Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 25, 1924, p. 1

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the georgetown herafd 1 ii cymw nlll year op public w iois gteorgetown wednesday evening- june 25th 1921 1 go per annum in advi i 2 00 to 0 8 the georgetown herald j u hoore pnblihor unit proprietor htimher nadinii weekly nn- papsr annotation ioim raht jnsm lici iusaongoi liaahlnger mail iluthcimci pas ben go r snndnj qojnu wpbp pan render mml passenger passenger passenger pause n- go r mini passenger bunday going nouth mem i mail 10 lb i n 212 hi 4 co ii t b 02 in 7 09 pi h 25 n 100 j h i 8 00 u u going south tgrmta itkirui rallwm fastikhjnd t shjoum hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 200 60 watt lamps 4 for 100 guaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed 5 years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 orders taken for ranges and appliances of all town hall daily c32rl u 02 u ii j 102 n i 02 i i 5 02 p u h 02 p n 1102 ii bunda only daily h 21 u tn 1 20 om i 20 i ril g 20 i m 7 41 mii 1 20 in j4 8 02 pu i 02 l it 9 02 p ii vi hhioumj 1 1 20 u in i 20 p in b 20 p ui j 20 i m di bhilton wallbridge dale barntr solictor eu 1 oronlo 4nd uoorf elown hiiro kennedy llloclt le roy dalo in nbar- ol ooorio n otdca ope h o meib ilarriklcr solictor 1 lr oftae m 11 st ceorguowr hour 9nnilosp m n welncsday nnil salunl iy eve db t n marcellus physician rid 8upon mod i cm i offlter or health oince houra l to 4 mil llolp m prion sb omen ind raaldance main street south opposite preabvtenan cliurch dr c f w ross i hyi emu ai il iuicon m 11 sire 1 tborloii 1 ho e house sur grace llusp toronto 22 ou can stand r this mfashboaw our smp pearl ware wash board is so strong tough and durable that a fullgrown man or woman can stand on it without doing the rubbing surface or any rt part of it the least harm the enameled sur face wont chip flake or peel off think of the wear there is in such a wash board there is the same wearing qualities in all articles in shp pearl ware try out the wash board and be convinced jfsk for smp mpl peari ware seventh or itn del n with tkc c bofmpall in vancouver and victoria s completion in 1886 of the canadian pacific rail way a project that had received the moral and finan aal support of the bank of montreal cast a bright ray of promise across the then somewhat troubled eco nomic life of canada canada at last was spanned by rail from coast to coast opening up for profitable development the femle tern tory lying between the bant of montreal signalized the completion of the line by establish ing a branch at vancouver and later at victoria thus complrting its transco chain of branches and bringing to the paafic coast banking faahues essential to the successful development of tlie great economic potentialities there of its 567 branches are situated in the province of british columbia bank of montreal established over ioo years total assets in excess of 650 ooo 00a tobacco and confectionery store dr c v wllliahs i liysuun ami bunjtmi oflice aid res uvnie omen soulh phone o llol loan i 3 mi i 6- od by appoint men f r watson d u s m d 8 0antsa offlm hourn- 9 t s eioept thursday afternoon f l heath ld8 o d s a m nielsen d o chiropractic omce aad x-rj- lafcoratary palatal- graduate 10 yra axperalaim office in bailey block cut 1ir in j n onedli conanluuod and spinal anilyau prn atofficc offiffihrnirs wcdntd and sal urdaya 11 to 12 a m 2 10 5 p tn aj d 7lc 9pm other hour bj appointment phonk office 150 w and kea dence 21 benj petch lloeiwod auctioneer for liallon an pool qlanwllllattu pom oftic dale conduct oil mllafaetorily and at re aonable rata order lott at th oaorielown herald mrca will rocetv prompt attantloo ia tract clerk townah p ol hsquc ay clerk 3rd div not court the leading f re and lilc i i r co rep resent ed issuer o klarnae 1 ifcnsc stewamnwn ont e f bowman o l s bjkso ahxlc land inrvorlaf aad enctdhrlnc 10 douqlab st quelph uccejifm- la ihe ltc d anivei ols teleplinue 1064 a burom tbai asd caarlaasu toronto from now until september 2ml when ourfftll term ojionb sun enor inritruotion in nlldejart moats hntcr am timr wxju fof catftlofloo mf 4 elliott prloelpj brampton business institute day sdml nlghl school inane iltnimi slinrl ti d touch 1vtiiliiik btintne fan oflleo srtriirh pilinr spollldf hookleepinfi arithmotu ivnmnnbiufir commercial law rnpitl cnliulfttinn ludlvldul tntruon h to ramkin fng pbom 551 andersooblfwl gm en l box 612 our everyday special our assortment of high class chocolates cant be beat at 30o per lb your choice of any make of chocolate bars 6 for 25o h druks main st georgetown money invested takes no vacation invest sow in lilgh grade bonds yielding 5 lo 6 per cenl cor respoadeace given careful and prompt atleatloo insuramt h r mimms pbobc 1i4w investheirr brantford the brantfont selfoiling windmni has tae btrongest windmill tower in the world galvanized steel girded every five feet and double braced this tower will stand up in the severest galea sdroffing the sronrbrrnrcdibttenbonbut once a year tumi on roller bcaringi and u equipped with double gear runmatk in 01l these two fen tore make posaable the dn vine of the brant font m wct little wind arid arc the means of keeping the bibntford in constant service many brantfordq are atllljn uc after 25 ycara of errtee there b no upkeep tott cooneeted with brant ford windmill power you set years of power service from your initallatjon outlay wrfafa ottrret apru gleln fult perliadar tttal oorxll shwut oiitjir co umirrf mlws0 srv the brontforf u sold by s ec groat georgetown better pastry flour i f bolter pastry flour wore procurable wo would not nuk you to buj lxooltuor britrnl simply bcoauae it id nuulo at borne hut whon tjunhty is better untl pnpe compurob fnorib1y witli otli or brnndb why beaitato to try tlnu made in actoo brand uxl cfclslor everyday yon pat ostrytni zoelsior flonr yonars miaslna a treat excelsiov pastry flour can be secured at i your dealer in georgetown glenwilliaib stewarttown ballinafad limehouse d h lindsay hill street acton ontario for sale 6 room bunfialow oa victoria street nicely derorotod tbrourbout prico 12500 7 room frame house on diaries all ronvpnionces nico lawn ranme good garden and fruit trees pnro 13200 6 roomed frame bouao and 2 lots near cunting mills price s20o easy terms a numbor of beautiful brick houaoa at low prices 6 teres of land sovon room rouith cast house burn bon hoiibo price s1800 beautiful sovon roomibnch houno on guclph st all convomoiices uarako price tbooo six room brick houno near the iiirii school newly decorated throughout two fireplaces all roneniencen price t5800 also a number of chdite one hundred and mo buudred acre farms for particulars apply to e a benham real estate agent phone 164 do it now lodaj in the day that yoor tanks should bo done l lio day tli at god s riven toou you re liunr right now and this is iho one lo do what ou ro roinr to do ibis setond this uiiuuu is all that you ve rat tho future s a cbunt anyhow the past with itu ahadowb tlii sooner forgot tbo bettcrho do it right now yon d amber your days from the da ou wero born and count tliem with sighing and tcarb rut real lj my friend your born ov ry morn in bjiito of tho calendar yoara liuh day you start life with a view point that now the lasffs a uream that baa fled cannot go back to the joti that was you in days that are llnished and dead nor can you go forward one daj in advance and gltmpso what tho may bold you can t change the future one circumstance lxoopt as the minutes unfold to day is the day that your task a should be done so live that you never sboajd feaj what b going to happen witli each riaior ann neit week or next month or next year james edward hungorfow the professional man the salesman who carries samples the contrac tor the business man the ladies who drive in fact anyone who requires the means for personal transportation will favor this new 4passenger master four coupe the rugged efficiency of the mclatigh- hnbuick master four valve- in liead motor and chassis insures a day in and day out service the jfaiohne milearc is very hjgh upkecp is extrttnely low yet in appear ance and performance thu car is typriily mclaushlin buicjc four wheel brakes as- surtbaiety prevent ukuidiiib provide quicker negotiation of congested traffic a nhort turning r idiin fnrililaten eai parking allhough ideally uitl fr wifhinal trnniportation the car has ample r m tor tiui ipncc for nrrrakl parcels and for 1ueij i provide b a coinpart ment iimnedtatclv ui n lie driver and a larger lompartment in ihe r r of he body aak tra about tho ti1 a t deferred iajment plan cui fisher king georgestown ontario hxsnrjsehir id the early days georgetown june 18th 1924 editor herald we will now make for balhnafad up the 7f b iidq and at the top nf tbojbill tbera stands mrs dean ready to open the toll gate if you have tho price yes there is jas john and tbos price all good pioneers now we go a little out of our way e of a real highland we come from jas snaw john law bod root watson john mann peter mann hugrv and alex mann john gordon simon mc dean the mcdonaldaand the- war rens john robt and james thi id a lot more of tho bame cli when we got to balhnafad bow i wish i could remember all thei names however if i cannot do so something still re main a that i my recollection of how faithful tbey were to tbeir church and ita service sixty years ago i won boy in tbo stare of c i symi in acton and can boar testimony to the fact that those who came to hear the late rev laoblan cameron preach in their native tongue the gaelic were the flrat to arrive and the last to leave the english service was hold from 11 to i p m or often longi minuteu mtermibbiontbenthe galic until 8 they came from caledon erin eequesing and nai eagaweya duncan mcdonald of balhnafad was the presenter in vhe uriel lo for many years i will now torn my thoughts to balhnafad and its neighborhood i am indebted to geo b 8ayer9 of this place for the use of a book written by rev joe h hilts en titled experience of a backwoods preach ev and from it i will draw quite freely ho was born in 1810 of u e loyalist stock in 1822 bis father settled on lot 82 con 9 esquesing and this is the kind of a house they bad to live in ip thu lj days in 1821 his father cleared about an acre put up a og shant made a bark roof stick cbimnoy hewed logs for thi floor and a door made of split cedar and in this the lived for several yearb not long after tho j got settlod they had a visil from a pack of wolves and the bowling they made was terrifying his father being a blacksmith by trade along with his tools brought injipand when tbe wolves at it good and strong bis father decided to give them a enr pneo tbey heard a noise they bad never beard before even land er than theirs when the anvil iafc waa charged wil went off then off thej went bnt ill to return later and carry off pigs calves and e 1820 two brothers nathaniel and george robmi 0 e l stock to this sectiod george did not like it so sold hia 100 acres to nathaniel who stayed and was one of tbe first aettlers m erin township on lot 1 oon 7 to get there was a bard task tbeyliad to it their way in from georgetown nod the difficulties of the trip can be judgod by the fact that the pfttrr they cut to their location lea tbey brongbt horses but found that tbey were useless were the things bo the sent them book eld rich roseel came to erin township in 1h21 settled on lot 2 con 7 benjamin roseel was the flrat white child born in wellington count in 1821 on lot 1 con 6 about 4 after tho founding of tbe settlement the settlers decided to pot up a log building tor tbe pur poie cf a school and meeting tbe met and laid plans tbe were tbeir own architects and engineers and in a few days a lilt e houso was ready for use on the corner of nathan roszeulot here dalhtiafftd now stands the fame roan ge a bun i rig ground for a church and par mge aiid a temperance hall tho first teacher was oaited pro feasor pitcher a big fat man with fi bald bead a favorite place for tho flies when he went to sleep lie taught tha a b c spelling muling and tbo first lessons fn writiog that was all no wood htlhnafnd turned out many men of mink amongst them tbo pros- t nt m tyor of loronto tbo re mi ifillhwusaum 1 methodist prciuhir in the tarlydays and i llnd llmtuilh all the diillt ultieb and trialit to fo in anew coun try and tbi were many be hied a groat place and enjojod many of tbe amusing incidents 1 will give jou a samplo of tbo different ex penencea and that will gno a better idea thn i oould thrown into a mud bole tho llrat joar i appointment on tbo mtb lino at tbe home of john tailor on sunday afternoon i was on my nay there wnen i niot with a mis hap that might have been hcmoub but it turned out more amusing than aad there was a piece of woods to go through and in the woods was a deep mud bolo ray bordo was one that would never go on a walk either in harness or udder the saddle he had un in a circus ring for three or four ears which i suppose was ths reason of bis objecting to walk well i waa going through this piece of buab my horse trotting along under tho saddlo and i aiag ing jesus my all to heaven bos gone tho way i bo delightful hal leluiuh all of a uudden my- horbo got his feet tangled up in some way and fell right into the middle of the mud when i came to realize the condition of tbingi 1 found myself lying just in front of tho horse and on my back in tbe mire tho horse made off i gathered myself up as quick aa 1 could and ran after him soon i saw him running back to me when he reached me he camo and placed his ohm on my shoulder a thing he often did in the field when i took n look at myself i could net refrain from laughing at the figure i presented such a specimen of ol erica i humanity clad in a mixture of mud and broad cloth booted with a combination of black mud and leather and bat ted witb an old time beaver all covered with mud and decayed foliage i went along tdl i came tn a creek whore i waded in and washed as much off as 1 oonld then a mile further to tho ap pointmeot about half an hour late i surprised the audience made explanation and wont on with the service l grant continued next week warning id farmers tho following article- hoa been handed to ne by deputy fire marshall c h cowan or toronto tbo haying season is rapidly ap proaching and farmers will soon bo gat hen ng the season s bay crop into their barns many farmers atul are no b hovers in spontaneous combustion but tho number of converts is in oreasipg 800 barn flrea i investi gated during tbo post 8 years a large proportion were found to bo caused by overheated hay and un disputed proof was obtained hay after cuttingdown contin a to breathe for id days dur tng that time a heavy sweat is go ing 90 as it oureb or passes from grass into bay in tho barn fires mentioned above it wap proven conclnuvely that in every case of com bastion the hay had only been out in the field after cutting from one to three or four days before bauiinr into tbe barn that it had not been cooked up or if so only for a day or so heavy clovers that are cut early and when tbo weather is not too good generally and when tbo ground is still damp call for care ful curing if tho farmer desires to be snfe when his crop is boused this can best be obtained by cooking up covering and sweating the hay be fort hauling in b well levelling each load 10 the mow and also salting liberally farmers who still feel they can lot dispense with the hay loader levelled an i very liberally salted as these two latter helps will make crop much safer he tu ab- solotoly safe from combustion however when the cockinn up of the bay is resorted to seasons ma require bay to stay up in the cock 11 dnjs and in nnj ncann hny should be k till sweat has been completed and the tin in drj spontaneous combustion ne takes place in ba that has cc pleteri its swi 11l unless it gets v a drip in t farmers should nlso ho mi reful nf their barn roofs s lee lbtm frtr from leaks er a thousand barns are bn ontario each j oar 1anj of those wore burned tul took a largo n 11 m lie r of these i ere burned by spontaneous com bustinn and thin has been undis putably proven no matter bow qrmlj some farmers believe it can ugtbe it matters not it is a fact itbobotoh tho farmer to heed this warning and be more careful in tbe curing of thoir bay crepa hici in idle can be of so man valuable barnb perishing rncb rnr with produce and live stock far mors are hiirrlj alread col vtneed that insurance com iinies arc breaking down with tins execs loss among farm rs the time may come when insurance companies will refuse to pa a claim if the bit ha caused tbe notes and commenls fftt typfb or vandalibu arouse deeper resontmont than tho wilful destruction of birds and the efforts to attract thorn about one s home premises bird houses are more than an ornament the effort and expense in their jn an n factum and erection is amply repaid by the attraction they form for the annual congregation of birds which bring with them tho sunshine of life none but tho utterly de praved or yogtbtol ignorant would think of deliberately destroying sc birds or their tiny houses bdsinfhh ih good one could not help bat notice this ilogan wbicn waa pasted on prao ticallyvrary uuftideua place id tor onto this is an excellent idea as it becomes a by word with every u tendency to create a better hnsiness spirit throughout tbo town and conn try wonder ful how a saying grows bn tho peoplo how much better it is to have tbo slogan of business is rood than to have one business is poor wb cb going from one to another will boon effent business a man may patronise the mail order houses for years may send tbem in that time hundreds or dollars and at tbe same time they wouldn t accommodate him for a two cent stamp this isthe plain unvarnished trncb if you think otherwise try it for yourself and boo these out of town booses do ont know yon do not care to know you are not interested in j ou in any way only in the mono you send them spend your money with your own towns men who know yon for what you really are who appreciate your worth jour business your assist ance in building up borne interests hlqli towfhkd m0t0b cae8 dances theatres cab are tb liquor and tho other innumerable factors that play a part in tbff regular life of many of our young people today have set such a hectic pace that l the ji omon nervous eyntem tan t equal to it it results in complete fatigue which prevents the natural elimination of the toxins of the body resulting in goitre declared dr g n newell before the amer ican medical conference in chica go list week he claimed over- half the girls m the middle west were afflicted with goitre entirely due to tbe nerveracking excite ment of present day pleasures girls who are inclined to ac cept invitations from strangers or casual acquaintances should tao warning from the harrowing ex pen on ooa of two young ladies onu exting recently in another ontar io town tbe driver was real nice to the girls nntil a distance of some miles was made thiit hftmfnti ti nla conduct be prudent so nice camo most offensive as the girls bad been to be picked up on tho street and allow them bglvos to bo carried where tbe dn ver pleased they were not prepar ed for what followed indignantly tbey refused the advances mado and were told by tho salacious mo torist tbey could walk back to town this they proceeded to do and were fortunately pickod up b a decent man who seeing their plight invited them to ride to their homes with him there are men and men and girls with sense can usually tell one from the other wisdom discretion and sound com man sense should constantly be observed by all girls when ap p roach ed by at ran go men young or old with automobiles it ua9nowcouk to pass that man who supplied tho rib to give woman her being hue got to wait turn in the barber shop with tha fair sex to oilmen us have the bobbies become it wasnt so ver man moons agu that a girl considered il immodgt to enter a shop but not now no ei for if 1 joks astrtbe bobbed head lins ronw to stay and girls most keep it mimed braids death knell for tbe hairpin in dustry thin new modb of wearing tho locks which thetrirlg have fallen for and keep fivling tpr in larger numbers each dnljias irhfi tho crope on anotbjiman s 0 remaining piivjtrr walk into tho barber shovon a saturda niht now and fii will find nne or more girls wating for a trim while tho barb r wreathed in armies is workicg over a fcminmo hpaj take a squint at tho waiting gent is ho smiling not aa jou can notice and it is bound to get worse er soon tho barber will bo negloctinr his rarors and giving ins attention to poiisl inu up the electric curling irons uti arrang ing the perfume imillcv shortl mtb a sign no sniokiih illtmed and s other one rennmlxr tho ladies be eoitru tins whidi will moan for us otiriish when it comoa to our lu n lo climb onto the up holster and we will be obliged to m after jou in dear henri iu it ma jet become as ser ntis ns- that it is sure provoking fler having tbe barber so long to uiwkps hut we must bb tho dtar girls do look more come- i and it rn themsehes that know so the barber keeps oavfaob bing and we will kceponv altnrg i am nan prepared to sing at garden parties or church con certs 1 nc reasonable appl to s gihuj limebouae ont at

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