Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1924, p. 3

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ttik imirlkiown ilkthllt jii utii llttl bug5btf ft lv special g for a abort time only patwafve sup ike with each boc bottle of ftelmotms shampoo djmatthew dsuos iisu3tnkekt ptb local news georgetowns tu rate is 8 mi lie chautauqua commenced yes terday garden party at aogubfc 6th special meeting of town oil tbifl thursday evening no date has been set jet the unveiling of tbe bix cylinder lam a great sparkling comedy at chaaiauarsssa tomorrow evening- tbe town ball in receiving fresh obat of paint which na cided improvement tle neatest and best shoe re pairing in town always on the job allan roney ball game in tbe- park thaur- day evening acton vs c towo- game ealled at 6 pjn aov tniaaion 25c the public library wid 6e closed from saturday august tad to monday august lbtb dates inclosive monday next being civic hol iday the regular meeting of the council will be held on tuesday evening august 6th a meeting of the r agricultural society will be bra in the council chamber on friday evening august 1st at 8 pjn i will clear ont oror 100 pain of childrens and misses wrote boots on batnrday next at tbe ex ceptional price of 26c per pair booey hear the brunswick trio canadas greatest enter a intra at tbe presbyterian cfanren gardca party at limehonae on wednesday evening angus 9th bear the balmoral lady unt ies at tbe presbyterian cbwrcfc fiarden party at the borne of wna gowdy limehonae on wednesday evening august 6th at special meeting of the council betd on tuesday eveonrc tbe tax rale for 19m waajhed at 488 mills a fnll report of lb jdeetinkwill apnoac- dex so bead of jersey will be sold by poblio au on that day angnat 7th byhrtjorja leach atfiast half of lot 11 5tk con west chingnaeoaay at kor- val ajludien of the womens institute wishing to gat to guelph on aognat 5th are re quested to meet at the bad station for 280 pm- car on abn date men dont mis linear pairs mens finejkpwn bootaaaa in one of tbe newest french ti with goodyear welted aolea se 6 to 10 sod would be extra gs value at fi special bobany nb6u j fox g tbe county council of i and halton have decidr tbe aooae of befoge at equipped wih ugbtning have chosen tbe bhionflafc aj stasa of wiring the porcbaea of i ment and uutallatno tc be by wilwn bowles bowles is to be congratulated t thib fine tranaaciiou faft at uli holy communion at 8 ajn cor porate communion of una yi confirmation claea matin ad am and evensong at 7- preacher will be tbe bar fravak vipood mc of toronto all great war veteran are re- quested to meet at the drill stwd onfriday evening angnat lat awr the purpose of selecting a gaana of honor and firing sqoad to take part in the unvejliog cevvrnvoaaaa of georgetowns war maaaorial which will take plaee in the neat fotnre fraaawtauaa at wf on the ratueroeat of rev w m mackay from the paatorate at old pnmbyterian churchal wca- ton toongregationi nighl made use of the by prvmeeting mr mackay with a parse of gold received a gold watch and boqanet of flower tjwiaifrnavu ju on mooday- afternoon mr a main wbo baa the contract lea- painting tbe town hall down a big ladder to ahtfk it i aootbenposittoo when ia amte accountable fraoiared bis right aokla sympathy of tbe oomniwaity ha misfortune will habudnp far ear iderable time go to sbntra tor your dagr- fooboota he wavhse i oai we cleans but davjsqaibflr eaaafoand of mr w mrs a iba lira il ham- llira dclr and mas ter chart rtijaauii lno lamad ibny laaaawandnd eva asnaahm oat the lusaeiaix ilhseiilftawiihisiivisi party axortan the lawlim by tbe ynwatu by tbe r jswr ji bornance eff a laaw a ban oawaetr cnatafl e af taaa aptendid iwtal- the wax of tbe armaaeqw srhq war v j following dr fox of gam a lee eawxnefaaawavpinr of com- persoaals mini marion steele of hvriii in visuiiitt wrth tlio mibwh inumin rc and mrn itotr of llnnin- liul fnend b hi uiun iuhi wiik mr and 11 iv iujti itonn nnil uihstus fefl csterda for q lu ll rs oennyx ir toronto was a guetl of sim w a main lual mlhten klianlhulh nml kllui spency are ihititk rtllivs at knn mr k i sliplcy of imroit iw viiitintf with mr nnd mr j n oneill lliss margaret lenlie of ac ion is visiting at the boine of mr jno mr lorne krwin of toronto spent the week end itb friends in town lira near and child rim of acton spent sundaj with mr and mr jos kmldy mr and mrs varcoe of oranfi villa niient last week aith lr nud mm fred ruddy miss beascj and mr jacl itarbcr arc liohda ing at purl carling kluakoka mrs if p lawaon and the miswh lawkon are holiday in fi at the royal mnskoka mifts doris mcdonald of toron to is holidaying at the home of john mcdonald queen st mr and mm a flillmer of oak villa orient the week end with friends in town and vicinity mr and mm juo rallantine sr arc viuilinfi with their daugh ter mrs wm ednublon of dialey sask dr and mrs c e mcfiuire nod children of sinicoe spent tbo week id w relatives in town and mr c a cook of street vihc and mr uomer of toronto were lhe guests of mr roy van natter on sunday tbe many friends of master jack qarrioo will be pleased to learn that be is recovering from his rc- t nerioilb illoesa lr and mrs g d maclran of toronto spent the week end with parenta in town georgf leaves this week for a trip to vancouver mr and mrs fras toll and mr harold toll of venvood sask- who are on a motor trip east spent the week end at the home of mr nnd mr ira vannatter r and mrs bud morris or toronto are spending a week nt the home of mr and mrs j w bessey after enjoying a motor trip through the states mrs blake leslie and duightcr and mr and mrs mccoll bae re turned after an extended motor trip thioogh the states while in fin dwiorrt snaill j dining tin- mterp elivli nuirm winch viniled thin iiiktnct loo iridij lan the h tn hs juiiihini toun hip ihlonuuiij tv i viim illor tlinmifitjoic nf mil ton luas ilrnrl in ikii inini nml re id red lo il in short tunc tlir- milton h- hriknlc wlm h answered the urgent ciitf for help with their lue truck and r hi in real ile1 nith the 11xlhl in mhou ance of mi the i ii in her the mill the ide glasa tuba nikd with water are ban mm incubators for croat rgg at the ontario government uatcb- designed to prntnt mildew a california has invented a device whktt sprays wet ir dry sulphur w srapr vines mon than 36 tons of food are re- qsirod daily to fd hoffa on 4 calif oruia ranch and it u distrib- bjmeba at an electric rau- way naing aide domp cars the tight producing apparatus ot tbe glow worm nnd firefly a said be the most efficient in the world tbe glow worn light is eighty tiroes efficient than a tungsten of a million and a half dollar factory hull dine has ronohdced in cornwall onu which when cumpleled will give employment to 500 harid axti- faal silk a ill be nun tinctured from pulpwood crotsing ftoni 1 honn to tiie- dc in 5 dar 19 hour the fans- 4ian pacific s s empress of prance created a nen ncord for the trans- atlanbc voyage her average spd on the record run was 20155 knots montreal officers ol the dominion eiprvss company tate llirt the strawberry thiprmnd ids jiur have been much hiavier tfei here of ore the tjntattt trap- rlprned quickly ily disposed of mr and mrs carr and two sons and mrs andres wbo motored over from new york and mrs abbott principal of la vallee continua tion school were visitors at mr jasjl nortona jown also with friends in brampton and norton- rille mrs lett of st paul minn and daughter mrs garrow of now uilu minn mr w a moore uejaw sask mr and mrs dunn of toronto mrs ii w booth ottawa and mrs sadd of hanotick are visitors at tbe home of mr and mrs j b wallace ra 8 wagslaffe who is visit ing relatives and friends in knit- land writes that she is having n t enjoyable time mrs wag staffe attended wembly exhibition on july hth and says things in genera are much dearer there 1 in canada she expects to sail for home the latter part of a garden party nndcr the aus pices of the iamebouse presbyter ian church will be held at the home of william gowdylime- boose on wednesday evening august 6th something differ the entire program will be given by the brunswick trio or canadas greatest en and tbe balmoral appear full dress highland costumes and will give a program of those good old scottish songs both itandard and popular not a dnlt moment during tbe evening refreshment booth on grounds program at 30 acres of good parking apace for autos admission 35c child- in tbe august issue of rod and goo in canada every sportsman will find something to his liking besides the regular departments there is an nhuaoally interesting story hooting for pre- historic game through the bad lauds of the red deer river by lillian sanders tbe fisherman will cag eriy read with the angler in august jhy ro page finenln in bis monthly fishing notes frank moms has written a fascin ating account of an exploring trip througn faraoas vacation ground entitled tbe heart of ximagami migration roue hawks and owlst by bonnycastle dale and the full webbed swimmers by j w winson will hold the atten tion of all those interested in onr feathered frwnds the lber jhf vrfar departments and severaljo- tereeting stones complete the vaf 00 featores of tbisuane rod and onn in cabana is published montely av w j taylortta woatttaor ont women boots neatly balt- aoled and its rubber heels put 00 ijoo allan bone lot e i u- nil vacation wants vacation time means postcards and letter writing time save time by using a reliable fountain pen we havr tbe watermans ideal fountain pen and parker dudlold pens the two best on the market from 250 to s700 a arllsbwladgaaaawt we hen ti uknowlndue rer a opw mng entitled when first we mel as the editor of this famr ilmwut know a denij ini iunver fiooi a dinihason or luihf eleff from n bone tumor he will not be expected to give an n tednot ice of thih pfoduelion can w3 hoirpver hint the te umhi in printing the song clear nnd plain the 110 per uecms to he i he best iiiia lily or rag jjie rii mi tbe front jcifie in nrtixtic and the words are tender as bleak nml ux poetic ns the song of adnulu k on ji may morning tbe mioi is sound and all rich i lb no wirl inlls or collar marks the harmofiv also reernslo be health condition witli no patent effects or noltceiible blemishes totnlity is clear and resonant and rest 011 harmonic relations and melodic clenieu is orange here arid there alberta government wntfhnntera will this scawii afrain pinetate the barren land and wijc cat un lh- umberwolves whch prey on tfci caribou herds- lat stauin thi er killr off mvctd budrej of ihr prrdolory beals inlte oiun- try nortrreast of great slave- lake beginning in the autumn git an express tram will bi- eijippi with comblnlion radtn an j wire less telephone- enabling the send inj of wireless mmsaecs teliihon ing and tbe giving or radio concerts while the train is travelling at a high rate of speed a v irrdi fries twoyear old fh heler williamsburg pontiac is cuimed by ur u w hocke vik ilamsburg ont as a result of a 30 day test ihowinz production of 27885 pounds of milk and 11x82 dm butter fat equivalent to 1aj8 ft at butter tbo official railway guide in nrnentinj on the air seyvice which connects with the canadian pacific railway at anclicrs says no far as we are aware this ia tbe first instance on this continent where interchange of passenger traffic between railways and air- anes has been established in six address to tbe associated advertising dubs of the world t wembley july 17th e w beatty president of the canarjnm pacihc railway stated that the amounts pent on colonization by the cana dian panne railway and the ca nadian governniept from the year 1881 totalled respectively j67000- 000 and t350o00o0 canadian pacific railway bandied some ksooo westhound bartesters last year this company inaugurated the lunchcoos ter car wafch afforded facilities hitherto unknown and although perhaps not aa a direct result of this inno vation over 6000 men travelled m pacific ton wilson earliest guide in the canadian rockies featured the first day meeting of the two hundred of tie trail riders of the canadian rokies at toho camp mr wilson who was pre inil now srxty- five years of ajre resides at endcr- by bc discovered lake louise and the tobo in 18r2- a d ifacticr ncepresident of the canadian pacific eastern lines who awarded the mcadam team the first aidchattriks cup which they won in competition with teams from north bay toronto wrodsot stattoo and anrs stated that siace uie canadian pacific council of tbe sl john ambulance asso ciation inaugurated in 1909 over twenty tbcauad empjoyees of the comnany hit re receited instruc tion in firt aid the last annual report of the st john ambulance association referred to the cana- aauvpacific as tae premier rad- 1 gemcerewii oteahhy 8 cream wanted by tiie georgetown creamery bigbesi prices pam foyyl wanted i mm pajinjr the hqtbrti pnee for id kaadi of inre ptmhrr also bnt pncea fa all kads of jirok hales and wool ren tenre nesi 10 latpledent shop m freeman pliaatt ssow gorftowm a b willson j jewexxjer nest to hotel mettjbhoo gkortetowii rennies grocery 5 ih pail shortening illacl tea bulk lh mild cheese per 1u itice t ibt for cooking lign t lb floor polish lb un star ammonia 3 for lu 8 for iearlines for 2sc 5c orange s tomatoes bananas we deliveb d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 273i wool wool wool we want your wool and will pay the bigbesi market price for it call us up before selling georgetown creamery co m saxe mannger long distance balding and trnddng 3toatrmok ffifs itomtrck futnilute meviaf a satdiby mfarr iwrlvtwafthas gf ilal rrfaaa awr wawk 1 a f iltlia sallai rslmwlta ft isaissssiiii fa satisfaction and service gmaranteed snyders cartage phone 171w georgetown spalding f sport not only in base ball but in every athletic sport spalding equipment leads be sore and ace onr spalding amtoaerauah ttmmim jtmttnm froam y30 to rio spatldine oaautlaa teauaia baos 50tv spsutttate onu jinks firomm tso to0 spalding golf baoia kroautej tso tk awrav hal 7 bi dot uka we have a complete lineoi base ball sapphes and fishing tackle single shot 22 rifles 500 each we have a complete slock of harvest tools pure manilla rope 78 and i inch 25c per lb r h thompson co georgetown buyw s tres equal to anvvualit and better than most our prices lo a town call and iw u befoor bbfini your dvd tires and tubrt repaired rverrlbing guaranteed to f sinclair georgetown special sale ladies misses and chil- drens running shoes i shoes mihsot whiu- itunning shoes siwn ii to a 125 iules wulfl ninniigahoeshiwa lo g 1 ar iavlies white tennir show hoes 12c ladieh while oifnrdu heels 1m mihimh whiu- canvtu tilipiiere leather wile i hejh 111 lo 2 12fl bojh whiu- itnnnmg siiooh 12 to 4 1ho mens white oxfords rubber eolcs and heels mo alerts wear mens straw hutu s200 nnd 225 for ijo mens felt uatfi 150 fur 275 mens balbnggan shirtw and drawcrh 00 mens cotton sox hen a union sox z 25o mens lisle thread co nice rainge of menfsport shirts mens pongee silk shirts i00 for b9c mens golf swoatcrs onlj 275 menb knitted vests 225 mens white duck pantn qnl 2 25 mens white pliuinol punth jhimi tor goo mens white serge pants bu0 for goo ts mcbeanco m georgetown saturday treat mams cfcerry casur ice cream nukes an ideal lessert a delicious wholesome creamy ice c renin with chopped cherries in it a very attractive dessert assorted fruit jellies 25c lb made fresh for this special assorted llavore regular 40c lb saturday 25c per lb weekend chocolates 32c our week- end chocolates arc on grpnt demand- there must be a reason saturday 32c per lb have you tried our broken chocolate 00c ind coo lb harold c black main street georgetown y grandys imperial pint jars per do wine quart jars por dox imperial quart jars per doz wino 12 gal jam per doz white or red rubber rings 10c 0 lass tops tor jars per doz metal rings for jara per doz pastry flour per 24 lb bag raspberry strawberry or plum jam kipper snacks 3 for imperial jelly powder 3 for jello and nu jell per pkg jelly powder in glass 2 for kellogs bran flakes 2 pkgs dairy salt in co lb bags pino salt in 60 lb bags i or fine salt in 100 lb baps 25c i a m grandv 1 phone 75 sawadaa caamlenl praapl delivery speights garage battery service r hmfisl how atari yonr lires spcdal arks m soaiiki aid flresltae tires lor i seorl line hrsimk cm unci cons wilt iiih mile goirulee al oily nut bo kne a lew brail lew colaaaia storage balleries 10 dear al siui aalleries luriileti 8 k by prices are be lowesl ibal is eoaslsteal wilb good service yours for service sl hnae 281 abtbur r sfeigbt i i 3ik weekend specials gel a line on our sptnals and lav tn i t hit holiday wc havtia big vancty of fann l i in ni n 3 up lo j300 i jivolate wri crewrnt chacobltes rcg 60c pi out vreekknd perorates reg 0 nml parahraalknr jrllis wih enroanut n- l serous regubn- 30c per hi fn ice cream it ricks all tunrstlr welkttfr j kosy korneft candy lh for pcr lb itidk 2v pint sura kitchen f j deverson i main slnel

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