Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 16, 1924, p. 6

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thktiboikiktown hkruipttfiul 10th kwv 8iqnb or spring sigdb of hpriar aro all around ip the air and on thegrtiund riciib ttro cftotlink oa the run marble playing has begun tho rattle of the aucient flivver la heard gaio tbo- torpid liver kouolaaflainfit boiled bonne and pork vistu by the bony ntork loorcam youthful lovorn ltuor longer ia uncovore iii6 tulip bod while matlpi- uwitcbes buhb and thinkb- willie itches to doll his winter underwear the of bug buys another pair of koftdtiikh panlh the baseball fan starta amumflrtth whence be cap ifcrtcv hot a do of grippe and a cold nore on hie upper lip- yea signs of pprinkvro numerous wffiterb rodo o theyre poat- huifiorourt terra cdita a rumborfrom here enjoyed a social dance t m and mra morchments on friday evening mr and mrb b parr of gaelnh are visiting with friends here evangelistic berviceb are being held ovory night id the method iat church here this week rev mr douglas pastor ia conducting the services mrs win kent of toronto visiting with friends here mrs haines of toronto spent the week end with her parents bore mr j moleod held a saooesafn sawing bee last week born on saturday april 6th to mr sod mrs w j rntledgeof the town line a daughter making fa cheese the mimactijre oi cheese in he home diary ptefwrtnk lh viotk coarnlt cutting ant mllllnx a homulc proas arier ar of cheese ioopemilon will win t coptrluted bj ontario drtml at axrloaltur toronto for every nine or ten pounds ot cbeeae required us 100 pound it milk 10 gallon tmk the freab toolnines milk and tnu it with the nights milk in a vat or same clean html suitable tor abiding mus- heat toe milk to st gegrcea fabren- bait by placing a clean can of dot itei in itoc by setting tbe vessel containing tbe milk on tbe stove and ftlrrlogr oaftiutioa vh ne teaspoonful oi rennet tor eery v pound ot milk hirst dilute tbe rennet with pint ot cold water and then mix it thoroughly for about lb ree minutes jl cover tho vat until coagulation uke place which will be in about twenty minute depending on tbe ripens ot the milk when the curd break clean across the flnger without any hake remaining on it it i ready to be cut cutting formatting regular curd knives are beat use the boruonuu knife flrst catting lengthwise of tbe vat thenut both lengthwise and cross wise with tbe perpendicular anile this gives small cubes ot even else after the curd baa been cut it bould be gently atirred with the hand or with a small wooden raka for ten minutes betore applying beat if n man spoke to hia wife only once a month or every two months she wouldnt recognize his voice but great snakes what if she recognised his bretht two good nbed road carts one heavy teaming wagon gear good as good democrat all will be cutd overonce then pile unevenly at heat the curd degree fahren heit taking about thirty minutes to do so continue stirring until tbe card la ready for dipping usually about two and opehalf to three bourn from the time tbe vat was set when the curd become firm and springy and falls apart when a handful is pressed together it is ready to have the whey removed alter drawing off the whey atlr tb 8oldoheapjni 6heui asoo georgetown 8o live to your town that yon will not merit the label bestowed by an oldtime philosopher that man is abbot as maoh use to a town as a last years calendar a considerable revenrie might taddrivedfromataxontraperadbob bpeeohes at ottawa and the pro vincial capitals thousands of words are wasted on the desert air s0meb0bys house bums nextanditidvs on t to fttttctywuiiilr tyahotuiv- euhfs c t10mpson strrtet bonds and investments insbbance 4wat bfatl u 1 wae tax ictaras ttjmtii hrminuns 7 oiutmwniiy bjbeklmawwa bm tembrlyeustvtfo pvo offkeluw e p bownuui o x s uii fhp yt -t- 10 donotal qdxlth to ibcbtle d a niveo ous a 1064 one end of tbe vat and cover it with a heavy cotton cover to about twenty minutes the eurdwill be well matted when it should be cut luto blocks about four inches sou are turn the blocks about every twenty minutes until the curd comes oaky this is usually ibout one nud a balf hour after dipping wm fra caltfkmk builder estimates uroukecl free oh all- buds of- buildings re- pfilringa apecialty box 68 georgetown b of a strlpu about tbe thickness of your noser atlrwell and apply sill at tin rat i on ounce ror uvery iwruynvr pounds ot milk sprinkle the salt over ihe curd mix it thoroughly and when the salt us dissolved the curd will be reiuy to put to press at between so and 4 degrees tbetneeftnwprork5bbi should be made of beavy tin with two handle on the ouuidu a suitable lie for home nac would be ncvuu and elgbt inches ib d is meter and twuivr r fuurteen inches hlgb place a piece of cotton at the bot tom of the hoop us a temporary cap tbun put tbe cheese cloth bandage inside tbe hoop carefully pack in tbe curd fold- over tbe end ot tbv bandage place on tup a piece of cot ton similar to the one at the bottom put on wooden fouowur and put to press a hwntcmade press if a prets with a scrw is not avail able use a lever press takb a pleci- of scantling ten or twelve feet ion for a lever place tbe cheese hoop on a strong box about throe feet from tho wall nail to the wall a pincu ot scantling and under it put one end ot the lever put a block of wood oa top of the follower for the lever to rwt on a pall containing stones or iron- may- be used for the weight do not tpfly full pressure at first in threequarters ot an hour the tbeeae may be taken tram the press the bandages wet with hot water pulled up smoothly and trimmed neatly allowing oneball an inch to lap at tbe ends cover the ends with circle of stiffened cheese- cloth- over that place a piece of cotton dipped la hot water ketura the cheese to the press until the following morn ing when they should be turned in the hoops anu pressure continued a few hours longer after removing tbe cheese from the press place them in a cool dry cellar to ripen after careof cheese turn thecheese end ror end on the belt every day for- a month and afterward occasionally these cheese will be ready for use in about u or- eight weeks to prevent toe cheese moulding and to keep them from drying too much they may be dipped in hot paramnn wax another method to prevent mould is to pnt a double doth on the cheese until ready for u tbe mould will be off the extra cloth leaving tbe cheese clean when removed dept ol extension o a college- quel ph n aiaihfhmll wmiuhih lllflf i iiihi for 01jtsipe wa1xsfqr wsjdfrwalls with stucco waupaper or paint tpvede w yriuwiah your walls tobe then ii check up your wishes wilh the ten tested fca- turfis of ten testsolid fibre board yoall find it fulfills your every desire exterior walls with stucco applied over ten test solid fibre board permanently defy wintera winds and snow and summers bun and rain ten test solid fibre board resists moisture and helps to keep your rooms at comfortable tem perature all year around interior walls and ceilings with ten test solid fibre board papered painted or panelled provide rooms of dignified richness and restful chatm walls that stubbornly resist hard knocks ceilings tfiat will riqj sag craturiior warp ten teat solid fibre board is so lastingly beautilnl it b uaj in the finest taomen it costs bo little to buy apply and maintain it is uked for modest homes as well twiee as thick as other wull boards it has dduble the strength and laattour quajitics write for th frmm book uottcfc grw in rfrteu tie n jannr moo tmf a ihu mldlatbemij yew will find 1km too full of new hritdtm ums addrtu your dearest dealer or man ley chew manufacturer dept penotangi ontario get their orders now think w the f a r mors i who will want timothy clover wheat rye oata seeds potatoes for plant- iag roofing or paint for ithe barns wir for the chicken runways or pig pen a hundred uiitigs if prices are favourable get their order for theni now- by long distance and hold the goods if necessary when the roads are bad farmers doubly apprtdate your telephoning them the first merchant whodoes stands a mighty good chance of wetting their orders try i calls the results vb tomovies pvbaileyvv garage wellwhoare toollttteone i m miss5pr1ngtime etvourcarfixep anslcome out intothe country sprangtlmwftnvsymrtblvmit jiok- if your oar ia afnicted withauy wintertime complaints let oa look her over andsed wjintb thetrooble moneyispent here for re pairs and supplies is really jo vested as you will find out phone w fowl wanted 1 am paying the highest price for all kinds ot inepoultry also best prices fcr all kind of indfc faidra and wool resi dence next to implement shop m freeman phone 990w georgetown georgetown lumber co phone a 50 geobgetown farmers we stave ah unas ol farm im plements repairs harness etc also oils and greases bmi rommtme prices s 6 groat georgetown seeds and seed grains we bare choice oac no 72 oata choiem golden vine pea choice mandechuri barley red clover sweet clover aitiy alalketlmouiv at close prices alex noble elevator georgetown moib for sale yfe hav for immediate delivery targe quantity of both hard and soft wood oatlay length now is the time to pat in yoar fall buppjy your order olloited t termssad be arranged prompt delivery telephobaisls murray broa ujct auction sale farm impleineiits tlte imdersigimd bssbeea matmcted by nelson cook tosetl by public auction at hi premises georgetown on satorday april lth sh ft- llawharrc tlvaioe ooth maerfams jlriu bojbull steel roller bobsmgl heavy jmgen hayfck narket wasroo buggy otter and pot complete cbsl- bjifvonh ntillsckl bagger 2 vfukia 1 soalougbsn0 iuutdwb set- heavy barwcss set sjngle bsroess kaseev-har- crcainirpatsiorfieckyolies whim- iljaalunrtusiicirtyalso teamnt zitetsm of l2wl ooder cvk mwitat smoum 6 month credit on ap- pntvrd jotnt notof 5 per cent oft ror den petch auctioneer ooopenaioa tvui wbs competition is no longer the ufa ot trade but cooperation is ue as surance of success thar are three orewajmiiusto water things and ther must cooberau uoetsonauoe and the other are labor and the tanner tbnumer baa been inde pendent and an individually and com pet with other collectively there must be cooperation tor sales tor purchase and for production we must standardise our product so the buyer will know just- what be la to jr f ivier q tea byea betor iwfm county farm buww wall papers if you are needing wall pa- paltsnaiippjyajlwaatb and for thoae people who do tbeii own papeifeuiging thec pay pers are the ideal thing beis nniiunedd perfect mat- tfyna let m call with paw eatinvates i urnianed i or pepeaanirig pain ting gnuv ft wood nniahing etc ebludd tuln 200 to saved a- on this studebaker lightsix here is a car priced at 1465 which built by ordinary methods would cost you from 200 to 400 more it b in scores of ways the leader of its class no rival car compares in the value that it offers it is built by the largest maker of fine cart in the world by a maker who builds lsfxooo quality cars per year so such major costs at engineering overhead diest etc are dividedby 150000 c it is built in a model plant with-up-tc- date machinery and the savings go to you in values none can match x some extra values same steels as we use in the costliest cars we build on some wpay- 15 pre mium to makers to get them exactly right designed and built under an engineering department which costs 500000 yearly bach car gets 32000 tests and inspec tions in the making f the bodies arebeaatifurcreations the finish and coach workshpw the final touch more timken bearing than any com petitive car within 1500 of its price genuine leather cushions ten inches deep unusual equipment crankshafts machined on all aurfnas as wasdone in the liberty airplane ho- tors this to insure perfect balance 25000mile audited tests made on 329 cars show lower operating coat by 114 than thdaverage otits rivals t 72year traditions built by a maker whose name for 92 years has stood for quality and class whose asseu of 9000 rstldtkt serving you better than otbera xmvomi model r 50fl0qjxq bavv v been mostly biityt in the past five years by studebaker for whose cars last year 4416 jeoplt paid 201w0000 whose sales have almost trebled id three bara rj come see what this lightsix offera see its many extra values its beauty its comfort its luxury do that and you will choose this car if you have in mind anywhere near this price totttms i x special six biosix 5faaa 112tewb 40 h p toursg 15s roadster 5fass h4s twill roajfr 4pasj 1733 coape spass 19s5 5pass 119inwb s0hp touring tzooo roadster 2paux 1970 coupe spasa i 2sl 7pats umawjl hep tourtng m25 speedster 5fan 2ss9 coupe 5paaa s393 sedan sou utuajftfvr w tolveiutison creofgteown ontario the worlds largest producer of quality autqmq1l1 st akersulag wudr standard anthracite scranton coal in all size aatotnatioally boreened and loaded coal wood select lamp for domestic and threshing purposes smithing and cannel coal in faot i carry everything to be found in any nptodate goal and wood yard john mcdonald phonbu georgetown wvw roe insurance broker insurance in all branches fhobte 65 geobgetown you w mew tires i stock only the best s tfc s fabric and cord standard i also k cfcs supreme cords oversize let me have yonr inquiries and yon will be surprised at tho prico dont forget i repair yoor old tirea and tnbee at a reasonable price evarytbjmg riiiunaatmdto tin sarrlea v f sinclair tire and tube repair service station phohe w geokobtowlf browns garage nhvu general repair shop pratt uthp eh4t udorlra charles brown bell fbod 9ptt chloj 27rs8 goal bat d l itw 01 cmi in 11 siit auo smidling and steamcoal mrs j walkins novlfal station thoosearitj dsal best anffiracile coal always on harid nat and stone coal small egg coal law sixa pea coat delivered to any part ot uia town auo coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown werrml ctkaceurdwwpdanttralbjany kagths proenpt dellveryt krwest prices tm can bs j vptfr order aolicrtrd u f it pays to use martinsenour woodlac stain sfifltebs ot furnituremoo vart tohdaret home rumtinc hadc easy sou by j w kunnedx georgetown qnt spend lees and buy more one potior u ttsictly auhiihl itale daxb dowu j t ddmikiom stork you wultnd out thitpolicj i will help you spend leu and boy more quality groceries provisions new cheese 09 aylmek peas ftnert canadn lb a ox no 4 8le 2 una kraft cheese 39 av bacrtbacoh j rmain peameal 9q atlhbr suced ik j0c tomatoes tin 29c 9t 18c mad at our own bakery lemon snaps oi- lb vaalff vfaiup ip cherry cake 9 jellt rolls fruit a cherry os cake lb st 25c tw f ih srorbpi kcinc hams siloed lb wklmjay snail suelb fr atrraoon 22c 13c 33c 19c choice cohob salmon ilb un choice cohoe salmon wib ricrmello coffee j1q tin richmello cocoa wlb tin large meaty prunes 4050 2 lbs lvc sweetmixbd pickles in large bottle c maple syrup rinn no tin- iyy carnation milk q lfios cgn 3 una for wc bttrterscotch 10 licorice all sorts lb thunday and saturday vntit it cun ctodau day good friday fish 19c choice sockeye ja salmon lbt 22c salmon ilb tin choice sockeye 39c mixed nuts lb raspberry or strawberry jam 4lb glass jar easter eggs marahmallow or cream each pure orange marmalade j 3lb tin liquid m ammonia j charm 2 for a mason tar olives no 5 queen olives 2 for i dominion stores un i ca

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