Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 9, 1924, p. 3

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tub okobilbiown ilkbui jlivlftii tlm july records the july hi masters voice victor records in- b elude he beat and latest of the popular hits the tunes that everyone is humming and every good dance b orchestra is playing also of course- there are some very fine standard selections old favourites thai have b stood the test of time r we are always glad to play any selection lor you d j matthew druq3 and stationery jflrrwirttirpnrthirri n lirrii local news hems cbautauqna july 29th vacatiou days are be re fall wheat ib looking floe garden party a norval 17tb garden party at limehooso august 6th chautauqnebetter than ovpr get your tickets now l georgetown orangemen cele brate at acton on jaly 18th keep oool got yonr ice reg- olarly phone bnyder 17lw save yoor o fcbo ior flem ings new shoe repair mechanic georgetown boy scoots en joyed a week end camp fit lime- boose the cleave vs georgetown arbitration proceedings are draw ing near a close orders taken lor modern shoe repairing pncer right fletik ings shoe store main st a tittle gravel in wme of the dole in the b in town would be appreciated by moedrisla beeve holntyro was at oak- ville on monday attending the opening or the new highway bridge the ball game on monday evening between halton chapter and stewarttown resulted n a win lor the latter by 14 to 11 there is a lot of speeding and reckless driving of antra in town notwithstanding the fart that re peated warnings hove been pub lished at knox chprch on sunday evening mrs brennan of bamil ton bang star of eternity which was greatly appreciated- by the large audience present the 6th anniversary of abh- grove uf ufwo club will be held at the home of mr henry wilson on friday jaly ihh members and families cordially invited midbummer hats for jmmed iate wear made or embroidered taffeta georgette and other fancy materials also leghorns com- trneawilbeilkafia velvet in all the latest utiles a full range or french felts in all shades and shapes miasm clarldge ilerold block georgetown between two and throe hun dred attended norval union sun day pchool picmo at uultonvillo park last baturday afternoon it was aoase ofchoroh union focthc afternoon between methodist anglican and presbyterian and the result was a most pleasant onting boating batbmg and re freshments were all enjoyed come to na with confidence we sell nothing else but boots and bavegottosellfnorethanallil shoe btores in town to make it pay at oar low prices- the best ana most satisfactory boots i sell are the maopberaon working boots and dayfoot i have the grab shoes also the williams yoa can save from one to two dollars on mens fine booterjvo wibaliow yon a fair prioe fovyonro1d boots re pairing shop open all honrs to my customers no overhead expenses jboney sign of the gold boot main street georgetown stp chanuoqua georgetown 6 big days slarlliuj ju sta41k iuforo ktat standing before kings by george m jauioi ba llb tbo best school htoryavcr written nnd full of i an kb tor knd v indoni ulan willinnih m known in the story oh glen mjor price 1 co mailed to any address the james texts uellovilleont 7 92tp hob for ki gm trafalgars plymouth rock fan oier g ewart rial has rccentl bad the signal honor of providing a hen for king jporgos poultrj yard several canadian fanciers each sent a ben to compete in lay ing contests in spain nnd at the conclusion tlio marvellous efg makers were offered to king i eorge the offer was accepted wednesday july fllh red lights with on all star cast chapter 1 of the way of a man by emerson hough comedy creation kfop going friday july ii tho gun lighter starting william farnum comedy creation highly liecr mended wtthai st john fox news educational reel toilers of the equator saturday july 18th dream street a d w g n filth prod nc tion comedy creation getting lortiefl ooat hodge podge ttby gtotw trotters trot coming- the governors lady dui of joka bteculy john mccauley widely known retired farmer died at his borne on queen street east brampton sunday juno 29tb in bis 85th year a native of ireland the into mr mccauley came to canada i bib early joutb and settled c farm on ilia centre road toroi to township from then until about ton joars ago whdn be re tired to livo in brampton he actively formed tbo land on which ho bad settled his interest in ipal politics had made him generally known throughout thi district many years ago ha first attained ofllcc on the toronto township council and since that time he successfully held tbo offices of dcputj reeve and reeve tjiojatlcjonicejieiiel4iortyfo had also been n mem ber of tho peel county council he was a popular man in his loiguborhood and everybody liked john grits and tories alike he wan successful in hia farming and amassed a competence which enabled him lo retire to a most comfortable home in brampton he was a member of tho bramp ton presbyterian church be sides hih widow ho is survived by edward of britannia herbert of georgetown and chas of hottonvilte and two daughters mm e mccracken and mrs n mccrackon of streetsvillc stewarttown thowomens institute of stew arttown is to be congratulated on tho success of tbo community pic io held on july 1st there was a largo attendance and the games and races were most interesting anoven joyed by everyone lunch wasrflervsd and as always was ono of the best a collection was token up to help defray expense of prizes tbo thanks of the mem bers of tbe w i are extended to friends personals morns saxc is vi hi ting a now york ium to hr4n xton the hydro office is closed overy saturday afternoon- when the loth of tbe month fallannsnnday tbe discount is allowed on tbe 16th offlcenjpen from 7 to 8 oi the evening oiabe 16th odlfkllowa atuwtim t bra b chiaholm ddgm milton will fnstal the officers elect of orion lodge na 109 ioof next monday evening at 8 pm every member isparticolarly re qneated to be present refresh ments st qarga ohta the special preacher on sunday evening next will be the rev dr hilts general secretary for tbe board of religious education for the church of england in canada dr hiu hi traeof the outstanding men in the anglican church r pices nf limehonse presbyterian church will4 held at tbe home of mr wm gowdy on wednesday aug btb tbe brnnswiok trio of london will have charge of the program keep this date open w bfejam bmii wlljoughbjr farm agency has pot through two big deals lately kin haltou aod jjfl counties first jblkjpjrc ball two firbkin tjttone day then come bokahe ollowing week and re sell so acres of the same farm to james chnnsy again at paler- amftbtmu johnny xieofi 190 acre farm with stock and imple fnenu towell known dairy farm er from belleviue high prices prevailed in both deals mr warner freuro dotruit was home tor tbo holida miss ferol freurc toronto spent the wook cud nt liomr mibh ltiiid mccullougb or owen sound is vibiling at w a wil aona mms ethel gilmer of h ran i ford school stulf ib homo for her vnen tion mr john wapshott of plj mouth wis is vimtmg iriondx in town r rev d and mifmrcoll are visitiug btiltqlo and roebestei friends mr and mrd sholto buck of toronto sitcnt sunday with mrs j m buck mr j t owen of ottawa isited nt tho homo of his sister mrs or marcellus last weot mrs h w kennedy mr george kennedy and the misses kennedy arc holidaying in muskokn miss mclcod is spending her va ra lion with mr n l mclcod and family on the georgian bar miss irene drown of toronto spent the week end with her fricud miss alice williamsons mae tor james henry of gnelph is holidaying with bis grand parents mr and mrs l d cumo mr john kennedy and miss loid of toronto were huests of tho misses kennedy over the week end mrs wren shall and mr and mrs mcnabb of toronto spent the week end with mr and mrs g buck mrs e j walker of eugenia is returning homo this week after pleasant visit with georgetown sends miss marion booth n ottawj visiting at tho homo of mr wallace miss margaret willoughby holidaying with friends nt lako nipissing mrs w h wilson mrs beal mear and master charles wilson are holidaying in muakokn edward j scott of hnmil ton spent sunday with his parents nnd mrtttjumes scott of up per john st miss dorothy marcellus and miss mane fleck loft last week to spend their vacation at tbe form s homo in iroquois dr and mrs f r watson and mrs percy glass and children nnd mrs glass sr motored to musko- ka last thursday for a holiday mr joseph watson miss wat son mr g a henry misses hen- ry and master clifford had a pleas ant motor trip to clifford last week g king has passed her in termediate piano eiarh at toronto conservator of music mrs kmc is a pupil of mr h campbell or pleasure of the afternoon bah is the list of prise winners qyrsand under bojs and girls race irene fishor nancy fairey lloyd fishor 6 to 8 girls race ruby ten nant beesio smetburst dell wriggles worth 6 to 8 boys race sam ten nant gerald graham bobbie har ris bto 10 girls race elizabeth bouathan marjono henderson doreen alexander fl to 10 boys race billy bow man norman bail 10 to 14 boot and shoe race edna lunan marian gffon irene wrigglesworth 10 to 14 boy a boot and shoo race reg lnnan harry law son uerbie lnnon 16 spd over girls threading needle mcettora marraytatlecn hump joad-sbompnen- boib soda bisc ra caiiontabflmokeifibajam jadies mavs herbtg lunan kormfflfftirity married womens peanut race mrs alfred thompson mrs harry dawson mrs a wrigrli-s- wortb s mena potato race jharw lnwsao g b thompson women bshaf ball mrs tennmt jam thilinmu mj hum lht tmtucrctiiry be wm bowmi womens coat race mrs a wngglrsworth mrs harry law- son miss bomplo miss elixahetb uarcourt of tor onto is-ue- guest otmr and mrs j a tracy betur lhan e verychan tan qui fi days slatting jflly 89 and mrs qirscborn nnd family leave this week for their new homo in toronto tho- best wishes of numerous friends will follow them the misses haiol and lillian cook of winnipeg are tho guests of tbeir aunts mrs j tindle toronto and mrs fred morrison ashgrove tor tho month of julr jcapt and mrs rollins who have been visiting the hitters parents mr and mrs p c thompson rrookdale farm left for their home at fort riley kan wis on thursday last r andthreta g uiaridge of acton announce the engagement of their eldest daughter myrtle to robert a storey of toronto son of mr robert storey of acton marriage to take place early in july mr ed sraellie of nona at tended tbe commencement exor cises of the june graduating class of the palmer school of cbiroprac- hicb hibson w hsrnollio is a member at devaoport iowa last week itowllvo on friday afternoon the indies lawn bowling club held a tourna ment for their own mombers on tbe greens hero when tboy- com peted in threo gamos of scotch doubles soma very close and in terestmg games were played tho llrst pruen were won by mrs dalf arid mrs allan winners of three games with a plus of h tho sec ond prices went to miss harrison and miis m lnngnn winners of two games with n plus of 1g the rojal doulton sandwich plates were donated and presented by tbe president miss mclcod oolk tho thistledown golf olatrplay- 1 a friend i finmo with tbo hal- ton jolf and country club on tho links hero on thursday afternoon inst which resulted in a win by the local players after tho game itors were entertained to innrlieofi at cedar crest the fmly gel fort of brampton id geoigetoun met moudaj at ilipzuiiltontgoirrftiia cotnilrj club fm a friend i j game nine e pliijed the jcoigcitown liulies winning public school board board met at 8 pm july 2nd with the following members prea- mrnolly in the chair mrs kennedy messrs 0 rich ton harrison nnd mackeneie min- i tho last meeting wero read and confirmed moved by harrison aodcrichton that tho following accounts be paid hidro electric lighting for may 310 l y reed supplies 25 carried a communication was rend from miss h godfrey or guelph anplj ing for a position oo tbe teaching itarr tenders focsixt tons of poca hontas coal were receded from j u fryer co f rogers and co j mcdonald and j b marjcenxie moved by mrs kennedy and harrison that the tender of mr john mcdonald lor 60 tons of po 8 vein at 1025 per ton to be d livered is jnly or august bo ac- oe pled car ried moved by cricbton and mncken- xte that the eretary bo instinct ed to inform tbo teachers of tbe auff that tby have lbeaasrigagm again at their presejsealariea- garried jr moved bv moceniio and har strnctedtq notify the council that the board will require 18 000 to cover expenses for tho year 1024 also that the board request that when tbe council is sending oat their tax statements that the mill rate for public school pur poses be inserted in tbo spore pro- vided carrlea board then adjourned orangemen and true bines attend wvibc service li knox church what was probably 4hc liirgests socwty inrndoeer held in ueorgf town tunl place isihimuihihj mglit wlionor hwo bunihed orange men and true hiiich marelitd from tbir ludgo kiionitnt the arcnitto knox tlrjrcb to attend dnine hcr- licsiiks the oil i rem nnd mem hers of lol no 2i geoigp town in charge of worshipful mns tor nolson cook anfr hal tons ilide true blues in charge of v7 m nellie long there wore broth ren present from milton uakvillo cauipbollyilte arton guelph erin and glonwilliains districb deputy grand master fred hicnally ws mohter of core- monies while tho glen fyfn and drum uund supplied music- for the parade tho preacher tit tho wns rov w m mckny ho de livered one of ftic best wrmoiiu over listened to hj orangemen in this sec tin n the scnptura les son was read from tbo cth chapter of dent after which tbo speaker ehoso in ins text tho gth or of th 137th prtatm if 1 forget thee o jerusalem let my right hand forget her cunning mr mckay made aatitiog ap peal for true patriotism and warn ed his hearers not to forget their countiy and its luture in the mnd roco for wealth nnd position the emigrants from central europe because of their illitcrnc nnd ad berenec to the church of rome are n menace to our dominion true pat not i sin and the mstruc tion of our children in the spbools means innch for tho future of canada and orangemen us a hod hao a largo share of tho responsi bility or inculcating true patriotism and ritircnship into the coming generation graduation day for the girt graduate what can be more fit tingly commemorate this important achievement than a lovely bracelet watch in fancy ehapee in white and green gold i4k caee at 2500 or in 6f gold filled cqe at 9 1 800 sports dominion redpath chautauqua 13 attractions f o including sparkling comedy sixcylinder love original musical production an evening in hawaii dunbar male quartette and bell ringers virginia slade dramatic interpreter special childrens programs nofa6e lectures on timely subject 5 big days 5 i -at- georgetown starting ju3r29tirif dominion iredpayh rchautauqua snuon rce 250 ut tax euni to the pnblic l am frrutr to do kit fcindaaf pluitw i kixlfflunle kturcn wrk mo maiict hawtnulltbi- job ii will rvcii nromrn it ion tncti rihl nnd firw r jiu gurnlfrd lemt yoor nrdrr cioijr ljittilit coa nnd 11 i prompt altrnlkn quriw krancdy a b willson jfwelxer7 r next to qotot mcgibboi t oeorfletown renmes grocery kiko milt ir sealer 160 jollo powders 8for 260 strawberry jam 4s b6o uenllh salts portm 10o crnb applo jelly por jar 25o rolled oats g ib for b5o black ton per ib 05o shoo dr easing white liquid lo star ammonia 8 for 25o pearliiis 8 for 85o qnicl naptlm hotp 16 bars 89o oranges tomatoes bananas we deliver d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quickdelivery house fhonea73f- grand opportunity j to buy one of esquesings choice and well located farms at a decid- cd bargain t hk acres clay loam level and all under cultivation and situated on county good road three m from georgetown good frame house of eight rooms newly decorated nice lawns large new basement barn good stabling splendid well farm is well ia fenced price for immediate sale 9500 wxlvanssgo saturday treat neileans ioe cream hrao superior in purity flavor and wholesonjo- ness that many will not buy any other wb sell it in brink or bulk let ussnpply you with the best ice cream bine bird marshmallovvs 29c lb delicious snow white snow pure blue bird marsh mallows regular 40o per lb saturday 29c per lb tkfiyarainel 25c lb a sort creamy cammel mode witb lots of freaha n mter- 80c saturday 2fe- weekend chocolate 32c everybody iov6s oar week end chocolates so wbj not get the habit and take borne a pound every saturday reg 40 and 60c saturday 32c per lb- see our windows for other specials noil bod ice cream brick or bulk delivered oranges bananas tomatoes cantaloupe erwingoldhamss meat market special f orthisweekend 20 lb pail pure lard 800 choice pea meal books 28c smoked roll 20c nico lean side pork 15c briscuilboil c virginia baked ham 66c square pressed boiled ham 60c picnic hams 4 to 6 iba 19c fresh killed spring lamb at lowest prices quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 spalding f sport not only in base ball but in every athletic sport spalding equipment leads be sure and see our stock spalding autograph tennis kavoqneta from 350 to 1760 spalding official tennia balls boo spalding golf clnba from 1350 to 550 spalding golf balli hroflitc tso the new red 7bo u u lud but boo we have a complete line of base ball supplies and fishing tackle single shot 22 rifles 500 each we have a complete stock of harvest tools pure manilla rope 78 and i inch 25c per lb bhompson co georgetown special sale of ladies misses and childrens running shoes and patent leather sandals untitling shoes j misses white hunuintf shoes sjeo 11 to 3 121 ladieh while eunntnh shoos size 8 to 0 189 childs white runmnk shoos sise 6 to 10 89 childs while slippers 7 to 1 7 bo sandals ladies patent leather sandals i 985 mioses patent leather sit 105 girls patent leather sandals mm hxo 10i- 1x0 cbilaa patent leather sandauflj to 1 189 childs tan leather sandals 0 to 10 9- 11 to 8 v 99 ladies white tonnib shoes heels 189 ladicb white oxrords heals j 189 misseswhite canvas slippers leather soles and heels nises 10 to 2 185 mens hnnning shoes sizes 8 lo 10 109 buyb tan running shoes 8 to g 1 43 borb white running bhoes 12 to 6 rnnnrr 189 ladies skirts lad los while gaberdine skirls all mzes rod a cod to 129 mcbeanco 1 georgetown harold c black mam street georgetown graiydys imperial pint jars per doz wine quart jars per doz imperial quart jars per doe wine 18 gal jars per doe white or bed rubber rings 10c per dor 1 glass tope for jars pordos metal bingb for jars per do pastry flonxper24lbrbag baspberry strawberry or plnm jam 4 lb tin kipper snackb 3 for imperial jelly powder 8 for jelloand nu jell per pkg jelly powder in glass 8 tor 9 kellogb bran flakoe 2 pks dairysalt inculbbagb fine salt in 60 lb bags coarso or fine snlt in 100 lb bags 1 co 1 co 1 70 l 8c i a m grandy g i phone 75 b g slkllm gmtm14 fnmpl dcuttry 9 wimtitr georgetown flour feed mills choices brands oi pastry flour an hris fttt sail 8sc ptr 1m as w c bessey phone 195 ceorgetcvfl weekend specials why do we mil insist on taking home moir chocolates t because they w pununduuuihoa3lo ihi- finest candy that skill experience and natures drincest matenoc enn pniduce not only del idously food to taste as nl mprvmcly good for health give them a teat pnday and saturday npecud pnee roc fifrperlbfor i9n wcekend cbocdat woncwrulnluc rtr 10c a 60c for 3xo prsnut butterkrup rer 60c ib for hb asnorted fruit jellies reg 30clt for ice cream sandwiches each our motto qunlit setyjjhhssnlirterc kosy korner ickky kitchen sjslsl

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