Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 24, 1924, p. 2

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till gtroblrrown llvrall spptpmhhk jth 1984 urtbs matt i charged for al i me mart ages lal cards 50c 1 harvest home esquesing tp council al si georges born lomr and mrs j w miller ol creels v lie a so died taalo georgetown on salardaj- sep mb 1934 nellie bennett r ther belov rf w fe ol a b p ag 2t year glenwilliams buerytuina progrewug mcoly in thib section the farmora are buay threshing and corn outtinn and there are very taw idle poopli uroond mr d reid was taken ill quito suddenly last friday but ib im proving and wo all hope for bis apesily recovery messrs e- huntley and w hawitt bad a narrow oacapebon their auto wont ovor the culvert above hnota bridge they uullar ed numerous outs and bruinea hardest home intertaiment in the methodiet church friday oven tog don t fail to hear mr pieroy onr school ib in full awing again i and everything ib raomng along snyjothly our boyb am girla at tending high school are enjoying their promotion although not in the game a number of our boys are quite in tereated in the brampton weston lacrobe competitions mr and mrs e v barraelougb arrived home on monday afternoon otter a pleasant holiday in eng land and on the the continent we ore glad to welcome them book to our village mr w sohenk has improved theappearance of bia store with a coat of paint tbe harvest home services held bare on sunday id both ohnrobes were largely attended both churches were beautifully decorat ed for the occasion and much credit ib dne those who had charge of this pnrt of the work aa well aa those who contributed flowers fruit vegeubbles etc next sdoday ib bally day in the methodist church here hr jewitt will be tbe bpeaker and hia subject is entitled our neigh bore tbe children s part in tbe program will be well worth hear ing service at 7 pm every body welcome the danoe held bore on friday night under the auspices of the ofagn ctts was a great snc cess there wbb a largo crowd and everyone reports a fine time there weie two orchestras whiob kept them dancing all tbe time the committee was much pleased with the attendance and are anf ipating another dance in tbe near future mr clarence moll in met with an accident in toronto ou batui day when be fell catting both bis legs mr arthur beaumont who has been touring the west as far aa victoria b c ib expected borne the end of tbia week although mr beaumont a trip waa ot a holi day nature be has token tbe oppor tunity of calling upon many friends and customers of his firm aa well aa inspecting the western agencies the new flume and general re poire at the beaumont knitting mills are now completed and it ib hoped and expected that the mills will shortly be again in ful opera tion norval on sunda last the annnal han at homo aorvioca were held in st georges and largo oongroga tionn attoodrd oven though tbo weather was noi tbo beat the ohurcb fan most tastefully derorauid by the ladies grume fruita and flowers and once more tbp people were reminded of god s abounding lovj that while the earth remainetb bofid time and harvest shallot oeasfl tbe special preacher of tbe day was canon broughall of st cath arincb and in hia sermons simple and direct truths were omphaaic- ed the text of tbe evening ber mon waa give as this day onr daily bread this portion ot the lord a prayer if said with entire faitb would remove most ot tbe worriee add cares of humanity jod asks us to look to him each day for our bodily as well as tbe spiritual needs and it is when we place dependence on ourselves uo stead ot bim that things go wrong too many people are tiv rag in the middle of next week instead of giving their present task proper care tbe ncrebbity of work was forcibly brought out by bl panl who said if man will not work neither shall be oat god has provided everything necessary and man muet apply himself to pro duce foods clothing and other necessities of life tho whole scheme ia one of co operation with god no matter where we work in the forest farm mine or toe tory wo should feel that we are fellow workers with ood be baa abundantly provided the raw ma tertols and when things go wrong it is entirely tbe result of man himself making a mess of tbinga have faith and say give ub this day oui daily bread boly communion was odmmi stored ot the morning service the musical port of tbe services was excellent the autheoab while the earth bemaineth and thon o god art praised m zion were beautifully rendered by tbe large choir mr jack thompson gave violin solos also whiob ore always greatly appreciated and en joyed the offering was large being 60 greater tbon the har vest home of 1928 tbe bev per cival moyes exchanged pnlpita for the day with canon broughall of st catharines norval branch of the women a institute will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of miss qreensword on oct 9th at 880 pm good program a cor dial invitation is extended to all mrs lennox of barrie visited the mioses smellie during the week mibb aehcroft of toronto waa the guest of miss morraj over sun mr percy maguire of saskatoon who la attending toronto dniver eity won a guest over the week end at the home of his oncle dr web ster v the harvest home services in the norval methodist church were a real success despite the threaten log weather the floral decora xtlons around the altar were of tbeflnebt- tbe singing by the choir woe exceptionally good and the splendid messages given bj the bev douglas and dean of toron to wereanuiapirauojijaljwiia heard them harvest home entertainment to be given in the methodist church on thursday evening is attracting muoh attention and it ia antioipa ted tbe church will be filled to ca pooity tobear mr pieroy the star of the evening harvest home services jikr held in tbe anglican church ot sunday also a missionary from james bay being the special apeak er for the day in tbe presbyterian church r missionary from a leper mibbioi gave a very inspiring address also spoke at union noon and evening tbe hydto are laying down the material and construction ot tin line iron georgetown ia expect l to commenro right away moat cr tbe honsea io the village ore wired nod waiting foi tbe connectingm harvest bmk al sl albus the harvest festival services of st albans cburrh were held on friday evening and sunday after noon tbe ohurcb was beautiful ly decorated with grain flowers and other fruits of the earth the mubic waa rendered by tbe church a own choir tbe service on friday evening being fully choral the ohurcb at both services was well filled and generous offerings resulted on friday evening tbe bev gordon hearn gave a powerful and well thought out exposition of the petition qive us this day our daily broad on sunday con on broughall of bt catharines spoke from tho words every good and every perfect gift cometh from god beginning with the idea that tho bible might be call ed god the giver the speaker showed by examples from bia word that god had been giving from the creation of tbe world and down through the ages culminat tng m the supreme gift nf his only son jeans chvibb fbe addresses were listened to with deep attention and the bee tor and congregation may well be i congratulated on tbe success of thebe services it was much regretted that owing to tho bev mr mayes bav rag to takes the services of canon broughall at st catharines he waa unable to be present on sun day afternoon stewhrlbowo bept 22nd 1924 tbo council met pursuant to ad journmont lleivc in the chair and mem tiers all ircbent the minutes 01 last mooting wore read and con armed gowdy appelbo that the treas pay john ford spreading quarry chips on dublin cross road 0 daya at s per dan 18 goods supplied by john a brown to mr mackie per order board of health 270 king edward sap i tori um for con bumttves re harry leonard oil lingbam 60 so carried gowdy brown that tho treas pay john h smith placarding fumigating and intipootinb from march blet to sept 17 and o k by board of health 44 pay wm l mcdonald hauling 185 12 yds gravel to lot 27 on gth lino at 60c yd th b0 pay tbdo moffatt haul ing 06 yds gravel t town nde erin and spreading same at 65c per yard 50 io pay k w grace 66 yds gravel supplied thoa mof fatt and 186 1 2 yda supplied wm mcdonald 201 1 8 yds at 26c 50 88 carried brown appelbo that tbe treas pay fyfo bomervitle work perform ed oo division no 4 9 82 nath an dredge work performed on di vision no 7 28 91 thoe kiltys luodfl gravel at 26c 2 00 low bod floor supplied for digeot 1 it- darling 469 1 2 yds gravel supplied on no e 172bo alex lrwbou balanee due on div no 17 10 60 m j carton work performed oj div no 1 174 16 half to be recovered from naaao gawoya robert stark jr- work performed on div no 18 129 14 arthur wilson work performed on div no 41 75 27 running grad er 2 daya at 4 per day 8 total 38 27 carried appelbe gowdy that the treas pay tboa coxe for patting 100 yda gravel on st helena boad at 1 per yd spreading gravel and underbrushing 20 129 yde gravel at isc per yd 119 86 total 189 86 pay j m moore for printing 81241 pay bell telephone to sept 1st 1 64 fred huffman re fund statute habor b 60 cor appelbe gowdy that tbe clerk bo and ia hereby instructed to write tbe canadian national elec tric railway re crossing on 8rd i line township ot bsqueeing tbe said road ib a very dangerous one the municipality is of the opinion hat in order to make aaid road reasonably sate for traffic that the roadway should bo made sufficient ly wide for two veil idea to pass in safety and the grade reduced ditches io carry water or in lieu of this an underground crossing on original roadway aa this cross ling baa never been accepted by the municipality of esqueaing we feel that the said railway is reapone ible for present conditions and are liable for aooi dents corned appelbe brown that tho treas pay r b b cunningham for plunk supplied for bridge 1 60 pay ar thar wilsonihe sum or 200 for valuing ruasel a sheep claim pay r b hume 22 yda gravel at 26c per yd 6 68 wm hampshire for 221 yds gravel at 26c per yd 5 88 carried gowdyappelbethat this coun cil adjourn to meet again- on octo ber 20th at 1 oclock corned b d ctc s buy where you are assured only the finest of young beef and other meats georgetown phone 28w pbb1 watch otjk windows f just arrived new fall footwear a splendid showing ol new fall sailings and overcoatings al the mens store thib ib an advanced shipment representing n piutrn larly lino range in tbe new out utylcu far full and winu r ir consisting of neerieaof coloured ln lies in iiumvo blue ti d and grey also a combination of tlauo olourn in iin hlniio etft ctn on a background of blge and brown worst 1h new advertisements girls wanted apply in sin ih 4 stone georgct suebec heaters n good t m herald pffk for sal lream enamel baby cum box 171 gcorxclowii calna wut lv frnm 2 ilayi io h mela icy98r21 see our raluc60 00 ipocial blue aorge nt jfiw i our furnisbiok doparbincnt ir now ri the latest novelties in line utrkwenr nliirts in our ready towear doportment wc are splendid range of fall and winter oerroits and ii -for- rtauu ootta next sunday will be harvest home sunday in methodist ohurcb here rev j culp of acton will give the message in tbe morning at 11 am and tbe rev joseph well b a of islington will give tbe mes- aoge in tbe evening card of thank we hereby convey to fnendi and neigh bora our ocen ibanka for ibe many kind ncaaea and ympalhj extended lo u in oar aad bereavement by the death of a bo loved wife and sitter a b parr mitae filter the aftei ried off a number of valuable pn see at tbe school fait held at lime bouse the elhibttion marches of the acbool were verj fine although limebouae waa jubi one bettei and carried off the mee norval can allow this reeing they wens juiooeasful in two pievioub year 3ooib1 rally day feme next sabbathmorning in the methodtal church when the bev mr jewel ot trafalgar will preach on oo neighbors tbe ehool ore tr in ing and will put on a delightful program bev mr douglas pnachmg horteat homo epcm io the weele codgregation inra- falgor correspondence guelph september 16th 1824 editor herald dear sir in an article in the herald of september 10th refer ring to tbe life of mr william p thomnaon of guolpb formerly of norval a statement waa made that mr thompson moved from norval to guelph two years ag fwnumikgi thompson left norval in 1900 coming here to work with the woody at foundry people who later sold to taylor forbes cos where mr thompson had been employed from 1900 until death mr thompson waa always much interested in the news in the herald each week and especial ly waa he interested in reading the articles from week to week written by mr l grant sincerely mr thompson b granddaughter annie w raid church news kno church on sunday rally day will be observed the program tor rally day will be used in the bund ay school at 10 oji at tbe regular service at 11 o m thebutuect wilt be religious education of our children in tbe evening there will be a special sermon to young people tbe subject will be the power of choice you are oord ally invited to worship with ua bev mr cranston of kew beach will preach anniversary setj vices in knox church georgetown on sunday oct 2stb baptist chtjbcu sunday will mark the close of rev jas h moore a ministry georgetown you are welcome to attend a rally day eervioe of thi sunda school at 11 am and a farewell semce at 7 pm come ond worship god men women and children i we invite your inspection onr low prices will surprise yon try us lor good school roots j h j fox georgetoyvns leading shoe house we invite jour atyle and pricca right it will pay jou to rail and discuse mente with us v special at ten lion to this riciiittih nt millar 8c co lion ixr box d hal for sal jul nston ihmie 149 cowferlul xxl lloitrncow for talc a f ingram george to raat newly dct orated a t j kaw wxnlwllo eil alarm 50 or h kib good bu id hk suitable for i milv f o itox 28 glenw iii are 92h cslo 14x32 lerl only riled three aj ply mo wm mcgregor phone i eotketonn fllenaill am i o ftp georgetown phone 126 forbal si kbtly used irx i upright piano bench 29500 small cash payment easy oilrily rihvmo la lo respn ly apply at herald office orraagpieikiklsizki3k157la geobgetown for sale or exchange i 84 acres price 16000 f clay loam aoit alt tevei and under cavitation wittdmth frame house ot eight rooms born and stable well situated on high way school church store and mill at door and clobotogoud town very easily financed wbat have you to offer eiqueaing twp halton county bo acre price 400l situated on county provincial highway thirty milj from toronto and one and a holt miles from good town rich clay loam soil all level and under cultivation windmill frame housi stable and barn easily financed soe ub at once about this choice and well situated fifty noiea wteans6go w vacatabua aad frblt catrj a cliolce ttovk ol i ulci and fru i wh ch we sel reasonable pneca lei us si red oil esc linen r marcl m 11 si oto rgetown t wood ar sals very hoi c hardwood also h er m xcd wood all love lengll s all at reasonable prre sal stactton iruaranterd 1 btaodlan phone 5 r 24 or box 490 georseto wn 39t 1 puaataltloa miu isabel coulta atcm ii take a 1 mitcd n piano pupils oo salurdaya to georgetown terms on ipphcalion lo p o box 40 rcorgelown 17 9 31 pear far sl barllctt peara and a few baskets of damson plums g h daffoot georgetown hour fr clover 15c per lb amber 12 1 2c per i n ten twenty thirty and ily pound ua at a r vannattera arm at george- oki arbukevanna ballnafad it gold wnst watch aveat herald office fnder ftrnu for solo male and female price s00floyd jrcy box 4j1 georxctown lip foaad oi saturday nihl in georgatown a lawl owner may have nunc by pto ng property and pay ng expenses appl it sayers georgetown lip aitawtioa wanted respectable young scotch riri 16 years old would like situation as general m g home i hone to 84 r 14 up jacksons tarsat 184 acres lot 13 coo 10 eaquealna jit loam near georgetown bubwaj and radial stop poiacsamm apiit 1st 1925 permission to fall plough bo o her- ttbut oom frame house targe summer kit chen centrally located water in bouse electn 1 ghts garden clifford slmeey draper street p ii3ffibj to there ham here we f move with cheer and you will have no cause to feat each job of moving a careful one take your trunk to the depot or pack and ship j for you otoawctwh ont phone i nsnymk hmjumo- the moat becoming suit you ever had jpvery man looks c his best in bluej serge espeaally m the fashionable easy fitting vendome remarkable value coma in and try it on lbriulco corner main mu1 sts geor dfe town auto movies my bailey r garage clothes of charm new dresses for fall mble phone 130georietown strayad cow torn lot 11 v bcascy phoni poutm wanted w ii buy any uuam ly ot potatoes al a r l i price our truck will take off arm 10 hafts st a lime correspondence mr ctly confidential wnle box d i ural office 3tp wswted two young women or two young men lo room and board in comfortable home w ih all conveniences ad ply at herald oflicc jt farsala five p ece parlor suite in good condit on hu i na rab net mahoga y finish apply mrs a h pel lei queen si bmhmswum room and board suite two lespeclable yodrik men apply al herald oft ce lip to whom it may concern all overdue accounts owing to me roust pos i tvely be paid on or before saturda laxl sept 27th olberwiac they will be put m court for collection rranies i roccrf per w mackay it litlk matter m the estate 01 hhheartwell sealed tenders addressed o the un dcrs kiied marked tenders for george town arena stock wll be received until thursday october 9th 1924 for eight shares of the capital stock of george crwn arena company limited of par value ot 2500 each each tender must be accompanied by cheque foi 10 per cent of tender rtalancu to be paid to 15 daya larov dm diessea of entirely new designs made from new all wool fabrics in a large range of pleasing colors these dresses specially designed by one of the beat garment designers of canada for a leading man ufacturer who makes only special tfesign8 for garments of such high standard of quality smart styles and guaranteed workmanship the splendid values and low price will appeal to you now being shown at jacksons georgetown h ilaartwell gentleman deceased thebett way to avoid troublesome experiences is to allow us to look after your car if we in spect it occasionally you may be sure that it will run true to form and if wont be apt to leave you out on the road to despair phdne7 w quality value se rvice weekend candy specials moiis crescent assorted chocolate regular 60c for 49 week end chocolates hard and soft centres reg dc and e0c for mo butterscotch drops reg- 40c for 89c peanut brittle is always in great demand reg 30c for 2a have yon ever sampled our peanut smackst they anf without doubt the best on the market give them a tnsl when in town doing your shopping and grt tirvd and chilly come into our parlour and order something hot such an tomato soup tea coffee sandwiches our satisfied customers are the best advertisers kosy korner kandy kitchen f j deverson proprietor auction sale fresh milch cowsi young cattle sheep dc piga tie undersigned baa been instructed by allie evans ll bjr put c auction al lot 12 3rd line esquasmg on tuesday sept 80th lock the follow n cows reg hoist em cow resh calfai f vi lloltlein cow irrah calf al foot durham cow dm sept 12nd hoist oo beiter due sept 2jr4 jrrncy cow due sept 26th hoist en cc due oct holfteincow due oct 6th holilon cow due t me of sale holaiem cow due oct 4 llolslem cow due oct bth hoist ein cow due oct 10th houte o heifer doe sepl 28lh jersey cow spring mg llolslem heifer due oil 2nd ayrsh re cow ilh calf at foot durham cow prmgiru hol stein cow calaed about a eoonlb hobtein con duo nov 4lh holmeincow ano 10th houinn beirer due nov tsth at sb re cow due last of dec 2 durham ros due tst jan holstein cow due in jan houlein cow doe 1st dec durham con calved about one month jersey row d e in jan durham cow d ic in dec i rows due in march durham cow im durham helcr fat ayrshire tie fer due n jan 1 part jersey heifers i llolslem yeaillnx a calf t houlein betters not i qic lattls welt bred durham steers yearl ngs 6 spring calvei i year 1 ng durham bull sliiki 15 good young brrrd ng ewes pics iqpik nearly read lo iuh pigs about 4 monlhs old 10 pigs aooiil k weeks old purr bred n orkh re sow 1 e i me of sale tarn worth row due t w f sale orkshire sow bred about a m i ih tkru1100und under rash ver loiuhs per a v llano

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