Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 30, 1924, p. 2

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w h willson uxulsrtjtker and lloenaed embalmer maia st omrttowi krthl marriage a d d mhn arc lot foe ml ihe toll w urth 5xala rrlagci 50ii urn ll s 1 lardi i 50c llkj rl ixl rafoi pool y tllk ertoitm of our local hor tl cultural sooietj should bo up predated for nn oryunlzntion that seeks to nrnlto tlun town n more attractive pi arc to iner id ib not only helping our owd cittzonn to a deepor intercut m then houiq towp but it is clouix hoimo thing tbat will mquddco others to take up rem donee here otiluitie visitor are quick to notice uoafiaua flower beds well kl t gardens parka arttl other beautv spots and when tljeyv- leave our jtiidat jthey talk bopt whakttieyiturto seen pays to advertise and to have jriir town look an attractive as pos bible ib a mighty good form of ad vertisdmeot and drntmctl to the interest of every citizen citizens oiler sites mr j m skelton and mr win godfrey each rj kindly offered to donate a site for the new wat memorial to the corporation fret f charge the site having been decided upon however the clerk on behalf of tiio council conveyed thanks to our worthy townsmen ids letter addressed to eachas follows dear sir the connnl georgetown appreciate very much yoor offer or a site for the war memorial and the in teles t yoa have taken in the matter bnt have decided to place memorial at the junction of guelpb and main streets yours tory truly f l heath cterb georgetown april 28rd 1921 filly years ago the following item which will be of interest to many of our read era was ohnped from the illustrat ed london news of august 2nd 1878 on st james day the church of notgrove gloucestershire was reopened by the dmliop or glouces ter and bristol after its complete restoration the present rector the hev d p vigors ib the bret resident rector for near a hundred years he has built and maintains a school for tlio children of the parish he ba restored the rectory converting wbat was a dilapidated farmhouse into a pictiresque and comfortable residence without de stroymg the character of the modi aava jnarsonnge two years ago as sisted by personal friends he re stored be chancel and now bj the help chiefly of two of the ox ford colleges who bavo recfntlj become the principal landed pro me tors of tbe pansb lie lina coin leled the restoration of the lurch corpus college gave 800 oands to the work christ cburob pound and tbe warnefbrd trustees a handsome rrant top bitect ib mr j b k cutis aterloo road hammersmith tbe mr cutis referred towaa s respected and esteemed resident of georgetown for some years before his recent removal lo acton arena co banqoel sbccxmm scum utm with effojrible stdal fudloi tho annual moating shavenoldora georgetown arena ltd was hold in the arena lost evening and was largely attended ma or date president of the arena company occupied the tlrttlr tho splendid financial report read by secretary treasurer w v orant was very gratifying and showed net receipts tor the past season of over 2000 a hearty and unanimous voto of thanks was tendered the sec treaa and board of directors for their splendid work since- the men cement and completion of the arena and all wnre reelected tor tbo eneumg year aa fallens presidelitlieroy dale vhepresidente mowfiirur sec treaa w v orant charles watson w u buck at tbe conclubion of the busi ness meeting the shareholders and their wives sweethearts etc sat down to a magnidoont uariguet prepared by the ladies m tbe spao loua assemby hall after all had jrluirouuhly enjoy ed tho delicious edibles so kfpdly flirovidot and piepared by the ladies mayor dale called fathering to order tn a conoise and interesting manner he review ed the work of the board of direc tors from tbe in sept ion of the arena project to its completion ben georgetown oould boast the finest arena of any town of like the dominion he then announced the program in which tbe following took part instrumental were rendered by misa leavitt and muie buck vocal selections were given by mr cod ling mr dilly mr harry hale and short speeches were made by miss edna mcdonald mr e mc- whirter major grant h cleave w v grant and j m moore a hearty vote of thanks was tendered all who assisted in tho program and especially the ladies who provided and those who serv ed the delicious luncheon then followed an enjoyable hour of dancing to the m bandy mckay s violin aocompan led by lady pi an ib tea limeliouse a play tbe soroggieb divorte case will be given under thu auspice or tho limebousn atb lot in association in tho jommnn ity hall on friday evening mai 8 everybody come and enjoy nome thing real good v quite a number from hero spent a very pleasant evening last frtilay at mr rogereon s homo in olen mr donaldson of tuoliib sing at tho community k next sunday evening mibs winnio ivons relume d lo toronto on sunday after spending tho holiday in brunt for and li mcu o in terra cotla lur hall team are highly elnled r their victory on saturday af lorooou when tiny defeated geo rgetawn uigh school in the park at georgetown by a scorn of 9 7 hepburn a pitching and lean s holding were features of tbe game battonos high school green muldoonaad burnhides terra cot ta hepburn and j l craine large gatherings attended the anniversary services in the metho dist church here on sunday last when fitting and inspiring sermons were delivered in the morning by rev mr doods of cheltenham and in tbe evening by rev walter patterson or nona tbe glen choir in tbe morning and narvsl choir in tbe evening supplied tiplen did music for tbe occasion a solo by miss greensward nae also much appreciated mrs joseph coulter who has been quite ill during the fast week is now improving and her many friends hope to soon see her around again mrs downer and daiigbtei toronto spent the weekend with and mrs gerald downer of tbe mountain mr henry webster is on tin bick list an epidemic or hair bobbing has struck terra cotta and our 1 barber is kept qoite busy lllf tipclkoktovin ilfkaii changes egg riding laws alltll holb i9i4 sonii lnik rtnnt i iod ill en ions in tho ckh kitiduiri riulutioiim fur tl o don inmn were auuouiir hint ucck by di i 11 gnsdnii dejui ty minister or auric eilturc fore tnforo a dialer had to send in re turns to tl l ilopii imiint of nil the groihs lie lind in stock now tin will be allowed to scud rjf his ro unit for wo grndis onl aio aiinlir who was londing nndor 0 ciseri n eau had to have til em gradld beforo slnp ing from one rnvu ce to another bj lln now rctiu lalion tho ijiiuiitity to he grriili 1 before shipment will be up to mi load lots it is hoped b die clonm tinent that the orj foicpinant of the rentil itions ull bo in ado easier by these cliangen and tbat any irritation reviouhh caused will be removed ibopri vilo sietuurj on tburndai and tndny nights a doctor bus declared that walking is a tiresome exercise and not especiull iwnellcixl how eer wo never knew a inun to hiua ii punctilio or burnt a tuc while haw is walking if visiting ijurojie this jear or waniing to scud tor friend or relntive see w t bvnns ofllce mill street for full information of sailings and passports secured agent for cpr cunard and other skatnship companies 2t farmers co op prosperlafl ollli i hluvi pjinyr of hie unileil i a tin 111 hi pui loi nlo tiinh i tilt- tor the list lime in fom j uh it hhowmmiirfilh wliihiuan increaa til eiorj incintli sinin lnat o i hoi hunk dolits which not ho ioiii nu lolnllcd ovir 4000011 i ao bid paid off complelolj ami if t iroflts i on 1 1 mi o nh nl pit sent a vorj fiioiublci itjorl llb re sentcd nl the nninml mceling nixl dlcembcr oenenil miwiuim u ok mm wuii t 1 1 on mindaj so nourishing h tin condition cf tin tuicnlci cniinmj one c t hie cnnpaiis hpuitmchln ihil ff piilronugo dniiknd of two cents per pound lihlter fat retroactive to november 1 1ms liifn declare d ibis will rueim tbat milk nhii hik will recnuc a pinximnlol 7 000 in addition tu tl e rogiilnr prn i ul rmely piud i w t hv ins a co imlo some lovely houios m uorclawq for sale do not full to nee us jf you are in mm umikot foi a holn or farm olllco mill street 2t sign or the gold boot tho only shoe dealers m gcorcloun that inu ttpnii jour liools we are alwajs hiisj and pan undersoil all others and defy than ta sell at oui prices look at our prices j rone tho man thut itj reliable main 8t georgetown jtp h ew spring men goods at the s store iiiilinfh consulting cf the latent colourings blue serge in plain bargain in used cars norvai mr and mrs aaron laidlaw gave a reception and luncheon oc friday afternoon last to the mem beraofnorval methodist church q honor of their daughter mrs donald isorotid cousin b of tbe bride were also entertained during tbe afternoon mr mattugftr of tht hydro at dunn vi lie visited dr kyle during tbo week the three bridges on tho pro vincial highway in norial are nearing completion and it is ex pected they will be open to traftic on may 24th bev mr patterson took charap of the anniversary serv ices foi bev mr douglas at torra cotta on sunday evening horval ohon had charge oftbobong set vice m tbe evening and thoulen choir in j morning rev mr douglas conducted the uttojock service at mt pleasant on sunday rev mr dodds preached at terra cotta in the mornibgr mr george gollop is able to be out again after his long illness hie many friends wish him a speedy recovery a qmet wedding took place al tbe method atjparson age on wed neslay evening april 23rd when sarah jane bell became the bride or robert james fry of gleawil liams rcr mr douglas perform ed tbe ceremony after which the bappy couple took tbe train foi toronto church news st qisoegbb chdbch the lord bishop of niagara will administer the rite of confirma tion 4o a large class of candidates at st georges on monday evening next at 8 o clock bervioes next nda at 8 and 11 am and 7 n corporate communion o a members of tho women auxiliary baptist wednesday 8pm prayer and bible study thursday 8 pm concert rev mr pieaoy b a en tortainer mr ernebt warren and mr r 8will8insayl soloists sunday 11 am the local church 11 50bible school christ subject lo god mondaj 8 pmbypd wed uesday may 7th important bubi nose meeting of the ebnrob knox choboh commencing sunday may 4th tho evening service in enoi presbyterian cburob will begin at 7 80 o clock this change of time will continue during may june july and august the evening service is especially for young peo ple and tbe attendance is increas ing every sunday milton mr and mrs l elaley nassa gaweya ont announce tbe en gagement of their daughter gladys to mr edward s bycr man the marriage to take place in may miss martha sow man died last saturday and was buried on mon day at boston chtircb cemetery esquesing her brother allan bowman of milton is the only survivor of tbo family of five brothers and five sisters champ n mr d hutcbeon county treas urer who has been confined to bis room for some weeks by illness ib making good progress towards ro coiery and is able to attend to his duties at tbe county buildings although it will be some time yet beforebe will be his former self guaranteed i icrtno oajrling irons aco cndi the grmjei blertnc co guelpb ont it if you want the latest styles in best quality sheen at the most rcasonnblc pticcn flemings new hoeslnre ih hip mra to gel them w a pailpj sold stand it grin er electric co guclph ewtik btttinln elcttru curt r 200 2 wft plnfis 4hc iron corda 1 oft 40 go wah lamps 86a wli mail orders jien prompt attention it a joctxferrterot tvcelvedubal glenwiiiiams our lacrosbe tesro have started praetioing for the coming season mr wm mullin has commenced bis duties as pathmaster in our village we are sorry to learn or mrs albert smiths illness and we wish berqutck recovery she was tak en togfielpu hospitatt monday afternoon i the glen methodist choir went to terra cotla last sunday morn i ing to assist in tbe singing they also beard a splendid addma de livered by rev mr dodda of cbel tenham they take this opportnn ty of thanking those who so kind ly assisted by lending their motorl cats to take them there vir mr sohenk mr george and alf allen mr robl addy and mr andrew wheeler mr j pueer and son alex and ale beatty of guelpb spent the week end at mr and mrs wheeler s mrs young nee miss winnie beaumont of labrea pern s a is visiting at her hnmeiere speed limit sign beards should be placed m tbe gtentbe dasl is already thick and people have to keep their doors shot on this ao- connt it would also add to the safotj or our cititeoband children mr wiirred mokifilev spent a i j week vintid his mbther at barne riding bicjcles on the sidewalks our vllage lfl forbidden and tbose who ignore this law will be prosecuud acton the georgetown lumber com pany has opened their new yatds at mccanns ooal shed and bavo a stock of assorted materials there on wednesday or last week the farm bouse of walter fryer lot 22 2nd line esquesing was total ly destroyed with the contents by lire dr coxe is installing a distilling plant for supplying distilled water fnr tbe motor cars of bis custom ere this will be a real conven fence at tbe garage mrs roth bowman and miss haeel of guelpb spent sunda with mr and mrs w j roid mrs w 0 anthony of george town spent a few days last week at tbe home of mr h s wilson mr and mrs d c campbell and miss lueoa of georgetown spent sunday with acton friends free pre bb late model overland touring newly painted and new lop baby grand chevrolet touring newly painted 1922 chevrolet coupe late 1922 dodge touring overland 5 passenger touting in first claaa condition big bargain for cash oir spring stock of imparled scotch lnglish and irish iwnds in and inlxluios hocttrtpcm mcichcckx and sti u ob just to ban k special values given in these suitings we do the loxgwst trade in line ordered dothing in this houion of tbo country we do oui jown tailoimg and euar antce slh fit and workman i we bind u rccjiiiht ou loilaee jour spling order early beon the faster rusb the newest things in mens furnishings piutttfuy all eiifrnc and nnm hne vve seen i tilings for iiuii shirts u demgns nmbrich ophjrs oicfords etc ii lari ilssortnient of all the newest ideas ilainlj be interested uooth tor men are now in stock bttter selection of einart dressy ii tie nev stnil oltecls check also a lare cijorii will c ready-to- wear clothing a fine selection of mfli n and youth s clothing well tail oiet ii to date in fitjle yoiiwill llnd our selection in th s dep ii lmcnt larger belli r and more up- to date than eor and prices that will compare wilb any oitj laluct con la it will b m pimd to talk tblaas ovar r ootat new adverlisemenls 200 oy ehe paator re boil failure by the hem 1 or c good one ci aid ru i ilnt lo w t bvam i co 4 k2 your spring millar co bubclma tkllorltur ana mac stovkweu baddaraoa a co georgetown drtins and dnr claaoima phone 126 n i ii i ii ivf j n oneill son garage georgetown 7 out of 10 headaches are caused by eyestrain if you sutler from headaches you ought to question the condition of your eyea often with vision apparently normal eyes greatly need the help of lenses only an examination can make you sure have your eyea examined without delay cnjt sbfl chum van ibis lis nisiuhothaaji oori hjjtup is no rood whatever i liavealrevid jalpii ten cans of yew cpnopnnd if ntped tnyfajttii suff changes to take effect i the canadian national electa lanes were annonnced on satm ty j o haight will become superinttndent of tbe n 8 a t succeeding n8 gumming who u transferred to tbe toronto 8qb- orban h b singleton fnrmerly assistant superintendent atnia gar palls is trans fa rredjs port dalhousie aa resident manager at the terminal park ha fa soo ceedeffat nagsra falls by wj badford of the toronto suburban tanng tb tell you thrtvoorlmr lummiog tbe new soperin jrndentof the toronto subnrran aa toeaday acoom rftflfprd on a tohr a glen school report 8r iv marie davison anna cooper winston wheeler billie allen robsel wheeler jack graham sam allen dora hep burn rosamond bell george cooper biuie hoare jr iv eva thompson helen bell james bell catharine allen mary wheeler eleanor hepburn luella reid edward blndd jack robertkate norton jack beau mont stanley logan haze hunt ley inna barlow joe marohment frank gillman st iii dorothy wagstaff myrtle eirby praser reid mary norton kyle bingbam george monally mary bludd helen mc- m enemy jr iii minnie tweedle har vey garvm gertrnde barlow margaret momaster jack ever wo mary isley bheanor allen mabel monally doufilas boan roy wil kinson edna neil teacher juhiob room sr ii hon gertrnde ever son allan dewborst bessie wag btaffe mary watson kdnatress- jwood ptmy wnrfain fc allen lloyd davison ralph appleyard wmfield wheeler alice hadley edward hill editb rogersoo pass willie eversou catbar me yeomana tommy norton james clarke elmer hill tier trade jjdgan jr hedna davison maxine bell alan appleyard barry clarke aileeo bell aneie isley sr 1 madeline graham craig reid robett memastor norman marohment ray ball alfred bell jr i marian bchenk mildred hoare garnet norton thomas hnnter ales tweedle- jennie mo nally harvey dewburst grovor norton eddie logan sr prwiluatn hancock clam hill ray garvin richard ever margaret monally myrtle alien gene kirby bertha allen i e c caldwell teachei dr cc floyd jeweler optometrist oneill block georgetown phohe ins watoh repalrinb a speolality georgetown flour feed mill seep grain 500 bushels of cartons choice regenerated abun dance seed oats also choice seed barley and timothy seed feeds of all kind wcbessey phone 195 georgetown weekend specials they say that one can get too mnch of n good thing the only reason we have for doubting it ib thai we never heard of anyone get tinfc too much of moir s high class chocolates in fact we seldom hear of anybody getting enough how about your family to introouco moir s chocolates consisting of nuta fruita and hard centres we nre offering for this saturday only go ibi rtirular goc per lb for e week end chocolates regular 60c per lb for 32o maple peanut regular 40c per ib for to kokohock regular 30c per ib for a trftwfcarry plant glen marvi and senator i in lop straw per 1000 aloa fewai r red norva boardan wan tad tooj tujirlanil iminui be i streel noib apity lomr l icoikciow 4 waaud plane uehler in willi pi canadiiei cimlity intlrumenla gcwjjetown and cl unci extcllrnl poii noil for food man we ahc kiinneht unte supi of arm unmet 52 jfayden b toronto i r r no 2 i 10 pn c y3 li toiuat ii iokte rooiam all utable formkmed couple apply box sou or 1 inllhtyn sjaooi enable appl siigao ceoftelown up cursing a trained certificated nume al i b mrtanallar surg cat or med cat tele phone 274 georkeiown j patrtara ib or 20 cattle for ttw ai o waller lauraon slewi waataj lite co th hea nnv- at alerlooconlemutaleiiopenriffbnairency al geor one repreaenlalivo for lh locality good opportun dm net office wrilep o fr brat good country house of r x ooms and garden at very reasonable rem for ur ther partcuurs from w t evam 3c co w2l ciotm- g4 j anlityofred clover al si0 per bushel alao alsiko at m 50 tl is n all kood recleaoed seed n g lilt it son e k5 r 12 georjfeiown 4 23 2t for bala o a c bred to lay plymouth rock hatch n eggs j j per 100 egga ordir early for large quaniitiea g u wauan maple ave bcorgetown phone eow if faatara oatu waaud bond p aiture and abundance of sprme aler for a i enited number of stock foi mi apply lo j h mccauley eaton kosy ir30cpeflb for onuagaa lai korner kandy f j kitchen deverson a 4 ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class mej chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oik and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage jacksqns extravalue replacement sale genuine simmons beds and bedding at the lowest prices since the war in this great replacement sale youvget standard quality yet make remark money saving banner coil springs heavy steel frame highest grade tempered wire steel coils only 1075 bed spring and mattress i white enarnejsteel bed good spring and mattress that will give long years of service only 1875 bed spring and mattress a remarkable value think of it a wood finish steel bed coil spring and felt mattress only 26 50 brass beds massive pillars heavy special design fillings a beautiful bed at an unheard of price only s7so bed couch another big money saver an attractive couch by day a comfortable double bed i night mattress coverectwitb cretonne closed 26x72 open 50x72 only 1275 cribs cnbs let down sides with tefety latches rust proof spring and let mattress only 1275 quality value service saad brlf urjulm- okn 21 y last tnr 6s l cr acre uturence hurt phone 82 r 2 for lutoums have p eked out a small breed ng pen of female trom my flack of 200 heavy lav n rerm tram vvh toleghorni head ed by a choice o a c malolnrd and can pjjy h k 81 l i 00 per seliin 700 per io0j h mccauley fctri wcwdamdou bei de the best rradet of coal oil i am trcpared to supply you with any quantity 2 h mood p kichard marchment phone 206 george 2612 t for sal motor cycle tor sale cheap ck ralunt r q wood for sal good dr suramcr wood at s3s0 per load j brandfonl p o bok 490 phone 5 r 2 1 georgetown 4 2j if stook for solo 2 orkih re hoga about 100 ii s ca weight t red cow de march 20ih bnndle cow due april kpd these a good cows but i have njfc than i want milk tor tho summeralso good wo horse mnlcom fjfcnaw lot 7 con esqucang pboar4r4 geargetown locally or distent firl time if surely pay you four years locdtr covered by good servl i ion guaranteed snyders jacksons georgetown it pays to use hartinsenour woodlac stain for furniturefloors qodftnork m vttt0kam office t- home hunting fudc easy soid by j wkennedx onl take notice 1 eonle whohave abeeting rafleni and good irani ft tail going lo nx for want irotettioo with galvamied corrugated ms at pre wai prices or less consi- rig the raprovement or sundnea lor ii te no use o sell am buy tbe other plac norae take mock and have a ik with b ibert sinclair itmrj r r o i gecrxetown steel truat bam garages all kinds of galvanised lanks 1 ghtcn ng protection a 25f notice fo creditors 2 s rt tof art 41nai uta of tho tow of to fsnitt ohhill not1le h g pursuan lo eotior 66 of tbe trustee act r o chapter 121 lhat all creditors or others having clams or demands againlt th eatf re ol the d arthur e ingram who died on or aboui i the first day or a 1924 at l he ad town of georneloan arc requ red on or boul ft rtieth day of may to end by pot prepaul or x sol clo here- lor muuel ingram ihe admnisir x ol ibe est ale a d effect ot the said fecaaed their chnst an names and sur imes addresses and descnplkms the 11 particular n antmg tllutwra statement of ihe r account and ihe lure of the aecunty anv bew bjrthm and uke not that aflcr wh last oienbonedtate he uud a iminutrair ii proceey lod slnbute the assets of ihe mki deceased among ihe panes n ilrd l h lr w the claims of fakh ihey shall then have notice and l d mr a6ht potimble for i bo said assets or jar aart thereof to any pwson or personsshw ctajmnoikaahallooihave bceoftceted py hrr at ihe t meol auch dlunbatinn lltrov dli sol cio for the s d admn dated m georgelown tl tweoty thrddaj of april ad 1924 jjoj browns garage iwrval general repair shop ahommk icnsawlcs agcil fresh ufkt art ekme merits charles brown hell pljode90r8 thidf aalisa

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