quarters la tbe future cow we were then called fully skilled in ia milking science bnt let me add thai we bad to receive a good many side instructions such a not to talk or be noisy during milking never to be rough to any animal nev er to lose one s temper i milk al ways one a own cow and in the same order and a the same hours and so forth tbe best method of paying for the farm la to make it exceptionally pro ductive and tbe way to do this is to keep the right kind of dairy cattle sometimes hoeing la hard work out because the ground if especially weedy but because tbe boe ik ooi set al tbe right angle or is dull and rusty brig hi sharp tuuli tttktrih wo k more easy browns garage irtevw general repair shop mmnmk anesnrta kal prat um of bme uftrta cart aad batten cicd for and delivered t j experience aa all vt autoi work cbawjs bbqwn bell phone 90rfi cbingfia7rfl2 wed t aviate tood dry budweod otjhpcr load ahej dryesrt maple with a mats port no of dtp aitwrkaktohiigwooitu gjjoo j branthofd p o box 90 phone 5 r 24 georgetown imfcu loftll byng meets six hundred old comrades w il ftmit st carles hontalelpothecudin national radways hold the honor of hiving writ more men u than any one induttruj firm in canada six hundred ol theio veteran were intptcled recently bv lord bypg during a vint to the ahopa the governor general linking haul with and talking to each man ind vidiahy the men were drawjhup n lour ranki tsc length ol the ercctinc ahop i lie photograph ihow lord byngshnluig liar in w th one dl the terana in the centra ijroop trom i ll lo right are major p k hodgson pi vale sec re i arj ai jv lorgeneral vi h c hem uoer ntetident ol mfl o p canarhan nation j uo iwava mr tm rlyn i dcm super r eni ol bbop canad aii national kailvraj atljl ha bicdlcncy lort lyng ol viniy best anlhracile coal always on hand mvrirba to hakei tbertvftsatqbnill jurtlike a steakt nut stove egg pea abtha yards or deliv ered to any part of the town also coke therevfbhfordumrfcr- andio fry or any way you and 1o thy careiotry eat more fish wpiiieee all varieties at georgetown fish and chip cafe phone iso f rogers co georgetown wjajoallet uptonaxb harness maker we have a full supply of blankets rugs mitta bells etc only first class goods sold here order your set of new hand made harness for your spring work now satisfac tion guaranteed w a bailey op to date harness bbop ailastrcet ceeicettrii twryroriplsffcanllnlw the empire builders from timcimrnemorialbritona have gone forth and pioneered the rctqpte comnlof the earth in the face of seemingly insuperable difficulties they have built up l world wide trade trade that grew and flourished in spite of the limitations of those primitive burden bearers the native carriers the mule train aftd the camel caravan ford carries the burdens of empire trade on the hilltrails of indiavon the african veldt on trie sheepstknons of austral and new zealand on the plan tenons of ceylon and burma on the rubber estates of malaya and on the jungle- paths of borneo universal usage under all these condinons has stamped th ford as dependable transpoctatioru imtide in canada for thi empire the ford car is completely made in canada with the exception of parts to the value of si 501 see any ai wtfiorued ford dealer cars trucks tractors kitchen sinjuervice where and ow to place tim very necetary artie c hot hatrr i 4hr far i mink hare ol r nl cm r un izr liksiii ii un i ll litht iiiiik flu ill lit h in i ll tint srintrn in aire i ulnlca hutill achlnerj the riiiiktmeiil i6r a pump o mall uileltr iled at the odkc of a aluk or si step in liuproiwimni over tbe outdoor pump and cittern for tb i ot water wrtlce at the slnll ll la nrcclsno to have a beating ar raniteiuent wbfel la beat supnlled by a water jtonl in ihe rnuk a iilr reservoir end a supply ul cold waur under premure 7 be ater under prrmire uioyba turnlai n il rituu the use uf a prtaauie tank- abuni oh little 4anl or u graviij npply ilace ttw sink at the lr ptr height the belgui uf the kltctun uluk is of greal ju purlai ce 1 he luculoii uf thit moat tlnxible jolui li unt i i backbune is not a taiiilard lur all tbe lifl ler ttial n un be ducnuii a by he u run o i nun nil lu work over ibui particular aluh hur woman known that dvu it in k oer u low sink 1b an thing but pkannai walcb ibt man who tislalls tie ink and see that lie huigbt m ual lb factory the bottom of tbe sink should be uat ill lichen below ihe pulm of your elbow such little aluntlon to detail while the orjl is be jut dam may save yo i many u backache if jou do not issue on lubtrucllons to those inmalll ib tic sink it will in all jirababliliy bi installed at a height of thirty laches wblch is correct for a woman oui four feel eight inches tall you mnj be taiier than mat haro one of generotw hmihirtluiia considerable choice can be ha n ixe dealgn and inaterlnl in kllc if i inks the ha u l ol of i i and quallij uf man ei i u l mlnalb-uieis- if ihe s t kluhcu hi liwult u a hi u ik erous proper tluiib la io tie r u luenilfd hie drain board la in p r nd kiicrally deairable bi uiot a uotablf hji wire baari nrack vitp ndm oier un 31 k destrable tups a nets 1 ijpea a d u fall i or t n lyli hlfi is fieuh smutlall rj iuy be hud in tliurr aircw older joint the local i 11 in rry important the kitclin sink siiuuld be 1 cal ed at a convenient p iu 1 bun all a window or on a wall opposite a laro window au ihui 11 1 lkiniiikiia bf ioid do ooi build ll t hi k limhii helving cipboards or cloato uultha ou are pmbu fti lo cover all uuuil hork ihui is 1 1 lei j iu b apian i id wltb trtaby ttaier a lib copier iilieel lug open plumbli t for tlie sink li to be priferwd on toe bcorc ol accea slblllly and ckaulluctu hie cqcjt roach loves wet woodwork an 1 grease so try to avoid conditions li in utii jci ucb inaecu ucale the biuk t pus sible on a wall onullctr there are uo cupbos da ur cabluuta aud do not consider anything but high back type of sink 11 may cost a utile moro but li in worth it when we con ider the added service that sutli will give l stevenson depl extension o a collene ouulph how to lumbal ijconra in calves bhceall dlaetseit ot cattle proven tlou la tin best method uf com butting coura rdinarlly scours as dlstlnt gulshed troib white scours or calf bolra can usually be traced to uterhedlug ir ovular feedlne dirty paila cold tullksdur milk or old inllk and any oife or all ot these are due to carelessness on the part of the feeder constant vigilance is the price of hcoitfiy calves imomi asiruuule is detected tbe feed ornectlf ilollia be reduced al lean half administer a dose of castor oil in warm milk by nieaua of a email dracili bottle this will tend to rumoie all irtiatlng substance from the bowels feed should thin be gruuuully rislorthl to tbe nurtual actount aud formalde hyde soluliou should be added to tnr milk at tbe rale of ouc lemmoooful per pound or milk fhla iotulldn should bt made up ol out part of formalin 4d per cent soluiluu of foriuililriide to thirty ii 0 parts of waiter if prompt improvement does not follow this treatment repeal ibt tl quo of oil and accompany it uti another reduction in ibu wvi lalvea art all yt greedy nud or this reason veiieediug souulil bo avoided rbls is true panic iui i whet airalfs is being fed ts it iu 1 ceedlngly palatable anil the ai i ul is apt to gurgu itself lubricants far farm maclilncr u avy oh and g easts are ml o all bearings where tbe p retime axles and alow turning ll aiu t- eraufajujiaing itie gieaur 11 speed ot tl lurul e 1 111 ho sed thai tius not sijuc remain nn the surface of shun uuj bearln tor a reaaonaole iruiih ui line all farm machines excepiini engines and cieani separators un bj kept well lubricated wllblhe heavier oils and greaaes cream separators running at high speed require a ligbt high grade oil while gasoline en gloeu require an oil of medium body and capable of standing a high tem perature grease or bard oil cups should be attached to all bealnga wbere practicable l stevenson oac quelph hare you given careful attention 0 the selection ot tbe staluoa to hlcb to breed tbe farm aaares application to earfiameot notice ll i crehy riven lhal irrc mun pal lorportitioti ol the tom of owirre 4air nihecounlvof haltnrt ltt apply to th legulm ve assembly of the prov ne if onlenn 1 nct srsnon or an act i to rortmlidste ihe boat ng debt of hr mun ripl corpomtion ohbe tovro of fo teto i u nfe 10 tbe him of ten thuivd dtjlan 110 000 7 to n hor in ihr tsid town ol rorgrtowo to iwioe debenture thereof forjhe um of 110000 beannj imeremat rale not exceed ng ixi6l per crni per nnom and payable in not more than if two years for the purprhte of paying off ihe sad foal ny debt ntbool ubrbltlta bc hy inw pravrdtngn i be tasueorsucd to women who do their own work snppoae you could save six mlnules erery day in waanjajjr pota andpans two mlnules after every neal in a month this would amount to a saving of tone hours of tnlfi disagreeable but decessary work this saving can 1e made by ufdngsmp auuncttid kitchen utenahs as their smooth sanhary surface will not absorb dirt or grease nd acraphif samnyr polishing la needed when voa as dianwad otr pearl wan boapt water and a dish towel is all joa seed 4atm smpcware a fob of ireean issf a hmtxtof 5fat three aniaheat pearl war two coat ofvearrgi iul dltmoftd war- itaidft wbite liola tbreaoats pure wtttarlnaide and outrtth aoyilbtsav enamel inside and out planonj blue and white outahu white luuag crjstal threejei rdguif ulwjri 4tverv gjanivars store buy the best livingstones quality bread haluhtd by evarybody choice pnitrj of ever kind watch d livingstone logs wanted we are paying cash for elm maple basswood pine hemlock and oak logs highest prices paid for good logs we also do custom sawing andwut cutting this week bring your logs and get your lumber home with you georgetown lumber co phone zso mrgettlwn creamerv cream wanted by the georgetown creamery wo will bo opoo for the accomodation or farmers on wtilaehila and 8nturda evenidgs georgetown creamery co m saze manager to movies by baileyfrstuartis garage now is the time to have your car thoroughly aver hauled and put in shape for the good weather dont wait until it get here skates sharpened concave tubes and firrebl r7y special macttine phone 7 w w w roe n 1 insurgnoe brokeir insurance in all branches t phone 65 seoegetown vvwai vvvwv vvwv vvvwsiajaiasjrvsjajr tt

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