Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 9, 1924, p. 4

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n hutu n j 1 1 ih ii u2 in tli ore nut an m diro nim ity in irlu fiowh nut tlio anjtv and oriliun h run hi should 1 tioulill knctfiii m am i not lilfsiixi ili a i iim blow do unto ntlinii nt ye nnulil hint to j ou tlicv hoill inn i for t tic so tun i ilouu wlint could whnfc in 114 iinttwoi lioiwat truo i i wan itn inmncrnit kiii1 item and jet f ilmrl nut liirul lodnj with midi 114 an his brothipii dpftv whnthhall i in hie juiunifrit 1 w wan nllnrht flidxb ffne was naked piiinicnl tosl 1 i nan in nun ilnlsl lliou tl to visit me didhl 1 oiiic to hpo my not lifnrb hiijh i lm been porfp t i daro not 11 etond and yet ii11 loving hand bncu spot will cleuuro if i mj wftj attend 80 while i viow the snllint htm smk cnlmlj in tlio iran mil ip 1 i think of doeilt lone and that ye did it rev j 1 r undone 1110 m p i seder seo our stock of harneii hutb iinfllo ftnd double htirnein irta collars and ovcrjllmik found in a good harness uhop nt reahonnhle prices many thanks for youi loyiil support of ciirnolown s new harncbb uhop h lititnor in tin willmmbby bloc it fi 2f t packing farm butter i ik ileal hay to store hotter i or home lac invited for the weekend by long distance it wh3 thurdaj afternoon in the country i ospitoble mrs martin teemed disap pointed the week ii d flip ped away before ilic knew it no one had been invlua np for thfi week cul an i there wnsn t ifme in wki h to write and then shi thought of the telephone lonf d s tancel what an inspiration in twenty minutes nho knew the smarts would ctmc delighted to and what train they woull bo on splendid and el e lad ordered some extra mipplic from her grocer in town to be shipped by express that nlghtl what a pleasant weekend she will have thanks to long distance auction sale farm stock implements etc r j whaley fofv in mill ll piihlir- 11 i in i ll i 111 1 fcjmjuf 1 iik tttiatcjji curnri wednesday july 161b 1924 f llmvii k fnr mnic time lit up ri union ii i ml i nonu tu k h1 tilu null mucn1ljr to imtiir lor bior int bo nays wins uelk millar nf thu ontario agricultural colli re it in iiictssarj to put away the viry lust an no butter i m prima in ntoragl keep the cream cans clean thu can in wliicli i hi en am is col lectiil shoulj bo ckan and fnt from tlie cream btioulo be ifuod qavortd and should be thurntil sweet or wltli mry utile biiurink a cream will nigh acidity will not tuaku a lout kuoptnvbutier a a pasteurlud crrain butur will keep very much iwiur man nw cream butler it woulu pa to k ti ihe txtra trouble or tiantiurlili m criam whin tie buttiu- in b 1i1 j 1 lu held fur some turn how to pttsteurlw to paateurlit placo utt can 1 t ream in a larger yeasu ctutuluiu hot watur stir tbu cr uu kntly until the tirapiraturi cut its up to 1t0 f hold it at that uinperaluru or at kant ttn mlnutia tl en coul it iiulckly to a low uuiptralurtt hold it cold for a few hours before cburu int u churn at a temperature low nouh to bring tho butter in ntci linn granules avoid ovrchurulng wash the butter twlcu and salt la thu usual way work tho butter a htuu to mix in tho salt then fit it stand n a suitable place for a few hours 1 fori finishing the working havi the butter or such unnneas i hut it will stand sufficient working so that the salt will be evenly dlatrl butidh and that it will be dose in uod and not show water pocketa hie ucst storing larbges as butter keepa best in large pack igii crocks tubs and boxes are used ii 1 crucks should be in good condl tit n frtj from breaks in the glaslog md hhuuld be well acalded before alii tubs and boxes should bo atid with paraffins wax and lined ith h aw parchment paper put the butter in in small pieces ick nulldlj using a butter packer r a wooden potato masher pack ach piece by working tr outwinl i mini twom tn can ki well around the tand in the corners so an to old having ho lea when the box is filled level off the np add fold the ends of the paper over if a tub or crock is used place 1 clrcli of parchment paper on top lldki a paate by moistening some alt with a little cold water and rilad an even layer over the top of 1 lie package thin fasten down tho t d 1 iirtlirr lacklng and storing hlnta it urilng crocks it will be necessary u covtr i tn lid with two or three 1 ly f ckan wrapping paper and tie 1 securely unit r to keep must be protected from air llgtit and hi at so after tba h s huvt bn made secure they uiut bi p lucid in a clean cool dark 1 10 tin temperature should be low ltd in n flutter made la september i not subjected to heat like the june nutter thosu who make butter in jun for holding and have not a good pluc for knplng it would find it to unlr adiautage to place it in a cold -uuruio- habere la one in the ticlnlty i liu navlui in quality would more tlian pa the storage feea depart ment or txtinslon 0 a college ouilpli icachemahabnl j canadian teat r convention at vict use care in curing alfalfa a i fait a leaves require careful handling it they are to be retained with thu stalks in the harvesting of the hay alfalfa to be harvested properly wants to bo put up while ft la still a trifle green aa it will retain the l aves in this state pack closer in tie mow and be a better and brighter ci lor when fed it la a common practice to cut the hay in tbe morning u soon aa the 1 w 1b off and then rake into bunchea late in the altera ma after ft baa thoroughly wilted often alfalfa that h cut in the morning dries too faat and bocomes brittle when cut thu way so that many growers favor the cutting of the hay late one afternoon ind putting it up tho neat afternoon this allows some of the molaturtt to 1 u out gradually and gives better ijuallly hay although many times the drat cat ting is often discolored by moisture it is still valuable as teed aa expert menta show that stock eat it as read lly as the better grades in placing slightly green hay in mow sio that it 1 spread carefully and that no large air spaces are left 1 pan a mow when the hay la i jrldn al 1 o clerk thi lock impleni hoksis i pr i f general purpose nrll nn 8 yra llrown horse hen chcitnul driver 9 vr cattlk jerej c w ey heifer 2 n in al o heifer 2 yra 111 bn i 2 er 1 yr hereford ow 15 jersey bull thoroi h rwie atration 2 yis bllkef 3 ihorough i ml oil hj ntn registered 2 ihorongh bred 0lor i cin eligible for regitrlion 5 shear i i oi ford ewe 1 thoroughbred mm oxlord 4 spring lambs 11cotkshire s due july 10 2 yorkshire sows due uu a ieus iwwjuikhtsdcennkbnder 6 ft ruti ingoodrjjjair drenng mower 6 d cul hew defcng rnke spring lonih rultiva lor steclbrndrjuenaet of djmuul hr rows 3 ptece disc wlk nsoti plow stwntx ilon iruik on with box hnj rack gravel box net ol i eb sleigh near ly t two siiled demecrat o ncill t nake tnign k hamru 2 se ol double bar r 1 li rte ntbiri 3 dot grjio bag dalnell vpnuitor 1 oak barrel forks sb til- mi i i mercius arti des htantiisr cam ft riml lis j a 1 rt mixed gru r ii ic ei of mdlla 2i acre of aliikc rk ll tan 2tx0 quknluy k lumber everything will pviivrl hen id wilb oat reserve as the proi el w j v ij up fanning and ha in fiulhrr i e itr ihr 3 rnomff wrdil on approved jo 1 1 nole ipertvt offiorxasii henry trirnblr ark fowl wantec hvepoullry alsi het prices fir h birds of junk irlovx mid wool ret dence next to 4pkml abop m freeman phone 330w oeorfltowti ben pftch undergothg a heating proceas tilf there will be little danger of aponun- combustion or fire mauiuj tune white breeding pens need not ho mated until about three weeks before batching is to begin yet 1 mate my breeding pens in january the bene in my breeding pens have been kept separate from the males since last fall an i could mate tbem only ten days before beginning hatching it necessary but it is just aa conven ipnt for me to mate them early w here more than ten bene are put in one pen two male birds will be used on alternate daya there la an ad vantage in using two male birds in a n n as quite often a hen refuses to male with one male while thta very ranly happen in a pea where two males are used take notice people who have sheet tig rafters an i l itimca fa geing lo rot i r ai i ol protection with galvmuinl rorrugaied t1 rls al prejmrpnees of ni liwii 3eiin ihrlmprevemeni or buiwlriei in limine no usclo sell and bu the oil er i lac worse take mock and have a talk itb tilbrrt srn is r i0v i b r no i dectgetoa n m t rages a likblavung prolev rd i t 23 ii oal l d l w s coal in al situ auo smithing arid steam coal mrs j watkins canadian teachers federation convention at victoria bc aug 1216 here is a wonderful opportunity to view and study the scenery of oup gkxious dominion at first hand to ace the beautfci oi ontario the rolling pruiriea the majestic mountahia and the sparkling waters or the great pacific all la thia very comptete o the convention c special low fares from all ontario points a special train de luxe of the danadian national railway carrying the most modern type of all steel equipment with radio set complete leaves toronto july 3 6th oi optluoal rourei may be taken t tlttpt tordrtto mr a k pryson 44 saverthom ave hamilton mr l j colbng ss bcrasdale ave f hamilton min haid g roberts 107 sanford ave south ctr oa canadian national ticket offke rajjmsis jji y j jrosaltxwsit canadiaioati0nalrailways exhibit canadun natwiml ralway at the bntu empire eiieiton tiunqissia tf6srptmrlntijm in jjc- ct meld oj japtr national pitt ad the tigtotaat and lb tm kinp sava a lain i rapaclioa to thatraporiatj aopmaataj bit tha llalata aarel aboad mad na wban toldolll a atan ol tha naooaj sjjtjavjad ktk monarch aongratolatadthcraaway officer upon the appcaraaca arklattrartvrnnaolthe cxhlmt tbe t oueen aked to be given naklrla of tha famous 6000 type ol paeager enainea and models in k i ami slier i feat to them ine photoahow their majesties leaving thccanadiannatioaal raiuays liuilding in tlie fimnuund iromlelttonght are king george king viitor of italy and tha hon peter urkin high commissioner iw t aiuda in the barkground are quein mary in while oiieen sena ol italy william ijiilliv luropean maaagrrol tl el ana iian nalna im suptmacbnen seothikaardand thedukeof demsdure the rear betarai floeea tleaa ol italy ud mr pbilhp tabeen the prince of liedmont while rose gasoline a quality product at a quality garage wt a just as good gasoline but the best al ballon garage fishkr king georgetown e brantford the brantfortt sclfoilnik windmill operates for rt kaat a year with one tilling turns on roller bearings has double gears running in oil and stands thr- brunt of the most violent stojus tbe new brantfont has the strongest windrnill tower in the world many brantfords have been in service 25 years thu ta the best windmill yet made b remember windmill llahn of kerowdg lrnilmn puntn tacutsjcoocittij auxn srafa oriaden iii and kjrctrfc ftstaslns omlha 1 tba bnuttfont u told by s b groat gear ueiowu ae wright butcher main st georgetown pants saw in smk2uj bargains in used cars lute modal studcbakei big six touring car fold half ion truck 1918 chevrolet touring painted ford ton truck painted 1916 big six studcbakei painted cadillac tounng ar this car would make an excellent truck j n oneill son jbreco why chevrolet can give you suclii extraordihary value large s prod sales volume thats why chevrolet can give you such extraordinary value why you can buy a fully equipped automobile at such a surprisingly low price chevrolets wonderful growth in sales vol ume proves that chevrolet cars make good in service and represent todays greatest motoring value per dollar of c6st lowest in purchase price these canadian built cars also ost less to operate than any other cars built am see chevrolet first ask as mbout the gmac deferred payment plan fisher king georgetown wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches photfe 05 geoegeiown j a m cmermsethn tririm ar twlllsttiid ttv ivmvtet tarnm tibm pmui t fy f by a t h ttw rtwntet typ mlrani lsllinlllik w sli tnsi braswia hraesw rrtc ii tourkr k cucu noon smcttakal ta mi in get our rrices for your barm janith and rmth anrl drhw want m4 my amrymarmdkaswmy mad tha hum thb will nat tond yaw wa 1m tsrnwah aatswataly aur irwnea emplicorrugateuroii eastjake shingles l g ndai otaasrlt so or drvica mrr k at yaur il and cats ctea yaai raat laraa the metallic roofing co limited ttmionto asr pars a aa m ha bharsuliatl euaadrad i standard i anthracite scranton coax j in all sizes i automatically fjoreoned had loatlod coal wood sclert lump for domestic j and tlireauiiifi ptirpoaes j smitlnuk and cannel coal j in fiwt ltarr cterjthing to j bo foyrt i m iby uu lodnto i rni1 midwomtyiird j john mcdonald f phonk 12 l j georgetown j coal best anthracite coal always on hand nut and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown ffitdwwlgon u3srfvruuuraikc every uuto owner ncccbt tbe protection of full coyeraij automobile insurance elmer c thompson satrmtt service wtwaelswa flow abonl yonr rool asbestoeote goes over the old roof and slops all leaks give il a trial always in slock a lull line ol barness etc deering and mocormick machinery avnd repavlra for same oils auid orcltaes 2 seoond nsuid engines h barnes mill street w o o d for s4le we have for immediate delivery a large quantitj of boui hard and bo ft wood cut any icngfli now la ttiirtlme tarnm in yotif fait nuiplj your order aolicitewl terms can be arraiied prompt delivery telephona 9914 murray bros qsnfsuwa rb no barrels 7 best handmade apple bar- jela contrectt taken or im- medialc or fall delivery prices right w b lwietco noml ft ubr y fssrpiw

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