Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1924, p. 1

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ttr i im m w ml vi mt 0 ioui it wmjn the georgetown herald n georgetown wednesday evening may 21st 1924 1 go per annum in advance 8 00 to d 8 the georgetown herald j m uoor fiultku ud rreprlator meubr dlaa wkl nw pir am ouua o t r tlmm tbl ouitkltaht 1 trncu 7 it a ii 1 ntumintil y u x in pftmhchhcr 10 ih j mail 11 10 i di ptwihcnitcr u ii mail 6 vi i iii passenger 8 2r p i p tsseuffcr sunday going wkbt 1 shdh mail 7 57 turn 10 1h i m pwfraonh r 2 12 pm pobuiim 4 50 in pasttem r ptwiwr offer 7 09 p in miul m 2fi p m p monger bundav 1001 am uoinq noutii mail 8 00ani mail 4e5 i tn goifio south mall 11 uk am mail 7 47 p m tareata safcarku iuilwn ea8tb0und wkhntollnd daily daily g82 am h 20 a in o ot nui 11 20 am 1102atn 220 p in 2 03pii fi 20 p in 6 02pm 7 41 pm m 02 l ni 1120 put 1102 pm bunda only ka8tbound kstlkum u02 am 11 20 mm 1102 am 8 02 pm u20 pm 602pm a 20 pm 9 02 put directory 6hi li on watlbridqe 4v oale barrtatara sol 1 toe eta toronto and oemsatuwu oblc kennedy block l roy data in ebarst of oeorse h o heir hamster svlrcrtoc fclc office mill iit georgetown hour 9aro to 5 p m ope welneaday and saturday eve dr t 1 mbceuus phyaioian rid surgean medical offlor of health offlce llgura 2 u and t to p m phone 68 offln andflealdenn main street vtmath oppoalta preabyterian church drc r w rosb physieiati and surkeoii mill sire 1 georgetown 1 he e hwu surgeon grace ho toronto e22 db- o v williams i hyuewn and surgeon office ami residence i queen si reel soulb phoaexsx officehoura aiuaro mandcupm ul by appt nlmctu f b watson d u b m d s qfflaa heaura u ft eaeapt tharaalat aftaraoeaa r f u- heath l d8 o d s oantlal offloe in laneblock oca floor nortl at 0nelira cairuuja factory houra a m to f d m a m hlxtsem d o cantopbacxio ornoe aaut x-raj- jlaeatatary p f a d a tr 10 jnaxparalaoa office in ha icy blocl ricxl door ij n rtr oneilu ffraa at oflke omc hmikm wednead a and sal aadaya u to 12 am 2 to 5 p m and 1 c 9 m other bourabyappomlmcnl pmok office 150 and rewdeoce 245 forsters cash and carry store a pi il uni of choice fresh groceries provisions etc i ruit ih bfason robins bros and ntllsons owautes promuch ibe besl by all who save tried ibtn swills cooked bam aid cured heals al rtflbl prices 1 forsters coruer john s victoria sis bargains in used cars 1918 big six studebakbr touring light ford truck baby grand chevrolet touring newly painted 1922 chevrolet coupe late 1922 dodge touring overland 5 paisenger touring in firat clasa condition big bargain for cash j n oneill son hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 200 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo uaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed s years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 orders taken fit ranges and appliances of all office town hall benj petch lioanaad anctiootar for balton and phl aianwiluaina port offlca balsa otnaactad aaliafaetotilj and at raa aottabl rates ortiera latl at the qaorstjioini hatajd ofbot rill racalva j a tract clerk townah p of eauueiing cierlt 3rd d m on court tha lead ag fire and life ins iance co a represented itauer of lurrage l ceniien n stewartton oni e p bowman o l s xaa atanyiakaaueabiaeerlaa todovolas btt ouelph ucceaanrjntlnrlate d a nrveil o us telephone 1064 ugh cn4e usmctlvi only elliott tr aaui 7 stav taroata remajne open all year and ad rmts btndpnis at nny time de maod lot our graduates far srcftloi tban ofr aupplj wnto todaj or tne cathlorae w j khjatt pwaoipaj brampton business insulate tar sctot1 mghl school isaac pit tii mi sliuilliinl topch typttwritiiii jbobiucss tngltsl diem system k flwg ljooktpcpini ariuimtir penmwisbii comroorotftl lav ra id calculation lbata4aal laatneuaa eatar aay tlaaa h m rahrih prbt phone r anderson block q irn st fc boi 092 chevrolet a factor in moderii business and social activity if the automobile were suddenly with drawn from our modem business and q social life do you realize how speedy and complete would be the disorganization wider in its influence and effect than any other factor of presentday existence the automobile has become of vital importance to commerce and society and chevrolet can claim a prominent place in n automobile progress because it baa brought qual ity and dependability within the realm of the popularpriced car chevrolet transportation the most economical per mile chevrolet reliability is an established fact among motorcar users chevrolet exceeds expectations m the beauty of its appearance and the completeness of its appointments the chevrolet utility coupe with its handsome body by fisher is the choice of the commercial user the business or professional man or sales man whose business the automobile has assisted so materially the utility coupe is a car of which anyone may well feel proud investigate chevrolet prices and performance ask as about the gmac detemd payment plan chevrolet tobacco and confectionery j store our everyday special oar assortment of hih class chocolates c cant be beat at 30o per lb tour ohoice of any make of chocolate bars r 6 for 25c h druks main st georgetown old furniture made like new in a few minutes if yoo have any old pieces of ho matter how badly your furniture ttored away bring furniture or floors arc scarred them out of their hiding pucei or marred a coat of vcmicol siva them a coat of vernlcol tain and in a few minutes you will hare saw furniture will rejuvenate them instantly vernlcol coraei in a variety of rich colors it applies eaailr dries quickly and make a this vernlcol stain is nude listing finiih it is a combln from very superior pigments ation varnish and statu vernic0l stain wed ltke to show you the beautiful remit you can get with vernlcol come in and let ui tell you bow easily and cheaply 70a can do over your floor or rcfiniah old furniture with this a tain sold exclusively by fisher king georgetown ontario to wommwlw do their own work suppose you could bare bu nuniites trrery day in waahlnjr pots and panstwo auhratcs alter every meal in a month thto would anouut to a baring of three hours of this illsaittsbibte but necessary work this saving can be made by- using smp enameled kitchen utensils as thetf smooth sanitary surface wm net abaorb dkt w imase no aerapmf seaarrtnf or pouauat la need id wtvm yoa om dtanoad or pearl ware soap tatar aad a tttak tovd la all you need aak foe smpvware xfawafrcaiafaawaflartasfaar three aaktnes pearl warv two eoau of pearly jrrey enamel testae and oat diaaoad ware tlu eiatajlilrt bhra and white wrtaue whit ibuag crystal wwe three ceata aaiw white maide aad out wiu royal bine edatax mtmtuatorohjownnip0 nurhrmulusr j t every 9 hardware store thev come back sing1no tboy come- bock sinhinft an i vi know thorn all ti10 bluobird and tbe robin and tliu v ren up from tbe niarub tin red win t flutoh n call wo bear tho lierrtiit thrusbo tbo glon tliu goldlincb baa not donned bm hummer dress and yet wo tell bim as be lilin along fact nolo attuned to apnnft and joyouhdoae tbey coma back alnginft and ub know tboir eorig you do not bavfi to see ins foatb crod throat duma a robin riioging in the rain qr need tc oaat a glnncn at onp and coat to know tbo bobolinks arc bark again tbe tin 1o8 1 of tbo warblont nassinr b among tbo taesoled trees may 11 t along arid hide- bis colors from the seek ing ee yot prove bis presence with a thread of song for more tban tbia what need of mortal care that men may know aa by tbe boogb wo aing naming ua never by tbo garb we wear tbe dun of winter or tbo gold of spring i pray i sball not mock another lay but keep my own distinct and true and strong that as i fare along some one will say she passed me singing hnd i knew her song florence boy ee davis in yontb a lorn pan ion birschorns readylowear and tailoring to the ladles of georgetown and vicinity i am placing a moo fresh stock of dresses suits coats and shirts in tb kraft shoppe m char go or mies finlny youi patronage solicited i am also doing ladle s tailoring and remodelling at my residence satisfaction guaranteed phone 251 reatdeiuto- mam st north georgetown id the early days abtil uaaetwatse art bisbid bditor herald i have got into tbeplace now where i am expected to answer queejjooa for mitanre what is a pike pole if some of my friends in tbe country wonll answer and explain what it is an ta use and tbe aaaooiatioob con elected with its nsa i will be very glad to hear from tbem tbrougb tbe herald another what is a grab hook and what do they catch with it another what is a bntoben that brake was it part of tho buggy or same thing about the harness or something about the driver that gave way i wait for boraeone to answer i was aeked laat night if i knew anything about lumehonae aad 1 said 1 would brush up my old thinker and records and here what i m givini you previous t 1640 the land where lumebouso btanda was owned by hall mere dith that year one olendenmni bought the land and tbe saw mill and called tbe place food tain green in 1850 john newton r built a mill formaking water lime and during the building nf the g t b bo furnished tbem with nearly all they required this mill was fitted up in 1802 for a woollen mill and was earned on as such until ta was burned down about forty years ago during tbe timu the ot r was building tho place was called the bock and up to 16o7 it was known as aurh but in tbat year a post office was estab lished and it wan called lumebouso with the late james newton sr bb postmaster it got the name ltmehonae from the fact tbat tbo lime worksvas tbo principal in dustry the first to engage in tbr lime business was besooby d wor thing ton and next waa lindsay frqubar in 1867 qowdy moore bo tight the besooby plant and farquhar bought out lindsaj lat they were al merged into one company from 1652 to 1u5g while the g t r was building this was a very bqsy place tbe cut through the rook waa one of the largest and most expensive under takings that tbo q t b put tbrougb wben you take into ac count the appliances they bad for doing sucb work in those days and 1 uhtnk tbe rock was about doubli tbo height tbat it ih now the cutting was completed in 1hg and tbo late james nickoll oir dr nickell a father drove a newl married coup through in a sleigh an ho aaid he wa driver lire man conductor of the first pasaen gor train we used to talk about that event for it whb an event one john mcp hereon kept a store there and hia eistor waa lieint married in the real old highland manner musio and dancing eating and drinking the dancing woh done in newton b mill nrrd won kept up all night no ueila for to many john smith and my father were the fiddlers and angiih fletch er of ballinafad tbe piper angus would lostat nnplamg when inn of them would sooner talk and drink so to put n fitoj to ankiih some one put a knife in the bag and let tho wind out in the afternoon tbey began to start foi lion bo me were fu but john smithwaa riodour and itwaa and that od andrew scott saw johi making hiswaj i tbe now rajlnn and be jailed him saj john where hae jo been i rt nobure i think it was a weddm but it waa a grand saccess what rvor your humble servant did not think so as far as he was con cerned for be was put to bed in tbe book with old grume mc 1bcreon and though it is about 70 i im hitno 1 can well ow i rud and my mother had to ike mi in han i tbr peace and o ml tr k r at tlmt timo and for mn jiir itii r tiro pines wab illid tl iituk vi a yot i hear rifcrrnl lo ih tin rock i will 1v0 11 tui 11111 likt iii 1 h7h tbo uiv lolii ir nlo wan nailed an a iinitilf r to j ort lown and lime ijouho by tli- irchlijicrmnr i v 111 quote from n tettc rr ttco by litmsolfon thooitxi oiuftlcrotli nnniverhary of tin clmr b bin nod dated sidney octol r 0tli 19l0 it wb about bin lirnt uer- oidn i can aoo tho eimle on tbo old vbll remembered faccb at tho rock church vthqu i read tbo 28r3 paraphrase voruell and let the topantm of tbe ruck wil at cents wide rejoice i did not boo it until b- saw the smilo hem nnd thpre in thechurcl the follouing wero the icople jaa lindttay sr limlniiy jr i a frnnor wm bh inks w ood man and biott jr jas mckee fyfe bouiorvilln geo cook dan wrmht c mortdilli j snyder james dobbte wm scott aiox kennedy henry ross c kilpatnck hope i ha ninian lin dim john l ndaa john nickell jas scott and scott sr wm sharp t somecvillo j somorvillo jar rubboii jul n ruhhoii win snyder j newton sr thos lntio- pmi i kennedy job nukcll john nlhtb a durno aotj found too h for you about tho rock if bo fire one at mo and i will do i did in the bunk ho down and beep quiet it is timo for mo to find one tonight l grant acon misses maude and graco mc pheraqn of toronto spent the weekend with acton relatives r albert gibbons who has been m guelpb general fiobpital for aconplo of weeku ib recovering nicely and honbeto be ante to re turn borne tins week new cement platform 18 under construction at the canadian nn tional railway station hero a large gang of workmen from the works department commenced oporatiqnb on monday acton is in a very happy bnsi ness position at present every factory and mill 13 rurimnj with a full comploruont of ojieratived and tho prospects are good for cantinu ing basj mr nod mrs jamca romebaw mibs vitta and mr morloy mibb lizzie ramshaw and mr burton wiggins attended the fifty fifth wedding aumorsar of mr and mrs george ram ah aw at lou ville on monday free press terra cotta terra cotta village has two ipleudrdly organized habeball team a this i car one for tbe youths of tbo village tho other for tbo young 1 ml ion tl e men s team will play in a four team league with aoton limohouse and tho mountaineers wl o hail from iar georgetown the officers of tbo terra otta team nre manager will town aend see rotary george coulter captain fred lyons coach jas algie j hepburn is pitching and lome crame is noting catcher tbe other members of tbo team being charlie mcnally norman icam fred ljonn wll towonond walter haywurd g coulter jae hepburn gerald downei cecil downer will hunter gbrdon stringer austin comer tho ladies team is getting along ith two ofllcers miss lulu edge manoker and miss date icarnj iccretarj the niemrjefs otrie team are misseb annie puckering ldna imm margaret sanderson rhoda davidson lulu edge wil ma hunter murgiret townbend molhe fdgo ivy ham oh idolla burgess mary haines margaret kellj nsbing itegolatioris an or lor in ouik 1 ainendins the fhrrii ti 1 ilions for tbe province onlar n ii h been pub iihiicj in llit in ula gacetle tho order niikin it illctul for auglnrs to ie nitre tlinn one flub ing line i xtept for those ang ling o irth n nil lei ermen must bold 1 cenhos from the department i f hnide and fmheneb of the proi nice of ontario the order reads that no one shall fish or cutch or kill in any of the waters of the province in one daj h angling a greater number than eight in rye mouthed or small mouthed black 1ms a nor take nwa at an one tune a great er number than two daa legal catch tina regu latioo also stated tbat four mohkinongr will constitute ooe da s logal catch no one shall catch b angling a rcatr numbc- of dodckletv or brawn trout tl nn in tho ntgrcgalt bhalt weigh more than ten hiu according to tbo regulations it ta forbidden lo lake awaj rp than twenty pourul- o iront notes and tomments a kh knrit al i i1pciation of the high arth mlana finer feelings mubio jh the most generally acres siblo of the high urbi and ia there fore a character huilderot first rank in it there is no element of decadence but always an matin e ttvo yearning lor tbo purity o things more artel more it is find ig its own in our schools and that is well for if it gives an add d linenons to the harmony of civ itixutiun then it is a basic subject tor the curriculum from a kinder gartcn to graduation tim attorn ki iienkbal bus given instructions tbat the digest of the now pharmacy aot is to bo printed and forwardertto all drag gists in tho province irj prcpaijf tion for tbe time when tbe new measure cornea into fptoo tbo main provision of tbe new law is that it prowdes that all jlmggists ust take out a license from the ontario license board before tbey store handle or bell alcohol or liquor under tho new legislation tho pcnhltkti are very much heavier violation of the measure ill subject the offender yo a fine of 2000 with or without im pribonment in the case or in corpoiatet companies the maxi mum penalty of 2000 becomes the minimum or may be made as nch as possible at the discretion of tho magistrate 0klu cookey who achieved imo notoriety aa jhe bobbed bair bandit bas wntten a word if advice to those girls who want to see their names in the papers us hers has been the advloe is don t you try to do it you don t kdow what you will goffer she adds tbat while she smiles beraelf heart ib breaking within ber she is probably quite sincere for hue and her husband have been sentenced to from 10 to 20 years in two different penitentiaries for naaautt and- robbery generally peaking a life of enmo does not pay sometimes it may appear to pa but when all tho facts are taken into consideration it is al ways found that she balance is nn the wrong side the chain letter noisanoo aeemu to bite bobbed up in theso parts it is an old friend we have met it before in orangeville and various other parts of tbe province it usually takes the e form and calls on all easy marks to write some twaddlo or other ten times and inflict it on ten other victims shore is a way to kill this thing and that ib to put all such letters into the stove and lot tbem make a chain of smoko up tbe chimney of course yon may bovlsi of bad luck bntisnt it worth a little bad luck to get out of writ ing a lot of dnvel and inflioting it on your friendb we shall all have our share of good and bad luck as it is called as we jour ney through life but it will not be affected one way or another by chain letter writers or black cats bpilling salt or looking glass aking ar any of tbe scores of other silly snpecatitioss that tbnve only on ignorance and golli- bity if everybody who has broken a ebain letter is to be visited by o dark and dire penalty there are a lot of doomed people in the world keep it out op tbe papeb ib the cry which tbo local newspa per publibhor frequently bears to oblige often costs considerable though the party who makes tbe request tbibks the granting waroo ll north a thank you a news paper is a peculiar thing in the public oje the nowbgatberer is stormed at because he gets an item and ib abused because he does not get anothor young men and yaung women as well an older per sons ncrform acta which become legitimate items for publication and tbeo rush to tho nowa paper oil i oe and beg the editor not to no tice their escapades the very next week they condemn the same i aper for not having written up another patty doing t a thing forgetting apparently their late visit to tho printing office tho discretion or a country editor ih awonderfol thing and many are the stories upon which be turm bis back because of a good wife oi mother who would be gnovoiih hurt to see the thing in print don t blame tbe editor for keeping something out of the paper but be thankful that he baa a heart and is not indifferent to jour feel toga as the cold and calculating ohap who sits at the desk on th big city papers don t ca mi on tbe uleibone line but attend to onr ii with promptitude nnd mnki ti on vernation brief the degree or or or ditin ty bns imh n ml rrt 1 upon re w m k nw or han i ton bj b ilnn ii t r queen a umierailj k t n rrn dr kanninm h mils tdod to hit boj homl h fn i if t ongratuations n ii to make afaillaa safar ii pi toflice department states thil nertwomillion nndeliierable n in e o to the dead otter oflice er or many of them because 1 rnporly addressed monw pr f tl e name and nddrt of tbo nn ler should bo on the oatsido of liiejtters and parcels no that thoj netl not be nent u lead letter of gee at all hot ma it not deliver ed be segt back to tbe bender a good ra to moke sum of uilb is to 1 ave the name and labels printed we do tbat kind of work

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