Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herald i ifryshm mil yeah oi puw ioaiion georgetown wednesday evening june 4th 1934 1 00 per annum in advance 8 00 to u b the georgetown herald j h hoorl pablimbar bd proprutur uwtr iihdui wkly no papar auoolaitloii ot k tin thl 1n uoinorai ilufccr passenger mm i 1uibpniir mail 1 isttcngir i tssongcr sunday uuino wkht luhs4 0cr mail pasmrjger r passenger ioecner moil jpnssedmr siiudtn ooinu noiitii 7 ii a ii u 1 1 k in id lwam 11 10 nin i 4hijii 0 ill i ni 8 25 ii m v ml pui 1018 n ia i n 4 50 p gb 7 0u p aaci i 10 03 a h00 ooino h0uti1 1 1 48 a r 7 47 i r toroato sab or ha rallwn r ahtllouni fhrlkhjm dailj h 20 a it 11 id in 2 so p ii g ho p n 7ji i ii 1 1 20 i ii dml 0 su 4 m u02ud ii02am 2 02 tn 5 02pm ooupm 1102 pin sunday only easijiiounu wrtttilounl a0am 11 20atn 1102 am 3 20 inn 3 02 pm 0 20 p m 6 02 p m a so p hi directory shilton wallbridge a dale barnatara solioitora etc t roi to nil otmraelown offlc kennedy block ixi itor dal in chanr ol chwre iff onioa u o heir oltice hill si georgetown houn 9am losp m o wejnmlay and saturday even n db t n marceixus phyaielan and burgmn madlcal offloar of hoallh office hour i to 4 and 1 to p m ihon m offlc n1 raalae m suw south oppoalto proabyterlan church db 0 pbi m 11 sire 1 lx home su f w ross ai ai d suriffio tgiwn racc hoip 22 sbwo v willi i hyi lian and surgeon office and kei dentc jueei siml soulh ffeima k6x offica itoura9 iu a n 1 3 a id 6j ami by appo ntmcol r r watson d u s af d b qaortctawn qftio hani- b to ti exospt tkwdaf aturaooat forsters cash and carry store a hjui linl of choice fresh groceries provisions etc tru1t in hi abon ryllnson bros and nulsoas annuls traamattd ihe best by an who bive irlrd laui swills cooked bam and cored heals al rlgbl prices i forsters corner john s victoria sis new policy the mutual life insurance company oi new york special features if permanently and totally disabled by accident or disease bet ore reach mj ago 60 prlimumh cease and 11 le com pan 3 immediate i begins to pay yon a monthly income and will pay it aw loofi as you live and at jour death tho full amount of insurance will be paid to your be optician if killed by accident at nnj nte double tbo regular in mint nee will bo paid if th ib interests you or you desire further information fill in tbo attached coupon and mail to h r mimms georgetown on nasik oi m atios date ol birtb addhihb h r mimms district agent mutual life insurance com pan of new york oeorgatown f l heath los dantial office in lans block one door nortl nf o nelll carrlaa lacli ry houri a m nielsen do i ohtropragtic office fi aaldxra7 lavriry m pmljht ondut 10 jn axparal okce in bailey bloik next door in j o ne 11 a coomltauod and spinal analjali froe at office or c hours wcdneadaj urdajv ij benj petch lloaoavd auctioneer for hal ton and pml alenwllluma poat offlc bales oonddctbdntlafxitohir and at re onabla ratea order left at the aaorkalown herald 001 will reoel prompt attention j a tracy clerk tow ship of fcq ie j clerk 3rd div on co rt the lead nr v re and l co 1 represented latuer of mamre i en f bowman o x s babc aj1xxc laad iblttrflblt and entjinmrio lopodqlas st qbelph c lo ihe late h a n vr o ls telephone 10m a snramev sesmon in beld tai bjmi cautrlam su tort at to from now until september 2nd when our pall term opens sup onor instruction in all dei irt mente enter any time or catalogue w j elliott brampton business institute day scfcml nlghl sdktol isaac pit nan shortbnn 1 touch tjpeuiitink bpollinr uookkecpini arithmetic penman ship commercial law rapid cftlnjlatipn indliidtxal iautrncllon etar arttl h 11 rawhin prla phono 551 anloraonblock queen 3t f box 092 tobacco and confectionery store our everyday special our aihontment of high class chocolates cant be beat at 30c per lb vonr choice of any make of chocolate bars 6 for 35c h druks georgetown you have soen a little pebble in tbo water lightly thrown and it vaoiahod ob bow imcklj it kan out of aigbt and gone ii it uio ripplex from it widened htrotching outward mora and never censing in their motion til they readied tho othnr nbore tellowb you are ousting pebbles in life b ocean daj by day words nod thoughts and action 8 dropping seem to vanish bj the way hut an npplea from them widen each one bears another eonl hither nearer dod or farther from lito oternal goal true when words and actions vanirih they are gone beyond but the leave in ailcnt mqtion wavcw of awcetnobb or of gall tih a bolemo thought oh weigh it none can live to uelf alone ejivoa of others aro made brighter or made darker by our own hen the thought wo fully chenub hidden deep within our bear u by a power unseen some good or eil doth impart then gnard with care the influence j you are leaving day by day for twill aid in moulding other lives whon yours is passed away mclaughlinbuick master four 2435 xlompare this car vith other fours just as the masterpour excels m beauty of line finish and appointments so also does this car lcd the field of four cylinder motor cars bjr virtue of its mechanical perfection and its unexcelled performance the valveinhead motor supplies an abund ance of power and speed four wheel brakes assure a positive quick stop without effort or strain hit the gmac deferred payment plan makes it catry for you to buy a motor car ask us about il fisher kingi georgetown ontario wmhmlmlilbbl ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will givemlnpfihdr efficent service tires gas oils and alt ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage influence in the early days fealaa raid jue jad ism eewieuwa cnaaay ffirschorns ready- owear and tailoring to the ladles of georgetown and vicinity i am placing a nine fresh stock of dresses suits coats and skirts in the kraft shoppe in charge of mibs fmlnj your patronage solicited i amalsodomgladie s tailoring and remodelling at mj residence satisfaction guaranteed phone 2s1 reitdtnce mam st north georgetown georgetown flour feed mills seed corn improved leaning wiaconsin no 7 white cap yellow dent ajaosig crop mangold seed canadian geoaturntp seed all at reasonable prices w c bessey phone 195 georgetown following are the jwmes of the voluntoera in qeorgnown com pan j who took part in the fenian raid captain james young lieut w w boo ensign john r bar ber drill bargeant robert har nf the prince consort s bitles corp nicholas armour robt bailoy ben barker joseph barber wm carson john coot wm donaldson hiram grandom j as goodwill u thomas b godfrey and sergl william h godfrey brothers sergt wm uane henry harris william hardy thomas harris byron hill john hardaore oharlos kenuody jacob kennedy albert kennedy andrew love livingstone james mitchell sergt major walter mckay corp daniel mokenzie robert mcgaw robert mclllray william mclllray henry norngc chaa 0 meara root pierson choh pell sergt do gal d reid stephen stull brock stull d s travis daniel watson tboa j wttfetbr henry willi john f taylor isaac taylor joseph weds worth in 1900 when the nation called for volunteers 8 of the 20th bat talion offered and went to south africa one of tbo number sergt stanley moore a brother of oar editor paid the price and was buried m africa we did not for get him a a one monument was erected by his friend a and com fades in the cemetery in acton another event in this case was the return of one of our dinting niehod soldiers in the person of ll col james bal ian tine tbo re was i think tho greatest recep tmn ever given a returned man in this town this along with bis distinguished seryioes in the late war justly plaoes him in a very high and important position which he now occupies in the usa aa to the bojs who plajed each an important part in the late war the whole is too fresh in the memories ol all to recount them henv- they did their part and did it well and it is gratifying to see snch a flnejmonoment erected by the town to commemorate the memory of the brave lads who lie there one hundred and fifty foor signed up twenty six lost tbeir lives the ofjqoers who took part were lt col g 0 brown major m kentjed capt john kennedy lt ed leslie killed in action major murray mckmley lt grovor brook major r 5- barber flight lte cj nl barber cavanagh somen ille and jas clark in catling on mr thomas me nally who is confined to his home ha informed me that i bad ado a mistake in a recent letter regarding mr sntnbling being the paper- maker for the barbers it was3ohn harroy l grant woollens and knit roods monu fiu tu rem from all over canada to 11 the r with reiirestntatives from iwidjirj industries which depend for their busiuess on the mills met at toronto lait mtifc at tbo th annual meeting of the an an woollen maniifncliirtri ah sociatipn in hib annual addrcru iiorji a dobbie of gall president saij itead of being able to rouoit progress and prosperity in tbc oollen and knit goods industry the launching of new enterprises id tbo extension of thosoin ex istence tho past year h net reaults have been disappointing to tho majority of the mills canadian trade figures for tho calendar year 1028 he saul show ports of woollen nnd knit goods of 40 700 90s or 4 79 worth per head of population contrast tins with imports into the united states or 65 2b7h9 or onlj 47 co nth per head of population had canada imported only at tho would have given hill time employ m on l to between id fortyfivo thousand op oratjves insterld of employing about half tbut number at the af tern ion business ses in the following resolution was passed deploring the results which have followed reductions in tbc tariff and the failuro to pass login lation again bt dumping and dc predated ourrcncies which in part read whereas the result of forsaking oil national policy and reducing the tariff five umes since the war is apparent in the depression which has now lasted for several years the exodus of thousands of skilled workers to the united states buy the best livingstones quality bread ballakw kj evwyfcbdr choice pastry of everj kind walcli our window for 15 livingstblste phone ss woollen manufacturers protest against tariff notes and comments it is wonsjf tbnn a waste of time to read much of tbo diatribe that is to da j printed for tbo dol lars a gullible public will pa for it not onlj serves no worthy purpose but inculcates a perverted lewporatqf the fundamental facts of hfo itself the number of things wbieb it is desirable to read is so largo and the average person s leisure so limited thai niicli discrimination should be xorcittcd in tho selection of read ing matter vdolis oi- such soft drink b as lemon ido or orangeade sold from large containers will bo gov erned bj regulations concerning tbo contents of tho beverages tbc namo of the drink must be printed on a label on tho contain narns the department of health and if coloring matter is used tbo word colored must ap pear on tho label daooburine is barred eiocpt in the case of mod cntcd foods the above regulu tionh just issued apply to all ven dors of boft drinks the dosing down orpartial operation of many plants the distress of the farm era whose domestic markets have been restricted and the general decrease in iainees activities therefore be it resolved that the canadian woollen manufacturers as sociation in annual meeung assembled strongly protest against this ruinous policy which has been followed suite the war and determine to do every thing in our power to bruik about the restoration of the old national policy of protection and with it tan i rates thatwil i encourage the develop rhent of production in canada and a resolution on tho preference as follows whereas canada adopted the prin ciple of preferential tanlts within the british empire in 1897 extended a nr ference to the united kingdom in ie and has increased this preference m tc nally since that time and whereas lbs united kingdom has not extended a reciprocal preference to canada with the exception of those pro vided under the mckenna duties no e pealed and whereas the principal compctiui rjtb canadian manufacturers under this preference has beer borne by the manufacture ra of woollen and knitted goods tn canada and whereas this competition has been increased to very serious pro portions owing to the depreciated currency of the united kingdom and lower wages of the united kingdom and whereas the result has been that the calendar ytsr 191 tho imports of woollens and knit goods from great britain were 35 per cent of the produc tion in canada in 1922 43 per cent and in 1923 amounted to tho great total f j33 111 173 therefore be it resolved that the canadian woollen manufacturers as sociation in annual meeting assembled in toronto on may 28 1924 submit that owing to the conditions set forth in the preamble of this resolution the tariff preference now extended to the urn tea kingdom largely at the expense of the manufacturers of woollen and knitted goods in canada should be ens continued as it bears so heavily on this indigenous and necessary canadian in- ptiomdlm i lacks of recreation for the youngsters of the towns and villages is a matter of vital concern to the people who are in to rested m knowing that every measure of safe t is being adopted to keep the little ones off the streets whore then is constant danger every little one bos the right to play and i mie tho streets 10 longer safe play places he come an absolute necessity the emments of every prowucc in fact or every nation are planning itantiy hbw to furnish the children particularly with tbo facilities necessary to safety at washington there will shortly open a national conference on out doof recreation at which anada will bo represented to formulate plans for the development of out door playgrounds the thing has become necessary since the in crease of motor car traffic has iade the streets dangerous even for pedestrians ah well aa for children georgetown has two parks which could bo mado quite attractive by tbe expenditure of a little money and ample room pro- ded for all kinds of gomes and amusements we hate the grounds lot s look after tho wel fare of our children aeton miss lindsay of georgetown in siting at the homo of her broth cr h n t tunatsa r anjmrs a kannawin an 1 es j galbraith and laura macdonald spent the week end with friends in helb irne mrs william allan second line baa had remarkable sutcss with a hatching of goose eggs out of 81 eggs so gosling wore hatched all aro living and growing well obituary k h ctmiierlasd the death of kenneth hutton cumberland beloved second son of mr and mrs t j cumberland occurred at his home pinchor creek alta about 10 p m sun day may li folowinr an attack of pneumonia kenneth wm one of tbe brilliant scholars of the school and was th youngest in grade vii where hi loss is being keenly felt by his teacher and follow students and re in accord with the never failing spirit of friendship ken netb a desk was not empt but filled with beautiful flowers dur ing the hours of their horrow deeply grieved ajao were tin trail rangers boy scoots sunday school classmates and all ulio bad a personal acquaintance with the little boy deepest sjmpntli is extended to his parents and onl brother jack mutolj thew hjinpatlnes were eiiressed bj tin numerous beautiful lloral tnl utes pincher creek krho r and mrs iimberland have thohjmpathy of many georgetown nld in tbeir sad bereaement tub duty oh ebiuonr ib to remember the commandments of the lord to do them and to keep the fear of god before one s eyes but this duty lies especially heavy the leaders and fathers of tbo nation and men in prominent positions and up less character has boon created and love and lojaltj to the ordinances of god developed wehae no hesitancy in saying that a man is unfitted for positions of public leadership on tho tablet o roe tod in exeter cathedral to tho memory of sir john graves simcoe aro the words in whose life and char acter tbe virtues of tho hero tbe patriot and tho christian were so eminently conspicuous that it ma justly ho said he served his king and his country with a zeal ex ceodod only by his piety toward god thoso are great words arid tho citizens of the town that is named after turn and of tbe province oier which he was the first governor could piano before them no higher ideal than to seek o conspicuous in them selves the virtues of tho hero the patriot and the christian and to bene their king and country with teal that is inspired and strengthened by a fear of god and a loyalty to the principles of tight- eon en oss and j isticc that mil not forsake them in the crises of life bjw harao sap farmers teamsters horsemen con have anything in tbe harness line attended to by calling on h latimer in the willoaghhy block who has a practical harness maker in charge repairing oallrs and harness a specialty at reasonable prices heavy and tight harness kept in stock terms cash 6 shstp mistakes when a doctor makes a mistake tic buries it when a plumber makes a mis ke he charges twice for it when a lawjex makes a mis take it is just what he wanted for he has a chance to trj tbo case all over again when a judge makes a mirlski it becomes the taw of tbe land when a preacher makes a mi talie nobody knows tbe diffrrrncr but when an editor make mistake good night service all tho wealth of the worl 1 rnnno be told in land or houses one ma 1 od noi in the money tin nations print within tbe heart there is a mint coins into bfcppiness for joti tho acts of service that i ou di terra cotla t mrs latt for inst issue is mcktowo and son lonl tbe 24th with friends cb ithui terra cotta gray socks hac ai iieared in their new suits il defeated the mountaineers on saturday last by a scon of 0 to batteries term cotta j llfphurn cecil downer moun inecre p muldoon j muldoon mrs j coulter s many friends 11 bo pleased to learn that she is slpwly improving mrs ft porter and mrs ha logan of toronto spent the 21th with their parents mr and mrs a burgess of tbe 10th line miss norma hunter and miss mary ljons of toronto normal school spent the hohdnj at their home here ftakanaa eat offioor the members of tl i milton fish id game i lull l mi ted ik hi thcirjuinufti i cling it tbnirclub house canit imiiv lie tast week the foil i m r elected direct ors jiiim hliott l e fleck dr mrtoll uiifiholm w panton f robertson l elslej c marl ill on0a willonihtn tl directors reelected inst year h lflirer h h fleck presi lent in panton ice presidebt chmholm secretary treasurer some lino trout were caught the urgost landed this season ho far weighed 1 lb holm s the tnr champ- the m regarding automobile dmorsis tint no one under 18 years of afe i allowed to bo in charge of car some people round hero don t appear to know this

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