Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 25, 1924, p. 4

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1h okllhhrmun llhlla 1 jt nc t 1 vkan pe qsk wtielednunvo ronin cuds je nloudh a black all yo mlly nipanin never posh ent hnck troubled may ba camjn coram in ft heap jtw yo keep ahutnmin llu i joursolf to sloop wi111l it da uso a grumblin when je rroii a j is wet thunder ran bo rui iblio don yo notor fret storms ii soon be aor flowers bloom n loo crops ii be in ol r when do sun doon nil no what 3 de nae o nhout i jettm bart o mini ttttbuu dnt sot jou i u ilin mat id ottipihind wbuldn i t bo ion 1 tell me wiuare ind tr o et do world una only made for me an yoa v sfacmti when be drat oatne to see hor he sbowod a timid heart and wbedthejights wera tow they b t far apart but when fto love grew warmer and tearnod toijoy of a kiss they knocked oat all the spaces andjatapotoielikethia eichaogf tae notice people who have aheeuni rafters good fraieeivraei goeg pfcecth kh frarrapijl corniest sheets al pnu price o- place worse take tuck and have a talk mb trttbert s ncla r iovj r r no 1 georgetown siecl trossa bams garage all xi lightening prthecit i j h smith stewarttown expert fence builder tjjfdlaw avsftilbmb aodsusm coal pacing farm butter the best wy to store butter for home use leep the cnsuu tw leo how to pastonrtw iho rr th beat siorlmt una usm in caring alrala wscltig time art u lurs toronto wo avo all heard the expression t u tint i uon too good tbls lip lea especially id butler tor stor u so says miss bella millar of tbe u tarlo agricultural college it la necessary to put away the very beat a no butter improve in storage keep tho cream ueu clean the can in which the cream ja col lected abould be dean and rree from rust jxbi cream should be good flavored and should be churned a west or with tory little souring a aream with blf h amdlty will not mats a long keeping butter aa pasteurised cream butter wjjl heep much better than raw cream butter it would pay to so to the extra trouble of pasteurising the cream when the butter is going to be held lor some time bow to pasteurise to pasteurise place the can or cream in a larger vessel containing hot water stir the cream gently until the temperature cornea up to 170 t hold it at that temperature tor at least ten minutes then cool it quickly to a low temperature hold it cold lor a tew hour before churn log it chum at a temperature low enough to bring the butter la nios arm granules avoid overchurnlng wash the butter twice and aalt in the usual way work the butter a little to mix in the salt then let it stand in a suitable plate tor a tew hours before iff the working have the butter or such brmaeaa that it will stand sufficient working the salt will be evenly dlatrt- bjitedly nd that it will be done la body and not show water pockets the beat storing packages as butter keep best in largo pack aces crocks tube and boxes ara osed the crocks should be in good condi tion tree from breaks in the glaslug and sbottld be well scalded before using tubs and boxes should be coated with parsfflne wax and lined with heavy parchment paper put the butter in in small places pack solidly using a butter packer or a wooden potato masher pack each piece ty working from the en tre outward ponnd well around the edges and in the camera w u la avoid having holes when the boxis ailed level off the p and fold the ends of the paper er u a tub or crock la used plaoe circle of parchment paper on top llako a paste by moistening some salt with a little cold water and srpead an even layer over the top of the package then fasten down the lid further facklnc and searing htnta if using crocks it wtflbevneoeaaary to cover the lid with two or three ply of clean wrapping paper and tie lb securely butter to keep mast bs protected from air light and heat so after the packages have been made secure they must be placed in a dean oool dark place the temperature should fee low and even butter made in september is not subjected to heat like the jane butter those wbo make butter la june for holding and hare not a good place for keeping 1l would aadlt to their advantage to plaoe it la a old storage u there is one in the vicinity the saving in duality would mors than pay the storage fees depart ment ofsxtenalon o a college ouelpa rfltr1ini5elsttri tjsat3sivinrairlig alfalfa leaves require careful handling if they are to be retained brtth the stalks in the harvesting of the hay d alfalfa to be hairested property wants to be put up white it is still a truw green n it will retain the leaves tn this state pack closer la the mow and be a better and brighter color when fed it is a common practice to cut the hay lathe morning as soon aa the jew la off and then rake into b lata in the afternoon altar it baa thoroughly wilted often alfalfa that la cut la the morning dries too fast and becomes brittle when cat this way so that many growers favor the cutting of the hay lata one afternoon and patting ft up the next afternoon this auowsaoue of he motntara to go out gimdttallr and gives better quality hay although many times the first cut ting is often discolored by moisture tt is etui valuable as feed aa experi ments show that stock est it as read lly as the better grades in placing slightly green bay in mow see that it is spread earerdlly and that o large air spaces are left do not open a mow when the hay is undergoing a heating process and utarowlll be dttleilanger of spoataar sons cdmbusuon or are j style ljsy ik some poultry points selection arid mating art both oi much importance itoe i iho urge i ikr- the que tou r hrlfrii inbreeding and ii i llnvxilni winter hrx lro- i tl i itil n 1 i w adjuat- aar i u department of i toronto ahy oust enablmrtne t miim and rigbl it pythinjl ia iba i k i own- a property cp at 2sn the autth coat tailored brill cap with the unbreakable peak also a full assortment of mens fine straw hats in different styles ranging from 150to300 d brill co georgetown tomovies i bailey umt garage vow wonti with the ip these have any 1 svmmeft- 1 auro l buarrelj jmej assistants cofccare krjvsyoor mwwmkr ttsts ir 0 let our auto assistants assist you to get along with the summertime you need to be in good health to enjoy the months to come and your car should be well conditioned we are repair men of experience and discretion ph0ne7 w sawing thoe while breeding pens need n ba anted aatr hatahtagla to begin yet i mate my breeding peas la january the hesm la my breeding peas have been kent separata from the msjes atswrtast fall so 1 eonld mate them only tea days before be nalrtilng if decenary hat tt is just as conveh lest tor me to mats them early where mere than tea hens are pat in caw pan two mala birds will be used oh alternate days there is an ae vaatage in salftg two male blraa ta pen aa unit often a ben tafusea tn mate wtth one mala while this very rarely happens la a pea where two majessrvwsaav riaejohominct rutledge there b srl to be on two atory frame rramence amis oiag nx i rooms wh riwil feuariradwocdjfcedahk abarat5jasedh5t ashed maso ife naked 2030 a pir 1616 and a dnv rag ho a 40x10 tberr is an orchard of ui sad a half mere a good rel and wo riatemsj- thr soil u dar fcwmand ortf creeie dvr vkratoa ta prot aorty s dv win f om georgvlowff and oaeeule from tbe terra cotia rahraj the propmj will bf 6m olrer- to reserve trf m one pared tom i nil be ofteml h dtst aosarete parcels of so cm each pariki alwdlbeaiwuiewced al ihet me ot sale igy tsasia 10 per cent ot thr pnnkai 6tsytooepud to ll vendor solk1 i sttm jhwtfot sajeaumcicnt to neduve it m bsjanca owuhj lo spom wrihta 30 days fee tharaafter andihessj bauo o sanonr z kirsrritowi wanted nlxhimis rihov30 vehorssogeior buy ks tires good au suixi better ttuui your oaod tirea and tahea repsurej fvcryritig gnaraateed to give eorvjc f sinclair we respectfully anlusit your lire paymg the ughnl price for al i t to i khoa freeman dominion stores bay regularly save regularly j ever week finds a new hat of thrifty housewives added to the steady shoppers at dominion stores they are find log out as countless others have found that specials and cut prices doemt mean a thing to their pocket book regu lar dsslaanddayout aavlngt are wiwt count and the best t on arc i n sin points to be catiitderfd in ixiuitry ij ret ding first i h s i tiiod ut jj rill tl at hare the harsct rn u nlr d and secondly a u tl r adecllott froni these of bird tint can produce offspring as good as urbeit i thni th msclrc dock like beget like jiisnjlnre of i o opinion that like ik ta like in geoltnl that is true 11 ut it is tryo lor general and not for particular quail lie it is true that a nalo white leghorn mated to vvhlui leghorn ftnlatnn will breed chick us that art wl ite tegbor is ir that ave vhlla plumage yellow legi ad wl ite car b a but of ttio off bpri e of th am there will ba n two chldka exactly ollke we find large n d small ixtd drns most ot mem tor go broody but so mo do some ay lareesn olhcre smnll eggs and wc find a grunt variation in the nut ter uf yege produced by dlserent bona the oueatlon ot selection stlectlon in tnnde on the basts that like will produce like btk experience has laufibt all bnedera thttt to secure uniform superiority thy must carry on the selection through generations ot poultry if we select birds that- hsrvu laid better than 200 eggs in twelve coi socutlve months and mnta thtsco a jnate of similar strain we do not ci poet to get all daughters thst will lay 100 or more eggs a year but we do expect upon the average a bell or produc than h tid bbibc hon been n adtj inbreeding and line breeding having local d a successful mat ing one can ptri etuatt eaplly so long us the originals arc breeding but tho problem begins after the first mat irig ccoses shall one breed jn other and son or brotl er and sister or cousins or what is the best pro cedure t our export en ce in breeding birds of very close r latlonahlp such as not tierson or broth r slater mat ins would not kurrani us recom mending such a nrnc uu e it is true tl at we have 1 ad son uuccebaful re- sulls but it is ilk wise true that n ost of sucl noti kb 1 qvo been very bad if one is inxloub to breed closely our exp i nc would suggnst a trial uf any rvl lionet ip no long as the birds are vigorous but it is not wise to depend entire y upon sucli a noting a cciod 1 bred bird will like y bun val sm breed r butsuhl a bird is difficult to produc it is ven doubtful if on can say wtat relationship will give ho best results for tlie avecnsl p raon tt would appear to b good advice not to breed too closely o d to look tor new blood from so ne source where ho breeding has 1 en similar m inter egg production many p opio npp ar to believe that- tho secret of g ttlnj pbkb pnrtlcu inrly in winter is in the feedn given and 11 e method of feeding others believe tho whole problem is in tho bre d or s whllolifbtlhna that tho hbuslng is tbo problem to solyo all th se nre important but tbe mflln reason for poor results is a lack ot careful work months before tl etgs are want d while you collecting tho i ih priced winter eggs you should be making careful plans to secure the crop or pullets for next where eggs in winter are wanted the esrly hatched pullet la without doubt the otic tp dep nd upon year lings bens and tl ose older are very rarely rood produc rs during novem her nblbicembcr thuy are uncer tain even in january and february nnd really do not begin to lay well until march whore theegs produc tlon falls below fifteen per cent dur ing the winter months one is not making much profit the age at which most pullets begin laying is from six to seven t ontho some lay at four and one- 1 alf to 11 o n ouths and others not until eigl t or nine months or age this meara that if a fifty per cenl m yield is wanted in november tbe pull is should be batched during march or april may hatched pullets will ln a little but ns a rule not forty or noro per cent dally w b qrahem o a college ouelph minion store peankpobd or ma mountain 29 crest peas 2 for 6 25r 14c clarks pork or beans no 3 clarks pork ft beans no 2 clarks veal loaf clarks boilbd jjiuner 23c 14c 19c 23c maple ieai or dominion mttchei 3 for 25c i gold bar crushed ahart- bat8ide lpmbardpltjms ifv a ia heavy syrup baysloe green 15c baysfpb bart lett pears 15ox seeded or seedless raisins c for 23c 29c snflower0rcasxafie salmon niaa t ibu 17c smfloverorcmcijesajmon ib ta2for21t tiaintt lunch mayonnaise drsssino sos no s bottle lunch quebn olives i for no 5 bottle tttw stuffed olives vfc 31c 25c select 11lemd coffee lb lemon crisp biscuits lb oinger crisp biscuits 2lbs romalt- meax 59c 21c i5c 33c rkhmeflo tea is dehdoai puffed wheat 2 for puffed rice 2 lor new verdelli lemons dosen interlake toilet paper 3 for 29c 35c 25c 25c mavfibld bacon oft machine sliced lb 6c canadian hansens janket in powder or tablet hints on plot adjustment 1 adjust the springs till tbe weight of the plow beams and bet turns are practically balanced i hitch plow at a point on tractor drawbar midway between horizontal centre q tractor and horlaoatat cen tre of plow 3 adjust vertical position of hitch so as to be substantially level in working position 4 set levers for first position and open brat furrow c change layers to working post when plowing is finished set the revert in transport position and take plow and tractor to nearest shelter thvlhree outstsndlng features of hollands dairy industry are cleanlt bens efficiency nnd cooperation cleanliness is a national trait efad ency has been developed and cooper ation has becn learned and applied through long years of marketing huge surpluses in the face of the keenest competition id efficient cows are in the major ity they compete with one another and ali are unprofitable some or most or tbe time they ersa drag on tbe best cows but tbe latter despite that fact are money mak rs most of the urns bargains for farmers lam offering the following slightly used farm machinery at bargairjlprices m h bin dei 7 ft cut good as new m h binder 6 ft cut m h mower frost fie wood mowei q ft hay tedder only used on 9 acres will sacrifice for half pneev s groat oeoboetovtir fire insurance jv knrim cmojetawi for sootgoxiha stroogest con- voymi protactst jesses the erriblre bam b plank cl trusses an scjetttsfcajlylmneftntsrtkta ablt t wtthatand the heaviest shsntsa ab eaitesaral fwascure of bay ami grain prstmmordlsglasentaswtlw flwrmcamtmcuen ho sswnscttng craea jwsjim spaces wtc- all jhrtartar is ctxah plooit vaccmaal to srark in get our prices forryour barn just tell us length and width ami aba ovivea ye want and say when ywu will pr need the hawti tbb will net band ywu empire corrugated iron eastiake shingles i m gam an t osatarmaattng atry l wivicidcrr bill i standard anthracite scranton cxal in all sires automatically scleenad and loadm coal wpoti bciiwt jtiuinrfor bobflbbc and tbreebipg purpoeea smithing ana cannot coal in fact i carry everything to 1m found in any optodat coal and wood yard john mcdonald phone is georgetown fa m eewaaeee we mmto lxplaii t au re pi au re moftpttt rapro a e wright butcher main st georgetown rawkc ssp smscnsj coal best anlhracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small peg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part bf the town abo coke cash and carry store a puld iiine op choice fresh groceries provisions etc fbu1t in season rtslism bros asi noimss ckmswts snstnctfl the btslkj an wtsifene irktl una swills cmkel im ut csret aeab al rlu arlfin forsterv cwtdit jtlu ft vkltria sb fbosrc as ford garage in georgetown our sales and service station is now open for business and a first class nie- chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories ali j on hand r t h a go4e wnrag main st north phone iso f rogers ft co georgetown browns garage genera repair as imatrlcs mou hah usu m totmin cbaries br6wn bell fhobb twr3 chipp kr8 toooltenthisis atavuiuianee policy in the home ihsurancz company tecbtaj runwm by hjher c tb0mps0n lasanstt sarin cctrscltin m bow abonl your root asbestoeote goes over the old roof and stops all lealcs give it a tna always in slock a fall line of harness efe deevinc and mocormlok mstcbiaerr am4 reptdru forasuae oui and oreautea mwcoitd hbttd enciaiea -5- shu street w jrj3x oltaue dk son prmrruuw nsswwrm i

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