Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 4, 1924, p. 4

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tilt tkoimifrthftn hkhm the matt ag ami flock ol gccse ibo rnj hiinil icm il till hkrtiqi today i iftw i pljmk north i watched tli the uky they brtw ti nnrl ihiqi broad and i followed them in fancy to tbo marshland by lho oca whore tbo moose is broadened by jtbo tidofl 0 deep mnttjutenii par beyond muttktilm u wntoru far aboe the lit ifht of innd over man a mount nod miiulietf over many 11 barren strand beyond the rivers lint southward flow to join taiumkamink tboro wendb its u to tar j amen bay the river whose praise i nin the nver that flows through a thousand bills down dowd to the sea who bamnfi ktfid on ner amber gloom porgots mattagaim forgots how her waters boat m hi stent on the thickly wooded shore whiup nog wondrous age old sec rets they bvo learned in daa of yore or bow mirrored in her sombre depths weird bhadbwdhapes are seen or bow tenderly above ber marge the ancient cedars lean lean halt hiding mossy pathways where wild creatures come drink for woodland folk are unafraid upon hettagann t brink who having beard it can forget the mubio of surge od roar as tound dark rocks b bands flung the angry waters roar jsibo oer some cataract 8 sudden fling far their foamy spray ere mile on sunlit mile they curve and ripple along on tbeir way who having paddled a lone canoe far from the haunts of men i wnuld not leave all that the south may hold to go back once again to heal hia sonl with the solitude and that tranquility i that ib gathered on tby bosom oh tbon far hettagami 1 zetta gregory tjayoa and aim as perfection in all de tailsin quality price and service if not already a customer we solicit an opportunity to please yon tomatoes per can lbc peas 8 tins 6o aylmer soups 2 cans b5c kipper soaelta 8 cans 26o holbrooks costard rejr 45c 85c gold medal cocoa 1 ib pkg 25c viaamall- 1l indian handmade baskets co oec palm olive soap 8 for 25c castile soap 6 for 26c cream olive soap 8 for 25c castile soap 1 ib bar 20o poarline 8 for 25o ammonia 8 for 25c 1 bcrnb brush and 8 bare of naplha for 80o clarks bread in it well i guessl when it cornea to baking good wholesome bread we are in it evory time yon doubt this try a loar it s only proof you will need mark clark bakery and groceries phonb 229 hints for haymaking when to lut tedd rake coil and haul in uirum sweet lluver harmllng ai all handling ited uotcr tim otbj faalest to cut jtbtuniatlc uo mmi itrtir ircauncul ic thure is ao old baying mako oaj wbllotbe sun ahloub with which i rot wndo toole nf ihtt j col 16kb agrees and fortunate la lho raruiir who ku autihiiinu tor inn job hbwuver wilt ba lo iiarvhst ooa cannot always wait tor lho weather ou or tliu esaintialb lo urn production or guod hay u tun it d cut at tbu produf utuv ii must have sudiclent maturlt lo euaurtj curing quality but over miuurity menus coarse nbrous low qutuhj rtj swjset clover should ue cut m tbu ml bud stage lfall u reaily just ua it begins to blobnom sua tim am hoots aro starting a tflu iwuu or hie phuiui hod ctoylf la uauutiil tu ban ndvanuxo when apprutitubtuy oue third or the blinusuiu havi tumiil brown and uuiotfi j juui utter ilit second blossom rttilti curlug gwect whiter v in curing aw nut clover twu uiif bods am followed peruana cuuijvwllb the binder and atuukiun up hie viuio until tbo crop in dry aavvs leavta uel ter and gives an good rtuulla an uiti ttti obtained or tbu crou may oc lui uown and allowed tu lie in tbe awulb lor about two days aun and theu raked luto umall windrows ii the weather in dry about three daja in thu wfndrow with uu occasional ted ulug makes it ready to harvest ii tbu wwaiher is catchy it la advisable to coll me crop as soon as 11 is raked harvesting- aualia allalla is more eaaily cured than sweet ciover it the weather is one it may be cut in the morning and raked the afternoon or the following day it must not be allowed to ju- main exposed to the dew loo many ulgbta o bleaching resulta alter i mint u the sun shines one more uay in the windrow generally makes tuod bay it rain ureatena coil it iiu immediately and let 11 make in me coll in any event be sure it is jry whtn harvested and be careful a the leaves in handling as they con tuuio the moat valuable portion of handling tted clover hay ked ctuver is the common clover nay crop uuch ol it is allowed lo s over ripe uucuuimi it then cure oiure easily it may be bandied in me same manner as allalla but un ess tbe crop is heavy it does not uau tliy take quite as long to cure the uyloadlr has changed methods to jooiu ekient it la good practice to ul one uuy tedd tbe following morn iutf and rake the next alteraoon ii iui crop is very heavy it may have to if over an extra day it is aurprla- mihow much taster hay will make uiier it uas gone so far when pulled r roiled into windrows ii it is to e coiital tbo work should be done uon alter raking and the bay should ematn in the coils tor a few days to htal out however most ot it is rawu out ot the windrows and ii dry jkkea kood teed imotfa u bastest to cnt- rimoiiiy is the easiest to cure ii trop and weather are right it may be lui one morning and bauicd the next uiiaruooi auu m lair weather is al ways tauy oy me third day it la i ncltsary to coll umothy id cure no matter what tbe bay crop cut u lluid rake aa soon as possible to un u diymg ituu only when green o duuji allalla and red clover may swsuhlpjuuojbljlltljys jut in ood ueailier this extra work is not uecuisury aud the loader patens tne harvesr uapt 01 kxien ion u a lollegu uuelph j h smith stewarttown expert fence builder why short rails for sale 1 ft i our 2 50 smftle rord years of experience enables me to give yon liettor values than oth ers prompt service and right prices gate odir and iron posts al wajs in stocl when jou nant anything in the above lino just call j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttown coal bt d l w s- coal m all sttevr auosmitkidg andsteaio coal mrs jtwatkins kheuniatlc ttogs kheumausm ol awung may affect unci ine uiuuluiar usauu or the ituvt iuu iuubcuuu- lorui being nioat ouuiuu must autuonues agree iuui icnn dulses ui learn pmawpose to ti uiauuhi kaposuru lo weauier u rgeij rwspouoiu u ior mucn ot li u4mliuu vjiu piayn an iuiooilmui jtl ine luiuiauua witnln tue ooay jiveij drink uc u ill eviueuce is pain ahown by uiouii wueii it inovea a snlti iujcuuui u present in bad casus i m uiutu uu the bog uu uown t ui inn lime aaiue irum tuu oe jfcuu das igut lever aiiacks last irooi ieiai uays to two weeks uoou barters auouia ov provided is ui irum uallto o laiauves blluuiu oe given abd i salicylate in bran slop in e teaapoonlui ii tdder leaks milk linkage ol milk irom the udder is due lu a relaxation ol the sphineler uitisi ca at tlie uaia ihts is not an a rvuuvnt occurrence amung heavy luiikeis milking three times a day luauiu ot twice a uay relieves the siiaiu on the muscles and will help great ueal immerse the teat twice uany in a cold saturated solution ol low a ruober thimble is often used uuibiactorily in severe cases appll uiilou of caustic to tbe up ot the text wiicn mib cow is dry may prevent eakage alter subsequent calving it is far better lor cooperative so- lletles to be sale by seeking and accepting advice and information than to bs sorry by neglecting to ituirt it or ignoring it after h u obtained buy kstires good m any better thma mavny tour used tiret and tubes repaired fverj thing guaranteed to gne service pkaaese f sinclair wo respectfully solicit jour tire business foyri wanted dence nrxt lo implement shop m freeman phabe ssov 0ortown where a misstep might mean death the hoodoo on the lsvcll motor highway jasper national park curious stone figures brought into being by the croaion ol tne earth under the constant wearing effects of air and water draw exclamations of wonder from thousands of tourists who visit the largest of canada s na uonsl parks every year huge oat stones balanced as bats atop tbe pinnacles or earth which have stood up firmly when tbe mountain side afl around them crumbled or was washed away by the rushing waters seem aa though the slightest breath f mind would be sufficient to send them hurt bog to the bottom of the valley hundreds of feet below a favorite sport with tbe tounst is to drop large stones on the hoodoos and see them sway back and forth drunk- enly yet finally regain their poise and remain balanced as firmly as tne tounst in tbe photograph who was bold enough to scramble down and use one of tbe fiat stones for a table on which to rest hie s climb before he sgain regained the level surface of the lavell highway which nmds up from the athabasca valley almost to the foot of the glacier of the ghost thai peculiar ageold formation of ice and snow which hangs on the w ide 6 tret dies of mount edith cavcll visitors to jasper park lodge may travel by motor or saddle horse from the lodge to the foot of mount cavcll or any of the other mountains surrounding the logcabin hostelry of tbe canadian national railways the latest in millinery all the latest paris and new york styles your inspection invited the misses claridge herald block georgetown teachers to tour dominion udkul rtm to teach tbe youth ol canada about canada and du the country justice it is tint neobtnuiry that one ahoald see canada that la the view of the canadian teachers federation and no one will question it vtkh tbt idea of correcting any deficiencies in this reaped under which its members may be labouring the federation accordingly baa decided to make its trip to victoria b d for this years annual conven uon as a iwrsonauy conducted tour lastlnc from au gnat 4th to 12th and promising a very interesting and tastrnouve programme tor the pedagocues and their time allotted it will be made en a aptelal train start tag from toronto and following the mala line of the ffriflfr pacific throughout slopovers varying from a law hours to a day vrill be made at many points of interest along tbe route to give the teachers a full opportunity of seeing the alghu at these places fort william and port arthur tbe great inland grain ports of this country and the funnel through which canada huge crops poor out u feed the world wlnnlpellh vrerlds greatest gram markat anlboaafing fi worlds greatest railway yards la those of the oanadlan pa cine the bustling prairie cities of reglna and moose jaw calgary the metropolis of the prairie prov and a sawtown only a lew years ago vancouver the beautiful seaport on the mild padflo coast which hi fcrglnritum at almost tarrurtng speed thsaa are su entered on the schedule for prolonged inspection a ions stop will also bo made at banff springs hotel the palattal bastalry in tbe heart ot the rockies where au the recreations provided such as biking riding i ht tu be open t the teachers lake louise called probably lho most per fect bit ol scenery in the known vorld wttll also be visited lunch being taken at the chateau there the magnificent run through the rockies to the coast will be mad- in daylight the entertainments arranged tor the teachers in clude many automobile drives a reception at the twin cities luncheon at winnipeg and calgary and a re ception at vancouver under tbe auspices ot the local teachers association in each of tie cities mentioned luncheon al reglna aa the guests of the premier and government of saskatchewan followed ty a drivn around tbe city tn automobiles provided by the rotary club while in moose jaw the visitors will sis bs taken for a drive by tbe total board at trade a special return trip under similar arrangements for those who care to take it has also been planned- starting from victoria it includes the wonderful run through the mountains over the kettle valley railway the steamer trips over beautiful oaanagan and koote- nay lakes through tbe heart or the fruit growing country thence to lake windermere and by motor over the splendid new banff lake windermere high way to vermilion rivercampjndbanff- then eome irous gateway to canada s rich wlnnlpeglhs- sdmatonthei nlpeg kenora fort william and i lakes via the soo to port mcnkoll and toronto this trip lasts from august 17th to 29th and includes a stopover for dinner at pen tic ton dinner a nights stay and break fiat at lovely lake windermere camp lunch at verm i hon river camp and a day at banff edmonton winnipeg and devils gap camp the de lightful resort on the lake of the woods near kenora the vfsits to thecamps the motor run through the ukountsins and tbe refresh ine sail across the great lakes alone make this return trip infinitely desirable if business is dull fui part hilars apply to e a benham seal estate agent f try advertising it pays lliuh seboil nouly drcorntctl imr price 8500 0 iiiitidrud mid uv i luindrud aero better pastry flour if belter tuhtry hour wore procurable wo would not ask you to buj lxdhior bnind mmrlj because it ih modo at home bid when qunlit is btttor mil pnro ompurch favorably with otli or brands wlij himuu to try this muck in acton brand ex cllsior everyday yon pnt ob trying eiotulor flour yon armlhlng a treat excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glen will iame stewarttown ballinafad limehouse d h lindsay mill street acton ontario erwingoldhams meat market special for this week only h lb iuui pun lard li lb pail pure lard 20 ib pnil pure- lurd 4 lb bl orteninf r ib shortening nico lean sidt or i iirtboilhr n r ua itmnr p a me u hat k hac 49o lo ib he lb lie lb 2r ib quick delivery main street georgetown guaranteed phone no 1 chevrolet brings town and country close tt is no longer necessary for the farmer to remain a recluse for his children to forego the youthful companionship which they all crave neither is it necessary for the town or city dweller to think of the countryside as a delightful place to be visited only at vacation time the automo bile has made communication swift and easy it has brought friends near each other though they live miles apart and chevrolet has made it possible for ilmo t every canadian to enjoy the benefits of an auto mobile for chevrolet is not only an cxccedmly low priced car but it slso the car in the world to r even though you have hot the ready cash with which to purchase at present the general motors acceptance corporation makes it possible for you to pay for your chevrolet while you are using and enjoying it investigate chevrolet and learn how easy it is to own and operate ask us about the gmac deferred payment ph i ns saoialllbs kmiiiwi standard anthracite scranton coal in all sizes coal wood soleet lump for domestic and tlirenhnik purposes smithing fund oanuol coal la fhob i carry overytlnng to be found in nh up to dato coul fin j wood yaid john mcdonald puqnb 12 georgetown trtefn ooircrirarsrflrfvwd ui r f ouhu n mi lamm ae wright butcher main st georgetown itaa stuflm bhscusj coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coat large sized pea cqoi delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown farmers we have all kinds ol farm im plements repairs harness etc also oils and greases al dmsi rosoumc prices s b groat georgetown browns garage nobval general repair shop ablummle actesstrics eat presto light n eime batteries charles brown bell phone 90r1 chiup wtrlz fisher king georgetown ontario w o o d for sale tt e hfive for immediate delitery lime in un tit j of both hard nod ft wood cut an length now is tbe time to put in our tnll hiii ply your older solicit d terms tan iw arranged rompt delivery tilcphom 99 1 fi murray bros georgetown rji ho 2 dow about your root asbestocqte goes over the old roof and stops al leaks give it a trial always in slock a lull line ol harness elt deering and moconniok machinery bind repairs for same oils and or eases 2 aeoond hand engines h barnes fire insurance j w keiwdt ttwgetoin agn i or lomp of ihr irih c pa r- ih n n rnrt vreyou protectee

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