Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 14, 1924, p. 4

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jjl 00 1 iik hihoitown hhiu 1 ma nth 1u2i beady for a rolx datb work down on tho farm bout half pa it four i slip oo my pacta and snoak oat the door out to tho i ord i run like the dick to milk too oowh and feed tbe ch ckcne clean oat the barn curry nance and jlgga separate tbe crcat i and- slop all tbe pigs work two hours and then oat like a turk and by hock i m ready for a full joy b work then greaso tho wtmou and ut on the rack throw a jug of water in an old grain sack hitch up tho boraea buntle down the lane muati get in tho hay tor it looks like thuj but look overonder aura as i am born cattle a on tbe rampage oovra are in the corn start across the ra adder ran a mile or two iieavm like i m wind broke and get wet clean through with my jointa all a squeakin and muscles in a jerk i on fit aa a fiddle for ft fall day b work soon get to pitchin the hay on the rack lightning gets to flashing tbnnder gives a crack clouds roll op black across the dell starts in raining and it rains bke well i don t care don t even frown beet fixing the fence while the rain comes down just get to resting then for reo ompenbe nance got aaraddle tho barbed wire fence clothes all wet so slip off my shirt and by heck i in ready for a fnll day a work work all year dido t makeatbing and i ve less money now than i had last spring how some people say that there am t no hell bat they never farmed so they can t tell when spring rolls round i ii take another chance while tbe fringe grows longer od my pants give my spenders a hitch belt another jerk adij dj heck i m ready for a fnll year a work notice b hareby k vrn pi ct on 56 of the trust lr 1914 chapter 121 l ha all c t other hav rig cla mi rr jema uli ibe estate ot the aa d john h tbo d od oo or about hojti march t about tile draining it wni pay to underdrain the average field approximate ooatxulm ana psavldad for b tile drainage act haw underdralnlng increas ed the yields of grain alfalfa bajr h ithln reach of ah 4cotrltuld j ontario uspartbaaat erf aarlsultur toroato juat bow tar drainage can be car ried and made to pay ha always been open quoa hon with farmera nearly erery farmer baa seen a swamp area a low oat aour bald dd oorner at bis own or bl netgfabora farm tiled ami made ato valuable productive land and be la quit ready to agree that posslblr tor neb highpriced crops aa onions eelery tomatoes tobacco or sugar- beets it might pay to pretty inor- wgnly drain a whole area fiiii tin idoa ot giving aa careful treatment to land thai year alter year gives fairly average yields ot ordinary grain corn potatoes or bsy of april a iot4 especially at present prices ror these commodities looks altogether out ot on besides it baa been argued it waa all very well when wheal was bringing two to three dollars a buahfl to tbiak ut drainage but with dollar wheat scarcely meeting the coat of production u loosa foolhardy to throw good money after bad approximate lost of tiling tbe important cash items to be met la ul drainage are the purchase price o the tile the trench digging and the laying a fair estimate ot these costs in western ontario at tbe present time gives 30 per thousand tor three or four inch tile and thirty ave cants per rod for digging and laying at these rates an acre of land tiled at regular distances bet w sen lines would coat ttllal per sera at it fsal bonds and investments insurance 4gat mataal lit aaearanos osa paaur f haw task tavaitttaaillnkfces hr mimms najss la woiovgaey blook ln see formerly oeeaplea by v jfjo pne offlea imw residence 114j bcowns garage unvu general repair shop aathmmk aetonria steal fraa usm ni bmelmerict charles brown brtl phone 90r8 ohio m7r8 notice to creditors om aaattsr or tha etta at john baxrtul lata afta towaalilp af eaaasslaa la tha caaat j of hal east end meat market home killed beef and veal k 14o peril 1th l r u 1 k by poh i vet in the untie i o1 tor here n for j p shor ll avxl r i shod 11 the dm in aliatori f tl e hi ffevl of the aa d dcrcaicd hr and deacnpl on ihe full jut ibeir acci sla a ul the a e i r cunly fif held by 1 em and lake oourc ikul of cr i d ian mentioned date tbe aa u ajm is ra or i u proceed to ilia r irn e ihe amcts ol i aul deceased moils p p ex e 1 irj thereto hav ngrexrd y to ihe cln o- of whcblheyahalllhc have en l hit ihe aa d adm n stralnra w 1 lb liable for ibe aa d aaies a or an thereof losnyferaot uraodn fhs la idi ool e ahull nol have bi re r ti by them al the t n e of mich d lr bu o lbrov dale sot c tor for ihe tx d adm it rat o dated al fieorrrtown th a th lie bus notice fo creditors la tlaa ssattar r taa eatatu of artb r late of the town of oaorcauwai la tha ooaaty of hal toa fanaar naoaaaad nojiceja hereby givei pun a ti ct on 66 of tbe trustees aci r ii chapter 121 lhat all crcdllora f o i en hav ng clams or demand aga ll i estate ot tba sa d arthur e ingram v1 died on or about tbe f rat day tl ap i al ibe a d town of gcorm- oh equtred oo or rboul lie th ir i uav of may to send hy no prcpa d del ver to the undersigned aol or 1 t fo for mude l ingram tl e adm n ra ti x o the estate and effects- ot he aa deceased the r chm an riamea and i 11m ii oil 100 1 tbe intereit rates and accord lug lo tbe terms under which loans are made to larmera under tbe tile drainage act the total cost of such drainage both principle and interest ild be retunaed to tbe investor in twenty equal yearly payments of l 10 par acra tiled at 10 faat lvl 14 ib ul this means that in order to meet a coat of nralning oelda at these distances these various amounts would need to be found through in creased crops grown on the land so drained undertlrstnliig imphisea clelda ot a rain laaed on average prodifcllbn per acre and average prices received by farmera in this province in j 8 21 and t12 it would lake two and one- bait bushels of fall wheat to meet the coa of tiling at sixty feet apart only gun and ouobalt bushels to tile it at one hundred feet apart and oven at twenty feet apart it would take an increase of only seven and uohalf bushels tha limits to which drainage might bo car rli d prodtably in growing wheat can be aeen when you read results such as ihe tutluwing klgbt acras of drill m sera- acra all i ii buabala ttila cuall was un adjula jid id tnn same year on dralnad land rlsldas ii sweet 1 klfi slintl 1 moil colt if 1 i m 11 irk i it bri icfnttt dnt 3 roll 23o ti 30o bj ti o i o hi w 1 32c i 23o b pete shred 25a fresh trout direct from the lake frwsmith comer tnelph sud witer sis phone 1m georgdswi prompt delivery tobacco and confectionery store ng cf the r held by ll full pert culars n a itsteinent of ahi iture of the aecunly f and lake rni ce lhat sner au meahoaad date ihe aa d adm w ii proceed lodiatrlbule the sue i said deceased among ihe part rs thereto baa ng regard only lo tl e of wtuih they shall ihen i ave not that tbe aaid aotn n xlrslnx ll no sponsible for the sad assets or s thereof to any person or pcraoni ol cbuai notice shall not hsve been i bylmt at the tlnteot such d i lbrov dalh sohcilot for the sa d adm dated at georgelovn ih i 1 tbrd day of april ad 1924 i iar acra a d naatly a ton raw wnlla trial on unaraload isbsia sud bair a ton of at raw my uaia iu oraidad land yiaidcd no one knows when where theuexe fire wiustatt bui if your hotkxc is covered with ahoina policy you knowyon ar sccufc from financial loss du lo rtrw the home i1suhakcb tomfany rapmtntsilly elmer c tb0mps0n usarutt strvlct ccargtttm theres no secret r tn vl t bun in 1 1 hc1ui 1 i ilaifi tsl j hot r ll junl h tx ut or kt in in i ii ritiif ii n cnrif il o i hijji t df ll i ll hini ti i it r tl o bt ut nstrj horn ir nl lui ttic ii ut iikt of i ft nu mil tl ic u t will ll mont ntiutih timt mntos 1 t ir yo hooves t triad fc neat lor bran a yon lare dolas yor paatry au j j lajuatioe excelsior pastry klour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilliams stewarttown ballinafad limehouse d h lindsay hill street if acton ontario the boat place in town to get onoiooat goods at the most reaaonable prices clfiars cigarettes and all kinds of tobaccos neilson s ice cream uthr lunches served special try our fr quality chocolatet at 30c lb h druks main st georgetown drives your car everything for the cake wbou you tuako cilto wb not lab ibo i hilt delicate tempting ktud you will if you ubo swans pouq cake flour oreena sponge mixture mnkcn n tlclir odd cake ut 10 min utoa not- pkit s0a mnilobuttot rck 40o 26o iv mi t hi iter wr lb 25o jolly pan thru in hlabh fr ut nap i en i tor ggo aorbor or mclaren a s for 26a ootd modil ten witb cup ia baucor per ksr 7so ant i itli fl nt kiabh t im t liloi 75o do you know that yon are responsible for all damage your oar may cause while it is operated by anyone with your consent do yon know that the onus of proving ypu were not at fault in a motor car acoi dent rests upon you do yon know that judgements are giv en daily against motorists who are unable to discharge this onufi somebody must pay will your property be subject to sets ure to satisfy a judgement or will you insure this liability at a small cost with a large insurance company xet us give you particulars of this protection stand anthracite scranton coal in all slzea antomalioally soreansd and coal wood select lamp for- domestic and threshing pnrpoaee smithing and qanttel coal in fact icarryetorythin to bo brand in any uptodate ooal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 1 georgetown farmers whts all kinds ol farm im- pkmenls repairs harness ek also oils ana greases yields of aluita and hay increased out ttueatioii ut sconumlcall un dsrdr hik ut uelas is met by ibu lacl tuai aji lucrsass or slh pounds ut alfalfa will mm tb cust of orain at feet while a nieru lliu ids will mm itie coat of drains l 100 faat ant su a not unusual otr lae avarage yield whl but can of men aralnags at 10 fet mils o dluary mum doar and nay halt a ion increase win meet tbe coat of a tofooi ajaiem walla only in fraasea ot 334 and 100 pounds will take care ot ue u foot and loo foot unas when it la remembered that drainage permits the bringing into toe regular rotation ot many per manent hay and pasture fields git ins opportunity tor the successful growing ot our nastier yielding eul tinted grass the possibility ot se curing the required increased amounts to meet tha araloage eoata are not such aa to cause any worry loans made under tbe tu drainage act tile drainage la within the reach ot all tnrotiga the loans made poa- ubl by the rile drainage act it is one of tbe aafellnd beat paying inteatmeate tbe farmer out make it la common lor a ay stem of tile drains to pay for itself in three or four years and orten in much lesa time iban that lo other words it la an investment that will pay 105 to 16 on every dollar invested over and over year after year turning a mqney losing or no profit crop- into one snowing a balance on tha right side of the ledger v 0 lowell utauict supervisor chatham ulvw pigs aa early start a pig ones stun tso la not very apt to r cover from it euoclenuy to mikr the galas required for profit ep toe youngsters growing right lung with the hog market condl una as they are at present it re- jutres ery good managen cot to keep me bog raising venture showing a inlatke on ibe right side of the ledger that farmer la wise who pro vides plenty ol good pasture for ill sb groat obvoetowir coal best ix l w ix coal it all suet jauq smithing andsteam coal rs jtrvilkins 1 station pi in qsi wanted locally weuknown mail th woo bandl pg expeoencewllh molnr truck tci bay and colled wool tx as n i r at k borjiood apply john llsflam lim led 111 front st east toronlo the empire bam h planfc comtructleti stlertmcallylwittotlirteriangptnitsgtvta dbganal bracing throuatiout conpletesa structure solid as a rock able to withstand the heaviest ttarnn abo utward pressure of hay and grain pronounced by en sis to bo the strongest type ol bam constrtktian mo obtnictfatgtnm baami braces etc all interior b clear floor space- meal to work in get our prices for your barn just toll us length and width and ah dr you want aad say when fou will probably need the bam this will not bind you wo also lumbh mpftrallly our farnotn empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles standards of quality for 40 years the metallic roofing co- umked toronto w t evans agent address mill st telephone 183 norwich union fire insurance society limited buy ktircsj good aa any better tltaxi your need tiro andltoboa ropajroj every thing guarantcod tc give r aorrkai f sinclair wo reopeclfntly nolioit yatu tiro bnajaam fire insurance j w bawwupt cctf fctewi 4rt for aoskeof the strongest om- pinm trntnaf inomrance to you protected o neptunite the new varnish perfected after two and a half yfears of research when a vamish can be subjected to the hot iron we think you wh agre it i about as perfect a vamish as can be made a wet towel was placed on tbe surface of scraping of furniture will not spoil or a table varnished entirely with neptunite roar the beauty of floors woodwork or and ironed with a hot iron tmtll it was farnttare varnished entirely with ncp- bone dry- this test waa made in addition tun it e to the well known boiling water ham- mer ammonia icavend water neptunite by virtue of the excellence testa from all of which heptonitc of its ingrenw gives that deep lost emugrfwithout injury h finish ao much umhdty particular people and by reason of its ton will gather from this that hot dishes large production and durability la very accidents the wear- et tear of feet or ec rwxt i ikuii h t iklaal te i ler ii m 7gtr ttunftwewipr iao9 20o lsonodslb for 250 lximolioicn apricots 20o r- xtra ci o co pcnclica 20c valcnr n rn h ris 15o b m nd ru hint uncut grown u for 8co olmtk 8 bread yo i will liko our bread for its holohoic nutriloufl and mntle on tl o puroht maborlolfi sc ea bm tilled i ly j it toketber nod baked juhl to n turo the w e tbmg a rildo true of evcrytbingeleethat we bake your water supply automatic sure continuous ecmce day and night always under presaute atoronto tninmatic water syatemwiugnreyqa tbjservica noise less and beat of all absolutely auto matic operated by electric motor oi toronto windmjl enjoy tlua conyenient ismce now end soto yourself and fanuly from the continuous drudgery oi pump ing and carrying your daily water eupply toronto outfits can be quickly installed drop m and let a talk it over prices and frill information gladly rurniabod see me today w j alexander r mark clark bakery and groceries puonf 229 l h smith stewarjttown expert fence builder why sbort rnila toe sale 1 fl ions 2 50 riffle cord erof pxtienedco enables- toe to mo jo butter nl ion tbn otli h baim sybailiy rtiw gara6e well who are i m miss springtime 6ctv0urcarfixed and come out into the rdj country varmshes wo are exclusive agents for all four neptunite varnishes neptunite floor for hard- wood floors heptanlte spar for interior and exterior use neptunitn interior for standing woodwork and wfeere a dulled rubbed finish it desired neptunite fobbing r fl thompson co georgetown springtime wants you to visit ber if your car is afflicted with any wintertime complaints lot no look her over and see what b the trouble monoy sprit here tor re pairs and supplies u really invested as you will find out phdne7 w it pays to use martin senour woodrxap stain for fnttarflaork home rvuntintl made easv wfttoohoadofrtempr jw kennedy geo rgetown on i rs pmiflljl tsuvico find nuht d tea cedar nnd iron pouts nl ttftjb in hiock when jo vn 1 1 nnj thing in tbe abuo lino j inb all j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttown ioufe rlara ake tm finest that mortev can duv the oialitva fine the price aewright butcher main si georgelowu ptaonk sbop im bomensi coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal lelivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f roers co i georgetown fovl wanted tamiw k le h shew pure lor all and oil ppou y also best pneesfer al k nd of junk hxlrs and wool res 6nce next lo impltmrnt shop m freeman phone ssow oeorcatawn

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