Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1924, p. 3

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tlik okihuetown ilkllail juii igth jj4 hi the g owens tooth brush each one packed in an individual glaseontainer is now on sale on our toilet goods counter 8 3 sizes 3 prices first quality bristle handy shape 3 the most sanitary brush on the market b carry one in youi vacation bag io of ajhiipr itid mr w- djmatthew drugs and stationery h 12 siise lilies iaii rk local news hems cherries are plentiful firemens harden party io thi park on the lath dr c v williams is out of town until july 21st dr ross will he away from july 19th to auguht 2nd we dont cobble shoes wo re pair them flemings shoe store the new log cabin on the bowling green ib nesting omp lo tion methodist church garden party at norval an thursday even- ing july 17th sou are now able to get a real fine shoe repair job at flem mgs shoe store at a reasonable price ad interested id baseball are requested to attend practice to be held in the park on thursdays veil ing at 7 oclock sharp our local orangemen and true blues atteoded tbe big cele bration at acton on jury 12tb they report a splendid day tbe hisses adams are offer ing tbe balance of their trimmed bate at greatly reduced prices call early while there is a choice a special mooting- of the council was hold in the council chamber on tuesday evening the minutes of which will appear next all members of orion lodge no 109 ioof are requested to attend lodge next monday evening when the first degree will be ex emplified go to boneys tor reliable low price boots and shoes everybody gets square deal first class shoe repairing of all kinds no waiting j boney sign of the gold boot main st georgetown a meeting of the directors of thvbsiiuealrig agrlcnltursrflodety wil be held in the coo noil cham ber georgetown on friday oven ing next tbe 16th inst it is im portant that every director be present on mend ay evening july 7th the members of tbe bypu of the baptist oborob tendered a miscellaneous shower to mr and mrs bort col man and lost mon day evening they tendered a shower to mr and mrs fred brown at their residence at lime- bouse mr and mrs james mccart ney entertained the members of the glen fife and drum band on friday evening last refreshments werehrved and tbe remainder of the evening spent in music etc dnring tbe evening a hearty vote of thanks was tendered mi and mrs mccartney tor their kind hospitality rglar oat fin y last friday poljoe magistrate bhieldb sentenced jack armstrong to five years in kingston peniten tiary armstrong pleaded guilty of th hnr at m saien creamerj b georgemwb brrtr would not name the other mora hers of his gong who escaped standing before kings by george m june ba llb the best aobool story ever written and full of laughter and wisdom glen- wilttoms is known in the story as qtenmyer price lsomailed to any address tbo james texts belleville ont 7 92 tr ftkal btat okuhudi mr j james of toronto has dii posed of bis house and mz lots on john bt to mr thomas bison mr josh logan has disposed of his farm near glenwilliamvlo mr au- pleyard or ulenwlllianw tbe above sales wore made by e a benham real estate igenlcfcorke- unro ht yar e j jcob1mi o- t walker eyesight special- ist will bo at watsons drug torenn wednesday july 80tu3 make on appointment wjth mi watson the beet rumen of shell or gold tod tbe beat knees at mod erate prices satisfaction guaran teed k fr tuu sixth iuualn on the brow of tbe mountain overlooking the fruitgrowing dis tnct the sixth a molt reunion was held at vinomounl on saturday july 12lh at tbe home of mr and mr james jb patterson wbeo about seventy persons were pre sent dinner was served on tbe lawn bat a shower of rain necessi tated serving tea in the house oneste were present frum many itlaces in ontario and the united states including it aim 1 too brant ford brampton witultor toronto flint mich streets vi lie- proton georgetown norval wotnfieet and detroit bad lag brskan mr frank polo i of union hnd his leg badly fractured ci day evening about seven oclock lie was opttrntiny a gasoli gine used tor pumping water when bis trousers caught in tbo belt witb tlio above result he removed to iiiolnb flospital tbo eight oclock train frank lias tbe sympathy of many friends in bis sore affliction and all hope for his speedy recovory two orutoiak ovar bo the two oldest orangemen in the big parade at acton wore pion- of esqucsiog township s william hampshire of the scotch block aged 90 years and william edge now living waterdown aged 16 years those two old gentlemen enjoyed a few hours together in reviewing the events of former days when glorious twelfth was loyally cele brated before electrio lights con crete walks and motor cars came ito nse raztfcmtr wed july 16 mighty lak a rose a first national production chapter 2 of the way of a man by emerson hough a ten chapter senal comedy your next- friday july 18 the govern- a lady a fox special a most appealing picture comedy school pals fox news saturday july 19 mothersin law a preferred picture com edy creation lonesome with lloyd b ami 1 ton hodgepodge novelty reel bpeedville coming the lone star ran ir by zano groj starring tom mix gardaa party a grand garden party under the auspices or the georgetown fire brigade will be held io tbe park george on friday evening julylslbt a flrstclosd program ill be given by the following artists miss anna boss soprano toronto jack thompson violin ist georgetown arthursols comedian toronto mrs eva gourley pianist toronto jack allen toronto oddfellows bapd will be in attendance refresh ment booth mayor dale chair man program at 880 sharp the proceeds of this garden party are to be used towards the instal lation of a firealarm system fn georgetown and every citizen is irged to do present and enjoy the program thereby assisting a or thy cause committee- a tost j blair a dancan h hamilton r mccartney n tuck w marshall w long n brown h shepherd h dale admission 85c children lgc dance in town hall after piogram looj iutall oflws on monday evening last ddg w cbiaholm assisted by g warden c bob g sec w tite trcob c babcock inner guard j mcclellon g marshall a l chambers of milton installed tbe officers elect of orion lodge as follows ng bra w marshall vm bio w parr bsng bro f erwin lbiqbrqewjibclbr i personals mi alf cole of stratford tipntit sunilu in to mr and mm a b caloll mo visiting fnunds in kent count mr norman lfenderwi of win mpeg is vihitluk ill his hoiuahrre mrs a noinngtou and three soon are holidaing at gmimby- beach mr jack s i visiting with m anthony mr hugh iraham of woslun spent the weckend at mr ii grahams mrs revj if moore is visit ing her sister mrs lloyd miller at brant ford miss olive thompson pf erin spent last week with mr and mrs nixon cole drifand mrs f v williams are spending a week at eastbourne lakeuncoe miss houston of kincardine is visiting at the homo of her sister mrs john lawler mm dr heath and miss joso- phine anmrs jno mcbeaa spent monday at grimsby mrs wra tyndsll is spending a few weeks with friemlb in co- bourg and port hope dr c w mccoll and mrs mc- coll and family are visiting rehi- ties m town and vicinity mrs d mecjuire and miss alice mcguiro spent the weekend witb relatives in town and vicinity miss jessie livingstone of tor unto is holiday in gwfclrher parents mr and mrs a livingstone mr and mrs w r watson have returned after spending a week with friends at welland i and mrs h c block miss myrtle hillock and mr i i hngh- ey spent sunday at st catharines mrs i so be 1 mcdermid and miss lillian kennedy are holidaying th mrs h w kennedy at mus- koka dr and mrs wm mcguire and iss sarah biggar of 81m coo spent sunday with mr and mrs jno price master jack and miss mariorie rons of hamilton are holidaying with their grnndparents mr and rs j price beeve m duty re attended the advisory board of he dept of public highways held at orange- ville on friday last wd mrs job henry of guelph and mr- harold currie or toronto spent sucday with mr and mrs l d carrie mr and mrs chas erwin and t and mrs ohas prior of roch ester ny spent sunday with mr andmtatrobtrerwin mrandmrawh harper of toronto mr and mrs a harper of windsor visited with mr and mrs w o anthony thiswcoki mr d price of simcoe and miss irene price of toronto spent the week end witb their parents mr and mrs jno price silvercrcok mr and mrs w c anthony mrs a anthony mrs h cunn ingham and miss doris bessey visited witb woodstock and aylm- friends lout week bro6dona4dae lsvg bro f mcdonald roc3ec bro w long finscc bro 8- nevdns treob bro m near warden bro trennio conductor bro j hall chaplain bro s harrison r8s bro n bell l8s-brorjmilrs- innido guard bro c laird outside guard bro u ramsay afw the installation refresb- iienls wore served clearing auction sale tbe utidmikfied ham received inttruc n to netl by puhlil ruclion the follow ik farm stock ud isipknebts nd o her pmpeilf of frahois wbitfield t inl 11 3rd line evjuemtng townh frlijy jnly 18ui 124 oclock sharp 1 hoi workcni bay gelding hcrin cuttlkjerwj tow mllkinr well je ey cw inlkn jfrtey cow milkr well hluiem cthrj grade shorthorn roi tot 11 infer lumgkhkni spring fopth 50 kivhi laying hen drukh liik nib w t mr mr iuhi mrs a icinodiir iitid mihh guoilnm niirnv miuil at mrs roes hrtl week mrs hani ivttlt and datikbur dorotlij of hmntfont arc visiting with mr mid mm a duihiui mr and mm win miiihiiuii mid mr and mit j dnmldhon molur pd to tbii falls un sinidaj last mm iiinor virginia mid loithermu mccoll of dftroitlmi been hoiidaoog with mrs bluko mrand mm ernest -soiei-cmu- and famil of glens falls now york uottf visiting ttioir cousin jri laurtiiic burt lost wcok mr uoboit hurnett iteec and mr ben kciwm councillor of cliffiird visilnd mr joseph watton and other geuigotowniriends fast eok mr antmhil it mimma and family motoiid to st murjh inst wctk and uilcmlcd thu anderson family teumon on wednuhdny and thin sdity mi and mir it l thornlnll and wii ma of mt forest and mr and mis a w cooper of lm branch hient ii weik oud ut mi il coojwrs mr and mis f 11 martin mr u laidhitt mr f buskcrund thi misses saunders of hamilton hpont sunday with mr and mm ray mond cowles mrs frank kay mid little diuifib tor or sutton west and mrs win fountain and sonhspunt inst ivpel with mr and mrs win halpio glenwintiuim mr roy vaunatter arrived at the home of his parents mr and mrs ira vannattor on sunday morning atcr a lo day motor trip from mooaojnw sask mr and mrs aithur hunstodlor and miss mny chapman of bin ton mr and mrs willnot mahood and children of kincardine mr and mrs wilfred parr and butehm and mrs cbumherlaid of guoliih a nt sunday at the home of mrs armstrong paper mills a pleasant family reunion was held at the borne or mr and mrs hugh black of the scotch block last week mom tiers of tbo family present wero mr and mrs nichol son mich mrs storoy guelph mr geo 11 black ellcnsburg wash mr and mrs geo hender son georgetown st georges church sunday next july 20th at 1 1 am dedication service by the 1 lord bishop of niagara vacation wants vacation time means postcards and letter wilting save time buainga reliable fountain pen we have the watermans ideal fountain pen and parker duofold pens the two beat on the market from 250 to 700 slewarllown miss auua wilson is visiting her sinter mrs alfred thompson miss greta thompson and her sunday school class held a pic uic at mrs liuliauis acton inst wed nesday ah had a very enjoyable miss fjretn thompson ia attend ing the summer school at st catharines this week the orangemen of stewarttown went in a body to acton on tbe 12th nndtookpartri tribe orauro colo b rati on there they paraded to stewarttown station where they boarded they boarded ihe special train from tlilton for acton the btewurttown baseball toatn played a frirndlv gamo at asbgrovo itliurbda evening tost the straw berry season is nearly over and buying is in full swing dominion store limited s deermg mower 5 u cultivator div land roller j y ranrjari o hjrromj 3 walking plow i avy wain ahrtwuffwo scaled demo- all chatham tamimg umt font pulpect heel burrow wajton boai tjay rqk root uffler i itciilar aw double furrow gatic plow cullei 2 butkei 2 tri hett learn hantea 2 ml ingle harnmi a number i tiorae collar oelaval creamaapar i- verjtbiflg will poaiivelj be aold wilh- mnt noley 7 prr rrol per annum ili- ton always get tbe benefit in savings jftliljlomeajlllqbaliofirf addition but wonderful at subtraction we never look aronnd to ice what we can dd to pricei on the contrary out cornea the sharp pencil and we subtract a penny here and a penny there down down down never up result big t values lower prices look these over sunkiat orange doe 3339c k 95p 6c bean 2 for ba alymer d tomatoei tin ioc bmapberrr jk strawberry jam 7 4 lb jar plum jam 4 lb tin 29c 59c 15c richmello 7c- tea lb id patricia toilet oc soap 5 bars bon ami cake 9c or powder 2 for 4jl kipper snacks oc- 4 for wc brunswick jcr sardines 4 for dl todhunters chocolate m nibs lb ojz clarks pork and i a beans no 2 ll clarks pork and j beans no 3 ic clarks potted oc meats 3 for im richmello coffee save the cc coodflm 1 lb- 03c richmello coffee save the oo- coupons v lb ojc new cheese no 24c aree pfoaty prunes 2 lb campbells soupi laundry 6 soape 16 bars bread freah every morxt- ing large loaf frvs bakers or cowans cocoa yi lb homade tomato oo- ketchup quart oz iiomade tomato 14- ketchup pint lit iceli oggs corn oa flkcs 3 for 6jc posts 1 7 bran llk puffed oft whiiat 2 for rick 2 for j3c roaj qd meal jjc macaroni snd spaghetti 1lb plfis 2 for may field brand dacon machine oo- smdj lb j6ic ritei 25c d 160 carnation or st charles milk 16 o 2 for carnation or st charles milk baby lire 3 for eaole brand c6ndensed milk a b willson jeweller qeoroetown rennies grocery pnhtry flour 24s 86o blooms 5 strings 69o t jhoico prunes 2 lb 26q toilet papor 6 rolls 2io lemonade powder tins 26o corto bottio 85o jhef sauce bottio 26c jrenmolg pkt 10c cstillo soap 6 for 26o laundry starch 2 for 26o poarline 8 for 26o oranfiea tomatoes bap an an we delivee special sale of ladfesj misses and childrens running shoes and patent leather sandals running shoes misses whito runuinr snoes bieo ii to 2 ladies whito running shpes size 8 to 6 childs wbito runoinfiffboos sisdc tolo childs white slippers 7 to 1 9128 120 sandals ladies patent leather sandals 2 2fi misses patent leather sandnls tbb qjrls patent leather sandals sizes h to loi 1g0 childs patent loather sandal 5j to 7 t 1h9 childs tan leather sandals 6 to 10 89 11 to 2 99 ladies white tennis shoer heels 189 ladies whito oxfords hoots 121 misses whito canvas slippers laathor soles and heola sieea 10 to 2 125 monb running shoes sizes 0 to 10 169 boys tan running shoos 2 to 6 1 49 boys white running shoes 12 to g 121 ladies skirts ladies white gaberdine skirts all sizes reduced to mcbeanco georgetown d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i buy the best livingstones quality bread rallaked hf etwrjlmdy choice pastry of every kind watch our windnw for specials d livingstone erwinsgoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats quick main street georgetown phone no 1 spah sport not only in base ball but in every athletic sport spalding equipment leads be sure and see our stock spalding autoeraph tenuis racquets from s350 to 1751 spalding official tennis balls 50c spalding golf clubs from 1250 to 1550 spalding golf balls kroflite 75o the new red 75o red dot soo 4 we have a complete line of base ball supplies and fishing tackle single shot 11 rifles 500 each we have a complete stock of haryest tools pure manilla rope 78 and i inch 25c per lb r h thompson co georgetown saturdaytreat what makes a better dossort than a brick of noilsons ico jrenm phone 89 for a trial order butternut roll 29c lb try a pound of this fresh homomade buttomut roll rolled in fresh walnuts regular 40o lb saturday 29c per lb pure milk chocolate buds 45c lb a groat summer favorite regular 60c saturday 45c lb salted peanuts 25c lb made fresh for this special regular 80c saturday 25c per lb weekend chocolates 32c our weekend chocolates are better than over saturday 32c per lb see onr windows for other specials neil eon ice cream brick or bulk delivered oranges bananas tomatoes cantaloupe black georgetown harold main street grand opportunity to boy one of esquesings oboice and well located farms at n decid- j ed bargain 100 acres clay loam lovol and all undor cultivation and situated on county rood road tbrco miles from georgetown r good frame house of eight rooms non1 decorated 7 ice lawns 1 large new basement barn good stabling snlcndid well farm is well ia fenced 7 price for immediate 8at j wjeyans6go m granf s imxrinl pint jars per doz wine quart jure per dor imperial quart jars per doz wine 1 2 ral jars per doe white or red rubber rings 10c per doz class tops for jars per doz metal rings for jars per doz pastry flour per 24 lb bag raspberry straw berry nr plum jam 4 lb tin kipper snacks 3 for imperial jolly powders for jollo and nu jell per pkg jelly powder in glass 2 for koiiors bran flakeb 2 pttrt dairy salt in gu lb bags fine salt in 60 lb bsks coarse or fine sslt in 100 lb ohk- i a m grandy phone 75 sauslmllmfcurmlh prtnptfidhrerj

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