Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 30, 1924, p. 4

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my jm a little inrrm mill h mil a little nun i spixio n lil a ultli inoth so mil ulntt a little riiblin iiih taiiti a lilllo pluu ill lit i id rouiul a little ruttlo 10 lohomid a little limping- iht iliui a llttlo suii lwit iiiitstnli in in a liult doll with ii ix t a little willow itukiiii a llttlo lillhh of sl a littio umr of kiuli ih a lilllo m boot luj nfu a litth it liuultiiii iiiti i a llttl kllltlj 111111 n a little ruilii il at i a cdlummbout mlu what hcmcil i xperimenls at the agricultural college show a little nuilv tot in1 a little jni ui lint mi i it ulii i a httln hiik mill intuit pnkils a iii tip nhilitt i rin ui lodit- a litlj while l iltimf iiml bow a littio si utt homiw ul now a little niirfj so mi ulmt lnli a littio ttitnn ut u mil a uttle kalk mv ilj jimi a little talk whik hluik- the moon ft littlotiilk ullll luni a littio rlfi renco to mum i a littio trillion brave a llttlo struggle to be huno a little fottnfip on n inwn a little ibsiiij iirl ih otio tluber wolr sniit near onolph a umber wolf huikibp1 to hno found its whj down fiom the nurtboru vvooji in ranging tlif ountrj to tint south ol tho citj it won 100 n friday nifht hkirtinh tbe womlt ou tfio titrm of e kcno walter ilucbsimin of due jph township bj mr bin linn in huu itolf iind wksiikiun seen siuiinln morning by mr uucli imui s bod ilobcrt in both instances tlic beast wbicli mr biidinnnn poti lively identities an u wolf hiiiiii off id to tbo bnnlit s w lit n it notn eil it was being obuorw d this in the lirat time t in man deeiidi s tbut n wolf lof boon nnttd 10 wellington county although jonrniiijo when tbo district wan lovercd with i uhii thoy aro said to lavo been fuirh plentiful tjrpograpuoal error t iwrraplucal errorn mil ocoui in tbo best of regulated newb papers last week wo imd ono or our estimable indj reader mitinf out of town for a fun das now aifa matler at fnxtit waalier huh bandit trip wo in pant to record and tbat was whom tlio error oi corrcd now mr is one of ttioso follows who behoves ever thing lie roads in tho loho and on hm return bis wifo had some plaioiog to do tg convince bim tbat she fltaod faithfully at boon during liitt absence but be was only convinced whoa wo assured him tbftt tho error was oura bui tbat mistake was siuiplo compated with a ron temporary of onrs made in iho obituary notice of n respeeted citizen w hnn it said tbe remains woro rovorontl borne to tboir last rousting pliui by tbe brethorn of the lodge flow would you like to be tin editor about tbat time winrton echo ihk at r tin horn liuvliit a hcluittllcoll i htructloiiimw illh iliui r qnlruii nt of mi dill ilcii6 j1 lid win r in k ii of i in linil uf iw iliiiil rvtl sklminllt tin com pa rutin val if nd uklmmllk nntl p in ixinrlmi tin larrltii o and 122 pmiudi or thorn fid i luwdtr although tin inuliik vum if t jin i pruducta la totd tin iiwrkil prlc for hok and tin lilgtl roht uf tin alt 1mm ilk out tiulinullk pumli r iiiuktif iu ust prulilbitlvi us llvi murk full milk in itwailiauii tin 0111111017 di partmont liis also studlid 1 ipitliiiiulallj tin ibicl uf hiiu milk sklmmitliullk condeuaid milk mid milk powder in ma kins bread thf wbuli lullk naturallj uad hi i nit of thp etfectb of fat nod ttir awettcmd condinstd milk aoini of hie effccla of uar but olhirwiat niilk nlllnot rcplnci tiuear malt or shortmlrt in maklnk bread it boa an infuitoti- aft its own which nuiie or thine other conclltuejits will pro duce in conjunction with thtoe oth ir inurpdlentb it dots however in fliiinci hie flavor of the bread and improve ilx color of the cruot in fict it makts a richer loaf of bread ullli natr moist urersuididg and lilbber food tttlui propirtlea dept uf bxlmslon 0 a coiioko quelpb heedhik sllaice before sihklng th n la always a tendency that nlun jrei n ft id is given to cows shorllv bifon milking that ft will im part 10 the lullk some odoc and pos- alhl tasto thin dooa not always fpl low but it is not considered- advlo- alili lojeed trein fodder silage or olhi r strong arnelllnfi feeds just bo- fun milking when eowi are turn- d into pasture in the spring there will bt diveloped in their milk a par icular odor that to some people is qulti dlsabreeablo also cows turned 011 swiit clover and particularly thoit pastured on rape or green rye will impart to their milk a ttry strong odor and poaalbly a flavor ui una tlit y arc taken from such pastai hi vara i hours before milking ni only tlois the cow semi to pass 11 ihls umlcslrabl odor through her blood to hr milk but wlnre strong ulnj ulloht u ft d in tbe barn tbi odor in llki ly to be absorbed by uiu at thi time of milking reasons sllari and othir similar fieda an b fed after milking fowl wanted i am pay nt tbe highest price for all kind of hvepoullry alan belt prices il all kiib of junk bides and wool rati denco aext to implement shop m freeman phone 220w georcetown our hams are the finest that momgvcanbuy the guahtys fine the pric who ik kept wi rtqututly hear dairymen say ktip tin cows or i kiep nil us all too oflin thty are much nealir tm 1 xact truth than they lm glne thi statemtnt should be re- irsul dilrymun should ask thvm tlvtm two quixlona how many ows ire kfiplii me at a prunr and how many cows am 1 keeping loss then is not mough fun jt men t or nclti merit in caring for dalrj cattle to pay too high for tho privilege the reau6n so many boarder cows are in the tleupa of the barn is btcausi fi w farmers know which cows are pfobtable and which an- not milk scales white r da brock list n porta and the kuinplion necissury to keep tabs on production over a tiara piriod an as iskintlal to profltable dairy as pitchforks and milk palls ae wright butcher main st georgetown pktics shop ik house 235j is an investment in saitety every clqy it pays vou dfviciendjnour in creased sense if security andvhtn s loss does come ii amply re you far ymr fofaffi the home insurance company represent by elmer c thompson ksurance service georgetowd to ihe public fire insurance j w veknedf- cm 1 1 ion n ajrrnl fcrr hon f il il r siiifit pll b it tun re re you protectea milk matter nine and out half pounds of milk are rtqulnd to make one pound of limburgir qltcise 1 milk will taki up impurlucs with mon rapidity and hold on to them with greater tenacity than almost any othir food product it is eijcr to keep milk clcai by keeping the dirt out of it than it is to chan it after tbe dirt has con laminated it a clean uddtr will go far toward clean milk and a few seconds spent in wiping the udder with a clean damp cloth will pre vent much future trouble bncourahfng a cow to give milk with a milking stool is expensive to her owntr exactly why a cow puu four or ave per cent of fal in bet milk is still an unsolved prob em but th esic with which she will take the fat out of her milk with but slight provocation hue been solved many times a rhjma about lime when in your garden soil of clay you walk with pallrnci day by day through tulllgbt dusk or bright bud shine to try to inaki thi soil mote onn whin though you scratch and ho and thump thosoll will still pro- cud to lump and bake s hard as mt brick and make your p and cabbala sick my frhnd you cim iiiakniw llstfmo to give ilai 1 i a diiso of lime in siltctlng mw harness see that no portion nbows cracks on the grain side when ihe leather it abarp- ly biut or twiatiil august 25th fall term at guelph business college gueifii ont ilndiyidaal instruction in stenograph buninpss bttreurint dulic mhip register now a l bouck prlndpal aid prtpiitur cherries tub ikcihjhtown 11jkuau jin hottl ttw chevrolet the worlds most economical car to operate in actual figures chevrolet costs less per mile in consumption of gaso line oil tires and in general upkeep and maintenance only great engineering research manu facturing and financing capacities made avail able by the greatest automotive enterprise in the world the general motors corporation could make possible so fine complete and advanced anautomobile as chevrolet at so low a price see chevrolet first this is your chance to win a 450 piano or a 150 phonograph free first prize one 450 piano second prize one 150 pl tmiwj prize aae 150 credit voucher for the eat neatest and most orig co aautfen fv faats puzzle also additional credit vouchers these prizes will be aaanlejabaehstefyfwem first prize 450 second prize 150 phonqoraph third prize 150 voucher additional purchasing vouchers worth 125 the above prizes will be given absolutely free tf you do not own a piano you should send a solution to this puzzle we have already awarded six 450 pianos and six 150 phonographs to lucky winners as well as many other prizes absolutely free this is purely a piano phonograph and radio advertising campaign for a manufacturer and the instruments will be displayed and sold by one of the local dealers the contest closes july 31st and all answers post marked later than that date will not be accepted do not wait until the last day simply get busy today and solve the puzzle then send your reply and remember that the prizes go to the best neat est most original correct answers can you solve this puzzle it can be dune directions the dots in the illustration in this adver tisement when properly connected form an outline of the head and shoulders of a prominent person the p utile is to properly connect these dots so that you can rccognttc and name the person thus represented the name should be written at the bottom of tbe finished drawing instructions write vour name carefully and plainly to the best neatest most original correct answer will be given one 450 piano absolutely free to tbe next best neatest most original corre ans will be given a 150 phonograph absolutely free to the next best will be grven i 1s0 pur chasing voucher acceptable on any piano or player piano shown additional purchasing vouchers worth 125 will be given fttbenert best fifty answers i toremanber wib so to loaac f irj w wuch ate svavphcd wnfcp ahatl reoam ac ftnpanj c tmtam meii a rcptv ijrreay anra b abide fcy t m m m bwiwuditecavinwpipal gather tbe family around and let tbem ad take a part in tfie solution of tbis puzzle nutttinnawfwmlyb nwy taj tor wb or year faaif tabtavta dyoar nhna cartfaov 1m1 inj aad cnaofea scieaa asmara address all canadian selling agents 409 barton street east hamilton ontario coupon smtp took akswbr today i cerftt that i ao art awa a ka coal if wood lasbcslmtfe i w gk it h barnes coal phone iso f htdsirj ge coal b a i w b coj j wi iii c4cawl

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