Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 11, 1924, p. 4

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let something be said f 0 tt m 11 r f u hi ill fill i ut ruof ol i v ll mg k 1 be au 1 e ruet tot li at no rellowbcng y t r m iv f ii hq low b l i ami i ft b ei tbo i coli of hiri v tl tc irn ih t it bui ttl lux goo i b hid no koneroun 1 etrl i y turn an jlo in waj i or n n l nil no o i ho jo d but n ay ownkeu h o s nnd glor hal lr sonethidggrj d b h d and ho i ct arm- j bj ll e tliorny rrown and by tie crows on wlioh tbe savio ir bled and by your awn sou la hrfbe ol fa r renown let sorontb nif good bcnaid jan oa win too ub bile ourbasineaa ib grow ng evor day buy jour bootn ubero yo can not them at fictory price oar customers know ub and no matter bow many shoo stores to georgetown they can como uf ua with every confidence that they will get better and cheaper boots id my store i learned tbe shoe trade in hillabury tannery know what factories to buy good bootd from to give my customers eatiataotion the old rcliabl macphereoo boots also daj foots and all other makes i tuv larged mj atore and now liav three show windows onocb idront ono women s and one nun a the model woman 9 shoe at 2 50 children a 40o to 70c men a 8 00 good working boot all r pa sown free and heels atra gb toned be pairing while you v ait we have no opposition in low prices nor no overhead expenne j honey main st georgetown 64 2tp and aim at perfection in all de tailsin quality price and service if not already a customer we solicit an opportunity to lease you tomatoes per can peas 2 tins aylmef boopb scans kippers narks 8 caub 2 or hoi brook a custard reg 45c 85c gold medal coooa 1 ib kg grape j nice small j indian handmade bisketn go g6o palm olive soap 8 for castile boap g for cream olive soap 8 for cabtile soap 1 1b bar ijmlinejijol 5o ammonia 8 for 25c 1 bcrnb brash and 8 hara of naptba for 80c clarks bread in it well i goeesl when oomcs to baking good wholesome bread we are m it every time it yon donbt thi try a loaf its tbe only proof you will need mark clark bakery and groceries pntjnt 289 ijl smith stewarttown expert fence builder why short rails for sale 1 ft long 2 g single cord years or experience enables m to rive you better values than oth ere promt 1 service and right prices gates cedar and iron posts al ways m alocl when yo i wnut nnytbing m the above line j hl hah j h smith phone 84ria stewarttown coal bt d l w co1 in all aldsnmkfrig andteam coal mrs j wall the handling of milk a column dealing with milk and its products mteurlsatlon preservatives oonnercial uutlen ilk cheese frron hlkh bi tl low totting milk milk kron sweet clover uel kiln nuil bacteria in ice cream jontrlbu a br ontario da pa rime i at acrlcultura toronto following are sumraarl s by thi- epartment of extension ol the o ac ouslph of work done in tt st institution wltb milk and iouii ol u products value of pasteurisation to test tbe value of pasieurlsntlon as an acfd in keeping rolls n a uaab o condition for a long period a otudy made by beoalry dopartm ut of th ontario agricultural college during july of 18is sluillsr sampl x of raw and pasteurised milk bubjuct ed to a temperature of 53 to 64 f faro results as follows the raw milk did sot keep for twenty fuur hour while the pasteurised milk was sweet at end of third dnj similar samples of raw and paateuriied milk held at st to 43 i gave the fol lowing results tbe raw milk kept sweet for lesa than forty eight hours while tbe pasteurised milk was atill aweet and in good condition at the end of two weeks tbe trials show tbe great value of paateurltatlon in tl e fluid milk trade and the necessity of low temperaturea for holding the milk otter pasteurising milk preservative investigational work carried out by the department of bacteriology 0 a c that la of special lntereat to the cheesemakers and manager of factories wu concluded during tbe put rear many factory managers bad experienced trouble in keeping the composite samples of milk in good condition for the period required by the dairy standard act the reault of the o ac bacteriological depart ment investigation shows that not less than six grains of corrosive sub limate is required to keep a one pint sample in food condition for forty days this amount should be uaed if tbe butter fat teati are made either once or twice a month commercial botteavnllk in the dairy department of the on urlo agricultural college during the past season a few lots of commercial buttermilk were made by using either pasteurised aklm milk or the butter milk from churning or pasteurised aweet cream not ripened before churning to the milk was added 10 per cent water 6 per cent culture and one- halt ounce of salt per one hundred noundaofjnllk this was allowed to tand until the next morning when it was nicely coagulated the coagu tated milk waa then poured into tbe churn and churned for about twenty mlnutea this made a buttermilk that was in good condition had good flavor waa amooth and did not separ ata after churning one lot for at teen minutes a small amount of cream was added the churning waa then continued and in nine mlnutea the cream had churned into floe but ter granules which gave it the ap pearance of old fashioned butter milk and waa well liked comparative yields from high ami low testing milk in cheese- invcstlgattona carried out by the dairy department and the chemistry department of the o a college with low and high testing milk uaed in the manufacture of cheese gave re sult that are interesting to cheese isotory patrons the low testing mil cont 13 01 per cant solids and s 41 pflr cent fit th slgir testing milk contained it tt per cent solids and 3 tt fier cent fat not very much difference between the two samples the yield of cheese par 1 000 lbs of milk waa 81 ic lbs from the low testing lota and ie 14 lbs from tbe higher testing lota or nearly six pounds of cheese more par thousand pounds of milk for a vary small increase in tbe percentages of fat and total solids this la further evidence of the injustice of paying for milk on tbe basis of welgbt only and not considering the fat and solids content of milk when divlduat money among patrons or cheese faetoasa mdk prom sweet clover the dairy department of the on urlo agricultural college made fonr lots of butter during july whan the cows were pasturing on sweet clover the butter wu scored when fraeh and again after holding in storage but none of it bad a flavor that eottld be attributed to aweet clover these results are similar to those obtained in 1z2 gelatin and bacteria ha ice oreasa with the great tncrusetn tbe con sjmptlon of ice cream and the de- elopuwnt of the ice cream manulac- urlng business various schemes have been erg wed to take care of the de mand in a way pro ii table to those manufacturing and selling this food in making examination of various sampres of gels tin sent to the bac- turlolohy department of the ontario agricultural college some samples werefound to have a bacterial toar tent as high as 10 000 per gram wi oleiome ice cream cannot be made if low grade gelation la used in its preparation hereandtk ere empire u- barns permanent superstrong convenient the empire barn is plank construction trusses are klafrtmcallirbuut of interlacing planks ftmni enormous strength diagonal bracing throughout completes structui solid as a reck afalej withstand the heaviest strn also outward pressure ol hay and grain prvnaunced by sngtneen to be the strongest type af darn construction no obstructing cross baa ml braces ste al i interior b clear floor space meal to work in get our prices for your barn just tall us length and width and also drives you want and say when you will probably need the bam this will net bind you in any way we alee lumlsh separately our famous empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles standards el quality tec tt yean if oarrtasnp any bulldlngt consult service dstpt is at your disposal and can give you real help the metallic roofing co limited irlafltitocturan m nsrytmaa in umi metal far rsna itfg sjkip enameled ware has the smooth surface and polish of fine crockerywithout the break age and it is so very easy to clean just like china and therefore piakes light work of pot washing try this test take an 5mp enameled ware sauce pan andan all metal sauce pan of equal size into each pour a quart of cold water put on the fire at the same time the smp sauce pan will be boiling merrily when the water in the other is just beginning to simmer smp5ware afaem operetlmn ana a htart of 5tsf thru snkk put wan tva rpau td dtuir wtwt nl imu uvd dumotwantuni urtt bla asd wbiu aatau whit i lulu crraul war uina caata par m luat u at whjt kara blaa afelas s metal products co lohtheat toronto wnn peg comonton vancouver caloary dominion stores as a rule cowpeu should not be cut for bay before the pods begin to turn yellow tbe best quality is pro duced and the hay cures most readily if the vines are cut when most of the d arr lull grown and a conslder- t a number of them are mature at i a stage of growth none of the best 4 letlei will have dropped their owa and the plants will have prsk- tlcally sttalned their full growth buy k s tires good m amy better uukn many your used tires and tubes repair j everything guaranteed tc give pbeascfl f sinclair we respect fnlly solicit your tiro business fowl wanted m paxuueumjii ol hrepouury also best price tc all k rds ol junk fehfes and wool real dencc nckt to implement shop m freeman hgsow qtorietown save money on all your groceries one item bargains never attract the thrifty housewife she shops where she can uvc money on her entire orocerybill wh milion we bp regularly at dominion stores every week snd are able to make a steady saving on mil of their groceries place your entire order this week at yonr nearest dominion store and note the uvings you make horseshoe salmon 1 lb tin 35c dsl corn on flakes 3 pkts aaltc grape- ib huts ioc kellogg s oft bran c white swan pancake flour oc 2 pkts for kings plate sardines kipper snacks heiz baked heinz baked beans with beans vvith pork and tom f a pork and tom a sauce small 1c sauce medium ijfc i 27 less raisins zjor mountain crest 07 corn 2 tins acc frankford peas 2 tins kraft cheese i aylmer golden ol bantam corn ut i canned ir pumpkin is i peanut butter oo lb lz toy pail oc peanuxbutter toc 4 ib tin rasp or a straw jam osfc 1 lb isr harvest ot raspberry jam itk new cheese 23c spkciau blend jt- coffee 1 lb 13c richheixo 00 coffee lb a m richmello gr richmello ta coffee 1 lb odc tea lc i r1teqood for beer makins tniall i ritegood for beer making rrge tl fil hikes f lov root beer 33c i t imayfield machine sliced bacon 29c i to satisfy llrttinh ulun ban agr cultural production taa year n rraned in value 4 000 km vtr the 1022 period flturts comp i by the provine al i epsrlment of aiinrullure show a itraily in rraae in thp vo ume of wheat exp ru from tansda ii noted n hr mdnthly atntemrnt just luued by th do n n on bureau at statistics in april 1924 6 0h5 406 bushes in all wen exported as agslnat 5 143 jim in april 1923 it is ant c piled that hundreds and thousands of v s tors lo the beau tlful annapol s valley nova scotia will help to celebrate the famous fruit district apple blossom sun dsy whrch falls on june 8th this year the entire orchard belt ei tending from annapolis royal to windsor a tl stance of abo t 80 miles is slwsys wb te and pink with blossom in the f rst nart of hon honor mircier minister of lands and forests sprak ng- of or rsngemens made in the province for forest protect on this year stated 1reslry bel evi that jie way lbs service is organised and with tbe good will manifested by all clssses f the commun y who realise lbs importance of prot ct ng your na tional dome n the year will be a good one snd the losses reduced to tbe report of the sut itician to the board of grj com miss oners for april reci nt y surd records the heaviest epv rig great lakes ship- p ng stason on record tbi report says thnt there nlcatons thit all the surplus of the western cm s w ii be n uved n fast a trinspnrta uon fa ci tl s ptrm i as export pur phases are to be heavier ban usual snd sll ocean tonnage out of mont real tor may snd june has already been engaged well as part for the ju y osd ng somcth ng new in tbi waj o rail wsy euinmen a the new storage buttery car now operat ng over canadian pac f c i ops between gait and ham iton the car atta ns a speed of 35 m les per hour and makes two tr ps a day in each direc t on it has threp compartments general passenger smok ng and baggage of a i iteel construction a d w 11 ac com rood te 50 passerurera the scrv cc it r ported to be giving everv sat sfact on- lo the people of th- d str ct uld to rv the the a r round thi vor d ri oif ha only to ask the a cntrs h op n en of the en r i i oke to several while c 05 np fron v ctoria and w thout icept o they all expressed their omp tie in t if set ion with the ship its off cen and the arrangements m le ind carr l jui a nee the day she lft van ojv r almost five months ago that s good nough for me it is simple demo list rat an that the canadian pacif c can successfully conduct cm scs n compel bon w th any organisation n the world and maintain that companys standing as a credit to canada tbe em press of canada haa carried the canadian flag over the seven aeaa and into most of the worlds great dorts and the missionary work she has done for canada in the vanoua countries touched should not be lost sight of as one result of the nn doubted success of this cruise wa look forward with renewed interest to the canadian pacif c- cruises of noxt season the include tbe west indies the med terranean and an other round theworld cruise which -srill-be- iluriebt france already overhauled and fit ted with a view to providing the greatest possible comfort for her passengers tbe experience gained this year will greatly hi abllng us to make these ct tnere successful than those receauy to sell summer residents city people m the country for the sum mer can be sold gro ceries and meats by look distance some grocers and butchers call up outof town cus tomers once a week and get their orders deu venes are mode by truck or express some grocers arrange with their customers before they leave town to give this service taey say they can well afford to pay for long distance calls on weekly orders let us work oat with you a plan for the sur- touuding disfnct farmers wehi all kinds ol farm im plemenls repairs harness etc also oils and greases 1 awsl rttsaumc prices s b groat georgetown ceobgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool j4 w georgetown creamery co m saxe manager old furniture made like new in a few minutes if yon have any old pieces of fumiturt stored away bring them out of their hid ng places give them a coat of vcrnicol stain and in a few minutes yon will have new furniture ho matter how badly your furniture or floors arc scarred or marred a coat of vcrnicol will rejuvenate them instantly vcrnicol comes in a variety of r ch colors it applies easily dries cmlckly and makes a titfm vernic0l stain wed like to show you tbe hcaut ful results you can get with vcrnicol come in and let us tell you how easily and cheaply you can do over your floor or re fui sb old furniture with this stain sold exclusively by r h thompson co georgetown peirschorns readylowear and tailoring to the ladies of georgetown and vicinity 1 i ilimu nice freuh rlock of dresses suits coats and skirts n tbo krnfl shopno in cl urge of misa if nlny four patronage solicited i nm ft in domft l idiq s tailor au and rt in drll ng nt nij rew donee satisfaction guaranteed phone 251 residence mam st north georgetown tfa brantford the brantfont self oiling windm ll operates for at least a year with one oiling turns on roller bearings has double gears runn ng in o 1 and stands the brunt ot the most violent storms the new brantfont has the strongest windm 11 tower n the rid ma israntords have been m service 25 years thisisthc bcsc windmill yet made the brantfont a sold by stbtrotr geomelown wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 georgetown jg sheriffs sale v ht i a i rliw fy i o he c hal i i r cl he she i ui dfnl n- hrghvji of marahajl hndaoa i i hn ami k k c hi i i putf m i m rl i r k i mt i cl uh iv i rf sl cd f i u w l be n 1 1 by a i i- o a eo kr- sat june 14th 1924 a c cd a h sluflt oflue mi on hal o ns shovelling rqlr4f standard 1 anthracitje scranton coal in all sxze coal wood select lump for domestic and tbrehl ng lurposee stn thing and cinnol coal in fact jtwrj oerjti tig to ihi to in 1 in any j to 1 it conl and wood yn d john mcdonald puonr 12 georgetown al wright butcher main si georgetown fi sb ik b goal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown i i browns garage n0rval general repair shop anloimbile accessaries ngeal preslo ughl and edit batteries charles brown bell pi one 90r8 cl wv aafrf w o o d for sale wc in a for mmed ato delivery a larfio innlity of both hard rth soft wood cut an length did now the t no to put to jqfajn tall itlh your order aollcuf it terms can be arranged then 1 n npl delivery telephone tl reo murray brosvidh aeorctsw rr s r boot how abonl yonr ft z asbcstocoh arged goes over the old roof doded stops all leaks give itf trial always in slock a lull line ol harness elc deering and mecormiok machinery and repairs for same oils and greasear 3 second hand engines h barnes mill street f fire insurance arci lo some of the urongekl com vre you protected

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