Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 30, 1924, p. 3

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itllh qeftbhtrown riaid alltll poth 11m4 t stolen eggs and the silk trade nlieygmpaje all kuer- fls with niagara as they tomjte all automobiles tfith afclduqwinuick fisher king georgetownontario miihlmjimihba a genuine bargain flatware 1 1 doz dessert knives i 2 doz forks heavily si ver plated at 50o a limited number of sets don t miss this opportun ity jl a b witlson jeweller noil to hotel mooibbon oboeoetown how does yourporch floor look 4eatune about this floor paint on is that it b bpkcially made for porch moorsand combines a hud dorablfr fimsb with a tleatlloatrota appearance xba other ia that two pints win nmbm three pints of ordinary or so called cheep ng the consumer of beat reiulta and a con tlderable saving on the coat of material the reason ia to be fotmd in the quality of the ingredient used and the fineness to which they are ground by powerful machln- s cry it la cssuy applied dries nekly and can be bad in x harmonioub shades production or si lie datos fur is o nntiqul y and tor ages uib manner of its prod ci on was kept secret up to the sixth century all air niik u u 1 nyorled into europe from china out t byvco no pi per or justinian induced two monks to travel o ch na to procure allk worm egga and t o ipl the c t of the was punishable by death these onka u needed la bringing back a quantity corcealcrt to tbo ho o a of ihelr pilgrims staves from bysantlum aflk cultivation spread into q o and syria thence into spain an 1 tl enc succr- into sicily naples northern italy unit i- ance bo established in italy in tin sixteenth ent y various determined attempts hate boe nnlc irln clpally between the years 16 2 an 1 1830 o ctabllh the sll 6 industry in america res ul tins at one t me n a not inconsiderable production but the ex so cost ot the labor involved in the rearing of tl o torn e and in the reeling of tho raw silk from the cocoons a cm pared with the trifling cost or auch labor in e ropo and asia baa rendered 41 impossible to produce raw silk at commercial prices on this continent most of the silk imported to an nrlca con on from japan italy- and china where also the humidity of the atmoephpre contributes no little to tho success of tho industry in uioba conn l r en tho greatest importation is from the flowery kingdom and this mostly in the rawsilk form as it u reeled from the cocoons silk is valuable in one ousbjnment of a few bun dred bales h nj c of 1 ouimnds or dollars aro tlod up and for this niwm that no time may bo lost in makng p lerm ter al nn p n he tnlslcd trods nnn t n j kc the prolur or he little n ik orm s giv tr facilities which few otbar commodlirtfljoy thebalea crskelnvare itmd carefully in the vessels which transport them serosa tho paciflo and in such a manner that they bo speedily and safely discharged upon antral at the i nnad an or american port no ia lost spatial tra ns mads up of passenger baggage equipment await the arrival ot the vessel if tt docks at vancouver as do the empress liners of the canadian pacific and once ho valuable cargo has been sealed into the care the train proceed towards its destination often n etter time than the regular passenger trams for the reason that the raato is mora direct many nllk dealers in new york where much of the ink la iestlned consign their shipments via canada and dur- n thepast few months many interesting thne records ua o been made over canadian pacific lines on march 22nd the empress pt asho sailed from yokohama carrying the largest consignment of aqk to be forwarded from the orient for some urns the afdc was specially stowed for prompt discharge on antra at vancouver and from the time the jteamer docked until the special train to now york left there was e lapsed thne of only thirteen and onehalf mbratee per the silk was delivered in new tor k about midnight april 4th tha through tune from yokohama to new york being lfltfaya 8 hours and is tnrnntw fml time this constituted a record run as far as freight traffjo is concerned but passenger traffic la bandied as readoy by this company a u day borope to orlen servicb via st john n3 or the st iwreae rf being regularly maintained laraaiencrbajiiaiiareriafofiafc the latest in millinery j porch floorjpaint thu porch floor pamt la a product of the lowe brothers company toronto minufacturcrs of the well known quality products highvstandard liquid paint andhcllotone plat sold ttclis vejr by rh thompson co georgelown end meat mcirket tome killed beef and veal choice gwwt ptokled sbonldera at 18o kpe meal cottage boll wc sliced 95o pc mmi back baeon soo by tbe pioce 91 owl 99e breawaat bacon 3so by piece slited 25o t wjsmith rime tiitwnthm dslivjbhy cmartadpkoil fty iv li j fltpays i fortunate u their nat9joal parkv m 4hat they have within tnefr btirdcra alpine scenery wuch k net equalled anywhere on tha continent sod more and more they art ceallnng thu holidays in canada hold for the lover pf outot doora all the thrilla that rdd be foood anywhere id the world f jasper national park contains many ugh peaks eternifly snowcapped and o the aides of the mountain are which have wood tha mquobkof tons of ice w socna instances almost as far as- cad sett isre the adventurous tonrwatumptawhllein the calm peaceful vallevs wdd gime ot all kinds uve at peace wlthmankmd and the world v additional bungalows for the ac- tjatlonsl ralwaya at jasper na uonal park in tftse for the opening of the 192 season u is announced to officulsot the hotel department canadian national railway during c lodge was al bungalow dtfcfe year vl take care are being erected doubledeck boathouk with the in floor for convenbooa etc ia bang constructed and- an octagonal enria building is bring built near the main lodge four mw boiuenga are being crgtratoi the kitchens am betng eesoed assi laaortaontbac meat market lwlarthia km u faoiutsnt tmprtor fkii qckfcltv delivery guaranteed ms phone no tfcfct4utl ladles tailoring to th0 ladles of georgetown and vicinity i we are prepared to do all aorta i f i ad ten tailoring and remodel ling aiao cleaning and ptcnt nt aujoi c dpsir off anything in heaasdytiswtmur siiita ooata or dresaep c can he got hrouh ns at a tonaiderabk saving n p ice ssgtlbzmettdra crmtrmnteed l a hirschorn phone 251 rtaijmtt main st north f georgetown wt2 i 1 empire 2t barns san out taws for your barn j txalml tlfwui nt bi ilii 1 liln imi empire corrugated iron eastjake shingles tfai it la aafisaatad that over u 080 erss ware sows with com m al berta in 1s as compared with only 1000 acraa hi 1919 this la a goundicauon of how rapidly cent eurtura s incrasaug in western canada in conaecuon with mixed fsrmina aparauoaav all prevlens records of canadian freight transportation were broken whan a solid train lead of antome- iuas reached the paelfle coast from windsor out over canadian pa dflc unas recently the emrtanee of sfl aollsa was covered in seven dayjjr axaetly jfl9 jiours and jo mlnutai tha tnln which consisted of vr cats aiah conudalng 6 ford autejnobll- was morittan a third of a aaile long and was handled nn nrajsueaby passenger schedule ths splenduby sound position of thi canadfai pacific bauway is weu anown in the annual report far the fiscal year etultd dtfeamber tilt w bich ibjeflinsttaen tsenil the gross earnings of the c the year wen 9wstj hereahdtk ere forking expenses l6 sl and the net earnings ttp a large party of seettfah farm era pbtuamen farm workers and their families is expected to arrive at montreal la june the party which will sail on tha canadian pacific steamer uarhum will be conducted by the scottish repre sentative of the canadian pacific department of colonisation and de velopment alberta has maintained as aver age yield of spring wheat of 19 bushels psr acre ovar a period of twenty sis years according to a c by the department of agriculture f addition winter wheat has averaged ova the same krfod so 19 bushels oajbs sb 18 shels barley 2610 bushels rye lm bushels and flax 871 boaheli a feature of the annual banquet and convention gf the offletala of tbe canadian pacific railway which were held at quebec on march 22nd was the representation in the ban- quettlng hallrofetailsised loce- motive of tbetlatest type emerging from a tunnel bnflt of wood at angus shoos mehtreal it was u all respects peffefet at a pre arranged moment it emitted sfoam and smoke the beb rang and the whistle blew wtyle the headlight be- xamesmonng picjmsljrnjtctofc 1923 j jlanjtoha exported t 1su indlcations of a great asssnn in immigration are seen by canadian paclfc officials in tbe arrival at st john n3 during the weekend of march 2980 of 2 441 thirdclass passengers aboard tha companys steamers montcalm and hetagama ths montcalm had on board lfiu ot these passengers which consti tutes a record for the season out 107801 a 38s2m ponndaf vainedat 169 shipments were made ta great britain new york chicago and montreal in addition about s00- 000 pounds of butter fst wjere slop ped to the united states in a speech to the higher xt of the ca pacific railway on tha occasion of the recent t tiea at qosbtc mr e w president potnud out that 60 per cant of the eompsn in qreat briuin- canada and 20 per cent in the united states ft is therefore a corporation abtelutsly eoarrollid within the british empinenil he added that control uv being appre ciably strengthened as the yean quebec s new goldfiald in ronyn sfattawx is to be made accessible service uauted en hay 18th pros pectors tourists end supplies will be able to eroas the fifty mile gap j bebween the end of stael and jhjt geldflelda which formerly reejulred two days to cover in laea than an hour in ths flying boats to be need utheaerrice under the agreement with imperial government under the plre settlement act canada 189667 in assisted passages for some 2 8g3 british immigrants in tbe fiscal year just closed in tbe past four years the dominion gov ernment has spent nearly s10q 000 in promoting immigration trom great britain to canada speatt george headley min star of agri culture m trial shipment of cows and will be made in the near fu testing out tha possibility market for alberta a livestock in that country it is also the porn ess department to tend with the a qualified invsettottc ok into the potentiautiea of a market for- all afbertan farm for the first time in the past two or three years the saskatchewan co operative creameries limited hi shipping butter in csrioed lefr-dt- dues ot thetjmw carload s was recently made from saskatoon te p twoaitoads were also ahipped bsjpwe where they realmedt retpilbaaketi car cen ulned barren un and 80000 pounds of sas butter rw4eot f the bauway summarued tke mftillind of the eperatiens of the ceelpan u has ibooo miles ef tejhray in caaaoa and centrals in the united states it operates telegraph and enpi systems- 11 hotels it bung slew camps m rest bouses and has in commission on the atlantic and pacific canadian lakes and tha brtflsh columbia coast si ships aggreejatlag approximate y 450 00q i in personnel varies ia with kualnssa conditisns from eojooa te iso 000 smnloyeea la all kranehea ef the service what must cansutute a record m the rapid handling of a important conssgenoent from the orient was established recently fcy the canadian pacific rairsray when bedfasta a quaatity of albt from yokohama te ftiw york theikiisfldnent which was tbe lsrgast srwlwd ftem asia since ths recent bsbbbs in the sa market left tekehama en seaech eend on the canadian pacific steam vmarenev e asia specmlly towed for ptempt discharge en ar rival at vancouver tha ahtemene was ee tasmty transferred to tha watthactteda that only 18h talawtea 9u topssjdetween the doclrms et the shjptand tha departure el the faacinbrht and delivery wan made at hew york at ssmsght 18 days b hoars and stnshtnhss 1 1 m tbe prhn tm

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