Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty sftrnth year of publication georgetown wednesday evening february 13th 1924 f 1 co per ann im in advance 200 to d the georgetown heram j m moons p aual t otjrtlthb itoittobabx passenger passenger mat passenger sunday going webt lt nn i mii passenger passenger passenger pimenger mm passenger sunday ooikg hobtb hail mail oqino bodtd mil mm ijttma 9hm 10luaj ll40ajn sjitxpjn 7s1 pjn 7 5 am 10iuajn 212 pau 4jj0 jjn ttjostpm 7j09 pjn bjooajn 4s5 pm iforsters cash and carry store a mjlli linf of choice fresh groceries provisions etc piiujit in sharon r nkn im aai sabaas ckwcliles anaeaaeea p a ke ay all mat have irtea ibem swats onm lam af cared meats at ligkl erlces forsters cm mm maria 9s- rboke ts imnttma kabtbourd duly daily 682 am sjoaja 0xau ilsoajn- luffl ui ftd pjo los pm uo pjn 08 pun 7 41 pjn- b0s pun 1is0 pltn- 11 os pun sunday only sbtmtohd wsstboond ttjos un 11 jo aun hjos un 8j0 pjn 802 pan uoaai sjoptm sjbi east end meat market choice fresh and cored meats always on hand try our pork sausage choice frcrti fuh also ciacoea and finnan haddlea w pacjay w jooc m j n ovfc orhctltaw- j mdsm- mijajm u to 12 x 1 s m md 7 pm ftfcrtatf l pwnoacswa ft int j n oneill fc son georgetown ffedrk washers oeetrfc dealers sltlaii nonmblspdflw fire insurance 1 mibt tttf fdm anmfartn arcyo protected a drama in four acts will be given under the auspices of the aahgrove epworthjeague in the town hall georgetown on mod fcby 18th david mooro ot maplo farm cot logo susan moore bm wife elizabeth their daughter jerry tbeir eon be dr tem lelon n j mint i vine miss arabella the ullage hewapaper john ryder the young maater ot the maple wandering loin a mystery old morse hie com pan ion nell the dual of the curt t w smith- musical number during the evening reserved seats 50c general admission 35c flu tl lull apea al matthews ofaisi feareary urn car and battery storage in steam heated oarage wt am slarafefaact bra ballet aaaferal cars let as take care at year jtaraae battery iar ike wilier toaaakttalckarfe bffislsssl hows business advertising backed up by the right spirit the s and the ngbt servioe can rearae a sink bm and will make a prosperous b aineftr more mmterful in iteoo comruouity wbmi john waawaaker the pnbce of merchants beftan bouaetm he nmolved to force matters he ni dot eodtent to wait to be foood out be de tbrm1nkdto bk round out in short h ad rcrlisil tie threw on bi bm dcs mji n tt ww tb liiclit of pijhliritv and the uhlir of pi ilndnl bft eaterrd the nho on winch the livl l alionn la lhm community hr pibl e enlei ng ll ow ptiofh oo khieh the light ot advert hitij m filuuf a word to the pdblic tximmvtp to 5b0p the georgetown herald georgetown flour 8c feed mills having icued stewarttown eclevator 1 am now prepared to boy all lands of grain at best matket pntcs any time yoo have gtmid to deliver call me at phone 195 w c bessey phone 19 georgetown the dust of the earth cast of characters j c wilson miss hitaa mocnllough m as blanche hepburo henry burton j g wijsod mish jeesio rnddell r hepburn w bird u wilson miss prances uorne od save the kind by a unanimous vote ot the prebbytery of toronto at its monthly meeting on tuesday tho call from knox gbjircb milton to bev w d molntdeii of brooe- field raasiwuined the call was full signed and provides for a stipend ot 2000 a year with manse and four weeks vacation last friday evening the halton agricultural society honored two of its veteran directors w n scott and b j campbell botjtoi milton by presenting them with a goldheaded cane each mr scott has given m years service and mr campbell 96 years service on the board of directors the amount eiperioeriu halton by the department of public highways on provincial highways in 1928 was 708 04262 for coo st for roam tenanoe halton is called on to pay 20 of thisr4ueeaa2rr w i dick county solicitor has instructions to prepare a deben 4ure bylaw for that amount this must be the last big issue of road debentures in halton for borne years to come as with the propose ed expenditure for this year 23 000 it will just about reach the county a borrowing limit to say nothing about the patience of the taxnayertb champion 6s potumdim smc enameled ware has 7 the smooth surface and pohsh of fine crockery without the break age and it is so very easy to dean jtet like china and therefore make light work of pot washing try this test take an smp enameled ware sauce pan andan allmetal sauce pan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water put on the fire at the same time the smp sauce pan will be boiling merrily when the water in the other is jnst beginning to simmer smpsware tana lalalitn paaa warm in at aaarir tar irt taaua awf art watatha mate tarmwa aarf alt tam mia taafa crfbtal wara iar caala rinatb taaua m w kk bayal mm tttimt z sheet metal products co iz alwright butcher main st georgetown msks sfetplm fcmcalsi j by fuwhmm tw wmriont ft the lire upon the hearth in low and thero is stillnesh everywhere and like wing d hptriln here and there the firelight shadows in i ton or ro and as thoa shadows ram me creep a childish treble breaks from the gloom and softly from the further room cornea nov i lay me down to elapp apd sonfehow with that little prer and that bweet treble in my ears m thought goed back to distant years and lipgern with n dear one there and as 1 hear my child a amen mj mothers faith comes back to mo crouched at her side i seem to be and mother holds m hands again ob for an hour in tbadear plane oh for the peace or that dear time ob for tbat childish trust bubhme oh for- a glimpse of mothers face yet as the shadows round me creep i do not seem to be alone sweet magic of that treble tone and now i lay me down to sleep eugene field milton l georgetown boys gnests ol city five btiegl sms cenrffdtm give hp wtrm mf sest ibe 8trutford beaqou ot last week contains tho following there came from the effete east yea an i ir east as george town hlo luheplurouh young argonauts out to see the world and a en gather the golden fleece tbat since time immemorial has been the goal of mankind alas and alack the only reece tbat lined their blankets was of a purity of color white as the driven which it was reflecting that there una no thing to be gained except i moma from such bedb tbeue bold adventurers con no i ted togbtbi and bethought themselves or the palatial quarters maintained at tho expense of the cit teens in the city hal where comfortable beds of steel grating are supplied guaranteed free from vermin be cause the bugs cannot live on them on lining up before serg eant bill curl they said pn thee fair sir we would occupy the luxunoua boas in yonr cell room there upon did bergt bill con eider and finding tbat they ap peared clean neat and respectable all dressed oltavfti khaki oreralfs suitable for world touring be thoughfthat it might be all right first however did bareousuit by means of the magic bellaphone with inspector charlie gagen who said lock em up and we ii morning if theyjxe all right donojanijlpobldjejn vestigition it was found that the nerval the february meeting of the women a institute of norval was held at the home of misa mopher- son ioverholme on thursday february 7th with a large attend anoe of members and friends at the opening of the meeting a few items ofbubiuesa were discussed one being the disposal ot the money collected for tbearmemaii children there still being a bal anoe on hand of 4272 after 25 60 bad been spent for caps and mitts nine young ladies from the brampton junior womens inbti tote gkve a very entertaining pro gramme the first number being a piano solo by miss dolson wbieh was followed with vocal solos by miss fuller recitations by miss rjpshall and instrumental duetahy misses strangway a very inspiring and instructive address was given by mrs will mcclore oo the home empha ailing that mother has the most important part to all in ever in laence affecting the home a nleasant afternoon was brought to a oloee by an exprea sioo of thanks to the braroptoi ladies moved by mrs nobi ooded by mrs kyle and heartily responded to by all present for the excellent programme a sumptuoua luncheon was served by the institute committee anti union meeting in the ores by tenon church on thursday een inr of this week revs parler and brown of toronto are stated as the speakers the program at she yonng- peoples on monday evening was one or the belt miss yeomana missed the radial atrunnymede bond but miss fiddler met the bit ii at i on with a eplend d arraj of talent and gave a most edifying and enjoyable program next mbdda isoqhg mens night song aormejiljhoueuodirtt ntjutirh next sabbath the oyster supper in the mhb odist church has been withdrawn oo account 6f another meeting tt same night a con regal ion a i at borne has boei arranged intend for next tueadaj eemnu mr evans is aoii leucine l d ii and so i mrs cantelon 3s tr la oa police constable melville of guelpb formorl of oeorgetouo has sworn uut an information againbtft manpf thatcity charg mg bim with obtaining three pre smptione in one day from three different phjsirians and attempt mg to cash them in at the govern mnt vendors al hamilton the alleged offender will appear before magistrate watt to give an ex plaoatroom to why be reqnlnd no nfuch liquor fit one time who kn library w young travellerefroro the town of george were all to the mustard and indeed worthy scions of re spectable sires three ot them announced thatthey woo 19 re main steadfast n their faith and still seek border city windsor there to win tbe golden fleece the other two being faint of heart iprtoosrertne repastprovf the city guards and decided that there was no place like dome and went on their way rejoicing mors or less thinking frih the cha was nln th pity guatdtanb- of- tbe peace closed the incident yea and behold early thib morning there dribbled iiiii llni niinhwf of the guard room three bedrag gled wayfarers who when suitably dusted off proved no other tban thq noble followers ot ulysses who when last seen were heading for the border they confessed their failure in weakened tones and besought some food to stay their fast this was provided and this afternoon the iron horse speeded them to their home there to ponder over the vabtnesg of this noble sphere and the difflcol ties of winter travel in tbe en ns of the classuvcit accident in london resulted in tse death ot the victim caretls ueo n using all electrical ap pliances but tbe combination of a heater with the waw in a bath is particularly dangerous and it might be well to give every pur chaser of a neater a warning against this peril tbe moat cart ful person ib liable in a moment trf inadvertenoertormake theoon tact which may be followed by a fatal or painf r safe plan la not to use the heater m a bathroom at ah tneaatrirttr is all the greater becqwjhfijat kwmdfiorianftually4ocked while in bse- shutting off the intnau from prompt assistance acton councillor m near of george town was here on saturday at tending the funeral of his brother in law the late wm cooper mrs coyne and miss coyne ot brampton were guests during tbe week at tho home of mr n f lindsay a mr john clarke jr of port credit was in town on thursday mr wilfrid moqonald was here from detroit for a tew days last week visiting bis fathurhr wm mcdonaid who has been seriously ill mrs thomas statbam returned home from guelpb on monday evening after spending about a week there with her daughter mrs h htransser knpx church congregation voted bjfj large majority in favor of a new voe on the question of union tt is stated that those in favor of union generally refrained from voting rjsf tbe congregational meeting jt- john s presbyterian chuicb hamilton the stipend to tho mm inter bey w m rannawin ba btunne of acton s sons was in crtascdfrom 8 000 to 3 800 freprebs wtaoit uvjfuoaut the recount held in connection with the municipal election at mt forest resulted in counoillojflett who was gncn a majority of one vole over x luxton on election day being unseated mr tjuxton was derlorco elected following the recount by a majority of one judge elein of walkerton presided at the recount utu ftlrt gmllj tho eknfllvm frank proat ot hftnover had a very narrow es cape from death by asphjxiatioo as iheresolfa of escaping gas from coal furnace had it not been for tho eourage ol a little see yeftold mrlof the family who at daybreak staggered to t i exl door neigliborn house for huh at anoe the entire fnmify wooflinr peribhed one hundred and fiftjr faimers sat down uidinner at imbler ol io and the meal cost then just l nearly eierytli ng on the table was tbe product of the farm and the cost per plate was computed nl tbe pr re pbich the farmer received tor the prod nets plus tbe labor cost of prepar ng the food tbe same menu was then tomputdat a neii ing restaurant r priwi amounted to 1 m plale be easy roads are crowded and the levol roads arc jammed and tbe pleasant rivers with the drifting folks are crammed but off yonder where its rocky where you get abetter inw i yuu will 6nd the ranks are tia nwg and tho travellers are few where ifoo going e smooth and pleasant you will ttjwayb find the throng for tjhe mair mora b the pity seem to like to drift along bat the steps thai call for courage and tbe task that e hard to do i in the end results in glory for the never waveripg few notes and comments a oreat many people forget what a library is it ib not mere ly a collection of books it is not a muaeum it is a place where are enshrined the beat material of tbn age collected wisdom handed down the centuries embracing all sides and shades of human nature rightly directed by the experience of the librarian the searcher after knowledge can be led in tbe right avenue to tho city of truth where he may banquet at bis leisure and ascertain how far he has progre ed since the time cjf his fathers knew not what a pubtic a gaut lady has been badly- burned by attempting to move an electric heater while taking a bath a few weeks ago a similar look well to thb hkabth btohr therein all hope of canada lies ts a true saying tbat should be impressed on the fathers and mothers throughout this domin ion look well to the hearth do we all act upon this- trnth f in general the canadian household ib daily becoming mora and more neglectful of its duties and opportnnitiesj and bad ax ample especially when tt abounds on every band is contagions in former times every cnildleceited- much the larger part of his educa tion m the borne there he got his moral and religions instruction hie views of life and standards of conduct hu habits ot work and often much of his actual prepara tion for earning a livelihood tbe modem parent la too ready to shift to other shoulders all the responsi blhly of bringing hia child np properly he depends on the sun day school eacber to give the child his religion on tbe bsout master to gne him proper moral standards on tbe teachers ot the public school to teach him not only the three bs bufriiuw to work bow to play bow to use bis hand and eye and brain on the school none or members ot the publichealth department to teach him bow to look out for hm health the excuse is that those persona are all experts better fitted than the parent to give the child what he needs but they areajl likely to give it in an impersonal and mechanical way none of them will give a boy or a girl the same amount of affectionate nersonnl attention that tbe right sort ot father or mother will givehun none of tbenj have the necessary time or patience to give him the needed attention or a bound to bim by tbe close and intimate ties of parental love children are notoriously mora and more dntung away from the hearth atone tor their good times as well ab for theit serious education parents look op helplessly and too often resignbdly perhaps the are indolent and do not want to take the trouble with their child ren that their own jiaranth tool with therm perhaps they are timid and do not know bon to ttppose the prevailing fathion among their acq a a ntancc per ubpatiieyanrtilun will the mo 1 m ftoelkllslif idea that peruoi a who are paid bj the late are- net essanly the onlj ierkons com petent to train or to educate a child whatever the chuwh are the home neon b to un to tiike a small r hid mailer hare in tie bm k ok un f car suocfcdiijg generation parents are no much occupied in developing their own individuality or reeling lh ir own entertainment or culture that they neglect lb most aenoua and god given of their leapons bilities by load nthow reapons bill ties on every other agency they can find the little h little low the rcqiect and afte i on ot th ir own children and the weigh down the school njstcnj with duties thai it cannot p do perl per form and tbat interfere with th wor titca and nhould do look well to the heartbstotre- therein all hope for canada lies gtrtsdt woikiittiaoam

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