Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1924, p. 2

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tub ofouoktown bkraid jut 4tii llu decoration day grand choral festival be home ol the bride paienls conjclowii oo wed nnday may 2b by ihe rev w m mckay lorn daughter of mr and kin w j campbelt to dmd fl rogers son of mr and mn t a rogers streauvillr f romilowbvat 62 delaware avenue fironto on tuesday june 3rd 1924 by the rev dr armstrong har bvclyn lowrey ea only daughter of dt and mrs david lowrey to william vlngbton eusuce rou ba only son ol mr and mra ralph ron of georgetown olil townconndl council met on monday evening with major dale in the chair and reeve- mclntyre council lore abo eo buret duncan hear arnold long and hernngton present mm a tea of previous meetings were read and conbrmod w t evans addressed councij re income tax a representative of the bell telephone co addressed coo noil re trimming trees id town the council would not give their con sent to tree trimming unless the property owners wore willing that same should be done communications were read from the doherty hfg co re hydrants dr anderson mpre bonne to pensioners w i diok re baxt water rates mappin a webb re completion of memorial chipman powers engineers coonti clerk re hawkers and peddlars dr haroellne medical health officer reported some cesspools in town in bad condition messrs a tost and a d cole on behalf of the oddfellows asked for the use of the instruments and uniforms of the defnnot town band the matter of btteet watering was discussed by council but as no petition had been presented by peoperty owners no action oonld betaken moved by d mclntyre second ed by arnold that the clerk b utbonred to write the board of railway commission era of canada that the approaches to the rail way bridge on the slh line are very unsatisfactory notwithstand ing that this work was supposed to be completed lately carried moved by lodg seconded by near that court of revision for appeals against aaaobaniontljoh for the year 1924 be held on mon day evening jane sard at s pan carried moved by hernngton seconded by ashenhnrat that the fee for lawn service t 800 for ibm 1 lawns to be watered between 7 and b o clock in the evening parsons paying lawn at havr tot privilege of watering the street in front of their property car hovedja bertingtoa ecooded bf aatodnovt that the oddfellows be fxmbtwa the use of the band in utrnmant and uniforms in order that thoy may form a band these said instrument and uniforms be ing subject to recall by the conn oil at any time carried moved by arnold seconded by near that chief jackson be allow ed a weeks holiday to attend chatham old boys reunion shout july 1st carried moved by arnold seconded by mclntyre that the following ac counts be passed david bell streets 3 h harchment w w health dept 18 00 h ww its- 18 00 18 00 ata park i paideip express w w bernard cairoa i dominion rubber co fire boas j n oneill account bell telephone co hun office canadian brass co w w hydro electric power w w fire hall town hall waterworks j s ruddy streets geo a henry account root- starret guelph at pave n mcgregor grace hunter lawn mower for cemetery 35 00 w t evans insurance on mrs laffartys bouse 27 00 amusement tat branch license park and town hall 6 00 carried council adjourned at 11 2 25 664 51 90 7e 2 61 46 is lfmebouse mr wm aud the misses olive and elwenna marshall of toronto visited their home mroe w end qulto a pumbef from bftrs-ftt- tended the grave decoration and church parado of the i o o f georgetown on sunday afternoon and eveuing how about an old bojs and girls reunion here we sure have the material here to get a good bunch ot our old boys and girlb home and give them a rousing time while tbsy are here high park was the bcene of tne opening game or oar new ball leagae on saturday arid best of weather helped to make the crowd the largest thai over witnessed a game here hewetaoo shoe pae ral bora and were defeated by the following score- umetooose ib ao ton i batteries fortaniefaouse g milliera and e xanwell acton gibbon johnston sweeney and hollowa s hraleutws btcrale graves ol decease irtlirtnatttwl wv lie service h sl wwre cfcird sunday last was a day not soon to be forsotten by the members of two of our town s fraternal organ nations harly in the afternoon the mem beih or orion lodge 108 lo 0 f not with the members of verdun rehekah lodge and headed by the town band proceeded in a body to greenwood cemetery and there with suitable and impressive cere monies decorated with flowers the last resting places of their depart ed brethren in this act or re membrance they were aooompan led by visiting brothers from al moat every lodge in the dibtnct in the evening they again as sembled at the lodge rooms aucl preceded by the town band marched to divine worship georges anglican church the mayes after welcoming the organizations to bis- church gave a shot history of oddfellow ship illustrative of its remarkable growth and vitality the first lodge in america being organ il ed in baltimore in 1809 with five members it has now grown so that its membership in america now exceeds 2000000- and in the province of ontario alone than sixty thousand men are so the lodge of oddfellows mr mayes based his upon the lessons read 1 sam 20th chapter and part of the lotjh chap ter of the gospel of 8t ldke the value of any organisation is estimated by what it produces what does your organisation pro duce what influence has it upon the life of the country of the surrounding community any organisation must stand or fall by the answer it must give to these questions the individual life of the mem here determines the value of the organisation how do the results obtained by our organisation cor respond with the principles of the order religion and humanity were two of the basic principles of odd fellowship what is religion re ligion is a life m living nmqn with jeans christ life is an outward manifestation of our creed ao oddfellow who lives up to the principles of his order must up hold the religion of christ the ritual of oddfellowbhip is based upon the bible and the ledge should be the handmaid of christ ian religion the first link in odd fellowship is truth the dis covery of god this should be the foundation growing naturally out of this comes love the sec ond link and for a definition of love the speaker referred bis hearers to st pauls definition as fonnd in 18th chap or 1st corinth lans love and love alone can be corrective prwolple of all the pres ent bel fish dees and chaos in world affairs friendship the third link ronst contai three essential lac 1918 1907 1918 1914 1918 1910 1812 1918 1878 1904 1887 1887 tors sdontaneonsqesb dfiunterrat- edness and oalty these factors wore all present in that wonderful friendship of david and jonathan the value or friendship ties in its helpfulness its aense of com radeship and if followed true friendship will make us msru menti in the service of god following are the names of de ceased brethren whose graves uere decorated joined died bro win porter no date bro wm ohara 1878 1911 bro thos hams p g 1670 bro a grieve p g 1878 bro wm blair 1006 bro a neveos 1889 bro h a coften ujtto bro h h heartwellnlsls bro n morinnon 1914 bro j g wilson 1878 bro t j wheeler rg 1973 bro b bearch pg j 878 bro a adams pg 1886 bro r b harrison bj 886 bro e finley no date 1912 bro j hays 1878 1898 bro thos steele p g 1878 1904 bro wm gene 1875 bro d 0 watson pg 1878 bro j baird jr 1882 bro d nixon p8 1b80 graves at gleowilhams bro r mino 1894 1912 bro jaa norton 1914 1818 graves at stewart to wo bro j r thompson jr 1014 1923 the following offloers and breth reo of orion lodge conducted the ceremony and assisted at the dec oration marshals bros h hamilton pddgmf irwin pg noble grand bro h cleave vice grand bro b parr chap bro wm marshall reo sea bro wm long pddgh flower bearers bro a tost p g bro l erwin p g bro e mowbirter pg bro a dobbie p d d g m bro 8 havens p q bro h baile p g j3ra n tnck bro m n5r bro f armstrong bro 8 hamsou bro e wheeler broc ruddy bro wm mcdonnell bro n bell bro g martin bra a ml do bro f mcdonald bro0 laird bro c donaldson bro v eentner bro h barnes iy ike aigucu owlrs 1 if kacuty last thursday at st g urge a church an event long to re re membered was held when all the anglican choirs of ballon county united for the ascension day ser vice in connection with the ad nual deanery meetiog the idea of oombinibg with it a choral fostival waa inaugurated last year when it was held at oakvihe mr e defjourcay fletcher or ganist and choirmaster of at judes oakville conducted the oombjned choirs wbfeb in all numbered about 130 voioes the rendering of the service was mag nisccnt throughout and the bring tog together or so meaty vpioeb tinder auoh a conductor has proven a grandvsuccess to bring togeth er several choirs regardless of bow efuoioht they may be individually ib not a simple task but mr fletchers ability as a musician and conductor was proven by the wonderful result obtained all members were delighted and en tbuaiaaufi about this plan or traip ing together each year with the exception of rural dean tebhs of burlington who was ill all the clergy of the dean ery were present and in addition rev canon sherman rector of holy trinity toronto re samuel of st stephens hamilton and rev w h gale of japan the clergy of balton in attend ance were canon naftel milton rev c e riley oakvillo dr kjle nerval rev w a filer palermo rev w s blythe oak- ville rev p mayes georgetown rev h g l baugb acton in the morning at eleven o clock holy communion was celebrated by the clergy after which the ladies provided hot luncheon for them and their wives the chapter of the deanery met at the rectory at 8 pm when canon sherman gave an excellent address on christian nmty and ferred to the church of england as the via media or key to uniting christendom tbe supper giveb by the ladies of st albans and bt- beorges waa a huge undertaking there being about 160 to serve mrs mat thew was convenoriof the ladies and all were delighted with the lovely supper provided the rev j samuel addressed the choirs in regard to the value of music tn the church and the great advantage of uniting period icatly as in this instance the rev c e riley also spoke briefly on behalf of the various choirs the rev p w mayes- presented mr fletcher with a conductors baton as a mark of esteem great regret was expressed regarding his contemplated removal from thi deanery the service at 7 pm was begun by the clergy and choirs process ing from tbe high school where tbe high school board bad very kindly permitted the use of the school rooms for robing the church news st gkoburm next snndai whit sunday there wi i be clota rations of the holy communion at 8 and 11am baptisms at j in and even boh g at 7 pm st allsantj glpn services next sunday at st al bans will be at 9 ho am and 8 m take notice peiw e wbo have sheet tig raitara and good iraoea ait k k of pioteclloa with gatvamied canvgaled sheet i al pre cai price or u conn denni iheimpcoveinent or bundnci or lha i fe no use to jell atli buy ihc qihcr place li worae take lock and have a talk witi ulbert s itcla r iwrj kk no 1 gecrcetown steri trui bants garage all k ndi of galvanized tanks lijttttcnmg proteitmi m tf card of thankm to jtietkl and neighbor w coorey nor my amtere ihaktki ot own t- tieueiand irmpatbr extended to mr rrcenl sad bereavement jiy the death jwr moved mother son aial daojeh- lera aim a sbortjt mn p a vseatkr anthemsj fa are tbydwelllnga abide with me the lessons were read by dr kyle and canon naftel and buv c e riley sang the responses the a nnun was preached 0 ri 1 cart on sherman of h ily tnuil cliuroh toronto from text uhru from tbe 84th psalm lilt un je gates and be ye lifted uu ye titer lasting doors the oborob was filled to river flowing aowia event was one of great inspirahtta and aatisfackioo for tn addition to the training re ceived by the choirs a beautiful service of praise and thanksgiving was offered sports baboauj the local high school nine mo tored to acton last wednesday and played a 6 6 tie ganx wih ac ton students the ho team was held safe until the ajntfa in nings when the visitors infield weakened masales waa hit faard after the bret inning while hep burn fanned fourteen score y innings aoton 000001 10 46 georgetown 0010001048 batteries hassles and white hepburn and burnaide the high school easily defeated the mountaineers 18 7 last tuea day on thursday they were again victorious when then defeat ed- tbe all stars 10 1 the ah stare one run coming in the brut inning green pitched both gamta with burnside catching btvinhi7 strikeouts the winners played errorless ball tn both games the mountaineersdereated terra ootta in the league game at terra cotta last saturday by 98 bat ten is tor mountaineers w mul doon p muldoon terra cotta cratne and hepburn feature ol ibis game was woods double play ttontib club fees tor ibs will be cadis 1 men 800 payable on or before june 2fith to mr ma berry at the bank of montreal or to miss leai i one court will be r by tbe end or this week all mem bera are invited to tbe opening tournament and tea to be held on tbecourteof mr joarbeaumont gienw saturdsy afternoon june ttb lags ssb tbe glen lacroaae team were defeated by woodhlll in a league game a the olen last saturday by a score of 68 farmers teausters borseuten can have anything in the harness ime attended to by aiusfrd h latimer in the wiltoogbby block who has a practical harness maker in charge repairing cottars and harness a specialty at reasonable pneea heavy and light bam kept in stock terms cash 5atp sheriffs sale by il rufawn i r r out ol ihccoumv court ol ihe mi l i halloo aiul d tiled i he si rrlft f tie um ly ol hatim nmi ihpgood and chj1el of hkrakajlumdhb ltau al the 1 of the whiximm compeiiml lloard i liave nr ird and taken nlwii on i he oil hig ool andcbaiteln namely olficr desk ind h tn mip putlofni prb i uul t auto al ihc lu it et sat june 14th 1924 i ihr hi rof 2 1 kpn bonds and investments insurance ul bcataal lus iaaaraa cmaa- pattrafxwtark usaroceli niridks i he r mimms taua la wluaackfey atlolapraai- m brwli wpu4 hjvto rt ofbce ihw residence luj terras cash dated al i fl shenlfs oltl e kl llu lh jim day of may sauubl whwh 2 shnilt con ty hallo barrels beat land made apple bar tela contracts taken tot 1m mediate or fall delivery prices right w b browne v norval dt i new spring goods at the mens store oir kj nnu ntock of inikirld hiiilings consulting or bootcli kiihiihii and irish uwhih id tin latobt colonnnge and iiitxluroh lop llhmn omnhcckw blue sorgo in plain and ntnjkih just to hnml special values given in these suitings we do tin largest trade in line ordered clothing in tins section of the country we da our on tailoiing and kuar ante alyle lit and worknmnnin wo kindly tetiuest ou to place jour sirmg ocdor early before the hauler rutth the newest things in miens furnishings pnwtnilly nil our ocw goods for men aro now in mock and ncxci- have vu teen a better ao loot ion ot smart drossy dunns tor men bliirta in all tbo new stripe cffeolb check drtin aiiillfica ephyrb oitord- etc aiho 11 imge assortment of nil tlie newest ulcus in tics rteoin mil eerlninlj be inlniertcd ready-to- wear clothing saturday treat sensational candy prices nut fritters 10c they are made from seloot pecans walnuts and brazils and almonds thy are bejoud dodht tbe uneut confection ever produced to sell at loo fresh turkish delight 27c take a good look at this price and dot it down on jour n hopping list sold in many stores at 40c lb friday and saturday 27c per tb homemade fruit fudges 27t fresh homemade fruit pudge with chocolate and raibine aod nuts in it friday and saturday 27c per lb weekend chocolates 32c lb our chocolates are in great demand every saturday there e a reason a good assortment of hard and soft centre i special 32c per lb pure milk chocolate buds 40c another lot of pure milk chocolate buds to band over to you at 40c per lb coming butter creams and other candies i cellars re done by kd broi s rate a lino hclfclion f hon a nod youth s clothiuk wqll tail ored mvtoiiate in it ic you will find our uuection in th a ileiiartirtoot lurmr in lttr and more upm dato lima ever and pricch l h nt mil ronimirc uiih any city values ce la ii will b plautu t talk ulaca ar jamr sprlac otat i millar co phi rid hlatbclaaa tmllarlna auad maos rumislilda- innu for m georgetown dyauut and drr claaoink phone 126 bargains in used cars 1916 big six studcbaker touring light ford truck baby grand chevrolet touring newly painted 1922 chevrolet coupe laic 1922 dodge tounng newly painted lute model studcbaker big six tounng bargain j n oneill son harold c black main street georgetown itpcwtouse martin senour 100 pure paint varnishes lcyftbpombrrmryvfa tehwawoffit marinal fbr ttm awaouet m mchk wjhtinc maok kasv j w kennedy qftorftovt o j weekend specials let moir a satiafy your longing for a confection that is made to the king a taste a number one assortment of bulk and box goods at reasonable prices v week etti chocolates regular 60c per lb for 3sn butterscotch drops rcg 40c per lb for 3c milk chocolate velvets per lb 4c try our ice cream sandwiches 5c each oranges bananas kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson propr1ftor rhono 214 east end meat market home killed beef and veal sweet pickled shoulders without shank 14c per lb pea heal cottage boll sso sliced 85o pea meal back bacon 80c by tbe piece sliced 33c breakraat bacon 98o by piece sliced 85o flmuah trout dzeot from the lake t w smith cwatr kl at imff sh ra 10 rtlom vboupt deuvert vou wontl have aw v uuarrel ipthe4ei aoto assistants care ivbus i let our auto assistants assist you to get along with the surrunertme you peed to be in good health to enjoy the months to come and your car should be well conditioned we are repair men of experience and discretion ph0ne7 w ijacksons beautify the home attractive furnishings wall papers wall papers of merit for all styles of room decoration papers that are of the latest design and coloring papers of quality at a low price draperies just received a number of hew pat terns and new colorings in draperies of very rich effects these new patterns are very attractive and very reasonable in price f loorcoverings we can furnish any room with any desired floor covering in wiltons brus sels axminister tapestries c weshow a good selection of con- goleum rugs and piece goods linoleum rugs and piece goods floor oilcloths stair oilcloth and oilcloth rugs we furnish window shades all sizes and styles plain or trimmed all colors curtain rods for all styles of draperies carpet sweepers and electric cleaners quality value service jacksons georgetown new advertisements ll adwrun twtm andar utts baa cash with order anitnwmm good home and boaril pnw rravm able work n mm prelfrred apply at lurald oftke lip dim for sal musty harni hay mqwer urd very i llle in beat condition see th s if yuu ocw the first 35 lake l j llaidwood golf linka phone b2rl 1 it sidewalks cellar tlooia cimcms septic inlta and all lund of cetaent work wvrkkuaranleed s ronhem box 97 phooe 243 ticorgetovn 6 2tp tibttt small cottage on murdoch si apply ii t arnold bmkhtn viyder georkctoi ytuu mm frmit anj a rlaoice slok ot irr vkclal lei and fruit wh ch we sell ibqst mnwiahle price lei ui saipj your wtji mlhese i r minh k mill si grorkrlown turn ibed bouse i isible party apt h al house on mai i st wulh all cm ven- lenoes aboimalt bnni apply lo ms mtk maw 57 if nursing- a tra ncd cert iksled nurr al liberty mrtcrniy suical w meacaltcle phofh 27 georgetown if wtwst ui ou b iiiite ll c best grades of loal o i i a n prepared i suppl you w ih any qua ll i y ot oft or hard wood i nccs r jhl rwhard marchmeni pbooe 206 gcotkc lwn 2612tf wa41wrsaju good dry summer wood at 150 per toad j brand ford p o boa 490 pbooe s r 2 4 georgetown 423 if highclass dressmaking done ty mra james nickel back street beh nd rad al 528 ftp crmtaa car sal raon wanting strawberry les apply lo box f iter far sal order your pull els now from an ontario government breeding station aod ret tbo beat al right prices bred to- jay barred rocks 310 egg strain al 4 nufh and up according to age baby ch cks al 20c eachmrs w j henry rr 3 qeorjre town phone m hon 189 r 14 lip loat between campbtllviue and gcorgeloi jeoders wanted for rapainng all metal and wood work on oulndvol court housamdtoo also leodbrs for rewiring tbe rate io- of court houssv all tenders must be re ceived no lueflban june iglb for fut n county b tim oders wanted lcomm ol i c coumil wtttmecttl asograve on satur day june 7tb al 2 o clock r m to recrrve lenders for trajalffhgjouf lots jutrwllioh road supt s28 2t notice to contractors a committee ot ksqursing council will leelal ldlh 1 on n 5 tuderoad on csday june kxh l9i4 ulpm to re- eive tenders for tbe follow n work gravdl ng ihe eau half of con 10 on lo 5 sideroad gravel i nj oppoile lot on tkb line and gravell ng opposite lol 8 1 10th line emueinr v j u hampsh r reeve g a tt rikictesocth twprojsu notice to contractors june i lib 1924 at 4 pm lo receive ten den for gravellrhg oo no 5 side road con 4 and 5 w j l hampshrr reeve g a- wnggle worth tw p road supt notice to contractors tender will be received by ihe under mgned up to noon on wednesday june lllh 19m tor build ng two concrete ruu verta one culvert 8 ft span opposite lol 13 on 7th i no csqucung one culvert on no 10 sideroad con 10 r- j oe ihe plans may be township clerk slewai j g v ilwn county road pt hurl ngton notice lo contractors a commit i ec of eftaj rmg and ch ngua rousy townsh p councils ii neel at norval cemetery h 11 on monday june 9th at 3 p m to receive lenders lor re- -ttlb- brampton driving club ulff hold thhr postponed race meet at br nrtton on wedjnnell mceal 1 10 ocloik sharp parse i10so raeaa panal050 fraalarau tret ar pas 3q xib c3mti or paoa 3so 30 coaaa trat paoa 3ho aurlaatt so 2a ib loparewat hor r money w nners fve lo enter and to start n every eienl trollera ivd 5 tecondi n each event tfce nghl reserved by ihe tjnm chjb to hanue the iwiter of i he program or to de- hare off any rn imlinni aalistari wy i j i kali 1 ass iio aultwzs crandstand 2c chldrenlv idti hetcher john speen prrtideni secret v bo 6s2 t t lo iurimh rown n 1eei memor fal hospital ai3dvs oadiw i rnj

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