Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1924, p. 3

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tub qkohub ixiwn eikbaid mai blht llhtl l go77 again he season is at hand ancj agum our stock of golf supplies ia complete and awaiting yqjjr inspection clubs bags ballh snndriett everything for tho golfer scaramouche in kiifiiil siibiuim si 00 a copy tli ti nit tnil f ii in mint romance from which the i linldplitj nrih mndo read ibe book and so tha pliy d j matthew dttult and stationery open friday evening ii local news items golf iiqu opn 2 hli victoria diy silurdii cboioa upfitn lamb thm wcek all w smith a butcher shop a great reduiion un attract- io spring huth nt ye kraft sboppe most of our merchants will keep open thin tbursda afternoon ovmg to saturday beini a holiday will all advertisers kindlj let uf have their copj for ctmiikos o advertiuemont by monday noon thanks owing to suturdaj victoria dbj being a public bohoa tlio stores in town will be opt on friday evening we are offering ft number of hats from 1 50 to fl 00 each all shapes and colors foi remain dor of week misses clandgc a lady we know says gotting your hair bobbed is something liko bujtdb an automobile it ma t thd first cost tbat countsit a tho upkeep choice oinogold sued improved learning wisconsin no 7 white cap and big orop seed corn at reasona ib prilcs w c beasey h flour mills distinctive milliner for mid summer featuring in teresting types in leghorns milaos and novelty weaves in all the leading colors mh finlaj axeasrs lrwm i goldbam c buck a e wright and t w smith will have their butcher ehops open fndaj night and closed all day saturday w t eansico bavo some lovely homes in ueorgotown for bale do not fail to nee us if you are in the market for a home or farm ouice mill street st anniversary services will bo held at onion churxhjioxtsun day may 25th at 11 am and 7 pro rev a b stewart m a of acton will bo tho preacher keep your car now with non olio a polish without oil dtfst cannot stick water will not dim absolutely preserves the finish sold by a b willaon the jowelor the township council of ohinguacouby ba passed a grant at 800 to the international plow mg match committee toward pur cbosmg priees for competition among the junior farmers of peel county and obinguocousy towbtshjm d cbitrlntoneb chains r of commeroa aii important mooting of the ouncil of life chamber of qoi mi mil ho hold in the mini i ijiimber op friday rniug may i in at 8 tn donation to homo i ho l lyors of anhttrcho lk haw givtn 10 of their share or tho receipts of thoir per fori of the pi i dust of the l to the ordoo home- ibeti gift is highly appreciated champion raoo hat at bnnplai the brampton driving club will hold their race meet at bramp ton on victoria day baturday may 24 jji under tho auspices of the hamilton driving club and athletic association lumtld playod ball at toronto a team picked from tho ar uooaut club of georgetown motor od to to rod to last saturday after noon and played two games of ball against bloor st baptist church sunday school team de feating them in both games soft bull 17 7 hard ball 1 1 2 after tho games they were entertained to a splendid supper in the church hioh all enjoyed direct wluinnli the post office department has node arrangements and issued in itructions to postmasters of sav ngp banks offices to permit of direct withdrawals bysaviogs bank depositors from the post office of any sum up to 25 without having to make application to tho depart mont at ottawa as bos beeo tha practice over since the establish ment of the post oflicc savings bank in lfcfib wedding fees taxable methodist ministers have been advised bj rev s w dean sec rotary of tho fmauco do pare ment of tbe methodist church that they must includo wedding fees their income tax returns the ruling of tho dominion commis siotier of taxation which covers tho point is as follows broadly it may be said that when a sum of money is given to tho incumbent if an office or calling or profession substantial in respect of his aer ices as incumbent it accrues to bim by reason of his office and is accordingly 10x011040 come fux jaentre wednesday may 21 thrill chaser starring boot gibson chapter 9 of the haunted val ley comedy creation mile of smiles thursday may 22nd the eleventh hour fox starring ship they ro going like hot cakes women s shoes in patent kid eat in or suede leathers mode op in tho latest styles and worth regu lar g 00 holiday special 8 95 bee them in tho window they speak for themselves tl j fox georgetown dr waugh and rev w m morn a of the ontario department of education gave the inaugural speeches at the opening of the aplendid dpw school at erin on monday april 38 the building which coau4s 000 is the latest won tn schools every member of orion lodge no 109 i o 0 f is requested to be present next monda lvemni may soth at 7 45 sharp hi in lodge wilf pay tho georgetown brothers a fraternal visit and tbe first degree will be excmpliilod refreshments don tmiss gilbert suiii von s mechanical musical opera co at tbe own hall tomorrow opening thursday hay 2od troupe of performing dogs and tbe old time london punoh d judy show admission children tta adults 15c 10 to the women of george town and surrounding country any one going to toronto coll in my aboe store and examine mj prices before you go to tho citj and 1 will give any lad 10 that will bring home a pair af shoes equal to mine in quality at tin price i sell them at bring n your bill and get tho money as have really tho beat assortment or women s fine aboe oer offered in georgetown hundreds of pair to choose from 2 to 2 60 u pair women cushion solos 3 00 times are too hard to psl big pn cea the farmers are hard bit and 1 will help them out in the boot aboe line we are the beet- cheapest place in ontario to get repamag or ne boots we have do overhead expense and can cer tainly sell cheaper j rone the only real professional shoe tbe town havetaso- eft burnt o t walkerejesnht special lacwilt be at watson a drug store oew6pecar m ptrofle mr watson and make an appoint- ment- satisfaction guaranteed 2t com id y creation somebody li ed fox news saturday may 24th scars ouche from the novel of the french revolution starring alice tflrrey directed by rex ingram four piece orchestra matinee at 8 pm night at 7 and 9 lg pn prices matinoe children 15o adults 25c night children 25c adults 36c coming long live tho king itb jackie coogan hut pay far sliax in the division court recently the orangevile artma limited blamed judgement against e tfimons for 85 00 and cost of the action simons subscribed for one 25 00 bbiiro jn tho aria com pan j but afterwads declined to pay for h1i stock tbe defence at icgcd niisicpresentatiou as the rea ion for re tuning to iy mr j b adamson vbo sold tbe stock to simons a tho chief witness and as ablo to satisfy the court tbat there had nut been misrepresent ation we understand that there are other subscribers m tbe same position as simons and that tbe arena co in pan will take logo steps to enforce payment if neces sary banner mnaioal bhiu ttjere was a largo attendance at the musical renical riven in tho town hall last friday evening by pupiu of miss matthews assisted by miss marion copp contralto of toronto and mr burt thompson uotirtst the program wasenjoy ed from start to finish and each pnpil rendered his or her selection in a manner quite creditable to their teacher and themselves the mxai n rim iters by miss copp delighted the audiencp as did ls thevrohn solos by mr thompson u was truly a musical evening much appreciated the 4 pttp n ho tijul port were mtsses mary livingstone ruth orr joan wrtt mabel bparhng isabello thompson irene mulbolland kathtene mayes madeline erwin gladys milliere rowcna stull ma dorif green mrs annie liirachorn jkar jaret o kennedy ailoon m9oro dorothy kyle john bird charlie kirk fonr parr of leather luces for 25c all shoe dressings 10v bone 5 21 stpjoietb m thurstci mi- personals cdiiu hilnon tho r i 1 1 ii kc i wood friends in mr ii i warren of loronto was a visitor in town on tui nday miss alice creel man is bumf friin slctiill university monlrna miss draco todd is tho guest of miss mh momastor uleuwilliama mr and mrs charles donaldson vihiui rtliitivm at bnrhnktan on sunday huu i word island cuch hnd spent hunday brampton v mr arthnr livnn of toronto srient the week end alhib home at liuiehouko mradrwm hell df jackson mich is visiting her brother mr j j libbtus mra w moor6 of ottawa in visiting at the home of bcr daugh tcr mrs j b wallace mr swwait millar and mi la u 11 millar shnt the wea end with friends nt cooksvilir mra w q marshall visited at tho borne of her mother mrs george robinson erin on sunday mr w j rons and 0 rand son f m davis are spending a couple of waoka wttbrrelativeb in flesh nrton and iirimty mr and mrs h i moore of acton wore visitors in town last wednesday and made the herald a pleasant call mr jack thompson is borne from ogoode hall and will be mayor dale s law oftloe during the mrs freeman kersey returned borne last week after spending some months at tbe homo of her brother at c res ton valley b c ex warden john mcgibbon of mansqwood visited his son mr s h mcgibbon on wednesday last and made the herald a pleasant call r robert buchanan wa9 call ed home to brighton on monday to the death of his mother the funeral took place on tuesday afternoon mr w c young of the corn wall freeholder and mr w i dick of tbe brampton banner made the herald a pleasant call on tuesday the following bavo passed their exams at the school of practical id en ce toronto deo kennedy lonors jamealindsay john ryan tom bingham and mrs j c cook of choi to oh am aonouooe tbe engagement of their daughter harriet wil helm mo to mr albert kjward stork son of mf and mrs r c stork pickering tho marriage to tako place at tho end of may mr and mrs w j campbell queen strpet georgetown an nounce he engagement of their daughter lorna mildred to mr david henry rogers son of mr and mrs t a rogers streetb- ille the marriage to take pli late in may h ere an dth ere tha canadian pacific eraprea of britain will arrive at quebec shortly on her first voyage from liverpool aa a catiinlaa tea me r under heft new name uont- reyal she u the fastest vesael sail inc ant of liverpool and la ached uled to run from there to quebec in aii and a half day btitiah colombias payroll for 1923 wu flso000000 accordlnx to the annual report of the work mans compensation board the payroll for 1923 waa 128692 602 and for 1921 130 099375 em ployli firms operating at the end t year numbered 6524 i oetttac ai wit saaaiaa seeding in tbe country is about half finished according to reports received clover and wheat crops are said to bo coming along very well somo or the clover has been killed by the wet however sweet dovor as a crop is not as popular now as it was a short time ago a tbbugh there ia considerable of it being grown in spite of the backward weather country roaa are said to be in fair shape phijuhj briiiin the annual meeting of poel jer sey breeders association was held last week when the allowing offi cere were elected hon president d o boll brampton president josepk m dolson cheltenham 1st vi prea j steen meadow le 2nd vice- prea major john leitcb norvol see treaa alex mcbmney mout pleasant dir octorsw e cahert brampton ben petcb cheltenham joseph mckay malton wm mcclure georgetown hunter arnott cbnrclimllo the yonng bachelors of georgetown aie giving a dance in tbe arena on friday evening in renewing her subscription to tho herald mrs t ismond kenhs soak wishes to be membered to all old friends rto starting a joy ride the reckless motor driver should gen erously tip off his rente to the undertaker tt 1924 milan far the port of montreal was officially opened oa the morning of tbe 18th of aprfl gov when the jternment icebreaker lady grey arrived in the harbor a big season ja anticipated especially by the canadian pacific steamships whoa vessels on the st lawrence route this year will exceed 197000 gross tons vancouver this season has beaten portland the great wheat port of the northwest and formerly the great wheat port of utbparific portland incluaes floor in its wheat totals vancouver does not accord ing to the portland press tbe amer ican city has moved over 29 000000 bushels of wheat to date vancon ver in the same period shipped 38 000 000 bushels exclusive ofa very consider e quantity of flour the much prised wilder silver medal the highest award of the american pomoiogical society the oldest horticultural body in ifnttt arnehca has been awarded to the central experimental pans at ot tawa for the sixth time the medal on this occasion was given for tbe lobo apple one of the many fine varieties of mcintosh red parentage originated at the central farm an estimate of 1500000 far firs protection and management of for est reserves has been placed before the government for approval by the minister of the interior the min ister stated that more drastic meas ures of fire prevention would be taken this year and in this connec tion the department of the interior sroposes to dtuite the royal cana- fan air force for the ietectiaa at fires four bosinesa places were burglanaed in ml forest one night oat weok those who have occasion to go to toronto will do well to re member that that oity has started daylight naving for the anmmer and there is an hour difference in tbe time there are a lot of motorists who exceed tbe speed limit when passing enr main st corner if one or two were pinched it ngbt cause tbera to have more respect for law the quarantine regulations on the arizona border are said to be so at not that the cowcatchers on locomotives have to be fumigated before trains are permitted to erf tcr the state now tbat tho girls have their hair cut and have taken to carry ing canes says the bachelor cynic xpreaume ibeir next fad will be to try to raise those dinky twoby twico mnstochoa theres a onto idea for yon girls rennies grocery pastry moil 21h soda bniruitx bull i tablo hall 2 hoxvn prunes 2 lbs rolled oats lbs lnmp glass s larc brooms each cheese inn mild i lire buoy soap h for old diittb 2 fur f inn 1 cleaner per tin ib thursday bargain day orttit1- tumlwm ilananh 1radhbivbr bonds and investments insurance imraittli all sruckcs h xl minims it raddence uj the bankruptcy act in tbe estate of norman h speight authorised assignor notice is bereb given that norman h speight retail merchant of gctwjreiown in ibe province of ontario did on the 28ih day ol april 1924 make an author lied assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors and thai h c gmya esq official receiver bas ap pointed me to be custodian of ibe estate of tbe deblor until the creditors at tbar first meeting shall elect a trustee to ad mister tbe estate of tbe debtor notice is further gives tbat tbe 6rst meeting of creditors m tbe above estate will be held at the office ol ibe official receiver ooun house hboikod ool on friday the 13rd day of hay i clo k in the artemoon to entitle you to vote thereat proof of your claim must be lodged with mo before e meetrng is held proxies to be used at tbe meeting roui be lodged nihot pnor thereto and further lake notfcsihat if you have my laitn agaiait the debtor for which rou arc entitled to rank proof of such laioi must be filed vnlbin thirty days from the date of this notice for hom andaciee the esp ration of the time used by sub- edion 6 of edjoo 37 of the sa d act the trustee sball distribute tbe proceeds of the debtor s estate among ibe parlies en titled thereto having regard only to tbe claim uf which be then bas notice dated at georgetown this tsih dai of elmer c thompson custodian come to oakvuxe victoria day may 24th big celebration i agricultural park j athletic spor football game sid shoas rwrps fnr k t iwth np with lots of fun l evening garden party fireworks dtsplaj dancing oakville concert band will pro vide mnflis both afternoon aod evening commencing at is o clock noon and continuing till is o clock midnight lakkshore rosses stop at thk grounds admission to grounds 2o mud iso s d r rennie cash grocery phone 1 s 1 for quick delivery house phone 273i how old are your eyes many persons imagine ttil a pair of glasses once fitted should last foreverc this id a mistake eyes are subject to change and to make sure you should form the habit of systemati cally visiting your optometrist at least once a year to find out if your glasses j should be changed if your glasses are found to be alright after an examina tion your optometrist will tell you so conmult your optometrist regularly dr c c floyd jeweler optometrist oneul block georgetown phome ra watch repalrinc spoclmuty lumber bargains for cash customers white pine vkllmnd roof sueetlncd is iso per h spruce dftst jauitble for lining- been kitchens cmrkgea and atablea iso per iff five s nmnnel olemr pine door 34x86 n semasr 450 sale price 1300 each heavr flint loated rou roofing weight 90 lbs to bo special price tsbs per aqnare j b mackenzie s june is the month for weddings to the bride give silverware the gift that lattw silverware is a nnnersall acceptable gift no home ia stocked with it to an extent that additional pieces are nnt welcome our stock compviaea all the lines in hollow ware and flatware spoons knives forks eta spenial prices in cut glass till tbe end of jane a b willson jeweller next to hotel mcgibbon georgetown bucks buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w holiday specials a your friends some r i fresh wholesome randy and make ndy at your selves at borne be sure and ask for uoirs for they really hightoned bridge box makesjt jsgipruejorjiouae paruea if and quality in in our week end chocolates are sure h pleanr refr 50c per ib for 3ze hg- caramels rg 40eperlhfor punty iltnw reg 40cjer ibr r- lee cream bncks all rors 30c bulk per pint 25c per quart 50e rclv on us for quick delivery kosy korner kandy jcitchtn f j deverson proprietor the following are sptcials foi bargain day lm in h i ilc nt loather sandals rubber heels i xii h i ik leather sandals rubber heols mihhoh piilcut fffiather sandals mishch lu uuthcr snndals sizes 11 lo i i run ijindftl to 10 hihi in hiniial sires 6 7 i uishninro hose 1 25 far ladit n itihbfd i illn ists hon f 11 impound minimum suinll obeck only luldn chll in llll k 05 1 85 1 25 00 7o 1c 20a groperie 27c 100 16c 18o 12a 25c lfic lylos gnldim sjrtip 2 lb tin fl ib kims jitis straw berr jam l for campbell soups carnation milk laru siea tliaiiipaon s setdiehk ruihins per lb primes 2 lbp tor apricots per lb poaches dioiro per lb 1 lb tin rasbcrry or i htrrj jam 70o thompson i seedlcis rhihiiis pkt 15o rutland brand sardnts lie polar white soup g for 25c toilet paper 5 for 25c roman meal 82c tomnlo catsup pint boltloh 17c lite llivo lorn syrup fi lb pail 40c mcbeanco georgetown ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give proniptarideff icent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a cpxe main st north formerly browns garage grancty i atlas pens 2 tins lynn vnllm corn t tins aylmcr and york brand tomatoes 2 tins sunsweot prunes sib pkj apricots per ib raisimi 2 lu seeded or seedless raisins per pkg jello 4 nu jell per pkg imperial jell ponder 3 pkgs lux 2 pkks rinso 8 pkfih benson urn starch 2 pks silver it lout sturnli 2 pkgs raspborrj or btravberrj jam 4 lb tin apple and btravberrj jnm i ih tin see us for maotfcl and turnip seed 26c 26o hgo 1 00 goo a m grandy 1 phone 75 ji sihsladlu guraleci prenyl ddittry for sale 6 room bunfialow on ictona street nicel docornted throughout e 12500 7 roomframe house on oharles all cfjnstniencefl nice lawn fmrakg good garden and fruit trees price 13200 ii roomed frame housoand 2 lot ntuir coatuw mrilfl ecico s2500 easy toinib a number of beautiful brick liousi tj priow 6hcresbfland seven room roiijliravl bouse barn hen house price hfioo v n beautiful ssven room bra hoimf on uolph st all conveniences garage price 95000 sij room bfick house nci the hitli school ne ijdocoratod throughout two fireplace vii convcnieooes price 5600 also a number of choice one hi farm a indred and two hundred acre for pftrtirnlars applj to e a benham real estate agent

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