Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1924, p. 2

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h willson tjndsrtaker and i licensed embalmor afaia st omrptowh entrance examinations asbgrove tbc ahli hi luiwo clulw cnjojt i lid ii imly on fipdnj indiuk jul utl on the rirtllj invnol m llinry wiihod il ih ttih tin oifftbun ot tho am til anouorsary ot lite grfiantzntinn on ibo club a hliprl iroruru muikicn ol readings und in isin wind mull ujojiil spti uilly tbu vocul uelm lions wlncb lrn caldwell ot goorrclown ro kludlj tontubilted lto mr cudnell kmo a ory ih nrflinuu tiuctoli which wau much enjoyed nud ariciaud by the member of ihu club after the rirotjrmit clto icp cream md ntru burned and coffco weie nerved tbc birtbdaj caltr witb it an enndlch jvub made nod detornud by mrs wilson who had tbo honor of being hostess at tlio find u f w 0 meeting in ontario od july ilth 11118 a short social timo vna then spent when tbo uathorink dinners cd hoping to have many ipny return a of tho occasion exceptional attractions terra colta a very pleasant evening waa siient on wednesday jaly 2nd at tbo home of mr and mrs fred c thompson to bid farewell to miss dora moclellan who has resigned ber pomt ion aa teacher of clay hill school tho gathering consisted of people from union as well a tho parents and pupils of tbe school the chairman of the evening waa the rev walter patterson who after a tew well chouen re marks called upon mib eld red mcdonald to read an address while miss margaret town send pesent ed miss mcclellan with a juantit of flat sihcrnare tbe address read as follows terra cotu onl july 2nd 1924 of tho 71 an iiduliii writing at sorclou il tit rcont junior 11 7 1 iitruniw inn inutlona tho illim j allen win loyd 11 ihinmnct belt ttobort j mitu hignel volet biair il it l hon bill booalban i culfurd bradley margaret hu bunky bur it holder al ciliou lloyd cole wm iistjollili anna mable cooper voiil loonor stella may con wm robert coapland henri m daison john dilly hon j ick bvana ruth evans jack 1 orator 1 volyn m fountain ag ncs a grout nellie hancock jack uarnson allan harrop bop dimtb m ilozell dorih hopburn donald 0 uornngton hoc gladys hill amelia m hillock bon ger trude llirklboro hon william a lluuro j imos dough lion dorothy hull winmfrcd llydt uurm king william s km willmin m knight dorothy kyk hon helen lucille lane tfon lliihli lindhiy hon anna 1 long hied bdun lunan herbert lunan waltnu mcluulo lrma mclum lur liou janiea lyons me kane mc meek io arnott noble nuh tnuawoud william hce ivarl jiaxu hon mable piiiiu oordon r 8 pence ilotuord hubert f lost jibbic l wallace wmaton 8 wlioelor luo higheab three at this centre uro gertrude uirsohorn pearl sae pupils of principal green of the georgetown public school and allan harrop pupil of m aa nor 0 peacock fa 8 no 4 bisques ing tbe honor of tbe highest stand g in tbe county at this examma lion waa won bj kathleen riley a pupil of prmoipal sanderson of oak tile central school 2nd place won by frank cook a pupil of miss 1 z bennett principal of acton public school and third place by douglas lesuer pupil of principal tral school marks of unsuccessful candi dates are being mailed this week and certificates will be mailed to iccessful candidates some time in august dear miss mcciliim when we the members of tl fflunity end the parents of the pupils of day hhischool beard that you had signed your position us teacher were about to take your departure from our midst wc felt that we could not per nut you to leave without conveying to you our regret at your decision our ea teem for your fine character and ou feeling of indebtedness to you for thi bene litis you have conferred not only ol your pupils but on the whole ity you have been with j ma tha endeared yourbclf to u years and dur tl lis about fvt that time you havt in many ways your sound judgment your sterling paenaeypur keen devouon duty the deep interest you have taken myour pupils jour readiness to help in every enterprise and your un foiling courtesy have made a deep im presston upon us which wc heartily acknowledge but while we regret your departure your pupils will regret it more you have been so painstaking in your teach ing so earnest in your efforts to help them so patient with their mistakes so gentle in your minwurauona and withal so firm in your d rapline that they have come to look upon you i friend and you have justly earned i trust and affection we rccogniicalso with what dive bu endeavoured to help the church al nion tho readiness with which you have placed your talents at its disposal both as an lnstumeniatist and as a sing etand in every way sought to help con- ward tbe kingdom of god in our midst wo gratefully acknowledge these things uk as a token of our adecuoi and esteem wc ask your acceptance of this gift which we trust will often bring to mind the many fnends you have made in this district yours on bcbalf of the community and walter patterson edward townacnd mrs f c thompson clarence anderaoo miss moclellan ery feelingly repb d thanking her many friends for the beautiful gift a program followed cod bib ting nfm inmn hy m l tjcslie misses margaretski wo bond kid red mcdonald and susie press wood a solo hy mrs thompson and short bheocueil hy clarence anderson la erne thompson ed townsend f c thompson a mcdonald mr scott and j a mckane ancxguihite luncheon was served b tbe ini ch after which tbe remainder of ll c evening was s ent in music and dancing the garden partj held nn t be mtiful grounds of mr r puck ormj under the nuspires of un metbodiht church on tietjaj evening last was a decided hi tecs thorn as a big turn out the pro ceeds nmouutml to 100 tho misses hurst of toronto siient tbe weekend with mr and mn- j patterson mr gordon btringar sient the week end with actor fnendn slr jobnmtnjl jiaa imp bis re uli nee bj erecting a i lil b last do fouted b score tho great prnsent day enmody six cylindei love an ornt nal musioal production an v veiling in hawaii and other hi lendid musical atti actions itctuieri by such head liners as cat t dins more ultou uoiquo children e entertain medvs sidney landod widely known impersonator of ureal literary men these are among the exceptional attractions which will h pear here on tbe big 1924 go irgotown cbautaugua which opens july 2ith and cop tin lies for live days tho dunbar male quartet arid bell ringers one of the best known and most distinctive must tnl organ mtions appearing on tho platform mil launch tho chautau qua on the irst afternoon with an outstanding program of son git and bell ringing following a pre o do hoetgins by tbe dunbars on tho irst qight a primment lecturer whose name will lie announced latei will be heard in a 4ecture of popular ap peal a popular concert gien on tho second afternoon by the fctty booth concert comi any will feat ure rottumed song presentations from favorite light operas and other vocal selections as well as excellent instrumental numbers at night following a concert by this talented company bidoey london widely known for bia personations of famous literary men and readings from their works will be a feature attraction on the third afternoon will be given an interesting entertain mentrdemonstratiooj tbe potter and tbo clay by smith damron pottercraftsman the great modorn comedy eao- oess six cylinder love will be given on the third night by a cast of metropolitan actors organised hon officers as the following have been ap pointed honorary udlcers of lie enqueuing agricultural society pies r k anderson esq m p 1st vioe pres l t fleok 2nd vice pros george uilmdi mla directors w j l hampshire j l thompson j b wallace l r j m skelton dr marcellus donad milntyre s u mcgibuon j b mackenzie alex mclaren morley pettit lt col g 0 brown e g appcltx t y bar raclpufih joseph beau m o n t lady directors mrs i m moore tina moffat mrs marcollus and tbe wives of tho officers l especially for tbe dominion red path chan tan quae on the fourth afternoon tbe well known laura werno- ladies quartet will give a grand concert lockhart of the burlington gen musical and dramatic aeleotions high school promotion list honors margaret kennedy sam mackenzie jessio aickty aileen ross eileen bolger passed percy baily annie hir kathleen treanor camp hell ross helen wright reginald lunan ross thompson doris do 1 roost alox fraaer gordon al ott john crighton isabel wilson margaret sandusky bruco heath binclair lola thompson rupert bell fokm ii commercial hon hazel mccanjey edith davis pass hilda rankin margaret tfoorc filocn bullivanl beta tost alien tuck foitu 1 r honors kathleen barnes lily lesho pons lucy hicken margaret mcdougall richie benton james dobbie rupert boaulnont pbarea van natter harold marshall con dtlionolly fobu i b honors both mimius ituth gitlln ada hume evoln stock ford charles f ramp ton john mo dermid pasb bess t o mcco n a d john buck peter bessey john bird help fon mario fleck margaret kennedy cecil btaplotnn promoted conditionally lola grobam ruby harris ruth an inrson john cook kenneth wil on jean mcgibbon n b tbe names m each list irs arranged in order of tbe total number of marks obtained record of perfect attendance in d punctuality for tbe lost term form ii margaret j kennedy john crighton isabel wilson form i b margaret mcdougau big days starting joly 28th in costume depicting tbe dress manners and songs of various bit- ton cat periods are special features of their offerings fallowing a prelude by tbe quartet at night oapl t dins- more op ton known as the big brother of a hundred thousand kids will give hia inspiring ad dress tbe four square builder which is a plea ar olfan whole some recreation for children on tbe last afternoon following a prelude concert by vierras ha wauans virginia slade entertain- or and play reader will be beard in a miscellaneous program oon si sting of a number of short sketches from tbe works ot prom luent authors ab well as cuttings from well known play an hiveuing in hawaii origin al musical production presented by vierra hawanans will be the feature of the lost night the production portrays most vividly tbe music and customs of hawaii nove lighting and scenic effects loge cihor with appropriate oos u m ing and tbe artistry of tbe com pany mako thjs one of tbo most distinctly enjoyable numbers on the entire program thiep unique entertainments for cl ildren each to bo presented on a liffemnt day will be given in addition to the regular programs for adults the columbia marton ottes will give one entertainment ada jtutb janes cartoonist and story teller another while a third entertainment will be given by the misses winmfred merybow and rutb hanaman who feature costume readings sketches and songs basod on juvenile story book characters wood for si good dry umrocr woi at s3 so per load j brodlord p o box 490 phone 5 f 2 1 gcorgdom 4 23 i iwad if the pereou who losl dog on of about unday july 6lnj will call al h 1 on e pay for ibi advert seoirnl a i proi own erah p he may have aamr chnrch news st gforqkh hcbch at the ll oolock service at st georges chnrch on sunday neit the lord bishop ot niagara will dedicate a stained grass window in memory or the late mias dade a tablet in memory of reycharies dade and new oak veatibole doors the latter the gift of tbe women s auxiliary tn tbankfnl remembrance j ch taba l s of80yeeaofeloini jemioaaimft by their president weekend specials when planning for your picnics and garden partit geto fruit candy etc faction guaranteed moirs crescent chocolates reg 60c per lb for aft our week end chocolates reg 0 and 60c per lb for 3d fresh homemade turkish delight reg 30c for ffr fresh salted peanuts reg 30c per lb for s sole agents for martha jane home- made candies 60c per lb phone tn your order for iee cream and fruit and hava it delivered our motto quality service cleanl n kosy corner kandy kitchen i u 10 jl l me waa erj fi roo i cd tram esttnt llimiiklie it after tbejy teimn b refrcsl n cnls wi ro acrvcj a number ol tbc bnlince if the excninl r ncrrs of la tin dam ing at mr alfcrel price s1800 pridnj logic yod ladi thotorrnc4tta hdi or 24 u 10 jntoresttnt gnuit and the srent diucmu m11 on jr the t rra colta ball team be feattd at ton at acton ob baturday 1uk i i w rt of 7 to 4 a uiuiiber of friooda were entck tamrd at hit borne of ml nl dtw oo one crning last week it being the occasion of her birthdaj all rpi- rt ft kocd time don t forget tan garden part in tie lurt un fnday oven in under the aospicw of the fire brigade for sale 7 room frame houee on charles gtrage good garden and fruit treesj i frame bouse and 2 lots i of beautiful brick 1 ick tlou all convememea nice 1 cetsaoo ar coatmi mills price tsoo i g irlph st all conveniences on vhr jiova i roughcast house b table and lj acres of good garden land tos price t850 c farm 0 room frame house and barn prioe 19600 i n nn tn tier of choice one hundred and two hundred acre for particulars apply to e a benh am real estate aoehx 1hnu1m new adverlisemenls ia nndar this haad farsaja a ccmeiit lilouk bouie ifflun g i ooms hard and aofl wauietcrlnc llghl nul iclepho e large garden w ih tmi fru la alaok ht houh karate lualr ahlne jut oulade ol gmrkrl wt low itxaa or part ulart hpply mn k clatk ph i e 229geor 7 h toraau titppy tl ouhl rat kc watc good loihj t o cheap phone 59 untie pari ea w shlng good heavy to i for f ii k in purpoaea may have un e by apply ng at herald office 7 9zt hayftrbia i actea of ibotce alaodiok bay a lothy cheap lor cu ik catb alaozoibocc vorkah re pigt 6werkk eld j 11 mccauley phone 98 r 11 george- for bala out 10 acres of choice c a hra wm anlhoy vnttaau ui frnlt we rarrj a choice mock of vegetables and fru t which we a our needi tt tbeae i oci ill st georgetown uaik maw sidney landon character im virginia slade dramatic interpreter special childrens programs notable lectures on timely subjects 5 big days5 starting july 29th season lickel 250- hall price admits yon to 675 of entertainments on georgetown chautauqua q attractions q including great sparkling comedy six cylinder love original muaical production an evening in hawaii dunbar male quartet and bell ringers betty booth concert company werno ladies qijartet jl ready-to- wear clothing new spring goods at the mens store 5 spring stock of imported suitings corisistink of scott b raffish and irish tweods in tho latest coloiiunga and tuixttirch tlnn itriioh overt jicckw blue eerof in plain d stniich just to band jjh special values given in these suitings wo do tbe larnst fcruilo in lino ordered ctotbinfffn thio section of alio country wo do aar ottn tailoring and guar an tee stylo fit and workmanship wc kindly request you to place yonr spring order early before the hosier rdsh the newest things in mens furnishings prnctinall all our new goods for men arc now in a toot and nover havo wt aton a better selection or rtnart drnasy thinkh fjr men blurts in nil tbn now stripe effect a ohook desmnn ambnes zephyrs oitorda etc also a tan e uxhortment of all tho newest ideas in ties lvcrjont tull 1 1 rt unly be intniosted a dm wb rt nl mn h and youth a olothinr well tail oicl uiiluj ik inbtjlc ou will find our selection in tb a tlppii uiient laritr bettor and more uito dato than ever and ncch hint will comi iro ftiih any city values ljj llj coma 1b it wul be a pie your bpriiik 1 millar co fin butticlua tailoring man uma a rural bttmkwall buiimhd a co tomato nraia georgetown phone 126 good coal i makes as we have to move some egg coal to al- wimlm friends ow to compiete to rant small cottage on murdoch 5j apply h t arnold georgetown it to rut afler july iii good fari box l herald office n good end uy to but frame bouse on main si notth ap ply to f t mcgilviay lip you have been wailing for cheap cement place your orders with us for cement we are of fcring you the same uniform high quality you hove had from us in past at very iow price we have a fieah stock on hand and can make immediate delivery of any quantity the building our sheds we are offering egg size anthracite coal of first quality at spec- price of 13 so per ton f teems casb cherries for saix bring your baakcta and p ck for your if at 50c per basket on the college property near nerval g kn up for saj lumber shngleaand ilnbj fur w d johnaton phone 149 13 box 79 georgetown jl we also have good stock building materials such m as shingles lath hardwall plaster e hydrated lime plaster paris rough s and dressed lumber of all kinds georgetown lumber co ltd flemings shoe repairing having installed modern shoe repair ing machinery with expert mechanic we are how able to take care of all kinds of both fine and rough work at reasonable prices repairing while you wait main street georgetown ahaw ganadian teachers federation convention at victoria bc aug 12x6 hun lia ni ii ji 1 1 in t j r theacenery ofourelorioua dominion at firat hand to ks tbe beautleaof ontario the rolfinc prafeiea uw majeatlc mfnmfta and tha wrkuot jratcra of the treat pacific all la thb wry cocapkta spedil low fun frott all ontario point- a apodal trato d luxe of the canadian national railway eanrinc the njct modern type of all at eel equipment with radio act nrjf i leave toronto july 26th a araln it optknal mat nav b taken od um rctsrn trip vad imauoo a nu aoaikebc eat tictnuaar ba otitala frha ay fttim fdm jatan iha pabui saoolbilauoo toronto lax a b bryaon 44 aaratboia aw haidlton mr l j cotunf b8 baraadal aw hamilton bom hid o roberta 107 sanlord aw bonth rto movies by bailey uv garage the best way to avoid tioublesomeezpenencea is lo allow us to look after your car if we in spect it occasionally you may be sure that it will run true to form and it won t be apt to leave you out on tne road to despair ar jacksons summer comforts reed urnituie foi sun loom ot verandah finish tn green satee 1 1 00 lo 849 rotter 45 50 lot 4 18 chair 4 9 lot 389 reed fotnitute for living or other rooma finish in brown up- holstrred in good quality tapestty chairs or rockers 1995 jor 1695 table 1295 for 1095 chairs or rockers 25 00 for 1995 chairs or rockers 2uiuot 1995 table 25 00 lor 819 oo kitchen kabufttfermckelaid lop cabinet j895 for 1595 sanitary kitchen tables white enamel porcelain top 14 95 t for 1249 r bedroonx dressers 2295 for 1 795 bedroom dressers walnut finish 24 90 for 1895 qualify value service t jacksons georgetown

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