Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 20, 1924, p. 3

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n tun gkoh ikiown hfraiu kpjhh ahv 20th h24 paos8 personals m k hi rf i v rftyal purple remedies cat meal stock and poultry specifics and the famous cluck feed best by test t d j matthew dbdob mid stationery local news items thetcebnrvetjfcw oo ith n goal old faaluui t capt wallace saw a ground hog out on his farm od feb 17th auotton sale ofi pure bred shorthorn cattle at r g mccul lough s on march 19tb the income tax formb arc be ins sent out got yours nt the pout office bee bone s spring stock of men a boots made spec a be pairing while you wait j honey thamubio by the glen band nt the arena last saturday evening was much appreciated b the skat- jira ami others master charlie scrymgeour comedian delighted a large gath enng at the entertainment at boston ohnrch last friday night town clerk heath a returns for the year 1928 to the registrar general for the town of george town show 48 births 18 marriages and 9 deaths the postponed annuatmeetibg of the local council of women will be held on tuesday feb g6th at 8 pm in the bank of montreal best booms the heavy anow fall of last night and this morning has tied ap traffic on both the steam roads and the highways equator electric heaters re cently demonstrated in george town maty sow be purchased at speight a music electric radio saoppe brooke block phone 47 bpeoial tills week fresh white fillets also fresh caught haddock and carp frozen flab of very variety lt pars to get the best and that ib what we sell georgetown fishjnd chip car it c0 rjwackhammer lot 80 tjrd hnebsqueing near aoton will bold an ex auction sale of reg sbculffotrranrgrfcdenattlo pure bred hogs and steep on thursday feb 88tb r j kerr anationeer the annual meeting of the leper mission will be held at the home of mrs dr f r watson on friday afternoon at 8 o clock a strong appeal ie made to all christiana to help this inter denominational mission jubt landed 800 pairs of child tea s boots at honey s from bramp ton and seafortb and i will give the best value ever offered georgetown from 60c to 1 00 few pair of hockej boots left from sss0 op bring yonr repairim and get it home with joo boney 2tp all having accounts agtfinst the hookey clnb ooiatjandiug kindlj submit flame at onoe to the secre tarymr c e roddy ah boonts meet at the el lib rooms on friday evoning at 7 80 sharp this 1b a bpeoial meeting foe all so all torn oat a grand enobre and dance under auspices of the loyal true bines georgetown will be held in the mtwn tall on fnday evening feb s9 campbell s orchestra r m cartney floor manager supper nerved at 11 80 tlckou 1 5 couple extra lady 8gc flay at tiatoa oaarah the cheltenham pramalic club will present the play thoord fashioned mother by walter ben bare in three sots in union presbyterian church on tuesday evening feb 80th at 8 p ra under the auspices of the union w 11 8 admission 88c and lcc t about yonr eyaa aie ur ojch 100 poi ent iihp 1 f nd n l have thei at i od by o t walker oyeti cht specialist who v ii b at w it watson h drug store icorgntowo on wednesday ftiruary j7tb make an appo ntu trrt with mr watson fall fatal to ltorval womu si ppmg on tbe cellar alct of i er i ome m h robert leaden n og aged 7fi years fractured her ikull and died some hours later on saturday inst mrs tondenning who won born in cumberland fnglind has been n resident of norval for 6g years she was an anglican and was held n tho high bhi ealecn mrb glendenning is burvtved by her fa ub band and two daughters mrs cauplnnd of nor val and miss sarah at home special opueal offer high gradojd filled spectacles and eye glaspa with best fiat spherical lenses for only 4 00 all other styles of frames and lenses at lowest prices eyes ex amined by mr hugbson formerly opt cat expert for kont s toronto id later for henry morgan co montreal the best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices two days only friday and saturday february 29th and march 1st close saturday at 4 iharp come early d j matthew druggist georgetown at oirl aqarrtad girlb who sold poppies on armistice day were banqueted by the women n institute on tours day afternoon last valentine day at the home of mrs robert erwin the tables were beautifully and appropriately decorated for the oo casion after all had partaken of tho delicious luncheon a toast to the women s institote was pro posed by misa irene groat and re aponded to by mrs campbell tho toast to the poppy girls was proposed by mrs m l near and responded to by miss mane cam erou faaaral of eua may dofeua thejnnnral of jedyajlay belay ed- daughter of mr and mrs thorn as dobbie took place on wednes day afternoon last to greenwood cemetery the service was ducted by rev mr caldwell tote pall bearers were george green john watson cecil stapletoo and tyndall those from out of town who attended the funeral were mrs john collin guelph mr and mrs alex dobbie mrs george wyse hamilton mr and mrs john boomer mr and mrs k dobbie toronto mrs wm nolan fern glen mr and mrs thos lappin mrs jas wilds mr and mrs thos marshall acton st gafcrsaa mlnatrab large gatherings attended the entertainment provided by st george s minstrels to the bohool room or the church last tbnrs- dav and friday evenings the old plantation melodies were well ren dered and the clever jokes and local bits were features that caused mooh merriment it was oneof the finest minstrel shows ever put on in town and muoh credit for the bdccess of thi gaaieation is due to the two clever and men edwards and cole not withstanding the foot that every member took bis part well the iolin solos bj mr jack thompson delighted everybody those who took part were roy edwards cbes cole bob corke bert thompson w f bradley rev p mnjos ray thompson d cngh ton albert williams 8 dewhurst i ccanmes jane deniaon and dnv d cnghton accompanistr mfe bradley and mr j bwal d mitil i t r o i 1 1 h bubhiul w a m uar w is ting pr n hamilton r l riorj f lik ho town o monday mr w m colo f t ronto ipont s nday t his home herp m and mrs robinson f win nipegan s t ng at mr f til lochs rs will long and daughter margaret hpcnt tie week enl at glon morr h m mcklflley and son doual of toronto are v siting nt mrs harrison h and mrs jan henry ind dons spent sinday ftib mr nod mrs ldc irrie i mrs 1 mocksy of hamilton were vi tors in town over the week end p hall day and m j kennedy of toronto spent the week enl in to n dr thok mocullough of chats worth vis tod at mr w a wil n s during the week mrs r d gardner and miss cardnbi of orangevilln are visit ing at j b mackenzie s mr j a traey s many friends were pleased to see him over to town again the other day mrs peden is visiting nt the home of her daughter mrs walter lawson jr at stewart town mr and mrs r e price of cooksville were guests of mr and mrs miller th line during the week mrs h h heartwell returned home from the hospital in to ran to last wednesday and is much improved in health mrs g a henderson who re cently underwent a severe opera tion at victoria memorial hos pital toronto is recovering nicely and expects to be able to return home shortly mr lean cook of the canada needle works who underwent an iperation at wellesley hospital toronto recently is progressing quito favorably and expects to re turn home by the end of the week mr and mrs v a smith and son jack left this week for their new home in toronto they were good citicens dnnng their resi dence in town and we are sorry to to lose them the beet wishes of host of friends will follow them to their new home apwwyjm 1 kat1hobbt1sh all varieties at georgetown fish and chip cafe y 01t7 coaoart on friday evening february school room of the molbodibt ebon b and enjoy an old time con cert consisting of chornses duets read i oge there will also be music by the kitchen ore bent rn all for c admission sau or tkarlkarm oattu mr b c mrccllongh of under wood farm georgetown will hold credit auction sale of pure scotch and scotch topped short horn cattle on wednesday march 19tb at a o clock anyone desir ous of securiflg choice shorthorn stock will do well to attenttthib sale ben patch acetic mac iuoiui at omrjik hear row tig the renowned russian tenor in dublin street charch cueist tuesday febru ry sfcth tiottta 91 oqat kelly s music stoie guelph reserved seats soo axtra it can be arraog ed that radial leave guelph at 1080 xilud wall bkliac an unusual tragedy occurred at blterbrooko- at nocn last sunday hvn norman b btark a prom in ent montreal business man and son of the late william stark dep- ity chief constable of toronto skiing down through a rock cutting sand a 8 o clock come to the canedan national railway was out to pieces by a train that came snsdenly round a bend in the track mr slark was skiing near robs crossing and had just got on to the track when the montreal train doe at sherbrooke at lr0 name around the curve and was upon bim before anything ronld be done to avert tho rates tropbe the tr was polled up immediately alter and the mangled body picked up and eateo to sher brook e where an inquest will be bold deceased was a frequent vtn tor here in his boyhood days oism fall late water on thursday of last week while i gaged in oatting nesfctbe hill pond at huttonville a team of horses belonging to howard may who resides an tho town line fell into 16 feet of water they bad to bejeparated and drawn ont by another team of horses tbey were in the water about half an hour and were badly cut up about the legs dr stirk was called and other than their cutb they are none the worse for their winter din kmtlac exuutteb about 80 members of the old orchard skating clnb of toronto gave a splendid exhibition of speed skating and barrel jumping at the arena here last monday evening there was a large attendance of spectators who enjoyed tfre races but many wpre dissapointed that there wftsoo fancy skating as ad vertised and aa the arena oo an tioipated the visitors were a fine bunch of young men boys and irls and all were entertained to a delicious luncheon by the ladies hockey clnb at the oloee of the speeding events at be oloee of tbe luncheon kind words and cam plimentary remarks were spoken by mayor dale and the manager of the club good flay wallta oa tbe dust of the earth drama in four acts given by the asfagrave epwortb leagne in the town hall last evening was mooh ay predated and enjoyed by the large audience present those who took part in the play are de serving of muoh credit as all tbe members of the cast performed admirably for amateurs the players were j l wilson mies edna moculloogh miss blanche hepburn henry barton j wilson miss jessie rnddel b hepburn w bird c wilson hi sa frances home editor will tnr ouuwl the board of directors of tbe canadian weekly newinspers as sociation has decided to hold tbe annual meeting of the association in toronto june 6 6 and 7 tbe sessions will be held in convoca tion hall after the sessions so of tbe newspapermen will leave on a two months tour of england scotland and the battlefields tbe empire press union and the english newspaper societ are co- operating in the old land 16 mabe isit of the canadian news paper men and women a very en joy able event tbe party sails on june 11 from mbntreal on the cpr steamship melita okwi4 vlluc upto data tbe trustees of the polioeait isge of rockwood messrs wm barns robert thatcberand fred smith waited open tbearrioul tural society andpresented a sug gestion to consider the advisability of offering the exhibition park aa georgetown before hei to the late mr stnrk marriage card of thanks we herrby convey w ilnccre ih to neml ind ncigbbjri for tbor many ktodneut wid lympathy amended lo ui on tti occanon of am aad benremnt 6tke doath of a beloved daugh e mr jtgd mra tboa dobbt in tbe winter time folks need pnre foods to keei up a healthy blood circulation si eciai english breakfast tea tasty good strength and fine flavor the more von buy the better you be pleased only 7c per lb finebt orange pekoe soo per ib cheap tea is dear at any price the cheaper the weaker and tbe ore you need a pound of on i finest quality 80o tea will make more than twice he oumber of cups of tea that a oheap one wjjl and besides you will get the fine flavor where you get a rank flavor in a cheap tea clark s bread the bread that s a real treat you doubt thi statement liui triai loaf t0da mark clark bakery and groceries auction sale e xi greensward tuesday feb 26 at one o clock the followihg horses grey mare rising 10 years weight about 1200 lbs good in ajl-hsr- dn bi worker ker cows fawn jersey 5 yrs due time ofstla fawn jersey 6 yrs due time of sale fawn jersey 4 yra due time of sale dark jersey 4 yn calf at ride dark jersey g yrs calf at side fawn jerasy 4 yrs bred in december dark jersey 6 yrs bred in november brindle cow 5 yrs calf at side brindle cow 4 yrs calf at side red cow 8 yra calf atslde red cow6 yra calf at aide spptted cow 6 yrs call at side red cow 7 yra call at side red cow 8 yrs due in march red and white cow loyrs due in may black cow 6 yrs due in april spotted cow 6 yra due in april dark cow 6 yrs duo in april red oor 4 yrs due in march bnndle cow b yn due in may red and white cow 7 yrs due in may dark cow g yn doe in april spotted cow 7 yrs doe in march redanawhiteoowsyrs due in april heifersfbwnjersey2yra in december dark jersey eyre bred in december 2 fawn jerseys 8 yrs bred in january 2 red heifers 2 yn bred in january reg jersey heifer bred ui february jersey heifer 8 months redheifera steers2 red steers 8 yrs fat 2 red steers ts yra red steer 1 yr roan steer 1 yr jersey bull 2 yn old sheep 16 breedingewea in lamb hogs1 yorkshire 8ow due in march 7 fat nogs lsyorkshiro hogs 8 months cream separator 760 lbs cap good ss new 10 bbl northern spy apples eveyrthing will be sold without re serve as the proprietor is go ng oat of the dairy business accommodation for all horses terms apples fat hogs fat cattle and sums of 10 and under cash c that amount 8 months credit on proved joint notes w a wilson ben patch clerk auctioneer notice to creditors his mother being miss hardy of camping place for the acoommo- n cs u datura or motor travellers on the new highway to lunch and rest it was carried unanimously on motion by mr sims mclean that tbe suggestion receive the approv al of the meeting a motion was also earned to secure if possible the holding of tbe rural township school fair at rockwood on h second day of ths fall fair r th taanr of ui matt or kobmt t bar lata offna town at owi town tn thaoonnty of qalton qanua- horeof ft ttotilr ous6o chapter 1 havng hardwood flooring is cheaper than carpels and will last for years pi oroforo why not tnki uhantuttn of o tr uptmml offer which nun follow -to- uuul limuiahkbh are offering no i oak flooring ij fnib i olc per fl tik a room 12fby la tfu an mam p would rotjuiru img ft b fl tt d4o per t 17 gh plus boo for quar lakinga total of j1hwh this flooring ih ond matched ind ly lay it yourself we also carry a stock of bfavbk boaho wl ich ih very suitable tor repairing walln and ceilings etc and to abu l uik iiasehh we are making a special offer of 4 2f per h udred j ft red t sales wll be ft m re tbuwould ur roirrrd i j b mackenzie e0un0wnnk3tw acton fkraem a special bargain reduced price for the next lo day ladies gold filled bracelet watches regularly sold t 1500 sale price 1000 lift ran teed cases and movements oar spoolaltr watek lupairla a b willson jeweller next to hotel mooibbon georgetown rennies grocery swift s shortening ib stuart s strawberry jam 4 lbs tomato soup 2 tins piatry flour per 24s baking powder 1 lb tin globe waeh boards each fanoy blue rose rice 8 lbs white pepper per lb we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone isl for quick delivery house pbone273i mhmhi the agents responsibility is a heavy one provided be takes his profession with the senodsness of the doc tor of the lawyer or of tbeminibter pbovtdbd he feels that be has been lax in his doty to any fellow man wild has battered a lossthat could have mien covered had he been dil gent in bis business provided he feels that on every policy he signs he is attaching his sign ature to a document obligating him to make good if the company whose contract he o k s by attaching his signature thereto does not provided he feels a sense of personal and moral responsibility if one of his clients suff era a loss under a policy issued by him a company unable to settle the claim provided he baa a consaence kobwsjhemrerence between good and bad insurance and will sacrifice personal profit rather than to place a dient un der risk by selllne him cheaper insurance in an unsafe company ike 1w bespwslwijiy uri bcftuum are bseparame wtlvanskgo service and protection etssssesseesssssssasesss i theres no secret to what has made exeefcnor brand flour tbe most pop- jjl ular pastryflptir it b just a case ol using only tho beat grain and mixing our experience with the most caret ul oversight of tbe milling operations that makeb excelsior the best pastry flour if yon iswent tried exeelaior brand you aire do in your psuitry svn injustice excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilliams stewarttown ballinaf ad acton flour mills b b urtdtt pray j norval presbyterian cburcb purmuant p a al rso 1914 cred tors or oibera demand a gal ait robert f bemr who dednnaf about the fourteenth day of january 1921 l tb aard town of gtonrrtowtl are requ red on of beforr tbe th rtetmb day of march 19j4to aend by pot prepa d or del it to lb ih tied aol c tor bnn lor frank r fo and r d warren tbe ciecutoi the eatare ol tbe aa3 robert f beiaey ben leinan dtceaaed their chml irr aurnaoma addreaaca bd deacruiaona full pacalar n wnt ng of heir cu ma italemciil of tbeif accoun j nd o ihe aerunty f anj hld by deceaaed anraqg tbe parttca ent lied tberc to hav ng regard only to tbe da mi of which they shall tben have not ce and that the aid executor w ii not be liable for the sad aaaela or any part thereof any person or peraona of wboae claima notice ahall qo bavevwen received by them at the tune of auto distributtoo leroy kale solicitor forlhe mid exctntora dated at grargctown th tb rteenth day of frtmiaxr a b 1724 a meeting tn behalf of union- will be held in the above bmldtngrn thursday evening february 21st of 8p m speaker h j pntchard of broadview charch toronto groceries 1 pr tho iij son s bleodless raisinh 12c carnation milk small sire v large simi for 2go corn 1 lakes 1 for gp jm i ib tin raspberry or strawberry 77c lolled oatu g 12lbs for soo u r spec al coffee por lb usc r xtm special tea per lb 88c thompsons beedless raisins pkt lc shelled walnuts halves per lb b8c pure maj e syrup 2 1 2 lb tin 40c imported in ipn marmalade 31o tilttle chip xta2 lormalade 20c tomato catsup pint l qe luc sard water toilet soap m- h6o cream qhve soap 9 for ifii- iilmolivqjsoap f tor 86c olegate toilet 8oap x fljr lajile brand condensed milk jth lyres golden syrup 21b tin 27o pumpkin 16r blue berries 2 tor 26c t valencia s raisins seeds in per ib ljf the above prices lor cash only mcbeanco georgetown t saturday treat candies be sore and try a pound of smilflbn chuckles tljoy are of the rat quality try a box of smiles n chnokles for a real saturday t 60c per lb february specials for weekend week end chocolates the best of quality i 32o per ib butterscotch regular 80c bpeo bato t suso norjb jellies regular 40o special saturday nn 9o par lb daisy caramel regular 80c bpeoial satnrday 2gc perfrb see our counters for other specials our stock le absolutely fresh every week we have fresh drape fruit oranges ffinimnt vlryi tift tun a reddish green onions etc weo oystere tea ooffee sandwiches ice cream m brick or bulk delivered sole agents for smiles and chuckles 60o perb harold c blac1c oeoeqetown eyes examined all glasses ground to hi loses dapuedcl tiaaifunt fflm satisfaction guaranteed or money relunded dr c c floyd jeweler and optometrist oneill block georgetown phohs t6 j wtoh kepaihns a spmiimllty i grandys everybody welcome 3tgdtrvtfloirrfee3mi havirig leased stewarttown elevator 1 am now prepared lo buy all bnda ol grain at best market pnces any time you have grain to dehvetcali rut at phone j95 pftone w c bessey georgetown red head matches per pkg 30c black tea bulk per lb 60 70mr japan tea per lb 6070c coffee per lb 60 60o prunes per ib 16 20 26c apricots per lb hc peaches per ib 18c 4 ib tin apricot jam 5100 4 lb tin hardest brand btrawberry jam 86c 4 ib tin rtuart s raspberry or strawberry 100 4 lb tin apple and strawberry jam 76c auras brand peas s bus 2fic ljnn valley corn per tin is ft for irr lux 2 pkgs 25c sitvetqlosb starob 2 pkgs 26 coin starob 2 pkgs soromo soap h for 2r seeia for bananas oranges jjemons bagp lettuce celery rapofr i calt a mrgrandy i phone 78 h sallslidtm cnrultt rnawlbdlur fflbbrnfnrig6siiairtrne 6 rnj

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