Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1924, p. 2

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lottn llllatl ill ll 1u24 rihi mnr and re hhn are w lorn llir llir h wt dm so so ic p r imr c m poc j on wcdn w a i r mill f turtwk j nocharl near son ol mr and mrs rorgbneitr georgetown zw dodinr in gearjretowrt on monday june 9lb 1924 fcrnly ann shap belov ed wife of andrew dobbie aged w years 21 days ddehkr at delroit mich may 31 1924 sarah willi of robert k uoemer a david williamson vlon a 77 years robertson on june isl 1924 at ihc remedem of her no inlaw w j king tor onlo mary roberuoii aged 85 years relict of the line alexander robertson of hornby sports glenwilliams jot i itefornrik to the hume hert iftht wodneudny tbo brampton banner nays nearly a ilnen mom bora of the brampton club tnotoied to rotown on vk do end ay after noon to piny il kami with tlio now ll formed dub theie tbo robiilt tic 6 6 and the outing wna ptttet ll delightful from bosinnink lo nil ibe georfiotown golfers pliijcd their first match on thm oc ntion and carried through a pro mam that i lift the viaitars much indebted to thorn the pictures quo links laid out on tbo oetato of mr j a willotirbby are at the dispoual of tbo georgetown club and the priviloge of driving the ball over trout ponds and putting an spacious level grccat in to bo envied thm lucky club an eirel loot supper wan served ft f tor the jinme tho return rdmo ym be played at brampton on thursday vtho match coinmivtoe leijnett that all lady players hand id their cards allowing scoro for nine holes on or before thursday juno 12th ho that handicaps can be arranged the coida maj either bo handed to u- member or tho cotiimittoe or 1 laced in the box at tho club houtte the ladies will hold a local tournament and putting contest on saturday june 14th at 2 n m all players are requested to be at here and 1 here fiaure i the hyilro puwer insullid m th united s and laiiadu show ttiut tht iplttr it fur in the luid in risptct of homo power installed pir 1000 of popuia- tlon the unitid stales hvi 10- 466 000 h of installed watc power tainst cnnudub wnlcr power in stallations uf apll 414 hp the ho rat power per 1000 uf population in the united states i be but in canada it is 350 b u cks jjq l no 340 glen williams are holding their annual oharnh parade on sunday juno lgth members are requested to meet at hall at 0 80 p ra the service will be held m the methodist church at 7 oclock when bev w h doug las the pastor will preach a brand garden party will be beld on the methodist church lawn on friday juno 20th ed wards comedian splendid pro gram admission 25c and igo what might hao proved quite benons accident occurred on monday afternoon when an auto driven by miss viola logan backed over the ombankment at the cat hill and rolled completely over the aoeident was caused by the plutoh not working master prank logan who wau with bis sister tried to stop the car backing bj plaoing a stone behind the wheel but without success mies jessie norton the other occupant of the car was thrown out and severely bruised miss logan wont down with the car and was pinnod under it but soon rescued by willing hand who happened near by she bad a miraculous escape no bones wore broken and although severely bruised she is progression quite nicely a union piomc of the methodist sunday schools of nerval circuit will be held at hnttnnville park on july cth other sunday schools will be invited to join terra colla our hall team scored another victory on saturday last when they played the mountaineers at the 7 1 li line j ue score was t terra uotea 18 mountaineers 8 batteries terra cotto j hepburn 0 ho nally moontaineors p muldoon h woods w muldoon the methodists intend holding a garden party here in the near fa tore further particulars ator mr h webster who has been visiting hamilton friends has re tamed home mr j j kelly and family of the town line have removed to toronto we are sorry to lose them as they were good citizeti mr bard of uuelph who hoe been visiting his daughter mrs j algie bae returned home our ladies ball team is corning along fine and expeotb to play in glewood this week mrs a mcloan of tho 9th i visited br daughter townsend last week mn ed nickle reverses finding of hales announcement of the dismissal of the police officers involved in the oroageville scandal and atright from the shoulder declara tion that tbo government n not prepared to enforce the ontario temperance act at the price of tfi oorrnption of the youth or the community are contained statement dealing with the use of bat you oao grasp jour own high school students in the cap- tare of ft bootlegger issued last night by attorney general w f nickle kc an unnbual feature of nickles announcement is that his finding reverses the conclusions which were reached by james hales k c chairman of the oo tuno license commission who in vestfgated lb4 affair in his re port to mr nickle mr bales given credence to the badonce of m mc qimrrie and a lane the two officers invouikl and refuses to accept that of uf four youths who were implicated mr nrnklo the other hand accepts the denco of the joung men na against that of the special officers and jjeiilcomphdiqd w f gregory- hajtaa to ha a bama hog show the well attended meeting held at miltnn was unanimously dectd ed that halton hold a bacon ior show in october probably during the weekof the 8tb splendid ad dresuefl were given by a b motm itonald of the dominion live stock branch jlr w g mamtt agricultural representative went- worth and mr b b fleminb the show will be held under the drreittons oetfaff milton agnml tuiat society and the ontario and dominion departments of agtef ul tore it will be beld at milton the club hoi a tun pri7e for tied ladj best score prize lor ngle lady host score ladies day every wednesday com potions will be beld and draw mado for partners at 2 80 p m the ladies golf events during the seasn will bo posted in t window of mckay bros store a also at the club bouse on saturday afternoon last team from the h ft i ton golf and connlry club was defeated bj the hnmber valley club on the imke at toronto halton golf club plays tho oak ville club neslsatnrday at oak ille lach08be cheltenham defeated the credits of glenwilliams oo saturday iu a peel county league gamo before a crowd of live hundred enthusiasts at cheltenham s campbell and carey did the sooring for cheltci bam at the end of tbe first quarter tho blue jays led by 2 to 1 and both teams scored one the second quarter tbe last half was ncoreless cheltenham by virtue of their victory lead tbe league with woodbill second woodbill defeated snel grove in their only start in every game played to date only one goal separated tbe winner and tbe loser tennib a meeting of tbe tennis club was beld in tho best rooi tuesday evening when tho oflioors for the coming year wore elected as follows president h r minima vice pres w ford sec rotary miss beaumont treasurer miss m treanor grounds committee r corke j thompson s loughced c mulltn sotlal commlttoflmlflbettfentt intrcarndfrnrphetfterwhu mrt-the- tbompson m lawson r oi beaumont e owens mane fleck and mrethiotrofl tournament committee a beaumont t imbleau m hs ktn nedy miss caldwell an informal dance is being ur ranged to be held in tbe areua on friday evening juno 20th members are reminded that fees must be paid to miss treanor or bank of montreal before june 20 habl ball last wednesday tho local high school nine dofated acton high school 15 6 the winners were alwas superior both at bat tbe mold hepburn pitched tho first seven innidgs fanning 15 green held tho visitors safe in the last two frames when ooy scen batters faced him score by in nings aoton 02400000 0 u georgetown 81bb0008 x 1c batteries acton mosaics a white and drone georgetown hopburn green and burnside yon cannot control the length of your life but iou can control its width and depth tho contour of yourcountoo ance but you can control its ex pressi on the other fellows opportunities tbo weather but you can con tral tbe moral atmosphere which surrounds you the big income of your compel itor but you con manage wisely your own modesc earnings the distance that your head shall be above the ground but jou can control tho height of the i tents of your head tho amount of your income tirelyi but the msnogemenk or your expenditures is altogethoi your own hands tbe other fellow y annoying faults but you con sec to it that ou yourself uo not deolop i harbor provoking propensities hard times or- rainy dayi but yoif can bank money now to b yon thro dgtl both why worry about things joe cant control get busy control ling thotbinge that you can odui ta tfca dartt one of tbe members of a colored church in alabama was talking to lbe pastor about tbe temptations sat0 places in ones path when the old preacher granted and re plied folks make me tired re- preseptin satan as runnin after to tempt dem do truth is my trierid seri is so many people ptillin at do debbils ooattails dat t not mqcb timelb chose an bid ady tut it xpoi i thi fro nthly itat by thi bureiiu of sullatlcs in april lt24 0ob405 bushels in all were tx ported uh agnmst e143 304 in april 1s23 included in thise figures aru 22fi0li buabula sent to the unitid staua 2z2 409 to the unlud kingdom and 3 080191 to other countries approximately b0 per cent at manitobas wheat acreage has beon seeded despite tht gjncral lateness of work on the ibnd ocdasioned by unfavorflble sprlnic weather prac tic ally every district correspondent roports a reduction in the wheat acreage with corresponding indica tions that barley and flax acreage in purticulur will be increased ajbirta provided the bulk of the wool sold by the canadian coopera live wool growira association last year 1 062 613 pounds of tbe total of 2843 3gg pounds of the 1923 clip coming from this province accord ing to a etatfmtnt made by the general manager of the association ontario growers took second place with g3g076 p ootids followed by manitoba saskatchewan 459583 pounds sundry shipments totalled 346699 pounds the value of the building permits issued in 66 canadian cities showed a large inc reuse during april us compared with march 1924 repre aentative cities authorized buildings to the value of 132359 as com pared with 9182763 in thi pre tlous month nova scotia quebec ontario manitoba and new bruns wick registered increases in the value of building permits issued except in sheep canadian live stock and livestock products show an increase in shipmuits to the united states all along the line in the january fibruary period of this year compared with the correspond tag month of just yiar cattle shipments in the pirlod were 11 190 compared with 10 j10 bicf 923400 lbs comon id with 441 800 lbs ba con 81 7ju u ompared with 30 100 lb per 1g 300 lbs compared with yokoo iu uid nutton 2400 lbs coiiinun i tli 700 lbs buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w the first ol the tra i r if tht canadian- rodws whilh 11 be hjd july 17 18 at v o lt will in a big sun dsni e lojg lorntid jj stoniy indian thi tl ih o kb lit ciiudian o ud ire study i vjtiun jr rs am noted authors its have o ned and l w ht s nt ol ific ta kjy ha s donated f 1000 t ward jthihls the canadian pacific ss em press of canada arrive ut van couver bc on may 24th following a world eruist of five months and nearly 30000 miks tin pas sengers witnessed a remurkable eruption at hilo in the hawaiian islands on may 17th after a pub lie welcome at vancouver they left ship said that she had done impor tant missionary work in carrying the canadian ensign over the seven arrangements are well under way for entertaining tht members and friends of the canadian teachers federation during their trans cana dlan tour which will take place august 4th 12th over the main lines of the canadian pacific railway in a tram specially provided for their accommodation fort william port rthur winnipeg regina moose jaw calgary edmonton banff lake lotiise vancouver and victoria are all planning festivities the canadian pacific is preparing to give the teachers a royal umo at their beautiful rocky mountain re tort i and the people of victoria where the subsequent convention will be held will also help to make their jlay in that c a memorable on changes in amusement tnx law a number of important changes bae been modi ia tho provincial amusement tax regulations signed to increase tho revenuu from this source every patron entering an place of amisemcnt upon a pass must pay tho n mum rate of tax levied by tbe place if admission tickets sold by lhe book or strip for a number of performances at a duced rate tbe income tax pajable on each ticket is to bo the amount payable upon nngle tiokets vitb out tho discount no price of ad mission shall be advertised as in oluding the amusement tat and no ticket shall be sold at a price in eluding tho amusement tax unless such tickets have boon purchased from tbe amusement tax branch tax tickets sold for use in a cer tarn amusement can bo usod there only andrannot be loaned sold ot transferred for use anj where else it for any reanon tax tickntfi can not be sold tbe iat must bo col lee tod in cash and remitted to tho department if owners tail to sell tickets w keep count of attendance tbej must remit ten per cent of their gross admission receipts all owners of theatres etc leas ing their places for one nigbt ot more to other parties must provide the lessees with proper amusement tickets farmers we have alljdnds ol farm im plements repairs harness etc also oils and greases il msl rumuble prices s b groat georgetown notice the chevrolets everywhere you go n city streets in towns or villages on the big paved highways or on the modest country roads in fact everywhere in canada where automobiles travel notice the chevrolets nor arc the reasons for chevrolets popularity hard to find for here is a car whose fine qualities arc comparable only with cars much higher in price powerful longfife mechani m handsome and comfortable fisherbuilt bodies complete equipment these arc partial reasons but in addi tion to these is chevrolets rcmjrkjbly low price a price made possible by large quantity produc tion and the fact that chevrolet gives quality transportation at a lower cost per mile than any other car in short chevrolet gives the greatest mofor car value per dollar expended these arc the is popular wherever you go chevrolet aak any chevrolet owner about chevrolet per- fo nuance ast u about the gafac deferred payment plan fisher king georgetown ontario saturdaytreat corn cob suckers 5c the enurcfrunil tpinptmk to th ut a delightful toed i inst piece bee nut v toasted marshmallows 29c lb h jou wtnt to ihp your familj a real heat take luiinc n pound of this fresh toasted marsliimillows regular 40c friday saturday 29c per lb weekend chocolates 32c lb ber saturday wo offer jou this gieat hiki nil rind eeri sulur day they como back for another pound or so times a reanon trj i pound saturda special 32c per lb just rocened ni ilsons rev loxed butter creniiie and other dies contains ont pound of the linost landies ou mr tasted 1 fnendu will applet nit a box speiial wilm 60c ice cream sandwiches 5c each mine jou tuid our new crenm siindwiclits made with neilson u lco cream tlnj amddic harold c black main street georgetown auto movies ybaitey v garage vou wont haveanv quarrel let our auto assistants assist you to get along with the summertime you need to be in good health to enjoy the months to come and your cat should be well conditioned we are repair men of experience and discretion new spring goods at the mens store on wining htoik of iniiiiited smtingi otinixtiiig of il scotch i ji mid in h i i ill tut st lolouiinkk fj in i in 1iii urn hliiim iiukiuiu blue hmcpj m plain y jllni o g special values given in these suitings we do i lie laimt triuh inllnnodml lolliuij in thin siitkn of thi ntint wi do mi nun tuilniirif mid iimi rti mil sljl iilini uoiliimnshi t wi hndu irrjiiiit i on lo jjim joui ipmik order nnilj h ixfot ihejtei mh ulu the newest things in mens furnishings 1 pt in illj nil our n m umhu foi men an now instoik and mum inuc u i i n h i llir hi let imn of sfiinit diertuj h thilikru men shuts it all the m tiio eltii is dittli till disimf aniliiifi z plum oxtordri el k ali ii lin ki iikioriiik nt of all lin wwphi iduih in tifch fmi mmoii i1llilutirj ik intfiuud uj ready-to- wear clothing a lltu iuj mid i lodnti- t depiutmnllm pru h t luit will conn in it will b of mens and yonlli h clolhing well tail hie you will lnd oii m in tion in th h xttn and i uplimllt than i u r and i mi with mi j utv miiiioh outm b your s prion millar fc co htockwll iiudrou co toionl dyolir uuu drcioauiuc georgetown phone 126 m bargains in used cars 1918 big six studebaker touring light ford truck baby grand chevrolet touring newly painted 1922 chevrolet coupe late 1922 dodge touring newly painted late model studebaker big six touring bargain j n 0teill son keiip weekend specials llnswiik wi will liuvi ukrtutirabiortmlit than ivlt in our wnkrnd hiicilutii ivc hilin a trial for thty sri sun to satisfy your litikiwr for a rohi ijuahty ittculiir 10 mid loc nir hi 32o moirt hirii lltish nmtnt lhoifltutt s nn ckpirlb fur 49o walnut h mil t tlum wtrndcrful vnlui n 4ltopirlh- fur 26o com cul siitkir u nui tnut so ki lr im liniknull llivom tllctuh kily on us for ijuick di livery 1 rj our in i nam iunilwithen r iich oraniflh itunnnus kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson jacksons beautify the home attractive furnishings wall papers wall papers of merit for all styles of room decoration papers that are of the latest design and coloring papers of quality at a low price draperies just received a number of newjiat terns and new colorings in draperies of very rich effects these new patterns are very attractive and very reasonable in price f loorcoverings we can furnish any room with any desired floor covering in wiltons brus sels axminister tapertries c we show a good selection of con- goleum rogsanovpiecegoodsplinoleunt il rugs and piece goods floor oilcloths stair oilcloth and oilcloth rugs we furnish window shades all sizes and styles plain or trimmed all colors curtain rods for all styles of draperies carpet sweepers and electric cleaners quality value service facksons- georgetown new advertisements hem v hoarder wan tod j htdwihx golf 111 kiibli mit si nursing bl a imijifdc tcomly sbhuji or phw274 gitrkeywn wood ud oil rnjiibc b m rjur d i aupplj j wa ay twrd mnnhi1tn p jo i ciilitlv1lp iid wood for sala g kh dr i wowl i j1 s r id llmlfd io ihihw 1i 2t ontrtown 4 jl co dc rata work su1cwi11 dlrllm islni s plic nkji d atl kd t ltr work lawn mowers reorodnd w- nrc now eqi f hlmrpeiing urn j26so0 mil clire termsslou purchaser a r pay your dog tax a1oi m be rh a all parlies in town having dog if ilier tax u not pd on or before july 1st jotfijck iili jliicf 6 ii 2t notice i am now prepared lo flurpen and put vour lawn niowur in firalrlais condition lawn niowem railed for and delivered i nave ano for sale a funy 4rand chev ruel tournik and lirht four overland tour i uk hoih in firm ttaai condihtin at 1arake 12x16 w i ro phone i georgetown rftl 2t tenders wanted nden will be received by itie uml ul up lo june 30lb fnr 60 ions ihiutlii lump coal no 3 take notice ieowc who have sheeting- rafien and good ramei fail non to rot for waul of prolictim with galvanized corrukalcd pla worse taue lock lalk willi cjilberl sinclair lairj r r no l gccr steel tuum bams municipality of esques- ing court ol revision re assessment a court ol kcuson wilube held ni coiniil chamber si e wart town on monday jobs 16ta 192 for hie year 1924 esqueiiik june 12th 1924 j a true clerk mortgage sale 01 valuable farm in chinguaeousy town- snip n rl ke ade h jh j r11 lo ihr ottiurd al ihcsdc li ii ii offc ond day o 21 al lui p ni rr nil llmt lu p udoflb m half ol lol 2s in ii of llu ih towih of n r huiulred j ilrj be ud ii this propcrl i ahan n shed jvi i 20 v h ih r- iflkincbanl 1 1 hull a nt livm and ur xi n r ei ii tiulrr mil vao th p irr colin koiihv si hicl the pr wm hiii be st it oltn eul lo a re 1 ne pnr h 1m npmlan ll bf nn ustnlv vt r i lbe p i ttie linptwlnl vld ljlr slallum kilwinning jock land al h s wr malile trrnitalr m im 11 inl in tq fku eiery tbnrtji inj rridaj tarli iwn ufrjm and mmd sirsk hf- in reh ftp ml

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