Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), August 6, 1924, p. 2

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iv town council protection urged preldeut s kirk o georgetown opeus 27lh uitual couvenllon to all veteran at any at aihil aral nil to htnbira of hnltoji rib you are iiahu jwd nmlinlk invited lo tit ice jmit in u rmnnl and to be itmspul itl ilie ftnoihi o tbe mruiorml in limim of tun fallen tounadth nlud wilt lui ulnce in uorictown hiioi lij jul to bo iven intoi this minoanrt meat applies to all o to runt f burroundidh towns nnd cciinti side as well aa tboac jiving n georgetown dreys hilinraliilli es with meiialti tli oho iiuviuk m iformb should wtar them q o bitmiv l1et1t col sports uowiimj a rink of lowilmh rani posed o j w and mrs kounctlj dr mi mrs lien hi won ncrond nine il milton toiirmuiicrit for timid nnku winning their four gnmt with a pltih of 81 di mpthk korts rink of onkvood won 111 si with a pliih of b7 winning o games j w kennedys rink wod from oak wood wenton kew bcnrli and milton rinks loil on saturday afternoon h umber vallej olf oiih sent inj playora to georgetown tor a matt 1 with the local dub whiili ronnlltd in a win for tbe mritortt afu the gatno tho msitora were cnu r taiood to lunch at cedar crent on thureday afternoon net team from kitchener will plu against a team from the local rln on the willougliby links here terra cotla the pie dip held in terra cotla on wednesday afternoon jul 28rd was a splendid hucecmi there was a large crowd in attend aneeand the afternoon wan hjmjii in awimmidr rontenlt intra and gamed mrs jno tommi nd ih at ires ent on the mk hut mrsij snu odors linn retinoid from a vibit with toionlo fiimik mr and mrs a hurken mlti tained a number of their ft tend on pndaj eienuik inl when ii i evening was uponl in dam m games ete the all repoit n bplendid time mr jafl mnbrijc of geo tov i renewed old nrquiimtaiuth kn last week although g jeain tt ago lie ib still hale and hearty misa norma iltintnr ad sliss mary logan hase final exams as teitrhera at tin toronto normal bthool mist hunter has been engaged as leacb er at the alton school and mim logan is going to teach at fjredii forks rrhool congralnlationb sparks urcns to be in gnelphj under iiiiro ihohhob of rann the iliilht eircuheer niaik bj t ingenmt and com parado and hbuw wednesday aubivlsutaftr noon llrfgnin to make the yomgpfif hhvm lhn 0 tfvblks young tjio krenl rmrndo n on wedneedai morning nt 10 u o6look first of all a real wilii animal circus is a 1021 nrqtiihitioi having been imported from tin wfjrldir greatest wild animal tram ing quarters nt mellinghcn dpi many included in these display will be found lions tl rcru itni arde polar nnd grizzly heart even trained ostriches will be set i in addition to the spnrkb group of sixteen rotation horson thr two elephant birds htnt riulil and 1 obi iij hoimb the lliltb count jlg in us contain in burn tun h uml hosts of others of a noiol nature hie circus prouer opet tacle ethott from the jloign of knf tut m whuh nil of tic animals pel tonne premiti tlum ers and a lnrte i hoi us pat tiupau an a fitting flnnli to the all ftalu e performaixi n gi mune inglihh fox uuul lulrodneii ieal ihsii iired high jumper- broid jumpti aod perfetllj hchoi ud rix buundi mil replace the ulil li tfi lcj dangerous chariot num ntti ij be foind with other hhw jjont fcrgetthe dnu nolli wednesdaj augnst ittth riruslrlviilt nknown origin week roimpleteh dcatromi tno buildings ol hi dominion lir ado safi tmi miintifrtiinur bete eniitil m t inii niimatnl b tween lolkhi nnd 20 000 the structures burnt d with thei ttntb were a nlvnnired theathm biiildiug nnd nimtber of irmnp much alimhle lumherand beeyard equipment the intlr owned bj william couse nnd piled close to oitfrjflil p dehtrojed built ingn wereaamd thriugb the good work nf the local olunteer fire men unable to uu hose because i f the laikof n ncarbj hdranl the volunteers employed bueki ts of water freclj the coininn o i which h a hope of srolniip a mouth organ is tbe head took oicr the plnnl one of ttlo fenfire or muhk jij boot flv inonth- no from ilia it tbe canadian nations ilntn straauiillo ijuniber compani tion tberti nre three rlntises hojh which ulaited biihincw here ul out 12 and under boys under 16f and yblecn mbaths ago review an open class llx bun fl r nf wa mot i w il long km oh l i ai l hut the tax rate 11mi h 12hiii1h on thedollar nik 1js nulls fur hilinul purposes nd akwlmllh for general into oel hj m l neai keronded hj a diiuuiti that the next regu hu inn tniri of the i ounnl be helt on tuosdaj night aujjnst 5th m hiuhi of august 1th a it in cnit llohdii cinirl council tin n adjuurnfd august ilh wu council nut at i im with mvjif ititve snd iikinberh of cjuikil itlt pit iint mnlilli s nf previous mc olins w it iind untl cou firmed communications wt re rnd fioui ontnno municipal clertrie aasoti ntmn john t lie h tor coal co cimitimiti onluiio motor ijcaguti canadian niliioiiiii ltailwah hearst tv ilininl and lobe i demntj n j uli i uddrebsed council getting wait i lo ins tot on jol stret i muted bj w h jjong seconded hj a duncan that a r main pliktd on john bit from lorncr at win amblor to j 0ley b lot t a waterworkh extention curriid motlbyo liumugton second ed bj w auheuhursl that the major nnd clerk bo authorized to hign the contract between the cor poration of gcogetown and aloi re i tli us contractor for tbe build ing of abutment on ouclpb st carried win drsnt uddiesscd the coun cil rn condition of king st asking that some gravel bo put on it messrs giant and mcwhirtei addrcssid the council re giant to agncultuial sonet moed hj m l near sccouded by w h lonj that the usual grantof 10000 be gien to the agricultural sonet ciuned moved bj b 0 arnold serund cd by a duncan that an extension to the waterworks be pot in from mr8 cowans on chapel st for a distance of practical i j iht ft and along victoria st a distance of practically s75 ft to j li day foots this extension to be an mi h pipe carried moved bj b 1 arnold second ed hj 1 mi inlj re that the follow ing nt r ouuts ho passed t a llmry ili w h x ii murtliiiunl an h ix j hanluu hth j ai d ikli wti 7 fo julm jiiiksuii ii tu llniinjiuin 1 00 llydin i lutru town hull 1 u fin hull 7fi ww bld r vi fltllttkplmm muri cillicx a ob ii mtir icgul fcs i imj j ii mackxnzii liwn bull b 1 if ii thompson co ac u 0t w k wubum invilupis a t willson tttonniurantt hjfll i l thump non insuraini in 47 a e wijw mhimmn- u tk h p llumiiun prwpiriy t r clerk was instructed to snle smith a stone stating fiat llu 13hfa in dispute beuicn the corpomtion uud thcinscltcs would bt put into a sinking rund and ask nig for a i equo for then ilrnt paj ment council then ndjourned j tb lor ih dcniih ashih lalion at ollnwn tuesdnt henlsu urged that an hull miide tu c in in lb dumping tin cnnadian iiimki t or lurgt ijui titles uf dutoh i fiiiii t silicon wliuli laustd pun cutting mid chenpi mug of hpnn floncis in a jouui immtl lib snadn hi midit w impurtiii to teiiiembcr the flli ists and ga tjriii is win- doing iiioio thjln men ly liadnig the wi re making hi country jiffiutif 111 the linio hai passed when people looked upon floners as i itmuiy and the de and for the floimu prod up t h inireiinitjh euiry ddj the 2o0 delegates were welcomt i to ottawa by mayor champagne n edltoi bomctimes weleiun iomt hung about our busuicrh that itss slaitlitik a wi pin t until cnmiiilnts tduors jnli aiioiding idct an idiliu siiouui possi n quite an imposing urnij of altribuus to tut fie m u hi hne the phjhqik of n hercules tht bnini power ol robert dai v in tin patience of st fisikis tin rouriim of ni ison tin guile of satun the indofiitignhle ktand the loug hours he must be imif hoot oai and hulf hiena must carrj in his mind tbe cj clo cdui be able to marshal tuct after fuel upon a moment s notice and upon this he niusl add lui llnsncml nbihtj of henry ford to innke hit hubrnhs a success now we didu t know all that w i tnntt i irohleiiii ut ml jlorical ngntali print ipls mt lit s k uwngelotvn out ur hi pun ml iiddnnti nt the rl ng of twntj ilh i ii mil i hi to the public i hac secured the services of m r jnmt s column who in alreadt well ami fuorablj known in town and viinit to conduct my bread route customers are aaa civil und couiteoue treatment and tickets ma bo purchased fioni birn on the wagon if jon to get ihc bebt in bread and pastiy hnq him call on ou as bo is only authorized person delivering my bioad direct from batery yours for faervice and quahtj n h rrowd phone 202 ttmbar woir i rond mis denniscl burrey street buclph has reijorted that her valuable police dog that bus been mistakeu suveral tunes during tin past week for a timber wolf on thr farm of ex fteete walter biuhau an has been found akd returucd mrs peter hasbelt brock road near guelph found the dog ijing injured on the rood near her farm and took it in on saturda evening und nursed it since that t the animal when it was picked up could not walk but it is t ihle to limp around althuuuh drags one foot it is thought that the dog was hit bt an automobile cliaiigad again the basis of school grunts is to bo changed again tho nuahllca tion and expeiiuite of leathers haie for sevoiul jiais counted fm extra giants this is to bo chang id lhn value of school pioperlj nttcudiliii e of pupils and the school luxes paid b a section uie to be w hut count for got eminent grants in futuie a teacher with llrst t lass c ei tiflcate will not bung uii linger grants to a school than one w ilh a second class certi lloatesmotalgrantfl are to be continued fm poor schools tl residing more than three n from i school are relieved from having school taxes cuoiilni fuming tho full text of the in t illations will bo hcrl in st lioti isttus who will send tin m i bcc ictaiits ol schools wii twwg gnl l idest sort of our dutj as we r all fair dales the following is a list of tall fair dates issued by the agncul turitl hi telies brnnt h of the on tario department of agriculture hich the kople nfthisicinit bo mtei t sic d september 21 24 alhlfok del lou brampiou burlinglon tn lotion cooksville durham pr fergiih preelton unit jcor n london milton oakville orarjgevillo lloctwood streetstilfc topwto woslon october beptctmber 22 28 september 19sm september 19 20 vptpinber 24 26 october 10 11 september 30 oct 1 oclolwr 9 10 september 2fi 26 october 2 september 10 2i october i- september 0 v september 2g g september 12 is september 10 17 september 10 oct 1 october 1 1 august 23 sept 0 october 8 4 he indtke population hu tocw fourfold whil the trahi ylam kit incruud twtmtyftjld ern at the praaaftt jaw prie the total agticttlturml prod- ucta of ahwru in itss war wortk 12230000m htporta concerning tho apph crop in the annapolu valley iljww that the entire crop includtiut the eatinuted local oonsumptloii wa 1816000 barrel it la nperted that 70009 apple troea and 3 000 plum trees will be aet out la tfc valley this iprinf the raihraya of canada up to the end of laat april erd wooo- 000 mop than they did for the correnponchna period in ims thia favorable reiuft w dna antlrely to the fact that thv people haiva been doing more bualnaaa all author ities are agreed that aooh a condl- jlpjimeaniitowinttride nearly 68000 biuheh of ufh dais seed were handled at the ai berta rovemment beedcwaainx plant during tbe past aeaaea a toul of 22828 bushel of mar quis wheat seed was baadled 3160 buihels of ruby wheat tt07 bushels of victory mate 17802 bushels of banner u and 684 bushels of barka bafky three piuee for aaajtera at the bungalow camps oa freaca river nlpbron river and the lak of the woods have been offered to ca nadiati fishermen by the canadian pacific railway the trophies are silver replicas of the baaa and the trout and a wonderful reproduction f the head of a fighting mos- calonne among the speaker u addreea the great convention of the alio crated adverttalag cluba of the world at london england to he held july ltit will be e w beatty kc chairman and preai dent of the canadian pacific rail way ur beatty will apeak an july i and has chosen as tu theme building an empire with advertising canadas national wealth in 1921 was 495000000 acooramg to a report just issued by the do minion bureau of sutistk in the tabulation agricultural w4alth comes first with 78b8711h neariy 38 per cent of the total aad about 908 per head of popula tion the western provinces lead the yukon topping the list with h058 tht firet in absolute wealth was ontario to which k credited the ram of rsmtm or thirty three par cent f th de- binion total t 40 years ago a plcluruof uii dlcgati i from thl ilnuali asmi latiun for the- ailvoitccrpcnt of samco wjh tukt n in 1hh4 on luurd tit allan i im r pun inn i his utitipit plio- logruph ispublihludtlirtiugli hit- ctiurusy if sir rgdrcin hill who forwftnlod it through iht cunard stiuiftship rjmrmny mr tori arrived at qi triday angiml m on tbe stibmir imiiu l l prctidtikiflbcytidtiuiiinunl must uf lb runimiu rfie top nf the pmuri with annh r d tin tin ruil i bir of the bntmh association tutluy hiilhtrftfrd ililtst living mpm- for economical traruportation product of general motors the mere fact that chevrolet is a member of the great general motors family means much to chevro let owners the entire financial resources of gen eral motors stand back of chevrolet there is no danger of chevrolet becom ing an orphan the vast research and engineering laboratories of general motors are constantly developing im provements the immense purchasing power of general motors cuts down production costs enabling us to offer you a quality car at a low price tho general motors acceptance corporation a subsidiary of general motors offers you a deferred payment plan that makes it easy to pay for a chevrolet the superior five passenger touring car fisher king georgetown self0iling selfregulating with the strongest tower built its the toronto selfoiling windmill requiring oil only once a year all gears operate in a bath of special oil affected by neither heat nor cold every bearing and working part thoroughly and automatically lubricated i have s toronto windmill now you can obtaai iclfoiling feature jnjfltfrcjjyii the hesd 3qtr yburptaism whej mat an be msde absolutely stlfrtjuktuij in opcrsuoo toronto tower will stand for s lifetime becaioe it the hesvint ititxiftst snd batbrsctd one built for any jii cl sjii ntn boollrt luhfikrvl windmill steuunewmiiln wj alexander georgetown midsummer clearing sale at he mens store v- find r mi tn i nib i n hprini nnd siimiriersttk k tod iii oi in to miilininm fn inn all mhhh lire oft rinh npltmjl nilurn fur tin ru m li n d i h jx oil nil furnishing including intth tups l mfmuenr ties etc ordered clothing slucijil pi not in lhn dcpiii linonl the miichf liluo niui nil sth fkilur inci- yli 01 11 k h6 ckj for tho ftd low int iidnifil iniris 711 17 10 mtid dunni lint uii all o dcrt ilh huml luil i in un ouu uml hoi iik lutliuk lir i in iiimnim und mhu unu t il e ind in ifllki i i i i readytowear clothing tnn a niiuilii i nf hov i joulli nud men s tilts nt half ih i i ik tt u l0 itfic t to rtlinili 3 our wiirdrol 13 dtllhll lill 11111111119 j millar co georgetown izi phone 126 yb tomovibs sybafley xuitl garage if youo learn to 1 tftke free advicevfo sonny youwouldt notmavetolearnj such expensive a lessons ff the best way to avoid troublesome experiences is to allow os to look aftcryour car if we in spect it occasionally you may be sure that it will run true to form and it wont be apt to leave you t out on the road to despair jh0ne7w georgetown 0nt jacksons 4tft erwingoidhams meat market choice fresh and cured meats quick delivery guaranteed main street georgetown phone no 1 w w roe insurance broker insurance in all branches phone 65 geobgetown we furnish the home housefurnishing specials for iipsh at prices that will save you money dining room furniture al very attractive prices extension tables fume finish round 4 it extends to 6 ft pedestal leg regular 4200 for 2900 buffet oak fume finish large mirror large roomy compart ments cutlery drawers linen drawer regular 6900 for 4900 chairs seta of 6 i arm 5 chairs oak fume fmirh leather slip seat 3900 bedtoom furniture in a good choice of designs walnut finish large dresser mirror chiffoneer bed and stand 4 pieces regular 1 46 00 for 811100 simmon steel bed walnut finish felt mattress coil spring regular 39 00 for 2650 couches spanish leather a splendid value 1550 rugs union good quality 9x9 regular 20 00 for 1595 9x9 regular 24 40 for 1725 9x10 i 2reg 21 25 for 1689 jap rugs l 9x9 regular 9 95 for 749 9x lingular si j 25 for 995 a good showing of serviceable destreable pieces or all rooms at exceptional godd values h ere an dth ere of ontarios mineral production for tho first quartur of tbe present year as shown fay a report of the department of minos hsa tncreased 2333100 over tho corresponding quarter of last year the total bcinx 11676161 and 9241663 respectively silver waa the only metal of importance to record decreased production during tha period under review among the passengers sailing on tbe canadian pacific liner llont- laurier for england on july 8th was e w beatty chairman and president of tbe canadian pacific railway while in england mr beatty is scheduled to address tha associated advertising clubs of tbe world on july l7th on tht sus ject of building an empire with advertising excellent reports art to the hunt ing in the caribou district of brit- lab columbia arc being received f w phdham and fred shaver re cently returned from a months sport in that district with an excel lent specimen- of griixly bear weigh ing about 1400 pounds they saw moose caribou deer black bear pheasants and grouse and consider tbe district a hunters paradise addressing tbe annual meeting of the bond dealers association of canada at toronto recently the president declared that during tha 12 months ending hay 1st g07- 917000 worth or canadian bonds bad been distributed this being by far the largest total iseoed in the dominion in any post war year the most striking feature tn this connection is that about 89 per cent was absorbed within the borders of canada on june 18ui winnipeg man celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its incorporation prom a strug gling frontier village of the 70s winnipeg bs forged into the posl tion of third largest city in the dominion with continental reputo as a railroad centre it is the gate way of the we it and 100000000 bushels of praine grain pass through it to the head of tbe lakes whence it goes to the markets of the world twenty five officers and 200 men of the royal navy from the special service tjladron headed by h ms hood enjciyid a trip through the rockies over the canadian pacific unci uhile ihtir ships weru an chored at vanomer recently the bailors who made a point in true naval style of seeing and doing everything were enthusiastic over the scenery at such showplaces as banff and nkt louise which they declared the post beautiful they had seen in nil their world cruise to add encouragement to the raising of hifh lass swine which is being fuiterrj by the govern ments of ii am oha saskatchewan and alberta thr canadian pacific railway is awarding a champion ship cup to the boys and girls swine clubs nmning the club com petitions in thue provinces the cups are for annual competition but will beome the property of the club if won for three years in sue- cession medili will be awarded individual men-be- this year win ning teams resident on the com panys lines will also be granted a tte trtp to the royal stock show t toronto m new adverlisemenls tor sal 21 good ocknhirp p 3 i 7 old apply a hmiockjr nnrvsl sta lion p choice monlmomxy cherries from t otnl btlongmgio mr j f 15c p bkrt f you p ihrm jonrtwll 7i pwlmskif wrpfkllm apply to h p baslirt if wr pick ihrm- a llcnkirii rhme im iost saturday rujcht tviwrw urx theatre and lotnjr mills l k for stu a few tnikils ol rlatk curiam i plxne ijjj tl baudan and rooaaan good hnomoanoi for hor im or t w small vw si ii tor sale babj rarrukr in rlk oondlic a mr h rnvmiu ccoritcloun u imi m itfblratljd el bj law quality value service jacksons georgetown noiie herrbj k paucd bf iw cnmnl ii m thrkthd if july oh im tbojnihl dllrn f r lit nwilulalmr ih iui k drl pmali w of o ji j i t rude lip ill tlm i a tl llla auction sale standing crop it uihlrrihiirj in rnrml timnn gordon b meclure i fll ty oull in trim 11 1 ii t monday august lth s i

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