Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 25, 1924, p. 3

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the geohuetown hkbaiu junk 26th vjti i shaving requisites 8 id our window tins wtiok aro featured n few aids and ac cennorios that no fir toward inoieiiinh tli spaed uud oatn foil of the morning shiivo 3j for n limited tnuo only e uil fiw u complete ever ffljteady shi1 rasior frke with mory 40c pitekil of ever h ready bladen 3 hood valuos in simvmk soups hi tithes strops lotion- m and creams n razor abides rosharponod satisfaction kiiurutileed for ronl loot comfort try jungs arch braces wo have thorn it stnnk djmatthew i drugs mi stationery aiftjxp loeal news hems tbis was court day dominion day tuesday garden party lit noivili to night blue bird marshmallow at blacks please dont throw papers on the streets leper mission tea at public library on saturday a now silent policeman in bad ly needed at tbo corner of main and mill ate garden party under au unices methodist churrh tort a cotta jnlyslb watch for tull pnrttcu lars tieit issue the board of arbitrators cleave vs the town of georker town held session in tho council chamber on monday tuesday and wednesday some blankots stolon from a pullman car at georgetown station a couple of weeks ago were recov- eredliy chief jackson the tame af ternoon in the old evaporator tbp remains of tbo late mrs wm grant a formor resident of georgetown who passed away at st marys wore interred in green wood cemotory georgetown on sunday a tea and sale of homo mode baking under tho auspices of the loner mission wilt be held at the public library on saturday june 28th from 4 to 0 oclock good program lb taked a mighty drive to got over the rough at the dogs log on the golf course and one of our heavy weight enthusiasts rent more than the air in bis effort one evening tbis week the annual meeting of tbo hal ton progressive association will be bold in the princess theatre milton on fiiday june 27th instead of the 2ath as an nounced last week the georgetown womens in- atituto will hold their regular electing in the form of a piooiaat millers corners on july 2nd dont forget and each one bring their pionio basket thursday afternoon is a boli- 6ay spend it at elmgrove dairy you are cordially invited to come and inspect our bottlo washing and sterilising process see for yourself just what care is taken with the milk we handle it plants for sale tomatoes ripenall and largo red cauli flower flemish beauty now and snowball celery and all varieties of cabbage plant at w h god frays goolph st reduced prices on cabbage plants in large qoiw- tities 8tp thbtenois club beld a suo cestui dance in ifae assembly room at the arena last friday excellent music was furnished by mr jock thompson and a pianiqte from toronto delicious refresh meats were served an 3 everybody bad a good time see our stock of harness both bin file and double harness parti collars and everything found in a good harness shop at reasonable prices many thanks for your loyal support of georgetowns new harness shop 13 latimer in the wihongbby-blockt- s-afrtttp- esquesing womens institute will hold a community picnic on july 1st on mr harry lawsons flats stewarttown ever y o n o welcome come and bring basket plate cup and a noon junior ball game ab 8 pm races at 8 80 there will be a bootb on the grounds it if a man spoke to bis wife on ly once a month or every two months she wouldnt recognize hi voice bays an exchange yet some business men advertise once month or every tw0 months and then wsnder why tbey dnnt get more business advertiso every week remember tho fisid key aiways bright the store that tells the public what it is doing every day in tbe store that gpts there in tbe end we had the best day last sat nrday we have had in somo time no wonder we are selling better boots and at lower prices so it is tip bo the farmers to help us to keep down tho big profile and i will seo that you get good value also get your repairing when you want it at the very lowest prices before i came to town yun hod to pay 6 tor boots that you can boy from me for 850 i toon cut down tbo qreb to 860 what business has every tom dick and henry selling boots it m for tbe big profit only we learned the shoe business and can mivke and court of ravlaio tho council met as a cnuit of revision on monday and tuesday cvemnkh but were unable to dis pone of nn the appeals and ad journed to thursday evening we hope to publish tbe list of appeals next issue should hbvd dnugsr sign a motorist bad a narrow escape one duy last neck when coming paper mill hill and he and his car came within a foot or two of going over the bank river the danger sign that quite prominent at the top of hill sumo time ago has his- appeared and strangerb are not arc of what they are approach- j will tho piopor parties kindly seo that tho danger sign is replaced with a view to avoiding accidents it w ford night there was a largo gathering at the ford open air moving pioture entertainment hpd on the lot ad jacent to h a coxes garage main street north on wednesday ovon ing last the oddfellows band beaded a procession of tbe latest in ford cars up main st aud aftor wards rendered sevoral ilcctions during tbe entertain ment tbe pictures of the large ford plants in operation were quite interesting and instructive as wero also tbe ottier reels shown mr coxe reports tbe ford more popular than ever tbis your and lales increasing oaafbliowahnd elot offloar at a well attended meeting or handstnen held in the arena on iday evening the following ofllcers wero oleoted probideotw marshall vice pres a tost secy troas t bason librarian j carter property men h naland c brand ford engagements and entertain ments b thompson and c cole assistant bandmaster r h bompbod great interest is manifest by tho iargcnumber that turn out for ibersala and there ia oveiy pros pect of having a first class band in the near future annfverwry aod preaaatatloa on tuesday june 18th a sur prize parbv of about twenty from toronto and georgetown gathered at the homo of mr and mrs w greens word to celebrate with them their twentieth wedding anniver sary an address was read and mrs greonsword were presented with a beautiful french china vabo aftor which tbo ovon- was spent in music and games until midninht wben a dainty luooh was served aftor singing auld lang syne and wishing the happy ooupleraanv happy returns of the day all departed for borne feeling tbey had spent a very en joyable evening mr and mrs greonsword motored to stratford to speud tbe wcok end with friend with whom they had spent theii honeymoon twenty years ago iuz thutn wed need ay june 26 disraeli starring george arliss a famoni play depicting international in trigue and the conflict of brilliant a struggle for an empire chapter 14 of tho haunted val ley comedy creation the gown shop with la sei friday june 37 tbo gi starring duetin farnnm comedy when wise ducks meet foi news educational reel johnnys swprd fish saturday lune 28 a royal jjivorcc a british made film the story of napoleon bonaparte told in one of the best pictures comedy creation buby buddies tuesday july 1 where the north bgins with riotin tin the police dog in a hoarl stirring stoiy of the frozen north com edj creation lodge night with our ging comma- tom mb it north of ie ynk repair boots that other scitei irnow nothing about hut they do know the high profit alright we can undersell any store in ontario bar done- white boots fioe to 76c a pair j- roner georgetown help the lepor minsion maki 50 at their fiftieth anniversary lea in the public library od sat urday afternoon if you do you part with others micron is assured n worthy cause a card received by tbe he from dr mcandrew dated at palermo sioily states that he well enjoying life and returning to pans in a few days ho be in london this month ant peels 1 1 no a lot of canadian the big exhibition in referring to a hall game between the kioehlors and whyte paking co in brand ford hlatwoek the fiipositdrbas tbo botch ers trotted oivt a new pitcher in cole an employee ot the local bank or moolreal whoesb bvertin tbe city since the early spring an he turned in n neat appear- anic fie walked but ons and struck out seven of the bats men who faced him personals mi lloaf biubni of toronto was uiitpr in town inst week mi john bingbam of htavii ih biting nl mr wm bingbaiiin mr fred edwards spent the oek end at bis home in palmer dr ald mrs ii reed of iuelpb wero visitors in town during the week mrs w r wfitron spent the woek end with rolatnein in wul land miss charlotte spoihsman of proston ie visiting mrs j m buck friiaer of toronto wat i m roe tlx 1th ber ion mr bitor at mrs t kdn spent tuesday fred edwards m paddon and mr arthur 1addon of toronto bperjt saturday ith fi lends in town dr whittaker of edmonton wbb lie guest of mr and mrs d l omervillc last saturday mr harold currio of toronto ionl tho week ond with bis par- nts mr and mrql d currio mr robert sinclair of rainy iver an old acton boy made tbo uoi aid a pleasant call one day last reek mr and mrs ernest a cum- nings and son douglas of temis kamiug quo are vihiting relates town mr and mrs brock barber and mrs r b bitrber of port credit guests of friends in town on h j 0 hut ton of kingston mrs snelling of hamilton were visitors nt mrs moleods last week vliss tholma henry of toronto spending ber holidays at tbe wo of ber parents mr and mrs g a henry mr angus grant and mr james d grant of maxville glengarry wore guests of mr and mrs w v grant during tbe past week mrs robert hickey and miss ickey georgetown and miss macnamara of detroit left last thursday on a trip to england and france id mrs james thompson and son norman motored from three rivors que and visited at tbo home of mr and mrs n bell during tbe past weok mr and mrs f m richardson d mr leonard ferguson of tor onto wore guests of mi ind mrs john miller of millers corners during the past week and mrs claronco wiggins of brampton and mr and mrs james mitchell of weston spent tuesday and wednesday of last week with dr and mrs neilsen mr and mis allan feller and family left last wdelrror pittsburg here they will make their home fhoir many friends here wish them health and prosperity in their new home mr and mrs francis binnie of ballinafad announce tbe engage- 4nent of their daughter jean bin- to mr harvey willson tbe marriage to take place the latter part of judo t hi b mccullougti pub lishor and proprietor of tbo wey burn review 8 ask accompanied by mrs mrcullougb spent he week end with mr and mrs w a wilson mr and mrs n bell and fam ily mr and mrs james thomp son and family mr and mrs mil ton young and family and mr nnd rs j davey aniljamuy motored to paris and st george on sunday and visited relatives mr w h brennan of hamil ton a pupil of mr eroebt martin sang solos morning and evening in knox church last sunday which much appreciated he was a guest at tbe home of mr and mrs l e fleck over the week glenwilliams there was a largo attendance at the garden party nndor tho aub pices of the methodist church beld orr the church lawn here last friday evening only half of an excellent program bad beee render- a heavy thunder storm broko up the gathering those wfau took part in the programme were mns martha marehroent pianist quartette composed mrs black miss harrison mr dilly and mr black walter ed wards comedian jack thompson violinist and wm gowdy tenor tbe refreshment booths were be ing well patronieod and overy one appeared to be having an enjoy able time when the stormbroke ulhtfrrihw frularthm ebi defies rust there one big point about toronto stable equip ment which mke me pec- ully proud to 11 it iti the fact that the galvuiii- ing thoroughly coven and completely ooiti both the irojae and the outxide of the tee tubing with pure zinc tpelter tnihot procett makei it absolutely nuti defying and proof againlt strong table acids for the maximum period urn k mitj nimble fcaturc utmemufanmj of the aaaj other or ftt mom of tin inter- bung tccvnto literature w j alexander georgetown r campbell of tor ipent sunday at ml juki misb b james unl marion fi tine siwnt last weekond at llai i ton mrs joseph allen we are pteatt- id to learn is ntili imnroving miss muriel sabli mrs w vance and mr j jameson called n glen friends sunday in an exhibition game of 1 no rosso in monday evnning at inglewood ibn glen won by 2 goals to 1 patriotic sunday scbool servire the methodist church sundaj night erwingomhams meat market special for this weekend 20 lb pail pnro lan 3j choice pe meal ilw ka wc- smoked roll c nice lean side pork 15c hriacuit boil be virginia baked lum t squaro pressed boiled 11am 50c picoio hams to g lbj lbc frer3b killed spuing lamfl at lowest pricks quick delivery guaranteed no 1 the annual meeting of the u align progressive association will be held in tbe princess theatre milton on friday alter- it juno 27tbat 2b0 pn alfred spoakmari mp of red deer alberta will be the speaker main street georgetown rybody welcome the last word in motor car value the selling price of any automobile is based on the cost of material pro duction distribution and overhead large volume of sales s greatly re duces all these costs chevrolet now occupies first place in sales of fully equipped quality auto mobiles therefore it has been possible for chevrolet to establish the lowest price in the world for a quality automobile also chevrolet is the lowest of any car in cost of operation seeing is believing see the superior models in our showroom ask us about mr gmac dderml pijmcmt pf fisher king georgetown t333r4333ttt bargain days friday saturday june 27 and 28 -at- ye kraft shoi a group of smart hats exclusive styles regular 500 to 700 for 345 a good assortment of hats including some new york models regular 750 to 1000 for 545 a few hats for the children in light and dark colors for 219 a wonderful selection of summer hats in leghorn milan and novelty straws also sport hats in straws georgettes and felts prices ranging from 450 to 1000 m ji finlay phone 203 old boys reunion june 27 to july 1st 1924 satubdayathletiojsports and ball gams gar den party d s cowan and ml bntt mohsataist highlander battaiion400 men3 band ceremonial parade and trooping of col ors grand military tattoo 5 bands fireworks and midway tuesday big calithnmpiam parade and trades prooeuion horseraces masquerade danee on pavement thursday holiday store will be closed on thursdays during june july and- august wednesday bargain day during the holiday every wednes- day will be bargain day come and see our special prices they will interest you h mcbeanco georgetown milton grandyi r imperial jelly powder 3 for jello and nu jell per pkg jelly powder in glaoa2 lor seeded or seedless raisins per ng seedless raisins in bulk 2 lbs a kellora bran flakes 2 pk 10 cakes p dsg soap 750 star amm6nia 8 pkgs 25c rtnao 8 pkgs 2 pearl i no 8 pkgb 26 lai 2 pkgs 2fio bensons corn starch 2 for 25c silver gloaa starob 2 for 25c lynn valley corn 8 tins 85o atlas brand ripe poas 2 tins 26c york 00 frankfort brand corn per tin 16c york 00 aylmer tomatoes e a m grandy 1 phone t6 hi satfejmb suniltei fran f i ays be relied onaa beinr frrsh moirs cresctait chocolatca rec- 60c per lb for- weekend chocolates belter than ever n-ji- j0c 8 royal family mix tun- pur lb fresh routed pcanuut reff 30r per lb for wonderful assortment of nut and cream bars 6 for yes wr have ice cream sandwiches aosk korner kandy j f j deversi proprietor bargains in used cars 1918 big six studeoaker touring lighl ford truck i baby grand chevrolet touring newly painted 1922 chevrolet coupe late 1922 dodge touring newly painted lute model studebaker big six touring bargain j n oneill son

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