Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 2, 1924, p. 3

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tub ghobubtown hfbaid jul- 2nd 11121 a i shaving requisites in our 111 low this woo it cesser ica tbat go far toward i i fort of tho doming xbtvn tor a hunted t 110 only ready safety rnzor trr h 1 i ready blades featured ft fow aids and ao 11 k the speed and com a will gne a comi leto ever v tl every ic jncket of ever i rood vnlui and cream h i 81 avink soaps brushes strops lotion razor blades rosharpoood satin fact on g arantccd i for real loot comfort try jungs arab braoei i we tiave them in atook d j matthew drugs mid stationjirv local news hems crops aw looking good btrawlwrr es are plentiful entrance exams commenced today auto road hoga are numerous this year a carden party at hornby jull 9tb orangemen will parndo sim day evening regular meeting of council nett monday our high and public school a bavo closed for tho holidays chuich garden party at terra gotta july titb i union sunday school eject r- hion to burlington beach july 20th particulars i ter rellfchah8 attfntion to morrow evening thnuiday july ird beatrire lodge of guelph will confer the degree j mr c r papat left monday for onllia where he has trchaeed a well known block of books sta tionery will paper etc from the old firm of r o smith co ltd mr w paps t accompanied him for a few days a number of citizens report having their flower beds raided laet week when not only cho ce bloom was stolen and lawns dam aged bat plants were destroyed ah some of tbo parties are known a repitttion of such wanton action will bo followed by a police court a lacrosse match will be played 1 at ulenwilliams on saturday next july gtb choltenbam vs glen 1 game eajjed at spni sharp this w ill be a cood game and woll worth seeing danttnibsit admission 26c and lfic orucwu will attend charon tho offlcers and members of l o l no 245 will meet at their lodge rooms at the arena on sunday evening next july otb at 7 pin and pui ndu tu lb c picsbyt tonan church for divine service at 7 80 ah members of tbo lodge are requested to be present visit ing brethren are cordially invited faaaaa attaad cbana on sunday last some stxt offlo ere and members of credit lodge af a m georgetown motored to union and attended divine ser vice in tho presbyterian oharoh there a splendid and very ap propriate sermon was delivered by bo pastor rev mr patterson who was id turn heartily thanked by w m hugh dickie and tbe brethren for his able address oanutt putj at horabj a garden party under the flusj piece of bt stephens church hornby wilt be held on the grounds of m w j lindsay base lino esquosing on wednes day july otfh program by dun cad r cowan comedian ionic qiartette brampton mrs weat- lick accompanist everybody nome and enjoy tbe evening ad- mission 25c and 16c guptaaqa oaaratoi the committee for obaotauqoal 1928 made an assessment on tbo various guarantors paid and had they all paid tho doflo t would mot unrortnrjftte ly a number failed to make the payment asked for witb tbo result that there is still a shortage a further assessment will have to be made to letire the debt will guar antors please try to meet tho call promptly h r minima chair man chautauqua 3928 pmmfttatioa at milton last friday several hundred citizens attended the formal prca en tat ion bytbe john milton chap- tar 1 0 d f or tbo two scotch granite columns at tho ootrance of evergreen cemetery to tho milton cemetery board bohool children bang and there were addrersee by judge elliott tr r k anderson mp mayor irving and rev h canon naftel t d bole and w d mcintosh mrs p rook nod miss blain un veiled tbe columns matmodtet caair plcmlo fonrteen cars contain m member of tbs qeargetowo odint church choir and- friends motored to oreelt on the dondasjilgni tuesday july let ioal pic served at spent a few followers returned front the of the big one i in the even ng i ired to oak vi lie where b bbrted it wan a most en- joyablo day and all rotunid borne feeling tbat it was ono of it 0 beet outings rvor spent by tlcrhoirand their friends a 1 cirl vote of thanks was ten lore j nil ii ote who kindly loaned their cars for the oc gorctowa birfilu caatlatad in police magistrate shield court held at miitoh last sat or daj jatk armstrong of winnipeg a member of a gang of alleged safe blowers who were- caught red b added in tho attempt to blow up safe of the georgetown cream owned by morrib saxe on june 1 a tost was found guilty of bjtg lary and remanded ono week for sentence in tbe meantime bis tngerpnnts will bo sent to ottawa for inspection armstrong s three con7edoratca esoaped in a stolen car coauatnaity plemto at bunrtun the community pin nta held in lawsons parla stewart town on tuesday july 1st under the aub- p ces of tbe women s institute was 000 of tbe most success ful of its kind held in recent years the day was spent in races and gamoe the outstanding feature of which ball game between the mountaineers captained by sandy maoeay and stewart town under tbe captaincy or col brown the latter winning by the boo re or so to 12 in tho evening a donee was held in tbe town hall the musio ipplied by messrs mckay and appolbo euxthaatra wednesday july 2nd forty horse hawkins starring hoot gibson comedy creation caddy the last episode of the haunted valley friday july 4 north of tbe hudaon bay retitled north of tbo yukon starring tom comedy creation arabia s last alarm fox news saturday july 5 a lady of quality starring virginia valli astorj of england in the days of good queen anne comedy creat on uncle bam hodge podge novelty reel fat and tbo fiddle coming the new serial speed marrow eaoapa fn daatk thom on morris electrician nar rowly escaped death by electroca tiqn on saturday at doles groan booses brampton where be has ploy for several yearn workmen had reported to him that the now cable to tho sodchopping machine was bbortc rem ting sev oral of tbem having received minor i ahookb home investigating the tronblo and behoving it to be only 4 small matter picked up tbe steel covered cable and received a shook i of 500 volts or current he was rendered unconscious and thrown to tbe ground fortunately oil vor whit more who was close by bsw tho danger and at once polled out the fnse plog morns was badly burned about tbe bands and shoulders and after receiving medical attention was sent to hia borne apaar aad fraaaatatlaa on monday afternoon the staff of the bank of montreal gathered at cedar crest to bid farewell to their popular accountant mr s f howard who ha been trans forred to tbe oahawa branch of the bank of montreal a moat delightful supper was enjoyed after which mr j b wallace pre sented mr howard with a gold pen and pencil suitably engraved as a small token of remembrance and in a fewwell chosen words expressed the regret of the stag on tbe removatof mr howard the esteem in which he wu held by all members of the staff and be spoke good wishes for bia future snooess in bis promotion en the j bank s service mr howard taken by surpnso feelingly replied that bis sojourn in georgetown wo id ever remain one nf the brightest spots in bis life a work not odij m banking bnt in other work undemaken whde residing in georgetown personals holiday b tors w m cole toronto harold currie toronto jack kennedy toronto mibb mabel erwin toronto miss norma millar of hamilton is visiting at ber borne here mr john bingham of ottawa is visiting lim brother mr wm bing ham ii r w bosfleld of brampton spent bundny at mr o t mc says mr henry martin or port carl ing visited ftienda in town during the week f mr and mrs r i creolman spent the holiday with relatues at kingston mr a r speight who has been ill for some weeks is now improv fng nicely dr proud and dr ellis of gnelph were guests of dr marcel lus on sunday mrs t t moore or kitchener a visiting at the home or her son mr j m moore miss myrtle hillock of bpvmp- ton spent last week with berjuster mrs h c blank r mr r b mac kay of iroquois falls is holidaying with his sister mrs d r bennie mr d h word and miss mil dred klee of toronto spent sunday with triendb in town mr and mrs ceylon smith and son of jiilora a pent sunday at the home of robert erwin mrs wm c bealmear of ken- sett arkansas ib visiting at ber father s w h will son brampton public bohool board gave a picnic to tbe school staff one day last week mr and mrs w a bailey have returned hom after spend tbe past week in newmarket- mr and mm w a moroe or toronto were visitors ol mr and mrs bay graham over tbe week end mr and mrs john fin ley or toronto and mr riohard fin ley spent tbe holiday with mrs fin- ley mr chaa davis jr mr and mrs j poll motored to whitby last sunday to see their sister miss ethol davis mrs f a harley and her bio ther albert lepancoia visited friends in proton and owen sonnd over tbe weekend miaa glenna colman mtba violet g church ard mr james raffortj and mr james colman of toronto wore holiday visitors in town mi as etfael davis mrs brontcn and son from whitby spent tbe week end and holiday with mr and mrs chaa davib of georgetown mrs wollcott of minneapolis mrs hug of sl paul and mine mary wilson or toronlspefinjiei week end with mr and mrs a b wilson mr 8 8 breckon b sa of j toronto has just completed his year at tbe ontario college of edi ucatioo and accepted a position on i tbe teach ingataff nf dnndas high bohool hiss blanche simpson of sao it 8te marte miss marion clark midland miss helen lawson and mr and mrs j a barly werevisi tor a at mrs lawson h ovi r tl e week end promalforf exains ss no 6 esqnesing iv to br iv norman baily bon harry law sou bon doris harris iii to jr iv zeta oraham sarah standiah irene wriggles worth md marion giften equal jr illtosr illarthur haxol wood hoo jack drown bpn mary jenkison bon hlieabeth bon at ban jr illosr ii0live wriggles worth bon bobby harris gerald graham sr i to jr ii edward uickcn bon besaio snielhurst jr itosr iruby tenant hon sam tenant hon eddie lunan hon delia wngg lea worth bon margaret hodge bon mary stan dish norma bmith c senile teacher esqnesing court 01 revision atewarttown jnne sotb 154 the adjourned meeting oftbe court of revision for the town ship of eftqoeeing was held on jane sotb the reeve id the chair members present hampshire ap pelbe brown oowdy tbat the appeals of this court be decided as follows mrs h louth dog tost allowed c el cut to no dog allowed d dick dog in peel w b browne dibmieeed h n sports gory of eight players from tbo hnllo 1 golf and country club injod a friendly game over the oakmlle course on thursday tbe is tors were entertained to lui ol con and tea and alt bough the rnme was lost they enjoyed a it i lesaant day team from the brnmp- club are schdpled to ndlj game here on fn thejuubn k parmer iaaessmenf fliedat 200 mary van natter exempt allowed t brocklebank assessment redno ed200 jan l sfaodiah added john standiah added mary 8tuhjib added john guy i wilson added james brown add ed mary fisher dismissed stan ley leannont added 2800 james masales added 100 ernest may added 4600 carried brown gowdy tbat tbe chair man ot this court be and be is hereby authorised and required to initial alt corrections red not ions alterations and additions maaeby tbib court to tbe atausment boll for tbe year 1924 and tbat the said assessment roll as finally re vised and corrected be now passed by tbis court and that tbe clerk be authorised to certify to said roll carried tbe court then rcee the conn oil then met the minatesof last meeting were read and confirmed minutes or council meeting next weet graduation day for he gtri graduate what can be more fit tmgly commemorate this important achievement than a lovely bracelet watch in faricy shapes tn white and green gold 14k case at 2500 or in best gold filled case of 1 800 limehouse the meeting of tho tvoraon a institute has been postponed and will be held at the bnmo of mrs james mcdowell on july 17th in tbe evening at a meeting or tho school board of 8s no 9 esqnesing held lost week mr g h jolloy who bas been tho popular and ef fioient principal of the school for the past yenr was requested to continue bis services mr jo i ley we understand has consented to mr jolley and family are leav ing this week to spend the vacation with relatives in grey connty specials ealy jnne peaa- m leo tip toptomatoes igo pork and beans 15 and 20c french mustard in gloss cups 2 for 2ec vanilla and lemon extracts box jugs 15c gold medal tea wnb lino oup end saucer 7cc anchor tea with flint glass tumbler 75c ground rice 2 for 26c biro s bla mango custard f6tir876t 25c kipper itaaoks s for sardines 2 for 25 an 1 celery salt spanish paprika spanish pi mien to s salad dreading 15 and soc poultry tonic reg 26 2 for tiny tots talcum 2 fir give our bread a trial it ia always fresh sweet palat able and appetising otib policy alway has been to ive our customers tbo best loaf possible and handled in tbe best way onr large number ot regular customers and our rapidly increna ing bubineas is proof tbat our bread ib good mark clark bakery and groceries phone 229 bargains for farmers i am of tcxing the following uightly usedrvtm machinery at bargai m h h der 7 ft cut good as new m h bindei 6 ft cut m ft mower frost wood mowei 8 ft hay tedder only used on 9 ncres will saennce foi half puce b groat qeorobtows barrels best hand made apple bar rels contracts taken for un mediate or fall delivery prices right w b browne co norval twojinks r irlmcton nkipped by le s our and mrs h a graham plnjed wn local rinks on tbe green here sk piied by mrs o t mckay and mrs henderson on friday lant the result was in favor of th home playnrn a delicious tea w ii frri i at the close of tbe game heatl trctived np lo 6 o clock wednedf july b lortba oectmt7 rrpaira and exlen- xi 10 a coocrafe arcb catvrfl on gurtph plmn and apecircatlon may be ihe office ol ihe town clerk tbelowc ot any lender not nrt ly a rented lirov dal f u hta a b willson jeweller noxt to hotel modibbon ghorortovra rennies grocery kilo mdt per nealor jolla powders 3 for strawberry jam 4s health salts per tin crab apple jelly per jar rolled oata 6 ib for black tea per lb shoe dressing white liq i d star ammonia s for pea rime s for quick nnptba bout 16 barn ors fieb tomatoes bananas wl dlivbr d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i grand opportunity i to buy one of esqueamgb choice and woll located farms at a deoid j ed bargain i 100 acres clav lom level and all under cultivation and i situated on county good road throe miles fro n georgetown i good frame house of eight rooms newly decorated nice lawns x large new basfment barn good atabling splendid i well farm is well is fenced price for immediate sale 9500 wx evans 6 go re insurance kfoox it lluru oigct ctmn hy inaulaike vrepul prote c ted to ihe pnbue do all kiodi of plamer t an prepare nf and orttede fcurcn wum iu m bow ainall ibe job will receive pn j lenlion prtcc nrhl and a firtl fib gonmtu le job ordci ieorgetown lumbet co and i prompt enlkto chailn krtinvdjr 6jsp come to toronto for used ford cars save from 25 to loo keen competition in the city has forced down pnees on used ford cars and trucks to far below actual values we are can adas largest ford dealers and offer you wider choice as well as bigger value used ford touring cars roadsters coupes sedans and trucks vmioqj yean model all guaranteed 59 ten days to tett the car you choone we are the 6r dealers m canada to offer used cars on the new ford policy guaranteed values and repairs you are sure of satisfaction be sides saving money touring cars from 90 up to 400 roadsters from 100 up to 375 courea from 220 up to 445 sedans from 250 up to 500 trucks from 75 up to 400 every car show tbe appraisal price and the repair work done come early for best choice essgg car 5anwesfatnr 52 jam street jatarta elx georgetown flour feed j choicest brands ot pastry all adfa feed sah s5c per 1m ik special of ladies misses and children running shoes and patent leather sandals biuming shoes mibhcb white running shoes aise 11 to 8 m 29 ladiob white running shoos size 8 to 0 iw child s white running shoes bice 6 to 10 89 child s wl itc shi pcrs 7 to 1 89 sandals ladies patent loath or sandals 22o m bfioa patent leather sandals x h irln patent leather sandals ti zc 8 to 101 1 60 child s patent leather sandnb 5j to ik 1 30 child s fan leather sandals 0 to 10 89 jl to 2 so ladies white tonnis shoes boels 189 ladies white oxfords hoelb 1 29 misses wl ite canvas sim re leather solos and heels siees 10 to 2 1 2fi men n running shoes sizes 0 to 10 1 g9 boj s tan running shoes 2 to 6 1 49 boy s white running shoes 12 to f 1 29 ladies skirts ladies white gaberdine skirts all bikos reduced to 1 28 mcbeanco georgetown saturday treat maple creams 25c lb fresh maple creams mado with fresh raisins and nutb regular boo per ib saturday special 25c per lb blue bird marshmallows 29c lb a great summer favorite with everyone regular 40c saturday 29c per lb pure milk chocolate buds 45c a lb these pure bud are made from pure chocolate and milk a great food for tho kiddies regular 60o lb saturday 45c per lb maraschino cherries in cream 60c lb j just a fow loft for you for saturday at this greatly reduced pnco reg ilar 7gc a saturday special 60c per lb weekend chocolates 32c our week end chocolates are creating a hig demand d reason j saturday seo our windows for other bs jmeilaon ice cream brick or bulk harold c h i mn street y grandys imperial jellj powder 8 for j olio and nu jell per pkg jelly powder in glass 2 for seeded or seedless raiamb per pkg seedless raia an in bulk 2 tun eollog s bran flakes 2 pk jo cakea p q soap star ammonia 8 pfcgu ritjbo 8 pkg a rime tt ploje ji 2 pkgs benson s gorn starch 2 for silver qiobs starch 2 for lynn valley corn t t ns atlas hrand ripe ein 2 t n york 00 prankf rd t ran 1 corn j- ti yorfod alijirto mtoes 1 a m g phone 75 randy j siuslkum suruleh pri m w c bessey phone 195 georgetown weekend specials lax ot moirttever r ul ii sba fovea oera jutth ii always buy them jake conlini hack ihe fondest recoil et most del amis chooolaba s rame udy once you tryhen tu 11 always buy tl advantage of our spcdsl prlcan on fn lay and sanirdaya moul it crcoccnt chocalates reg k- ptrlb fnr far- agood stjtmner llnptigar coated n anuta reg 0cjfo sta chocolat cream pudjrp full of fruit and not reg 40c for a our ice cream aandwichci arc in ajpaldemand so our motto quaiityrice janlinon corner mndy kitchen kosy f j dtfmerson

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