Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1924, p. 2

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nmhhai ma- 14 ml i2i w h willson tjndsrtalter wad lloented embalmer mmia it qs-rsst-w- automobile r horseidtwn hearse phone n bt or dy 54w or 5j alcarilt stk tocprfli married dvmtmkbvu at hna church toronto pn byhctf w1u c mm dest daughter ofm id mr l mcmen j- e day second 10 j mr lnasl fmuc it may 7lh 1h oih u belved d c lunso 21 r ladies bowling club tug georgetown ladiea lawn bowlinnucb held in tho bank of montreal beat roomb oq friday evomnk may oth lor the purpow ot reor or the coming leason the tollowing ofllcerb were elec ted r president mint mcleod vice presmrh j l tbomp- son treaa miaa ii harrison 8ey miss m a langan bocial committee mra doraod mrs ford mra o t mc kay mrs dale the ladies hopo to have toon opening day on thcraday may 29th they will be glad to we come dew members anyone wish ing to join will please notify the secretary glemvilliams the anniversary party at the home of mr and mrs william bcott on wednesday last waa one of the moat enjoyable events of the season invited guests were present from acton goelpb gait georgetown and olenwilliams a delicious repast was served after which the evening waa bpent in social intercourse mnaic and dan cinrvmaaber charlie scrymgeoar scotch comedian delighted the gathering with bis scotch songb and witty bayingnjbile misa may momaswr piamete and mr neil cummlnga violinist supplied ma sio to which the gathering danced until the wre small hour of the true blue banquet tendered hist wrsklplul bro w h flbgcrsld one of tho moat pleasant oventa ever held in town took i lac at tho arena oo tbe otnnmkol may the eighth wtien ilalton a pride lodge if tr ic hiucm tundored a oompli ncnlarj banquet to moat worship- ful lire w m fiunerald past iran i master and president ot on i linage board who wab jmiuioied by r w bro w li grand master or the rojal hlnr chapter or ontario west about 200 eat down to a njagni 11 cent banquet prepared by the ladiea of the lodge the tables were verytaatily arranged and the a or fae beat and flulen didly served a great deal of ored it ib due tbe ladies who wore in charge of the repast after all bad partaken of tbo delicious ropaat w b bro f he naly d d g m who acted as toart master welcomed the guests behalf of tho lodge and all present after wbioh the following toast list was announced the kin god bave the ring canada our homeland maple loaf tho lojal orange order pmpoaedbyw slater mra blair pwm reaponded to by it w bro toclt the loyal true blue- aasocia lion proposed by w slater n long w m reaponded to by m w bro fitegerald at the closeof bro fitzgerald a address bro motjallj on behalf of the local lodge presented bim with an illuminated address aa a token of appreciation of his work on behalf of the fatherless and mother less children that have come under his care as president ot the board during the thirtyone years that ho has held that offce bro fitrgerald made a feeling reply thanking the members for their kindness and beautiful token which be would always keep as a remembrance of bia viait to george town lodge a short program wag rendered as follows reading sister m tost solo mrs lawerson solo bro rodmaon orchestra selec tion brampton boys aocompan at sister m march me nt at tbe close ot the banquet the rest of the evening waa riven up to dancing and everybody enjoyed themselves until the small hoars of the morning all went home fooling that it was an evening well spent lecture on king tut one of tho most ntorontink tec tureu over riven in gcorui town was tbe one riven by prof c raihti of the ontario cbllego of i liga tion on tuesday night in tin 8 in day school room of knox ci ij under the ai hi icea of tin l rnl couuoil of women ilia miljcrt waa a fna mating one i gj 1 1 in tbe daya of tutank hamuli lo underawind whut tho irpaent ili excavations arc rrmpoiinflonf i iht know hometliirk f the ico lo an tho early h ntor of ikvt ibe leclnror tl ro il atorj ind ture took his audience to mkj i t srjowiog them the nature of tin count rj the jwoplo who tlirti tul 7000 yeais have roi lined tie samo juroly egntian at ii rut n quiet peace o n inoultuial i p i plotut who having been coi i or ed and n lido tthut a at lawt rodi agamst their uratitn becnint a military nation con jiiered all tb surrounding pool lea and eattblmli rd tho ffrsf empire of the world as all tlieap conniierpd nationb hail to p ir barf- he old ofh k world flowed nlo fkjjrt i a u t r rellg on ourpd ihebuld r ft pl nd qbel iks one nl k 11 h d by tl e exypi hid j u1 kk v i lick lllth 1 delb money gil kubefrane chamlern w ii ii ihm would udd lo ihc comfort f the pel ihe lcr 1 fr to prevent llr- chamben irom be g robbed krt n of mtonci were placed o to h d no rote ihe pyrn flu even tl d d n prevent robbery lout lull thene cl n her were hidden wy ider ilia s idn of i r deert d were loit lo the wo id f r e lur e tbe loml of tuunt khnmeri wn tbe imsl to be found many buitm k ptdure were shown of th to nb of ll e valley of ihb k ng bkp art he wonderful temple of ammon bu it t y rimeies ii nd ihc famoui koietta slo r through wh ch the ksypllun h eroglj pb ci were at lam df c phettd tbe nramcal numbers k ven by mra ai lali ad m lyla kennedy were mu 1 appreciated brampton s tax rate ib 40 mills don t mibb these 1 120 pairs women a shoes made up in latest styles in patent suede satin or plain leathers rpgular vn 6 00 week end special a os all siebb see them in the window u j fox georgetown vcicy- compare alw cathedrals vith cologne itiey compare all automobiles aitk awlaucfhliniucka dont forget flemings when buying shoes main street georgetown at thg fisher king georgetown ontario eiptente of many hearty conaratu lauons numerous beaut if al and useful gitta and the hearty thankaj of the gathering fortbeir kind hoa- pitality and tbe splendid entertain ment provided the boroggie a divorce case in town hall glenwilltama ou fn day may 16th put on by tbe atb letic clnb of limchouae under auspices of glen methodist cboir comic continuous play 8 pm admibbion 8sc and boo our sidewalks and approaohea to all bridges are now being put into good shape if the sidewalk be tween the tannery bridge and mr barraolough s race bridge was raised about a foot it would be a good job done as it ib always bur led in the mud we are iorry to hear that mrs joe allen is confined to her bed we wibhher quick recovery mr will moody waa also under tbe drveare daring tho past week but js initoroving nicely a oumvor of men from here went to tp their lock fishing at bnrlragtotj last saturday it la reported tfce catch was so heavy that they broke- a spnnr on the way home don t forget friday lotb soroggieji divorce case piano recital by p ipils of miss matthews in tbe town hal friday night boots and shoea look out for ua we are enlarging our busi i have two men busy ou re pairing this is tbe place to get boots at factory pnooa we have no overhead expense and buy for cash and can give you better value than any man in tbe country j ey tbe man that brought down tbe fancy high prioea of uhoea in georgetown sign of the gold boot 8tp his simple 1 special traio service ttrmtol owes sni- acconnl geieral assembly ot the pres byleriu church ia canada for the coneun nco ofdelernub attend ng the aboccotirtnnetl e cinadian national iuilwija mo operating spec al train fiom to ronto to owen bound on wedorti day june 4th leaving uni in sta tion alia 20 pm standatii time brampton 1 os pm tieorretown 1 25 p m acton 1 40 pm g ie li a 00 pm palnipraton 8 15 i in arriving owen sound 6 4fi p ni accommodation of the vcrj wat has been arranged for the coniforl and convenience of the delemti train will hae btindardtmndia national eiiuii lent high cl bb vestibule coarthca dining and iar or cars foil particulars trom any cana dian national ticket agent c 14 8 ltptystotzs0 martinsenour red school house paint nrbmnut and outbuildings iitma no equml homb wumt1mo mad awt soldby j w kennedy oeorcetown out ibowttoni las ibaabrbgarduii the educating ot tbe armenian lads at georgetown tetarenoe was made to inspector dcnyeb atti tudein tho matter mr denyee objects to tbe herald putting the npsponaibility for the action taken on him and writes us as tol lowa- i protest agalmt yoa giving sny uch color to thgiiniple duty that 1 per formed as an official of the edncaiiw dbpartewnl if you know airvthlnc at jl about the public school act of thu provukeyouniowthattheletterof tha taw as it u at prcmntmakes the munict nalitv of georgetown responsible for the j3ruoirdteee boy laxtthtet that anybody in the province would oonatdet that fail at all certainly 1 hav never uiought so wbhtldidwas simob to advhw he board at geoigv townof their mporaibuity so that it might be the beginning of getting tbe parties together who are interested in s matter i knew the board would object of comae and wanted to havej ihitobiection regularly etated 1 in- swllr wmag and told him that 1 thought he should make some propo- sition to the georgetown board aa it was manifestly unf air to expect them to aa- ssneippmrfwfr it was through m7totenriewrith dr viatag that tbe tmuttjea finally did get together which waall iwanted of i felt that the mutter could be wnlcabh arranged and i am bum that that can be done rorotrarenntriberotvery penonal and flattering remarks in tbe inspectors communioation to ua which we presume werel meant tor ourselfand we will not naas them on but give tbe above factb aa bteted b mr denye in turneab to all eoncerned lit our aaaortment ot bighclaai ohooouteaoan t be beatal 80o per lb your choice ot any make of chocolate ban 8 for tto at h druka cigar an3 tobaoco store our men a shoe value- are hard to beat when it oomea to btjtfe and quality dropmaadbecinwd seemreolid for men williams make at 8 95 tbe bebt talue oo tbe market h 7 foitgrirbetowns for your protection there a an established cash mice for all ford products which price is fixed by the ford motor company ol canada limned in cooperation with the traders finance corporation the ford motor company of canada limited has also established a fixed price to be paid ll a purchaser wishes to purchase on the deferred payment plan the purpose in establishing this definite time pnee b to protect the buyer against exceanve charges the charge authorited by the ford motor company of canada limited and charged by the traders finance corporation is ab solutely fair to every purchaser who buys ford products on deterred payments this deferred payment plan is a simple business axranfewienidevaedfdr your can venience by means of which with a small down payment you may dnve your car- paying the balance in small monthly in walmgnts these rates are as follows touring tourinf starter runabout ruaabout starter coupe tudor truck chati traachaaaii starter 87 10 16271 804 78 149 41 176 48 270 86 29s9 059 84 19888 3166 37j08 3o0j 3575 45 5l64 oojoo 3x75 308 st any autharixed ford ocafcr cars trucks trac new spring goods mens store oaf s ib btnh of iniiottel bu t iirb conaihtirig of scutub i iiki nil ru d i iyl ttols in tin 1 iteitt colourings and tuislurph lino il ik otroliccksi hliichctifoh in jlain nud nti iliob juat to i and special values given in these soilings wo do tbe largest trnde in lino ordered lioli ir hi tine section of the conn l j we do urovrn tailonng sud huar iinuo stylo fit m d uorku u smp we kiudl rccnicst you lo jlaco joir s r iir order early before hie l inter r lal the newest things in mens furnishings pifttlirally nil out new kooiib f men art nov in stock and noser liuve wo seen a bntlcr sulect on of fin url drpssy thinkb far men st irte in all tho ncu stuio cffcrtb check dobignb cambrics zephyrs oxfords ott alao a largo asaortment of all tho nc vest ideas in t ts everjone will certainly bo interested readytowear clothing a fine selection 1 1 men b nod youth a clolbinr well ta i ored uptodate in style you will find our selection in this department larger better and more up- to date ll in ever and prices that will compare with any oity values ooata id it will be a plaunr u talk tklnga or ra your spring outfit millar co in ar cash with omdkbv new adveruseamab acra oi rood padoie opposite i p m fcnery a applr wm whine 2 rusholme rj toronto up ftrsau orlia ah ce ntaatckdcnb alsa 2 rock ig ctu m one apbauleita apply la f norrl rgtrm pbooe i9 tr l crow huron conk mnt sewl in o if loth nearly new applr mr w marlry college view tl tataat ie0 house on emj si iraler n rjeo apply to vn uwe s14 up wulllt i an prepared to do waihidb al hok- nu k n nen s vrhiag especially apply lo box 127 rcorkctown 1 o s14llp hnathkt fun l ed house n georkclovn all mode for s or 6 man lbs to- responsible pautj apply ilenld offce s7l collage m huidock si dedo ifals nler and piemu i h t arnold georrfdom s7 if georgetown m phone 126 l lljgl strmwhaiij flaata glen ham and senator doolop slraw berry nlanls for sale at so 00 and 650 per ko alio a few aspwagos num- f k tendlc vorral r r no 2 4 30 44w jacksons cood toard and rooms may be bad oo ua n street north apply ij mrs carey georeloho j0- ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and eff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage better farming with better tractors tractors threshers hay balers ensilage cutters farm machinery and road making machinery of allkinds manufactured by j i case threshing machine co 1 used case tractor 1018 good aa new gocksbntt 8 furrow 10 in bat torn j lough rood as new sold by fisher king se0bet9wn ontario phone 280 phone 280 arspeights garage and batter service a rood bodost job at the towcbt price possible thfttfl all wn have to offer you mr motorist does it mean anything lo you woftivea24 hr service and mako a specialty or overhauling mo tors and axles at oirbt ready for next morning in r have a ford ton truck for hire night or day service that is service rtmu o l bred to lajr pljmoutb rock llik esk si for 13 egx or s7 per 100 ejc order early for targe uuapt c l watson maple ave georgei wn phone 209 if heres good news gold seal congoleum week may 8th to 17th big bargains in this popular uoor covering goldseal congoleum artrugs 9x0 ft ceigolenm arl bog 795 cold seal coigoleora art rag lusourly priodbpq 9x7 1 m rtcodgoieum art ragp99o recnlarly prload 111 26 gold seal far lau hoi se on main st sooth all coovob- iccii auo small barn apply lo m- irk maw 54f 57 it 3lp tsuxsixig a trained cerubciled nurse al ibertjr rteralj surgal or licdjcsl tele phone 274 georgeown f j cwlua waustwi gifvl pasture and atnodafn fit if nag ater for a i auled number of stock i or rrcii apjljr o h hcomler eaioa warns uwloa besides the best krades of coal od 1 aa reruurd lo supply yon with anj ijaanitij il soil or hard wood prices rufbt richard uarchmcnl phooe 206 georkc 261241 waal ar saila good dry summer wood al 1ls0 par load j brandford p o box 490 ptvma 2 4 reorgelowa 4zj if to ode customebs any person not able to locate as 1 obone 255 kmdlj rail phooe i79w and take notice llul a reward ol be dollars s5 00 f persoo sinoa mfsn tbe gesncetown pubkc school bj order of ibe georgetown pwbwc school board j a tbompson sccy 5142t flow abofll yout roof asbestocote goes over the old roof anf stops all leaks give it a trial always- id stock a loll line ol harass tic deerinc kjii1 mcconsiekt machinery and repaira fortune oils and grease 2 second nand engiaes 19x9 lt codfloleum arl rug pl 1 95 luswlarly prlaad at b13jm 9x1042 it c bburlyprlesdi10i wslll bw 9x 1 2 ft congvlenm ar i rvg 1 595 mill street take notice fucuurly prlusd tltuk other sizes at attractive reductions ranging down pj to the 18x36 inch rugs t oc goldseal congoleum by -the- yard the flaqie durable flat ly ok motor si n roll form for tiio q er tl o entire floor watorpioof uimlhtj nee la no fattening snt sfnetion gunranteed b the gold seal two yards wide 7sc der y 1 rstluly phosd b5o i value service quality jacksons georgetown imds and seed grains we have caoic o ac no 72 oati chotct golden vine pea choice mandechun barley red clover sweet clover alfalfa alsllte timothy at close prioea alex noble elevator georgetown f ptotecikm w th gajraihied lunw dcrin tbe improvement or wwdnri for ll 1 1 ne no use to sell and buj the other place is worse take lock and bave a talk wlh lbcrt smcbur 103rj r r no i gecrxetow steel tresss bur carsges all kmdt ol galramzrd tanks tigblentnit protedlda 42jf ontario jockey clubr toronto may 17th to 24th the k n pjste 50 gmmai ibe gift d his majesty mj orpnrc v and 510000 added bj the ontano jockey clubiotmrtmoalheopemmday satar- day hay 17th follow rd by ab jfrsmnw p asl racnn ant i the toronto cw taoco added woodrinf steei lfc u as e 10000 added toberanslbrday hay mth ceneial abflessimsxji n

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