Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 5, 1924, p. 3

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tllk qeofiuetown iiphau main ii 6th tllm bisssa tsa 0t iih i march victor records the new roiordu for march many months cnll nil 1 hour tl iro the best selections i i 8011 ot ll iprioc 1u171 it am i onni hum n 19220 roll along misao n 218149 medley of r air i 19218 rosa j jimii han 19214 block fan i iii hohh djmatthew m dbogs mi stationer local news items lent carnival friday this in abij wednesday dress for the carnival of course you will but put on admo tliiag different messrs brwm d goldham have installed a new up todnte re frigerator plant master glenn ryan picked a panayin fall bloom m his aunt garden yesterday tbedernand for brown a bread dob necessitated the mstal latino of a larger and more modern dough mixer the firemen extend their thanks to air and mre g vint for twlt offs irmnhaa nen to tbem at the fire friday night county treasurer david hutchnon who has been laid up for sortie timo at his home m mas sageweya w slowly recovering mr david forrester who was the principal of oakvilfe pubho school some years ago baa been appointed county clerk of brace i have just landed this week the biggest btookaf bo and bhoea direct from factory that ever came into georgetown in a amgu shipment j eoney rev r d hamilton pastoi of the methodist chorcb bnrlmg sprtn m uiubtt 3to aro cor 1 ally invited to our o am or of read to- wear halt of stlk bat in and straw no friday an i sat irdaj and follo di m hmoh cliudgt i pstniri in her id ii look snocaufnl enonn aad dane ticbre and dame hold in lie town hall friday oven ng by loyal trie blues proved a moht enjoyable occasion music bui plied bj campbell t or cbostra and it j mccartney per formed the duties of floor manager to the edttre satisfaction of the patrodh a delicious luncheon served during the evening grenfau sflaalm the annual meeting of the grenfel mission was bold st the home or mrs b p law son on tuesday afternoon when the fol lowing officers were elected pros mrs lawson vice pros mrs johnston executive mrs h w kennedy mrs blmer thompson mrs oliver mckay mrs dr j watson mibb day root tbe an nasi tea and shower will be held in the pnbhc library on april fith f nooewfnl fnpus the following pupils of miss matthews were successful in pass ing their exams nt toronto con servatory of music recently jon lor piano mary livingston prim liana mrs anson tbirston charlie willaon introductory piano rnth evans dons greene ton has resigned from his charge primary thetory parti mar liv and will retire from the ministry at the end of this conference year the march meeting of esques ng women t institute will be held at tbe home of mrs walter law eon jr an friday mar 14 th at 380 and will be a talent meeting every member is aehed to make or bake something wbioh is to be sold by auction at the- meeting misses adams showing ot spring millinery will take plaoe saturday march 8th and follow ing says we have a very com ntate stock of the season a latest styles v trimmed hate are ex oeptionatly btnart and the pnoes sure to please we thank all for paft favors and are sure we can please you again ltp hava tow br examlm o t walker bveaight bpectal ist will be at watson a drug store on wednesday march- 26tfa make an appointment mary vannatter georgo st will open a class ini basketry at her home on thursday march 18 anyone wishing to join class apply at an early date 2i the e olde thyme concert will be repeated by request in the school room of tbe methodist chorcb on tuesday march 11th atbdoiooklrnr there will be a few variations in tbe program admission 25c i j strtalnt at tana oofw the young people of the glen methodist church will produce the play the minister fl bfide n tfae methodist chnrch terra cotla wedneaday eveoingtmarch lstti bev mr douglas will oc copy tbe chair adrnission 25o andhfic all parties having uniformp in atrnments mnsic or other prop erty of the citieens band ottrta s0th battalion band are request ed to return same to tbs band qojp at the ptrwic school on f tuesday evening march llth afier 8 pm by order of commit haaa baraad the hnnae of donald latimer oa arietta street waa almost pletely destroyed by flre on friday night last wbea the place was discovered fb bo on fire about ten o clock it bad made cansiderabli headway tbe loss on building and contents is considerable and only partly covered bj insurance rata anton is aaid to be the most cosmopolitan place in halton county and lor that matter any other town of its sie in ontario tbe population at present prises the following nationalities canadian english lr so scotch french united states polish swese russian austrian maltese jkrmu chinese and ukraimaiu- r banner omluimminlmn a number of angoymonu letter containing threats were received by some of our citixena leoently and a trial before magistrate moore at tbe town ball one morn ing last week waa the result the woman charged with tbe offence pleaded guilty and was let off oo auspenoea sentence often paying the costs of the court and receiv ing a severe lecture- writing tbe r kramer of toroi to hm nt w pkend at m r an i m s m ilvra h kb imin lllatli of h rami ton spent ti cflday w tli mr hi 1 mr harold black mr jim mcucau of queens i u vereit kingston hh home ivpr the week end mr 8 kirk alien led the ana dian flor uts 1- xet it meet ng at ottawa ant week mj and mrs thornloe mt for eat were vimtors at mr m loop- ei a during the weel mibb irene btncta r of lhi 11 cr son school btaff foronto upent s mda ith her imrenls miss lorna kennedy of actm spent die ncek end with her friend miss mar vannntter r w a millarwisin toronto yesterday attending hip f moral of in water tbe late mm mthno mm ft h bi d anan had tbe isfortune u fall on her floor last wedneaday and frart ire her right arm at tbe tfiiwt mrs allan dovoreaui wai delegate to tbe women h auxiliary at riverdale cbnrol toronto last thursday and friday ingaton honors i nmary theory completerijth orr btemedtary theory alleen moore ist olaae honors gfaarhe kirk honors mrs a tbireton 1st class honors do ro ll y kyle 1st class honors kmtta m viiftr when the canvasa for members in the horticultural societ is in progress tbia spring cheer tbe di rectors in their efforts became a member and secure your ticket kemomher one who pi ant a a bed of flowers in the spring and cares for it during the sultry days of du turner that tbe eyes of tho pas serby may be cheered by beautiful foliage and bloom has a right to count himself one whose patrio tism keepa active in t me of peace by assisting to beautify bis home town ha ton imi titan tat t georgetown has been favored thib winter by the visit of a pair of rare southern birds tbe cardi nals the roaloia nearly as large as a blue jay and is a brilliant ver million red while bis mate 48 an ashy brown with faint red mark ings qe can beat any boy in town as a whistler thirty years ago the cardinal was mentioned as only a casual summer visitor in south west4m ontario but of late years they have been working northward and remaining for the winter obser vers report themas residents this winter at london and woodstock mrs el w ken iedy says they have been feeding on jibe berhea of the virginia creeper on her back porch let b boar bow many more have sopn thpni norvsl ime go young people of rttmx church georgetown visited nor al young people on monday even ing when a most enjoyable even iug was speht- a feature of the evening was the debate resolved that the minister does more good than tbe doctor tbe afflrma which was taken by mibb jean watson miss basel webb and mr ross cameron of george- towu won out by a few points the negativewas ably aupoorted by miss peacock miss maxwell and mr john robsell refresh ments were served during the evening and everybody present had a good time personals auction sale ii ladies chldkens wear fancy goods etc the u clem jji nl lw iwrn mf nl h watson s w1nfield o itcll by pub nu al hr preu se millar bloek oaargatawm on saturday march 8th chldrmi wtirm tm flu oalu a hrobf bon i u dcrweur drrme n kh rownx how hi boo tij on icm lkj r vc tlo en wool vnrfu unc cp l ran mlerwea i wlr k aproor ijtcm sh elili also me rn y work cu 1 on tops lubl w cm het a few omlrt hi r p ill lia r eh b bead bk beauty p dolhmiil lan trswfv ch ei im i au o or was in a batter posi tian to supply my cobtomers aa 1 have in a splendid assortment of and boys boots and bun dreds of pairs of ohildren s boots to choose from tou can buy boots here for children from 60c to 1 00 our repairing in from the cheaper the weaker and the io to 50 per cent lean than any more ou need in the winter time folki pure foods to keep p a healthy blood circ lation si fciaj english breakfast tea tastj good etrength and fine flavor tbt more you boy the better you be i leased only 76c per lb finnnt orange pekoe 80o per lb cheap tea is dear nt any price other place yo i can afford to have work done here vou can have a choice of beard mo re s best oak hemlock or bull dog sole leathers the toughest leathers ever tanned it is not imitation and n usl not be confused n itb many leather substitutes which do not rive satisfaction we have a chnile of leathers here men s fine boots half aoied sewed by hand cannot be boat 1 25 repairing le you wait j ronej tbe peo les family shoe m ntt main street georgetown p o bo b boyss girls wanted letwoen 16 and zoyrn of rc apply smth and sione electrical work georgetown shf wiauwub far sal fordsedininood condition rs cbap apply at herald office wwiltasau a quant ly of hard and soft railt cul any length al s3 per smfle cord delivered lo any place n town john h smith phone 84 r13 5jtp a pound of 0 ii finest q lafity 80c te l will mi ke more than twice tbe n imber of cups of tea that a cheap one will and besides you will get tbe fine flavor where you get a rank flavor in a ebeap tea clark s bread the bread that s a real treat if you doubt his statement inn a thiai loaf today mark clark bakery and groceries phonf 229 between monday and thinadvy even no if last week a aura of money sis fndcr kindly return 19 herald office ami receive reward isala uaeful horse cheap for cjujl c g english fot is 4th me eaqueunc phone 91 15 gcoraretown 31 1 forsala well bred jeraoy cow due to rethen 17th of tfaii month apply to w c ken nedy gnelph street up ttbot collage on murdock si 6 rooms clec im igbland water imnejialepoaaeaaion apply h t arnold son tf favsau how and lot on main street gtenwl una frame bonae 9 rooma about x acre land electric light apply lo box j 98 glenw ii anta wall papers if you are needing wall pa per i can supply all wants and for timacjkdple who do their own paperhangmg these pa persare the ideal thing being semi tnmraed and perfect mat ching let me call withjam pies estimates furnished for papeihanging painting grain ing natural wood brushing c lbludd pkm a rta a aun tel silh ftki wimim 01 new leaf proted your properly apamit damaoe try before it is tbblate lacwaof you kay elmer c thompson usnikt service tearfdnm coal best anlhracilc coal always on hand nor stove and small egg is so largt sized pea 12 00 delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown obi above is a very tenons matter and is pninahable bv a fine of 400 and imprisonment any person so in olined kindly take warning ashgrove in spite or tbe bad roads a large i j number or the members of theli asbhroe uf and u f w o dabs j were presents at their meeting at j the home or mr bnfua reed on 1 tburada evening february sbtfa i the secretary of the d p w o i club read letters tram tbe bsadlj office of the organisation explain i tng various features of the same followed or tbe monthly bulletin 1 3 ntten by the general secretary j mrs laws mr ward buddell re- u ported tbat the carload of salt or dared by the clnb wanuf amve in j the course of a few days nvreso- lutiou vaa theo formed to eod4olj the government aa opposed to any h kteferendum against thei present it ota mre james bird then gavel a humorous re tbe uinnteali of a ladies jieettwt which was greatly enjoyed it waa decided to i special sale -of- aluminumwarc for this week only consisting of 1anel dais kettlee for paneldoubla boiler for straight ooverm saooe pan for utility straight sauce pans for bstofibmnoa pans for r colaooer fot j windsor covered kettle for ldn five 7m r pubui rkaliii sjtkdrkwlrtmmi of literature referrerrte po th tor tbe spar- j row hunt until the next meeling i tbe next meeting will be held atjj the home of mr henry wilson onlj marsh sotfa r h ti40mpson co qeorgetowh i british empire exhibiuon i weamty london i april october 1924 i sccare yir licktls u foil ialarnitloi irai i ht vms coaaeslslor canadian pacific canard anchor and an chordonaldson steamship lines wx evans go tont service protection rennes grocery kiko malt large waler s lb ail pure iaixi rangoon rice i lbs for tomato catsup pt bottle black pepper per lb peaches no 2 per tin uld d itch jcanaer 2 for i corhuo 8 for we deia tr d r rennie cash grocery phone lsrforqufck delivery house phone 273i 3 days only 5th to 8th a real bargain ladies wrist watches valued dp to 15 00 for 9soo 929 00 and 27 oo wabtbiw for 99000 35 00 wtchob for 128 00 all mqvenrenu and cases guaranteed floyds th gift shop oneill block georgetown phone nt watch rttpairiiig a speciality dont miss it fancy dress carnival a grsnd fancy dress carnivaf will be held in the arena georgetown -on- friday march 7th suitable flrat and second pnres will be awarded tor the fallow ng best dressed lauly gent girl and boy the following special prise will alba4i5saj best national costume best dressed married oonple single conple best dressed clown comic youngest girl in costume haggle and jlggs children 14 and under beat dressed person ontsidfeof georgetown person brinclns largest aleiffhload n lc mens open boys under 18 years tvrvscai3 ladies open girls under 18 years admission 3 and 25c prices can be seen in matthew e drug store window weekend speciaxs our omdiea arc fresh the quality the best our prices are rurht so pve them a test week dchooolatca regular 0c per lb tor fresh plain marahmallows regular 0c per lb for buttracoh regular 30e per lb for cum drope rrfrular 30c per lb for orangea lemons bananaa watch our window for other apodal h ice cream bnek and bulk eskimo pies sole airenui for smilln thru chocolatea pet- lb gqp h kosr korner kandy kitchen f j deverson high grade or low grade groceries which lo you want we liayo tbe high grade at prices that cannot be beat and dehveredaiybur doo why jvj more for yo ir groceries and cajt them home special ro n corn syr ip 5 lb pail v lnrnat oo condensed milk bmal aire i lb tin raspberry and strawberry jam only pea line 2 plita for sago per lb carnation condensed milk large size 9 for corn dalten 3 for baked lwns in cluli baure 1 lb tin tspioea par lb prnpen ih lb hoodleaa ralstns 2 for tyles0otden3yriir3 lb tin rolled ootn fll lbs for clark a spagbetti with tomato riauce niul cli eagle brand condensed milk the above prices for cash only mcbeanco 1 georgetown saturday treat we lead others follow last saturday was a record one our special effort to bod real specials for you was very encouraging so much so that we are deter mined to give you such wonderful values that other cnoieoti on era will wonder how we can do it note our specials for this saturday candy kisses 20c per lb assorted molasses candy kisses tbat pure wholesome candj wh oh every member of the familyis fond of take a good took at this price worth 40c per lb 100 lbs to clear saturday 20n per lb saturday special 20c per lb homemade coeoanul totfee 25c lb if there is ocoanut toffee regular 30c saturday 25c per lb weekend chocolates 32c lb we notice the demand for this big special is increasing regular 40 and 5qp lb week end special 32c lb wxbaartfcaah fruits and vegetables ice cream in brick or bulk delivered bole agents for smiles and chuckles 60c per lb j harold c black t e 89 georgetown m grandys maple syrup per bottle 40 7gc libbj a kront perfln 20o libbya spinach peri tin sso libby s pork beans per tin 16c aylmer golden wax beans per tin red head matches per pkg 25c 30c prunes per lb 15 20 m soc apricots per lb t 1i peaches per lb 16c atlas brand peas 2 tins lynn valley com 8 tin a 25c a6e golden bantam corn per tin 20c pnmpkin per tin 16c apricot jam 4 lb tin 100 harvest brand jam strawberr 4 lb tin 86c 5 lbs corn meal 25c leatl erstr p sweet locoaout per lb 26c a m grandy i phone 78 i sablmhm gurulet4 rrtaaijttllkt eventaally why not now learn to use the more plentiful bises of coal for heat ng we of fer you bodlets a manufactured heating umt or bard coal ttcceemni and oil binder which contains tho same heat umt as nut and p im to coal in acton where we have been selling hene for the past ihe ear they are one quarter ofonr tonnage t we havejall b prioeb bo u gets pocahontas e pea mice anthracite nut bice anthracite stove sitejanthraoite egg ai ee anthracite gsute stock which we el ver at the following 120 j 12 1 1200 lf fio log0 100 j b mackenzie acton r umltowir tw t

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