Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1924, p. 2

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r tlik qkorumtoun married colnak bllungtonal eorublu cm saturday apr i lh mm by h j h moore l 1 llyrtle b 1 ton of toronto alurn edw n i man gaggetow iittiiehtarustion ius lr church on apruil by rev le mayes mary bl mbeth armslro g auslna ma ihcws of branlfo uaksruhabdat brartp on on s d uom g april hh i9m limmlre award in bit 76th yrsr an easier message tho following i as tor mosaic- from bov r f gamcion who ib recovering from lib recent severe illness was rent b rev mr mac kay to the tonrroh itiod of kfll cbnrob on i- aster sunday morn the christmas message ib cheerful and bright in which there id announced tcrmankind bvholdj bring jougood tidings of great joy which shell ha to ill people for unto you ib born this day in thtcity or david a saviour which u christ the lord but there la no messago to dying men which compares to the easter message he who had been trusted to redeem israel baa been cruaftcd and tils dead body laid away in a tomb his disciples fwbo were expected to carry on are downcast discouraged and without bope 4vhen lo the news u spread abroad thai tho tomb where his ha jay is empty that he has been seen various ones of his disciples and in d ferent places the lord is risen in- town council henorial to be place al corier of oiktoh aid halo slreel at special meeting or ooudci held last evening with all the members present the site for tho soldiers memorial was chosen and work mil be commenced on the preparation of the plot as aooi as possible tho site chosen was tho tri angular plot at tho corner of qnelph and main streets deed the empty tomb is the strongest ar gument or the fact of the resurrection chrtstts risen indeed so that he whom the early disciple had been trusting for so much has not deceived or foreak en them but has proven himself 1o be all reclaimed to be and to have power ofer death and the grave tljls risen saviour today stands ready and willing to reveal himself to airy and everyone who will seek him humbly and earnestly j3e reveals himself specially in the breaking of bread so while the- bread of life is being broken to you in his name today may yon discern him aa the ernmaus disciples did and raay the reality of that discernment be measur ed to you by the burning desire of your heart to follow and serve him is the earnest prayer of your pastor township council 8tewrttowd aprjlu j92i the couostl met jursoint to adjournment been the joipg were rerid mid con niand f after naesrog a number of ao- oouotothe iouovin- pathmasters wen appointed brownbeatifl that tbejby law to appoint patmmfcersbe now read the second and thjrd times and that tbe blanks be filled up jfqhtbbfihowignameei l i jarton 2 david cox 8 james ep- bprowl 4 pyfe 8ombrvile fi bon mobtabern 6 beter moqibbon 7 nathan dredge 8 a e grossman 8 d d waldie 10 t p watkins xi biohard joyce is jno halarty 18 f robertson id p molsaae 15 a gotta 16 p meartburrj7 alex lawson 18 bobt stark 10 a m hnme 20 angub lawaon 21 griffin- sprowl i w a young sfl flhaa br jti j eon 56 thmbird 20 herbert cleave 87 w u anthony 2b thoe moffat 88 w j flenrj 80 bobt bnddell 81 alex 1 hume 38 h devereanx 8tf geo mine 84 pred cole 85 3 douglas 66 jno barnes 87 j dawlor 88 e mr- win 8 w b shortili 0 ben barrpp 41 jobn hoffman 42 geo cleave 48 tbos mullin 44 alex v mckay 45 8am tisdale 46 james v- erly oatfander 48 bobt ktr haaod 49 ernest bogere 60 henry may 51 h 0unler 52 ed hgreaoiward 58 j ccook si w botledge 55 bd townseod do bobfc mopbertop 5tjas grant ii68 jae ganjble69 c swaokham nww joe allan 01 d mobnery 68fleo bagerer68 wm mullin carted flrown gowdy tbat this conn ijjjjy or jlo now adjonrn to meet again tt omhpaday may 19tb at udi- terra cotta atnamber of our yong people vera kindly entertained to a social partjtatthe home of mr and mrs john sanderson on friday even ing r jlra scbrag of brampton bpent baiter with mr apdmrs j a e amtfamiiy of union terra cotta girls are orgabuing a ladles baseball team and are i letting their uniforms rjeady soooeaa to yon girls mr and mrs j blllengly and family have moved to their new farm in eno k- t town is having the mf bell phone installed m his bouse jbetnetaber the anniversary eer- tiom in connection with the terra uottav methocbst church will be hw here next sabbath apj27 f soweee at ii and 780 pm bpftojali maslo by the choir jjimlntfrma hnnter and miss vary jjjons of toronto normal jchool are home for their holidays tuesooial evening arraqged by the losing sido of the sparrow imnfcontcbt for the members and their families of tfv ashgrove u ffis p4dpw0 clirha vafi held on i3ffbdnejy etenffm april 16tb at wttehojne of mr bofue bead gathered in the epaofom iftitiifchicn fooked very invitlni rtercnmge enjajnilnt the ljbfeawhiob looked very invitin jmtm ercflmg e etijojnnnl tb btnnh was spent tu l glenwilliams the qlcn woollen mills have erected a new iron bridge over their dam here whmb adds quite a lot to the appearance of the glen aa well as the safety of their employees we notioed quite a number or visitors daring tbcweol end after enoh bbower of rain tile ufobsing at the corner in frost of wheeler s tore is a sea ot mpd cannot something be done to remedy this tve are norry to hear of mrr armstrong stillness we wish her fjmck reoovpry rev douglas preached a special uormon on sunday morning after service ten new members were re ceived into the ehorob 8 juniors and 2 seniors communion ser vice was lalso administered in the evening rev dr thomas of loronto took nharge of the ser ice mr unriy trace- wbohaebeen laid up for a long time is slowly getting better another of oar yoang men wm uartsburae left here an monday morning for u s a st albans cbnrch took a forth or step forward atibe easter day service when the oboirappeared vented for the first time the vesting of the choir added dignity and reverence to the services which were folly ofioral andbean tifnlly rendered attendance aj holy communion and evensong oonatitated a record and colleo tione totalled 158 r earnest wttflttbe laking of the choir cassocks tbe young people of st georges chorcb georgetown will preaent he ff act comedr he privbe secretary tuesday evening april 29th admission 86o the pianotbcital given by the pupils of miss may mo master on monday evening of this street was a most pleasant event although tbenibhitorned out to he very stormy tho hall was full the a id once nas very appreciative of nil that was going on ou conld al nost hear a pin drop the doll oiu touch of the younger pupils would remind you of a ripling stream they delighted all who heard them fltua mixed wih tho heavier tcuob of the older pupils seemed to make yon feol that jou were in fairyland tboir tempo and the time was excellent mr frank mcdonald or strat iford sang four numbers which were very much enjoyed also miss lwothy smith bf george town danced the hfgland fling all went home after the recital thoroughly snbibiied with their evening a entertainment miss mnmnbter and her pupils deserve the highest praise for their efforts all the pupils performed their in dividual parts well at ticloae of the program misb mcmaster wan presented with a beautiful boq let of tulips by mar jory mackenzie on behalf or georgetown pdpils and with a beautiful boquot of robes by mary whoelor on behalf of glen pnpils m at the norval norval branch of the women e institute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of mrs thos fiowbon s sr on thursday may let as thia is the annual bust cbbb meeting and election of oftlc ere for the coming year we bope all the members will be present an invitation is extended to all ladtes to be preaont stewarttown mrs and mitnrappelbe of sjw arttown entertained the members of the women a institute orkwoit day afternoon in honor of the bride mrs j h hnnter nee miss jean lawson a former mem bcr of the branch tn behalf of the branch the president mrs j r thompson presented mrs banter with a beautifnl fern and jardinere the bride feelingly re plied a dainty lunch was then served from a table beautifully dpooraitflfith batter decoration mrjjcurvraoy poured tea thetbaqtieaior branch of the womens institute will bold then april meetiog on thuradaj april 2ltb at 8 15 p m sharp in fidew rttown ball sirs w f ingle hart district president of halfon vhh bepreseht and the girls of the institute have jiharge of the meeting members will kindly note the change in day and time mr bobt j pedes of bel wood speot easterwith mr and mrs walterlawbon atrfltewarttown new spring goods mens store o ir spring stock of imported soitinga consulting of scotch 1- iiflibh and i nab lweertp id ibe latest col on nogs and mixtures tino h in pes o erfbook bin nore in j plain and btripes just to band special values given in ibese sailings weulo theiargcit trade in floe ordered clothing m ibia section of tho country wo do uur own tailminpt and rusr an tee style fit and workmanship we kmdl request jou to place jour spring order nrrly before the easter rush the newest things in mens farnisaiiias pnutir illy all nur new roods tor men are now in slock j arid never hae e md a belter tlectioidf mati dfem things far men tihirtfeiu all ibe next slri efferla check j designs cambric l brs oxforili et- also a lary fsaorthieni of all tbe devest idiaa ib ties evcrjonowill cerlaiwlj bt inlrreslto readytowar clothing j afiiic selection f men and oulh s clollnngwell tail oredtmirloiiate id stjlc ym will tind our selection id tbs department itrftr better an t more uptodate than ever nd prices that will com tare with an city valuet- cula ltvlll kplaiirutailiulbfnrn ymr bpftm millar co uac aami mdltcbi phone 126 awgjmu georgeiqwm for sale 0 room frame homo aa vara sttwr mil eonvemences pnce tasoo frame houe on tharlrs all comeniencea nicejawn karage good garden and fruit trees price tssoq i 0 roomed frame house and 2 lots uear coating mills price i3s00 easy terms a number of beautiful bncl houses at low prices jg ft acres ofland seven room ran h cast kct i skjbjeiijbi in cookin the idostration shows an fatereatlnff ti yon dhonld try in yonr own kitchen it provea the superiority of good enameled ware for copfcdnjr purpobcb take an smp eaaneled ware sauce pan and a sauce pan of eqnatslxe made of alntt- innm tin or other metal into- each pour a qnmrt of cold water set both sauce pan over the fire the water hi thesmp enameled ware sauce pan will be boiling membrln about five minutes while the water in the allmetal fiance pan wlu come to the boil in aboat eight minutes three vfnates longer save farf in cooking use smpvware shict metal products c a ss far sal qjvcbrtttl i lay fryimidlh rocfe hatch if tk or ij tg of 17 per 100 egg ord- early for lanre ouael lit g l walian maple ave oeofgcion phooe209w if efca for bataaiac 4lav p ked out k fcttall breeding p0 of f lulei from my flick of 200 iejvy-uy- ox fwt sirs nllvbu leghorn beats edby arbcimq ac male bird and can jpoly lulrh ng eg ji si 00 per aetilug j perioaj ii mccauley lon fann seed coin h nor i bauxite geoc for via crop sd corn aa teed scarce you w ii mva money by ordering now auo choice nursery mock jor uht g w llernngton phoue 81 george- seeds and seed grains wmduloll beinleilhebcsl grade of roal oil fm trcpared o lupplyyou with any quant ol aofl or hard wood pncei rigbu rnbard marchmenl phone 206 george 2612lf edg grain br and british columbia shingles ikeje swigfes will m cwl rrwir bke stoli fnla umks wul tie m rdume mtflio br plka rmli will ar srudlittctj nti u whmr cruistm win use u casb pmshcrs we are itvlflig ur pnllls as 11- iiwk f0j mrjarc ddlvtrj ettra xxqurllty for out 1hiqm and pktohinff per aq oun 1800 credit i83s xzx quality for reildenoe per iq ch 1400 credltt4su xxxxx same qiuoity u xxx but tbioker per oaab4t5 credit 1500 acton j b mackenzie georgetown mmm tobacco and confectionery j store the beat plaoe in town to set ohoieeat cooda at tbe moat reaaomble prieea osm cnmettes ms ml bios of toiaccos nehs0ns ice oiemi iiffli imats saved special try our firlt quality chocolate at 30c lb f h dftuks s main st georgetown i i phone 280 john btreet afebiivdainote and checkerv a vostipje ot lively- aod amoslog tewrefajmocl ebjoyed kkfotfwdr wife presented to tiv wlftbirv cr the regressive r ariatffi tfew a bodnti i fol inbchwse b ib ladies iped no materially in 4ning a sneceaa h is- v f jjmltorkytobgjwtt really hrin nie uruanka was in and ur beed illy for their iioapttml speights garage and battery service a yodr battery in proper shape for tbe coming season we bare tbe accessary instruments to test it with and ahavtou lost what a serf tee battery can always be had while yonr battery e being re charged or overhanled ah oar work is folly guaranteed speed f- speight service n tin toxn limits cfiisungirrftwotfe bv price 11800 febltj property witbi seven acrea ot good garden land given room rooiih east boose bank barn and other cntboildinks will be sold for tsooo iff room hotel tn glenwilliams with fn mi to re one ml table cash register and 400 blocks of ice price 4000 also a number of choice one hundred and two hondred acre farms for particulars apply to j a genuine bargain e a benham real estate agent i i 12 doz dessert knives 12 doa foilcs ticavily si 164 ver plated at 500 j a ijjkiiled birniber of sere dont miss this oppottun- weekend speqals there is rmuung that pleases friend more than to have you re member their hltma for candy and totbem could eome iwbappaeranr- pnae than abox of our debaoas ujppbnr sweets pare cream tailiui with nch ebocotate coatings the acme of the aady makers art week end chrjcoutes regular 60c per lb for jstm fveah cocosnut idy rngerepdar40cperlb for o something new uconee scauls per lb 8 sugar coated almonds regular goe per lb tor 40a oranges lemons pisnf rosy korner kandy kitchen 1 f j deverson ii vjj proprietor jl phone 214 main si ybaile by bailey m garage wellwhoare bullttte0nej 3pimgtime wanlsyon lovtsit her if your car is rfflktalwithcan wintertime cbmpuinte let ns look her over anil see what a tbe trouble money spentberefor re nairsand soppbeeit iealifmetrtwttj01iirftou phdne7 w self-oiling- selfreguutfng with the strangest tow built its the toronto seioiln w onfy a year ad gears operate m a bath of eperaa o3 affected by working part tnoraauy haspcatcd hywatal tiir sr b jiinun georgetown flour peed mills seed grain 500 bol of cartons choice renil abno- danoaeed oata alto cbuke seed bailer and timothy seed feeds otau kinds w c betsey phone 195 deorgfetown choice oac no 72 oat choice golden vine peat choice mandechuri barley rod clover street clover f1fe alaifce timothy at ojoae prices alex noble elevator georgetown rapsau motor cycle for ule cheap jck blum w gueeo st 42ii good dry uioimer rood xsq per load j bondford p o box 490 phooe s r g 1 g 42jtr in- jflatware a 3 willson jeweller next to hotel uoqibboo qeoratown j neitl btj c k s buy where you are assured only the finest of fopng beef and other meats otat- sale r af beda and bedding at the lowes prices ace th i la this gjrntrepirden sale ypu get standard quality et make remarkable money saving canner coil springs heavy steel frame highest grade tempered wire ateel cojeonty 91q7s new advertfsemenls ulp w marr ed ouple w ihoul ih idron 1 dn home wok wood wngea and goou home ppty pi one ijow i claw sat a q nn tyofked quver al 410 per buihel alio alt he it s4 jo this all good nsilcatied teed n gutmlc son phoneksrll gporgpiown 4 ltt2l paatw good pasture and abundance o water i r llro ted number of mock terni apply lo- j h mccauler fealdo oattu waataaa ice of apr v- kciu year oi otra pr acre lanrem burt phone 82 r 2 3ilp rlaoa two juartercutoak macb n ill dock bro ham sl snutb george tfire good farlaja e uog papa exccptionalty tbonuu hew tt gleiiwil up moritlg locally or ikstant speak ng of records we tvetooved ome people inlb town three or four me o thev must have bees aatiafiod tba brat lime if moving itua spnag it will surely pay you to lake advantage of our four ter eapeneace in this line h afl long diaiance otflvmg your funutura it ful ly covered by murine price aa jow aa good service will perm i and sajltfac i wn guaranteed snyders cartage simm 1t1w take notice people who have abeelmg rafter and good frames fast going to rot for want of protection wilb galvamied corrognted aheela at pre wm pneeajjr jeas conau denngthe roprevement or suodriek for 1h ne no urn to tell ani buy ibe other plaw worst take lock and have a lalk wilh g ibcrt smdarr tojrj r r no 1 georgetown sled trusas barm garages all kind of galvaniud tanks lighten ng protection 4 2j4f auction sale of mis stoa i ibrtesents the under gned has been nnrocle i y w e ingram loem by public aoct on on 9tb ime nn saturday april 26th at two rt clock i he follow ng hcrsestcam i mare ane driving cttlk2 durham cows jersey cow 2 durham calves i uouuan inamintnew masseyhairudbc aeeddru binder hay rake coltivator aeuffler wheel d c 2 plows team wagon i ht sleigh cuiier mower hay rack taaisi od uni cblh mooni smonlhi cred i on approved j tnt fjnjsttcrt auctioneer the pabb beilth witk tk rzfcua baaotfc art notice it hereby givu tbat allraaklemi af georgetown are rcqmr frarih dean their celbua ovaina yards pig styes water cloaalaj- out dohdron aw herpremtseisod remove iherefnao all dn manure ami olher subatance which auyrndjingerthe pubbrrbcalth and to have be same completed by the tenth day fmayneai on wbh day ibe samiary inspector will commence a general in peel cm and further take notice that the ctsaj of the e of tbo nme hellh act nrohont ng the keeping ot hogsbetweentbe lth of may antfjbe 1 wovember except m pens at least 0 fret from any dwelling house and 50 ft rtxnaoy street orlane with boon kept clear from all aunamg water and rrgil- larlyelemmed wttl watrlctly jrced v all citlteoa are eameauy remjeated i itbehprrrobbjfcofliaoby asao and iboruughly disinfected urov dali bed spring and mattress white enamel ateel bed good spring and mattress that will give long years of service only 9 1876 t u j3edf spring and i1attress a remarkable value think of it wood finish steel bed coil apnngmd telt mattress only 26 50 rass beds se maasive nillars heavy special design fillings a jbeauhfu- bed at an unheard of price only 2750 r bed coutth another big money aave an at tractive couch by day a comfortable double bed at night mattress covered with cretonne closed 20x72 open 50x72 only 912715 cribs sturdy cnba let down aides with safety latches t proof spnngand felt mattress only 1275 quality value service jacksons georgetown april 23rd 1h township ol esquesing sanitary notice notimfe hereby g ven that all restaenls of ibe township of enqursirig are re quired forth wilb to rln ihir cell ra drama yards pjajn waicr closets am other oatbuiklngi and premaes aed re- move all dirt ftth manure or other nub stance wbjch may endanger ibe puhl c and lo bate same completed by the ijth of uay nexf on wb ch day ibe san larj inipector will commence a general ituper- all residents are eamettly reqeated to keep ibeh- premises constantly clean and ra a ihoroggmy un lary ood uon nont pig sty s to be erected il bm 60 teel of an j- dwell ng noose mad wreel or linr jona h shitii san lary hwpec esqncshrg ap i 23 d 1924 w h wfflson uxidsrdsaker suad lioenaedt ts automobile ir h6rsedrawiiheara phonr n ght or day s4w orslj hill hp mmasjafjam

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