Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1924, p. 1

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v the georgetown herald mrty lltjhlh year or publication georgetown wednesday evening july 16th 1924 1 go or annum v the georgetown herald j m moors pakuakar bad proprietor mkr mmiiu wkl n paper ausolatiaa passenger passenger pub sensor mail passenger moil puaaenger passenger a u ml ay 6oitjo what passenger mail passenger passenger passenger passenger mail passenger sunday going nort1i mtfl mat 001 ho bout ii mail mail 7 ih 1 1 i u1u 10 ih 11 iqani ltn gfls i i 8 so in 7 ai i i 7fi7ai 1018 a11 ullt pi 4 50 p i 1 02 l in 7 0911 b 2g i n 1008 a i ao0ai 4 gfi ii i 11 sb a i 7 47 ii i tmib saharl eahtbodnd daily 6 82am 8 0am 11 02 a m kott pm 60pm tmwptti 11 02 pm sunday mabtbouhd 1108 am aoap e02pro oa p iu kallwav wfbtuoun1 daily h20ntn llhoaau a ao p id c 20 p ill 7 41 l m 1 1 w v i only f8tbound 11 ao iu aau pm gkdpm a 20 pm directory shilton wallbridqe a dalil oarriiur bolioitora em- toronto and aorgtown offlca kannvdy block la kay dtto in eharfct ot owp town gfflca h o mxjol barrutcr solicitor etc office hill st georgetown how 9am to 5 p m open woineaday and saturday evening db t m maroaxlob kodloml offloar of health offloa houra 1 to 4 and i to i p m phanau offlc and raatdaaoa main straat 8ouu oppoalta praabytarian church dr c r w ross phyaician and surgeon u1i slrh georgetown i hoi e 22 ex mouae surgeon grace hospital toronto db o v willuhv ihralciao and surgeon office ami residence queen slrect south pfcraam otnoahoura hiub and by appointment f r watsoh d w s m d s oaarcatowa ofhm fuuai a to a eaoapt tkanaay aftaraaaaa p l heath ld8d0 1 dantiat om in lana block ooo door nortl nl onolua carrlac factory liour l m to t p m a ilirifilbbn d o ouiropracno ornoe aval xraj latorataty palaaaroraaabaa 10 jrta aapamlai obaa w b o nail a fyaauihatlnii and spinal analvaia frta at office orriclhrtuai wednesday a and sal urdaya 11 to i2aro 2lo5p mand7io 9pm olber hourrby appomlment photia office 1j0w and keaidence 2 benj fetch uoaaaad aoetloaaar for hauon and paal aiaaartluama poat offlca salaa j a tracy cleric tovrnabip ol eujuei ny clerk 3rd division court the leading tine and life 1 co a repreaented iiauer of ma mage lioenac stewantown onl e p bowman o xg hastu ajlexc laai tmxnjim aa emjimaari lodotioula st qutxfh cucceaaor to the lata d a niven o us tetephona 1064 a sammer semon ic held m the eluott tmi chatl sta toraata from now until september 2nd when onr fall term opens- sup en or inatrnottod m all depart- meats enter any time write for catalogue w j elliott prtaelpal brampton business tasulnte aqrstkml niuscbml imc pitman bhoruiand touch typewnting btibineaa english offloe systems piling spelltdb bookkeeping arithmeuo penman bhip sommercia upid c hydro electric system curling irdns guaranteed for 1 year 200 60 watt lamps 4 for 100 guaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed s years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 f orders taken for ranges and appliances of all office town hall big reduction in k s tires prices greally reduced since july slh our tires are the cheapest in town they are equat lo any in quality and better than most call and get our puces before buying ypu will besufprtsed dont forget we repair your used tires and tubes au repairs guaranteed to give service f sinclair phone 26 georgetown fqr1garage in georgetown our sales and service station isnow open for business and a first class me chanic will give prompt and efficent service tires gas oils and all ford assessories always on hand h a coxe main st north formerly browns garage setterpastrjrftaar- 1d j if bolter pastry flour were procurable e would not ask j 011 to buy direlmor brand simply bcoauee il is made at home butjdicngtialitis better aud price comparegfayxftblj nitb nth or brand wliy hesitate to try tbia made in acton brand ex cllsiob etwt day yaa pat aat trylag eaoalalor flour yoa aia abdi a treat excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwilliams stewarttown ballinafad limehouse d h lindsay kill street- aotoh oktario buc k s lanahip derclftaw a caaoutfot satar ayltlaaa k m rajnnt prl aadersonblomi queen st l box 682 motor hike camp golf tennis dance or rest amid tbc gorgeous grandeur of the canadian rockica jasper park lodge under matt icmcnt of cnnndum national railwuy provklm every com tort for 3sd gucits rata u jo as tsoo per day amencnn plan triangle tour your journey to the wert would not be complete without enjoy toe the incomparable triangle tour through the valley of the skccna to prmce rupert down the ooaxt by boat to vancouver end back along the frnaer and thompson to jasper national park tha un doubreifrjr on ot thu nvwaf fc trip in the world low tourist fares wow in effect georgetown creamy cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool wool wool we want jour wool and will pay the kijjlient market price tor it call us up before rolling georgetown creamery co m saxe manager buy here you are assured only the ntiesfof yourfbee and other meats georgetown phone 28w 5ibiibi 1forster cash and carry store a full linh op choice fresh groceries provisions etc fruit in slason rabidwii bros aid nciisobs dmctlatcs pronoaicrt ihe best by all wbo bave irlfd uiem swills coked han and cored heals al rljhl prices fprsters georgelowi 9wd vacation dbeams when the boncj bech arc hum an tbe birdn am hinkin nwoet an tlio huuiiner jayh are unim down tlio lane on daacm fiot wbcn tbe leaven ro lazy swmbin an tberos flonere roond about tbeol m wmbin i was flshm brook for uiwrlled trout fjobo all in trout in my duties an joflt aorodbow want t tibirlc tbinkm bout tlicm hpeckled beauties buala my apimtite fer work an i sit till tune tor quittin junta wlnbin i wna tbc re whom thoe fridlj fib are flit i id tbrbuiih tbhballowh overywbere rometimcr i ct to dreannn that my pen r a llslnn mile m ink well jchl a let nun little ripplm flab in bole an hr thing i knuv 1 m hkctcbin little iibiiob flartin bout ao pretondio that i m ketrbiu thorn tbcro httlo inky trout gucsa tbe boss too gets to bnoopin round a dream stream now an fer i ve seen bis lids a droopin 1 ve seen hint drop bis pen then be ii sit up eyes a gleam in an there isn t any doubt but that he too has boon dream id haul them little speckled trout 1 james edward h ungerfortl milton word baa been received here that mr george andrews a form er bigbly respected oitieen and business man of milton who left here for the west a number of years ago and settled near winm peg baa reached the century mark and ib dtill hale and heart hit numerous milton friends offer hearty coujiatolationa with tbe wish for continued health and ad ditional milestones to an honored career a special meeting or the hal ton county council held here last week tbe county rate for the year was struck there was an equal iced aaseaamont all over the ooon ty and the estimated expenditnreu for the ear were 168984 61 on this tbo rate struck was 7 2 for the county and ao additional one mill for good roads making a total rate of bb mills there is an in crease of about 8 per coot for municipality in the connty this year reformer georgetown flour feed mills choicest brands of pastry flour all bads al reed sad 8k btr ih lbs w c bessey phone 195 georgetown norval tbe death occurred very sudden ly in norval on july 101b in her 7fth year of mrs big n cboate whose buftbimd was for boyeral years proprietor of the graham house ijrnmpion blip wag nlok only two daja from a- cum plication of ailments urn choate was born in glanford township her tather thomas french having been one of tbn early settlers in that district after ber marriage 5h yeirfl ago she resided in olan ford then in rldgowa and went to brampton 10 years ago when ber husband retired fonr years ago th6y removed to norval whore they have resided since tier hus band and three bona roy bramp charles hamilton and wil ham nelson bc survive ber mrs bboate was a member of the church of england rwj and gaa fishing from coast to coast in canada features thojul issue of rod and gun in canada as among tbe score ot interesting articles and b tones there is included tbe trout fishing experience of h m burwell in british columbia a story of flboinr jd the margaret river nova scotia by n m browne an article on the sea trout by bonnyoastlo dale and a special feature fln unusually ithorrtative aiticl on inland pffietisbtjy lrof a l srputling t the university of new bruns wick k p lincoln in bis popn lar fishing department has a good account of the whitonbb whlloln addition to these features club days in the service by martin hunter is a gripping story of pion eer days in the hudson e bay co oudb and ammunition contains four articles by well known shoot- era while the other department a and stones are brimful of interest for the sportsman rod and gun canada is published by w j taylor ltd woodstock ont como to us with confidence we soil nothing else but boots and have got to sell more than all tbo boo stores in town to make it jiai it our low prices the beht and most satisfactory boots i sell are tbn macpherson working boou and j3afoot 1 have the oreh hoe also the williams 1 from one to two dolli fine boots orjai pairing shop open nil liour to rnj isumiers no oierlioad ctienhtri j money sifin of llie gold hoot un street georgetown 3tp live ih the present the clock of life mnd but and no man has the power to tell just where the mode wiir stop at late or earl hour now la the onl time you own live love and toil with a will place no faith in tomorrow or the clock may then be still- glenwilliams following is the glen school lt port for the month of june hutraitco iahh ham allan hil hi allan uomuniind btll anna cooper driirge cooi er mario uwvihon jack bralnim dorm ik i burn billie houre kusm ii wheel er winston whoclor names appear in ordei erf mint br iv fyva tboniphoo lion james bell hob helen hell ld ward bludd catharine allan llennor qopburn luelln lie id useoi liunttey jack rolx3rn mary wboeliyvlrmri barlow jnok dumcnt ofjjirial iciite norton trial stanley logan or trial lr iv bob hjnds hon myrtle kir by hon dorothy wngstitlh proscr held mar budd kyle bingham mary norton deorge menally utlen mcmon my on trial v iiiminme tweed lo hon llaney unrvin morgueriu mo mauler mary ialey gertrude bar low douglas hoare roy wilkin son on trial jack hvfru on on trial llcanar allen od trial mabel mtnall on trial averago attendance for half year ending june 2tlh benior room 4s junior room 47 teacher tdnji neil jumoit room jr hi uortrude lvcrson lion alice had ley ban allan dew buret hon edna press wood bun bessie wagstaffo hon ralph ap pleyard hon mary watson hon winfield wheeler catharine yeo mans percy norton may allen edith rogersnn tommy norton edward hill james clarke lloyd davison jr ii maxino bell hon edna davison alan a p pleyard annie isle aiteen bell barry clarke sr i man ou sobenk lion madeline graham hon craig raid bon thomas hunter hon roy bell hnn robert momastcr nor man marchment alfred boll jr i mildred hoare- hon gar net norton hon william h un cock bon harvey dew hurst bon grove r norton hon alex twoedle jr pr clarahilljtoygarvin rioharr b verso n c jennie mcnally margaret mcnally myrtle allen bessie norton bertha allen b morton eddio dopan dene kirb teacw emily c caldwell ivoles and comments a lokmrjt itrhiohnr wllo vlhltx georgetown ottanic null und win appreciates mi effort to in ibc l e old town look n ut and wi itkfi i tie to ut the otlil 1 sdmtl fairs letrguizauon one of the most important re ports preseaited at the 17th annual conference t agricultural repre sentatives of the ontario depart ment of agriculture m iession at the o a c guelph last week was hat oltho committee on junior extension wbicb pointed out that tbe rural school fair had drown to such an extent that it impossible for the represent a tives to give tbo necessary atun tion to this particular tine of duties owing to prajjsuro of other duties the committee fool that increased attention should conre from the department of education and recommend that a conference be arranged betweeajtlio heads of the department of education and department ot agneulluro witb a committee of agncultoral representatives and public school inspectors with a view to reorgan ibingthe school fair rm n prtmn what different basis in one few conn ties in such a way that she department of education will bave some greater active interest this wonld relieve tbe agricultural representatives to some extent of detail work in connection with the bo they will bo able to spend moro time on other important work in their counties tbe committee also approved a recommendation with respect to awarding of chamcirnisbip prizes in work with junior faruieis an bim nwpnr- they felt that the course to follow this respect was along the same linos as ib being dono in tbe unit edjltatos bosrnd silla hiork where the winners are given n free trip to tbe international bc slix k srow in chicago here thi could be sent to the royal wmlcr fmr the report of the cntnnnttce on lursss in ngnculture and home economies reroimn nd d that either a one month or a three month course bi held in each county or duttirt and when pon for grrlh and women at tbe same time and place they also recommended unit nxcial i fur in median ten mclud liuig riienteridr cem ent wnrk and black southing to be held where pmrtirsole cuidiuautml biuwiys earilngs the grohb earnings of the can national railways for tbe jd boots itamim days ndintd unthx 19tr nd ffhinod n be hnnprd were 6 231 961 00 being creasoyf 1h6 9280 as compared th corresponding week of 1i23 the gross enrnmgh ot the chda dian national railwajn from jan istui june so 1924 1ia been 114 8g26rboo being a decten- of 1 050 r as compared nith the corresponding period of 1 i thaiitauqua georgetn in big days starting july 29tli apples will bo a fair i ro in this district this year bettr tbfin enr clniwu qua c days htarttng jul 2b ibould like to remark that opinion moro attention should tx vea to the proper iikecp of tbo imetory many- of the plots arc neglected some of tbe lieadstom s broken or lying an the ground in letd there js general newt a greater interest on the nnit 1 of iho e whose departed friends have bntin loiil away in thii narreil plot how v 011 id rt do to sit njiart two week h oven pnr siiy nrly in june for lmttinf the iliuotery in ordot and then some attenliun shonj bo tnen to it all through the rummer season till llrnt ol warm weather inih htoiight the usual baturdnj mtlit throngs to town uveryouo is lnd to bco thorn come liki olhr jood things however tl u ttuation is not perfect man of uie imrchanth feel that some of lheir uhioiik th are not quito fair in putting oil their shopping until tbo last tiling before leaving for homo it seeitih not unreasonable ik that shopping be d0d0 earl and the sot ml ailiwlies relegated to the time nfltr liiihinehb is trans wo belieyo that customers o the point if lhoy would for u moment place tlu nirpues in lilnce of the clorkh in tbo vnr 1 stores tlieso cleric under tint conditions work on bat urduys from fourteen to sixleon nn unfair strain at an time add particularly in the hot weather shop early and make the othe fellow think w of you oin aui irvsionh of 20 a month to inein at the age of 70 have been approved hi the special committee appointed foi the pur poso and will bo recommended to tbo house of commons it is es timated b the committee that tbe number of persons requiring to lie pensioned under tbo plan would bo98 6o0 or approximately 40 per cent of the total popula tion of tbo dominion at the age of 70 this cstunaio is basrd on australian experience the total cost of the scheme to the dotnin- placed at 11800020 per this is one half of the tension estimated to he paid the province hoint asked under the plan to nroide tlio other half and to pay the cost of ndniinihtonng the act residence of 20 years on part of a bntihb subject is llxed as s condition of ponsion ability wlnlo aliens must ho nat uraliied and must reside hero for 26 years in order to qualify in an oitn 1 fttfit to the chief of police at wiarlon the canadian echo of that town dilates on a subjec t that applict to constables in other places as well when it says last thursday on borford st at 8 80 p m as ou wore in front of the police moris trate s office a large touring car by a local aragenmu paifi ed ypu at a rate far eceeding the speed limit your attention to this breach of the by law was drawn at once when tlio cm wis not a hundred yards past you did you issue a summons for this breach ol the by law if not why not tbo safet of the inch of the little children of this town is inynur hands ho iar ati the street traffic is concerned and it is our busmobh lo preient these 0 tori sta from making ihccdwi of the snort atrip ofumuil iae ont in town sou t t id fol 1 oh jobs we r doint joii weeks ago 8ycar old bnj too fast on tl little wan good but ui hiilntc ofie of i hi wi icdit ouple of tniwllinic i ilh hm i will be hance to ihficton i 11 it taki people to il i in i list a career not pnj wlu-thij- iint hit only really wk of liung is to ti miaight and narrow take for xninple all the big robberies and murders that e tiken place during the pant lews in neat eer cu- perpetrators have been rnm1 t their fate was to lsn it rope s end 1 he lubiijr thirst for money has pcrraf whole no ml tmw many people w ml to qtiicklyand too nmr of i short cut to ea st labor is loo slow u holding up banks um bji sa ich quicker anil i ok oral bandit- holdup a lank senger to i mil 140k i 11 caulil ti f them j tried con vi for if mlokc then inergjo i uld cot be in 1 mtion as thej n rfeof criinc loi cliniilritqnn 1h lt 1 et your tickets now there nh that can be adi mis without ti as an illuhtrntk lamt winter n to wi nth ruined the unt 011 1 lot of i around town the jrrrk stood bater limn ever few tlinii in 11 mnin k clad le

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