lift t school supplies a complete line of public and high school text books also i mil p tin soribbl rs b xorcist hooks ijoobo lent nolo books it d tablets 1 rworr slatis lnl drawing pads r j ni school bllgh everything necessary to begin the term right djmatthew drugs and stationery localnews hems beautiful woattior this was court daj bchools opened tuesday get your tax money ready govered wagon at rev theatre saturday miss richardson will resume her otauaea in music on sept bth fiftptwo new pupili commenced tbo tall term at the public school mjaa may momaster ulonwil hams will resume her clasheit id iuubic on september 16th don t miaa seeing the cover ed wagon at thb ra theatre on saturday night it la a wonder ful plot ore musses clandge are now ahow ing all the newest and latest de signs of hats and trimmings for fajl and winter wear our citizens were much pieae ed to note tin saturday the union did progress of our town band since re organization the notice to motocibts ro school on the western end of the uuelph st highway is on the wrong side of the street a citizen remarked that be was glad to see the council were mending their ways when he noted the new gravel an the streets every oitizen should attend the horticultural show in the town hall on september oth see prize list on page 2 of this issoo we extend congratulations to mr a g green principal of our public school on the success of ha entrance pupils of a clnssof 81 all passed tho eiam on sept 2901 bronte will vote on a 6000 debenture by law tor the purchase of a fire engine and equipment the summer pop ulation is close to coo the local temperance com m it tee will meet in tbo public li brary friday evening sept gth at do clock all interested are wel come f e watson sec see our special values in worn on a shoes new styles in suede satin patent and kid leather the best value in town special price 8 96 h j fox georgetown georgetown bmnch of the women a institute will meet at the borne of mrs w g marshall main at nortji on tuesday oven ing september otb at 8 o clock all members arc requested to bi present please note change qf day and date am t it nice to know that can get your shoe repairing right uptodate and don t feel that you have to pay too high a price for it w are going to sacrifice tbo shoe business in georgetown as we deal n nothing but boots and shooh and can givo tbo biggost value ev ery time we always back up what we advertise that we bavc no opposition m pnoe and quality in ontario j bonoy 2tp laapntut to tax pajran by law a wbicb comes into force this year gives the col lector no option in connection with pen alty if taxes are not paid on dotes i in notice d co halton rifles is auibi ed to accept mnco and from georgetown for local training in park september otb to 11th pay 1 b6 to 2 50 per day appl to ll cammings at arnfouriea tuesday and friday openings 2t oraafau bw the members and all interested friends of the grenfell mi asked to send jars of preserved fruit or jam for the annual barrel of fruit to bo sent to the labrador hospital kindlj send to tin home of mrs drwntsdo befoie sept ember 16th 2t ku nutn wetioewift sept hnl don t call it loe from the xloii coventrj starring atm and jack holt clai ter tt f way of a mao com dj bonnets men friday sept fi the nor well bv reibeach starrim torn maigban qpmod clul 1 wanted fox news saiords rvpt fl tho cover ed wagon from tbo storj by v eraon hough direct from its loot rone in tbe big cities cornell nerve tonic hodge podge tiny tour of the o s a 4 piece orchestra matinee at 8 p night 7 pm and fl ib p m prices children lfio adults 2ac night children 25c adults 86c children s summer tootwear greatly reduced to clear now i the time to get a 1 m cheap 1 mono out the warm weather u j fox georgetown oakviua mayor ul while motorint on tucsdaj ci enmg a s forstei mimir of oak lie was hiiddenlj taken with i severe pain nod bad to be driven homo d inng the night the paint riw worst mid at mid night an niubulnnei wimrnllpd and ho was hruiight to tie merit hospital in toronto itwihfoar ed that he would have to ik opera ted on but an x ray ihowcd tbia to be unnehhftrj 11m condition was much improved hist night spoke at louche at the floru ahsoeiation lunch eon nt the 1 dnbition last week mr 8 kirk of georgetown floral co and a fast president of the association wnsono of the speak la quoted by the globe ae follows tlioae who wore trying to make the floral day at the hx bition were the busiest men in the trade averred s kirk of georgetown paying tribute to the other speakers of tbe day miuh credit was due to the directors of the association ho added for tbe way in which tbey bad coopera ted with tbe florists and growers mr kirk who is a past president of the retail gardeners und flor ista association told of the efforts which had been made to ensure a successful floral da a splen did picture of mr kirk appeared in tbe same issue of the globe iprovubbnta in can elaetrlo ry the addition of tbe loo now car to tho service recently of the canadian national electric railj ways and tbe improved timetable both met with the public s approval the company a shops at lamb ton are a busy scene these davs whore a completo overhaul ing of all equipment is being rapid ly proceeded with ono of the features in tbo shop is the recent addition of an automatic car hoist that quickly jacks up the heavy intorurbon cars weighing fort tons in about ten minutes lifting the car up bodily so that the trucks can bo rolled out this pentton took n half dav or long er in tbe old fashioned waj by band all the toronto guolph cars are being dono over and equip ped for dnubk ond operation hicb will doawaj with tbe neces sity of wyeing and are alsd beirrg equipped with tho latest safety ap pliances in the way of mcb couplers car ioc will shortly ap pear on tbo road repainted double ended and completely overhauled and bearing tho name canadian national llectnc railwavx obituary mrb martha hooi martha duggan widow of tbe late wm hood who died wcdnea dav august 27tb and her homo hi margaret streol guolph wot born at owon sound ho years ago af her marriage she moved to irovo where she and her bus band lived for 4g yean after tho death of her husband twelve years ago alio and her daughter moved to guclph where tbe have been associated with paisley memorial church she leaves one daughter ida at home and ono sod howard of toronto and several grandrhil dron a private service was held at tbe home in guelpb on friday af terooon tho rev h arthur barton ofllciatmg the fun oral left b motor for abhgrove hero a church ibtod by rove ftcsi er jastor lxpressions of respect ihown by tho beautiful floral oftonngs loijih tmfkhon krvnflll ono of georgetown s moat high ly respected citizenb for the pait thirl vears in the petsou of louis e ki nnedy passed nwa at his homi oi guell itrwl on till day n mint dice iscil v ib in iiih uull j ear and vvaa born at linwho se he wns twice married hib lirst wift b int miss bella mc dermid who at ler death some thirteen yearn ago left i family of two bnn and three diuighktn- mosbis john g and w crov ken nod and misses nellie olive an 1 margaret kmneriv his second wife who was miba whitmee sui vtvca with two small sons de ceased whs n membi r of tbi b to nan clmrrh and a former member of the public school board tl e funeral will take plnce from bis into residence on thnrbdaj af tornoon at h o clork intorment in greenvvool cpiuputj hn ls rimi 1 1 ftor ihroe dajs illi riddle eight jesr old daughter of mrs r idle paused sway at guelph llnxpitn on tnesdaj morn ing t ie remains were interred in greenwood ccmeerv mrs ridd lev baft the snpalhy of many in her sudden bereavement jiet your school boots at fov s the inrgest and bout assortment in town t rock botlom pricei invite jon to examine tbem and camjsra our iices personals mi ohti hlir f 1 iron to w i- i lo n last tlurl ij mi ii igh h grail tr mi it in uh ikinl viulo in town mi llawiaof liuinllm vinillii at mr wm 0 mi hi s 1 in u isobol mciininllof ut lj li ng vvilh mr unl mrs arol onul mr ind mih hillbj of nmhini uu vmiu 1 inuiidh in lo in lut toronto wore wook entfvisitorm in and mrs sam row or walk curt imiidinga fm iiijh in town mr all micuimdl of ginlpli s thi hoi 11 with mr v 11 illrej tl ss anuti m gibbon of itw ork it la apt iidmg liir v k ation at her honit in ro mr ftud mrs w g hilts- mi fatnil of liruntford sut th k end in town lihs ponrl and miwter david baxt b ivo ictuind nflcr holida nj at sjiarrow jjakc miss martha wil of toronto hjient the holiday with mis john miller of millers conilrs mia olive logan li ib returned haim afteropen dinf lir vacation at bunny bciu b gcorgi in lla misses lditli aud olivo duvib and mr t m divis spent th holida with friends in toronto f howard of tho bank or mod trial osbawa is spending iiort hottda with fnonds town j lyndi and miss mabel lynch of brutnitnn snoot the week tnd with mr aud mrs a hazel wood ci i lord staccy and dauth tcr joyce have rtturmd afur a pleasant visit with relatives in 1 oglund mr and mrs josiali townsend f cbelteneam visit d fruudi town and vicinity on tuusdaj nnd wed n cad a j mr harold bell left on monda rosumc his duties as matlio tieal teacher in the midland high school id mis l l fleck were called to kalumaroo mich lust friday owing to the death or mr fleck s brother j d o moihorsill and miss mary mothers 1 1 or ldtnonton al berta visited at tho golf links during tho week sibb and mrs burgwardt and daughter marjory of buffalo wore guests of mr and mrs harold lyons during the week id mrs j no- blair mis sets helen and m attic and mr j cra g were tbe guests of mrs j medou gall over the week end and mrs j w hobs left for vancouver on friday last and while awa will visit points of in tercst through tho west and mrs 8dney mrkonzic r and mrs angus duncan motored to port maitland and ipent the week end there tho misscb mand k mctaih en of springfield mass are visit ing their cousin mrs m pocles llcnwilliams and other friends miss phoebe mcdougall of nor al htation has returned from a weekend volt to mrs percy hurl but of woodlawn park nantiookc and mrs n graham of cairo mich and mr and mrs john henderson or grand vallov were visitors at councillor near s inst week bert akitt and miskcb beon atta and helen akitt of alton margaret graham of inilo wood spent the week end with councillor and mrs martin near rev j f and mrs mothcrsill if montreal spent the week end nth mr and mrs j a willough bj mr mothersill in 1 fimil sail for tdmbunh scot ian 1 an be t ember 10th rev charles o moara and mr artlw omearaof detiot sonsof the isle rev dr o mtara a form or rector of st georges cburrh georgetown called on friends in own on monds mrinra mm aiorrt ttrrdoynmr hildron of clevoland ohio are inn motor trip thrjmigh ontario and spent a few days with mr and alfred watson it is 12 years bince mr ruddy left georgetown town council til u vi v h ued 1 t v vi i 1 vi kll ledr ku r w if c i 11 g h i an llll u n h so kulc s coiiiiniinicalioni wire read from mappin v webb r monument on tann mumci nl assori ition i an i dittn bnibs co ltd re fittings mayor hilts- of toronto and col bal ian tine rltrettiiif inability to bo presi nt at unveiling of meiiior roy smith tngineer rhi clerk wiih tnttructcd to write mr j a willoughby tlianlt ing him or the usd q the clnh house m winch to entertain tfie guestb on the occasion of tbe un iltng ottno memorial moved by asliciihurst secondtd b arnojd that an ini b and juart- atofiipe lie laid from t udh street to mih mi dongull s pmpcr ly carried counoil adjourned card of thanks r and mrs t li ii illqr n r 1 i emsi sol sjnpitihy it n ihr r y fn nds nil ir rnci i bej vnnr i 00th anhual oakviuefair and horse show on friday be saturday sept 12th 13th 194 the quality salam is most appreciated in the rich delicious flavor try it today tenth of the series dealing with the establishment of the bank of montreal at representative points m camaua and elsewhere siisffisshssssbafsishsfflssai t speqal special 1 groceries nthrtadnetdjesrrmthe old gryeakc london die financial heart of the brttnjbmptreitfieftinfc of montreal has been representing the mf reset of canada since 1870 its first london office was located li 27 lombard street later ihe bank established an office at 47 threadneedlc street e c alter wards extending its services to the pall mall section of london bj creating an important tranch at waterloo place in the heart of ihr theatre and shopping districts bank of montreal established ofrr ioo years total assets in eesof 46so 000 000 renniesgrocery pastry flour per m j stuarts marmalade 4 baking powder 1 lb j olio pkts 1 clmse per ib 1 crc miola custard pkt v boap chips 2 ib t lux 2 tpr patrmta toikt soap f for oowbottlo cocoinut oil pspe saturday treat chocolate coconul fudge 25c lb go lbs of fresh home made fudge mode with lots of froru t ocoanut in it reg soc ib saturday 25c per lb butter scotch drops 29c lb a great fa von to with everyone reg 40c saturday 29c per lb weekend chocolates 32c when jon think of chocolates you should think about our week special because we know of no hotter valueanywhere regular price 40c 50c weekend special 32c per lb harold c black in street georgetown oranges lomatoeo bananas wb rfelflver i grandys i d r rennie cash grocery phone 151 for quick delivery house phone 27i orud carnival eaoh evbdidc bi attrtctinhtdwajr hurrrgorosid dan cine oakville concert band alunudb and etbhiiie uh cornwau seotreak r rrhe moth- t i i i3ce 50mo property owners dollied withfirw too lorg- amd he a manrjf elmer c thompson insnrjdcf strvlce gorgelowg dollars in your pocket through time saved ytwne do xiea the tune mved with a toronto enpdeiml a toronto goo fdinnri on youvctnn thnk ot bpw much utucka an njme ffl do die work when attadvd tojrotapnipergnnder nr calling box cream separator htnmng nail or pomp it a tedy worjeer mnm bale aztestioo opentea enonoaacallr oa lktoeoe widi a torzco craln grinder too joal ha on nay trx totxteinl iknowitwafihnnrdhdeidkriqrcoane or fine t and economic ab b3t wtfh erta capacity rube vioiiauiau nauuii aug 23 toronto sept more comprehensive more ambltlmia taaa ever depicting the picturesque th artuua mud typical life of canada and other i marching on gorgeous spectacle portraying the murnt romance and grandeur of the british empir known to the ingenuity ot man ihim lhiilitios in 0b coniiull jour ajtii tor itfilnocil llallmait i tat en itcjltllt miller prasldent john c kent managing dlrefltor a newbengr furnace ot a sensational costs less to buy costs less to use guaranteed to heat your whole house ipe cool fat frail write today for full facts lrira ill the frilnm of th itmx onillr pnen hiitin j tyittm ciltsa known lo irmcrt ihtoogiiool cicdi lor vilnt w 11 wrlcoioft yonr enqa ry ctlogb tnd ikttdi plr lorrai on rrqnwl wnle todt tti i ib tin berry jam fl ib ktash iar 8truwberr jam prunes 2 lbs for seedless raisina 2 ib for heedless raisins per pkt sntdcd rjisms ler pkt quaker corn 1 lakes isl h olden sirup trnation milk large ai70 arnation milk small sire puffed rico a for polar white soap 0 for palmoluc soap i for swift b borax soap t for swift i nnptb soap i for 6 ib bee hive corn sjrup tomato catsup pint bottle sweet mixed pick i oh larkt u v clark a pork beans i for baked pork beans i for clark s spagbotti cliili snuic and chct wild rcbo sweet torn f t gold ribbon pumpkin block groen or mixed tea jm i 11 se p tern bee oboeso tier ib shrodded wheat 2 for puro west india lime jum i irg botl wbeatine 4 lbs for dlash tumblers g for 60 watt llectm bnlba oulj uacdonalitfl smoking tobacco i for old chum smoking tobacco 2 for mcbeanco georgetown black ton in bulk per lb japan tea in bulk per lb pettit a clover lionoy 24 lb tin r lb tin lit ib tin poanut butter in bulk per lb in toj paiu in 1 ib tins choice sockoye salmon per lb tin t per 1 lb ttn brooms nu jolt jelly powdcrb 3 for white or red jar rubber 1 do metal rings for jars por doz niosa tops for jars per doz co m to and 811 co and 70c 1 a m grandy i 1 phone 75 1 sauiladim fiurulecl prorapl delivery ibs ijpjfcl aewright butcher main st georgetown tapidfijv rboaes shop ik boose2s5j school reopening waterman fountain ivn parlter duofold ivns the new evcrsli irp pent is everstiarp lcid singer macfalk needles singer oil kayroobd machine needles b willson jeweller l mil i town