Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 28, 1924, p. 4

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toleration lot lot t littl tt r lor lot me bmlll hi nl to tin f iih f tl ih t ine it r n t i o let i lo i 11 i y junt illl blind i eurj let s o ntitttr brttov tbtrtp t t i a htr v ng for li i le i littlfi braver wbui tt i a hiis l no at vl i ttlo i ardor to be all ll it i hi ul i b letnnbi littler tkir w tl the brotl r ll it h woikor let ll nk i ore of rnj bor nnil ft ll tlo i us of special train service ttronto to owen sound accunl genera assembly ot the pres byterian cbnrcb is cauda for tlio i omen ti ice of delegate attend nfi ttie abcjeorjferenoetho canal ad natioi al railways am operating spec al tram from to ronto to owoo sound on wodnos day jane 4th loavlng ooiod 8ta ton at 1220 i m standard tme brampton 1 00 fn georgefowi 1 20 p m acton 140 pra ouolpb ss 00 pm palmeruton 8 1g p ro arriving owoo sound 5 45 pro aooommodat on of tbe very beat has been ajrnged for the comfort and convenience of the delegates train will have standard canadian national equipment high oibh vestibule coacbos dining and par or cars foil particulars from any caoa d an nat onal ticket agent 5 14 8 and aim at perfection in all de- taiib in quality price and service if not already a oostomer we bohoit an opportunity to pleaee yon tomatoes per oan 16c pean 2 hob s6o aylmer soups 2 cans s5o kipper snacks 8 cans 2fio uolhrook a costard rog 45c sfio gold medal cocoa 1 lb pkg 36c grape jmce small 10c indian handtriade btskets so as 66o too r palm olive soap 8 foi castile boap 6 for cream olive boap 8 for castile soap 1 lbbar poarlme 8 for ammonia 8 for 1 scrub btosllttnd 8 bam of naptha for clarks bread id it well i guossl when it comes to baking good wholesome bread we are in it every time youdoabt tbis try a loaf itetbe only proof you will need mark clark bakery and groceries browns garage mwvju general repair shop mnwmle aaemries afat task um at edit merles charles brown bell phone 90r8 cbiofr 887r82 on feeding chickens helpful counsel from a widely known poultry expert uod 1 overfeed at iho start recti sprouted and ra krd uralus ulto the a i leulf ol urll stead leas rtxtletill later millet so wo si uidorciil llaies lodtliiilxl or nlano depart cot a al astsu turn toronto no feed u clven until the cb cli re nearly ihreu days old water um bo fclvun to drink it the colli u likia off the chicks are given tbo ttea upon clean board about eight inches wide there must be plumy ol boards uo that there la room an tbe board for every onlck a board three reel lone and slgljt inches wldo il nife roosi taousn or qfty chicks od iuu atari so says prof w h ural jji ttm chicks lor tbe frit few weuks ahould be fad about sis tlmus dai y at regular intervale ulvu the unit feed in tbe mora in i as early ufc i r chicks can am tofeat and thu laal j allot as late aa pusslbu ii f row us chlcka lo february one iced way t klven at nibl ubiuk arildcui 41 u tit dun t oierfeed at ttie start llaaj chloka are ov cried ou thu urt we hredoptbd the plaii lur the list ove or u days in tbe brood er of weigh id tbe eed an lxdurl need feeder may not oeod lo wln the feed but the becuoer eenural y doea better by weltnlnc it we al low one ounce of tbo dry mixture fur every fifty chicks at each feed that la no ehleka for then first five day in the brooder set more than all uuncea of dry feed to 01 ty chlcka in one day the plan followed la to molaten the brat lead with canned tomatoes the second with eggs and the third with minced liver and then begin the series over again tbe above amount will not aatslfy the chicks appetlts they will create a great noise at every feeding urns but it give a chance for tbe chick to ab sorb completely the yolk is the body alter the first period one sbou d feed two or three times each day all that to chicks wiliest we begin giving a drinking vessel each of water and sour milk when tbe chlcka re about a week old ftuny give sour milk to drink at uie start but we have obtained slightly better results by not giving the mill tor the first three or four days teed sprouted and cracked grain when the chicks psss the second week sprouted grains may be ted also a ultle cracked grains the ibsnge should be made gradually from tomatoes eggs and liver over to sprouted grains tender green grass if available and a tittle grain if leg weakness is noted the to ma toes and sprouted grains should bo increased or the chicks put out of doors ondeantender grass it is best to rear the chicks on new ground each year and never to brood two louof ohlokson the same ground in any one year many hicks are sent in lor examination each year that have troubles due to land infec tion it lo will be found advantageous 11 feeding chiefs fromtrougb or uroods out of doors lo move the ooards- or- troughs a little every feed likewise it must be remembered when the chicks are fed indoors to keep the feed boards clean ule them plenty of urll grit la always in eaay access of the cblcks it is advisable and necessary to add a little oyster shell dual or doe particles to the ration dally a curtain amount of lime is necessary uou ly feods dirty feed boards and musty litter are to be avoided oiuulds k il large numbers of chicks tiu sure your house la clean and the iter not musty do not use cut uurley or rye straw as litter lor baby i- bless because tbe beards msy get into the chicks eyes uood clean nl isifa makes the best cbtck litter wo nan used when it gets soiled or dirty remove and rep see it with cluan utter veed less tjucntly later as the chlcka get older the num iter of loeas per day may be reduced so that at an age ol seven weeks ure or four feeds per day are sun clent in fact alter ihe second wees hoppers or ccusned oats or dry mash may be placed in the pen the feeds of moist mash are continued at what ever amount tbe chicks will clean up depl of juutjnsion o a college uuelpb ma uttllis reawlrad stand anthracite scranton coal in all size automatically screened and loaded coal wood beleot lamp for domestic and tbreshing parposea smithing and cannel coaj in fact loarry everything to be found in any np todate coal and wood yard v john mcdonald phone ia georgetown highest peak in canadian rockies mllleu down at different dates tbe question is treauenlly asked regarding the best dates lor sowing millet tor hay proauction for mv erel ysera in succession an expert meat has been conducted at the on arto agricultural college by sowing millets on aaoh ot six dlderenl dates surfing on may lfith and bushing august 1st allowing about two upwn the highest returns from ingonjune 1st naturally varieties he the japanese barnyard and the japanese panicle require to be sown earlier than the jiungsrisa grass wnlch requires a shorter season tor development oal best d l w sjmuod coal in all sizet ako smithing and steam coal mrs jtwatkins fire insurance j r bhsm schfdm agent foe sow of the strongest tam pan c writ eg- insapnce r veyou protected iteep tbe brood sow in good thrifty and healthily condition allow her p cnty of exercise feed her green lood in he winter she is very fund ol alfalfa bay and mangel beets with one feed per day of middlings snd mils qlva her a dry comfortable straw bed also plenty of fresh water and she will winter in prime cob someone has said that the beat teacher in a community ian t always tbe one in ehsrgo of the school as uperlntendent or teacher but may be soma progressive fanner who wakes up the community to sew pos sibilities and who develops a new one ol thought and starts a new eater- buy ks tires gtoodaaanw batter than your used tires and tnbeb repaired everyttilntgbkap service pfceuu f sinclair we respectfnur nolidt your tire business fowl wanted i am paying ibe bight price for au kndi of hvefauttry also best prices fer all kieda of jtrnk hides sod wool rtn dence next to implement shop m freeman phone ow owhrftown put jf of mount robson the highest peak n the canadian roclocs which towers 13068 feet above sea levcl mount robeon park named from the mountain which it surrounds is a favorite stopping place or to units from umtccf states po nts who make the triangle tour of the canadian national railways which embraces vancouver jasper and mount robson parka end prince rupert with a journey over the inland seas of the nctfic coast on one of tbe canadian nat opal paafic coast stcamsh ps among other th ng mount rob- eon can be regarded 39 the most frequently photographed mounta n in the whole ot canada the con tin ental l m teil of the canadian na t onal ra iways stopp njj for f ve m nutcs at the foot of th s monaret of the rockies n order that tour its who are pa sung through may seiu e photographs showing ta lofty snow capped peak ju outside of the boundaries of the nat anal park is one of the finett b g game hunt ng grounds of the cont nent where black and gnzxiy bear abound and whe e other b g game such as b g horn mounta n sheep and mounta n goats are to be found in great nu 1 s hundreds of hunters annual y make mo nt rol sort the hen 1 ua era or the r excu s oils to i e passes of ihis reg on after b g game for here excellent accommoila on may be se cured e ther du ng he ummer tourist season or later n the fall when the hunters are out after their ouarry th 9 year the alpine club of canada will camp at the foot of mount robson the latest in millinery all the latest paris and new york styles your inspection invited the misses claridgti herald block georgeto you can do wonders with a little paint perhaps there la just one room n your home thirhrikes a discordant note perhaps you would like to redecorate your ent re house but whether you do one room or many yon will be del ghted wilh tl e fin sh arid economy of lowe brothers high standard paints and varnishes mcllotone flat wall paint is one of the products on which lowe brothers built their reputation it is besot ful very easy to apply and csn be washed arith soap and water hello tone undoubtedly the most popular wall pa nt sold one gsllon covers approximately 900 square feet 2 coats 4 so square feet and covers sol dly which is one of the reasons why it isso economical color cards nd booklets free neptumttf varnishes have just recently been placed on tbe market they will withstand heat ce steam ammonia and the hammer test they will not scar or show heel msrks flot dishes rested upon a surfscc fin shed entirely with ncp- tuntc will not mar tbe polished no sh they are very rich in effect and above all economical come for your copy of the neptnnlte nudgcr arc sold exclusively at this store we have a complete assortment of lindoro enamels for interior and exterior woodwork furniture etc as wh ss vernicol vsruish ets os autooloss finishes high standard liou d paints color cards book lets snd suggestions sre your for the asking free r h hiompson co georgetown our motto is selling quality goocs 0i ll tl id n i r o i n i nnul ih to l ot 1 1 ft i f r o y del t h vl vpuh yon to l t i p r ip lie b nt fp mnl willi h h tl t mil onb f i i lu buj the peerless line farm and field fences lawn and park fences poultry sheep and hog fences wire specialties alt kinds offence tools and accessories frank hustler ontar1q norval georgeto creamery a cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool wool wool we want your w o and w 11 pay tl e hilibent i nrkolt i tree for it call uh u before bulling georgetown creamery co m saxe manager better farming with better tractors to add new accounts dont overlook the vll lage stores off the line of railways a salesman we know be gan by cnllmg on some of them in a cor to make the necessary arrange- menta he hasnt seen his ilew customers since at an appointed day and hour he regularly calls up eachby long dis tance from a list he prepared and gets their orders if he is away someone else carries out tha sche dule for him his customers like to deal with headquartera he added over 100 new ac counts in a few months- says tbe murfneaa bulks burro a1 tbe end of the year ffvery btu tlphone u a long dutance station j h smith stewarttown expert fence buildc why short rails for oale 1 ft long 2 co u nrle cord years of experience enables me to give you better values than oth era prompt service and right prres ttftten celnr and iron post a nl wiiye n tttock when joiwii t rinytli ng in the ib o linojtnl okii tractors threshers hay balers ensilage cutters farm machinery and road making machinery of allkinds manuiacluredbyji case threshing machineco 1 used case tractor 10 18 j a nev cockahutt 8 furrow 10 in bot torn plough good as now sold by fisher king ce0rcet0wn better pastry flour if better pastry flour were procurable wo ould not isk yon to boy excelsior brand simply because it is nado nt 1 o t but when quality is better and price compares fa oyubly w tb otb 0 er brands why bca tate to try tb e made in acton b n 1 1 x oelsior every day yov pat off trying xoutor flour yon are mlulng a treat excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilhams stewarttown balllnafad limehouse d h undsay boll street r it acton ontario erwingoldhams meat market home killed beeftork veal boil beef per lb bo ti irk sbo ilder roam per lb 18c round stoak per lb j0o u h younk roast nf pork por lb icp h do of ork iorlb 16c fgm of yo ng pork per lb 20p eal stpw per lb pean eal bacon by tt c ere ppr 11 hr peameat back bacon si rml mr 11 jtoc cbr oe breakfastaoon n kp wr lb 20n 20 tb pa i pore lard a 111 quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttow1s we i 1 bcitfouhd nthftahllj a wright butcher main st georgetown pbooa skolm smk215j coal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stooe coal small egg coal large sized pea coat delivered to any part of the town also coke c phone 180 f rogers co georgetown 4 v farmers we have all kinds of farm im plement repairs harness etc also oils and greases il most reasobibfe prices s brgroat geohqetowh

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