Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 30, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald fifty seven 111 year of pdhi ication georgetown wednesday evening april oth 1924 1 60 per annum in advance 2 00 to d 8 the georgetown herald j h moore piuhku wtd prpritr mnkw fmtln wmuj nw amoelatloa ot a tuna tab ooinq eabt passenger 7 21 mi passenger 0 14 passenger 10 ib am mail 1 u0 ttni passenger imbpni mail c 82 p m passenger 8 25 i n passenger sunday 7 21 im 7 57 am khmorn 212 p m 4 60 pm 608pm 7 00 pm 826pm iooam paseengei hall f paaeeoger paaeenger passenger pajenger mall passenger sunday uoiwq m0rti1 mail moir going booth moil 8 00 4 gb pm 11 usa1 7 47 pi rt ear fealhra kapibodnd- vebtbocnd 602 m 1102 em 2x2 pin 5 02 pm 02pm 1102 pin sunday only westbound eabtbound aoaam 11 02 ft m 802pm 02pm 02 pm 11 20 ftro 820pm 620pm it 20 pm directory amjltoft walur1doe dale sarriatar belisltora eto toronto ana gorsujwn offlee keturtuy block cboy oancln chars ot aors forsters cash and carry store a pull line of choice fresh groceries provisions etc frdit in season boblmwn bras md nedsn t omcskiu punkcs ike test y h nm kave tried ikes swill s cuke ha mt core meals u rlu sriets forsters comer jobs s victoria sis the private secretary a farcical comedy in three acts rvih be presented by the young people ol st george a church in he town hall georgetown on- thursday friday may 1st 2nd mivmareliuhi n ietrfdawi edg grainbramt british columbia shingles tbese swngtes wu mt cvl tr wire like slash frals saiaoltt wlll the tm redawe retfisf for fitik mis what mt grutlalhers wsrt ui what r crajdans win use m aconntrv gentleman barry marstand his net how noxious to mate dob roe mr cattermolc his cboler c friend latet returned fron india bert thorn rmou douglas lattcnuore cnttormore a do hew o poses ob private eecretarj bob corke the real invata secretary n tail oi- with social amb lions a bprvant a writaervbf daughter of mr marsland her friend dooglas landlady weshi rsoflts to cash sarektsers we aire divmitj tar trellis as w- atws j 0j an- yard deuvery extra quality for out bouaea and patching per aq per aq caah s4o0 barnawr solicitor elc office htl st georgetown houm9arnto5p m open weloedy and saturday even ag caah 8 00 credit 3 3s xxx quality for residence credit 14 25 xxxxxsame quality aa xxx but thicker per aq caah 14 ib credit ts 00 vltl ii karou1ib physloian and burgeon moruikl ojumt ot halth omo ilonn i to 4 anil fto i p i pimmm osim and rwtdmn ualn btrmt bohuhoppoalt pwby church l nm o r w bom pbyncian and surgeon mill street georgelown thonc 22 ex houm surgeon grsvcr hoip m toronto bkcv w1luam8 pbjncum and soreeon obc and reaidenco queen oakahmra s 9luatn utadoapju r m wavsok dub md a cwnptnn itol esoepl f l heath lda odl oantlit ofltoa la lao block on door nortt m otfut carrlan paetorr uoura a aa y t p ta akptieueh p o obrimoraaotio office otbvi mbailcr block neal door trlj n riuawmilliii and bplaat anaunl wi u ud sl kvltuabi jiospmaswi other boor by pponj nies 150w and raoderfa 24 acton b mackenzie georgetown hydro electric system we sell all makes of ranges water heaters washing machines and appliances of all kinds hydro iron guaranteed for 5 years hydro lamp tested to have the long est life on the market araikotufb over ajaried add troublous ex peneone as a politician it ib qpnog time id the orchard jameu managed the paper mills md tho beauty here displayed and the machinery department a cast of characterb arth ir nornngton n hood iinpresalon ernest barker chea cole cbnd tiuciffi robert spalding mr gibaoq jolio enox bdttb maraland eva webster ihra stead m bs aahford cbaperone to edifb auiem ver much interested spiritaalism joan annandale plan of hall at matthews drug stoic ruth orr irene thompson mrs b m on- reserved seats 50c children 35c 1 resents a glorious picture valley god has made i we no to the signs of bo miner while the trees are bloominfc out and we almost hear their tnuno as we go aro ind about would that we conld catch their kejnote id tbeae welcome days of epricg and join the happy chords to the glorious wing they slog o the beauty of their coloring bow it stirs the heart of man to breathe their perfumed sweet ness and to note their woo drous plan first the bud and then the bloom iog theh the setting of the fruit while the tree is clothed in beau- t in its glossy spring time aait each in torn performs ita mission with the harvest days in view and goes singing long the journey witb a song that s ever new could we not as men and women in the purpose here displnyad learn the lesson of the spring time and ne er become dib mayed but like the perfomed blossoms now arrayed in auob display just keep shedding joy and glad ness loog the way and the hand that placed the fragrance on the blossom lad en tree will not forget to recompense through all eternity town hall 7 43fk towaaip ol equem jicimk id tjhfwoo cort tahadiaf mod life iniur dodge brothers business coupe fc4aaate3ar bwmnan0 i s ju mm baglbmrlac ilabst ovelfb ibauietra niefrtls tclefibone 1064 ienfehkrkmioilj jasi okubilbimiu natna open all year and ad undents at any t roe de kroar graduates far greatei neanpply write today tor alognie prtaelpbl mftu scbmi ipitnjan shorthand jawrtttntt senglibh sjatems aootbi a woman will njnally admire one tt ior about a car and a man but there ta one featnreof the new business coupe which both admire equally and emphatically its exceptional driving ease this ib duoton combination ot several important improvements roomier fronv seat a readier clutch response a new steering wheel lhat offers atrim firm grip and control levers that are ideally aecesst- 1 le iot ronteojmtl out of tbt wiy of robes and luggage j n oneiu sou to the farmers of canada to the men who till the soil and yho there by add to the wealth and prosperity of canada the bank of montreal extends its complete facilities and the helpful coopera turn of tts branch managers in all parts of canada the bank has coo- veniendy located branches to which farmers regularly come to discuss their plans and seasonal mqunements with the managers small accounts are wtumgly handled j b wallace manager georgetown branch bank of montreal established over ioo years id the early days man of sterling qualities but very quiet attended striotly to business id very much interested in bis cburch and the general uplift of the morals of the community the paper m ii at tbe credit has the honor of being the flrefc place in the dominion to have power by electric energy earned over a wire this was from the lower dam and tbo late j b- barber yjaa the per eon to first see the possibilities ha electricity and was not afraid to try it the man who made tbo first sheet ot paper in this ooan try mr 8umblintn crooks hal low came here with the barbers and stayed with them as long aa be lived a pensioner long after bo was unable to work in 1868 s shaw fred and e c white came here from the 0 8 and started to make envelopes which afterwards turned out to be the barber eimb envelope co of toronto the second factory was the day foot tannery and mannfactureni of boots and shoes located on tannery st john 8t where it first started and has been longer carrying on under the same name than any other ot tho kind in the country a fortunate thing for the coon try and especially this place to have auob people settle n il the family j b and p w day foot were tatenenrand shoe man a fac torero another brother george aa well aa tbe father came here from tbe u a in 1808 the fath er at the age of 08 i tbink wis ont hoeing bis corn i think it was about tbe last timethejate john ryan was out j ont sunday afternoon we matin greenwood cemetery we were very- close friends for many years ladoa- build for yourself a strong box fashion each part with care fit it with hasp and padlock put all your troubles there bide therein all your failures and eacllbitter cop you quaff jjock all your heartaches within it then sit od the lid and laugh tell no one of its holdings meter its secrets share drop in your carea and worries bide every trouble there keep them from sight completely don t let the world guess half fasten the top securely lea ait an tbo lid and laugh tfiefenirsecrer to what has made excelsior brand flour tbo most popular pastry flour its jubt a case of using only tho best of grain and mixing our experience with tbe most careful oversight of the milling operations that makes ex celsior the best pastry fiour urn havat trla exoaula bvaaa yn m dautiromr paatvy aa lajastlm excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwullams stewarttown balunafad limehouie d h unday mux street acton oktabio tobacco and confectionery store kqann bub buy the best livingstones qua bread rufc4 by erymy choice pastry of every kind watch our window for mala i i v d livingstone td livingstone hboldsmi- jb tarviaefanaaafleaaftftenamaaaanafftfuttfeneaaifcmal7 the best plstoe in town to cot ehoioeit goods at tho most reasonable prloes aim ckiuties and ml khbsdf tobaccos imtsons mx cham lkht idncies setved special try our first quality chocolate at jloc lb h druks main st georgetown i editor herald to do justice to the men who have had charge of be manufacturing industries of tnis place wonld tax the ability of an expert and occupy a volume in itself let one point ont that the results as a whole have been eminently satisfactory not only to themselves but to the place since 1887 to the present time as i whole they bare been particularl considerate to those who had tr- eam their living by theirwbk tbe benefit being mutual in 1888 tbe barber family left tbe county antrum ireland and arrived in course at niagara a short i stay there and then to crooks hollow worked bard and saved enough money to feel like starting their own aooount while there tbey learned the woollen trade paper making and maobin ery then to spy out the land fori a location was bot to see the ad vantages ot the river credit add its branches and william james joseph and robert aa the barber bros settled in georgetown in 1887 first tbe carding mill then additions foiling dyeing weaving etc tbeae all located ml the flats at the end of factory bid i was told by tbe ugenwsher man tbat thb first carpet tnupper canada was woven in this factory by tbe father of our own b i creelman and i understand that it or one about that time is now in tbe possession of mrs dr nix ion granddaughter of jas barber a souvenir she prises very highly and can you wonder at tbat when you tbiok of the work entailed in these times to make things go they had to work lon and late from 6 am till 7 pm one npnr tor dinner your bumble servant along with alt watson of george town worked about two years for wmbiidbntitrbarlwhn streets vule in 18018 william going there after tbe dtreeuville mill rebuilt there was labor but no onions then there wereotberentertainmenta even in the early days dancing at night after logging bees raisiog heavy logs and making log house and barns burning log heaps quilting bees and aa i apples were to be btd paring bees tbe apples were pared iband quartered and cored then strung on twtne and bang over the stove go dry this was a job tbat the- boys and girls liked and many a paring bee started a differ ent kind of pairing now on suob occasions it was necessary to bave a fiddler and av wm barber was one he was veryj maobin de mand and tbeserpedple were the kind that paid their way ood the charge was usually t york hillings for tbe night in the 8quires case pay in kind was quite sb good and be s notes and comments br a good heighboh and in this way improve neighborhood conditions by joint action town and countryside as it refers to your geographical position may be mob bettered one ill kept plot be it farm yard or village lot can give a black eye to the whole burroondings a little cleanirg up on the program every week will soon put a shine on tastiness don t cost n uch bot it is a good counter try it this spring and summer with all tbp onerous taxation of various funds imposed upon the shoulders of the paterfamilias tbe high cost ofeverytbing which en tors into the maintenance of bis household and the care of his de pendants an extra 200 exemp tion per child is only an act ot justice tbe man who takes to himself a wife these times and as- snmee the responsibility of raising a family is entitled to generous treatment from tbe governing authorities the exemptions are and be toldme when hawbel bt tm h rot the land a boy of about 16 with a number of others for america alt rent jvell nntil they got to by town now ottawa two boats were thereto take them np the i for bochester the other for hamilton all his party got on the rochester boat also his box with all his olothes but be was left feeling very bad a man going to hamilton befriended him and when they got to hamilton they looked for work bnt no work to be had in about a month hie money about gone he went to a livery stable to try there when a man saya boy you will never get work in suoh good clothes let i let me fix yon up i let him he brought me some old clothes changed and never saw my good clothes again done by one of my i own countrymen my travelling companion kept a hotel and i was j staying with him he told me one night that he had a job fpr me with mr p w dayfoot and took me to the shoe store will you go out in tbe country av course i will he sent me next morning by boat to oakville no railways then and told me i would get lots ofohsooee for a ride to george town there were lots going but so bashful i would not ask and so i walked all tbe way got here and went to work i am an man now and i never worked an hour for any other person than dayfootb and let me tell you fnend better people to work tor i think never lived and i don t think a more steady man ever worked he did have one hobby that he took great pride in show his bttle jersey cow she was a price winner every time his cup ot joy was ronning over when one fall fair she beat as be said the clarks tho clandges and be whbfe dangextlob of fbem say that john smith hpp is a great judge and an honest man by dang but i wonld like to vote for him all of dayfoot s men were not as steady as jonn byan one of jithem was being remonstrated with as to the folly of getting tanked up and his reply was as long as i can get a bottle for a quarter and it makes me feel aa rich as john b barber i am going to get there he goi there once too often then the tram got him other of dayfoot s men alfred watson wben he left mo in streetsville in 1862 ho came to dayfoot s and is on the job yet a person asked him the other day whenbe was going to quit work and be said at 6 o clock lest i forget the dayfoot s are with us yet worthy successors to honor able beginners nextucame lawrence rose to sepply the btaff of life the grist mill was driven b an over shot wheel and tbe water supply was this advice maysave your me the hydroelectno commission bave sent out these simple roles which they hope to impress on everyone use only one hand in switching electno lights on or off and keep toe other from metallic contact never switch on an elec tno light with one hand while the other hand is in water or on a water faucet never operate an electric light while standing in ar bathtub always be sure that the hands are dry when operating an electrical device never tamper with an electrical circuit with which yon are not familiar one would terat people wonld get tired ot being killed in auto mobiles orosaing railroad tracks it seems aoch an avo dabte man ner of death it may be true that tbe same person is never killed twice that way but tbat is no help thb experience of the dead ought to teach the living appar ently it doesn t every motorist mast know from repeated and re- repeated demonstration tbat wheo a motor car and a train of steam cars dispute at a orossing as to which shalt pass first the motor j car invariably gets the worst of ifcr and yet week after week ana month after month the argument goes on and contestants oo the motor car side proceed to the hos pital or the cemetery reports abb being received from all parts of the town ot lawnslwd gardens being entirely destroyed through ponltryownera being inconsiderate of the ngbte their neighbors hoars ot painstaking work with the object of beautifyinn home and incident ally adding to thbeftntythv town are rendered naeless ufroogh tbe scratching of bens owned by some individual who thoughtlessly allows them to run at large even if there were no by la w malt ing this practice illegal tbe in stinot ot common deoeuoy- and good will to ones neighbors shoala cause an owner of hens to aeethat his fowl are not responsible for tbe dee t motion of tbo work of a fellow oitixen if yon desire to remain a friend of the man next door keei your poultry lb their pen the west bide of main st i will have something to bay next about some of onr mechanics at present good night it s getting late it grant brought liomea flreceor twqrfii7slir j from the earliest date and admin tstered justice with great sym patby for both parties it is said be settled many eases by getting the litirants togetbsfbjin bu office and proposed a trip across to tbe hotel and be good friends to which all tbe parties agreed one case of threaten in a and one ailing to have bts neighbor bound over to keeptbeneaoe wbenlte badthe two together he said to tbe com plainest sorely you are notl afraid of this man not by aj long chalk and if you sod he come out in tbe back yard i will show yop umpire declared tbegaete off and adjourned across the street allgood friends again he was an oatstandjng character in bis sme and was liked by all who knew him do you know tbat when he ran lor member for this eoootjt in 186 there waaanly mote again at him in georgetown dr baa nay s stetbam boas tbetherl thais forgotten he had bcrwtnr pmbyurul atasrta 1k aota the annual meeting of tbe gnelph presbytenal will be held in koox church acton on toes day hay so delegates will at tend from throughout tbe bounds of tbe presbytery dr waters of the medical staff of ind is is ex paoted to attend and miss m g bell of hamilton will also prob ably be present a georgetown woman whose baibaod m a radio tan is wonder ing if somebody oonldn t manage to broadcast a program at seven o clock in tbe morniag a kind of lettwtup concert wheo bar hoibaad ait np until morning listening to theniahthawk alarm orockshate no obituary ibaac gsbbnsward attei a loog illness mr isaac greensward passed away at the home of hie son mr albert green sward helsloce ave on sunday morning april 20th deceased had been an invalid from the re suit of a stroke two years ago and was again getting around and do ing nicely when two weeks oro ho bad another stroke from tbe effects of this he lay helpless until death called h m mr green sward a as born on 1 t eleven fifth line weat oh ng arouaj seventy even jcars rro the son ot tim othy greensward who received hlr land t tie from the crown pe censed wns the last survivor of a famil of lour boos and four daightera mr greensward farm ed for a number of years on the ol 1 i omestead ifetore coming to brampton fifteen years ago in 1h7s mr greensward was married to mrs j pearen who bad been miss mary a james she died in 1914 mr greensward was a strong conservative all his life and attended tbe methodist qhorajv he was a waknown maor ootb in town aba oftttr mr greensward in survived- hy vao sons albert of bramotou and weuintfou of 3mmfib 1 1

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