Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 13, 1924, p. 2

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tub okohdbtown hrllaii ppiifttjaiti ihttl 19j i w h willson ttndartakker ud idoemted jsmbmjjuer atajalt o antomobitc w llotedrawnhrar pkooe iightoday s4w or 3i btftba hamajreft and dcaiha e no charged for at the olluw nt ra es b rthi 30c munaio sol dcaiha soc memo al card 50c 10cp0rlneextraljrpoeina successful carnival over sevea marei eifty eveatai al are ibe aral fancy dross cnroivalot tbe seanon was held in george town s floe now arena inst friday evening over rovod hundred wore id abundance and ovor one hi n d red n peared in costume they were a gay crowd o coe- tnmed skater and id to res led spec- tatorti too costumofl were well glenwilliams 0 fl rtidn c emu j i ut public meeting vhs ik id t the town hall regarding thn n i lillrm ot our em tery tnihteett fit i petrh b barta lough in i c codk vurf present mi cook acted as chairman a great many plot owners have m the past fey year vol intcercd to don ate ict tain hi m of money to keci lite cemele j in fair sh eap kiij thpir o a plot at tit ih meeting the agents responsibility is a heavy one r of tli ore elm i lark borp roi v mont rl ma on friday fcbrna y mr douglas l bo sou george v ii am walker u neeiow fob i to mr imlhi annuel v k lot epe sitnuh ditj uu tn ccorgeto sunday reb lotb 19w am dade daughter of tho late rev charles pde 4ged4 years douir in georgetown do monday feb lira 1924 etvamay ekfcat daughter 9 ifr and tin thoenal doblne aged 18 yrs i n onth and is days n memonam scott in lov ug memory of our beloved fslber mr w w scotl ho passed away feb i4lh 19ia a loved one has gone frhn our circle on earth c will meet h m no more bui we hope to meet bran lieaven when sorrow and lean are no more though one year has pawed since he lotl t i j wak ropeed to appoint coll gotten up and very representative- from the neo le bogkb w bauson the great financier said to a gatheringof modtreoj business men the other evening there never was a erne wbo bpmna men ware s divid ed u to eeoult6bb this very fact aboald cause you snocesafnl b men to take your taak fertddaly during the next six month cnt ont all frills col toot your bills keep down jdven tones bednee ooete avoid get ting into any mora debt and get oat of debt as fast as possible we moat all work for greater ooo r fldenoe more effleienoy lower jtaxes and other fandanwntal ratber than superficial remedies hetorther said that the rapraom need of our time is to out all fake optimism and false standards get- ton back as qnickly as possible to old time honesty industry fanfk and and the judges had a diflloult to decide uie winners in eaohof the varions elasafs the fancy dressed ladiea and childfeo glided graceful 14- around the arena vithj bn clowns in dians colored gentlemen police men and oostatned nobility totbi music furnished by the tiuxtoi band 4sven charlie oharjlin was there bot bud koritoee with sfark plug outdistanced them all the- successful pnxc winnera wre as follows best dressed lady 1st man hodonatd find aileen moore best dressed gentlat bi marshall 2nd geo jennings beat dressed girl 1st d wat son sad benuoe mcdonald best dressed boy 1st bud kentner 2nd saunders best national coetome 1st o bummemlle 2nd c beard best dressed married couple- mr and mrs p blackburn best dressed single couple c buddy and a mcdonald best dressed clown 1st w biggs 2nd mrs a duncan beat dressed comic 1st h hah 2nd b hazelwood youngest girl in costume helen wright lest boy in costume allan mcdonald another grand carnival will be jteld in the very near future so get your costumes ready to join tho jolly throng and watclrfor the announcement of the date in our next issue thr pabtobat lbtteb from archblsbop gautbier read in all bofnaa catbolio churcbes on sun nhreinnidrtheialthrufthatny thing evil jb forbidden even though the church does not spemo cally censure it opportonities of ain aid ttcandaltre always forbid den and bis graceobserves that all saneminded people admit that modern dancing 0qls nnder this categoryhiy reason of its improper familiariie8 and id decent dress- his firace asks that all christiana rthefik jendenciea towards exoes eive worldhness and above all be more watchful of then- children a obaraotenbtio notation in tbe pastoral are tbe words of pope benedict xv to the effect that we bpeakonlj of those erotic and bar barons dances imported into social circles which are shock ing to ua his grace says that the abases of dancing may be found m private homes aa well an in public places oatleiwarta a prominent figure id helton county affairs passed away on thursday of last week in the per son omjeo hyndsof acton mr hynds was reeve of acton for six years warden or helton in 191s mfd ofaatrmaootlge counfytjnaoce committee for yean in acton he was a hydro commissioner and secretary of the acton fair he was an honorable active and efficient public man obituary ami dade after an illness of some weekq by 6 to l duration hiss amy dade one of georgetown s most higolyrespect ed todies passed away at her home here on sunday last in her 74th year deceased was tbe jwly daughter of tbe late bev charles dade d d of georgetown seoicr wrangler of cams college cam bcidge bng and granddaughter a tbe late bev thomas phillips d d upper canada college id 1829 and first rector of st phillip church weston ont deceased spent almost ber entire life hi georgetown where she made many true fnends by whom she was beloveaand esteemed the funeral took place on tuesday af teraoon anjlafter a service in 8l georges church of which shewas a life long member tbe i werejmejrredjtl blfieorgee cemf tery beside the graves of her father and mother the service 4 condoctcdbybev mr hajes assisted by rev mr wallace of toronto tbe paubeareni wero a b castell cril brown d ngfaton w w roe flmer c thompson johejpnoe john mcgatjrpy jnbn afccaaley for years n resident cf brampton passed away at but home infenn township on wednesdaj januarj 80th he wan itrbia 85th year the deceas ed was born in ireland and came to canada with his parents preara ago he is survived by- his two sous and one daughter jftb r and henry w hotfa of yfaom tire utenn tovatbito lira mnlholland of georgetown be was very well known in tbe conn ty of peel as an bonett bard work- ioit man- heinuk member the hurcb of england nnd a cod aertite m politic qra to collect from the peo le pecially plot owners by olirtteer bubseriptwn wilfred mchjnley georno alien end wft scott wer appointed collectors tlcamo nt they will try to raihr will bo u00 thikwill put th ccinettnj in u ed cuudition and a little over ui lerp tooil ihiii wljen any of tljoht t ollif torn call to see you on jou are invitcnl tob ftentmuk ab fwsaibls keep tl motto gone bnl not forgotten liinds an i let us lit om nhouldirxo the wlee and have i cemetori that will lie north i i lie and aecoo to none three of our e ttiena aro i equipped witb radio the sale of work at st all church proved a aqcoehu in eier way a number of mon in oi r llnge are bust woodcutting the ice harvest haii begun tho ipe is not in thiek this jear about 12 inchen mrs will allen tlervie attend ing ber daughter id lawttrn will allen jr who la seriously ill nt london wenrc sorry to bear that mi simon prout is confined to her bed we wish oer a speedy civic hockey leape at a well attended meeting in the arena last thursday evening a civic hockey league was form ed and the following officers eleot- 1 hon president j m moore president leboy dale fee trees dx c c floyd committee a representative from each team and tbe officers beferee j megibbon there are qutea noniber or strong amateur players teams in tbe league and specta tors are assured interesting games by good clean sports the schedule as drafted is as fellows monday feb 11 7 80 to 8 80 smith stone vb glen 8 80 to 980 paper mills tb left overs tuesday feb 127 80 to 880 granite vs paper mills thursday feb 147 80 to 8 80 bankers vs 8mith a stone toeeday feb 197 80 to 8 90 granite- vs left overs 880 to 9 80 bankers vs glen tboradayfeb 21t780 to 8 80 left overs vs paper mills 880 to 080 glen vs bnttmt stone tuebday feb 287 80 to aso paper miiib vs graoite 880 to 9 80 smith 4 stone vs bankers thursday feb 287 bo to 880 left oven vs graniu 8 80 to 9 g aimfs bankers tbe games on monday night wereqntte inbaresbng both for tbe spectators and players the brat game called at 7 so was between the smith stone and glen teams and resulted in a win for tbe gen bj 7a in tbe second game between tbe pnpermitt and tbe leftovers hon ors wermore evenly divided and when the gong sounded the close of the final period the leftovers bad scored twice to tbe paper mills once the boy scout team played at m iton on saturday tbey were defeated by 4 to 0 in tbe game at the arena on saturday morning between george town and the glen the latto milton adiefrptxyed tbe george town ladies here ontneedajreven ing both teams played good hockey but neither were able to score and the game ended a tie tbe gran its and tbe paper mill played their nobedule game at tbe arena jlast evening both teams worked bnrd and the obecking was olore but when time was called at the end of tbe third period neither bad boo led toes cu he care after centuries of scientific re search a certain cure baa been found for worry pessimistic end kindred complaints the colored rare has the honor this time in the joke jabo rate nee of messrs eocnhi tnciaterirmttaaatid externa this discovery was rtiacp treatment coats only 25 cents andvth beapplird afst george b sunday school room thursday and fndayjughts february 14th and 15th if we can t cure jou get yoor money back go earl or get tickets juickly at matt hews tow mata taar byva sxajalaad o t walker pvmigbtbppctftt at will be at wauona drug store on wednesday february 7lh make an appointment with wataon partaatou ihamlvaa the partnership hereto ing between bailey and stuart thetrage business has been dis solved and tbe etminesa inlfnture will be earned on by mewrabair- ey bailey prompt nervine and first daasworkmanbipareaaara red all rustsmert at bailey ft bailej covory misses nlinnieend besaiefor graves spent the past week toronto with their aunt mrs on tl ifrx minister h in been lax in i iohh that ould li pltomi u i lnktrt i tor ol till 1 nyci providki 1 e fetli ilal i man who i hh hi ffored lie luen hi kent in i ut bum lrnw i itovlded bo feels ibflton every pol u lure to a document obligating h m to make tonlrnet he 0 k h by attaching his signature thereto hiiovldedheieelniisiraeof personal al his client miftera a to kttue the e bcen couirl tin i be agna he in attachibk his hirti good f the company win therrto j i and mural use of ptraonol and mural responsibility if une of under a policy issued by him in a company unable oer nak by sell ng bin thelw let i unmfc uapany imdi at ttrtlmn art lasipjrikk wxevans 6 go i rtn eucaliptus sciatica uncle joe lislcnnc exzema al si georges sunday school room on thursday and friday feb 14im15th tickets 25c on sale at matthew drug store r nor val presbyterian church next sundaj evening there will be a song servioe in the methodist church bev mr douglas mil give a talk on hymn writers and tbe different bymni will be sung by tbe congregation all are invited ydu will enjoy it tbe orange and true blue lodges are holding a dance thin friday evening february 16tb admibbion 1 00 supper provid ed albans church valentine social this thursday evening st georges minstrels town hall glenwilliams monday nigbt feb 18th under auspices sl albans church duong 1924 hydro rates will bo p at tbe town hall glen wil llama f the tuth of 6aat month after 6 pm when thb 16th falls on a saturday or sunday rates j ilf l- ko ch ceonrtownwdl hold a chckn collector a meeting for the preservation of the pretbytertan church wtll be held in the church at norval on thursday evening february 14th at 8 p m speahere rev stewart c parkmr b d and reo 1 crawford brown m a everybody welcome chicken dinner auction sale e undersigned ha received instruc tions from 35 l greensward tuesday feb 26 at one o clock the following horsea grey mare rising 10 years weight about ihwlba good in all bar neaa work ker co wb fawn jersey 5 yrs due tune of sale fawn jersey b yra due uroe of bale pawn jersey 4 yra due time of bale dark jersey 4 yra r calf at side dark jersey s yrs calf at side pawn jersey 4 yra bred in dacember dark jersey 6 yra bred in november brindle cow 6 yra calf at side briwde cow 4 yra calf it side red cow 3 yrs calf atjrfde red eow6 yi calf at aide spotted cow 6 yra call at aide red cow yrs call atatdt red cow s yrs doe in march red and white cow luyrs due in may black cow yra due in april spotted cow 6 yra due in april dark cow 6 yra due in april red cow 4 yra due in march briadle cow 6 yra due in may rcdand wuteeow 7yrm due in may dark cow 5 yrs due in april spotted cow 7 yra one in march edandwhitecowsynv doe in april hedferafawnjeraey2yrs bred in december- dark jersey 2 yra bred in december 2 fawn jerseys 2 yra bred in january 2 red bafera z yrs bred in january reg jenwy heifer bred in february jersey beifev 8 months 4 red heifers steers2 red steers syrs fat 2 red steers 2 yra red steer 1 yr roan steer i yr jersey bull 2 yra old sheep 16 breechnr ewes in lamb hogs 1 yorkshire sow due in march 7 fat hogs 13 yorkshire hogs s months cream separator 760 lbs cap good aa new 10 bbl northern spy apples eveyrthiag will be sold without re serve as tbe proprietor ia going out of the dairy buatness accanunodatioa for alt horses term apple fat hogs fat cattle and bumaof ill and under cath over 8 months credit dinner in the school room of the church on tuesday february 19th commencing at 6 oclock toasts and music will follow every effort is being put forth to make both the dinner and entertainment especially attract secure your tickets early and do not fait to tfnjoy the evenirtg admission 50 cents manjud a polity real insurance mwnsservk pku- the awhty to pay in the event of low lb insure onr imurancr have it written with the home imraah ca fvfeesfsvssl ay elmer c thompson tajjruee serrtce cmrfttnn bcnj fetch uoansed aoetvaar for hauon ana peal qlenwllllarna post oolca- sale enduha mttafactodbr n4 ibm tatsa oram toft iw pelpb8trttglo fsssz grand exhibition of speed and fancy skating wiu be given by the old orchard skating club toronto champion skating club of canada in the arena georgetown on monday feb 18th 26 skaters 26 among whom are lulu brookstall canadian champion nn lrr iti nn llx r a anadian champ on for half mile pebstt mcintosh all cacalian ummp 1 h i eutott sterflnaon all anadian chhrn i ray browrn jmunr all canad an 1 ain n fred brook albert poffrue olalr egan iaat trotter msvrgie blclly bot skatersah of whom bn lenui i k marr harry shaw ohrlie bodla harry trample races boy under 14440 yarda senior men 1 2 mile senior ladies 12 mile girl nnder 18 440 yarda partners race ladiea open 1 mile senior men i milei barrel jnmpns t rfltenejraoe hurdle jumpinc fancy skatink also comedian and othr raeea special clearing sale at the mens store i 1 i minll r m 1 o rao ii r k wklh i i i iet ml rices special on ready-to- wear overcoats at j i en i i in t o n il up todnte t m la m it lie ileanxl ordered clothing s utrt m tde to ordnr dnrimt ll ih aile rilt the client lit ie hergon regular i rieos 4o to for tsj to itr bund tailoi 1 in our own woik lop mmrnnlcet ntjifnctorj llttvtij it niret if- tuelaiiil nnvr in the lime t 1aceotii nt lor dan i iiohh thin hpetial wile by as we pohititcly hate to niaki n red i tinn in our stock it will pay o i to look mto the of ferine t are i nking at tl ih erj utct yu hale wa souolf a skar ftmr patraaa mtllar go georgetown phone 126 jacksons household furniswug at a big saving bedroom dresners three drawers good iaed mirror golden oak finish 229r for tl795 bedroom dresser three draw era iifrge mirror walnut finish 8490 for m8b arm rocker solid oak leather neat 6 95 for t 495 dining table g feet fume finish 1095 china cabinet walnut finish 1250 for t849a set dinners 1 arm 6 chain nunrter cut oak leather seals 35 00 for 1279a see our big special bod spring and mattress nil or bent quality s8s95 xdnoleum rmtfj first quahu at less than the pnee or seconds 9x1 h 19 80 for 1 1365 12xj 20 26 for 1695 also a number uf other rugs at a big reduction half price children s cai and scarf note child ran s jackets worn aenrfs c psokageu star ammonia 39a fi cakes large sue infantutlel ghl woap 39c wash boards soc linen crash toweling 2cc 10 yds for s19s good bathjowela 36c for 35e b1eveh glabb tumblers any npnoj or peraonn throw og wo kiiclc or oaxmgmydogaway li ray prem tea lake iot te i hat i w ii to responnble tor any damage he ml person or properly i g w davi cbarlcat quality value service jacksons georgetown weekend seciais good wholeaoroe candy is not only a confection burs food get the habit of taking home a pound of our week find chocolates they are always treab i regular 50c per lb for j 38e fresh homemade saline ties reg joe per lb for 29c plain jellies reg 40c per lb for 29c robertson a super cream toffee reg 60c per lb for 49c our prices are right on oranges lemons and bananas watch our window for other specials ice cream brick and bulk eskimo pies sole agenta for smihn thru chocolates per lb 60c atosl korner kandy kitchen f j deverson i roi r1et1k r 4 4-4w- spring arrivals february clearance come in and let us acquaint you with our special offerfar tiihicd lo measure suite to be made up for spr ng it will pay you to consult us at an curly date before making choice a fine assortment of new samples has just arrived admission 35c and 25c many odd lines of winter goods are being sacrified at low prices in order to make room for spring goods d brill co better goods al lower prices aw s bill streets wcmtfemfba s5w rex theatre friaay fakraary i6t the loe flower d w qnfutb a masterpiece a must wonderful htory of tbe south mat where love and romance bloshom the best otned the wise preacher saturday february 14th loyal l ve thi hmaabing trashing melodrama of tbe poutnl service with all star canto headed l mary carr ot 0er the mill tame com elj bck to the woodn tuesday february lth stirnxweit ainigbt stovy i battered souls reborn upon the sea wallace and noab i ferry hpftd a wonder- f tl si n ioft an wnt comedy burn shrlet pi art white in plunder wednesday february mth cord el a tile magnificent htarnnk clara kirhball tonng a mystery drama that weav ea around a society rirl s life comedy snub pollard in join the circus qjoeoetowm okt new adverlisemenls to the public girls wanted for bala fnt clui taouiy hay about 10 loon apply ii lyons norval phone 96 r 3 trat use on ma n street nou b hot water beating an convenience apply reul a hardware stora lip mamwka9t ana choice nursery mock for sale c bonnt gepcjre bawra vaatod uiand wirtrwanlfurotabed room and board id borne with modern codveoeocn applv boi s herald 132 ii r nor 1 3tp wad feraaia cbncc hardwood and ra is any length prompt delivery lowast pneos- terms can beaiiauged your order aolic led hurray bros phone 99 r is georgetown chevrolet touring car 490 newly over laid to al condition cheap or cash can be seen a j cains georgetown t roberta if wa4a4 0u reudrs the beat grades of coal oil i am prepared lo supply you w th any ouant ly ol soft or hard wodo pncea right rticfaard marchmeal phone 306 george 2612 if rovlau sm in pn cr typewriter f or 2s 00 in good cood l on write lo box 201 georgetown 2lp fire passenger overland o good run- ng order and first class cond i on cbean for cash apply at herald office rana far sab hare good worker weigh og about ijodiba middle aged wpuld sell cheap tor cash or exchange for tearbmr rattlr a m laird orval i falatlma aaul paawriaj have your pa tiling and papen g dooe now before the spring rush and wh le prices re lowest sat ifact on gfutrftn teed s robmson phone tggj or box 47s georgetown up for sal o a c bred to lay plymouth rock hatching eggs jl or 13 ejp or par 100 cgga order oariy for larga inaet ra also a number of plymouth cockcrrh for qu ck sale c l wumh maple ave georgetown phone gd9w rarlab tx ra hoee level fifty acres situated on county provincial it gfaway one mile 1 reovgetown f a r bu id ngs ten ac fall wheat pncs a200 p rthrr pan iitars from w t evan wo4 for saj ixxd dry ha dwood ot 14 per load alto dry sofl maple w th a small portion of elm ijttphkad kmdl ok woodkt x2i j hraodd i o box 496 plooe 5 r 24 eorjclown 161 l if u a cure a jptad tobacco con rty and ice rrram busineu n georxetoa n beat local oil 4orare9i liable pneebv apply nglo a diuks c c p rnnsca ma n si if notice to codlnders sealed lenders i 1u7 k d tender llr 1 be recei ed h he undeniewtd tint i 12 o clock noon on eaday march 4 h 924 or ike follow work on he i rwv nciav h igbways contra nn grading m leage 107 acton k aij hi plana nfiec li a knit lormal on o hid dcra endrr form and ender ea elorws y be obtained on and af er tuesday heb 13th 1924 a he olfi e of the mder fihd or iroui he rraidn engioeer a m krj cheuue lor 55ooo0 payable to he wmwr of public wotki and high aym omn o t c amy contpan i n emle a tiuatantee com- i oi b l o ot so per on 1 amomn i hr ender a ii be fur d hj lie cm ra 1 to he depa t wbei con rart s u ed bondi n t be made out on dcpaii 1 lmi the lowest or any tender nrn j a cepted l squne depatj mmiatrr of tmetiwaja ixpxmrnisirubv h siiwaya on a o teh tth nn u hthfh

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