Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 21, 1924, p. 4

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the modkkjt soliloquy apulurirn la kipling to bpb or not to ball that 18 thl iiuphtioo whether il not better in tbe and par tbe kir i who ha to bob be ckuho of others to let her bur grow or take up arms against this bob ding and b opponiok cut tor r it end it than by adding put tl b bobbem out ot buhwphh tib k con hum mail on devoutly to be wished ta bt t la alauli perchance nlj rtolf to ret it 11 ll llefore i flhihlierf f 1 nnu ay there h the rub htth win n it girl static out a tlnnr- n ahull out bob it tis lik ah not it bub it good mod abort but will bobbing end thin damn confusion and the man cviih that the hair is pester j xv ltd nay naj pauline lis but the forerun nor t y of marcels and debt that surlf a course portends tis well perhaps to end the peltj talk and bob it aaiidfeq is bobbin k hers yet haltcutting doth appear an seemly and st only for men who know not what their beads contain bui twul bobbing and not boo ing i guess 1 11 bob mine eer i exit from the scene special train service twwtobtweasm ccacnl lonm fhe pres- hykrifa cfevdila canto for tbe convenience of delegates attending tbe above conferenoouia canadian national hallways are operating special train from to ronto to owen sound on wedoee day june 4th leaving on ion 8ta- boo at 1sjw pm standard tarae brampton log pjn georgetown 126 pan acton 1 40 p uu goelpb sj00 pm palmoreton 815 pm arriving owen bound 6 45 pm aocommodatoon- of tbe wry best baa been arranged for tbe comfort and oontenieooe of tbe delegates train will have standard canadian national equipment high olaas vestibule coaches dimng and par or oars fall particulars from any cana dian national ticket agent 5 14 8 growing sudan grass biperimcflui results at ontario agricultural college average yield tor he ia uimn top and tor hal how ii ouupin willi hlllel and sorg bu a trtxml tinorgencj ooff about alfalfa coot ibuttd m uuurlo impinmut al ttils forage plant whlcb belongs lu ibe sorgbuoi lamllr and la one of tia daeit la leal and stalk of tola ruup of plants was introduced into bo united slates from africa ha 109 during tbe uat ten years it baa obtained considerable prolnlneace- the south western states and recently baa bean advertised and sold by seedsmen id ontario and also crown by a taw farmers in tie i rovlace sudan grass has been uniler teat the experiments at uuelph for the part eight yean during this time it baa been grown for its total green fodder yield tor nay for seed and for pasture averag yields for five year the following table gives tbo a or age yield for ore years of green lod der and of hay per apre of this crop and ot three types of mjllett hand wonder forage plant and barly am ber sugar sorghum varieties graeo crap hay tons tons early amber sugar sorghum if ll aland a wonder forage plant 13 ie japanese panicle millet japanese barnyard hulet 11 13 sudan grass i 8 90 siberian millet no 71 1 61 3 66 for the remits ot this experiment ibe slots were all sown broadcast it will 1m seen that in yield ot green fodder and of bay per acre the tudan grass was surpassed by ave of the six crops included in the test the quality ot hay made from sudan qrass was superior to that made ttoth early amber sugar sorghum and mauds wonder forage plant and slightly inferior to that made east end meat market home killed beef and veal c i m hi link r hruil font 1 fresh trout direct from the lake t w smith coricr tnelpb aid water sis phone 163 georgetown prompt delivery no atai knows jsrlefcu- where tfcemxt fire will start bvittfyourhbtucis cover with oiinm r sccuro from financial lots jatrtr the home ksklmtsck company bim c thompson fcwtisenlee frowns garage mm l general repair shop mtmiat acccmrks afbs fit itjh mt ate userta charles brown beuphom 90r8 cbiof 887r83 standard anthracite scranton cdal in all sizes antaunuififtlly bonned ud uded coal wood select lump for donmsbo and threshing jwrpoee sm i thing and oannel coal in fact icarry everything to be foand in any uptodate coal and wood yard john micdonald pbonb is georgetown coal beat d l w sc coal in all sees aaaoscmtbuig and steam coal tfvi talitd 8 1 6 31 10 43 4 41 3 69 from tbe three millet thla and other experiments indicate that sudan onus althoughh yields some what leas per acre makes a better quality of bay than any of tbe other eight classes of sorghufiu which we nave bad under test la the avers 0 or two years teats in which sudan qrass was grown for twed production in comparison with three varieties of millet taff grass and early amber sugar sorghum the sudan grass weighed tl 1 pound per measured bushel yielded 4 st tona pf straw and tt7 pounds of gram per acre this was a smaller vleld of grain than that produced by tbe early amber sugar sorghum and three different varieties of millet in pasture experiments at ouelph sudan grass has stood the hot dry aummen very well sowing a mix ture or six pecks or oac no 71 oats and 16 pounds of sudan grass seed per acre produced a greater amount of pasture tbsn when sudan urasa was sown alone hut do sown on wararaottr our experience with sudan grass leads us to heller e that the plant is more subject to injury by late frosts in the a l ring than the average variety of dent corn in drouth resistance it la 11 e equal it not the superior of indian earn it in essential in sowing iudnu grass that it be not sown until tbe soil is warm we bavn had the best results from sowing this crop just sfler the com has been seeded when suwg for hay or pasture sudan grass is usually sovn broadcast or in close drills 21 to so pounds per acre should be sowb when sudan grass is sown alone aftd whin used in mixtures for pastor boui 15 pounds per acre is sown pufjsn grass should be cut for bay wold tbs beada are in full bloom and may be cured in maclrtbe same manner u timothy tab crop bas been little grown for allege either in tbe unit ml spates or canada tbe reasons for this being that it is a better hay and pasture than a silage plant and that indian com is a larger ylelder of ulagc than sudan grass we have hsd different fill is rs of sorghum ilnder experiment at ouelph tot twenty eight years and sudan grass for the past eight years up to the pres ent time we have had no trouble from sorghum poisoning in the feed ing of sudsn grass or the other sorghums to stock wort trying as a pasture crop from the experimental evidence at hand it woujd seem that sudan grass has shown ivojcfent promise to war rant its trial id ffmltiff way for pasture and as an emereepcy bar crop on the warmer soil of southern and south western ontario ana iff favored areas even farther north sudan grass has been included in the coopera tire experimental tests in each of he past four years and will be distributed again in tbe spring of 1114 any farmer in ontario there fore who desires to teat this plant under bis own conditions may hare an opportunity of doing so w j squirrel o a college guelph ontario h il i kl i bl mtil l i 1 hulll 1 i i 14c l it 11 22u s 1 jc 30c i i i l io i 1 25 ii 32a x selfoiling j- selfregulating with the strongest tower built its the toronto selfoiluig windmill requiring oil only once a year all gears operate in a batfi of special oil affected by neither beat nor cold every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated if you hare a toronto windmill now you can oltin thu rffoieot fratute by ntcrdungwe ike ftj mil unng your pramt whcil mwt torn to w njmilli too on be mide absolutely stvcgulilbii in operation twtbtocla toner wih hind tor lifetime lccaine it 11 the knvint itrongnt and brit uictd on bu ll for any wiadoull sec thn new m ii m or get my booklet lukurvrvs wj aumdek bcorgetowo theres no secret tovliat ban mnde liccuim popular pant r flour uhjihlu best of grain ind mixing oil ix careful overnight of tbe milln k o celeior tlio best jnatry dour are doing your pa try i larlegated and grlnun alfalfas ontario variegated is not a grimm alfalfa the seed of the former was obtained from lorraine in kt and has been grown in wellaad county tor ths but half century the grimm raristy was brought from baden germany by kulshslm grimm and pas own in carver county minne sota in usb when thla type of al lira ba been grown sines that time both rartstis lr rarlegatad bow ers and art slmjw fa fofie eharav buy k s tires ooodasavnw better uutn toor used tires and tabes repaired everything gaaraotced u give service f sinclair we rwpeounlly solicit yonr tire boatdeas fowl wanted i am my as the highest price for at fcadof ivepouhry ahw best pnen fcr al ktrdi of kdes and wool rest dence next lo impleemol shop h reeman phone saihr thorcwtowa extzelsior pastry flour 2ark be secured at your dealer in georgetown len williama stewarttown ballinafad liinehouse d h lindsay mux street acton ontario here a nil the anua p it pays to use martin senour mafileite fioor finish af0tttm hke it for hardwood floors ft wears tike iron writ t to head oftice montraej for free booklat home paintinc made ca4y sold by j w kennedy georgetown ont the 1021 24 season have nvw lswd the 41000 000 bushel mark off c ala eatln ute that the w 000 000 bushel mark t for the eeasoa will be mirpaa ed in the near future reports from lngland state that it has been tin veraslly conceded that canada n pavilion was in the best cond t on when the king opened the brit nh fmpire fxhibltion at wem bky en april 23rd it was the canadian tiu ding the reporta aaid op ck snd ipsa aad consplete to the isst nail that led all others in he rsce to the- finish in time for tdajr official opening over 3 000 settlers left liverpool for canada on april 24th thirteen hundred of these sailed on the cans d an pacific liner montcalm in cluding- a party of 200 skilled work era from manchester 38 belonging to engineering trades 4p to b4id 1 p trides and 4e farm hsnds hty skilled workers from leeds engineers from pat were also on boird a total of 40 000 000 salmon tront ejrgs hat bee j tallected during the kit sea on by the department of murine and fisheries in uike huron georgian bay and lake superior the total number obtain ed compares favorably vhth the averafce collections of recent years and is suftc rnt to fit all the hatcheries on the great lakes en gaged in the propsgation of salmon graphic and interesting edvca trtmnl motion pictures will fartng alberta b varloi a resources to the eyei of those who attend the brit ih empire fil billon this year in addition to pi lures illustrating the life ot alberta a cltliens on ths farms on the ranches and in the mining districts charts wit be used to br ng out inlerc ting omp nations of statistics illustrative of the prov lnce agricultural and industrial output carrying an invitation to the president of the united state to attend the celebrations of ths moth anniversary of the settlement ef upper csnada by the united em pire loyalists which will be bew in june miss g laxler herself a descendant of th loyalists left belleville recently on horseback to langements for the celebratier being made and it is expected that thousands of visitors will attend an attractive booklet entitled a week in joobec in the spring by betty thorn ey internadooally known writer associated wttfe vogne and other magaainee has just been added to the series of artistfc pamphlets aobushsd by the canadian pacific hallway it de scribes the ancient capital and ha environ b illustrated by many striking photographs and boimd ii a cover which reproduces in natural colors the pattern of cloth called catalogue woven by quebec habitant dominion stores jjdi iced a koi- st ikta we sell to satisfy serrlca is something which while not charged for la wrapped np in every purchase you make at dominion stores it is this service plus continued savings to you that ha enabled na totesch our present position 312 it ores canada largest retail grocery organisation and growing bigger every nay- fchi never too big to forget you are our only conafderatfoj wkffiastmconoy wane hams mathfteld brand fancy blub koss rice 3 lbs 44b disss jar rasp or straw jam 25c 75c lb old citv currants 10os pkge 19c 25c bayside canned fruits 16c 23c pears lo light sttup yellow peaches 15c youve planned your picnic on the 24th select what yon reqoiro from tbe following list to make the most important picnic basket will prat benttos or clarks oc- cornbd beef 9 crosse ft black wells pish and jjeapastesc jeffrbm ouve butter clarks veal loaf i clarets i boiled dinner i monarch sour mixed or chow pickles monarch sweet mixed pickles i victory brand white onions i romade tomato ketchup qt hot kraft or royal crown lpaf cheese lb i shortening no 3 tin i u ftcks 17c 19c 23c 40c 49c 49c 23c homade tomato a a ketchup pt bot 14c lunch rolls 3 for cooked hams lb assorted biscuits lb queen olives plsin 5osjfor queen olives lunch 16os stupped pimento olives 8os candies beans na chocolate bars 3 for dsl wrapped bread 2 for fruit ft cherry cake lb 10c 47c 35c 25c 39c 37c 25c 14c 14c 45c 29c that the indian village of hoob lags which stood on the site of the present city of monbaal was a place of about fifty wooden keosea having a population of soma 4000 souls when jscques cartier aaued up tbe st lawrence was the asser tion made bydr w d ligbthal before the antiquarian aad nmnls- mstic society of montreal recently dr lfghthail was ame to give the boundaries of the village and de- jcribed it as resembling the home of cedric the saxon in apropos of the recent save the forest week e w beatty presl dent of the canadian pacific ball- way stated a weeks concentra tion on saving the forests of can ada is well worth while much bet ter to make it a porest saving year and if the forest resource of this country are to be conserved to adequately avaltthe greater can ada of a few yeacf hence it must be a forest saving generation forest wastage is today tragical y too great and we canadians m t bay and are paying for the loss wwroe insurance broker insurance in all braiiclies phone 65- georgetown and oun at perfection in all de- tailn- lu quality price and errioe if not alreadj a customer we solicit an opportunity to please joo to m a toe b per can pons 2 tins aylnier soupn cans hipper snaokn h coa 1olbrooka juntard rejt 4gc gold mo inl loooa 1 lb pkn 86c orapo joioe tunnl indian hnntlm iae biakeln so 66o palm olive soup 8 f r castile soai g fnr cream olive soni is tor castile soap 1 lb bar poarlido 8 for ammonia 8 for 25c 1 scrub bmsb and b barti of n apt ha for clarks bread in if well i gpoas when it oomffi to bakidr good wholosotne broad wo are in it every time jou doubt tins try il loaf it h only proof jou kill need mark clark bakery and groceries pnoxk gu9 w o o d for sale we have for immediate delivery large quantitj of both hard and soft- wood rut apy length now is the time to put in your fall supply your order solicited terms can be arranged prompt delivery telephone 9916 murray bros lho2 fire insurance j h emiedt senrhwn ent for bone of ibe atrodgett com swnt ng insurance are you protoctod our motto is selling quality goods nil n l reionii ji 1 uliij tl n tn tl lit n i nut ill k iluf tor pvorj cil unit ik lij c tell vnu t it up iwr tl no lb iwrl f n p ui iuknwik r jh iitonal opini iir th it it in the onl ft nrj it puj h to buj the peerless line farm and field fences lawn and park fences poultry sheep and hag fences wtre specialties ail kinds offence tools and accessories a k for oui lot rut ilofjtie frank hustler norval ontario buy the best livingstones quality bread lullaaed by everybody choice pabtrj of every kind watch our window for cialh d livingstone phone gs georgetown floyr feed mills seed grain 500 bushels of cartons choice regenerated abun dance seed oats iaibo choice seed barley and timothy seed feeds of all kinds w c bessey phone 195 georgetown georgetown ckeamehy cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool i wool i wool wo want your wool and will pay tbe highest market price for it call us up before wiling georgetown creamery co m saxe manager a tour with four wheel brakes p fn designing four- wheel brakes on it mastereur models as well aa on the sixes mclaughlin- buick has added greater safety to a caralready recognized for its sturdiness highgrade construc tion power beauty comfort and efficiency the new masterfour is the logi cal car for the motorist who wants economical transportation in a car of whose appearance and per- ss formance he may be ggffi justly jiroud n aik u about iho ojwac plan o deferred payments fisher king georgetown ontario brown sells us our groceries where do you buy your groceries we heard mrs parke ask her fnand oh brown sells us our groceries the friend re plied he calls up every morning between 9 so and 11 anfl took knows by that time what is needed brown is proud of his gtocery business- he should be it is growwsr mp doesnt depend on ie telephone he has three one to buy with one to sell with and one to takeordera over he knows the value ot adequate equipment in telligently used are your f aohtfea ade quate t eratntmm j h smith stewarttown expert fence builder why short raila far sale 1 ft long 250 binfile cord tears or experience enables me to give you bettor values than otb ere prompt service and rigbt prices gates cedar and iron posts al ways in stock when you want anything id thei above line just call j h smith phone 84rls stewarttown ae wright butcher main st georgejawir rttm skik aiif nil coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal smalt egi coal targe sized pea coal delivered to any pari of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown farmers we have all kinds ol farm im plements repairs harness elc also oils and greases al mosl reimhme prices s bgroat oeoaoetows j

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