Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1924, p. 2

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fade i imvn llhiiu n hit mni nim h willson ctndar taker and licensed emalmnr itlltll mu ik ihs sir i lh thai hit lull mm 11 it so su id pi h it v obituary muh jvn mi ii a life trow i ii illi mml tlieils and knfiuv thoughts lum il sun dnj whin mrn jinio miliui fut pier i of aoton unuirio pnshtil awkvitt the home of ti iluufjliler mm clins h atom- 1 dlendale aveuiic jloi o iti ai uin nlijiowl 71 j earn atfo mrn hrlinii leavcb n larno cirtlt of fntfijs there nnd u midland where she moved to live with lutdiiuklilei 8awl yearn ago following the lion ui of air mrlift miwij toronto nruuarnl anips will ulsu rdrret her ruinsm as she bad lived iu thin clt fin tbe jiast leu jour oulmde hei home her thief inlortil teulnd in eburi ii work upd for many yenrs mmmi imn was prominent ly nshoeintcd witli lh ac ion moth odiuthimh lii suleb m nt aklos one son minuet clmrlett t mc- lau of toronto nod otw grand clnjd mimiip akins charles milne of del roil m n brother ml fred milne of bttrniu a tin if brother mrs ii j emu afterafew diivn illnens mrs f j earl widow of a ij i url nnd mother of e major e t larl of milton died sundti moinin al tbo home of ber duuttlilar mrn m t harris at beaver too where riii was visiting sho mix in her 89th year and was ono of uallon conn ty e oldest residents having npenl most of hpr life at kilbride lot lei ly living with her daughter mm t c daleu in milton mrn unrl was a faithful member of the methodist chnreb slio is ruiviv ed b two sona and two dniifihurr- e f karl mil too l karl ol oldn alia mrs t c dnleit of milton nod mrn m t ilarrm ol beaverton miib richard milw on july icth mrn mills panned away at bor bomo lot 17 con g bttqucthing born in stevvarttowu in i84d her parents bcinj richard tracey ebij brut clerk and treat urer of bsittiebiiig and flora me nab of norviil in 177c she married capt j a curry of normal by whom die hail a n6n tracy curry v bo died in 1905 leaving a daughter minn dor otbj curry now living in region in 1912 nbe married richard millr- or braecbndjc who died about i year ago bbf tssornved bv her broth er j a trney township clert two nephewu john and frank murrii a niece flura murmt and hoi granddaughter dorothy currj in religion she wan an anglican be ing the flint organist in st jolmv cburcb slcwarttown tho pall bcarera were r c mc callourh william tlinmpaon jan stand lab ixb roai johnbi rd aul wm bescoby limehodse mr t a kens nnd familj spent sunday at airs hens mr wesley lano and familj were home from toronto on sun day willie newton returned home trom toronto sunday after upend ing 10 days holidays there miss winn if red hens ban abonl returned to ber ununl hcahtb after ber operation everybody is looking fornaid to tho garden party at mr gondyh on tbe otb august the sunday school lias been closed for a months bolidnjn ibis year slcwarllown congratuutionx to tbe three pu pile of 8 3 no g who hiirofuflfullj passed their iiitrnntf cinminalums a large number from here went on the sundti school excursion to burlinitton jit nc jn an isil nnd reppit a eryenjoyablr mibb ei7iiblb itonathurrir bol dftyiog with relatives at ualtvillr tbo misses jedra of bejwood visited with their atslcr mrs wal ter law no n over sundnj mr ancl mm wm lawlor and children of claresliolm alburtn avo visiting rclatufc in lhin vicin ltv- re dr kyle is liominc on flrraation classes in st john cburrh i an kvpoinfi m lawaii al cltautaiiiua on saturday evening eoniplelc line of outing shoes for men women and child ren nt hjiwciiii prices our pruec smc you money- h j fos uorgetown i inei ting of tbe omagh women s institute held at tbe jiome of tbe president mrs e liemlerson 11 new nicmbers wore ntxillcil a motion to imtkc in qnw ns to the ohl and pnsibihly of having fl miikir uarhr rntup to the tbree h hmil of llie ronimnnil mrs willgiott gave a talk on rur- nnt ei i nl tombing on i ninrb union post ofhcfl strike and milton old hovs lie union mrs ingh hart jtm pr gave an interesting talk on community work a mo tion to iiik il ln council for ennlin ml nr uie rest room refreshments mid n social half hour biougbt tbe meeting to a ojne four hurl in auto accident in the kmiil 1ic pnptr are ell klnu iotllon lunl li in mr tyrrell in mi an il j lientgi loimi hoy nnd tonsil or tin minhoh rjan and iiih f mill mi mcmillau form i ii i nit n- mi tyrrell ttpnnt i it v il ni in itorgeuiwn in juik a mii utiforliinnu autuinouili it i uli ill v i urn d sunday lifter tiittti lime sjuuil iti wlm h severa i i known iiuziiis suffer d iniur ihu tllllouh mit a m jvroll friutiirei mih u it johnstone fnw lured anil near shonder mrs catherine mcmillan moth it of mis tyrrell bruises and shot k d ij jolmfitone severe chest onluhiotih and shock r mr juhnhlone was tlriving and n the ilbsv iiie of mr tirfell m tbo c usl had ok ted lho s to go out riding the itccne of tho aoiident was on the hist hide of the grade this ante u mount rajleigb on rtlie north lhumiison rund keeping out of i lie wiitu filled nils mr john xtone who was not tiavolliug at a i nile or spied rounding a e round tbe ear would nut re npund to tbo steering wheel ap ijing the iliiergenej brake maj have rented the sbo k which laused tbeinr lo turn light over on the slipper road it landed on its four w heels on tbe tlrut ledge most fortunatel blajmg ibeie little harold tyrrell agn also of tbe paru naslheonl not injured and dhowed greitl presenlo of mind in iiiimodiaul atlemjitiag to getnul bj tetepbom meantime robert bliukmore in whose car uas miss duelitl a nurse was passing and linn part summoned help from tbo tit in telephone nnd also gnvejirht aid mccnniiells ambulance along with neil mccunuell himself fol lowing in inn private car proceed ed al great speeft to the scene and mrs tjrrell wns brought iu itrst conveyance to the hospilnl diid the rext followed bj nuto to that institution win re nil me no mrs tj rrell was tbo most gran ly injured and is suffering a rent deal the limb will itijui special conirivnntc made lo hold it in position and had to be eel again todaj nn nmiesthetic being iinplojed she is as well as can be expected after the aci idi nt she was much more anxious that mr tjrrell did not seo the new in tho newspapers thnu she wu over ber own suffering mr tj ell bad left medicine uub fir night on his waj homo from tli internalionul convention of rlai it toronto lie was local d b telegram and oo mirnduj aflernoon dr irving speeking ovej cp ft deninlclier s wire here told lnm lh elent of mrs ti injuries while mr trrell w rcvelstoke he arrived hite that night mrs mcmillan of the foji patients is suffering least and in spite of ber age she is over seven l has sustained lesa shock was expected her bruises now giving ber less pan harold tyrrell was able to attend si bool next morning sporls bon lino a local tournament for singles as finished on tuesday july 22 which resulted in a win for tbe nreful standi bowler dave law ion with chief jackson coming second after a hard fought game with the winners in which he lost bj one shot mayor dale fell be fore the veteran major omnt wbile all that was wrong with mc intofb and harrison was that they couldn t get near enough the white two or threo rinks are entered lo da in tbo milton tournament for mijed rinks last bnturday a rink of george town scotchmen plajed in tbe tournament at islington winning two games and losing the other by onlj i shots bvhfitali a bna imqrh yill be nlaied tattaeimirr on wulnyrcetnoon august 2nd at i pm mountain eers s terra ootu tins game wilt decide the league leaitersbip ba tones mountaineers wood and muldoon terra cotta hop burn and menally georgetown defeated terra cot la at the park bore oo thurndav evening last by 3 rims to 2 this thursday evening george town will play acton in the park here game called at 6 p admission 25c norval tho month meeting of the norval womens lnatitate will be held at the homo ot miss smellie an thursday august 7th tbo georgetown branch have kindly consented to give the pro iiramme and it is requested we have a full attendance of tbo m hem of tbo home branch a dial inv nation in extended to nil ladies to be present fall to appur tbj four foreigners two men ami iwo women of hamilton chiiiged with burglnrmng thomp sona genet al more at burington on maj 7 last woe tried at mil tonon jo i sctli nnd remanded itil nput week bj jnde elliot tlicbiil woman in the ease who wat granted bail several weekh ngd tin nol tiiprar for trial and is mid lo have left tbe country paper mills picnic a comliiuol i tbo 1 i m i iml mill division coauid 1 apt i h tan lev 1utk the 191 h agi 200 k wen it idtul daj in d the great deuuunl boats were fortunnu thi for swimming being so wctdv there was a ball mine earl in the afternoon mm tld n came the much in whxh young and old join ml hinrtily the narritd bidiox nun must have boon m eyi oiwuer to some or the vouugti geneiatioil who have had an idea mother wai slow the married men s raco at no brought to mind the old saving there s lire in the old dog yet there were niimeimts nuesand tboiummiltee award d soirri ni pntes winch wore fitllj apprec ud each null prepared vut excellent and the great donation of cakeii gave a good supplv of nice bingi for over bod after supiier tbe dance jiavillion was raided the music for the dances being provided b m leavilt on tbe piano also viohu and piaoo hy mr and mm ed li lit nnd was excellently rendered mr hob mccarlne kindly acting as lloor manager ever thing went with a owing till 11 so when evoryboil nine home baupj and tirod everjoik km med so pleased with th hi that tbo conn or the thrie mills propose making mil affair if possible it lee a i no lx g to thank mr j heaumont and mr fieemnn tor so kmdf donating tbe uso iff their timks for tbut da also the kind friends who loaoed the the umi harveslen wiu to wmi h ftr ihe west at least 40000 harvesters wilt be required to garner tbe western canada wheat crop this season according to information received at general headquarters of tbe canadian natioual ivailwaju thi afternoon ot ibis number ap- prnxiiualel 20000 will have to be secured fro as eastern canada it being thought that tbe remniuder can be supplied bj the three prair e provmcea and british columbia this information is the outcome of a conference held at winnipeg today between representatives of canadian national railways pro incinl and federal governments and the labor boards it was also brought out at this meeting that bar vesting is expected commence in manitoba about avg usi 20th apd in saskatchewan and alberta about august 26 tb a further meetiog is to bo held about august 2nd in winnipeg to decide upon the date when tbi special rail fares for harvesters ill gololo eirecx tbirdatstvih be governed by tbe time whi farm ci s are prepared to accept bar v esters representatives canatlian national railways were asked by the government officials lo state how well tbey were pre tared to bandlo this traffic and told that tbe national railwa 8 atom has approximate 1 400 cam of the very laleat typo or colonist equipment held readiness for tbe handling of tbe excursion in addition there are ready for service oq these trains a number of specially designed li counter cars all of them laiger and better equipped than any other cars or ibis type in country equliatlm uti canty kale at a recent meeting of tbe county council the asaesment was equal i bed as foltowa trafalgar ebtjiiesing nolsofl naasagaw oj a milton oakville burlington georgetown acton 1915808 the connty rate waa then struck 7 210 mills on the above equalisa tion for general connty purposes and one mill for good roads h 2 10 mills besides tbo rales tiafalgarelaod tonrtioorgotown acton ijueaing will pay special trafalgar and nelson on by laws 42b 479 and 490 burlington georgetown and aoton on by law 428 and esquosing on by law 479 oprmt4 sm still in milton police court saturday phil forbes was found guilty of operotmbflfeyen illicit stilla seieed in thomas cox s bush and paid hia fiao of 200 forbes declared he paid county constable mason c0 to tell him who squealed on him but that tbe latter after tak ing the money refoned to tell farther investigation will follow monday a holiday sec our special values m footwear for tbo week end h j fox georgetown major leach is holding a clearing auction sale of farm fltoclf and impements on thursday aug 7th see list of artiolea in ao other column gj cewietein bltloua thsn the artistic other und marching on gorgeous upectnrlt iinnraylnk the might roniatirp and xrandiir al thi ilritlah fntjilr all llie altiuklu- ii iiillra known to hit him ii in man onk iilsdith liiihttks l consult jour skeiit mr itnlikril iudlnm1 hairs rouert miller prnidtnt john kfnt m maxlng director empire ssp barns uibbikuprml waatnaftllit 100 i b plank conrtnctlw tnnw an mfantmcalryatittafln1riacin ihaanal moi a rtroctw wild as a rack aua u wtthrtand ttw hwvlwt tsanm aba autward pramura f fcnln pranauncad by anglnmrs ta ba tha tttvmjnwt typa fbamewmtmctton ha abrtrucung ctaw btaou brae afay- all lotartor b ctxar fuxht space mmi towark in get o pri for your barn jart fall u kntth and arldul and aba drhwt yau want and ay whan fan will prabamy nad tha bam tata will nat bind yau a any way w aba fcimbh aap aur nunaua empire corrugated iron eastlake shingles standanb of quality far 4c yarn llxtekfis v kxhdbii canttttt ua our nparla urvicc ixpf batmurdbpatalaadcanfhayw raal habk the metallic roofing co limited toftwtto while rose gasoline a quality product at a quality garage not a just as good gasoline but the best fisher king erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branohes phone 65 geoboetown ossisisiigiisin new advertisements midsummer clearing sale al the mens store we llnd we uroovir imulol n kprmg nnd summer lo k and in order to make room for our fall toods we an oltiriiii sie 11 vnlueri tor the next l n dih 20 off all rurnishiiii including hats tups shnls umli i ut ar ties etc ordered clothing rtlmtial prices in this department the linest blue and grev serges regular prmes s1 00 45 00 00 00 for the fol lowing reduced pru es 27 r0 17 fio 42 til during this sale all orders nro hand tailored in our own workfhop including flint hits trimming and guaranteed to and lit ilatt onr ordor earl nnd save moiiej readytowear clothing a niiiiber of bo h jolitli i and men s uiih ftl half the reglllil pin e tn deal it will b to vour nikmt lo nplenih j our unnliobe millar co georgetown phone 126 the beat way lo avoid troublesome experiences is lo allow us to look after your car if we in spect tt occasion yo may be sure that it will run true to form and it wont be apt to leave you run true to torm and it won t out on the road to despair phone 7 w ure cash with oltdelt ii 7 ml vegetable nd fn iriini sis 4iii ill inn ail wood for sale load j llriiridlirl i o rw tx ir24 o torat small inllike on mirlmli st ii 1 arnold rtr for sle liimhit mliutlra and lnli nr tt d jotinmsli phone hi o- fop fikle a notioi id pply a iiiikki jr wanted clerk s nouce ol firs posting ef volers usi vour idt 1923 hnalolpallt of eqai connty of hlton nl ii chy k plinl 111 spiimn 10 of dy i i lie voter lull jik i til tl of ihe lckflbivt 1 ol 11 p hilled it my jacksons we furnish the home comphte housefurnishing specials far august al prices that will save you money dining room furniture at very attractive prices extension tables fume finish round 4 ft extends to 6 ft pedestal leg regular 4200 for 2900 buffet oak fume finish large mirror large roomy compart ments cutlery drawers linen drawer regular 6900 for 84990 chairs sets of 6 i arm 5 chairs oak fume finish leather slip seat 83900 bedroom furniture in a good choice of designs walnut finish large dresser mirror hiffoneer bed and stand 4 pirres regular 14600 for 811100 simmons steel bed walnut finish felt mattress coil spring regular 3900 for 83650 couches spanish leather a splendid valne 81550 rugs union good quality 9x9 regular 2000 for 81595 9x9 regular 24 40 for 1725 9x10 12 reg f 25 for 1689 jap ruga 9x9 regular 9 95 for 749 r 9x12 regular 13 25 for q95 a good showrfte of serviceable deircnhl pieces for all rooms at excepttonakjrood values quality value service dvmll srwartlowii 2ll july im4 j a thai ucr or lnqucmiig iukuituwn civic holiday la h ati on to whom il miy concern in reflponae 10 thr request nf rubinem men and oiler ciiiicih of thr town of grorkilohtl i lirrrh proclaim monday august 4th 1m4- cvu holiday f llic id municfpdtiu fid irm ihn ill rtnica uill vevria lh uho 1ji mayor auction sale oj farm slock implements bay and standing crop the iindcraikned iu rrfrtvfd mini major j o leach to ll hy iumk aurii on ihr tail imk oltill2 stli l w n lhmkiiaouii at norval on thursday anflosl 71b 1924 nl l2inlothslmip llosmvt pairtlddilp a lyrari i p or rciitcrcl uliin nurr ii rd kniul t 1 drmii n ti i jn i hull s nlbl oklmwa frrli a r old w tl lr oldoo mai- 10 j ttib dui- tr 1 mr old row ir4jiriii ja i jacksons georgetown tyr ia j mir 0 yr old co it 0 r old dnr mr tl r mu ok illlr ui i ii m lid cow due mar 11 1 yr old uv freiir iorradelrljs jr l d ik v-rljr- boar 1 ar 2 ork 1 h p r i tanks mori tiulkninminrliir 12rl ttnkhox hhuib lbi oil 1 hii her lodhorw rdmif pr 1 dit ockahmt diar d m- dr ii f to wakt rrat jiarfvttt fire insurance j w kenhbit erdi lroopi c im vre you protected k s

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