Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 2, 1924, p. 2

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p i imf i omit- 1 willson dsrteker and sensed ejnbmlmer ml ft aartw tooiobile or horse- drawn 11 carte night or day m or si public school report iihultof ll bob- l county council ounty council mefc at 10 on juno 17th at milton m rdance with call of the wni i the minutes of the ludt meeting i were read and cod firmed communication were road at followb from r k youn co re division court jury fjind can dian institute for the blind re grant department of education re grant to hal ton rural schools saltan womens institute askint for grant and w a deane invit ing council to oakville old boite reonion also copy of resolution by county council of wentworth re hoobe of refugo and township council of trafalgar re 7th iidp road and collection of taxes and claim of goelph collegiate innti tote for halton pupils 1928 mr blain presented and read the fourth report of the standing committee re county bmldingb m ghent the fourth on printing m irriog the third on education m molntyre the fourth on bpocial communicatlonsv and mr hamp- shire the fourth on good roads mr molntyre moved aeconi by mr appelbor that mr rufusl eeid be paid 24 00 for drawing gravel to the approaches to the georgetown and engu using bridge also i 9fi for 11 loads of gravel carried tub auditors report for 1928 was presented mr holntyre moved seconded by mr johnstone that leave be granted to introduce a by law to authorise and empower the treas urer of the township of tratalgi to oolleot arrears of taxes in the said township of trafalgar and that the said bylaw be now read for khefirbt time carried the by law was read throe timed and passed mr molntyre moved seconded by mr blain that messrs hor- den ining and hillmer be ap pointed to interview tbe provin oeal secretary in regard to the al lowaooef 10o per day per person from the government which it is proposed to discontinue and that tbe wentworth county council be notified accordingly and tbat they be required to notify the county clerk when arrangements are com plate to meet tbe provincial sec rotary carried mr morden moved seconded bj mr hillmer that tbe credit of this county council be given al lowing tbe county credit for 14 600 for tbe purpose of building a cement road from tbe canadian national railway at bronte to dundaa street providing tbe town ship agree to passing anragreemen t following is tin school promotion txai 8r 111 to iv khh i simon inn itiomp ptthm moron llobintton rtoyj lrndk fioiiiho bullitant annie glad hoar made in joe hall raj cnob i monally kathleen wi jriht- margaret matb mutir uilloci viner wright jack aimwtrong charlie don i hon promoted on examinations on ltoy mobuory vaw roina mcenery ohio davia prank wbitmeo bert tuck ijy lucaa ray coritignn juk nrnu marjorio mock en hip li mer costigan george sargent eleanor t re an or helen uilta on trial leiflie clark ijr hi to iv book paused an term i wort margaret wright ejdilh tout frank ijotuhho ivan wright burkholder irena marchrumit loretta dog row lily henry colloy willie viut gordon hartey final bxnm edgar giogory ralph armstrong perey hill maud allan roy carey llel on fiabir form 111 jr iii on terms work hon betty dent non flora alcott clyn asbmoro jack maclaren ethel marshall dorcas ku wards edna gloss florence brandford aloysiue roller jttn evans mar tha graham pass margaret green tilhe hirschorn pearl blair milliard allan angus wemysn jessio uil beta burkholder gwlasye weston gordon martuvednard murdock gilbert norval lunilaj hfjiotil at muuoiittthv jujj olh nohh s i oakville bridge opened temporarily by examination- dill pass minnie sargont davidson willie chaplin on trial verna barker eason aileen hamilton earl mi cumber lloyd walters sr ii to jr iii promotion an terms work hon kelly mcnal ly glyn ryan margaret den i son mary reeve alice wood fred illingworth stanlej alan ailecu glass irene mulhollaml i rem armstrong jean merritt jim robs eraser miminu loutam woods pass doris sykca unro 1 it ritchie jack hillock ernctit maltby nellie scrymgeour jose phine heath russel firestine ernest alcott marion t re an or isabel thompson eleanor mcmul lin howard log row hazel barnes manon stock ford john mccauley inly hugginb elgie varoj willie rttohie promotion by examination cecil davidson ethel smith walter mcgilvra james rennie earl hilts jr ii to rr ii term work hon catherine dilly helen mc donald alan mac don a id bar bara tost ethel snenre ruth leen hale louie robinson asfier freeman pass eileen coucigan omar diggins mary arncld uoild brown jack tost rosa poile pionii will bo i park on iiiur lxeiutivi im the gatliiiiiiig anglican chinch ut lot k ami proceed h tnolor to the pitrl if acroiu moduli on in milo id n a available tu an tbtj mint tnki tho 2 10 ibidml n it i nthiii tininifettl in thin ouliuf m im i ling in tin mli m in of the aniiliiian luilnf ahmoi in n was bold in st paula ihurth sunday e oiling a number of the ariuiuiinii hijswere ptlxenl and took pari lin iiddrpmhof the cnuig was ilelnorld by rov dr ning mr doorge lollop of wind oi mhilin his iiaroiitft lure he sanj a goto in the prehlij tei cburrb on sunday etcnini which was much appreciated mr hud mr duunrd and family bt parry sound are visituigjit col noble i iu the absence of rev mr douglab services on normal mttli odist circuit next sunday will be taken by mr joseph bwileor tho rev mr douglott prendud a patriotic sermon on sunday which was very appropriate and much enjoyed liia subject was truo patriotism a gardon party ondor tho aim pices of tbe ladies aid at the methodist church will be held on tho parsonage lawn on thursday july 17th particulars noxt ihhuo the presbvuinan garden putj held on tho church lawn labt wtd nesday evening was largely atti nd cd tbe spacious gronndi nnd beautiful surroundings are i lual for bucban ovoot a pplendid iro igram was given by tbe fax tuo uon tit toronto the booths h plied refreshments and were well patronized and ovoryonl proient eojojed tbe evening f mid- iii r i b 1st n il tb hi i it i i ih n 1 t vk ihmni lo irrllu will mil k iill ulplh lipwiln mtk l n m nt 1 omiitiiiii of die tirulke ih on tcinpniu ui iiprouh slils nf tin hi i in tun hm bri n in iilj shorn up i isnili is and ihehiow beiii hnliil wali i utb 111 niijiriniflii n nt olbti i 1 bj mi an if h hiuhiiii litnli t nnlway ilii inani ii r nn pottuii i hi nxt end of tin not tl si an wlmli nt jithi wax bi in oi ut li im bei n nn afftcud b mm lptii nl ilipping of lirulo niitmbit been kiiq li llpla tinibi r whereby they reirtbetaidumonhilta billy maclarep evo- with interest to the connttreas nntby wayof 1 ned mr johnstone moved beoonowl by mr breckon that the reev of tbe various municipalities ie appointed a committee to equaute the tmesbment of the count 6f haiton gamed y mr morden moved aaoonded by i mr hillmer that the warden and tbe treasurer be and they are hereby empowered to borrow from tbe bank of nova scotia milton nwneya required for 1924 the same totbe paid back to the aaino bank npoo the sale of debentures and the grant from the government carried tbe council adjourned v obiluary mbb william gbaht there paaaed away at the home of her aon mr alma grant of st mjtrya on friday evening june 20 elisabeth byderdow of tbe late ilham granrf former and esteem x hi acton deceased uh year and for some ed with her son to st ule residents of acton a wagon shop they aliodbymr wlllian lyn hoare max ereeroan alice walberjwjiberlbradley muriel wright lawrence cole mai ted der dons green final exam hon irene hall jack saunders irene castle frank dow buret jim sargent pass harry wright barbara freeman earl marubment irene smith ethel barker brute mr kensie muriel whittnee ltbol hall to jr ii term work hon editb bullivant david brdcn annie hall walter norrmgtan floyd hilts jean hill lille fran ois ross duncan helen mcallis ter margaret kentner ruth mc nail nellie maydard kathleen mayes david cnch ton jean mc al lister pass harvoy allen pere saxe roccn lorusno willie brden reginald hoare elsie carter ver dun wright margaret hurrius arthur hilu vernon mcgumber mooa bcrymgeour exams pass fred grace clar ence kennedy margaret long flora graham mary edwards eric dean gardon bouskill ci cs ter cole brock harloj frank kent nor bilhe burtenshaw marg aret latimer on trial neville jenaon emit edwards haict smith betty pen pi mtuom t bolacton is the last friday b the citieens attended tbvmotor to entatinn by tbejohn ineral tor i o d fi of tho twvchse granite columns at tho enjrment eet greed cemetery to tetory a cemetery board si sang and tirere were jodge elliott dr r mp mayor irvine canon naftel t b d mcintosh mrs mibs blain unveili htkdbt okotr pi fourteen cars members of the g odist cbnrch friends motoi creek on the tuesday july annual pic nil tbe bridge 1 noon and the e garden in game etgj of the mi of isaac vi tdesdaj creek w jptfatiioj th ejug fdhp ssod r thej motored to oi tea was servgd joyable day and all retui feeling tbat it was one o outings ever spentiis tbi their friends a lrirl thanks was tendered all kindly loaned ibeir curs foren osslqd int urn k1 tin pin or ih old i i im nbidi mill htinlh m th nek ted lbe initio slow foniul ition of ihe euth ill pleuil am faces ai i iiliiirirj tu boston church 104th anniversary 1 im liinkn ilinn of boston ivf ab l nan i ircd 1 mjiiesino ih brali l lb 10111 animersary of then thin li with spinal ser mioion hu n dm iune22iil whmb wen t niiilui led li rev malcolm m arthur if hrnni ton modonilur eff toninto in hbj u 1 1 j lie luirc h at bolb hi r is nl 1 1 n m and i ii i mi wnn pa k d lo tbe i horn lite serwrps wi re fi uturt d by well rindirid ik tinns bj tho niiiior ilmicof si dluiih preslii uuan church of lampliolhille the animcsnij ended mnndij hi mill wiih one of the largest mrikn pnrlii s en lietil in ii niton mil ihi nml tikini plaeoon lli ixmiitiful lin or j m c ir tms flue i ibidem e woht of mil m will en mil stn u of harness both mill lonblc liunhh pirti n mil i vervtlnnk founl in a biiinhs shop at nnsimahle m in tliaulih for jour siijipoi i of ionnpltm n h new hri hhop ljiio in llio nitbbt itlntl 025 jtp pbintf fur ripen all mil lai llower riuiimh i snowball oh i oflibhu plant frov s n ipb st on cubbae plant liliex sal i am x r 1 caul i i mil lv and ml ill mm tti s al w ii ridurtil prlceh 3tp peoples pollucal pirly eleds oihcers flio annual meeting of the hal inn people i political association w held hi t he princess theatre milton lust priday nfuruoon when a larne amluneo greetoil al trcd six ikman m i or red deer alio who di 1 1 wired a rousing ad irons on the political questions or 1 1 id daj tbe following ofllceib ttorcuciled president n wnif klesworlb deoikctown vnj pios idint m a campbell milton sihitlan trousuror e ilnrrop milton direoiom h mrduft ml ton r j korr arton w t ivins georiolown w c mu hni oakilfi j c jiirus bur imgloi j ii wilson and s mai hit tiafahar township u m p ltit and m a campbi ii nelflon lownsjup l w pi pel in and r j anderson nassiuawpja township n wrighleswnth and w mur raj ltujuesing imvnsbip canadian teachers federation convention at victoria bc aug 1216 here ii a wonderful opportunity to view nod rtudy the teencry or our glorious dominion at fir it hand to ke the beatttia of ontario the rolling prairies tbe majestic moimtnlflt od tbe sparkling waters of the treat pacific all la thil very complete iouracy to the convention centre a special train de luxe of the canadian national roqwayi carrying the most modem type of all steel equipment with radio set complete leaves toionto july 26th chevrolet motor cars are economical in first cost and upkeep i because they give remarkably high mileage on gas oil and tires repairs per mile are extremely low first cost is lowest in the world for a fully equipped quality car new spring goods at the mens store oiir spring stoi k of imported suitings consisting of seotoli hitiklmh and irish tweeds id tbe lalost col on rings and mixtures line hi rip otorehecks blue scref in plain nml htupth jnut to band special values given in these suilings wo do the larcit trade in line ordered cloth ids id this set lion of the coniiuj we do our own tailoring nod nuar atitec nlyk lit and workinnnhblp wi bmdl request you to place your spring order early before tho haste r rush the newest things in mens furnishings 1 prjntirally alt our onto goods for men ate now in stork and lienor have we soon n better selettion of smart draby things mr men shirts in all the new stripe effects cheek desfcns cambrics zephh oifordu etc f also a large assortment of all the newest idias in ties eierjonc will eeitaml be illicit tid f ready-to- wear clothing a hue si if rtinn f men s mill yonui b elothinr well tail onil uptodate in fitvle you will und oiir selttetion in thb dcparlinenl ibim r belli i and niore uptodatn llian ecr and pnils that will i umi nn with any titj values coma in it will be a pluuure to talk thls osar r 70 or sprlac outfit millar co bodbekeepkb wjted a boukkeeper or small smily a ply 10 mrs ft cault haailowmnin h7 fr sola icre of lndng hay alfalfa rfd closer h1 timothy mixed apply 10 r c mccuuoggh phone 93c2 george ojn far sola atout lbcres of choice miied hay apply o mrs win am sony it lost on sunday a pair or ibrbnie shell glanc in leather case finder please rs- tuto if herald office it atnjra4 cameio my premises on or aboul ihe ibthdayorjtme 1934 ooe yeariunr hbl stein heifer and i yrortios red od while steer owner may have same hy prnvtn property and payini- expenses i l cuk norval stalion r f ferfjau field of siandinx hay also 00s team corn ruin vaipr j h mccauley ffaooe for sal choice buildmj lot 00 goelph sired ear high school apply to georre i wan durham st georgetown 62sp stoekwall bndnaii l co tarsal georgetown sninc asnt for ik ana dry olvkaumt phone 126 n a hr to movies by bailey i a art garage form 1 b 1st boqk to 2nd book on term work han- bessie hilts duvid saxe jim bitch le john cummins ruth beaumont velmaustrander bessie walker pass alaetair ifcan gladva martin jack cunningham phjllls btokes tjeorge allan do roll ij wright frances evans on eianibrhnu frank greg ory pass carlyle hyde grace mc nally alfred davidson pnm to 1st book term work uonbordioe bus ter deoison russell mrcaulej margaret mayes norman herbert clifford henry jean exana jim meniven willie davidson llod batidenloo brace kennedy doug las rossell pass alec atkiob kenneth me kenf le man tost albert rece audrey memtt eric norrington evans kathleen mulholland argaret simons godfre collier en ritchie helen riule jaek lis russell varey bzan efen bernard ixtirov iy ron so ypaas royoc speight helen armstrong eleanor wright iola coatigan haiel walker alberl staple ton david freeman llojd orare klmer stock ford irene maltbj doroth barker dorothj sfjrgpirt ipiwy jmhlfjoa are an an to dm or plaj lephof a raaaleman and g um other fellow hut tbe road when pasaidg htgfaqua ma e l dealers and service stations everywhere i production is so great that economy in manufacture is made possible to a very great degree fire insurance rates are class a the low est rate obtainable ask us about the gmac deferred payment plan ibr economical transportation- fisher king georgetown let our aulo assistants assist you to get along with the summertime you need to be in good health to enjoy the months to come and your car should be well conditioned we are repair men of experience and discretion phoned w 00s i jacksons attractive furnisiiings wall papers wall papers of merit for all styles of room decoration papers that are of tile latest design and coloring papers of quality at a low price draperies just received a number of new pat terns and new colorings in draperies of very rich effects these new patterns are very attractive and very reasonable in price f loorcoverings we can furnish any room with any desired floor covering in wiltons brus sels administer tapertries c we show a good selection of cori- goleum rugs and piece goods linoleum rugs and piece goods floor oilcli stair oilcloth and oilcloth rugs fujhiish window s styles plaj curtain rods carpet sveepers and quality val new advertisements auadnrtlnin is nndar ihla had vhibuhudrnut e carry a choice stok of tresh tables and fruit which we bell al reasonable prices let us supply needsln these lines r marchmenl mill si georjretown if for bala home on main st south all leoces also small bam apply i ifaik maw nnrstttg a trained certificated nurae al liberty rlemty surgical or uedioltele phone 2 geotkcown 1 wd bala gmd dry nuniuer wohi at 31 9 per w 1 j unnjlunj i o uk 490 pli io rh crorxelown 4 2j tf tosuat all collage on murdoch st h t arnold georgetown farsala chevrolet half ion truck in good c tobut afler july lt k garage cenl rally locnted b l herald office farsala cokiii mi mrs waller thompioo ash k flp for bala large frame bu idtiig heavy timbers amiable for bam apply at herald of auction tsalei -of- standing crops the onderaigned baa been instructed by mr aukekt douoh to seu bv public auction at lot 23 con 6 hnl chinkuacousy on wednesday july 9th at 2 o clock sharp 73 acres standi bar alfall red clover and timothy nlioul 45 acres apnog- crop barley oihk 2d acres fall wheat team three mouths credit on ap proved joint notes ben petcii auctioneer executors auction sale is h logaaai itogao eiecutors of the estate of the lale robert loiu to sell by pubbc auction at ibe iiotil mcgioaon gaoaoktown on sttarfaj jilj 6th 1m4 t 2 o clock p in that valuable farm consisting of so ac res more or leas being pari of lot 34 in thelh concession of esquesii g ihe es tate of the late robert logan on hich are situated a good alone bouse of s rooms bank bam dming sheds and olh er outbuild nga i positively no reserve at the place mutt terms made known on application to executors or on day ol sale bfan petch auctioneer credit on jarmrfinn aturiin h auction sale of- standing hay crop the underkned has received mstruil ions from oordoh b macldbx to sell by public auction at lot 16 3rd line west chtguptacouay uo monday july 7 1984 about 60 acres ol hay coimiltnk of timothy clover and lucerne sale to commence at 6 30 p m positively no reserve ipprped w auction sale -of- fwm stock ibptebtttg etc the unders gned has received mstruc r j vhilet to sell b public auction at lot i 1 lib con teaiuoii laquesms whaley s corners wetsessiy 111 lttk 1j2i al i o clock sharp the following farm slovk implements and standing rop llorsks1 pr of chestnut geld ngs genera purpose well matched aged 7 yrs brown horse heavy drad 8 years ekealnut driver 9 rrs cattlkjerney cow due july 8 jers cy heifer 2 yrs m about 3 mos jenej heifer 2 vn in about 2 mos jersey hrl er 1 yr hereford cow 3 yrs due july 15 jeraev bull ihomugh bred el ibir lor regislraton 2 yrn siimp3 ihoruugh bred oilord ewes registered 2 thorough bred oaford ewes eligible or regstrdl on s ahoariing ox ford ewes 1 thoroughbred ram oxtoril umba i t orkshre sow due jul 10 2 urksaire tows due last of august 1 imtumamis nsaring biidi 6 ft good repair- deenng wtjhvnng rah- spring tooth mim w uilknsmt ploi islnghs ner- led dessocral o neill i iroen2jcli zdol sssssssssri 1 fmk rel i fk snojjjjhhb numeroui staniuni cror jacksons georgetown s r-jara- j v

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