Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 23, 1924, p. 4

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mitouw ifall i i rue ovtm wvawt ukhu mhii j i i 1u l new advertisements twoufk applv mm shi iter sal about 20tuihcli of rad lovei aewl foi vie tm ii other g mo i k no i 2 forsje i m 1 nerd now a j i pastor can i ailu e i of w for the lummer pply a7u11i lawioh stew aruown ap a quant iv of red clover seed or sale apply to thomas i douglas lot 4 8th i n pbooe mil on r 1 j ecrgelown r h no 1 for sale registed iersey bull t nmjr 2 yon old jdark fawn price f gh r w 11 e change for good holatein j h h cauley ealoafartn for bala o ax j rowed seed barley and i clover teed apply a ecelra uk no glenw llihroa 9 4 3tp hateafasa eaa extra heavy lay ng r n barred rock 83 2nd jjnc egg laywa clan all breed competing 1 00 per 13 7 per hundred alto buff orp ugton and houdan eet from exh bition mating orders deliver ti town sunset poultry jnow 179 j -r- l3t inipmh a quant ly of good aeed peas for sal si so per bushel harold m ch e lot i cop 4 esqueaing m hon r r no s po 9 94jp nursing a trained certificated nun at i hatermly surgical or medical pbooe 274 georgetown htutoi eggs a good laying al ran ot barred rocka brfadle good cow but i milk lor the summer also good work horse lsalcotn e mcnabh lot 7 con escraesing pbon94r4 georgetown browns garage nwval 31 general repair shop mnrtoe accessories iseif rre ijfm arijeihe latteries charles brown bell phone 90r8 lhmf h21 coal b6lt d l w s- goal inall sizet aim smithing and steam coal mrs jtwatkins niinl station phons 62r24 bonds and investments insurance 4sjat mate lib bamim cob yaay t w ear tark ink tax ketaru trtftnl xl b minims reridenen 1i4j pe office mw e p bowman o x sf jbtusa mw tuatl ttaglinhag 10 douglas t gijblph socceaanr tn the laie d a n ven ous telephone 1064 w o o d for sale we have or immediate delivery a large quantity of both hard and oft wood pot nn length now is the time to pat id yoar fait supply your order solicited term can be arranged prompt delivery telephone mblfi murray bros gwffurarjln notice to creditors in the birragau osatt aft ona ty af haifa la autteo- ad tk kttata f wu ifcasa hear jadb lata f aa tawaaaly of baajw lag u tka cauty of halt faraw does a notice hereby given pursuant lb1uted statu ejofpnuoo chapter let sect on vilat ii peraoas baron ctaiona aga ni hr m i of tha aw w i km hei rf l e who died on or about ibe t9ih day ol march i9m at lb arud toarnahip afjuouiuuntr are required to del l tlbebdavor may 1924 ihor omej3drert ul pa run tan of uwrrrianat arid the nature of he secur ity if soy betd hy tbem all duly verified by at i story- dcctaralloo after lb aald date thoeaectrtna wl proceed indukb nte ibe aaarlt of ibe deceaaed among iba panic ifw therato hav ng regafd oorj to the taunt of nfhicb abe absfl than have notice and aba aball not belutbtefor baajweti or aoy pan of tbem to any peraoav of aoae claica omtce shall not jnm bam taieiwdav her al the time of ucblriribata n dadfaimihoi llhlltbdiyof atinl jr f- mutonola soficit w for ibe electa rlt 516 hernia injoung pigs sldile scrotal huplure commod artttmi ibe male what b iqwwn a covered mrthot of uaairailoa pewrlbed and recom mended honldj crra nery uul tar control ol black ucorf of pal i ooliitjuitd by ontario dstiartmant of aarlcultur toronto scrotal hernia or rupture behind ii of a very common occurrence to yojni male pliatit may affect one or both aides of tbt scrotum single ur oneaided rupture la however the one which is moat commonly ea ii may be present at birth or make it appearance aoob alter ajid usually belora castration when it occur attar castration l often ibe result of a poor method jft operatloc the pretence or rupture in bigs ty awaxi tilaialy noticeable by a tumor ilka uniargantent of the scrotum and in creased bulging of the parts behind larger than ti natural m4lt the beat and moat successful means of remedying this detect in dice is by the covered method of cas tration in perform in i ibis opera tion tha pig should ba so secured and held that lla bind psrta are kept al a ntueh higher level this can be done by holding tha pis up by tha hind legs with tbe bead downward this allows the bows to recede nut of the bag or scrotum into tba belly the aero turn should be washed off clean with soap and warm water and tbe akin then painted with a lit tie tincture ot iodine ad tqcudoa two or three inches long is then made with a sharp knife just through tbe akin down to the inner covering sac which con lain tha ieallele this inner sac ta easily recognlfablaby jt smooth shiny appearance tbe inner aac la not cut into bat la left intact covering tbe testicle through the incision in the akin the testicle la its cwvarlng sae is drawn out as far as possible care is taken to see thai tha bowel is not drawn out but kept confined inside ti soon as this la assured a string or ligature u tied tightly around the coverings and tha cord of the testicle an high up aa possible the aeedis threaded with the liga ture should also ba passed through the cord and itaterlng and ligature tied ujl a round tl securlt g it againsvc osalblity slipping off the scare than pvuti jtoeordamut naifj inch below tba place where thel lure la tied tbe opening la the i turn can than ba partly closed putting a stitch or two through akin tbe operation la then pleted and tbe pig may then e0 lit rule little attentli afterwards required other than ing on light diet for that day c d mcailvray if d v ont vet college guelph moldy creamery bnttea- wfiere cream has been pasteurised moldlntas of butter la almost always due to surface contaminations wblen take place after the butter baa been removed from tl e churn the air during tbe summer is always a po tential source of infection loaded aa it ukdepeudlng on tbe surroundings with a lare or smaller number of mold spores untreated or ineffa- cleuily treat j print wrappers and boa liners are frequently tbe cause infection has alao been traced in some coses to the unparafnned and w n treated wood of the boree in whleb in butter prints are stored walls and ceilings of he box storage pace above some creameries due to tha warm aadmolsl conditions which pre vail d ring the summer arc fre quently green with molds from which crop after crop of ripened snores becomes scattered around until such time aa but te makers lake complete and thorough steps to deetrey mold pores which otherwise would come in close contact with but ter lurfaeea mold in ess of butter will continue to occur n h t control of rblsoctonls or bbsck scarf of potatoes experiments have been conducted for four years with the object of da- termini ng it ha amount of black scurf or rntioctonlaeau ba reduced by selecting tubers free from tha characteristic little black tumps or aclerotla and if treating them with corrosive sublimate and what strengths ofuoiroslve sublimate and what immersion gives the beat re suits in tha control of the disease from results on these experiments we recommend immersion or aeed tubers berora they are cut in corro sive sublimate of a strength of one part by weight to pna thousand of water cor two hours this treatment also control potato scab j je howitt o a college quelph featherlcaa hans hans may iae tbelr neck feathers from a varieifcr of causes either anltaa change in feed or lodlvtdaal ousaedocss jnay causa feather t ba removed from tbe aack if cabsed by a change of fed yon can rectify this condition u it la a cue ot feather nailing this may ba overwenie by living the bird mors rang and a utu mora animal protein b the ration if it u a case of mites you should purchase an olntmepjl oosajat ing of nvcparu of vaseline and rap part of oil of caraway tot material honlasawrotlinrrtibbed on the parts affected this treatment should b repeated la three or nr days untll the mite have disappeared warm credit are not a nattnaal ettredu credit aaa help onty tka man who la making money or bag a good abase 4o aak muy ba us immediate future rwjttijr ladies tailoring t to the ladles of ceorgeto wn and vicinity we are prepared to do all aorta of in li m t til tr rrn o i iior also t leanink an 1 preh ni ai 3 i i nr 1 h anything in rvaadyto wear suita caata or dresees can be not tbraagb uh ft i a ooneide ntllo stiautaotton guaranteed ide nlilrhhmiik ti t 11 aranteed ii it a hirschork hone 251 residence mam st north r georgetown dominion stores im i ceil join the thrifty throng this week we sell for less because we boy for less andwn boy for less became we bay for over a mil hon people a week passing the stcfrg near you article only to be obtained at the dominion stores arid noted for tbeirdugh quality cofprab n 33c dsi wkapped dkeau 24oi loaf 2 for will wake your oresaul better richmello pure break past cocoa u lb tin 15c 21c dsl corn aylmer bi istandard peas u no 4 2 tins lc i white beans hind picked 4 ibi minutes somebodys house bums roursnwyh next and it fakes tvtomdmvtcs to prmmtmnsfir iff jtxoing to- elmer c thompson insurance service fceorgetiwn no shoveluac rnlrad standard antmracrte scranton coal in all sizes coal wood selot t l imi for dpmeatio and throshinr purposes smithing nod cannot in fact i carry evoj bo found in an cartl koa wood yj phoni georgej wau papers if you are needing wall pa per i can supply all wants and tor those people wo do their own paperhanging these pa pers are the idea thing being setomnmmed and perfect mat thing let me call with nam pies estimates furnished for paperhangmg painting gram ing natural wood finishing e bludd matm ft rtmm bh tea talm bacon machine sliced lb c j c i prices fcr all kipdtfil funk hid a and wool res dei ce nrxt o implertimt shop m freeman phone 220w georcetown fiq jam biscuits 23c beans no 3 tins beans no 2 tins maple syrup pare quebec cl qq no 10 hn ajlalw 4lb pan crown beehive 4lc corn syrup zl haclarens jelly sr powders 3pkta maple leat 11- matches b soap flakes 2 lb domestic shortening no 3 tin kraft or royal crown loaf cheese lb picnic hams a small and meaty lb 19c j 25c 49c 39c farmers p7e have all kinds ol farm im plemenls repairs harness etc also oils and greases at most rusuabfc prices s bgioat georgetown there are numerous blends of tea for ale today but for qaallty the d oral nlotls tore tejljtajjds oat in front it f economical too buy a pound today and prove it special blend fio selecthblend red bag o jt bine bag golden tip richmello tba a very blend choice blcni yellow bag 73c 77c empire tka 4taak lam i 100 barns panumetit suparstrang can van lent ptank canrtructton truisn are iff aailtal limitmngmkttmnttrtnzat dsssamil lw a tlw ca a rtflsctur tslkt ai a rack sms ta arf tha waavh tfawtm jta aaitwacil preeuir of i by englhear ta tharatrannit type mthrnntmtmtum ha aawtructlnc crass beams iwae etc- ii mbwtar h ommm fl l t wark in get our prices for your barn jaatt tall an taigtli asas arvdth and ala drteas yau want and say wjaan jaaaarm pialwa nasal uw ssam this will not bind yau empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles i tl oualhy far h yaar ai any nil h cawjawtt ua our wt is at yanaremnaamal and can grtwurnl hfa the metafltc roofing co- limited tomnto fowl wood far ala a ce hardwood a d m in m y leiigllut ipl del ve y lowest pr cea terms e a ranged your order solle led m rray flro phone 99 r is grc fltiwti if pays to use martin senour mapbleite floor finish afothtn like it for hardwood floots it wears t the iron e to head office moot red for frac booklet home fltotrlwe4adfc eaav sold by j w kennedy georgetown ont economy hp cheapest motor car is riot necessarily the most oconom ice car the new 1924 mclaughlin buick maater four is the logical car for every person to whom economy and service are of prime importance thifl high grade four is so rugged and so well constructed that repairs are seldom needed and upkeep ex pense is at the minimum the master four v laughlin buick motor is extrec ely powerful yet the gasoline consumption is low the masterfour is so reliable and efficient that it delivers day in and day out service with very little de- prewjifid so that the man who owns a master four can get a higher resale price than the owner of other makes of cars oai iwcjuax fisher king georgetown ontario mclaughlin buick wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 66 geobetown cheap paint here is the anxwer bnubuit them out onthe same surface we obtained t covered approiimalely s0 merr surface jsjng an eq tbe results pic lined above observe that lowe brothers htb5undrd and coveted it better than ibe so called cheap pa c from this actual ten tl will be seen thit l would lake approiiroatdy 3 callons ot cheap palal to do a fob thai would requ re only 2 gallons of lowa brothers high standard pahil pratt cally applied to a bouse it would work out tha way t to pa ni hu home 2000 an it- with cheap pant mr a required ba cl atseoopertal it lakes a pa titer i day to app i ga of pwhrcrhetcfote lo apply 6 5 aalaol cheap paint t look bh ri at ti 00 pei day to pant this hooe2 000 so ft with lowe broil era h gh standant paint m b tequ red 4 gala at ts 75 2w a pa ntrt can usually apply in a day more lowe brother high staodanl hrftii iban ay other bai ggunng on sn equal bun of i gal pet day it look 4 days al js 00 pet day 12000 total eoat 4100 by tlt lw brttktrt hlik stnderj paint mr b ientv tjqo tht emit uftaimt ami si2 so lit tail fuhra fit aertsi tfsis so thi c before you paint consult a w wiq be d lo show you bow to baml meet e to give you colot card and othsl inrornuttwn lor youz gatdaaca r h thompson co georgetown gy ontario cxeunryt ocaliw por g zbwo brothers aamalm terytlaiiig or the gkke when you mnko crttto whf not have the lilit deliruto templing jirnd you nlll if you ibc bwaha down cite bw crreena sponge sfiattnrtf makes a delirious cakein 10 rain uteti pdr pkg y soo maple butter rer 40c sso peanut butter per lb ko jelly powders in rlaas fruit osp- pios t tor fipo anchor or mclaren b 8 for s5a gold meda tea with enp d saucer per iik 7bo rbor tea with flint glass torn bier 7f pincat english brmlriatt tab per lb 7tfo sunnweec prune 20rj loo and 2 lb for 25c extra choice apricots 20o eitra choice peaches 20c valencia rtueina 16o sunmaidllaisinn llaest grown 2 for 86o clabk8 bread you wilt tike our bread for its wholesome notntonb and made from tbe purest materials scion tigcally put together and baked just to a turn the same thing is also true of everything else that we babe mark clark bakery and groceries phone 229 yit i h smith stewarttown expert fence builder why not hare ac nptodate wire fence when you can exchange your old rail fence for same years of experienoe enables ma to tive you bettor valoesthaa oth ere prompt service and right prices gates cedar and iron posts al ways in stock when jou want anything in the above line j nst call j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttown our hams are trie finest that momevcnnbuv trlc qualitys fine thtr ae wright butcher main st georflelobb rtraelsfctpln bmk8u coal best anlhraeile coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal largestzed pea coat delivered to any part r of the town alao coke phone iso f roers co georgetown wm frampton carpbvthlabijildek estimates fiirmsiwd free on alt kinds of buildings rf- 0- puinng a specialty boxes georitpwif

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