Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 16, 1924, p. 4

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what plohlt all sutis8 bo 11 it k lu h h mil itr tk i r klj u n di lyl i 1 u i k ij lt j yo r lab it u uy not lit rt jm r ibancc to lie rtlmj ji il m or li till to d or ir ut hit one nlonlioti alwah in lnnl ltl jtm if joii it ihl line bo uo tlnug it oro llmr inc j uul lotliocnd in new or use it im i k j lo roitiicoh d or adj t t to the purpose joii pur beware lost golden ho ire bo vain in ftitl ng too ler lavtoinefw to j rbjnc bee beu tj onl where ft charm lent hi weiltb onoiifib to n ike set in mibliiue bo selfish when ou must bo friendless cold lot nothing eeu yoi from tbe goal you eeek wbere boldness ottor dividendn bo bold and tnihb no chance to pounce upon ibe weak bocomo a driving power a mighty be firm bo strong bo boon bt pitiless you ii miss lbo linor things of life of course but you may win what people coll success 8e kibcr in cosmopolitan august 25th fall term at gaelph business college euelph int individual instruction id stonogrni b busmcha bocrotanal duties salctsmiuml ip register now jl lb0uc principal aid proprietor gummed papers lid notice la hereby wan tlat gu- wdpapara unlud hu paaud ad auotlebad a b7iaw of whlok tka fbllawlbg la aoopjt gtuum papkks lihitkj by u no 12 ci an n i he head office w kreai the charier of ll c company pfov drs lhal itie lloatl oltcc lhal be lu ale at i he v lajfe of ccoirc ow n the pmv ceol o aroi and hiiirras t it drcmed ex pol en thai ihr uuncnho id pa i banned lo ihr to of 8 ramp on n the s1 d pro cf now bk it tl hkhv irk knactki bb ity law no 12 9 gummrtt i apcrs l m rj that the hed offer f gnn ncil r peia lim ted be a d ihe umt 4 hr cb etai gi from ihe village of i corgi i own li ihr town of it tampion n ii e pfii nee of ontario piubknthi scvrnleenlh day of j ne 1924 as witvkm he orporale wal ol ihe company hamtd r rutlr w j hood 7 92t i re drnt secretary hitchyoottwagon tosare insurance tsvcry auto owner needs the protection ot foil coverage automobile insurance 1 sk vm abovt it- elmer c thompson ussruct service cwsetowi barrels best hand made apple bar rels conlrccla taken for im mediate or fall delivery prices right w b browne co norvi to the public 1 am prrparrd lo do all k rids of plam tnjc d on mi w cvo wptli no mat bow kmall he jot i w ii receive pronj nl on i riff t h and a fir cl j 1 anlrrd l a nur order i t yqut order oro xr n lrnnlw coj 1hi t n irapt altmtkm cbartes kcmwdv rape pjllenization aty varieties self slcnle anil need iroshpollmalion utnl i irliiul ill urk has s w in i f self fort he s rli itrr 1 i 1 h rati uial ton f hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 r t bo 0 a ti uo no lxvrn ant of a e uuro loroniu tor y u n it i as leun olwerv d by ti tr m- ra tl at curlalo varletua u ly r 1 r a uud by the hogm 1 tirilh usually product straggly luuiio hui chla especially wliura pi otefl in ulucka in ihu un l bu kuu and under similar condllloi u oil tr vrutlta on ccuicurd uud nl ueara droduce well lillnd urio uuuchoa tbe hokeni varluuis with exceptlgp are bolt merlin uur uthor eduimercial varlutlu are all t or icdb belt fuctiiu itesult of divoausauonal work ooiialdunal invobtlsalloual wurk ua hem done id new york statu in jinntaota aud at vfnulb d op this uroblem of aul stti llity will ii u re suit that thu ruuaon wl y curtain v irielli8 aru suit sltrjlc i asbeuu hlalillahbd in uur uwo wurk an a r aull of tbrco yearn investigation nru havu eiilahtlkt x the dugreu of mlt fertility auil utlrlllty of titty twu varlutllb 01 jpo and have att- lrulnud thu heat pot una turn lor ucli balfslorlle varlulles as undlejr 3 m brighton etc our uiparl tots hare shown 1 that insocu arc the ehkl ak nta in tho distribution of pollen wind btlng a nogilglblt factor z tt at cross pollination is abso lutely nuccasary in the case of sell ulerllo varieties including barry herbe undlejr maa salem wilder and u righto n the agawam ia the only one ul ihe commercially planted rogers hybrids wblch nelt fertile 3 that the majority of sell fertile varieties such as concord campbell niagara worden would produce larger crops of fruit ii they were cross- pp i una ted though- good crops an produced under self polllnauon uiuditiona camptiell often hlii straggly bunches due to linperfect polllnauon cross polllnauon would help 4 that the sell sterile tarleuea barry llndley etc pollinated by u ly one ot the self fertile tarleuea uncord niagara etc will aet crops of marketable fruit but that for maximum crops certain sell fer tile varieties are better suited aa pol knlieru for certain saltate rile varie ties than others for agawam and brighton tbe worden la the beat pol lenlier for massassolt and wilder the niagara la the best pollenlier lor salem the concord and for herbert and llndley any of the varieties concord worden niagara la op bell kcplaoo poor horta with good arlctlea in established vineyards where there art large blocks of the self hterlle ilogera varteuea and conse- qutnt poor crops every third or fourth row should be removed and replaced with concord niagara op aim liar aelt fertile varieties further information will gladly be given to those return ting same hort kxp button vlneund station i radicauoa of bladder amploa or cow belt badly infested fluids should be plowed deeply and then thoroughly cultivated and crussculuvated with a broadshared cultivator in order to break up and weaken the under ground rootslocka this cultivation should be given frequently enough to prevent the plants making any growth above ground until it is umo to put in a hoed crop which must be kept thoroughly clean in oraer to bo effective a well cared for hoed crop or corn has been found to give excellent results special attenuon must be given to hoeing out any pate hes of bladder campion which may appear in the com crop and which are not destroyed by cultlva tlon it in the fail there is any blad der campion in the aeld it will be necessary to plow fairly deeply and cultivate thoroughly and the follow ing spring repeat the frequent cult vatlon until if la ume to put in a hood crop this second hoed crop should not be necessary under ordlnr ary conditio na one spring thor ough cultlvauon fallowed by a well cared for hoed crop should destroy practically all the bladder campion j e howllt o a college quel ph they appreciate canadian varletlea the heart a delight farm at chair new york state consisting of eleven thousand acres la one of the most noted farms in america it la interesting to learn when on a recent visit to this farm that the hundreds of acres of spring grains under culu vatlon were in all instances varie ties which had been originated in canada the oata and the barley at ouelph and the spring wheat at ot tawa tbe 0 ac no 104 variety of winter wheat originated at ouelph more recently was being tested oul co arithmetic rpofitriiilg 6itirgnaahtt said the cow but i can add to the bank account of tbe man who owns me 1 can subtract from the prlnclal of his mortgage 1 can multiply bis chances for succeaa i can divide bis cares and worrie i cab give more interest to his work and i can dis count bis chance for loss nellla- vllle cow teaung association the united stvtes department agriculture hu recently burned a leaflet on dean milk the gist of tie leaflet is expressed in its concluding sentence keep milk clean covered cold vama your tarn a good narat adds something to it both at a bom and as a place of business take notice people who have abee rafien ar kood tramea faat kmng 10 rot or wi of protect on with fcatvan led romi inc lare 1 worae take lock and have a h t brrt stnclar ittvl r r vo i gecrgelown sleel truaa bama garage 1 k d gn j lighten ng protect too 4 7j f coal 1 fieild l w selon coal in al size ajto smithing and steam coal mrs j waudns j toenrtj station phone bars till likchdl town hmuii vi iflni ltiu now ready the dunlop trail summer resorts of ontario in a nutshell for the motorist the dunlop trail is the new idea tourmg book which rep resents the first attempt to lay ontario before the holiday seeker in such a way that he can motor over the province systematically the whole story pf ontario is told in sequence ontario from winnipeg to cochrane tfwindsor to montreal yet the book only comprises forty pages and is pocket size not a reference page from cover to cover in other words you get the whole story of a district when you are at the two pages covering that particular district no advertising of any kind in the dunlop tnul all maps and dluetrations specially drawn all material specially compiled think of this feature all your mileage figured out for you over the entire province the first time this has been at tempted in the history of motoring in the dunlop trail you find every river and lake trip in ontario that has a schedule also special train trips combination auto boat and train trips the first complete list ever published of places in ontario where summer hotels are located every golf club and camp site in the province and real information where you want it about steamer and ferry services for taking autos aboard in order to keep the circulation of the dunlop trail in the proper channel a nominal pnee of fiftycents has been put on it any garage or tire dealer in ontario will take your order for the unlop trail or you can procure it direct from this com pany at any of the ontario offices mentioned below dunlop tire rubber goods co limited head office and factories 870 queen st east toronto hamilton branch is 24 park street south london branch 971 richmond street ottawa branch dunlop building 306312 sparta st dwaeptirm makert to canada for thirty yean dunlop baxloon tires less air more comfort long distance hauling and trucking ston track 11ton truck furniture moving a specialty taxi asd oonatry driving dobs speeul prloaa far weak ead trlpa 1 toronto hamilton and the fallawlth dpuhigtr oar satiafactton and service guaranteed snyders cartage phone 171w georgetown w o o d for sale we have or immediate delivery a large quantity or both hai j and soft wood cut fin j lengtfi now is the time lo put n your pall nhpply your order ol ciud tcrtnh can be arranged prompt delivery telephone 991 6 murray bros aeorgtowb rr no 2- fowl wanted i nm pay n tl e i k cm prior for all m freeman phone 220w gtoorcetown chevrolet challenges comparison a standard chevrolet car is a fully equipped car it is not necessary to spend a dollar more than the purchase price to make it complete there are no extras to be bought chevrolet eco is stdl further evidenced after its purchase tt costs least per mile in consumption of gas oil and tires it also costs least per year for maintenance the tremendous increases in sales of chevrolet are ample evidence that chevrolet will stand up under hard usage and give real service ask us rboul lie gltac dclitnd payment phn ecepo flsdcr kulfj georgetown chevrolet cl come to toronto for used ford cars save from 25 to 1qq keen competition in the city has forced down prices on used ford cars and trucks to far below actual values we are can ada s largesjford dealers and offer you wider choice as well as bigger value et used ford touring car rtw roadsters coupes sedans and trucks virions yw model all guaranteed ten days to test the cor you choose we are the first dealers in canada to offer used cars on the new ford policy guaranteed values and repairs you are sure of satisfaction be sides saving money touring cars from 90 up to 400 roadsters from 100 up to 375 coupes m from 220 up to 445 sedans from 250 up to 500 trucks from 75 up to 400 every car shows the appraisal price and the repair work done come early for best choice smh stmtiom i 52 jma street jat atk rf kla loj roinuneti lrk and dcnriri 1ft and it i rtncii mustird in k1 ink uph 2 for ifytls nnilln aid lot ion v urartu jiirk 16c sold medal lea will lino c ip nntl nuir 76 o anchor tea pilh jlinl irrh tumble a 75c rronnd litre 2 hr j6o hilda blanr mano utiturd ror aoc 1 tor 25o k pyor yniukh 1 for 26o sudinth a for ir an i 20o t ultrj salt 10c s uiihii paiir ka ltfo siiuiisii pimientok 20c salad dtphtung and 10c pohltrj toi ii re 20 2 for 36c i mj 1 in lull im 2 f3r zbt give our bread a trial it ih ill uiya freuli tweet palat ii an i ai pet inn unit poh y i ihb been to ivt our list mem the beat loaf okh bb ill mdled in the bent i our ium i mbor of iciiular ruht miihiii 1 ir ip 11 urreita i roi f lb it our hie i xkd i mark clark bakery and groceries i iioni hi while rose gasoline a quality product at a quality garage not a must as good gasoline but the best at ballon garage fisher king 1 georgetown tobacco and confectionery store our everyday special onr aortmeritlrhlgh clan chocolates cant be beat at 30c per lb yonr choice of any make of chocolate bars 6 for 25o i i tv j specials y peu 16e no bbotbuihit roqalrea standard anthracite scranton coal r in all sizes automatical screened alid loaded f coal v wood j seleot lump for domes tio 1 and threshing purposes j smithing and canael coal j in fact icarry everything to j be found in any ap to date j coal and wood yard j john mcdonald j phone is georgetown j bm ilwsbi5iwrjljll d so ch ae wright butcher main st georgetown rkues shop ik bodkmsj x bargains in used cars late model studebaker big six touring car ford half ton truck 1918 chevrolet touring painted ford ton truck painter 1918 big six studebakei painted cad llac touring tat this car would make an excellent truck j n oneill fe son wwroe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 06 geobqetown c oal best anthracite coal always on hand nat and stave coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke phone 180 f rogers co georgetown how aboul yonr roof asbestocote goes over the old roof and stops all leaks give it a trial always in stock a lull line ol harness elc deerlng and mocormiok machinery and repairs for ume oils and greases 2 leeond hand engines h barnes mill strt fire insurance j h kennedy ccwfelomi vfc f r o ihr i grtl com vre you protected

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