Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 18, 1924, p. 4

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they were seven hevon lilllo btbu tut jpiiow hi ki old ul nibbed o 1 lieu ihute- were mix sii littlo hiitt ball sin hiw uiey thrive molbni lkn stepped on one tboo there were lira five darling chickens scrntobink near tbo door mister rot delected odo- tiidh tlioro nuro four four lively jounkhtorh 1ik mg by the tree ono alo n poituin bug tbon there vvtfre uirei three rorawny lutifiintii geiblilinff oynter hu w one overate inmaolf then there wore two two busby cocker ik scrapping in tin n automobile pastied along leaving but 0111 onn lonoly nxinur recking ala bun company for dinner- mow there are none take notice ieople who have sheeting rafters nod e who have sheeting rafd k fust roing ol protect on wflh rhiv heels al pre wi poft ucnne ill nvroveme or huiidnei for ih lne no use lo el nj buy ihe olb place j worse takr luck nd have talk witb ulberl s iiumr hhrj k r no 1 georgetown sled trusu barm girtgt all k nds of k ian lighten ng proletlion rugated 4 2jtf munidpalily ol esqucs- ing court of revision re assessment a court d revision will be held m the council chamber slewaniown on mamu 18 at 10 o clock a m i leir appeals again be assessment roll of the sjki township for ihe year 1921 euuiciitigjune i2th 1924 j a iracy clerk ulsmni stewarttown expert fence builder bhart rails for bidftla cord years of experience enables me to giva yaubettar vajnaa than nth era prompt service and right prices gates oodar and iron posts al ways id stocli when you want anything id the above line just call j h smith phone 84rl3 stewarttown coal bet d l w on coal in all stzet aho smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins norvej station phone 61 j mortgage sate vrtqiime farm in cojngnacoasy town ship under powers contained in a mortgage made by john j icelly vendor wbitb will be produced al ihe sale tiero will te offered for aale by public itiction on ihe prem sea on wednesday these ood day ol july i9m al lwo by r j kerr auctioneer all thai vlu able farm properly composed of the heal mtof lot 35intbcaixthconceanoa wea of huronlano si m the township of cmnfuacouiy containing one hondred acres mort fr leu and formerly known ihajohn miller rulledga homestead there is s id to be on tint property a iwosloryfrsmrrisjeree containing aur fjomi ahh rood cellar and woodshed also a bam 4su a thrd 2151 a abed 21x50 ashed 20x10 a vik riuttl6 atala driv ing home h2q there is an orchard of one and a hull o a good well and two cisterns lhr aol n clav kvm and over 90 acres it tmdir cuh valion tv pro perty m five miles from georgetown one mils from the terra cotta rail station the properly l be first offer ed subject lo reserve r m and- not sold it w ll be oncrm m two epirrelsofsoacrraearh paric u be announced al ihe rnne cl sale ltuterwhl r il pha joonej to benajd lo ihe vendor it solicitor altbeiimeof aaje snfncirnt to reduce the balaiva tilting- to 500069 with a x day thereafter amftne aaid balance of as000 mas be arranged for on easy terms or paud miaablat inepurchasera opiion poaaaaaioa will be aiven ihe pmrhaaer at ihefxpiralmnoi i he above 30 day fwtbat cowdhloiu and parlmlan of aula may be obtained from ii natufea vendor a sobjlcir frsrz alton ontario whatpureseed means to the agricultural lollege and the farmer seed seteetlun help in kren on yeau ltgv ilimip hl ut sollfcrtllltj htperlnrrnta ulro in- lemtlnn lermlhi beetling altea contributed br ontario 1p afrtculture toronti during the year 192s ihe rleld husbaddry department of ihe on larlo aktlcullural colli go supplied to nearly 2 000 farmers pure whui and other material with inutrucllona and full ldforinallon for cgoiluctlns tenia on their own farms pne hundred and twentyone dis tinct experiments wero couductfd during the aeaaou on the rud hu- bandty area seloctlbn of seed important different elections of aetd or vari ous elasaca of grain halve been care fully tented at tlrti onurlo agrlcul- tural college for from si lo ulna year the aterago rudulta show that even oae years selection of seed brain lias a marked influence on the resulting crop in viry instance the large plump setd gave a greater yield of grain per acre than medium sited small plump shrunken or broken seed in the average of the nil classes of grain the large plumfe surpassed the small plump la yield f grain per acre by 11 per cent and la the average ot the three classes of grain tbe plump seed fav a yield over the shrunken seed ol 10 par cent it should be iderstood that equal numbers of seed were used in this experiment the results through out show that a large plump seed will produce a larger mora vigorous and more productive plant than is pro duced from a small plump or from a shrunken seed department of ex tension ojl college qualph soil pbbtujtx experiments eodowlrur up the soil bisrwj unw pboapbate with whcauw-kx- tbe three demonstration plots that have been started as f olio v up work cn contaectloa with the soil surrey ara now giving interesting reaulta the outstanding feature so far la tha proved beneficial effect of lime and phosphoric acid on the light sandy soil o the norfolk county plot tha increasing amount of decaying or ganic matter is beginning to make it self felt in the improved texture ol the soil and increased crop yields on all three of these experimental plots certain mixtures of fertilisers are living paying results while other mixtures are not lime pboapbate riperlineata wttk wheat the lime phosphate experiments planned to discover the effect of lime lime and aald phosphate and mixed fertilizer on wheat and the succeed ing crop of clover have tdven later- atting results each experiment con sisted of fonr haltacre plots and thasowere laid dowa on three differ ent farms in eight different counties twenty four experiments in all as ihese experiments were started in the fall of 1911 only the wheat cror- been harvested the clover tu we ver shows marked difference in develop ment in the various a ts and inter esting results mifjg expected next season the uistandlna results so far obtabadd is that acid phosphate ncced the yield of wheat in every experiment- the average for tha check plot was 11 1 bushels per acre and the acid phosphate plot 34 31 bushels per acre an increase of a little over go per cent assuming hat the addition or the add phos phate at the rate applied on these ex periments would have given the eaaa results onjeu7 olfajl wheat harvested in ontario in 1111 tbe value of the crop would have been increased by nearly eight mu- iftm dollars at a profit ever the anura cost of the add phosphate el orar four million dollars feperlnteota with fotatoea tho triangle experiments with po tatoes have demonstrated in eratt county where held that lecnmaa may bo used to rather all or nearly all the nitrogen required by the potato crop and that phosphoric acid and petaah in proper proportion may be used to increase both the quantity aad eanl- ity of the crop with profit this work is betas extended t eight additional counties aad is be ing carrted on by the chemistry de partment of the ontario airloultaral college la cooperation with the agri cultural kepreseatatlres dspt of extension o a college qnelph foedmr cwvea it la considered a good praetlea is teaching calves to eat grain lo barta by feeding them a little round eora or sifted ground oata this kind ot feed mar he ftrea for a few days aad then they may be given either whole oats or whole corn or a mixture of equal parts by weight ef toothy this whole grain may be fed to the calves until they are six to eight months of age and then they should be fed ground feed- when a calf reaches eight months ot age it does not chev its grain so well consequently a high percentage of the grain will be if fed whole the theory of ft eight months of age is that they the grain better which stimulates the bow of aaltra if new whsetj which la frequently damp is thoroughly mixed with dry old wheat from the previous year and put into hulk storage for a tew daya experiments show the dry wheat ab sorbs a sufficient amount of moisture from the damp wheat to improve both kinds for milling purposes keeping the animals inactive with good feed is not a klndneaa hard work an tse time with good care la much more so buy k s tires ijooo u any better than your used tires and tabes repaired everything guaranteed to give service f sinclair wo respectfully al cut your tire business fowl wanted lamnymglhe highest price for an kind erf livepotiffry abo beatprice fc ll hds of roet nidea and woov ren denfe next to i shop m freeman shoasasow gssccafcnr running water whenand where you want it on any farm of average size at least ono hour a day 36i ten hour working dayg b year are spent in the irksome wearying task of pumpmg vrater 36j daya which one of my toronto windmills will give you for profitable work rest or recreation besides supplying running water wlierever you want st the one fotknotnc task that of w the windmill in all undb of wlher u overcome in the toronto s0uvr which require fresh llcnlyicea fnctmn and wwerepraditally abolished loronto wmctrnilu too can be made absolutely self reguutuig m operation the toronto tower will stand for a lifetime because itu the heavkst strongest and bestbraced one built for any windmill let roe explain why i believe this ts one of the biggest convenience you can have w j alexander georgetown ilink 1h 11im1 sheep improvement present trend ot progress lo sheep breeding hewer itreeds and littler breeding the down llmtl becoming more popular kelallve blinding for prolificacy tloiitntiulbd by onisrlo department f bucks buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phon 28w tomovies by bailey m garage miyb you wont have amy quarrel iftmeje auto assistants care ivour itl our auto assistants assist you to get along with the summertime you need to be in good health to enjoy the months to come and your car should be well conditioned we are repair men of experience and discretion phone 7 w dominion store ail gkocers most of us have to save i some people are lncky they dont have to aave tts whj a atlllion and more people trade each moat ol us i do however thaf s why a million and more people trade each week at dominion stokes where the savings are steady i at no sacrifice to quality i ifl rar utaia 0oid comfo sunlight 1 an au paig ooap surprise pearl and 10 casule iuu brigqkrs orange marmalade c7- 4lb tin brigobrs orange jjjwjaladk 27c heinz baked beans small 2 for wc heinz baked fa beans medium lrc 24lh bag white qa satin flour 04c ijbrtmhqb baking powder hoice meaty prdnes 2 lbs monarch pickles 35hw son- jfl- mixed or chow uc no 3 tin pure lard sovereign brand sockeye salmon i sovereign brand sockeye salmon ii lb brunswick sardines 4 tins lyles golden syrup 24btia lyles golden syrup 1 lb tin crown syrup 5lb tin 4lb tsr rasp or straw jam 49c 3fc 16c 39c 76c hansen jnnket 2 for 25c in powder or unlet lemonade orangeade powders richmbllo coffee lib tin v richmbllo nl coffee k lb tin ooc mayfield bacon machine sliced hew cheese 23c kippered snacks 4 tins for 25c andhandr3 lor wc fray bbhtos corned beef 07- suceqlb fraybentos corned beef oc- 12os tm wc 16or bottle lunch queen olives 39c i tea special blend 63c richmello 79c select blend 75c golden tip 89c nothing is more dtnpnouiting of less excusable than impalatabletca we pride ourselves on the blend of our teas and invite comparison with the best in tha country either iced or served piping hot it is delightful i let us help yon ptan yonr vacation so that there will be n i incoaxcninices to put op with either at yonr a i or for bubby batching it at hofttc ash your r grocery plan asrci oib the v clamors tor aome- thlng new it undent not in what hphlra our lot in cast the call for the production of dew materials is nlvrajn upon uo and the man who do h not progn nn insps the race per- hiil d many ptoplc still bellovo that thin is room fifr nw brcda of llvt ntufk and that canadian breed t rs and invisllgatora nhould bo bend inj verj mtort to produce them i tjiapb new brtnlii could be pro- dtic j lo meet c rtaln special condl 1ms littt r than the are now mot hut the wrlttr bdlives that greater pn kress for the jood of the live block industry wuild surely follow n pilry nf fiwi r brpids with bettor iriidliir for concent rat tid effort for uniformity in uupul for eon pe- ihi hi in world iaaraits tor most ii milt lo the rurnii r and triatcet sat lfucllon to the couflunur wc already i mt lou iuun brtids in boiiio clauses i i n1 ck trui thpru 1b room for all 11 brci in but l cnutc wt have wide aor akl mid sonnvrhat dlverslllod conditions in ni rason why those irr h should hi trui d over by and hi tr will fp d f ir anything but the uioht unliable hre- ds from the view point ni both producer and market man thi day of keeping a breed 1 ciuhcour llktu bo dictate should b ki- fort vpr and the breed wbat- v r it ih should win its place only throiirti its ability to produce at a ti 111 to tie trtedcr tho highest i jiii i ruduct in di mand by tbe eon inurketn are exert r inuui a thai heiicr llrecdi mintietter kiljiiiik this in mind the prorress b ink mnde in animal breeding is not bo much toward the production of more breeds bul rather toward early maturity and improved type in the br ids i ready in i late nee if we had fewer breeds wt n nld ujske tiiiiii rapid proensa indications are tint cirlnln ln di uiukt rain the neeiidni i and heii mil be those lfl1 nhnt tho pu the f i hi anil lilgli may c jh did tlib corrl dale sheep in nw aland to nil aip rial want hut belter individuals ind strong r clraliih in thi h it brttds we have ih the koal of tin presi nt day bnd r in canada n u zealand wanted a sheep lliat flocked enally they nanltj a blgi r luep than the mir inn with a batir krftdl 01 wool than he i iritoln so tin made i il ml pur duhi br d by en hsihr i me n rams on iltrlno pwib unil imcllcliih care ful stleclion tin production of pt r siaii lumb in canada ih another cbio uhere ctrtaln m llidn are tollowii to produfe a m hji article the wrlttr hdh heard u al a c rtuln well lcuklffofwlnnneof tli lading i nllid stalls c 11 gis is ht pr uci t hun in tin ma k lit of a tail less hn od of ahiep to k t around the tr mble of docklni and by si u etlon it ii b4id prorcu in b in i made tho omm uireibi becoming more so fur an ahiep are concerned biildiii work la pretty largely con fined lo selection in our recognised bneds with the idt a of meeting the market now that market demands the oner and medium grades of woov and thn ilthiy four pound lamb and it would appiar that so far as markets for mutton bhetp are con ceroid ihe down breeds may get lhn lnwldi trick fifty u ier mat jll n namfi carcass ih li s and back thirty six per emt is fronla and t per c nl is flank ve nn jtfter tha bltkint posblbh pircmtag of leg and back wtilch sell for juat twice as much per pound as front quarter and el kht times a much as flank pro krcus la onljfaade b keeping weight and type in mind so far as oetce la concerned ihe oner the quality the bittir li per i mental work in lushing ewen has proved vi ry pi llltubh in increasing prollfleaqy ttelatlve sunellnr foi inllficnrj prom a study of too jtarllngb in each breed mention d th followlnf conclusions are warrant d 1 the niativo standing of the breeds of mutton simp in canada with regard to prolificacy is dorset horn 131 6 increase leicester 154 hampshire 148 suffolk 118 1 lincoln ih 8 shrop shire lt3 6 southdown 1412 cheviot 13b otawold 13b0 kuniney marsh 113 9 s tbe average increase for all breeds of mutton sheep in canada la 144 6 3 the average increase for all long wool breeds of mutton sheep in canada is 138 6 4 the average increase for all medium wool breeds of mutton sheep in canada la 148 wade tools o a college ouelph out we are made for coopcratlon like feet like hands like eyelids like tbe rows of the upper and low te to act agilnit ohe another then is contrary to nature and it ts acting against one another lo be vexed and to turn away the boys are certainly helplngto bring about a better system of farm ing a sow a cow and some hens with a club boy on the job will get the di sired result i believe iq going to the bottom of things and therefore in d ep plowing and enough of it henry ward beech er club work develops the manhood and womanhood ot ths coming canar- farmers we have all lands of farm im plements repairs barness etc also oils and greases jl assl rtassume srim s bgroat georgetown mqkecrowr creamed cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool wool i wool wo wiiul join wool an will puj to invliet iniirkot l for it lllll 11 ul b foil hplllilj georgetown creamery o m saxe manager consider chevrolet put chevrolet to any test yoa will you will find that the powerful rugged motor will meet your most sanguine expectations compare chevrolet from the standpoint of appearance and equipment with any other car at anywhere near chevrolet price consider that chevrolet by every test has proven itself to be the most economical car in the world to operate these are the reasons wjby chev rolet is the worlds fastestselling quality automobile ask us about the gmac deferred payment plan cutis thecourl of revision will ml at the wi hall ou monday the 83rd day otjaaa 1024 8 oaii lo bear anpeah list ihe as- iirl rollol 1924 grwjrioirn june 1 1 i9m r l healh clerk jf fisher king georgetown ontario birschbrnis readytowear tailoring to the ladles of georgetown and vicinity i am placing a moo freab stock or dresses salts cots and skirts in tho kraft slioppe in fbargo ot mi as pmtnj tour patronage solicited i am also doing lajie a tailoring and remodelling at mj re a id en oe i ssstisfmatloii gtusxavnteed phone 251 residence main st north georgetown zttt ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficient service it gfcarslllag kasored i standard anthracrte scranton coal j in all sizes automatically horaened and lioailod j coal j wood select lamp for domeafao anoy throahiug tmrpoaeb 3 smitbidg and qnriel coal in taot icarrv ovoiytljlng to j bo found in any up to date coal hud wood yard john mcdonald phonb 18 georgetown georgetown court of revision re assessment al wright butcher main st georgetown rsmex skssin asswilu coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stooe coal small egg coal large sizedpea coat delivered to any part of the town also coke phone iso f rogers co georgetown woo d for sale we have for immediate delivery a large quantity or both hard and soft wood cut any length it ow lathe tinie to pill fu your fall supply your order bo i lotted terms can be arranged prompt delivery telephone 9915 murray bros cotbt bj ha how about yonr rool tires gas i i and all ford assessories always on hand h a goxe fire insurance j w es1tcdy ccwfckm agant for srnncof the ttrorgesl com panic writing insurance reyou protected main st north formerly browns garage asbestocote goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give nt a trial always in slock a roll line ol harness etc deerinff tind hoqorinlok machinery and repairs for same oils and greases s second hand engines h barnes the import ad cljileadale stajlkm kilwinning jock rill mand at h own atabte ferndale farm lot is vd i ne esoueamr avery momftr thonklaraiid friday pkrliei bringing mares from a distance can ar rarnr lo be met part of the way tina horse is one of the beat breeders and as nig himself a rood stock horse is 15 payable 1st feby 19j6 a arcidect lo mares al owoera risk this is enronrd mepecieil and passed bi neil qiluu asohs praptteun vliaa bscia e m browns garage wmvu general repair shop aslmmsde tctcsmries hfcst rrats um as exist lalterlc charles brown bell phone 90r8 chin 827r88 ai3dvs oodiw i r n d

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