the georgetown herald hfty mgutil ybar of publication goorscetown wednesday evening september 3rd 1924 1 foir annum in atlvnnu 2 00 tous ifefeorgetown herald j h moore fauhkaa- pnprutvr mmiw wmuj nawa- pnmenger cjik tlntnbla soinu kat 7 ih ftni 9 14uhi 10 18aro 11 40ani aimpm iuu css pin iwbger a s5 p m ftwaenger sumuy 7 21 in ooino weht 7 67 ain io m bkui a 12 v ui a 60 p m punoxir fuhptn pmcengor 7 09 p m mul b20pin passenger buodnv 10 oh a m ooino hobtu maii a 00 ftra rltfcl 4 66 p m uoino south 11 33ac 7 47 p i f 1 ekdric irihnjs tmto mutu rallw eahtboond wbhtuounp daily lmly yntai timlu no a hjthani no i 7 21 a in 4 1004 am 3 9 21 am 6 1104 pm 6 1121 ttni tt 2xm pun 7 121 p ui io 401 pun 9 ffslpm ls6j04pjo 11 c2ipnj 11 ttwplm 13 781pm 16 lowpm 16 921 p m ib 1201 tm 171216 turn tram no 1 ran iran daily except sunday directory oakc mill st georgetown hoar 9a to 5 p m ope wcfemlar mad salnrdar bb t- m w haajth m 4 ud tuip n rimi- decr rom ihlov w1iuw jktu and surgeon offcc and reac queeo street soatk f i heath uda o d l ido ostmorxaoiio office 10 jnnarakmoa oak baiky block next door o j n artier frwtloln oma hon wednesday ud st ardaya ii to a 1 io 5 p w and 7 to 9pb ounywavabyappoaminenl fmwkoknlsdwud rcadeoce 245 knjpctch i tfcttmmt tor hsltan and iwuttum faat ookm balaa e bovbm o i s 19 bougies st guelph to ibe late d a niren o ls tckpoooelom om tiir u4 a1t bta innfaw um pairaoage of those who dcavato get um beet uainmp or chatca bunnm poeitions write today for catalogue enter any w jbutet braaploa business hstitate tsckatl hfjmsdml lamac pitmanshorthand touch typewriting bqfcinem english office syateros fuuag spoiling bookkeeping anuuoobc hydro electric system curling irons guaranteed for 1 year 200 60 watt lamps 4 for 1 oo guaranteed lamps 40c and 45c irons guaranteed 5 years 575 irons guaranteed 1 year 475 orders taken fo anges and appliances of all office town hall buc k s buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w better pastry flour if better pastry hour were procurable wo would not ask yorj to buy excelsior brand simply because it is made at borne but when quality ih better and price oompnres favornblj will otli 0 er brands wby hesitate to try this made in acton brnnil hx cllsior evary day yon pot off trylac escalator flour yon are niinlna b treat j excelsior pastry flour can be secured at your dealer in georgetown glenwiiliams stewarttown bajiinaf ad umehouse d h lindsay iuu street actoh ontario bargains in used cars 1918 chevrolet touring painted ford ton truck painted 1923 ford roadster cadillac touring oar this car would make an excellent truck 1918 dodge touring deal at oneills j n oneill fc son georgetown creamery cream wanted by the georgetown creamery highest prices paid wool wool wool we wrtnt jour wool and will pay the highest market price for it call us tip beforo selling georgetown creamery co m saxe manager georgetown flour feed mills i ffi georgetown citizens memorial to her soldi cr heroes who made the supreme sacrifice he waroehn on v imy unio and pimm hundulf our ailonlr arunoh uluop throukh hiiminerh him nml winter u ap anil riliitb tbo slurry ileoi for tbotn tin dawn of day normiosotod the bill thou uouls and hooks have died away their riant strength is still the march of timo hooh awiftlj by and brings its cares and toil but in eternal youth tliei he beneath a oreikn soil with iron limbs and fire for breath tlioy charged aimdnt the l and shaicd alonf those flnlds of death the ooiurndeitbii of doom ytt nnt 111 am thej fitch fiffd j strong hampinnk of the rihl tli are the warders it our rate and kiiurd iih thrliuyh the niklil i rotn hoiiihi mm andpaltij eiuu i lorn hlavocjmif tc soul the men that savo the land an these ihc point us to the goal quebec canon f 0 hootl oomnmkbal i kavkd ouoauuion lamwl hartrwruo entw uj uai h mkajnuh pri pbooewl andwste block qooen st e box 699 choices brands of pastry flour ad bads ol feed sail 8scper in lbs w c bessey phone 195 georgetown glenwiiliams on tim mini ovnmnfi last the immburs or tin methodist church umdiruj mr and mrs joseph allen ind fuimlj a farewell party previous tn their remotl to i asb ttocheuter and i resented them with aiurwe of hold anil the fol lowing add re hi dear mr mrs alien t timnly we the menibtrs mid ulherlnts of olonwilhams methodintchnrcb with regret ol jour inundcd removal not only from our tillitit- iind cburoli but hkewhb from nur province and country to that or the united states of anient i we beize this oiportuml ol i prcbsrttr our sincere rerot at your removal nod our very reat nptire lation oyour life and laliars nmonii ns you have always tatni in active interest in ot rjthlnt that portninod to the good of the tommudity in feneral but it it in tbo vatted departments of our i burch a wdrk that you will mosl he missed you mr allen ns lronsurer of the boys biblo clsss us trimtee as chairman of the finance committee and as suivf ard of the appointment yon mrs allen as president nftria girls bible clahs member or the otging circli ijudioh aid ind rli nnd the tlnldnn in the lay school ami dnirh ser o feel that we aro about to luffor an irreparable loss your ilocos will be hard toftll flit emory of your exemplar luts qwever will ever remain opt rat ng in our hearts as a wholosemc influence over railing ns to hdelitj ind earnestnejh in all mattors ffootmg tbo lord s work we wish to assure you that in leaving us you bear with you the warm out sympathy and apprecia tion of a wid6 oirnle of no gh bourn and friudrja likewise of good wish ea for continued success prosper ity and happiness wo trust your sojourn m a foreign land aviii be brief and that in the near future we may be called upon to ftiva you a home coming reception id the meantime we say faro well and ask you to accept tins purse of gold as a slight token of our esteem and of nil the manifold services you from time to time so sacntlcingly have rendered signed in behalf of tbo boye class girls class sunday school sowing circle ladies aid finance board congregation on friday night the orange moo presented mr allen with a past masters jewel miss ivy momastor bos return ed home from hei holiday in sun dorland annual fruit and oggsorvice bold at 8b albans church day next at 3 p m notes and comments liatkhi koi khoitrri have it that wheat alom will estimate time bundrtd million huslu ih just try to nitimuf tbo scattering of three hundred million 1 ilium of new wealth among the fiinuirn of the p raj no provinces atd the iiv oidental prosterjt of ho oant particularly the automobile factor es antl the thousands of workers employed therein ttlr moht atekfell i of all cooipatjionn is a srinplt frank man without any high pretentions to iibkri bsih greatness oni i ti ea life and umluintan h the utro of it ohligmt aliju at all lioina above all of a golden torn per v nnd steudfasl as an anchor por hik h a one wi iladlj ociange tho kicnttst tennis tho moht bnllimt uit lho profonndest thinker 0l i mm h m nhfit of poi k hi em to r all ite hit iinjim t hit part an annual fuirjilnyhi ui liil uphtiildinh of a communjtj with hip result that the men bt bind thest institutions do not if coc tht h ut port tjie juhtly dc serve not ho many years ago an nual fill fun conusudof a dis illaj of lho prod notsof the sot and a collie turn of inn stock jfiit follow int tin ihanco of the times tht fall fair of to day has become mi institution riiiuh broader in its scope wliero not only tho products of the held me jiiilajod in com petition but w litre the industrial and commeicinl life of a commun ity is attracmvelj arrajed coupled tb nmn forum of amusement and enli rtuinniunt the nine school fairs to ho hold ualton count this year will be held on tbe following dates nelson september 16 trafalgar september 17 milton september ih burlington septembor 19 20 cstjuesing september 22 horn by septembor 28 nassogaweva 2fi championship september 20 27 bronte october 1 the jail population hero is now six about its avoragc since tho foreigners charged with tbo bur hngton burglary wore taken to hamilton j f little is making steady progress towards recovery from his serious illness ho was up yesterday for a wuilo for tbo first time and it is hoped that he will soon be able to bo out of doors frank r mocannell of the mil ton golf club is also a member of that at georgetown in playing for georgetown lately at weston guelph and kitchener bt eetab 1 1 shod a reputation as a crack per former the high school board has eo gaged tho services of mr pilkoy b 8 a of clarmont a recent grad nato of the oaognolph to fill the science position in tho high school made vacant by tbo rebig nation of h downer b a cham pi on bogu 10 bill tbe hamilton police have re ported a now and ingenious meth od of passing counterfeit money the said that a man would tele phone to a butcher nhop and order meat and tell the bo who w deliver it to bring with him change for a t went j dollar bill he i then meet abe boy and offci take the order and tender the bogus twontj in payment which the boy would not recognize as counterfeit he had swindled many b this method the ofllcer raifl that it is altogetbc that he will trv his gai nj inch to be on tbo look out for i radices ban nook born imtltot tito monlhlj meeting of ban tuxkliurn wonions institute was hold at the home of miss creo 5th imp on wodnowdaj afternoon august 20th there were 20 preb- tnt 4 of whom became new mem bent it was decided to nank no other box of fruit for the sick children s hospital toronto as il as iimr meeting tbe young er members wore in charge ol the program and lunch a splendid musical program and a paper tho making or n woman gnen t glrleareto be gratulateu on providing one of the bent programs the institute has ever had the members are hop mc to have acorn roast for their next meeting io september bnffarinc from shook ber pwhi woya whose parsonage plotely destroyed by lire laht u i is mjbo guelph general ii mpital suffering from severe hhn 1 a- 11k result of the blare cria at ukriiic since august gtli onkvillo iuih bad fivo burglaries imd a hold up with onlj one tint f cm ttired w a for rah had j0 stolen by n burglar w j pletit igo and mrs sloan f 100 john gilpin was hold up niiaulted nnd robbed of a oudan pnl fretiuont reports were received during the pant month in regard to a borot tunnelling in the stem of asters potatoes and hollyhocks most of the trouble has been due to the burdock borer the init 1 1 is a smooth pale brownish rater pillar with a single u lnt ish ttrtpo down tbe middle of tin hack and a similar stripe on cut side the are found tunnolhn m mimeroiih garden flowers and veotaii nnd a largo number ol tho loulir woedb being very common in bur dock it normal bieeik in the stout needs in wnite places which serve as tho source of infestation from oar to year there i- nod root control known but the danger of a ioms can be avoi led bv lot j ins down the weeds not onlv in tho garden but in tbe muro mding waste land if tbe borer in the ewnttackedeiiitajirl jcmotjed it prevents tbe in moving hi to the idjarentomnfested pi mj- these are rarely vcrv alilindant snd do their- wffrsl laiuagc in tlqwer garden a bourn niuiiti iibfitih whohavo been rejoicing in huvmg got rid of tho tedious care of jong tresses will have to think again in jaris where tho fashions are made for worn on tbo hairdressers have de oided that women maj wear their hair bobbed only during tbo day in the evening especially m oven ing dress tliey must wear long hair chignons are bcint fropar ed vvondorful in tboir construe tion that will cnnble the women to conform to tho fashion ncr woman will be forced to wear tbo same color hair all the time if her pocketbook is loi enough she can havoa halt dozen changes in hair conforming to the color of her evening ovvn tbo chignons said to he oponsno enough to oioi te the ambition of anj woman to posses one gtltualt mavlll vtuilib8 aro busy trying to sell their produc tions in what were enemy coun tries during the grt it wnr a few dajs ago the herald received a copy of tho gorman printer for 1021 published at berlin contain log eighty two pngos of advertising of tjpe presses and printers ma cbinery inks and other printers equipment and supplies with editorials and ofchen runding mat ter the edition is designed for british possessions it is explain ed that politics are absolutely oltminatod and to omphasiza this the british lpsign in colors appears on tbe top and bottom of tbo cover with tho gorman colors either side coming from tho country of tho umn of unte thid is cheek what 8 thr iiukin in the old days if anybody missed a sta coach he was cantculed to wnit two or three days for the next now bo lets out a iuawk if ho misses one section of a revolving door it a tho truth wo are in such a hurry that half tho tunc wo don t know nhorc wo arc going wo would rillitr ntiib our toi than take tht uinic necessary pick up our foot wo dodgo through trull in the middle or block rolhtr than spend thirty socondn in rmching a troot cross inf men from chicago to san frantihco and write hick boasting th it tbu made tht trip in throe hours loss than list time wo jump on nnd off moving trains lvptrrrft3tsklfe tnsfnde fast n id fi t walk fast dnnce fast nit ii list and die fast what a the lntrrj lhore aro still 21 hours in a day even with daylight tavinr a straight line is tho shorttst distance between two points according to ibe tnathema bicmnn hut wby confuse life with tjeometrj wait a minute alwhrtrra qtht jvrmv hour thoughts of iijkohl yenri oomo rushing thrnuli tin minds and wo love ttisn in fnmj lit familiar fnite knew and loved long ago we cnll around us tht chonslicl fr lends the otlstlioot tunlis and we seem i o lm on i ngiio the biinn hours of chill hood while wo plnjtd in lliefnmil i ir haunts of nurmrh cliildbou 1 the rashj t ill nl hit trtek running 11m it1 i t k picture lho old a i li irce thp buih with its bom i f 1 i u low walnuts elms oaks tjirutircs and block haw in 1 ri a r iorj makes a rounterpirl of in m i joouh hour who loti li t itn to nit jn tlo iiuli i an i line i evening hours an 1 diliihim memories a loved one went home they kft us i ut hi in in nundorod not tne tio hat hound us our heartftra nfitect ion s i i to those whose form tl so 1 i ontonbed nnd tbe n em n f tin times spent with ll t in ills r th bearts ho holrcr re ohf to liv aright who wo ild m1 inl wu itf tbo if rtttrolrr nnt- tjti7 memontv tome w th tie v t aong of other liv n iu tm in ics to fc igo r thorn we r 1 ec e hit v that tho will nevorltnve i